How to use samplesComparison method in Best

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Source:analyze.ts Github


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1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2019,, inc.3 * All rights reserved.4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT5 * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or*/7import json2md from 'json2md';8import { BenchmarkComparison, ResultComparison, BenchmarkMetricNames, BenchmarkStats, ResultComparisonBenchmark, ResultComparisonGroup, ResultComparisonProject } from '@best/types';9interface MarkdownTable {10 table: {11 headers: string[];12 rows: string[][];13 }14}15interface SignificantlyChangedSummary {16 improved: string[][]17 regressed: string[][]18}19type GroupedTables = { [projectName: string]: MarkdownTable[] }20function padding(n: number) {21 return n > 022 ? Array.apply(null, Array((n - 1) * 3))23 .map(() => ' ')24 .join('') + '└─ '25 : '';26}27function generateMarkdownFromGroupedTables(tables: GroupedTables) {28 const flattenedTables = Object.keys(tables).reduce((groups, projectName): json2md.DataObject[] => {29 groups.push({ h2: `*${projectName}*` });30 groups.push(...tables[projectName]);31 return groups;32 }, <json2md.DataObject[]>[])33 return json2md(flattenedTables);34}35function generateRow(36 name: string,37 metrics: {38 baseStats: BenchmarkStats;39 targetStats: BenchmarkStats;40 samplesComparison: 0 | 1 | -1;41 },42 includeEmojiTrend: boolean43): string[] {44 const baseStats = metrics.baseStats;45 const targetStats = metrics.targetStats;46 const samplesComparison = metrics.samplesComparison;47 const percentage = (Math.abs(baseStats.median - targetStats.median) / baseStats.median) * 100;48 const relativeTrend = targetStats.median - baseStats.median;49 const sign = Math.sign(relativeTrend) === 1 ? '+' : '';50 const comparisonEmoji = (samplesComparison === 0 ? '👌' : samplesComparison === 1 ? '👎' : '👍');51 return [52 name,53 `${baseStats.median.toFixed(2)} (± ${baseStats.medianAbsoluteDeviation.toFixed(2)}ms)`,54 `${targetStats.median.toFixed(2)} (± ${targetStats.medianAbsoluteDeviation.toFixed(2)}ms)`,55 sign + relativeTrend.toFixed(1) + 'ms (' + percentage.toFixed(1) + '%)' + (includeEmojiTrend ? ` ${comparisonEmoji}` : '')56 ]57}58function generateRowsFromComparison<RowType>(stats: ResultComparison, handler: (node: ResultComparisonBenchmark, parentName: string) => RowType[], name: string = '', initialRows: RowType[] = []) {59 if (stats.type === "project" || stats.type === "group") {60 return stats.comparisons.reduce((rows, node): RowType[] => {61 if (node.type === "project" || node.type === "group") {62 return generateRowsFromComparison(node, handler,, rows);63 } else if (node.type === "benchmark") {64 rows.push(...handler(node, name));65 }66 return rows;67 }, initialRows);68 } else {69 return initialRows;70 }71}72function significantlyChangedRows(stats: ResultComparison, threshold: number, name: string = '', initialRows: SignificantlyChangedSummary = { improved: [], regressed: [] }) {73 const highThreshold = Math.abs(threshold); // handle whether the threshold is positive or negative74 const lowThreshold = -1 * highThreshold;75 if (stats.type === "project" || stats.type === "group") {76 return stats.comparisons.reduce((rows, node): SignificantlyChangedSummary => {77 if (node.type === "project" || node.type === "group") {78 return significantlyChangedRows(node, threshold,, rows);79 } else if (node.type === "benchmark") {80 // for the significantly changed summary, we only check for aggregate81 const metrics = node.metrics.aggregate;82 if (metrics) {83 const { baseStats, targetStats, samplesComparison } = metrics;84 85 if (samplesComparison !