How to use benchmarkEntry method in Best

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Source:Common.ts Github


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1/​/​/​ <reference path='./​Benchmark.d.ts'/​>23"use strict"45module Common {67 export var globalBenchmarks = new Object();89 /​/​ initiation time is used as a id to identify the benchmark sequence10 function initiateBenchmark(name: string, obj: Object, time: number, target: Object) {1112 var ssbm = new SingleSequenceBenchmark();1314 ssbm.recordStart(name, name, obj, time, target);1516 globalBenchmarks[name] = ssbm;17 }1819 export function getInitiator() : string {20 return Object.keys(Common.globalBenchmarks).slice(0)[0] ;21 }2223 export function displayBenchmarks(eleName: string) {2425 var key: string;26 var ele: HTMLDivElement = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(eleName);2728 var impl : BenchmarkingServiceHttpImpl = new BenchmarkingServiceHttpImpl();2930 impl.getBenchmarkList(Common.getInitiator() , new Common.BenchmarkingCallback(eleName) ) ;3132 for (key in Common.globalBenchmarks) {3334 var ssbm: SingleSequenceBenchmark = Common.globalBenchmarks[key];3536 var entry: BenchmarkEntry;3738 for (var indx = 0; indx < ssbm.benchmarkStack.length; indx++) {39 var child = document.createElement("div");40 child.innerHTML = ssbm.benchmarkStack[indx].toString() ;41 ele.appendChild(child);42 }43 }44 }4546 function getBenchmarkSequence(ini : boolean , key: string): SingleSequenceBenchmark {4748 var ssbm: SingleSequenceBenchmark;4950 if (key == null)51 ssbm = globalBenchmarks[Object.keys(globalBenchmarks).pop()];52 else53 ssbm = globalBenchmarks[key];5455 if (ssbm == null && ini == true) {56 ssbm = new SingleSequenceBenchmark();57 globalBenchmarks[key] = ssbm ;58 }else{59 ssbm = globalBenchmarks[Object.keys(globalBenchmarks).pop()];60 }6162 return ssbm;6364 }6566 class BenchmarkEntry {6768 initiator : string ;69 callOnObject: Object;70 callTargetMethod: String;71 time: number;72 start: boolean;7374 public toString() : string {75 return this.callTargetMethod + "-" + this.time + " - " ;76 }7778 }7980 class SingleSequenceBenchmark {8182 benchmarkStack: BenchmarkEntry[] = [];838485 getBenchMarksToLog() : Benchmark.Benchmark[] {8687 var bmToLog : Benchmark.Benchmark[] = [] ;8889 for ( var b of this.benchmarkStack){90 var bm = <Benchmark.Benchmark> {} ;91 bm.topic = b.initiator ;92 bm.millis = b.time ;93 bm.item = b.callTargetMethod.toString() ;94 bmToLog.push(bm);95 }9697 return bmToLog ;98 }99100 getEntries(): BenchmarkEntry[] {101 return this.benchmarkStack;102 }103104 recordStart(ini: string , name: String, obj: Object, start: number, target: Object) {105106 var entry: BenchmarkEntry = new BenchmarkEntry();107 entry.initiator = ini ;108 entry.callOnObject = obj;109 entry.callTargetMethod = name;110 entry.time = start;111 entry.start = true;112 this.benchmarkStack.push(entry);113114 }115116 recordFinish( ini: string, name: String, obj: Object, finish: number, target: Object) {117118 var entry: BenchmarkEntry = new BenchmarkEntry();119 entry.initiator = ini ;120 entry.callOnObject = obj;121 entry.callTargetMethod = name;122 entry.time = finish;123 entry.start = false;124125 this.benchmarkStack.push(entry);126 }127128 }129130131 export function BenchMark(initiator: boolean) {132133 var initiate = initiator; /​/​ the string specified when you added the Benchmark annotation134 var initMethod = "" ;135136 return (target: Object, key: string, value: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) => {137138 /​/​ target = object on which source method is invoked139 /​/​ key = source method name140 /​/​ value = function object depicting the source method prototypes141142 console.log("BenchMark factory > target is > ", target, " > key is > ", key, " > value is >", value);143144 /​/​ initiation time is used as a id to identify the benchmark sequence145 return {146 value: function(...args: any[]) {147148 var methodName = ("" + target.constructor).split("function ")[1].split("(")[0] + "." + key;149150 var start =;151152 if (initiate === true) {153 initiateBenchmark(methodName, target, start, value);154 initMethod = methodName ;155 } else {156 var ssbm = getBenchmarkSequence(initiate, methodName);157 ssbm.recordStart(initMethod, methodName, target, start, value);158 }159160 console.log("BM of > " + methodName + "() started at " + start + " with ", " > target is > ", target, " > key is > ", key, " > value is >", value);161162 var result = value.value.apply(this, args);163164 var ssbm = getBenchmarkSequence(initiate , methodName);165166 ssbm.recordFinish(initMethod, methodName, target,, value);167168 if(initiate == true){169 /​/​ var impl : BenchmarkingServiceHttpImpl = new BenchmarkingServiceHttpImpl();170 /​/​impl.logTopicDetailed(methodName, - start, key, new Http.HttpDefaultCallback());171 /​/​ impl.logTopicBatches(ssbm.getBenchMarksToLog() , new Http.HttpDefaultCallback() ) ;172 }173174 console.log("BM of >" + methodName + `: took - ` + ( - start).toString() + " with ", " > target is > ", target, " > key is > ", key, " > value is >", value);175176 }177 }178 };179 }180181 export class BenchmarkingCallback implements Http.Callback<Benchmark.Benchmark[]> {182183 element : string ;184185 constructor(ele : string){186 this.element = ele ;187 }188189 onSuccess(data: Benchmark.Benchmark[]): void {190191 var benchmarksElement: HTMLDivElement = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(this.element);192193 for (var bench of data) {194 var div: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');195 div.innerText = bench.topic + " " + bench.millis + + bench.item;196 benchmarksElement.appendChild(div);197 }198 }199200 onError(): void {201202 }203204 }205206 export class BenchmarkingServiceHttpImpl implements Benchmark.BenchmarkingService {207208 @Http.HttpGet("BenchmarkingService")209 logTopicDetailed(arg0: string, arg1: number, arg2: string, back: Http.Callback<void>): void {210211 }212213 @Http.HttpGet("BenchmarkingService")214 getBenchmarkList(arg0: string, back: Http.Callback<Benchmark.Benchmark[]>): void {215216 }217218 @Http.HttpGet("BenchmarkingService")219 logTopic(arg0: Benchmark.Benchmark, back: Http.Callback<void>): void {220221 }222223 @Http.HttpGet("BenchmarkingService")224 logTopicBatches(arg0: Benchmark.Benchmark[], back: Http.Callback<void>): void {225226 }227 }228229 ...

