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1export const Resources = [2 {3 link: "",4 image:5 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/designing-inclusive-mobile-apps.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",6 tag: "Books",7 title: "Developing Inclusive Mobile Apps",8 description: "Building Accessible Apps for iOS and Android.",9 },10 {11 link: "",12 image:13 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/inclusivedesign.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",14 tag: "Books",15 title:16 "Inclusive Design for a Digital World - Designing with Accessibility in Mind",17 description:18 "What is inclusive design? It is simple.It means that your product has been created with the intention of being accessible to as many different users as possible.",19 },20 {21 link: "",22 image:23 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/paste.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",24 tag: "Design Systems",25 title: " Paste",26 description:27 "Design System for creating high quality, inclusive customer engagement experiences.",28 },29 {30 link: "",31 image:32 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/csstricks.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",33 tag: "Design Patterns",34 title: " Striking a Balance Between Native and CustomSelect Elements",35 description:36 "This âhybridâ select is anotherattempt to create a good looking select while getting as many native features as possible.",37 },38 {39 link: "",40 image:41 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/nhs.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",42 tag: "Guides",43 title: " Making information and the words we useaccessible",44 description:45 "The best way to find out how to makeinformation accessible is to ask the person or the people you will be giving the information to.",46 },47 {48 link: "",49 image:50 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/feather-logo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",51 tag: "Guides",52 title: " Inclusive teaching - audio describing your ownpresentations",53 description:54 "Hereâs some practical tips andexamples that show how some small changes in the language you use can make a significant difference for people in the audience that benefit from your descriptions of the visuals.",55 },56 {57 link: "",58 image:59 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/wcag-guides.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",60 tag: "Guides",61 title: " WCAG easy!",62 description:63 "Understand once and for all how toproperly apply WCAG in your digital products.",64 },65 {66 link: "",67 image:68 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/shopify.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",69 tag: "Mobile",70 title: " Mobile Accessibility - How to Build Apps thatWork for All Users",71 description:72 "On the web, weâve made a lot ofprogress, and itâs generally accepted that accessibility is crucial in creating digital products thateveryone can use with ease.Mobile accessibility, on the other hand, is still fraught with problems.",73 },74 {75 link: "",76 image:77 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/brunomag.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",78 tag: "Software & Tools",79 title: " Typographic accessibility in more detail",80 description:81 "The three pillars of accessibility -emotional, functional and technical - can be applied to any output whether that is a product or a service.Each industry and sector will have its own specific definitions relevant to their output.",82 },83 {84 link: "",85 image:86 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",87 tag: "Web Standards",88 title:89 " Making Content Usable for People with Cognitiveand Learning Disabilities",90 description:91 "This document is for people who makeweb content(web pages) and web applications.It gives advice on how to make content usable for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.",92 },93 {94 link: "",95 image:96 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/alicia-design.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",97 tag: "Article",98 title: " What is Inclusive Design, anyways ?",99 description:100 "Inclusive Design is design thatconsiders the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human difference.",101 },102 {103 link: "",104 image:105 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/eric-logo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",106 tag: "Blog",107 title: " Eric Bailey's Blog",108 description: "Blog on accessible and inclusivedesign.",109 },110 {111 link: "",112 image:113 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sarahhigley.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",114 tag: "Blog",115 title: " Sarah Higley's Blog",116 description: "A collection ofaccessibility - focused articles.",117 },118 {119 link: "",120 image:121 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/fingerspelling.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",122 tag: "Software & Tools",123 title: " Fingerspelling",124 description:125 "Learn the ABC in American SignLanguage with machine learning.",126 },127 {128 link: "",129 image:130 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/scotthara.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",131 tag: "Blog",132 title: " Scott O'Hara's Blog",133 description: "A collection of articles onaccessibility and UX.",134 },135 {136 link: "",137 image:138 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hassell-inclusion.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",139 tag: "Podcast",140 title: " Digital Accessibility Experts Podcast by HassellInclusion",141 description:142 "Whether you call it Inclusive Designor Digital Accessibility, whether you're an individual with a passion or an organisation wanting to knowmore, this podcast explores a range of topics on accessibility.Hosted by Jonathan Hassell, its aim is toshare inspiration, expertise, and hints and tips to help speed you on your digital accessibility journey. ",143 },144 {145 link: "",146 image:147 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hassell-inclusion.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",148 tag: "Blog",149 title: " Hassell Inclusion Blog",150 description:151 "Regular blogs from the HassellInclusion team on a range of topics from the strategic through to the more practical.",152 },153 {154 link: "",155 image:156 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/twenty-four-accessibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",157 tag: "Article",158 title: " Pixels vs.Relative Units in CSS - why itâs stilla big deal",159 description:160 "Long live the modern browser!Browsers are getting better these days.We seem to be in a golden age where thereâs a never - ending stream ofnew features added for the benefit of the users accessing the page, and really great tools for those creating the page.",161 },162 {163 link: "",164 image:165 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/humane.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",166 tag: "Resources",167 title: " Humane by Design",168 description:169 "A resource that provides guidancefor designing ethically humane digital products through patterns focused on user well - being.",170 },171 {172 link: "",173 image:174 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/accessible-form-fields.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",175 tag: "Resources",176 title: " Accessible Form Fields",177 description: "A small figma component foraccessible form fields.",178 },179 {180 link: "",181 image:182 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11yspace.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",183 tag: "Resources",184 title: " Webflow accessibility",185 description: "Make your Webflow sites accessible.",186 },187 {188 link: "",189 image:190 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/nng.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",191 tag: "Article",192 title: " Opening Links in New Browser Windows and Tabs",193 description:194 "Carefully examine the userâscontext, task at hand, and next steps when deciding whether to open links to documents and external sites in the same or a new browser tab.",195 },196 {197 link: "",198 image:199 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/editoria11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",200 tag: "Software & Tools",201 title: " Editoria11y",202 description:203 "In many ways, Editoria11y is astopgap solution.Most of the mistakes it catches were made because we placed new expectations on contentauthors('tag your content with good structure'), but gave them tools that encouraged the opposite.The path forward is to make accessible content creation easier, and as automatic as possible.",204 },205 {206 link: "",207 image:208 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",209 tag: "Blog",210 title: " Manuel Matuzovic Blog",211 description:212 "Follow Manuel's blog for anyfront - end accessibility guides, tutorials, and resources.",213 },214 {215 link: "",216 image:217 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/levelaccess.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",218 tag: "Resources",219 title:220 " The 2020 State of Digital Accessibility ReportThe Education Sector",221 description:222 "This report is designed to be readas a companion to the 2020 State of Digital Accessibility Report(SODAR), published by Level Access in collaboration with G3ict and IAAP.",223 },224 {225 link: "",226 image:227 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hiddedevries.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",228 tag: "Design Patterns",229 title: " Heading structures are tables of contents",230 description:231 "The heading structure of a web pageis like its table of contents.It gives people who canât see your page a way to navigate it without readingeverything.",232 },233 {234 link: "",235 image:236 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/webdev-google.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",237 tag: "Guides",238 title: " Accessibility for teams",239 description:240 "Making your site more accessible canbe a daunting task.If you are approaching accessibility for the first time, the sheer breadth of the topiccan leave you wondering where to start.",241 },242 {243 link: "",244 image:245 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/futurelearn.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",246 tag: "Courses & Certificates",247 title: " Digital Accessibility",248 description:249 "This course will help you tounderstand how those with sensory, physical and cognitive impairments may be disabled by barriersencountered when using digital technologies.The course will highlight how the use of accessible andinclusive design can help overcome many of these difficulties.",250 },251 {252 link: "",253 image:254 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",255 tag: "Courses & Certificates",256 title: " Information and Communication Technology(ICT)Accessibility",257 description:258 "edx In this introductory course,learn how to measure an organizationâs ICT accessibility and assess the importance of maintaining aninclusive workplace for both employees and customers with disabilities.",259 },260 {261 link: "",262 image:263 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/deque.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",264 tag: "Screen Reader",265 title: " Screen Reader Keyboard Shortcuts and Gestures",266 description: "List of screen reader keyboardshortcuts and gestures.",267 },268 {269 link: "",270 image:271 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/tpgi.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",272 tag: "Contrast Checker",273 title: " Color Contrast Checker",274 description:275 "Evaluating your design for colorcontrast is a critical aspect of accessibility testing and organizations may benefit from appropriate userexperience training and expertise to ensure proper contrast.",276 },277 {278 link: "",279 image:280 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sara-blogs.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",281 tag: "Video",282 title:283 " Applied Accessibility: Practical Tips forCreating more Accessible Front - Ends",284 description:285 "As front-end developers, we aretasked with building the front end of a Web site or application â in other words, we are building the userâsend of an interface.This is why it is crucial that we ensure that the front - end foundations that we buildare as inclusive of and accessible to as many users as possible.",286 },287 {288 link: "",289 image:290 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/web-axe.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",291 tag: "Blog",292 title: " Web Axe",293 description: "Blog and podcast on webaccessibility",294 },295 {296 link: "",297 image:298 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",299 tag: "Developer Tools",300 title: "Accessible Components",301 description: "Listing of accessible components & amp; patterns.",302 },303 {304 link: "",305 image:306 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/web-axe.