== 0 && baseStats.median > 1 && targetStats.median > 1) { // ensures passes Mann-Whiteney U test and results are more than 1ms86 const percentage = (Math.abs(baseStats.median - targetStats.median) / baseStats.median) * 100;87 const relativeTrend = targetStats.median - baseStats.median;88 const relativePercentage = Math.sign(relativeTrend) * percentage;89 const row = generateRow(`${name}/${}`, metrics, false);90 if (relativePercentage < lowThreshold) { // less than a negative is GOOD (things got faster)91 rows.improved.push(row);92 } else if (relativePercentage > highThreshold) { // more than a positive is WORSE (things got slower)93 rows.regressed.push(row);94 }95 }96 }97 }98 return rows;99 }, initialRows)100 } else {101 return initialRows;102 }103}104function generateAllRows(stats: ResultComparison) {105 return generateRowsFromComparison(stats, (node, parentName) => {106 const rows: string[][] = [];107 const emptyFields = Array.apply(null, Array(3)).map(() => '-');108 rows.push([`${parentName}/${}`, ...emptyFields]);109 Object.keys(node.metrics).forEach(metric => {110 const metrics = node.metrics[metric as BenchmarkMetricNames];111 if (metrics) {112 rows.push(generateRow(padding(1) + metric, metrics, true));113 }114 })115 return rows;116 })117}118function generateCommentWithTables(result: BenchmarkComparison, handler: (node: ResultComparisonProject | ResultComparisonGroup, baseCommit: string, targetCommit: string) => MarkdownTable[]) {119 const { baseCommit, targetCommit, comparisons } = result;120 const grouped: GroupedTables = comparisons.reduce((tables, node): GroupedTables => {121 if (node.type === "project" || node.type === "group") {122 const markdownTables = handler(node, baseCommit, targetCommit);123 if (markdownTables.length) {124 return {125 ...tables,126 []: markdownTables127 }128 }129 return tables;130 }131 return tables;132 }, <GroupedTables>{});133 return generateMarkdownFromGroupedTables(grouped);134}135export function generateComparisonSummary(result: BenchmarkComparison, threshold: number) {136 return generateCommentWithTables(result, (node, base, target) => {137 const changes = significantlyChangedRows(node, threshold);138 const tables: MarkdownTable[] = [];139 140 if (changes.improved.length) {141 tables.push({142 table: {143 headers: [`✅ Improvements`, `base (\`${base}\`)`, `target (\`${target}\`)`, 'trend'],144 rows: changes.improved145 }146 })147 }148 if (changes.regressed.length) {149 tables.push({150 table: {151 headers: [`❌ Regressions`, `base (\`${base}\`)`, `target (\`${target}\`)`, 'trend'],152 rows: changes.regressed153 }154 });155 }156 return tables;157 })158}159function generateAllRowsTable(baseCommit: string, targetCommit: string, stats: ResultComparison): MarkdownTable {160 const { name: benchmarkName } = stats;161 const mdName = benchmarkName.replace('.benchmark', '');162 return {163 table: {164 headers: [`${mdName}`, `base (\`${baseCommit}\`)`, `target (\`${targetCommit}\`)`, 'trend'],165 rows: generateAllRows(stats)166 }167 }168}169export function generateComparisonComment(result: BenchmarkComparison) {170 const tablesMarkdown = generateCommentWithTables(result, (node, base, target) => {171 const tables = => {172 return generateAllRowsTable(base, target, child);173 })174 return tables;175 });176 return `# Full Results\n\n${tablesMarkdown}`;177}178// this takes all the results and recursively goes through them179// then it creates a flat list of all of the percentages of change180export function generatePercentages(stats: ResultComparison): number[] {181 return generateRowsFromComparison(stats, (node, parentName) => {182 const rows: number[] = [];183 Object.keys(node.metrics).map(metricName => {184 const metrics = node.metrics[metricName as BenchmarkMetricNames];185 if (metrics) {186 const { baseStats, targetStats, samplesComparison } = metrics;187 const baseMed = baseStats.median;188 const targetMed = targetStats.median;189 190 const percentage = Math.abs((baseMed - targetMed) / baseMed * 100);191 const relativeTrend = targetMed - baseMed;192 // ensures passes Mann-Whiteney U test and results are more than 1ms193 if (samplesComparison !== 0 && baseMed > 1 && targetMed > 1) {194 rows.push(Math.sign(relativeTrend) * percentage);195 } else {196 rows.push(0); // otherwise we count it as zero197 }198 }199 })200 return rows;201 })...

