How to use migrationsPath method in Best

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Source:setup-tests.ts Github


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1import Knex, { Knex as KnexInstance } from 'knex'2import fs from 'node:fs'3import path from 'node:path'4const migrationsPath = path.resolve('apps', 'scribe', 'src', 'migrations')5const seedsPath = path.resolve('apps', 'api', 'src', 'seeds')6for (const file of fs.readdirSync(migrationsPath)) {7 require(path.resolve(migrationsPath, file))8}9require('../src/seeds/seed-test-data')10/**11 * Generate fake Algorand Account address and Algorand Transaction ID12 */13export function fakeAddressFor(type: 'account' | 'transaction') {14 const alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567'15 const size = type === 'account' ? 58 : 5216 const result = []17 while (result.length < size) {18 result.push(alphabet[Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)])19 }20 return result.join('')21}22export function getTestDatabaseConfig(database: string): KnexInstance.Config {23 return {24 client: 'postgres',25 useNullAsDefault: true,26 connection: `postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:6543/${database}`,27 migrations: {28 directory: migrationsPath,29 },30 seeds: {31 directory: seedsPath,32 },33 }34}35export async function setupTestDatabase(database: string) {36 const baseKnex = Knex(getTestDatabaseConfig('algomart-api-test'))37 let knex: KnexInstance38 try {39 await baseKnex.raw(`CREATE DATABASE "${database}"`)40 knex = Knex(getTestDatabaseConfig(database))41 await knex.migrate.latest()42 await } finally {44 await baseKnex.destroy()45 if (knex) {46 await knex.destroy()47 }48 }49}50export async function teardownTestDatabase(database: string) {51 const knex = Knex(getTestDatabaseConfig('algomart-api-test'))52 try {53 await knex.raw(`DROP DATABASE "${database}"`)54 } catch (error) {55 await knex.destroy()56 console.log(error)57 throw error58 }...

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Source:ormconfig.js Github


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1const path = require('path');2require('dotenv').config();3const type = process.env.DATABASE_TYPE;4const host = process.env.DATABASE_HOST;5const port = process.env.DATABASE_PORT;6const username = process.env.DATABASE_USERNAME;7const password = process.env.DATABASE_PASSWORD;8const database = process.env.DATABASE_NAME;9const entitiesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'Domain', 'Entities', '*.js');10const migrationsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'Infrastructure', 'Database', 'Migrations', '*.js');11const entitiesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'Domain', 'Entities');12const migrationsDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'Infrastructure', 'Database', 'Migrations');13const url = `postgres://${username}:${password}@${host}:${port}/${database}`;14module.exports = [15 // {16 // name: 'default',17 // type: type,18 // host: host,19 // port: port,20 // username: username,21 // password: password,22 // database: database,23 // logging: false,24 // entities: [entitiesPath],25 // migrations: [migrationsPath],26 // cli: {27 // entitiesDir: entitiesDir,28 // migrationsDir: migrationsDir,29 // },30 // },31 {32 name: 'production',33 type: type,34 url: url,35 logging: false,36 ssl: true,37 extra: {38 ssl: {39 rejectUnauthorized: false,40 },41 },42 entities: [entitiesPath],43 migrations: [migrationsPath],44 cli: {45 entitiesDir: entitiesDir,46 migrationsDir: migrationsDir,47 },48 },49 {50 name: 'test',51 type: 'sqlite',52 database: ':memory:',53 dropSchema: true,54 logging: false,55 synchroize: true,56 migrationsRun: true,57 entities: [entitiesPath],58 migrations: [migrationsPath],59 cli: {60 entitiesDir: entitiesDir,61 migrationsDir: migrationsDir,62 },63 },...

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Source:MigrationHandler.ts Github


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1import { Handler } from '$handlers/Handler';2import { Request } from '$types/server';3import path from 'path';4import glob from 'fast-glob';5import { ApiError } from '../ApiError';6import fs from 'fs';7import { Model } from '$models/Model';8export class MigrationHandler extends Handler {9 async apply(req: Request) {10 if (req.body.migrationPath.includes('..')) throw new ApiError('Path includes dots', 401);11 const migrationsPath = path.join(__dirname, '../migrations').replace(/\\/g, '/');12 const filePath = path.join(migrationsPath, req.body.migrationPath);13 const sqlContent: string[] = await new Promise((resolve) => {14 fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf-8', (_err, content) => {15 resolve(content);16 });17 }).then((sql: unknown) => (sql as string).split('====='));18 try {19 const model = new Model();20 await Promise.all( => model.query(sql)));21 return this.success(sqlContent, 200);22 } catch (e: any) {23 throw new ApiError({24 code: e.code,25 message: e.sqlMessage26 });27 }28 }29 async selectAll() {30 const migrationsPath = path.join(__dirname, '../migrations').replace(/\\/g, '/');31 const files = await glob([migrationsPath + '/**/*.sql']);32 return this.success(33 => f.replace(migrationsPath, '')),34 20035 );36 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');2const bestPractice = new BestPractice();3bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);4const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');5const bestPractice = new BestPractice();6bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);7const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');8const bestPractice = new BestPractice();9bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);10const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');11const bestPractice = new BestPractice();12bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);13const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');14const bestPractice = new BestPractice();15bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);16const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');17const bestPractice = new BestPractice();18bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);19const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');20const bestPractice = new BestPractice();21bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);22const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');23const bestPractice = new BestPractice();24bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);25const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');26const bestPractice = new BestPractice();27bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);28const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');29const bestPractice = new BestPractice();30bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);31const BestPractice = require('../lib/best-practice');32const bestPractice = new BestPractice();33bestPractice.migrationsPath(__dirname);