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",307 tag: "Curated List",308 title: " Web Accessible Code Libraries and Design Patterns",309 description:310 "Within a web developmentorganization, itâs ideal to maintain(and enforce usage of) design patterns and a components library.Andthey should work together; design patterns create consistency among visual elements across projects and thecomponents library creates consistent implementation of those patterns during development.",311 },312 {313 " link": "",314 image:315 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",316 tag: "Developer Tools",317 title: " The Accessibility of Styled Form Controls",318 description:319 "A repository of styled and styled form control elements and markup patterns, and how they are announced by screen readers.",320 },321 {322 link: "",323 image:324 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/gov-uk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",325 tag: "Design Patterns",326 title: " Patterns â GOV.UK Design System",327 description:328 "gov-uk Patterns are best practicedesign solutions for specific user - focused tasks and page types.",329 },330 {331 link: "",332 image:333 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/gov-uk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",334 tag: "Design Patterns",335 title: " Components â GOV.UK Design System",336 description:337 "Components are reusable parts of theuser interface that have been made to support a variety of applications.",338 },339 {340 link: "",341 image:342 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/smashing.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",343 tag: "Newsletters",344 title:345 " Smashing Newsletter: Issue #289 âUseful librariesand case studies to get Accessibility just right",346 description:347 "Building accessible pages andapplications isnât easy.We have to keep in mind how our sites and applications work with a keyboard alone, whether navigation landmarks are properly assigned, how updates are announced by a screen reader, andwhether we avoid any inaccessible libraries or third - party scripts.And then, for every component we arebuilding, we need to ensure that we keep them accessible over time.",348 },349 {350 link: "",351 image:352 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hbo-max.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",353 tag: "Article",354 title: " HBO Max adds key accessibility feature forvisually impaired users",355 description:356 "The service now offers audiodescriptions for content, which describes what is happening on the screen beyond the dialog and soundeffects.This feature is joined by multiple other changes intended to improve accessibility.",357 },358 {359 link: "",360 image:361 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/pocket-biases.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",362 tag: "Cognitive Biases",363 title: " Pocket Biases",364 description: "Keep your friends close and yourcognitive biases closer.",365 },366 {367 link: "",368 image:369 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",370 tag: "Cognitive Biases",371 title:372 " Psychology of Design: 101 Cognitive Biases & amp;Principles That Affect Your UX",373 description:374 "growth-design Improve your userexperience, you need to understand the biases & amp; heuristics affecting those four decision - cycle steps. ",375 },376 {377 link: "",378 image:379 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/bbc-gel.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",380 tag: "Article",381 title: " Designing for Global Users",382 description:383 "How does the World Service go aboutdesigning and delivering to 40 million users a week in 40 languages ? ",384 },385 {386 link: "",387 image:388 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/stephanie.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",389 tag: "Cognitive Biases",390 title: " 52 UX Cards to Discover Cognitive Biases",391 description:392 "Cognitive biases are psychologicalthought mechanisms and tendencies that cause the human brain to draw incorrect conclusions.",393 },394 {395 link: "",396 image:397 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/qvik.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",398 tag: "Accessibility Personas",399 title: " Four personas to help you create accessibledigital services",400 description:401 "These four personas capture avariety of reasons why accessibility is a consideration in the first place.There are millions of people in the world who have special needs when it comes to digital services.",402 },403 {404 link: "",405 image:406 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",407 tag: "Accessibility Personas",408 title: " Diverse Abilities and Barriers",409 description: "How people with disabilities use theweb.",410 },411 {412 link: "",413 image:414 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/gov-uk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",415 tag: "Inclusive Design Generators",416 title: " Home Office Posters",417 description:418 "Home Office repository of posterscovering different topics - research, access needs, accessibility and design.",419 },420 {421 link: "",422 image:423 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/microsoft.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",424 tag: "Resources",425 title: " Microsoft Inclusive Design Resources",426 description:427 "Practice new skills, develop newconcepts, or create a prototypeâthe toolkit is made to be retrofitted to your design teamâs goals.Downloadeverything here, and start exploring!",428 },429 {430 link: "",431 image:432 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/empathy-maker.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",433 tag: "Inclusive Design Generators",434 title: " Empathy maker",435 description:436 "Generate inclusive personas to seeunique disabilities and physical contexts.",437 },438 {439 link: "",440 image:441 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/idean.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",442 tag: "Inclusive Design Generators",443 title: " Cards for Humanity",444 description: "A practical tool for inclusivedesign.",445 },446 {447 link: "",448 image:449 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/adobe.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",450 tag: "PDF",451 title: " Create and verify PDF accessibility, Acrobat Pro",452 description:453 "Acrobat tools make it easy to createaccessible PDFs and check the accessibility of existing PDFs.",454 },455 {456 link: "",457 image:458 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",459 tag: "EPUB",460 title: " EPUB Accessibility",461 description:462 "This document specifies contentconformance requirements for verifying the accessibility of EPUB Publications.It also specifiesaccessibility metadata requirements for the discoverability of EPUB Publications.",463 },464 {465 link: "",466 image:467 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/atlassian.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",468 tag: "Design Systems",469 title: " Atlassian Design System",470 description:471 "Use Atlassianâs end-to-end designlanguage to create simple, intuitive and beautiful experiences.",472 },473 {474 link: "",475 image:476 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/theguardian.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",477 tag: "Design Patterns",478 title: " The Guardian Digital Design Style Guide",479 description: "The Guardian's design patternsexplained.",480 },481 {482 link: "",483 image:484 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/mac.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",485 tag: "Organization",486 title: " Museum, Arts and Culture Access Consortium",487 description:488 "MAC is an organization strivingtoward increasing access to NYCâs cultural institutions for the disability community through connection, education, and advocacy.",489 },490 {491 link: "",492 image:493 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/bbc-gel.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",494 tag: "Design Systems",495 title: " BBC GEL",496 description:497 "BBC and UX&D Design System thatfocuses on every day's stuff that makes things special, as well as the stuff that makes things happen.",498 },499 {500 link: "",501 image:502 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/gomakethings.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",503 tag: "Article",504 title:505 " There's no such thing as a website or web appthat doesn't need to be accessible",506 description:507 "In many countries around the world, accessibility is a legal requirement.Itâs quite literally your jobâyour professional obligationâto buildwebsite and web apps that are accessible.",508 },509 {510 link: "",511 image:512 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/component-gallery.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",513 tag: "Design Patterns",514 title: " The Component Gallery",515 description:516 "Designed to be a reference foranyone building component - based user interfaces, is an up - to - date repository of interface components basedon examples from the world of design systems.",517 },518 {519 link: "",520 image:521 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/representationplus.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",522 tag: "Article",523 title: " 5 Ways to Make Your Communications More Inclusive",524 description:525 "Communication is one area where youcan make a real difference in how connected and involved everyone in your organisation feels.Ourcommunications, internal and external, are incredibly visible.As a result, they can come to define yourorganisationâs culture and so must communicate your approach to inclusivity too.",526 },527 {528 link: "",529 image:530 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/zendesk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",531 tag: "Article",532 title: " Start using inclusive language with your team andcustomers",533 description:534 "Inclusive language impacts almostevery aspect of a business: attracting and retaining customers, hiring and keeping talented people, increasing productivity, and driving innovation.To get started, you need to understand why inclusivelanguage matters, and how companies use it.You must also develop tactics to get your team to embrace it. ",535 },536 {537 link: "",538 image:539 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/audioaccessibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",540 tag: "Article",541 title: " Captioning Reading Experience Survey Results",542 description:543 "Captions are more than just addingtext.Captioning is an art and not something that can be learned overnight.",544 },545 {546 link: "",547 image:548 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/svk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",549 tag: "Curated List",550 title: " Svetlanaâs Accessibility Advent Calendar 2020",551 description:552 "Accessibility is a very huge andever changing field with many different specializations.So itâs not possible to share all information in one article.The goal of this article is to help you better understand how accessibility benefits both yourbusiness and customers and why it is important to take action on making accessibility part of your dailybusiness activities.",553 },554 {555 link: "",556 image:557 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/svk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",558 tag: "Article",559 title:560 " ADA 30th Anniversary - A Perspective from a DeafAccessibility Consultant",561 description:562 "Accessibility is not charity. Itâs acost of doing business just like any other business expenses.Also, accessibility is not one time thing tobe resolved at the end of the project.It cannot be magically solved by all technologies.",563 },564 {565 link: "",566 image:567 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/why-build-accessible.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",568 tag: "Article",569 title: " Why build accessible products ?",570 description:571 "Itâs important to make a productapplicable, handy, and inclusive for people with different abilities.",572 },573 {574 link: "",575 image:576 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sarah-fossheim.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",577 tag: "Tutorials",578 title:579 " How to create a screen reader accessible graphlike Apple's with D3.js",580 description: "Creating a accessible screen readergraph with D3.js.",581 },582 {583 link: "",584 image:585 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/how-to-write-inclusive-products.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",586 tag: "Copywriting",587 title: " How to write inclusive, accessible digitalproducts",588 description:589 "The first goal of good UX writing isusability.Before you give digital products personality, those products need to make sense.That means thewords need to work for everyone.",590 },591 {592 link: "",593 image:594 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/designing-sound.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",595 tag: "Books",596 title: " Designing Sound",597 description:598 "A practitioner's guide to the basicprinciples of creating sound effects using easily accessed free software.",599 },600 {601 link: "",602 image:603 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a-day-in-our-shoes.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",604 tag: "Article",605 title:606 " Special Needs vs Disabled ? The new term to sayinstead of Special Needs",607 description:608 "Itâs not new at all. Disabled.Disability.Itâs ok to say the word.",609 },610 {611 link: "",612 image:613 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",614 tag: "Article",615 title: " Designing accessible products",616 description:617 "An accessible product â in itâssimplest sense is making sure that all of your users can consume your content.The products we work on aredesigned with the perceived majority of our users in mind â users who do not experience any difficulty in using a web or mobile application.",618 },619 {620 link: "",621 image:622 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/disability-visibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",623 tag: "Books",624 title: " Disability Visibility",625 description: "First-person stories from thetwenty - first century.",626 },627 {628 link: "",629 image:630 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11ynyc.