How to use normalizedAgents method in Best

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Source:bonusInfoNormalizer.ts Github


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1import { objectArrayNormalizer, IValuesMap, defaultObjectNormalizer } from './normalizer';2import { IBonusInfo, IDrugSale, IMark, IAgentInfo } from './../../interfaces/IBonusInfo';3import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy';4const defaultDrugSale: IDrugSale = {5 id: null,6 amount: null,7 mark: null,8};9const defaultMark: IMark = {10 drugId: null,11 mark: null,12 payments: null,13 deposit: null,14};15const defaultAgentInfo: IAgentInfo = {16 id: null,17 deposit: null,18 lastPayment: null,19 lastDeposit: null,20 isDone: true,21 marks: new Map(),22};23const defaultBonusInfo: IBonusInfo = {24 month: null,25 payments: null,26 deposit: null,27 status: null,28 sales: new Map(),29 agents: [],30};31const bonusInfoValuesMap: IValuesMap = {32 month: 'month',33 payments: 'payments',34 deposit: 'deposit',35 status_ok: 'status'36};37const drugSaleValuesMap: IValuesMap = {38 drug: 'id',39 amount: 'amount',40 mark: 'mark',41};42const marksValuesMap: IValuesMap = {43 drug: 'drugId',44 drug_mark: 'mark',45 payments: 'payments',46 deposit: 'deposit',47};48const agentsValuesMap: IValuesMap = {49 id: 'id',50 deposit: 'deposit',51 is_done: 'isDone',52 last_payments: 'lastPayment',53 last_deposit: 'lastDeposit'54};55export const bonusInfoNormalizer = ({ data: { data }}: any): any => objectArrayNormalizer(56 data,57 defaultBonusInfo,58 bonusInfoValuesMap,59 {60 requiredProps: ['month', 'payments', 'deposit' ],61 valueNormalizers: {62 status: (value: number) => !!value,63 month: (value: number) => value - 1 >= 0 ? value - 1 : 064 }65 }66);67export const bonusesDataNormalizer = ({68 data: {69 data: {70 sales,71 agents,72 marks73 }74 }75}: any): {76 sales: Map<number, IDrugSale>,77 agents: IAgentInfo[]78} => {79 let groupedMarks = groupBy(marks, 'agent');80 const normalizedAgents: IAgentInfo[] = objectArrayNormalizer(81 agents,82 defaultAgentInfo,83 agentsValuesMap,84 { requiredProps: [ 'id' ] } // 'last_payments', 'last_deposit'85 ).map(agent => {86 const { []: agentMarks, } = groupedMarks;87 groupedMarks = rest;88 if (agentMarks) {89 const normalizedMarks: Array<[number, IMark]> = objectArrayNormalizer(90 agentMarks,91 defaultMark,92 marksValuesMap,93 {}94 ).map(x => ([x.drugId, x]));95 agent.marks = new Map(normalizedMarks);96 }97 return agent;98 });99 if (groupedMarks !== {}) {100 Object.entries(groupedMarks).forEach(([ stringUserId, userMarks ]) => {101 if (Array.isArray(userMarks) && userMarks.length) {102 const userId = +stringUserId;103 if (!userId) return;104 const normalizedMarks: Array<[number, IMark]> = objectArrayNormalizer(105 userMarks,106 defaultMark,107 marksValuesMap,108 {}109 ).map(x => ([ x.drugId, x ]));110 normalizedAgents.push({111 ...defaultAgentInfo,112 id: userId,113 marks: new Map(normalizedMarks)114 });115 }116 });117 }118 const normalizedSales: Array<[number, IDrugSale]> = objectArrayNormalizer(119 sales,120 defaultDrugSale,121 drugSaleValuesMap,122 { requiredProps: ['drug', 'amount', 'mark']}123 ).map(x => ([, x ]));124 return {125 sales: new Map(normalizedSales),126 agents: normalizedAgents127 };...

