How to use indexString method in argos

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Source:section-3.js Github


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1function combinations(length, total) {2 const result = [];3 if (length === 1) {4 result.push(total);5 return result;6 }7 for (let index = 11; index < 9999999; index++) {8 const indexString = index.toString();9 /​/​ console.log(indexString);10 if (11 (indexString.length === 9 &&12 parseInt(indexString[8]) > parseInt(indexString[7]) &&13 parseInt(indexString[7]) > parseInt(indexString[6]) &&14 parseInt(indexString[6]) > parseInt(indexString[5]) &&15 parseInt(indexString[5]) > parseInt(indexString[4]) &&16 parseInt(indexString[4]) > parseInt(indexString[3]) &&17 parseInt(indexString[3]) > parseInt(indexString[2]) &&18 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&19 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||20 (indexString.length === 8 &&21 parseInt(indexString[7]) > parseInt(indexString[6]) &&22 parseInt(indexString[6]) > parseInt(indexString[5]) &&23 parseInt(indexString[5]) > parseInt(indexString[4]) &&24 parseInt(indexString[4]) > parseInt(indexString[3]) &&25 parseInt(indexString[3]) > parseInt(indexString[2]) &&26 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&27 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||28 (indexString.length === 7 &&29 parseInt(indexString[6]) > parseInt(indexString[5]) &&30 parseInt(indexString[5]) > parseInt(indexString[4]) &&31 parseInt(indexString[4]) > parseInt(indexString[3]) &&32 parseInt(indexString[3]) > parseInt(indexString[2]) &&33 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&34 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||35 (indexString.length === 6 &&36 parseInt(indexString[5]) > parseInt(indexString[4]) &&37 parseInt(indexString[4]) > parseInt(indexString[3]) &&38 parseInt(indexString[3]) > parseInt(indexString[2]) &&39 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&40 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||41 (indexString.length === 5 &&42 parseInt(indexString[4]) > parseInt(indexString[3]) &&43 parseInt(indexString[3]) > parseInt(indexString[2]) &&44 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&45 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||46 (indexString.length === 4 &&47 parseInt(indexString[3]) > parseInt(indexString[2]) &&48 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&49 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||50 (indexString.length === 3 &&51 parseInt(indexString[2]) > parseInt(indexString[1]) &&52 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0])) ||53 (indexString.length === 2 &&54 parseInt(indexString[1]) > parseInt(indexString[0]))55 ) {56 if (indexString.length === length) {57 const numbers = indexString.split("").map(Number);58 const sum = numbers.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0);59 console.log(indexString.length, "panjangnya");60 console.log(numbers, "numbers");61 console.log(sum, "penjumlahann");62 if (sum === total) {63 result.push(numbers);64 }65 }66 }67 }68 return result;69}70console.log(combinations(3, 8));71console.log(combinations(7, 28));72console.log(combinations(7, 36));73console.log(combinations(7, 37));...

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Source:strings.js Github


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1/​/​ length property returns the length of the string2let hello = 'hello';3console.log(hello.length);4/​/​ returns character at required position5console.log(hello[1]);6console.log(hello.charAt(1));7let randomString = 'tHiS iS rAnDoM sTrInG 1223';8/​/​ returns string converted to Lowercase9console.log(randomString.toLowerCase());10/​/​ returns string converted to Uppercase11console.log(randomString.toUpperCase());12/​/​ function to invert the case of each character of given string13const invertCase = (inputString) => {14 let outputString = '';15 for(let ch of inputString) {16 if(ch === ch.toLowerCase()) {17 outputString += ch.toUpperCase();18 }19 else {20 outputString += ch.toLowerCase();21 }22 }23 return outputString;24}25console.log(invertCase(randomString));26let indexString = 'Hello planet earth, you are a great planet';27/​/​ returns position of 1st match starting from beginning28console.log(indexString.indexOf('planet'));29/​/​ returns position of 1st match starting from given position30console.log(indexString.indexOf('planet', 7));31/​/​ returns position of last match32console.log(indexString.lastIndexOf('planet'));33/​/​ returns true if the given string includes substring given in argument otherwise false34console.log(indexString.includes('earth'));35console.log(indexString.includes('earthh'));36/​/​ returns true if the given string includes substring given in argument from given position otherwise false37console.log(indexString.includes('earth', 7));38console.log(indexString.includes('earth', 30));39/​/​ returns true if the given string starts with substring given in argument otherwise false40console.log(indexString.startsWith('Hello'));41console.log(indexString.startsWith('ello'));42/​/​ returns true if the given string ends with substring given in argument otherwise false43console.log(indexString.endsWith('planet'));44console.log(indexString.endsWith('plane'));45let getSubString = 'JavaScript';46/​/​ returns substring from index 2 to 5 excluding 547console.log(getSubString.slice(2,5));48/​/​ returns substring from index 2 till the end49console.log(getSubString.slice(2));50/​/​ returns substring from 5th index from last, ends at 1st index from last(excluding 1st from last)51console.log(getSubString.slice(-5,-1));52/​/​ returns substring from index 2 to 6 excluding 653/​/​ substring(a,b) anf substring(b,a) returns same54/​/​ substring(a,b) doesn't support negative indices55console.log(getSubString.substring(2,6));56console.log(getSubString.substring(6,2));57/​/​ returns substring having 4 characters from index 258console.log(getSubString.substr(2,4));59/​/​ returns substring having 2 characters from index 4th from last...