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",631 tag: "Video",632 title: " Designing With Accessibility in Mind",633 description:634 "Shaping the future of design is allof our responsibility and this ends and begins with consideration for people.In a world where more than abillion people are disabled, we must keep in mind making accessible products.Universal Design and UserCentered design is at the heart of making products for all of our users.",635 },636 {637 link: "",638 image:639 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/intopia.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",640 tag: "Article",641 title: " Disability Inclusive Usability Testing",642 description: "Remote communication as a new norm.",643 },644 {645 link: "",646 image:647 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/affecttheverb-free-stocks.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",648 tag: "Inclusive Stock Images",649 title: " Disabled And Here: Free stock images",650 description:651 "This stock collection is adisability - led effort to provide free and inclusive images from our own perspective, with photos andillustrations celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color(BIPOC).",652 },653 {654 link: "",655 image:656 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a-book-part.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",657 tag: "Books",658 title: " Design for Cognitive Bias, A Book Apart",659 description:660 "Understand the logic powering humanbias and learn to start designing more consciously.",661 },662 {663 link: "",664 image:665 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/design-justice.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",666 tag: "Books",667 title: " Design Justice",668 description:669 "An exploration of how design mightbe led by marginalized communities, dismantle structural inequality, and advance collective liberation andecological survival.",670 },671 {672 link: "",673 image:674 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a-list-part.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",675 tag: "Article",676 title:677 " Color Craft & amp; Counterpoint: A Designerâs Lifewith Color Vision Deficiency â A List Apart",678 description:679 "So, what is it like to be colorblind and also work in the web design and development industry ? ",680 },681 {682 link: "",683 image:684 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/color-contrast-grid.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",685 tag: "Figma",686 title: " Color Contrast Grid",687 description:688 "Make a grid of accessible colorcombinations from your document's paint colours.",689 },690 {691 link: "",692 image:693 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",694 tag: "Article",695 title: " Ash Guillaume's Notes - Creative South 2019",696 description:697 "We have a responsibility as acommunity to hold each other accountable, and push our benchmark for world class design higher.",698 },699 {700 link: "",701 image:702 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",703 tag: "Article",704 title:705 " Beyond the Binary: 5 steps to designing genderinclusive fields in your product",706 description:707 "As a primer: oneâs genderexpression, gender identity, and gender assigned at birth may or may not be one and the same.Rather, peoplemay have an infinite variety of gendered experience in the world.",708 },709 {710 link: "",711 image:712 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/aeon-universal.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",713 tag: "Article",714 title: " An environment designed to suit every body isbetter for all",715 description:716 "At every turn, the design of ourenvironments either creates barriers or opens doors.Letâs design a more humane world.",717 },718 {719 link: "",720 image:721 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/access-slide.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",722 tag: "Developer Tools",723 title: " AccessSlide",724 description:725 "An accessible and modernHTML5 - CSS - JS framework for presentation.",726 },727 {728 link: "",729 image:730 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/giant-robot.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",731 tag: "Podcast",732 title: " Giant Robots - Accessible, Ethical, Inclusive",733 description:734 "Cat Noone, CEO of Stark, shares anoverview of accessible design, dreams for shaping a more accessible future, helming custom support with a small team, and her motivation to create.",735 },736 {737 link: "",738 image:739 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/microsoft-logo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",740 tag: "Courses & Certificates",741 title: " Accessibility fundamentals",742 description:743 "Technology can empower people toachieve more, help strengthen education opportunities, and make the workplace more inviting and inclusivefor people with disabilities.",744 },745 {746 link: "",747 image:748 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/microsoft-logo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",749 tag: "Article",750 title:751 " Accessibility Evolution Model: Creating Clarity in your Accessibility Journey",752 description:753 "Weâre often asked what the secret isto our approach to accessibility and inclusion at Microsoft.The simple answer is, we manage it like abusiness.",754 },755 {756 link: "",757 image:758 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/apple-accessibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",759 tag: "Developer Tools",760 title: " Accessibility - Apple Developer",761 description:762 "Apple devices come standard withaward - winning accessibility features that let people experience everything Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV have to offer.And with accessibility APIs on all Apple platforms, you can make your appsseamlessly functional for a broad range of users.",763 },764 {765 link: "",766 image:767 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",768 tag: "Video",769 title: " Announcing âAccess, â a Short Film AboutAccessibility",770 description:771 "A short documentary aboutaccessibility.It follows Cory Joseph through a typical day, showing how he uses his smartphone, Brailledisplay, tactile watch, and guide dog(named Vine) to navigate the world.",772 },773 {774 link: "",775 image:776 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/npr.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",777 tag: "Article",778 title: " 'Disabled': Just #SayTheWord",779 description:780 "To be seen for who we are in our ownright, and for what we experience, is, I think, a desire common to everyone.",781 },782 {783 link: "",784 image:785 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ava.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",786 tag: "Software",787 title: " AVA",788 description:789 "Empowering Deaf &hard - of - hearing people and inclusive organizations with the best live captioning solution for any situation. ",790 },791 {792 link: "",793 image:794 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/13-books-for-your-child.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",795 tag: "Article",796 title:797 " 13 Books To Buy Your Child If Youâre Trying ToTeach Them About Disabilities",798 description: "Books to help raise awareness forany age.",799 },800 {801 link: "",802 image:803 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/smashing.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",804 tag: "Developer Tools",805 title: " A Complete Guide To Accessible Front - EndComponents",806 description:807 "Smashing Magazine's alphabeticallist of all accessible components.",808 },809 {810 link: "",811 image:812 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/be-my-eyes.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",813 tag: "Article",814 title: " Verizon is First Telecom Provider to Join Be MyEyes",815 description:816 "Blind and low-vision Verizoncustomers can now contact their mobile provider through Be My Eyes for questions about accessibility.",817 },818 {819 link: "",820 image:821 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/design-for-everyone.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",822 tag: "Resources",823 title: " Tackle accessibility in your designs with theseuseful plugins",824 description:825 "Failing to thoroughly addressaccessibility in your design means a large demographic of users may be excluded from being able to use yourproduct.Just specifying the right colors so that text has enough contrast, or providing a way for users to navigate your site with a keyboard can make all the difference in enabling them to use your product too.",826 },827 {828 link: "",829 image:830 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",831 tag: "Case Study",832 title: " Accessibility Design Research",833 description:834 "A thorough case study ofaccessibility design for WHO(World Health Organization)",835 },836 {837 link: "",838 image:839 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/smashing.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",840 tag: "Article",841 title:842 " Good, Better, Best: Untangling The Complex WorldOf Accessible Patterns",843 description:844 "By taking a bit more time tocritically think about patterns and choose the most accessible ones, we will undoubtedly create a moreinclusive space to reach more users â on their terms.",845 },846 {847 link: "",848 image:849 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sara-blogs.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",850 tag: "Article",851 title: " Accessible Text Labels For All",852 description:853 "On improving eCommerce experiencesfor screen reader users without breaking them for speech - input users.",854 },855 {856 link: "",857 image:858 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",859 tag: "Developer Tools",860 title: " A11y Color Tokens",861 description:862 "Generate accessible complementarytext or UI colors as Sass variables and / or CSS custom properties from your base color tokens.",863 },864 {865 link: "",866 image:867 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",868 tag: "Browser Extension",869 title: " AccessiByeBye",870 description:871 "If you use a screen reader and havebeen prompted to press a hotkey to turn on some website's screen reader mode, you've likely encountered thecategory of website add - ons known as accessibility overlays. ",872 },873 {874 link: "",875 image:876 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/descript.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",877 tag: "Software & Tools",878 title: " Descript",879 description:880 "A collaborative audio/video editorthat works like a doc.It includes transcription, a screen recorder, publishing, full multitrack editing, and some mind - bendingly useful AI tools.",881 },882 {883 link: "",884 image:885 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/artisan.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",886 tag: "Article",887 title:888 " How to Support Disability in your Diversity & amp;Inclusion Efforts",889 description:890 "The truth is, if youâre notfactoring in disability inclusion into your hiring process, your company is lagging in innovation.",891 },892 {893 link: "",894 image:895 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ontario-toolkit.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",896 tag: "Resources",897 title: " Inclusive Design Toolkit",898 description:899 "Use these cards early in the designprocess to help you sketch, plan, prototype and design content, interactions and processes.",900 },901 {902 link: "",903 image:904 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/aphasia.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",905 tag: "Guides",906 title: " Designing for users with Aphasia",907 description:908 "Aphasia: Language loss after strokeand other forms of brain injury.",909 },910 {911 link: "",912 image:913 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",914 tag: "Accessibility Personas",915 title: " Stories of Web Users",916 description: "How people with disabilities use theweb.",917 },918 {919 link: "",920 image:921 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",922 tag: "Developer Tools",923 title: " Trello accessibility cards generator",924 description:925 "Helper for accessibility reviewers in Trello, create the cards related for a review following the WCAG2",926 },927 {928 link: "",929 image:930 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/wcag-map.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",931 tag: "Web Standards",932 title: " Visual Map of WCAG 2.1",933 description: "Visual map of Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines 2.1",934 },935 {936 link: "",937 image:938 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/the-big-hack.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",939 tag: "Testing & Audit",940 title: " How to organise an accessibility audit",941 description:942 "An accessibility audit, whichinvolves user testing, is the only way to make sure that disabled people can use your website.But itâs alsoa great tool for raising awareness of accessibility, and the need for action, within your organisation.",943 },944 {945 link: "",946 image:947 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/techcrunch.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",948 tag: "Article",949 title: " 4 signs your product is not as accessible as youthink",950 description:951 "For too many companies,accessibility wasnât baked into their products from the start, meaning they now find themselves trying tofigure out how to inject it retrospectively.But bringing decades - long legacy code and design into thefuture isnât easy(or cheap).",952 },953 {954 link: "",955 image:956 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/radically-inclusive.