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Source:comparison1.ts Github


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1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2019,, inc.3 * All rights reserved.4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT5 * For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or*/7import { BenchmarkComparison } from '@best/types';8const comparison: BenchmarkComparison = {9 "baseCommit": "abcdef0",10 "targetCommit": "1234567",11 "comparisons": [12 {13 "type": "project",14 "name": "project-foo",15 "comparisons": [16 {17 "type": "group",18 "name": "bar.benchmark",19 "comparisons": [20 {21 "type": "group",22 "name": "bar 1",23 "comparisons": [24 {25 "type": "benchmark",26 "name": "fibonacci 15",27 "metrics": {28 "script": {29 "baseStats": {30 "samples": [31 0.195,32 0.135,33 0.14,34 0.345,35 0.13536 ],37 "sampleSize": 5,38 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,39 "mean": 0.19,40 "median": 0.14,41 "variance": 0.007,42 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.00543 },44 "targetStats": {45 "samples": [46 0.225,47 0.125,48 0.17,49 0.23,50 0.14551 ],52 "sampleSize": 5,53 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,54 "mean": 0.179,55 "median": 0.17,56 "variance": 0.002,57 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.04558 },59 "samplesComparison": 060 },61 "aggregate": {62 "baseStats": {63 "samples": [64 1.27,65 0.28,66 0.305,67 0.775,68 0.5669 ],70 "sampleSize": 5,71 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,72 "mean": 0.638,73 "median": 0.56,74 "variance": 0.133,75 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.25576 },77 "targetStats": {78 "samples": [79 1.505,80 0.575,81 0.78,82 0.475,83 0.73584 ],85 "sampleSize": 5,86 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,87 "mean": 0.814,88 "median": 0.735,89 "variance": 0.131384,90 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.16091 },92 "samplesComparison": 093 }94 }95 },96 {97 "type": "benchmark",98 "name": "fibonacci 38",99 "metrics": {100 "script": {101 "baseStats": {102 "samples": [103 498.465,104 475.37,105 473.74,106 478.11,107 471.91108 ],109 "sampleSize": 5,110 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,111 "mean": 479.519,112 "median": 475.37,113 "variance": 93.889,114 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 2.740115 },116 "targetStats": {117 "samples": [118 478.37,119 476.67,120 471.725,121 482.67,122 479.44123 ],124 "sampleSize": 5,125 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,126 "mean": 477.775,127 "median": 478.37,128 "variance": 12.982,129 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 1.7130 },131 "samplesComparison": 0132 },133 "aggregate": {134 "baseStats": {135 "samples": [136 498.735,137 475.635,138 473.955,139 478.305,140 472.14141 ],142 "sampleSize": 5,143 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,144 "mean": 479.754,145 "median": 475.635,146 "variance": 94.189,147 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 2.670148 },149 "targetStats": {150 "samples": [151 478.61,152 477.005,153 471.93,154 482.89,155 479.71156 ],157 "sampleSize": 5,158 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,159 "mean": 478.029,160 "median": 478.61,161 "variance": 13.008,162 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 1.605163 },164 "samplesComparison": 0165 }166 }167 }168 ]169 }170 ]171 },172 {173 "type": "group",174 "name": "baz.benchmark",175 "comparisons": [176 {177 "type": "group",178 "name": "baz 1",179 "comparisons": [180 {181 "type": "benchmark",182 "name": "fibonacci",183 "metrics": {184 "script": {185 "baseStats": {186 "samples": [187 0.215,188 0.25,189 0.355,190 0.325,191 0.355192 ],193 "sampleSize": 5,194 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,195 "mean": 0.3,196 "median": 0.325,197 "variance": 0.003,198 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.03199 },200 "targetStats": {201 "samples": [202 0.185,203 0.2,204 0.16,205 0.19,206 0.375207 ],208 "sampleSize": 5,209 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,210 "mean": 0.222,211 "median": 0.19,212 "variance": 0.006,213 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.01214 },215 "samplesComparison": 0216 },217 "aggregate": {218 "baseStats": {219 "samples": [220 1.29,221 1.02,222 0.735,223 0.585,224 0.615225 ],226 "sampleSize": 5,227 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,228 "mean": 0.849,229 "median": 0.735,230 "variance": 0.072,231 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.15232 },233 "targetStats": {234 "samples": [235 1.22,236 0.885,237 0.335,238 0.675,239 0.705240 ],241 "sampleSize": 5,242 "samplesQuantileThreshold": 0.8,243 "mean": 0.764,244 "median": 0.705,245 "variance": 0.084,246 "medianAbsoluteDeviation": 0.180247 },248 "samplesComparison": 0249 }250 }251 }252 ]253 }254 ]255 }256 ]257 }258 ]259}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestPractice = require('./bestPractice.js');2var bp = new BestPractice();3var sample1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];4var sample2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];5var result = bp.samplesComparison(sample1, sample2);6console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./BestMatch');2var fs = require('fs');3var samples = fs.readFileSync('samples.txt').toString().split("4");5var test = fs.readFileSync('test.txt').toString().split("6");7var bestMatch = new BestMatch();8var result = bestMatch.samplesComparison(samples, test);9console.log(result);10var BestMatch = function(){};11BestMatch.prototype.samplesComparison = function(samples, test){12 var result = [];13 var sample = [];14 var sampleName = "";15 var sampleData = "";16 var sampleLength = 0;17 var testLength = test.length;18 var i = 0;19 var j = 0;20 var k = 0;21 var l = 0;22 var count = 0;23 var percent = 0;24 var temp = 0;25 var tempName = "";26 var tempData = "";27 var tempLength = 0;28 for(i=0; i<samples.length; i++){29 if(samples[i] == ""){30 continue;31 }32 sample = samples[i].split(" ");33 sampleName = sample[0];34 sampleData = sample[1];35 sampleLength = sampleData.length;36 count = 0;37 percent = 0;38 for(j=0; j<testLength; j++){39 if(test[j] == ""){40 continue;41 }42 for(k=0; k<sampleLength; k++){43 if(test[j] == sampleData[k]){44 count++;45 }46 }47 }48 percent = (count/sampleLength)*100;49 result.push({"name":sampleName, "percent":percent});50 }51 for(l=0; l<result.length; l++){52 for(m=l+1; m<result.length; m++){53 if(result[l].percent < result[m].percent){54 temp = result[l].percent;55 tempName = result[l].name;56 result[l].percent = result[m].percent;57 result[l].name = result[m].name;58 result[m].percent = temp;59 result[m].name = tempName;60 }61 }62 }63 return result;

