How to use writeWithCounts method in ava

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Source:default.js Github


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...392 write(string) {393 if (this.verbose) {394 this.lineWriter.writeLine(string);395 } else {396 this.writeWithCounts(string);397 }398 }399 writeWithCounts(string) {400 if (!this.stats) {401 return this.lineWriter.writeLine(string);402 }403 string = string || '';404 if (string !== '') {405 string += os.EOL;406 }407 let firstLinePostfix = this.watching ? ' ' + chalk.gray.dim('[' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', {hour12: false}) + ']') : '';408 if (this.stats.passedTests > 0) {409 string += os.EOL + colors.pass(`${this.stats.passedTests} passed`) + firstLinePostfix;410 firstLinePostfix = '';411 }412 if (this.stats.passedKnownFailingTests > 0) {413 string += os.EOL + colors.error(`${this.stats.passedKnownFailingTests} ${plur('known failure', this.stats.passedKnownFailingTests)}`);...

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Source:mini.js Github


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...124 break;125 case 'internal-error':126 this.internalErrors.push(evt);127 if (evt.testFile) {128 this.writeWithCounts(colors.error(`${figures.cross} Internal error when running ${path.relative('.', evt.testFile)}`));129 } else {130 this.writeWithCounts(colors.error(`${figures.cross} Internal error`));131 }132 break;133 case 'missing-ava-import':134 this.filesWithMissingAvaImports.add(evt.testFile);135 this.writeWithCounts(colors.error(`${figures.cross} No tests found in ${path.relative('.', evt.testFile)}, make sure to import "ava" at the top of your test file`));136 break;137 case 'selected-test':138 // Ignore139 break;140 case 'stats':141 this.stats = evt.stats;142 break;143 case 'test-failed':144 this.failures.push(evt);145 this.writeTestSummary(evt);146 break;147 case 'test-passed':148 if (evt.knownFailing) {149 this.knownFailures.push(evt);150 }151 this.writeTestSummary(evt);152 break;153 case 'timeout':154 this.writeWithCounts(colors.error(`${figures.cross} Exited because no new tests completed within the last ${evt.period}ms of inactivity`));155 break;156 case 'uncaught-exception':157 this.uncaughtExceptions.push(evt);158 break;159 case 'unhandled-rejection':160 this.unhandledRejections.push(evt);161 break;162 case 'worker-failed':163 if (this.stats.byFile.get(evt.testFile).declaredTests === 0) {164 this.filesWithoutDeclaredTests.add(evt.testFile);165 }166 break;167 case 'worker-finished':168 if (this.stats.byFile.get(evt.testFile).declaredTests === 0) {169 this.filesWithoutDeclaredTests.add(evt.testFile);170 this.writeWithCounts(colors.error(`${figures.cross} No tests found in ${path.relative('.', evt.testFile)}`));171 }172 break;173 case 'worker-stderr':174 case 'worker-stdout':175 // Forcibly clear the spinner, writing the chunk corrupts the TTY.176 this.spinner.clear();177 this.stdStream.write(evt.chunk);178 // If the chunk does not end with a linebreak, *forcibly* write one to179 // ensure it remains visible in the TTY.180 // Tests cannot assume their standard output is not interrupted. Indeed181 // we multiplex stdout and stderr into a single stream. However as182 // long as stdStream is different from reportStream users can read183 // their original output by redirecting the streams.184 if (evt.chunk[evt.chunk.length - 1] !== 0x0A) {185 // Use write() rather than writeLine() so the (presumably corked)186 // line writer will actually write the empty line before re-rendering187 // the last spinner text below.188 this.lineWriter.write(os.EOL);189 }190 this.lineWriter.write(this.lineWriter.lastSpinnerText);191 break;192 default:193 break;194 }195 }196 writeWithCounts(str) {197 if (!this.stats) {198 return this.lineWriter.writeLine(str);199 }200 str = str || '';201 if (str !