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyIndexString = require('argosy-index-string')4var argosyRpc = require('argosy-rpc')5var service = argosy()6service.use(argosyPattern({7}))8service.use(argosyIndexString('hello'))9service.use(argosyRpc({10 hello: function (name, cb) {11 cb(null, 'hello ' + name)12 }13}))14service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)15service.act('role:indexString,cmd:find', { pattern: 'hello' }, function (err, results) {16})17### `var indexString = require('argosy-index-string')(field)`18### `indexString(pattern)`

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var argosyIndex = require('argosy-index')4var argosyService = require('argosy-service')5var argosyServiceLocator = require('argosy-service-locator')6var serviceLocator = argosyServiceLocator({7 serviceLocator: {8 index: {9 }10 }11})12argosy()13 .use(argosyPattern({14 }))15 .use(argosyIndex())16 .use(argosyService({17 string: function (pattern, cb) {18 cb(null, 'Hello, ' + pattern + '!')19 }20 }))21 .use(serviceLocator)22 .pipe(argosy())23 .pipe(serviceLocator)24 .pipe(argosy())25 .pipe(process.stdout)26 .on('error', function (err) {27 console.error(err)28 })29var argosy = require('argosy')30var argosyPattern = require('argosy-pattern')31var argosyIndex = require('argosy-index')32var argosyService = require('argosy-service')33var argosyServiceLocator = require('argosy-service-locator')34var serviceLocator = argosyServiceLocator({35 serviceLocator: {36 index: {37 }38 }39})40argosy()41 .use(argosyPattern({42 }))43 .use(argosyIndex())44 .use(argosyService({45 regex: function (pattern, cb) {46 cb(null, 'Hello, ' + pattern + '!')47 }48 }))49 .use(serviceLocator)50 .pipe(argosy())51 .pipe(serviceLocator)52 .pipe(argosy())53 .pipe(process.stdout)54 .on('error', function (err) {55 console.error(err)56 })57### `argosyIndex()`58### `argosyIndex.indexString(pattern, cb)`59### `argosyIndex.indexRegex(pattern, cb)`

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')3var service = argosy()4service.accept({5})6service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)7service.on('test', function (index, cb) {8 console.log('got index', index)9 cb(null, 'hello world')10})11service.test('hello', function (err, result) {12 console.log('result', result)13})14var argosy = require('argosy')15var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')16var service = argosy()17service.accept({18})19service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)20service.on('test', function (index, cb) {21 console.log('got index', index)22 cb(null, 'hello world')23})24service.test('hello', function (err, result) {25 console.log('result', result)26})27var argosy = require('argosy')28var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')29var service = argosy()30service.accept({31})32service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)33service.on('test', function (index, cb) {34 console.log('got index', index)35 cb(null, 'hello world')36})37service.test(1, function (err, result) {38 console.log('result', result)39})40var argosy = require('argosy')41var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')42var service = argosy()43service.accept({44})45service.pipe(argosy()).pipe(service)46service.on('test', function (index, cb) {47 console.log('got index', index)48 cb(null, 'hello world')49})50service.test(true, function (err, result) {51 console.log('result', result)52})

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var indexString = require('argosy-pattern/​index-string')3var service = argosy()4service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({5 hello: indexString({name: 'string'})6})).pipe(service)7service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (err, response) {8})9var argosy = require('argosy')10var pattern = require('argosy-pattern/​match')11var service = argosy()12service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({13 hello: pattern({name: 'string'})14})).pipe(service)15service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (err, response) {16})17var argosy = require('argosy')18var pattern = require('argosy-pattern/​match')19var is = require('is-type-of')20var service = argosy()21service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({22 hello: pattern({name: is.string})23})).pipe(service)24service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (err, response) {25})26var argosy = require('argosy')27var pattern = require('argosy-pattern/​match')28var is = require('is-type-of')29var service = argosy()30service.pipe(argosy.acceptor({31 hello: pattern({name: is.string}, 'name must be a string')32})).pipe(service)33service.accept({hello: 'world'}, function (err, response) {34})35var argosy = require('argosy

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1var argosy = require('argosy');2var argosyPattern = argosy.pattern;3var argosyIndex = argosy.indexString;4var argosyService = argosy();5argosyService.accept(argosyIndex('indexString', function (message, callback) {6 var indexString = function (str) {7 var index = {};8 for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {9 if (index[str.charAt(i)]) {10 index[str.charAt(i)]++;11 } else {12 index[str.charAt(i)] = 1;13 }14 }15 return index;16 };17 callback(null, indexString(message));18}));19argosyService.accept(argosyPattern({20}, function (message, callback) {21 var indexString = function (str) {22 var index = {};23 for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {24 if (index[str.charAt(i)]) {25 index[str.charAt(i)]++;26 } else {27 index[str.charAt(i)] = 1;28 }29 }30 return index;31 };32 callback(null, indexString(message));33}));34argosyService.accept(argosyPattern({35}, function (message, callback) {36 var indexString = function (str) {37 var index = {};38 for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {39 if (index[str.charAt(i)]) {40 index[str.charAt(i

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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var index = indexString('')3var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')4var index = indexNumber(1)5var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')6var index = pattern.index(1)7var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')8var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')9var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')10var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')11var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')12function Foo () {}13var foo = new Foo()

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1var argosy = require('argosy')2var seneca = require('seneca')3var seneca = seneca()4var argosy = argosy()5seneca.use('indexString')6argosy.pipe(seneca).pipe(argosy)7argosy.accept({indexString:'hello world'}).accept({index

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')2var input = {3 address: {4 }5}6var output = pattern({7 address: {8 }9})10console.log(output.indexString(input))11var pattern = require('argosy-pattern')12var input = {13 address: {14 }15}16var output = pattern({17 address: {18 }19})20console.log(output.indexString(input))21var pattern = require('argosy

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