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1var samplesComparison = require('./BestMatch.js').samplesComparison;2var sample1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];3var sample2 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];4var sample3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];5var sample4 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11];6var bestMatch = new samplesComparison(sample1, sample2, sample3, sample4);7var result = bestMatch.getBestMatch();8console.log(result);9var samplesComparison = require('./BestMatch.js').samplesComparison;10var sample1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];11var sample2 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];12var sample3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];13var sample4 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11];14var bestMatch = new samplesComparison(sample1, sample2, sample3, sample4);15var result = bestMatch.getBestMatch();16console.log(result);17var samplesComparison = require('./BestMatch.js').samplesComparison;18var sample1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];19var sample2 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];20var sample3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

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Using AI Code Generation


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1console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));2console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));3console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));4console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));5console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));6console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));7console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));8console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));9console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));10console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));11console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));12console.log(BestMatch.samplesComparison("string1", "string2"));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require("./bestMatch");2var bestMatch = new BestMatch();3var sampleTexts = ["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."];4var targetTexts = ["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."];5var result = bestMatch.samplesComparison(sampleTexts, targetTexts);6console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import BestMatch from './BestMatch.js';2let bm = new BestMatch();3let sample1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];4let sample2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];5let match = bm.samplesComparison(sample1, sample2);6console.log(`The match percentage is: ${match}`);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestMatch = require('./bestMatch');2var fs = require('fs');3var bm = new BestMatch();4var sampleImage = fs.readFileSync('sample.jpg');5bm.samplesComparison(sampleImage, function(err, result) {6 if (err) {7 console.log(err);8 } else {9 console.log(result);10 }11});12var BestMatch = require('./bestMatch');13var fs = require('fs');14var bm = new BestMatch();15var sampleImage = fs.readFileSync('sample.jpg');16bm.samplesComparison(sampleImage, function(err, result) {17 if (err) {18 console.log(err);19 } else {20 console.log(result);21 }22});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestPath = require('best-path');2var path1 = {3 {4 },5 {6 },7 {8 }9};10var path2 = {11 {12 },13 {14 },15 {16 }17};18var bestPath = new BestPath();19var bestPaths = bestPath.samplesComparison([path1, path2]);20console.log(bestPaths);21[ { name: 'path1', sample: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] },22 { name: 'path2', sample: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] } ]

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