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Source:FIndHomes.js Github


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1import axios from "axios";2import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";3import { Dropdown } from "semantic-ui-react";4const FindHomes = () => {5 const [agents, setAgents] = useState([]);6 const [buyers, setBuyers] = useState(null);7 const [properties, setProperties] = useState(null);8 useEffect(() => {9 getAgents();10 }, []);11 const normalizeDropdownOptions = (data) => {12 return => {13 return {14 key:,15 value:,16 text: `${a.first_name} ${a.last_name}`,17 };18 });19 };20 const getAgents = async () => {21 try {22 let res = await axios.get("/api/agents");23 // {id: 13, first_name: 'Philomena', last_name: 'Abshire', sold: false, unsold_homes: 5} =>24 // {key:id, value:id, text: first_name+last_name}25 let normalizedAgents = normalizeDropdownOptions(;26 setAgents(normalizedAgents);27 console.log(;28 } catch (err) {29 console.log(err);30 }31 };32 const handleAgentChange = async (e, { value }) => {33 console.log(value);34 try {35 let res = await axios.get(`/api/agents/${value}`);36 let normalizedBuyers = normalizeDropdownOptions(;37 setBuyers(normalizedBuyers);38 } catch (err) {39 console.log(err);40 }41 };42 const handleBuyerChange = async (e, { value }) => {43 console.log(value);44 try {45 let res = await axios.get(`/api/buyers/${value}`);46 setProperties(;47 } catch (err) {}48 };49 return (50 <div>51 <h1>Homes</h1>52 <Dropdown53 placeholder="Agent"54 search55 selection56 label="Select Agent"57 options={agents}58 onChange={handleAgentChange}59 />60 <br />61 {buyers && (62 <Dropdown63 placeholder="Buyers"64 search65 selection66 label="Select Buyer"67 options={buyers}68 onChange={handleBuyerChange}69 />70 )}71 <br />72 {properties && <code>{JSON.stringify(properties)}</code>}73 </div>74 );75};...

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Source:NormalizeAgents.js Github


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1import { schema, normalize } from "normalizr";2export const normalizeAgents = (data) => {3 if (!data.length) {4 return {5 ids: [],6 entities: {},7 };8 }9 const agentsSchema = new schema.Entity(10 "agents",11 {},12 { idAttribute: "extension" }13 );14 const normalizedAgents = normalize(data, [agentsSchema]);15 console.log(normalizedAgents);16 return {17 ids: Object.keys(normalizedAgents.entities.agents),18 entities: normalizedAgents.entities.agents,19 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');2var normalizedAgents = bestAgents.normalizedAgents;3var agents = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5];4var normalizedAgents = normalizedAgents(agents);5console.log(normalizedAgents);6var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');7var normalizedAgents = bestAgents.normalizedAgents;8var agents = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5];9var normalizedAgents = normalizedAgents(agents);10console.log(normalizedAgents);11var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');12var normalizedAgents = bestAgents.normalizedAgents;13var agents = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5];14var normalizedAgents = normalizedAgents(agents);15console.log(normalizedAgents);16var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');17var normalizedAgents = bestAgents.normalizedAgents;18var agents = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5];19var normalizedAgents = normalizedAgents(agents);20console.log(normalizedAgents);21var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');22var normalizedAgents = bestAgents.normalizedAgents;23var agents = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5];24var normalizedAgents = normalizedAgents(agents);25console.log(normalizedAgents);26var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');27var normalizedAgents = bestAgents.normalizedAgents;28var agents = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5];29var normalizedAgents = normalizedAgents(agents);30console.log(normalizedAgents);31var bestAgents = require('./bestAgents');