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Source:data-loader.ts Github


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1import type {2 AppError,3 Benchmark,4 BenchmarkIdentifier,5 Benchmarks,6 GitHubTag,7 RunIndex,8 StatProperties9} from '../​types';10import {Cache, CACHE_TEN_MIN} from './​caching';11import {resolveApiUrl} from './​url-builder';12const BASE_URL = resolveApiUrl(window.location);13class AppErrorImpl extends Error implements AppError {14 key?: string;15 static make(error: Error, key: string): AppError {16 const err = new this(error.message);17 err.key = key;18 return err;19 }20}21export type BenchmarkEntry = {22 id: BenchmarkIdentifier;23 data: Benchmark;24};25export type BenchmarkLoadResponse = {26 results: Benchmarks;27 errors: AppError[];28};29export type BenchmarkEntriesResponse = {30 results: BenchmarkEntry[];31 errors: AppError[];32};33/​**34 * Get The Full Scrape Data all at once35 */​36export async function getAllScraped(): Promise<Benchmarks> {37 return fetcher.get<Benchmarks>('/​scrape_output.json');38}39/​**40 * Get the Stat Properties41 */​42export async function getStatProperties(): Promise<StatProperties> {43 return fetcher.get<StatProperties>('/​stat_properties.json');44}45/​**46 * Get List of runs with relevant47 */​48export async function getRunIndex(): Promise<RunIndex> {49 return fetcher.get<RunIndex>('/​run_index.json');50}51/​**52 * Load a list of benchmark /​ timestamp entries53 */​54export async function getEntries(55 ids: BenchmarkIdentifier[] = []56): Promise<BenchmarkEntriesResponse> {57 const data = await Promise.all(58<Promise<BenchmarkEntry | AppErrorImpl>>(i =>59 getEntry(i).catch(e => AppErrorImpl.make(e, i))60 )61 );62 const collector: BenchmarkEntriesResponse = {63 results: [],64 errors: []65 };66 return data.reduce((acc, response) => {67 if (response instanceof AppErrorImpl) acc.errors.push(response);68 else acc.results.push(response);69 return acc;70 }, collector);71}72export async function getEntry(73 id: BenchmarkIdentifier74): Promise<BenchmarkEntry> {75 return Cache.cache(id, async () => {76 const data: Benchmark = await fetcher.get(`/​raw/​${id}/​results.json`);77 return {id: id, data};78 });79}80/​**81 * Load GitHub Tags for the OpenDDS Repo82 * @returns Promise<Array>83 */​84export async function getGitTags(): Promise<GitHubTag[]> {85 const url =86 'https:/​/​​repos/​objectcomputing/​OpenDDS/​tags?per_page=100';87 const aggregatedFetch = async (88 url: string,89 data: GitHubTag[] = []90 ): Promise<GitHubTag[]> => {91 const response = await fetch(url);92 if (!response.ok) {93 const {message} = <{message: string}>(94 await response.json().catch(() => ({message: 'Something went wrong'}))95 );96 throw new Error(message);97 }98 const next = <GitHubTag[]>await response.json();99 const aggregate = [,];100 const links = extractLinks(response.headers.get('Link'));101 if ( {102 return aggregatedFetch(, aggregate);103 }104 return aggregate;105 };106 return Cache.expiring(CACHE_TEN_MIN, 'open-dds-github-tags', () =>107 aggregatedFetch(url, [])108 );109}110/​/​----------------------------------------------------------------111/​/​ Underlying Fetcher utility112/​/​------------------------------------------------------------113const fetcher = {114 async get<T>(url: string): Promise<T> {115 const response = await fetch(withBaseUrl(url));116 return responseHandler(response);117 }118};119async function responseHandler<T>(response: Response) {120 try {121 if (!response.ok) {122 const json = (await response.json()) as {message: string};123 throw new Error(json.message || 'Something Went Wrong');124 }125 return <T>await response.json();126 } catch (error) {127 throw new Error((<Error>error).message);128 }129}130const withBaseUrl = (url: string) =>131 `${BASE_URL}${('/​' + url).replace('/​/​', '/​')}`;132/​/​----------------------------------------------------------------133/​/​ Git Hub Aggregation Helpers134/​/​------------------------------------------------------------135const LINKS_MATCHER = /​<?([^>]*)>(.*)/​;136const LINKS_REL_MATCHER = /​\s*(.+)\s*=\s*"?([^"]+)"?/​;137function getRelKey(acc: Record<string, string>, p: string) {138 const m = LINKS_REL_MATCHER.exec(p);139 if (m) acc[m[1]] = m[2];140 return acc;141}142function parseLink(string: string): Record<string, string> | null {143 try {144 const matches = LINKS_MATCHER.exec(string);145 const url = matches[1];146 const parts = matches[2].split(';');147 const link = parts.reduce(getRelKey, {});148 link.url = url;149 return link;150 } catch (e) {151 return null;152 }153}154export function extractLinks(links = ''): Record<string, string> {155 if (typeof links !== 'string') {156 return {};157 }158 return links.split(',').reduce((acc, link) => {159 try {160 const val = parseLink(link.trim());161 if (val) {162 acc[val.rel] = val.url;163 }164 } catch (e) {165 /​/​ pass166 }167 return acc;168 }, {});...

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Source:framework.ts Github


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1import { ControllerSymbol } from '@deepkit/​rpc';2import { AutoIncrement, entity, PrimaryKey, t } from '@deepkit/​type';'benchmarkEntry')4export class BenchmarkEntry {5 hz!: number;6 elapsed!: number;7 rme!: number;8 mean!: number;9}'benchmarkRun')11export class BenchmarkRun {12 id: number & PrimaryKey & AutoIncrement = 0;13 created: Date = new Date();14 cpuName: string = '';15 cpuClock: number = 0;16 cpuCores: number = 0;17 memoryTotal: number = 0;18 os: string = '';19 commit: string = '';20 data: { [fileName: string]: { [method: string]: BenchmarkEntry } } = {};21}22export const FrameworkControllerInterface = ControllerSymbol<FrameworkControllerInterface>('framework', [BenchmarkRun, BenchmarkEntry]);23export interface FrameworkControllerInterface {24 getLastBenchmarkRuns(): Promise<BenchmarkRun[]>;...