== '') {202 str += os.EOL;203 }204 let firstLinePostfix = this.watching ?205 ' ' + chalk.gray.dim('[' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', {hour12: false}) + ']') :206 '';207 if (this.stats.passedTests > 0) {208 str += os.EOL + colors.pass(`${this.stats.passedTests} passed`) + firstLinePostfix;209 firstLinePostfix = '';210 }211 if (this.stats.passedKnownFailingTests > 0) {212 str += os.EOL + colors.error(`${this.stats.passedKnownFailingTests} ${plur('known failure', this.stats.passedKnownFailingTests)}`);213 }214 if (this.stats.failedHooks > 0) {215 str += os.EOL + colors.error(`${this.stats.failedHooks} ${plur('hook', this.stats.failedHooks)} failed`) + firstLinePostfix;216 firstLinePostfix = '';217 }218 if (this.stats.failedTests > 0) {219 str += os.EOL + colors.error(`${this.stats.failedTests} ${plur('test', this.stats.failedTests)} failed`) + firstLinePostfix;220 firstLinePostfix = '';221 }222 if (this.stats.skippedTests > 0) {223 str += os.EOL + colors.skip(`${this.stats.skippedTests} skipped`);224 }225 if (this.stats.todoTests > 0) {226 str += os.EOL + colors.todo(`${this.stats.todoTests} todo`);227 }228 this.lineWriter.writeLine(str);229 }230 writeErr(evt) {231 if ( === 'TSError' && evt.err.object && evt.err.object.diagnosticText) {232 this.lineWriter.writeLine(colors.errorStack(trimOffNewlines(evt.err.object.diagnosticText)));233 return;234 }235 if (evt.err.source) {236 this.lineWriter.writeLine(colors.errorSource(`${evt.err.source.file}:${evt.err.source.line}`));237 const excerpt = codeExcerpt(evt.err.source, {maxWidth: this.lineWriter.columns - 2});238 if (excerpt) {239 this.lineWriter.writeLine();240 this.lineWriter.writeLine(excerpt);241 }242 }243 if (evt.err.avaAssertionError) {244 const result = formatSerializedError(evt.err);245 if (result.printMessage) {246 this.lineWriter.writeLine();247 this.lineWriter.writeLine(evt.err.message);248 }249 if (result.formatted) {250 this.lineWriter.writeLine();251 this.lineWriter.writeLine(result.formatted);252 }253 const message = improperUsageMessages.forError(evt.err);254 if (message) {255 this.lineWriter.writeLine();256 this.lineWriter.writeLine(message);257 }258 } else if (evt.err.nonErrorObject) {259 this.lineWriter.writeLine(trimOffNewlines(evt.err.formatted));260 } else {261 this.lineWriter.writeLine();262 this.lineWriter.writeLine(evt.err.summary);263 }264 if (evt.err.stack) {265 const stack = evt.err.stack;266 if (stack.includes(os.EOL)) {267 this.lineWriter.writeLine();268 this.lineWriter.writeLine(colors.errorStack(stack));269 }270 }271 }272 writeLogs(evt) {273 if (evt.logs) {274 for (const log of evt.logs) {275 const logLines = indentString(colors.log(log), 4);276 const logLinesWithLeadingFigure = logLines.replace(277 /^ {4}/,278 ` ${colors.information(} `279 );280 this.lineWriter.writeLine(logLinesWithLeadingFigure);281 }282 }283 }284 writeTestSummary(evt) {285 if (evt.type === 'hook-failed' || evt.type === 'test-failed') {286 this.writeWithCounts(`${this.prefixTitle(evt.testFile, evt.title)}`);287 } else if (evt.knownFailing) {288 this.writeWithCounts(`${colors.error(this.prefixTitle(evt.testFile, evt.title))}`);289 } else {290 this.writeWithCounts(`${this.prefixTitle(evt.testFile, evt.title)}`);291 }292 }293 writeFailure(evt) {294 this.lineWriter.writeLine(`${colors.title(this.prefixTitle(evt.testFile, evt.title))}`);295 this.writeLogs(evt);296 this.lineWriter.writeLine();297 this.writeErr(evt);298 }299 endRun() { // eslint-disable-line complexity300 this.spinner.stop();301;302 if (!this.stats) {303 this.lineWriter.writeLine(colors.error(`${figures.cross} Couldn't find any files to test`));304 this.lineWriter.writeLine();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {writeWithCounts} = require('./writeWithCounts.js');2const {writeWithCountsAsync} = require('./writeWithCountsAsync.js');3const {writeWithCountsPromise} = require('./writeWithCountsPromise.js');4writeWithCounts('file1.txt', 'Hello World!', (err, result) => {5 if (err) {6 console.log(err);7 } else {8 console.log(result);9 }10});11writeWithCountsAsync('file2.txt', 'Hello World!', (err, result) => {12 if (err) {13 console.log(err);14 } else {15 console.log(result);16 }17});18writeWithCountsPromise('file3.txt', 'Hello World!')19 .then((result) => {20 console.log(result);21 })22 .catch((err) => {23 console.log(err);24 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var availableLetters = require('./availableLetters.js');2var word = 'abracadabra';3var result = availableLetters.writeWithCounts(word);4console.log(result);5var availableLetters = function() {6 var writeWithCounts = function(word) {7 var result = '';8 var counts = {};9 for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {10 if (counts[word[i]] === undefined) {11 counts[word[i]] = 1;12 } else {13 counts[word[i]]++;14 }15 }16 for (var letter in counts) {17 result += letter + counts[letter];18 }19 return result;20 };21 return {22 };23}();24module.exports = availableLetters;25var availableLetters = require('./availableLetters.js');26var word = 'abracadabra';27var result = availableLetters.writeWithCounts(word);28console.log(result);29var availableLetters = function() {30 var writeWithCounts = function(word) {31 var result = '';32 var counts = {};33 for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {34 if (counts[word[i]] === undefined) {35 counts[word[i]] = 1;36 } else {37 counts[word[i]]++;38 }39 }40 for (var letter in counts) {41 result += letter + counts[letter];42 }43 return result;44 };45 return {46 };47}();48module.exports = availableLetters;49var availableLetters = require('./availableLetters.js');50var word = 'abracadabra';51var result = availableLetters.writeWithCounts(word);52console.log(result);53var availableLetters = function() {54 var writeWithCounts = function(word) {55 var result = '';56 var counts = {};57 for (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {58 if (counts[word[i]] === undefined) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var available = require('./available.js');2var fs = require('fs');3var file = fs.createWriteStream('./test.txt');4available.writeWithCounts(file, 'Hello World', 'utf8', function(err, written, string) {5 if (err) throw err;6 console.log(written);7 console.log(string);8});9exports.writeWithCounts = function (stream, data, encoding, callback) {10 if (typeof encoding === 'function') {11 callback = encoding;12 encoding = null;13 }14 var total = Buffer.byteLength(data, encoding);15 var written = 0;16 stream.write(data, encoding, write);17 function write (err, len) {18 written += len;19 if (err) {20 callback(err);21 } else if (written < total) {22 stream.write(data.slice(written), encoding, write);23 } else {24 callback(null, written, data);25 }26 }27};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { writeWithCounts } = require('write-with-counts');2const { FileWriteStream } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/file');3const { ConsoleWriteStream } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/console');4const { FileWriter } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/file');5const { ConsoleWriter } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/console');6const fileWriter = new FileWriter(new FileWriteStream('/tmp/test.txt'));7const consoleWriter = new ConsoleWriter(new ConsoleWriteStream());8writeWithCounts([fileWriter, consoleWriter], 'Hello World');9writeWithCounts(writers, data, [encoding], [callback])10const { writeWithCounts } = require('write-with-counts');11const { FileWriter } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/file');12const { ConsoleWriter } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/console');13const fileWriter = new FileWriter(new FileWriteStream('/tmp/test.txt'));14const consoleWriter = new ConsoleWriter(new ConsoleWriteStream());15writeWithCounts([fileWriter, consoleWriter], 'Hello World');16new Writer(writeStream)17- `write(data, [encoding], [callback])` - Method to write data to the write stream18const { Writer } = require('write-with-counts');19const { ConsoleWriteStream } = require('write-with-counts/src/writers/console');20const writer = new Writer(new ConsoleWriteStream());21writer.write('Hello World');22new FileWriter(writeStream)23- `write(data, [encoding], [callback])` - Method to write data to the write stream24const { FileWriter } = require('write-with-counts');25const { FileWriteStream } = require('write-with

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const availableData = require('./availableData');2const data = availableData.getAvailableData();3const write = require('./writeData');4const path = require('path');5const fs = require('fs');6const dir = path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'test');7const file = path.join(dir, 'test.csv');8const options = {9};10if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){11 fs.mkdirSync(dir);12}13write.writeWithCounts(file, data, options);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var available = require('./available');2var fs = require('fs');3var fileName = "test.txt";4var string = "This is a string that has a lot of characters in it!";5fs.writeFile(fileName, available.writeWithCounts(string), function(err) {6 if(err) {7 return console.log(err);8 }9 console.log("The file was saved!");10});11Available is licensed under the [MIT License](

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