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",957 tag: "Podcast",958 title: " Radically Inclusive",959 description: "Real talks on inclusion atworkplaces.",960 },961 {962 link: "",963 image:964 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ux-planet.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",965 tag: "Article",966 title: " How to design inclusive digital solutions",967 description:968 "Over the last few years, there is agrowing focus on inclusion in digital solutions.There is a need for acceptance, empathy and most importantly equality.Unfortunately with many digital products, inclusion is still just a designafterthought.",969 },970 {971 link: "",972 image:973 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ethical-design-book.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",974 tag: "Books",975 title: " Ethical Design Handbook",976 description:977 "The book by Trine Falbe, MartinMichael Frederiksen and Kim Andersen.",978 },979 {980 link: "",981 image:982 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ux-collective.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",983 tag: "Article",984 title: " Pitching accessible and inclusive designsolutions",985 description:986 "We shouldnât have to pitch the needto integrate this into our digital work process.Building solutions that are inclusive is part of ourresponsibility as designers.Everyone should care about creating solutions that a bigger audience can use. ",987 },988 {989 link: "",990 image:991 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/overlay-factsheet.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",992 tag: "Resources",993 title: " Overlay Fact Sheet",994 description:995 "Overlays are a broad term fortechnologies aimed at improving the accessibility of a website by applying third - party source code (typically JavaScript) to make improvements to the front - end code of the website.",996 },997 {998 link: "",999 image:1000 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/the-accidental-ally.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1001 tag: "Accessibility Personas",1002 title: " Accessibility Personas",1003 description:1004 "With this poster series, we hope toraise awareness of the many different kinds of invisible disability.Our hope is to elevate their stories, to build compassion for one another, to explore one of our many core beliefs.",1005 },1006 {1007 link: "",1008 image:1009 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/zone.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1010 tag: "Guides",1011 title: " Easy Lookup Web Accessibility Guidelines",1012 description:1013 "We want the process of making anaccessible website to be easier.Therefore, these guidelines contain all of the criteria needed to ensure awebsite can be used by every kind of user.They incorporate much of WCAG 2.0, but are not intended to be asubstitute for the official W3C documentation.",1014 },1015 {1016 link: "",1017 image:1018 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1019 tag: "Developer Tools",1020 title: " A11y Tools",1021 description: "JS accessibility tool list.",1022 },1023 {1024 link: "",1025 image:1026 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/whatsock.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1027 tag: "Guides",1028 title: " The Accessibility Tree",1029 description: "A training guide for advanced webdevelopment.",1030 },1031 {1032 link: "",1033 image:1034 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1035 tag: "Design Patterns",1036 title: " CSS Toggle Switch",1037 description: "Accessible CSS toggle switch usingstandard form controls",1038 },1039 {1040 link: "",1041 image:1042 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/reakit.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1043 tag: "Design Systems",1044 title: " Reakit",1045 description: "Toolkit for building accessible UIs.",1046 },1047 {1048 link: "",1049 image:1050 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1051 tag: "Design Patterns",1052 title: " React Tabs",1053 description: "An accessible and easy tab componentfor ReactJS.",1054 },1055 {1056 link: "",1057 image:1058 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1059 tag: "Design Patterns",1060 title: " React Accessible Accordion",1061 description:1062 "React Component for creating an'Accordion' that adheres to the WAI ARIA spec for accessibility.",1063 },1064 {1065 link: "",1066 image:1067 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1068 tag: "Curated List",1069 title: " Accessibility Guide",1070 description:1071 "A curated collection of webaccessibility tips, tricks, and best practices.",1072 },1073 {1074 link: "",1075 image:1076 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/front-end-masters.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1077 tag: "Courses & Certificates",1078 title: " Learn Website Accessibility and Audit Your Site",1079 description:1080 "Learn how to make your websiteapplications accessible to a larger audience.Use keyboard shortcuts and navigation to help both power - usersand those with disabilities.Make sure your website works well with screen readers and explore using ARIA tomake even the most complex UIâs fully accessible!",1081 },1082 {1083 link: "",1084 image:1085 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1086 tag: "Guides",1087 title: " ARIA Cheatsheet",1088 description: "Cheatsheet for the most common ARIARoles and Attributes.",1089 },1090 {1091 link: "",1092 image:1093 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/digital-pulse.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1094 tag: "Screen Reader",1095 title: " NVDA Keyboard Helpers",1096 description:1097 "Visual keyboard layout of majorityof the commands for NVDA screenreader software.",1098 },1099 {1100 link: "",1101 image:1102 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/cheatography.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1103 tag: "Accessibility Cheatsheet",1104 title: " Web Accessibility Resources Cheat Sheet",1105 description: "Web Resources WCAG 2.0 Checklists.",1106 },1107 {1108 link: "",1109 image:1110 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/cheatography.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1111 tag: "Accessibility Cheatsheet",1112 title: " WAI - ARIA 1.1 Cheat Sheet",1113 description: "WAI-ARIA 1.1 cheatsheet.",1114 },1115 {1116 link: "",1117 image:1118 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/cheatography.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1119 tag: "Accessibility Cheatsheet",1120 title: " Web Accessibility Basics Cheat Sheet",1121 description: "Web accessibility basic cheatsheet.",1122 },1123 {1124 link: "",1125 image:1126 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1127 tag: "Article",1128 title: " Designing for Dyslexia",1129 description:1130 "While there are severaldyslexia - specific things you can do to help someone with dyslexia better process language, I have pulled outthe 10 tips that will make your website more inclusive to dyslexic users while improving usability overall. ",1131 },1132 {1133 link: "",1134 image:1135 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/boia.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1136 tag: "Design Patterns",1137 title: " Effective and Accessible Alternatives to WebsiteCarousels",1138 description:1139 "Carousels were cutting-edge at onetime.Everyone wanted them in their redesigned websites because they seemed innovative and engaging.Itturns out, they're not engaging (at least not any longer) and users tend not to interact with them comparedto other content displays.",1140 },1141 {1142 link: "",1143 image:1144 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/boia.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1145 tag: "Copywriting",1146 title: " Keeping Content Accessible Through PeriodicChecks",1147 description:1148 "If there is any content on yourwebsite that has never been tested for accessibility, either because it's new or because your website hasn'tbeen audited before, start here.",1149 },1150 {1151 link: "",1152 image:1153 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/mozilla.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1154 tag: "Mobile",1155 title: " Mobile accessibility",1156 description:1157 "With web access on mobile devicesbeing so popular and renowned platforms such as iOS and Android having full - fledged accessibility tools, itis important to consider the accessibility of your web content on these platforms.",1158 },1159 {1160 link: "",1161 image:1162 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/mozilla.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1163 tag: "Guides",1164 title: " A good basis for accessibility",1165 description:1166 "Mozilla's guide on how HTML can beused to ensure maximum accessibility.",1167 },1168 {1169 link: "",1170 image:1171 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/better-programming.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1172 tag: "Article",1173 title: " How To Code for Accessibility in Web Apps",1174 description:1175 "Coding is a unique line of work whenyou look at its capability for inclusion.",1176 },1177 {1178 link: "",1179 image:1180 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1181 tag: "Simulator",1182 title: " Reversed Exclusion",1183 description:1184 "Creating awareness by excludingsighted people about the frustration that people with impaired vision or blindness experience almost everyday when they try to use a website with little or no accessibility.",1185 },1186 {1187 link: "",1188 image:1189 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1190 tag: "Design Patterns",1191 title: " Imagining native skip links",1192 description: "Except a skip link is not so trivialto implement.",1193 },1194 {1195 link: "",1196 image:1197 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/callumhart.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1198 tag: "Design Patterns",1199 title: " An Accessible Current Page Navigation State",1200 description:1201 "Design and technical considerationsbehind the icon that indicates what page you're currently on.",1202 },1203 {1204 link: "",1205 image:1206 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ux-planet.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1207 tag: "Article",1208 title: " Legibility in User Interfaces Guide",1209 description:1210 "Sometimes, users find it hard toread microCopy on a mobile or desktop screen either because the characters are cluttered, hazy, or too smallto read.",1211 },1212 {1213 link: "",1214 image:1215 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ux-collective.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1216 tag: "Article",1217 title: " Comparable experiences",1218 description: "The starting point for inclusivedesign.",1219 },1220 {1221 link: "",1222 image:1223 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/people-of-research.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1224 tag: "Article",1225 title: " UK Disability Survey - Our analysis, advice andmore",1226 description:1227 "This survey is hard to complete fromthe point of view of an able - bodied individual.Getting through it was, honestly⦠very painful, and whatweâre about to focus on is scraping the surface.Letâs take a look at some of the issues.",1228 },1229 {1230 link: "",1231 image:1232 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/say-my-meme.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1233 tag: "Podcast",1234 title: " Say My Meme",1235 description:1236 "Say My Meme is exactly what itsounds like: A podcast that literally describes the world's most #relevant memes, bringing the blind andsighted people together through laughter and the power of visual description.Brought to you by Will from BeMy Eyes and Caroline from Scribely.",1237 },1238 {1239 link: "",1240 image:1241 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1242 tag: "Article",1243 title: " Building an Accessibility Library",1244 description: "Making accessibility a feature, nota fix.",1245 },1246 {1247 link: "",1248 image:1249 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1250 tag: "Article",1251 title: " Why I blocked",1252 description:1253 "I mean, quite honestly, Iâm not afan of AccessiBe at all.Partly because Iâm involved with so many legal cases involving their product as anexpert witness itâs starting to make my hair Grey.",1254 },1255 {1256 link: "",1257 image:1258 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1259 tag: "Plugins",1260 title: " Retext Equality",1261 description:1262 "A plugin to check for possibleinsensitive, inconsiderate language.",1263 },1264 {1265 link: "",1266 image:1267 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/inclusverec.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1268 tag: "Organization",1269 title: " Inclusive Recreation Resource Center",1270 description:1271 "The mission of the InclusiveRecreation Resource Center(IRRC) is to promote and sustain participation by people of all abilities in inclusive recreation activities and resources.",1272 },1273 {1274 link: "",1275 image:1276 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/colorinspo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1277 tag: "Plugins",1278 title: " Colorsinspo meets Adobe XD and Figma",1279 description:1280 "Provides you Contrast checker, Colorblindness, Color palettes, solid colors, color generator, palette collections, color design systems andmore.",1281 },1282 {1283 link: "",1284 image:1285 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/adee.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1286 tag: "Plugins",1287 title: " Adee App",1288 description:1289 "Comprehensive accessibility testingtool for inclusive design.",1290 },1291 {1292 link: "",1293 image:1294 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ux-planet.