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1var BestAgents = require('./BestAgents.js');2var agents = new BestAgents();3var normalizedAgents = agents.normalizedAgents();4console.log(normalizedAgents);5var BestAgents = function() {6 {name: 'John', score: 100, country: 'USA'},7 {name: 'Jane', score: 50, country: 'USA'},8 {name: 'Jack', score: 75, country: 'Canada'}9 ];10 this.normalizedAgents = function() {11 return {12 return {13 };14 });15 };16};17module.exports = BestAgents;18var BestAgents = require('./BestAgents.js');19var agents = new BestAgents();20var normalizedAgents = agents.normalizedAgents();21console.log(normalizedAgents);22var BestAgents = function() {23 {name: 'John', score: 100, country: 'USA'},24 {name: 'Jane', score: 50, country: 'USA'},25 {name: 'Jack', score: 75, country: 'Canada'}26 ];27 this.normalizedAgents = function() {28 return {29 return {30 };31 });32 };33};34module.exports = BestAgents;35var BestAgents = require('./BestAgents.js');36var agents = new BestAgents();37var normalizedAgents = agents.normalizedAgents();38console.log(normalizedAgents);39var BestAgents = function() {40 {name: 'John', score: 100, country: 'USA'},41 {name: 'Jane', score: 50, country: 'USA'},42 {name: 'Jack', score: 75, country: 'Canada'}43 ];44 this.normalizedAgents = function()

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1const BestPath = require('./BestPath.js');2const Agent = require('./Agent.js');3const Agent = require('./Agent.js');4const Agent = require('./Agent.js');5let bestPath = new BestPath();6let agent1 = new Agent(1, 2, 3, 4);7let agent2 = new Agent(2, 3, 4, 5);8let agent3 = new Agent(3, 4, 5, 6);9let agents = [agent1, agent2, agent3];10bestPath = bestPath.normalizedAgents(agents);11console.log(bestPath);

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1var BestAgentFinder = require('./BestAgentFinder');2var bestAgentFinder = new BestAgentFinder();3var agents = [ {name: 'Agent 1', rating: 4.5},4 {name: 'Agent 2', rating: 3.5},5 {name: 'Agent 3', rating: 2.5},6 {name: 'Agent 4', rating: 3.0},7 {name: 'Agent 5', rating: 4.0},8 {name: 'Agent 6', rating: 3.5},9 {name: 'Agent 7', rating: 5.0},10 {name: 'Agent 8', rating: 5.0},11 {name: 'Agent 9', rating: 5.0},12 {name: 'Agent 10', rating: 5.0},13 {name: 'Agent 11', rating: 5.0},14 {name: 'Agent 12', rating: 5.0},15 {name: 'Agent 13', rating: 5.0},16 {name: 'Agent 14', rating: 5.0},17 {name: 'Agent 15', rating: 5.0},18 {name: 'Agent 16', rating: 5.0},19 {name: 'Agent 17', rating: 5.0},20 {name: 'Agent 18', rating: 5.0},21 {name: 'Agent 19', rating: 5.0},22 {name: 'Agent 20', rating: 5.0},23 {name: 'Agent 21', rating: 5.0},24 {name: 'Agent 22', rating: 5.0},25 {name: 'Agent 23', rating: 5.0},26 {name: 'Agent 24', rating: 5.0},27 {name: 'Agent 25', rating: 5.0},28 {name: 'Agent 26', rating: 5.0},29 {name: 'Agent 27', rating: 5.0},30 {name: 'Agent 28', rating: 5.0},31 {name: 'Agent 29', rating: 5

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestPath = require('./BestPath.js');2var bestPath = new BestPath();3var graph = {4 nodes: {5 node1: {6 neighbors: {7 neighbor1: {8 }9 }10 },11 node2: {12 neighbors: {13 neighbor1: {14 }15 }16 },17 node3: {18 neighbors: {19 neighbor1: {20 }21 }22 },23 node4: {24 neighbors: {25 neighbor1: {26 }27 }28 }29 }30}31var path = {32 nodes: {33 node1: {34 agents: {35 agent1: {36 }37 }38 },39 node2: {40 agents: {41 agent1: {42 },

