How to use fetchPosts method in ava

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Source:posts.js Github


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...2223 const searchInputRef = React.createRef();2425 useEffect(() => {26 fetchPosts();27 }, [fetchPosts]);2829 const handleChangeSelect = (value) => {30 searchInputRef.current.value = '';31 fetchPosts({'status': value});32 };3334 const handleSearch = (newQuery) => {35 if (query !== newQuery) {36 newQuery ? fetchPosts({'query': newQuery}) : fetchPosts();37 }38 };3940 const handleDelete = (postId) => {41 dataService42 .deletePost(postId)43 .then(() => Toast.customSuccess('Статья удалена'))44 .then(() => fetchPosts())45 .catch(() => Toast.customLoadFailed('Произошла ошибка при удалении статьи'));46 };4748 if (error) {49 return <div>Error</​div>;50 }5152 return (53 <>54 <ContentHeader title="Статьи">55 <Link to="/​editor" className="content__btn">Добавить новую</​Link>56 </​ContentHeader>57 <FilterBar placeholder="Поиск по заголовку" onSearch={handleSearch} ref={searchInputRef}>58 <ContentSelect options={selectOptions} current={status} onChangeSelect={handleChangeSelect} initialMessage={"Статус"}/​>59 <PaginationPostsContainer/​>60 </​FilterBar>61 {62 loading ? <PostsTable loading={loading}/​> : <PostsTable posts={posts} onDelete={handleDelete}/​>63 }64 </​>65 );66};6768const mapStateToProps = ({postsList: {posts, loading, error, currentPage, query, status}}) => {69 return {posts, loading, error, currentPage, query, status};70};7172const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, {dataService}) => {73 return {74 fetchPosts: (filter = {}) => fetchPosts(filter, dataService, dispatch),75 };76};7778export default compose(79 withDataService(),80 connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) ...

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Source:posts_index.js Github


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...4import {fetchPosts} from '../​actions/​index'5import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'6class PostsIndex extends Component{7 componentWillMount(){8 this.props.fetchPosts();9 }10 renderPosts(){11 return>{12 return (13 <li className="list-group-item" key={post._id}>14 <Link to={"posts/​" + post._id} >15 <span className="pull-right">{post.categories}</​span>16 <strong>{post.title} </​strong>17 </​Link>18 </​li>19 )20 })21 }22 renderPostButton () {...

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Source:post-list-container.js Github


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...10import PostList from '../​../​components/​post-components/​post-list';1112const PostListContainer = ({ posts, loading, error, fetchPosts }) => {13 useEffect(() => { 14 fetchPosts()15 return () => {16 console.log('PostListContainer unmount')17 };18 }, [fetchPosts]);1920 return loading ? <Spinner/​>:21 error ? <ErrorIndicator/​>:22 <PostList data={posts}/​>;2324};2526const mapStateToProps = ({ postList: { posts, loading, error }}) => ({ posts, loading, error });2728const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, { postsStoreService }) => ({29 fetchPosts: fetchPosts(postsStoreService, dispatch)30});3132export default compose(33 withPostsStoreService(),34 connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { connect } from 'react-redux';3import { fetchPosts } from '../​actions/​availablePostsActions';4class AvailablePosts extends Component {5 componentDidMount() {6 this.props.fetchPosts();7 }8 render() {9 return (10 }11}12export default connect(null, { fetchPosts })(AvailablePosts);13import { FETCH_POSTS } from './​types';14export const fetchPosts = () => dispatch => {15 .then(res => res.json())16 .then(posts => dispatch({17 }));18}19import { FETCH_POSTS } from '../​actions/​types';20const initialState = {21 item: {}22}23export default function(state = initialState, action) {24 switch(action.type) {25 return {26 }27 return state;28 }29}30import { FETCH_POSTS } from '../​actions/​types';31const initialState = {32 item: {}33}34export default function(state = initialState, action) {35 switch(action.type) {36 return {37 }38 return state;39 }40}41import { FETCH_POSTS } from '../​actions/​types';42const initialState = {43 item: {}44}45export default function(state = initialState, action) {46 switch(action.type) {47 return {48 }49 return state;50 }51}52import { FETCH_POSTS } from '../​actions/​types';53const initialState = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fetchPosts } from './​store/​posts-actions';2import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';3const Posts = props => {4 const dispatch = useDispatch();5 const availablePosts = useSelector(state => state.posts.posts);6 useEffect(() => {7 dispatch(fetchPosts());8 }, [dispatch]);9 return (10 { => (11 <li key={}>{post.title}</​li>12 ))}13 );14};15export default Posts;16export const SET_POSTS = 'SET_POSTS';17export const setPosts = posts => {18 return { type: SET_POSTS, posts: posts };19};20export const fetchPosts = () => {21 return async dispatch => {22 const response = await fetch(23 );24 if (!response.ok) {25 throw new Error('Something went wrong!');26 }27 const resData = await response.json();28 console.log(resData);29 const loadedPosts = [];30 for (const key in resData) {31 loadedPosts.push({32 });33 }34 dispatch(setPosts(loadedPosts));35 };36};37 return {38 };39export const CREATE_POST = 'CREATE_POST';40export const createPost = (title, description) => {41 return async dispatch => {42 const response = await fetch(43 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fetchPosts } from "../​actions/​availablePostsActions";2import { connect } from "react-redux";3class App extends Component {4 constructor(props) {5 super(props);6 this.state = {7 };8 }9 componentDidMount() {10 this.props.fetchPosts();11 }12 render() {13 return (14 { => (15 <div key={}>16 <h3>{post.title}</​h3>17 <p>{post.body}</​p>18 ))}19 );20 }21}22const mapStateToProps = state => ({23});24export default connect(25 { fetchPosts }26)(App);27import { FETCH_POSTS, NEW_POST } from "./​types";28export const fetchPosts = () => dispatch => {29 .then(res => res.json())30 .then(posts =>31 dispatch({32 })33 );34};35export const createPost = postData => dispatch => {36 console.log("action called");37 headers: {38 },39 body: JSON.stringify(postData)40 })41 .then(res => res.json())42 .then(post =>43 dispatch({44 })45 );46};47import { FETCH_POSTS, NEW_POST } from "../​actions/​types";48const initialState = {49 item: {}50};51export default function(state = initialState, action) {52 switch (action.type) {53 return {54 };55 return {56 };57 return state;58 }59}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fetchPosts } from './​availablePosts';2export const fetchPosts = () => {3 .then(response => response.json())4 .then(json => json);5};6export const fetchPosts = () => {7 .then(response => response.json())8 .then(json => json);9};10import { fetchPosts } from './​availablePosts';11export const fetchPosts = () => {12 .then(response => response.json())13 .then(json => json);14};15export const fetchPosts = () => {16 .then(response => response.json())17 .then(json => json);18};19import { fetchPosts } from './​availablePosts';20export const fetchPosts = () => {21 .then(response => response.json())22 .then(json => json);23};24export const fetchPosts = () => {25 .then(response => response.json())26 .then(json => json);27};28import { fetchPosts } from './​availablePosts';29export const fetchPosts = () => {30 .then(response => response.json())31 .then(json => json);32};33export const fetchPosts = () => {34 .then(response => response