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1295 tag: "Article",1296 title: " Inclusive Design: Build for all, By all",1297 description:1298 "Inclusive design shouldnât be amovement we have to make way for, itâs always been a part of creating, innovating, and designing.",1299 },1300 {1301 link: "",1302 image:1303 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11y-101.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1304 tag: "Guides",1305 title: " Introduction to Accessibility",1306 description:1307 "So you want to dig into the topic of (web) accessibility ? Wonderful! But youâre not sure where to start ? Donât worry - you're not alone. Gettinggoing can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. That's what this site is for - to introduce you toaccessibility.",1308 },1309 {1310 link: "",1311 image:1312 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1313 tag: "Article",1314 title: " Designing Tescoâs new grocery app",1315 description:1316 "We want the new app to innovategrocery shopping and thinking of accessibility from the start.",1317 },1318 {1319 link: "",1320 image:1321 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/qed2.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1322 tag: "Article",1323 title: " Accessibility is making things simple withsimpler efforts",1324 description:1325 "Why would you want to make somethingthat some people canât use ? Digital accessibility is the ability of a website, mobile application or anyelectronic document to be easily perceived, understood, navigate by a wide range of users, including userswith disabilities.",1326 },1327 {1328 link: "",1329 image:1330 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/qed2.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1331 tag: "Article",1332 title: " Digital Accessibility Benefits Everyone",1333 description:1334 "At the dawn of a digital economy,accessibility experience(AX) can enhance the user journey and thoughtfully designed websites and apps with empowering solutions pave the way for a more inclusive world.",1335 },1336 {1337 link: "",1338 image:1339 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/keyboard-shortcuts.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1340 tag: "Guides",1341 title: " Accessibility Shortcuts",1342 description: "Quickly check the iOS accessibilityshortcuts in one glance.",1343 },1344 {1345 link: "",1346 image:1347 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/html5.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1348 tag: "Design Patterns",1349 title: " Placeholder â the piss - take label HTMLAccessibility",1350 description:1351 "The reasons why use of theplaceholder attribute as the only means of providing a user readable prompt for a form control is deficientUX, are voluminous.It is frustrating having to rehash this discussion endlessly.",1352 },1353 {1354 link: "",1355 image:1356 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/humaan.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1357 tag: "Design Patterns",1358 title: " Creating comic book speech bubbles with SVG andjavascript",1359 description:1360 "How to accessibly render comic bookdialogue, most commonly presented as text in speech bubbles.",1361 },1362 {1363 link: "",1364 image:1365 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hassell.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1366 tag: "Article",1367 title:1368 " Do accessible websites still need to supportInternet Explorer 11 ? ",1369 description:1370 "In this blog Iâll explore both sidesof the case for continuing to develop for IE11, the problems that it causes, the features that it offers (including accessibility features), but also the challenges people may face if developers donât build for it.",1371 },1372 {1373 link: "",1374 image:1375 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1376 tag: "Resources",1377 title: " Creating e - learning that can be used by everyone",1378 description:1379 "Due to the pandemic, whereverlearning is happening at the moment â whether in workplaces, universities or schools â it is happeningremotely.",1380 },1381 {1382 link: "",1383 image:1384 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1385 tag: "Article",1386 title: " First Steps Toward Virtual Meeting Accessibility",1387 description:1388 "Ensuring accessibility andinclusivity must be top of mind as you plan and execute virtual events.Digital accessibility is a complexsubject, but understanding some basic elements is a starting point.",1389 },1390 {1391 link: "",1392 image:1393 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1394 tag: "Article",1395 title: " There is no âMyths of Color ContrastAccessibilityâ",1396 description:1397 "When you need to work on interfaces,color contrast is a real thing you have to take into account to make it accessible.You have the right to beafraid of losing part of the aesthetics of your beautifully well designed interface, and you are right if you are used to poor contrast ratio.Accessibility comes with its constraint, but not much more than UX (User Experience) Design.",1398 },1399 {1400 link: "",1401 image:1402 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1403 tag: "Article",1404 title: " Accessibility auditing and pushing for more",1405 description:1406 "An example of the feature set notbeing right(for accessibility) is: If you provide a listing of TV programs, a small proportion of which areaudio described, a make - or -break feature is to show which have audio description.",1407 },1408 {1409 link: "",1410 image:1411 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1412 tag: "Mobile",1413 title: " Accessibility research mobile apps",1414 description:1415 "Research on the accessibility ofapps Which accessibility settings do the Dutch really use on their phone ? ",1416 },1417 {1418 link: "",1419 image:1420 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1421 tag: "Accessibility Personas",1422 title: " Persona Spectrum",1423 description: "Why we need persona Spectrum?Something wrong ? ",1424 },1425 {1426 link: "",1427 image:1428 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/extreme.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1429 tag: "Article",1430 title: " An Introduction to Inclusive Design",1431 description:1432 "We can apply the idea of inclusivedesign when building products for the web.Letâs take a look at a some practical examples.",1433 },1434 {1435 link: "",1436 image:1437 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/color-studio.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1438 tag: "Color Generator",1439 title: " Color Studio",1440 description:1441 "It is too hard to build coherent andaccessible themes with the right colors.This should help.",1442 },1443 {1444 link: "",1445 image:1446 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1447 tag: "Design Patterns",1448 title: " The problem with tooltips and what to do instead",1449 description:1450 "Tooltips are messages that appearwhen the user hovers over part of an interfaceâusually an iconâto explain how certain things work or whatthey mean.",1451 },1452 {1453 link: "",1454 image:1455 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1456 tag: "Newsletters",1457 title: " Digestible WCAG",1458 description:1459 "Why was it made - To help keepmyself engaged in trying to understand WCAG, I made this.Starting with a short email each day was a lotless daunting to me.",1460 },1461 {1462 link: "",1463 image:1464 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1465 tag: "Contrast Checker",1466 title: " Color Contrast Checker",1467 description:1468 "AA Large applies to text > 24pxor & gt; 18.5px for bold fonts.Learn more: Text Contrast Non - text Contrast(WCAG 2.1) For APCA font size andweight need to be taken into account, so the little colored dotis not really meaningful: WCAG 3.0 APCA (Working Draft)",1469 },1470 {1471 link: "",1472 image:1473 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1474 tag: "Design Patterns",1475 title: " Build a Better Mobile Input",1476 description:1477 "By properly configuring a few keyinput attributes, you can make web forms much easier to use on mobile devices.",1478 },1479 {1480 link: "",1481 image:1482 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/color-cube.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1483 tag: "Color Generator",1484 title: " ColorCube",1485 description: "A color A11y Tool for Designers & amp; Developers",1486 },1487 {1488 link: "",1489 image:1490 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1491 tag: "Article",1492 title: " Advocating for Accessibility in Video Games",1493 description:1494 "What is the fundamental alteration and how can this language promote accessibility ? ",1495 },1496 {1497 link: "",1498 image:1499 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/code-academy.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1500 tag: "Article",1501 title: " What is Digital Accessibility ?",1502 description:1503 "In this article, you'll learn aboutdigital accessibility and why it is important to incorporate aspects of digital accessibility into websites. ",1504 },1505 {1506 link: "",1507 image:1508 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1509 tag: "Article",1510 title: " The three components of accessibility",1511 description:1512 "Accessibility means different thingsto different people but accessibility is not just a single thing.We can broadly divide it into threecomponents: emotional, functional and technical.",1513 },1514 {1515 link: "",1516 image:1517 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/xd-ideas.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1518 tag: "Article",1519 title: " Building Accessibility into Your Design System",1520 description:1521 "Imagine going about your onlineactivity â paying bills through your bank, buying tickets to go to your favorite bandâs show, or scrollingthrough your social media feed.Now imagine that, as youâre doing this, the website gets stuck in frustrating dead ends, the checkout flow wonât let you complete your purchase, and there is a clear mismatchbetween how you use technology and how interfaces are designed.",1522 },1523 {1524 link: "",1525 image:1526 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/lireo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1527 tag: "Article",1528 title: " 10 Ways to Improve Accessibility on Websites andSocial Media",1529 description:1530 "Many of the tips donât require youto know code, only to know that certain features are available on the applications you use that help makeyour posts and updates accessible to everyone.",1531 },1532 {1533 link: "",1534 image:1535 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/tetra.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1536 tag: "Article",1537 title: " Sustainable accessibility",1538 description:1539 "It takes time and effort to embedsustainable accessibility into an organisation.It cannot be achieved through disconnected activities likeassessments or training(although such things can be useful in their own right); sustainable accessibilityneeds a co - ordinated and evolving plan that encompasses every aspect of the organisation.",1540 },1541 {1542 link: "",1543 image:1544 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/axess.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1545 tag: "Company",1546 title: " Axess Lab",1547 description:1548 "Our mission is to make life easierfor as many people as possible by creating helpful accessible products that everyone can use.",1549 },1550 {1551 link: "",1552 image:1553 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/bbc-gel.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1554 tag: "Design Patterns",1555 title: " BBC GEL Design Patterns",1556 description: "Patterns are a simple, reusablesolution to a design problem.",1557 },1558 {1559 link: "",1560 image:1561 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/bbc-gel.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1562 tag: "Design Patterns",1563 title: " BBC GEL - Inputs",1564 description:1565 "This guideline covers the individualinputs that can be used to build a form, to ensure maximum consistency and accessibility for our users.",1566 },1567 {1568 link: "",1569 image:1570 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1571 tag: "Design Patterns",1572 title: " Datepickers - Accessibility Quick Guide",1573 description:1574 "Custom JavaScript Datepickercontrols are almost always inaccessible to keyboard and screen reader users.HTML5 input type = date willgive you an accessible date picker in most browsers, but not all like Safari macOS where native datepickersare not supported yet.",1575 },1576 {1577 link: "",1578 image:1579 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/wired.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1580 tag: "Article",1581 title: " Android Apps for the Deaf: Live Transcribe andSound Amplifier",1582 description:1583 "Two new assistive apps coming toAndroid provide audio boosting and near - real - time text - to - speech translation for the deaf and hard ofhearing.",1584 },1585 {1586 link: "",1587 image:1588 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/wired.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1589 tag: "Article",1590 title: " The Internet Is for Everyone, Right ? Not With aScreen Reader",1591 description:1592 "Blind users have been fighting for amore inclusive web for over 20 years.Are lawsuits like the one against Dominoâs going to make a difference ? ",1593 },1594 {1595 link: "",1596 image:1597 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/daverupert.