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1const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');2const bestPractice = new BestPractice();3console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());4const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');5const bestPractice = new BestPractice();6console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());7const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');8const bestPractice = new BestPractice();9console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());10const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');11const bestPractice = new BestPractice();12console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());13const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');14const bestPractice = new BestPractice();15console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());16const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');17const bestPractice = new BestPractice();18console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());19const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');20const bestPractice = new BestPractice();21console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());22const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');23const bestPractice = new BestPractice();24console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());25const BestPractice = require('./BestPractice');26const bestPractice = new BestPractice();27console.log(bestPractice.migrationsPath());

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1var BestGlobals = require('best-globals');2BestGlobals.migrationsPath(__dirname + '/migrations');3var db = new BestGlobals.Database('test4.db');4db.migrate(function(err){5 if(err) throw err;6 console.log('Migration complete');7});8exports.up = function(db, callback){9'CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT)', function(err){10 if(err) throw err;11 callback();12 });13};14exports.up = function(db, callback){15'DROP TABLE test', function(err){16 if(err) throw err;17 callback();18 });19};20exports.up = function(db, callback){21'ALTER TABLE test ADD COLUMN email TEXT', function(err){22 if(err) throw err;23 callback();24 });25};26exports.up = function(db, callback){27'ALTER TABLE test DROP COLUMN email', function(err){28 if(err) throw err;29 callback();30 });31};32exports.up = function(db, callback){33'CREATE TABLE test2 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT)', function(err){34 if(err) throw err;35'ALTER TABLE test ADD COLUMN test2_id INTEGER', function(err){36 if(err) throw err;37'ALTER TABLE test ADD FOREIGN KEY (test2_id) REFERENCES test2(id)', function(err){38 if(err) throw err;39 callback();40 });41 });42 });43};44exports.up = function(db, callback){45'ALTER TABLE test DROP FOREIGN KEY test_test2_id_foreign', function(err){46 if(err) throw err;47'ALTER TABLE test DROP COLUMN test2_id', function(err){48 if(err) throw err;49'DROP

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1var BestDB = require("bestdb");2var db = new BestDB('mydb');3db.migrationsPath('./migrations');4db.createMigration('myMigration', function(err, migration) {5 if(err) {6 console.log(err);7 } else {8 migration.addStep('myStep', function(err, step) {9 if(err) {10 console.log(err);11 } else {12 step.addCode('console.log("Hello World!")');13 step.addCode('console.log("I am a migration step!")');14 {15 if(err) {16 console.log(err);17 } else {18 db.migrate('myMigration', function(err) {19 if(err) {20 console.log(err);21 } else {22 console.log('Migration complete!');23 }24 });25 }26 });27 }28 });29 }30});31db.migrate('myMigration', function(err) {32 if(err) {33 console.log(err);34 } else {35 console.log('Migration complete!');36 }37});38db.migrate('myMigration', function(err) {39 if(err) {40 console.log(err);41 } else {42 console.log('Migration complete!');43 }44});45db.removeMigration('myMigration', function(err) {46 if(err) {47 console.log(err);48 } else {49 console.log('Migration removed!');50 }51});52db.migrate('myMigration', function(err) {53 if(err) {54 console.log(err);55 } else {56 console.log('Migration complete!');57 }58});59db.createMigration('myMigration', function(err, migration) {60 if(err) {61 console.log(err);62 } else {63 migration.addStep('myStep', function(err, step) {64 if(err) {65 console.log(err);66 } else {67 step.addCode('console.log("Hello World!")');68 step.addCode('console.log("I am a migration step

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1const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');2console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());3const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');4console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());5const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');6console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());7const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');8console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());9const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');10console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());11const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');12console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());13const BestPractices = require('./bestPractices');14console.log(BestPractices.migrationsPath());

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1const BestDb = require('./best_db.js');2const db = new BestDb();3db.migrationsPath('./migrations');4db.migrate();5exports.up = function(db) {6 db.createTable('users', {7 id: {8 },9 name: {10 },11 email: {12 },13 password: {14 }15 });16};17exports.up = function(db) {18 db.createTable('posts', {19 id: {20 },21 title: {22 },23 body: {24 },25 user_id: {26 }27 });28};29exports.up = function(db) {30 db.addColumn('posts', 'user_id', {31 });32};33exports.up = function(db) {34 db.addForeignKey('posts', 'user_id', 'users', 'id');35};36exports.up = function(db) {37 db.createTable('comments', {38 id: {39 },40 body: {41 },42 post_id: {43 }44 });45};

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1var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');2var bg = new BestGlobals();3var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');4var bg = new BestGlobals();5var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');6var bg = new BestGlobals();7var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');8var bg = new BestGlobals();9var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');10var bg = new BestGlobals();11var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');12var bg = new BestGlobals();13var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');14var bg = new BestGlobals();15var BestGlobals = require('bestGlobals');16var bg = new BestGlobals();

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