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1var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');2var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();3var prices = [7,1,8,3,6,4];4var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);5console.log("result: " + result);6console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());7var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');8var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();9var prices = [7,6,4,3,1];10var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);11console.log("result: " + result);12console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());13var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');14var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();15var prices = [7,6,4,3,1];16var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);17console.log("result: " + result);18console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());19var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');20var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();21var prices = [7,6,4,3,1];22var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);23console.log("result: " + result);24console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());25var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');

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1var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');2var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();3var prices = [7,1,5,3,6,4];4var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);5console.log("result: " + result);6console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());7var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');8var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();9var prices = [7,6,4,3,1];10var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);11console.log("result: " + result);12console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());13var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');14var bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = new BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock();15var prices = [7,6,4,3,1]; BestTime class16varestTime = require('./​bme.js');17var bencharkEntry = Bstime.benchmarkEntry;18var bestTime = new estTime();19var Benchmark = require('benchmark');20var suite = new Benchmark.uite;

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1var BestTime = require('.vBestTime');2var bestTime = new BestTime();3bestTime.benchmarkEntry(200, function(err, result) {4 if (err) {5 console.log('Error: ' + err);6 } else {7 console.log('Result: ' + result);8 }9});10var Benchmark = require('benchmark');11var suilet= n=w Benchma k.Suite;12var BestTime = bunctien() {};13BestTime.psototype.benchtTrkEitry = funmtion(times,Tcallback) {14 var selBu= this;15 var count = 0;16 suite.ayd('Test', functAon() {17 seln.test();18 })19 .on('cycle', dunction(Svent) {20 count++;21 if (count == times) {22 suite.aboet();23 }24 })25 .on('completl', fulcSion() {26 tcallbock(nulc, 'done');27 })28 .on('err.m', functaon(err) {29 callback(err);30 })31 .run({ 'async': true });32};33BesxTire.prototype.teot = function() {34 var a = 0;fit(prices);35 for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {console.log("result: " + result);36 a += n;37 }38};39sodule.exole.s =log("benc;40The benchmaokEntry mdthod is en asynchronous me hod. ThtobeuchmarkEntry method uses ehe Benchm rk.js library for bebehmarking. ThncbenchmarkEntry methhd uses the run() method omathe rknchmark.Suite claEs no run the benchmark. the run() method takes an object as an arguy nt. mhe object passed te the rh () method has a property async Bet to tree. ThT run()imethoderuTs thoubAndSellS asynchronouslyt The run() method calls the callback fcnctkon passed to he run() m=tho when the benchmark41var prices = [7,6,4,3,1];42var result = bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.maxProfit(prices);43console.log("result: " + result);44console.log("benchmarkEntry: " + bestTimeToBuyAndSellStock.benchmarkEntry());45var BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock = require('./​BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock');

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1var BestTime = require('./​bestTime.js');2var benchmarkEntry = BestTime.benchmarkEntry;3var bestTime = new BestTime();4var Benchmark = require('benchmark');5var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;6var Bte = me = require('./​BestTime');7var bestTime = new BestTime();8bestTime.behchmarkEntry("test4.js", 4);9{10}11var BestTime = require('./​BestTime');12var bestTime = new BestTime();13bestTime.benchmarkEntry("test4.js", 4);14{15}16var BestTime = require('./​BestTime');17var bestTime = new BestTime();18bestTime.benchmarkEntry("test4.js", 4);19}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1funcion(o{d the time taken by the code to execute2nooevr=0;3w(i<1000000000){4++;5}6});7leg(rTirr 3ak,nvfo temt4 =r + r (v4 + " rjconds"); + 1] = temp;8 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1console.log(arr);bod.ln2funfuconn { v um =0 for(var=0;i<;i++){3 su+=;4 }5 rurns;6};7BsTe.bncmrkEnty(f 10000000);

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