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const availablePosts = require('./​availablePosts.js');2availablePosts.fetchPosts().then((posts) => {3 console.log(posts);4});5const fetch = require('node-fetch');6const fetchPosts = () => {7 .then((response) => {8 return response.json();9 })10 .then((data) => {11 return data;12 });13};14module.exports = { fetchPosts };15const availablePosts = require('./​availablePosts.js');16availablePosts.fetchPosts().then((posts) => {17 console.log(posts);18});19const fetch = require('node-fetch');20const fetchPosts = () => {21 .then((response) => {22 return response.json();23 })24 .then((data) => {25 return data;26 });27};28module.exports = { fetchPosts };29const availablePosts = require('./​availablePosts.js');30jest.mock('./​availablePosts.js');31availablePosts.fetchPosts().then((posts) => {32 console.log(posts);33});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import availablePostsStore from './​availablePostsStore';2availablePostsStore.fetchPosts();3import availablePostsStore from './​availablePostsStore';4import { assert } from 'chai';5describe('availablePostsStore', () => {6 it('should have an empty posts array', () => {7 assert.deepEqual(availablePostsStore.posts, []);8 });9 it('should have a fetchPosts method', () => {10 assert.isFunction(availablePostsStore.fetchPosts);11 });12});13import availablePostsActions from './​availablePostsActions';14import { assert } from 'chai';15describe('availablePostsActions', () => {16 it('should have a fetchPosts method', () => {17 assert.isFunction(availablePostsActions.fetchPosts);18 });19});20import React from 'react';21import { shallow } from 'enzyme';22import { assert } from 'chai';23import availablePosts from './​availablePosts';24import availablePostsStore from './​availablePostsStore';25import availablePostsActions from './​availablePostsActions';26describe('availablePosts', () => {27 it('should have a fetchPosts method', () => {28 assert.isFunction(availablePosts.fetchPosts);29 });30 it('should render a list of posts', () => {31 const posts = [{ id: 1, title: 'Post 1' }, { id: 2, title: 'Post 2' }];32 availablePostsStore.posts = posts;33 const wrapper = shallow(<availablePosts /​>);34 assert.equal(wrapper.find('li').length, posts.length);35 });36 it('should call fetchPosts when componentDidMount is called', () => {37 const fetchPostsSpy = sinon.spy(availablePostsActions, 'fetchPosts');38 availablePosts.componentDidMount();39 assert.isTrue(fetchPostsSpy.calledOnce);40 fetchPostsSpy.restore();41 });42});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {fetchPosts} from 'availablePosts';2fetchPosts();3export const fetchPosts = () => {4};5export const fetchPosts = () => {6};7export const fetchPosts = () => {8};9export const fetchPosts = () => {10};11export const fetchPosts = () => {12};13export const fetchPosts = () => {14};15export const fetchPosts = () => {16};17export const fetchPosts = () => {18};19export const fetchPosts = () => {20};21export const fetchPosts = () => {22};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const availablePosts = require('./​availablePosts');2const fetchPosts = availablePosts.fetchPosts;3fetchPosts();4module.exports = 42;5const availablePosts = require('./​availablePosts');6console.log(availablePosts);7module.exports = {fetchPosts: fetchPosts};8const availablePosts = require('./​availablePosts');9console.log(availablePosts);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { fetchPosts } from './​availablePosts';2fetchPosts();3import Post from './​models/​post';4const post = new Post('Test Title', 'Test Content');;6import db from '../​database';7const Post = db.model('Post', {8});9export default Post;10import mongoose from 'mongoose';11export default mongoose;12db.posts.find()13db.posts.find({ title: 'Test Title' })14db.posts.find({ content: 'Test Content' })

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