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestAgent = require('./test3.js');2var agent = new BestAgent();3agent.addAgent('James', 100);4agent.addAgent('John', 50);5agent.addAgent('Jack', 200);6agent.addAgent('Jill', 150);7agent.addAgent('Joe', 250);8agent.addAgent('Jane', 300);9agent.addAgent('Judy', 350);10agent.addAgent('Jasmine', 400);11agent.addAgent('Jared', 450);12agent.addAgent('Jen', 500);13agent.addAgent('Joel', 550);14agent.addAgent('Jen', 600);15agent.addAgent('Jen', 650);16agent.addAgent('Jen', 700);17agent.addAgent('Jen', 750);18agent.addAgent('Jen', 800);19agent.addAgent('Jen', 850);20agent.addAgent('Jen', 900);21agent.addAgent('Jen', 950);22agent.addAgent('Jen', 1000);23agent.addAgent('Jen', 1050);24agent.addAgent('Jen', 1100);25agent.addAgent('Jen', 1150);26agent.addAgent('Jen', 1200);27agent.addAgent('Jen', 1250);28agent.addAgent('Jen', 1300);29agent.addAgent('Jen', 1350);30agent.addAgent('Jen', 1400);31agent.addAgent('Jen', 1450);32agent.addAgent('Jen', 1500);33agent.addAgent('Jen', 1550);34agent.addAgent('Jen', 1600);35agent.addAgent('Jen', 1650);36agent.addAgent('Jen', 1700);37agent.addAgent('Jen', 1750);38agent.addAgent('Jen', 1800);39agent.addAgent('Jen', 1850);40agent.addAgent('Jen', 1900);41agent.addAgent('Jen', 1950);42agent.addAgent('Jen', 2000);43agent.addAgent('Jen', 2050);44agent.addAgent('Jen', 2100);45agent.addAgent('Jen', 2150);46agent.addAgent('Jen', 2200);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestAgents = require('./bestagents');2var agents = require('./agents');3var bestAgents = new BestAgents(agents);4var bestAgentsByType = bestAgents.normalizedAgents();5bestAgentsByType.forEach(function(agent) {6 console.log( + " is the best " + agent.type);7});8var _ = require('lodash');9function BestAgents(agents) {10 this.agents = agents;11}12BestAgents.prototype.normalizedAgents = function() {13 var self = this;14 var normalizedAgents = [];15 var agentTypes = _.uniq(_.pluck(self.agents, 'type'));16 agentTypes.forEach(function(agentType) {17 var agentsOfType = _.where(self.agents, {type: agentType});18 var bestAgentOfType = _.max(agentsOfType, function(agent) {19 return agent.rating;20 });21 normalizedAgents.push(bestAgentOfType);22 });23 return normalizedAgents;24};25BestAgents.prototype.printAgents = function() {26 var self = this;27 self.agents.forEach(function(agent) {28 console.log( + " is a " + agent.type + " with rating " + agent.rating);29 });30};31module.exports = BestAgents;32 {name: 'James Bond', type: 'spy', rating: 10},33 {name: 'Ethan Hunt', type: 'spy', rating: 9},34 {name: 'Jason Bourne', type: 'spy', rating: 8},35 {name: 'Indiana Jones', type: 'archaeologist', rating: 10},36 {name: 'Nick Fury', type: 'spy', rating: 8},37 {name: 'Han Solo', type: 'pilot', rating: 8},38 {name: 'Luke Skywalker', type: 'pilot', rating: 7},39 {name: 'Malcolm Reynolds', type: 'pilot', rating: 8},40 {name: 'Kaylee Frye', type: 'mechanic', rating: 9

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var fs = require('fs');2var mapData = fs.readFileSync('', 'utf8');3var BestPathFinder = require('./BestPathFinder');4var pathFinder = new BestPathFinder();5pathFinder.setMapData(mapData);6var agent = {id: 1, x: 0, y: 0, speed: 1, path: []};7var path = pathFinder.normalizedAgents([agent]);8var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');9var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');10ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)';11ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 500);12ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';13ctx.beginPath();14ctx.moveTo(0, 0);15for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {16 ctx.lineTo(path[i][0], path[i][1]);17}18ctx.stroke();

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