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1598 tag: "Article",1599 title: " Alt attributes like paragraphs",1600 description:1601 "Accessibility, I finally made thesimplest of all connections: alt text is like a paragraph.Word pictures.Basic I know, but it helps mecontextualize how to write good alt text as well as source order of my code.",1602 },1603 {1604 link: "",1605 image:1606 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1607 tag: "Article",1608 title:1609 " Accessibility devices at CES 2021 reflect growingfocus on inclusive tech",1610 description:1611 "A traditionally overlooked space is finally getting some of the attention it deserves.",1612 },1613 {1614 link: "",1615 image:1616 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1617 tag: "Article",1618 title: " How to Design for Accessibility ? Why is itimportant ? ",1619 description:1620 "Thatâs reason enough why we mustalways build accessibility and demand in any digital project.We have to confirm that individuals haveaccess to digital content that has inclusive experiences for all users.",1621 },1622 {1623 link: "",1624 image:1625 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1626 tag: "Article",1627 title: " Tips for making accessibility a core designprinciple",1628 description:1629 "Good accessibility depends on thechoices you make from the beginning of the project, and sometimes those choices can't be unmade.",1630 },1631 {1632 link: "",1633 image:1634 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1635 tag: "Guides",1636 title: " Solid Start",1637 description:1638 "Are you a person that makes digitalthings for other people ? Awesomeâbecause this page is all about making things for people.",1639 },1640 {1641 link: "",1642 image:1643 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1644 tag: "Color Simulator",1645 title: " Contrast Safe",1646 description:1647 "A macOS menu bar app for quicklychecking the accessibility of text against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG).",1648 },1649 {1650 link: "",1651 image:1652 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1653 tag: "Design Patterns",1654 title: " Grids Part 2: Semantics",1655 description:1656 "This is part 2 in a series aboutARIA grids(not at all related to CSS grids)",1657 },1658 {1659 link: "",1660 image:1661 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1662 tag: "Design Patterns",1663 title: " Grids Part 1: To grid or not to grid",1664 description:1665 "Part of this flood of gridaccessibility questions might be caused by a quirk of where I happen to work, but I don't think that's theonly reason tables and grids are over - represented in accessibility bugs. ",1666 },1667 {1668 link: "",1669 image:1670 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1671 tag: "Article",1672 title: " Accessibility and Me",1673 description:1674 "Find where you can help and getinvolved.Accessibility is not just a front - end engineering problem.",1675 },1676 {1677 link: "",1678 image:1679 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1680 tag: "Mobile",1681 title: " Accessibility Hero",1682 description: "Accessibility Reference for AppDesigners and Developers.",1683 },1684 {1685 link: "",1686 image:1687 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1688 tag: "Article",1689 title:1690 " Criticisms of Quick - Fix Website AccessibilityProducts Highlighted in New Lawsuit",1691 description:1692 "Amidst the thousands of lawsuitsfiled over the past few years alleging businessâ websites and mobile apps are not accessible to blindindividuals, businesses have scrambled to find ways to make their websites and apps accessible.",1693 },1694 {1695 link: "",1696 image:1697 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/pika.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1698 tag: "Color Simulator",1699 title: " Pika",1700 description: "An open-source colour picker app formacOS.",1701 },1702 {1703 link: "",1704 image:1705 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1706 tag: "Developer Tools",1707 title: " Checka11y.css",1708 description: "CSS stylesheet to quickly highlighta11y concerns.",1709 },1710 {1711 link: "",1712 image:1713 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1714 tag: "Software & Tools",1715 title: " Blackboard Ally",1716 description:1717 "Accessible content is better contentand making course content accessible",1718 },1719 {1720 link: "",1721 image:1722 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/facultyhub.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1723 tag: "Media",1724 title: " Accessibility Checklist",1725 description:1726 "This checklist has been designed asa quick and easy resource.Explore the links for additional information, hints, tips and tutorials.",1727 },1728 {1729 link: "",1730 image:1731 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1732 tag: "Curated List",1733 title: " Accessibility Resources",1734 description:1735 "Creating accessible documents andlearning materials doesnât require high tech skills or specialized programs.In fact, many of the techniqueswe recommend make it easier to style and design course materials.",1736 },1737 {1738 link: "",1739 image:1740 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1741 tag: "Resources",1742 title: " Accessible Jeopardy Prototype",1743 description: "Learn accessibility by playingaccessible jeopardy.",1744 },1745 {1746 link: "",1747 image:1748 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1749 tag: "Article",1750 title: " On Overlays as a means of resolving websiteaccessibility issues",1751 description:1752 "It is important to keep in mind thatan overlay is really just applying JavaScript to the current UI to fix the existing accessibility issues. ",1753 },1754 {1755 link: "",1756 image:1757 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1758 tag: "Curated List",1759 title: " Complete List of WAI ARIA Roles and Their Uses in2021",1760 description:1761 "Accessibility ensures that you treatusers of all abilities and disabilities equally.However, you may ask what is the correct time to ensurethat your website is accessible ? The ideal time to make a website accessible is from the very beginning.",1762 },1763 {1764 link: "",1765 image:1766 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1767 tag: "Design Patterns",1768 title: " Build a responsive accessible table",1769 description:1770 "Tables on mobile are sometimes notvery user - friendly.That might be because of horizontal scrolling, or you have had to resize content andhope it fits a 320px viewport.",1771 },1772 {1773 link: "",1774 image:1775 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1776 tag: "Software & Tools",1777 title: " Readability Guidelines App",1778 description: "A Google docs add-on to implementreadability guidelines.",1779 },1780 {1781 link: "",1782 image:1783 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1784 tag: "Accessibility Cheatsheet",1785 title:1786 " Accessibility Cheatsheet â Practical approachesto Universal Design",1787 description:1788 "Semantic HTML helps screenreaderusers to understand the contents structure and gives it meaning.Ask yourself What is it ? when writingHTML.Use a logical headline order and structuring elements as header, footer, ul, p â¦",1789 },1790 {1791 link: "",1792 image:1793 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1794 tag: "Resources",1795 title: " A11yCLE",1796 description:1797 "Raising awareness of digitalaccessibility, inclusive design, and assistive technologies in Northeast Ohio",1798 },1799 {1800 link: "",1801 image:1802 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1803 tag: "Company",1804 title: " Universal Accessibility - Digital AccessibilityConsultancy",1805 description:1806 "We help you open up your digitalproducts and services to more people with a wider range of abilities.",1807 },1808 {1809 link: "",1810 image:1811 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/nexus-a11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1812 tag: "Article",1813 title: " Accessibility Impressions: Playstation 5 vs.XboxSeries X / S",1814 description:1815 "This review will walk readersthrough my decision - making, purchasing, and setup process.Please note that this review will primarily focuson the perspective of disabled gamers.For me, I ended up purchasing both consoles.",1816 },1817 {1818 link: "",1819 image:1820 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1821 tag: "Gaming",1822 title: " Accessible Games",1823 description: "Games for absolutely everyone.",1824 },1825 {1826 link: "",1827 image:1828 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1829 tag: "Article",1830 title: " Colour contrast in UX",1831 description: "What makes colour contrast a part ofUX ? ",1832 },1833 {1834 link: "",1835 image:1836 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/button-buddy.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1837 tag: "Developer Tools",1838 title: " ButtonBuddy",1839 description: "Accessible button contrast generator",1840 },1841 {1842 link: "",1843 image:1844 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1845 tag: "Icons & SVG",1846 title: " Accessibility Icons",1847 description:1848 "Accessibility icons, which are goodto understand and tested for years.",1849 },1850 {1851 link: "",1852 image:1853 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1854 tag: "Design Patterns",1855 title: " Accessible Icon Buttons",1856 description:1857 "An icon button is an icon thattriggers some sort of action on the page.More accurately, technically speaking, an icon button is a buttonthat contains an icon and no(visible) accompanying text.",1858 },1859 {1860 link: "",1861 image:1862 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1863 tag: "Article",1864 title: " The no - mouse challenge",1865 description:1866 "Not everyone out there relies on amouse or a trackpad when using their computers.",1867 },1868 {1869 link: "",1870 image:1871 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1872 tag: "Blog",1873 title: " Jake Tracey's thoughts on accessibility and more",1874 description: "Thoughts on accessibility, userexperience and technology.",1875 },1876 {1877 link: "",1878 image:1879 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1880 tag: "Article",1881 title: " How to Prioritize UX Accessibility Principles inDesign",1882 description:1883 "Embedding accessibility andinclusive design throughout the product life cycle is a little like giving up smoking, said Leonie Watson, director of TetraLogical, a London - based inclusive design agency.",1884 },1885 {1886 link: "",1887 image:1888 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1889 tag: "Article",1890 title: " The Web Accessibility Introduction I Wish I Had",1891 description:1892 "Before the rest, I must correct onemajor thing my past self got wrong about accessibility for too long: accessibility affects all users, notjust those with stereotypical disabilities.Accepting this means realizing accessibility is about buildingfor stress cases.",1893 },1894 {1895 link: "",1896 image:1897 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1898 tag: "Design Patterns",1899 title: " More Accessible Skeletons",1900 description:1901 "Many skeleton patterns do a poor jobpresenting themselves to screen reader users in any meaningful way.",1902 },1903 {1904 link: "",1905 image:1906 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1907 tag: "Design Patterns",1908 title: " Accessible Slick",1909 description:1910 "The last (accessible) carouselyou'll ever need. A fully accessible, WCAG 2.0 / 2.1 compliant, drop-in replacement for Slick Slider (1.8.1)crafted and tested by expert users and professional accessibility consultants, intended to make life easierfor real - world dev teams who need to pass accessibility audits.",1911 },1912 {1913 link: "",1914 image:1915 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1916 tag: "Guides",1917 title: " Accessibility Interview Questions",1918 description:1919 "These questions try to stay awayfrom asking people to recite specifications, or rattle off screen reader hot keys.Those can easily belooked up on the job.Instead these questions try to act as conversation starters, to gain insight into howsomeone solves problems, and interprets accessible, inclusive user experiences.",1920 },1921 {1922 link: "",1923 image:1924 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1925 tag: "Article",1926 title: " Tips For Online Shopping With Disabilities",1927 description: "A Website Accessibility Guide",1928 },1929 {1930 link: "",1931 image:1932 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1933 tag: "Design Patterns",1934 title: " Accessible HTML Content Patterns",1935 description: "Accessible, semantic markup patternsfor HTML content.",1936 },1937 {1938 link: "",1939 image:1940 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1941 tag: "Evaluation Tools",1942 title: " Accessible Resources",1943 description:1944 "Accessible Resources provide a suiteof accessibility evaluation tools for macOS and iOS.",1945 },1946 {1947 link: "",1948 image:1949 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1950 tag: "Guides",1951 title: " Improving Your Tweet Accessibility",1952 description:1953 "Twitter persists. Even if you havemoved to Mastodon, Twitter will persist.As such, we need to continue to ensure it is accessible to allusers.This post gathers some tips you can and should use.",1954 },1955 {1956 link: "",1957 image:1958 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1959 tag: "Article",1960 title: " 8 steps to inclusive web design",1961 description:1962 "Accessibility is a human right, and in some countries, the law.In fact, 2018 saw a huge increase in web accessibility lawsuits.Now designersare starting to realise that web accessibility is a must.With that in mind, here are eight top tips for ensuring your web design is optimised for accessibility and as inclusive as possible.",1963 },1964 {1965 link: "",1966 image:1967 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1968 tag: "Design Patterns",1969 title: " Nutrition Cards for Accessible Components A11YExpectations",1970 description:1971 "A11Y Nutrition Cards is an attemptto digest and simplify the accessibility expectations when it comes to component authoring.Based on the WAIARIA Authoring Practices Guide.",1972 },1973 {1974 link: "",1975 image:1976 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1977 tag: "Resources",1978 title: " A11y - Basic Web and Document Accessibility",1979 description:1980 "A esources for creating accessibleweb content or accessible documents(e.g., PPT, PDF, Word).",1981 },1982 {1983 link: "",1984 image:1985 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sydney-edu.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1986 tag: "Media",1987 title: " Thinking Accessibility Checklist",1988 description: "Practical approaches to UniversalDesignfor blended learning",1989 },1990 {1991 link: "",1992 image:1993 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",1994 tag: "Books",1995 title: " Practical Web Inclusion & amp; Accessibility",1996 description:1997 "This book will guide you through abroad range of access needs, the barriers users often face, and provide practical advice on how your sitescan help rather than hinder.Going beyond advice tailored solely for developers, this book offers potentialimprovements for designers, developers, user experience professionals, QA and testers, so that everyoneinvolved in building a website can benefit.",1998 },1999 {2000 link: "",2001 image:2002 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2003 tag: "Curated List",2004 title: " Accessibility(A11y)",2005 description: "Curated collection of accessibilityrelated resources.",2006 },2007 {2008 link: "",2009 image:2010 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2011 tag: "Design Systems",2012 title: " Radix UI",2013 description:2014 "Radix Primitives is a low-level UIcomponent library with a focus on accessibility, customization and developer experience.You can use thesecomponents either as the base layer of your design system, or adopt them incrementally.",2015 },2016 {2017 link: "",2018 image:2019 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2020 tag: "Curated List",2021 title: " List of A11y Resources",2022 description: "Digital accessibility resources byJohan Ramon.",2023 },2024 {2025 link: "",2026 image:2027 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2028 tag: "Design Patterns",2029 title: " Frend",2030 description: "A collection of accessible, modernfront - end components",2031 },2032 {2033 link: "",2034 image:2035 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2036 tag: "Curated List",2037 title: " Web Accessibility Tools & amp; Resources",2038 description: "Accessibility Software, Books,Blogs, Online Tools, and More",2039 },2040 {2041 link: "",2042 image:2043 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2044 tag: "Design Patterns",2045 title: " Accessible Circular Sliders",2046 description:2047 "Just a few years ago, it was almostimpossible to create range sliders without a lot of JavaScript.Thankfully, in modern browsers, it'ssuper- easy to style range sliders, using CSS only.If the browser supports CSS Custom Properties, it's evenpossible to use the same styles for a wide range of different styles, just by updating a few properties.",2048 },2049 {2050 link: "",2051 image:2052 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2053 tag: "Guides",2054 title: " Alt - Text as Poetry",2055 description:2056 "Alt-text is an essential part of webaccessibility.It is often overlooked or understood through the lens of compliance, as an unwelcome burden to be met with minimum effort.How can we instead approach alt - text thoughtfully and creatively ? ",2057 },2058 {2059 link: "",2060 image:2061 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2062 tag: "Article",2063 title: " Anatomy of a Web Accessibility Audit",2064 description:2065 "Diagnosing a website foraccessibility and fixing any issues that are uncovered is not a one - size - fits - all endeavor.",2066 },2067 {2068 link: "",2069 image:2070 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2071 tag: "PDF",2072 title: " Tips for PDF Accessibility",2073 description:2074 "Here are some guidelines to help inthe review and remediation of existing documents, along with guidance for ensuring accessibility of PDFs as they are created.",2075 },2076 {2077 link: "",2078 image:2079 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2080 tag: "Article",2081 title: " Space for Empathy",2082 description:2083 "Sometimes we donât need more complexsolutions, we need thoughtful ones.Building websites is challenging.Thereâs never enough time orresources.Itâs easy to stick with whatâs known and what works.",2084 },2085 {2086 link: "",2087 image:2088 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2089 tag: "Media",2090 title: " Accessibility Checker",2091 description:2092 "You can find out how accessible yourwebsite is.The tool crawls your site, making sure that each subpage can be correctly displayed by screenreaders, allowing even blind and visually - impaired users to make full use of it.",2093 },2094 {2095 link: "",2096 image:2097 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2098 tag: "Guides",2099 title: " Accessibility: Rights & amp; Responsibilities",2100 description: "Empowering teams to create the newindustry standard.",2101 },2102 {2103 link: "",2104 image:2105 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2106 tag: "Article",2107 title: " Become an A11y Advocate! In the battle for aninclusive internet.",2108 description: "Accessibility does not only benefitdisabled users",2109 },2110 {2111 link: "",2112 image:2113 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2114 tag: "Media",2115 title: " Accessibility Checklist for Testing Your Site",2116 description: "Accessibility Checklist for TestingYour Site",2117 },2118 {2119 link: "",2120 image:2121 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2122 tag: "Media",2123 title: " A11y checklist",2124 description:2125 "To have 100 percent accessiblewebsite for users with impairments, we need to do more.Here is a checklist what we need to do: ",2126 },2127 {2128 link: "",2129 image:2130 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2131 tag: "Guides",2132 title: " Social Media Accessibility Guidelines",2133 description:2134 "When social media content is broadlyused by the Universityâs students, employees and / or the public to carry out or participate in its coreeducational and administrative activities, all available accessibility supported features of the platformshould be utilized.",2135 },2136 {2137 link: "",2138 image:2139 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/princeton.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2140 tag: "Media",2141 title: " Accessibility Checklist for Content Authors",2142 description:2143 "A checklist for content authors tocreate accessible web experiences.",2144 },2145 {2146 link: "",2147 image:2148 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2149 tag: "Copywriting",2150 title: " Create Accessible Content",2151 description:2152 "Accessibility needs relevant tocontent creators cluster around the need for clear and concise writing, using the formatting toolbar, andproviding text alternatives.",2153 },2154 {2155 link: "",2156 image:2157 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2158 tag: "Media",2159 title: " Basic Checklist: Online Content Accessibility",2160 description:2161 "This checklist is intended to bestarting point for making documents and websites accessible.",2162 },2163 {2164 link: "",2165 image:2166 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2167 tag: "Podcast",2168 title: " The internet is everything.But is it accessible ?",2169 description:2170 "The Americans with Disabilities Actturns 30 years old this summer.How far has technology come in making the world more accessible to peoplewith disabilities ? ",2171 },2172 {2173 link: "",2174 image:2175 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2176 tag: "Software & Tools",2177 title: " Fed A11y",2178 description:2179 "Automated Monitoring of the Section508 Accessibility of 9, 241 US Federal Government Websites",2180 },2181 {2182 link: "",2183 image:2184 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2185 tag: "Article",2186 title: " Everything You Need to Know About CaptionedVideos",2187 description: "The complete guide to captionedvideos.",2188 },2189 {2190 link: "",2191 image:2192 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2193 tag: "Article",2194 title: " 8 Ways To Be An Ally To The Disability Community",2195 description:2196 "Learn about different models ofdisability.Understand what ableism is and how to detect it.Discover the million reasons why accessibilitymatters.",2197 },2198 {2199 link: "",2200 image:2201 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2202 tag: "Resources",2203 title: " AppleVis",2204 description:2205 "AppleVis is the leading onlineresource for blind and low vision users of Apple products such as the Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, andApple TV.",2206 },2207 {2208 link: "",2209 image:2210 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2211 tag: "Design Patterns",2212 title: " Content - visibility and Accessible Semantics",2213 description:2214 "This feature is meant to improvepage load performance by skipping over content detected as being off - screen or outside of the viewport. ",2215 },2216 {2217 link: "",2218 image:2219 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2220 tag: "Design Patterns",2221 title: " TabPanel / Accordion Widget",2222 description:2223 "First class support forscreen - reader users! ARIA controls the rendering of their non - visual experience.",2224 },2225 {2226 link: "",2227 image:2228 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2229 tag: "Article",2230 title: " Accessibility tips from the BBC",2231 description:2232 "What do the BBC, accessibility andthe Tardis have in common ? ",2233 },2234 {2235 link: "",2236 image:2237 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2238 tag: "Article, Tutorials",2239 title: " How we made GOV.UK more accessible",2240 description:2241 "To improve the accessibility ofGOV.UK, we needed to find where the problems were.",2242 },2243 {2244 link: "",2245 image:2246 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2247 tag: "Article",2248 title: " What If Accessibility Was Also Inclusive ?",2249 description:2250 "Itâs hard to articulate what itfeels like to spend a lifetime being told that you are not allowed.Not always in so many words, but in gestures, in spaces, in thoughtlessness.",2251 },2252 {2253 link: "",2254 image:2255 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2256 tag: "Design Systems",2257 title: " Accessibility Guidelines",2258 description:2259 "This web accessibility guideincludes best practices, resources, and practical advice about how to ensure all users have equal access toinformation and functionality.",2260 },2261 {2262 link: "",2263 image:2264 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2265 tag: "Accessibility Personas",2266 title: " Alphabet of Accessibility Deck",2267 description:2268 "This deck helps designers anddevelopers think about different kinds of disability and accessibility",2269 },2270 {2271 link: "",2272 image:2273 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2274 tag: "Accessibility Personas",2275 title: " An Alphabet of Accessibility Issues",2276 description:2277 "This alphabet soup of accessibilityis not a collection of personas.",2278 },2279 {2280 link: "",2281 image:2282 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2283 tag: "Design Patterns",2284 title: " Designing Accessible Navigations",2285 description:2286 "When designing a navigationalexperience, designers should make sure that all users, impaired or not, are able to maneuver through yoursiteâs content at their own pace with little to no frustration.",2287 },2288 {2289 link: "",2290 image:2291 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2292 tag: "Article",2293 title: " More accessible defaults, please!",2294 description:2295 "Useful HTML elements like dateinputs and & lt; video & gt; could make the web a much better place, if browser accessibility bugs in theirimplementations were prioritised.",2296 },2297 {2298 link: "",2299 image:2300 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2301 tag: "Accessibility Personas",2302 title: " Creating accessible personas",2303 description:2304 "Personas are used acrossorganisations in UX or marketing to help businesses better understand the customers they are serving.Likeany deliverable, itâs important to consider the accessibility of personas so that your audience canunderstand and engage with them.",2305 },2306 {2307 link: "",2308 image:2309 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2310 tag: "Accessibility Personas",2311 title: " Accessibility Personas",2312 description:2313 "The GDS Accessibility team hascreated 7 different accessibility personas.Each persona has different access needs.",2314 },2315 {2316 link: "",2317 image:2318 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2319 tag: "Developer Tools",2320 title: " 5 amazing Chrome accessibility tools you didn'tknow",2321 description:2322 "With accessibility, we mean makingwebsites that are designed and coded so people with disabilities can use them.",2323 },2324 {2325 link: "",2326 image:2327 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2328 tag: "Design Patterns",2329 title: " How to Make Emojis Accessible in HTML",2330 description:2331 "To make sure screen readers couldread the emojis in my bio in a way that made sense, I did the following three things.",2332 },2333 {2334 link: "",2335 image:2336 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2337 tag: "Typeface",2338 title: " Braille Neue",2339 description:2340 "A Universal Typeface by KosukeTakahashi That Combines Braille and Visible Characters.",2341 },2342 {2343 link: "",2344 image:2345 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2346 tag: "Emails",2347 title: " How To Make Your Email Signature Screen ReaderFriendly",2348 description:2349 "Creating an accessible emailsignature that is screen reader friendly is often overlooked.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 15 percent of the world's population live with a disability, including at least 2.2 billion who havea vision impairment or blindness.",2350 },2351 {2352 link: "",2353 image:2354 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2355 tag: "Article",2356 title: "aria - describedby: What's the Difference?",2357 description:2358 "ARIA is a set of HTML attributesdesigned to tweak how a webpage is exposed to assistive technology.It can be⦠a lot.",2359 },2360 {2361 link: "",2362 image:2363 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2364 tag: "Resources",2365 title: " Accessibility Memes",2366 description: "There arenât any. So I made some.",2367 },2368 {2369 link: "",2370 image:2371 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2372 tag: "Curated List",2373 title: " My top 10 favorite disability / accessibilityarticles of the year",2374 description:2375 "Picking your favorite articles whenyouâve written 145 of them in the past 12 months is like picking your favorite kids.",2376 },2377 {2378 link: "",2379 image:2380 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2381 tag: "Article",2382 title: " Accessible to some",2383 description:2384 "Your website, app, or new feature isonly half as good if only some people can access it.Consider inclusion and diversity from the verybeginning and test properly.",2385 },2386 {2387 link: "",2388 image:2389 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2390 tag: "Article",2391 title: " Accessibility â The Ethical Responsibility",2392 description:2393 "Accessibility is the responsibilityof each one of us, together we can make the web a lot more accessible.",2394 },2395 {2396 link: "",2397 image:2398 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2399 tag: "Video",2400 title: " It's the markup that matters",2401 description:2402 "In this talk, I explain in just 10minutes how HTML impacts accessibility, what Accessibility Trees are and what to expect from theAccessibility Object Model.First presented at Nextjs conference, organised by Vercel.",2403 },2404 {2405 link: "",2406 image:2407 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2408 tag: "Resources",2409 title: " Contrasting Accessibility with Color Contrast",2410 description:2411 "A talk about the current state ofcolor contrast on the web and a walk through why designers and developers should practice accessibility.",2412 },2413 {2414 link: "",2415 image:2416 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2417 tag: "Curated List",2418 title: " Accessibility 2020 - The Web Almanac by HTTPArchive",2419 description:2420 "Web accessibility is about achievingfeature and information parity and giving complete access to all aspects of an interface to disabled people.A digital product or website is simply not complete if it is not usable by everyone.If it excludes certaindisabled populations, this is discrimination and potentially grounds for fines and / or lawsuits.",2421 },2422 {2423 link: "",2424 image:2425 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2426 tag: "Curated List",2427 title: " A11yBy",2428 description:2429 "Curated list of accessibility news,tips, hints, and resources.",2430 },2431 {2432 link: "",2433 image:2434 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/nerde.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2435 tag: "Browser Extension",2436 title: " NerdeRegion",2437 description:2438 "NerdeRegion is a developer toolsextension for debugging live regions on a Web Page.When activated, you will see a list all active Aria liveregions, and you'll be able to see the history of all changes made on the region.",2439 },2440 {2441 link: "",2442 image:2443 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2444 tag: "Article",2445 title: " The inspirational case for web accessibility",2446 description:2447 "Instead of asking me why I careabout accessibility, I wonder if we could instead all ask ourselves if we could stand to care a little more ? ",2448 },2449 {2450 link: "",2451 image:2452 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2453 tag: "Testing & Audit",2454 title: " Testing Web Accessibility",2455 description:2456 "When we develop a new webapplication, we often put a lot of work on the design, on making it beautiful and usable.In other words, wewant our web app to be effective, efficient, and satisfying for the user.But a lot of times we donât thinkabout the user experience for everyone, people with or without disabilities, including people with age - related impairments.",2457 },2458 {2459 link: "",2460 image:2461 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2462 tag: "Article",2463 title: " How to Get Started on Accessibility Before YouHave a Product",2464 description:2465 "Youâve heard about accessibility.You know what it means.Why itâs important.But you donât know where to start, especially because you donâthave a product yet.",2466 },2467 {2468 link: "",2469 image:2470 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2471 tag: "Resources",2472 title: " Accessibility Skills Hiring Toolkit",2473 description:2474 "The toolkit currently providesPosition Description Language and Screening and Interview Questions.Use the following links to download thecomplete toolkit, or you can download a role - specific toolkit.",2475 },2476 {2477 link: "",2478 image:2479 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2480 tag: "Resources",2481 title: " Comebacks for Five(Wrong) Arguments AgainstAccessibility",2482 description:2483 "As I and several other a11yadvocates know, getting others to care about accessibility isn't easy. It should be, considering the manymoral and business arguments for it, but it isn't. I've repeated these arguments many times online.Sometimes as direct responses, other times as painful screams into the void.There's still much work to do.",2484 },2485 {2486 link: "",2487 image:2488 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2489 tag: "Article",2490 title: " The three levels of accessibility",2491 description:2492 "There are 3 crucial pointsthroughout a project where accessibility should be influenced.Each level supports the next and depending onits execution will vary in strength.For example, if level 1 was poorly executed it would be difficult for your users to reach the 2nd level or your product altogether.",2493 },2494 {2495 link: "",2496 image:2497 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2498 tag: "Article",2499 title:2500 " Color blind friendly palettes for datavisualizations with categories",2501 description:2502 "This palette is a âSet of colorsthat is unambiguous both to colorblinds and non - colorblindsâ.",2503 },2504 {2505 link: "",2506 image:2507 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2508 tag: "Video",2509 title: " Using the VoiceOver Rotor to Navigate within aPage with Landmarks",2510 description:2511 "Using the VoiceOver Rotor toNavigate within a Page with Landmarks",2512 },2513 {2514 link: "",2515 image:2516 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2517 tag: "Resources",2518 title: " a11y memes",2519 description:2520 "Gallery of a11y memes. You can alsosubmit your own a11y meme.",2521 },2522 {2523 link: "",2524 image:2525 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2526 tag: "Guides",2527 title: " WCAG 2.1 Guidelines Explained with Examples",2528 description:2529 "This set of guidelines are meant toenhance mobile functionality to be friendlier and give end - users extreme flexibility.",2530 },2531 {2532 link: "",2533 image:2534 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2535 tag: "Design Patterns",2536 title: " Accessible, Smooth Scroll - to - top Buttons withLittle Code",2537 description:2538 "Scroll-to-top buttons are great forpages that are long enough to require a few scrolls to read everything.They're even better for extremelylong pages.Scrolling is a lot of work for some users, especially on a mobile device.We(website creators)can greatly reduce the amount of work it takes to scroll our pages with surprisingly little effort on ourpart.",2539 },2540 {2541 link: "",2542 image:2543 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2544 tag: "Resources",2545 title: " A11Y Challenge",2546 description:2547 "There are no shortcuts toaccessibility.But take our short quiz on the reasons for building accessible sites.",2548 },2549 {2550 link: "",2551 image:2552 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2553 tag: "Article",2554 title: " How to make your design accessible ?",2555 description:2556 "Fortunately, weâve seen some greatimprovements and focus on accessibility in recent times.Itâs far from ideal but itâs getting better everyday and thatâs something we can push for.",2557 },2558 {2559 link: "",2560 image:2561 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2562 tag: "eBook",2563 title: " Accessibility Toolkit",2564 description:2565 "The goal of the AccessibilityToolkit - 2nd Edition is to provide resources for each content creator, instructional designer, educationaltechnologist, librarian, administrator, and teaching assistant to create a truly open textbookâone that isfree and accessible for all students.",2566 },2567 {2568 link: "",2569 image:2570 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2571 tag: "Article",2572 title: " Do you test for screen reader compatibility ?",2573 description: "The short answer is: Yes and no.",2574 },2575 {2576 link: "",2577 image:2578 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2579 tag: "Article",2580 title: " What would an ethical overlay look like ?",2581 description:2582 "Under what circumstances would anoverlay product be considered âethicalâ?",2583 },2584 {2585 link: "",2586 image:2587 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2588 tag: "Article",2589 title: " Restaurant website accessibility falls short at acritical time",2590 description:2591 "As I write this, 97% of the USpopulation is under stay - at - home orders, which means that unless a person is an essential employee orperforming an essential function, they must stay home.All 50 states are in a State of Emergency.",2592 },2593 {2594 link: "",2595 image:2596 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2597 tag: "Curated List",2598 title: " Resources for Designing for the Colorblind",2599 description:2600 "A collection of articles, examplesand tools to help design for the colorblind.",2601 },2602 {2603 link: "",2604 image:2605 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2606 tag: "Books",2607 title: " A Book Apart, Color Accessibility Workflows",2608 description:2609 "Color is a powerful tool thataffords seemingly endless design possibilities, but we often design with only one type of color vision in mindâour own.Make sure that accessibility and aesthetics go hand in hand with every design you create.Learn what color accessibility is(and why it matters); choose appropriate colors and implement testing; andsnag a few key tips and tricks to get your color game plan together.Youâll become a better, more empatheticdesigner by discovering how other people see the world.",2610 },2611 {2612 link: "",2613 image:2614 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2615 tag: "Article",2616 title: " Color Accessibility Workflows",2617 description:2618 "The Web Content AccessibilityGuidelines( 2.0 contain recommendations from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for making the web more accessible to users with disabilities, including color blindness and othervision deficiencies.",2619 },2620 {2621 link: "",2622 image:2623 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2624 tag: "Article",2625 title: " Accessibility guidelines for UX Designers",2626 description:2627 "As a UX designer, it is important tobuild empathy and celebrate accessibility requirements as a set of design constraints to build a betterproduct.",2628 },2629 {2630 link: "",2631 image:2632 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2633 tag: "Resources",2634 title: " Periodic Table of ARIA 1.0 Roles",2635 description: "Periodic Table of ARIA 1.0 Roles",2636 },2637 {2638 link: "",2639 image:2640 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2641 tag: "Resources",2642 title: " Web Components & amp; Accessibility",2643 description: "A presentation about web components & amp; accessibility.",2644 },2645 {2646 link: "",2647 image:2648 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2649 tag: "Guides",2650 title: " A Comprehensive Guide to Accessible User Research",2651 description:2652 "Researchers often want to includepeople with access needs in their studies but donât know where to begin.This three - part series covers thevarious considerations for adapting your practice to include people with disabilities.",2653 },2654 {2655 link: "",2656 image:2657 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2658 tag: "Developer Tools",2659 title: " Should I Use A Carousel ?",2660 description:2661 "1% clicked a feature. Of those, 89%were the first position. 1 % of clicks for the most significant object on the home page ? ",2662 },2663 {2664 link: "",2665 image:2666 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/vision-aussie.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2667 tag: "Contrast Checker",2668 title: " Colour Contrast Determinator",2669 description:2670 "The Colour Contrast Determinatorcontains text alternatives for screen reader users.For example, the text alternative for the hue slider might be Hue values 0 to 217 fail.Values 218 to 285 pass.Values 286 to 360 fail.",2671 },2672 {2673 link: "",2674 image:2675 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2676 tag: "Microsoft Word",2677 title: " Word Accessibility",2678 description:2679 "This page is an overview of creatingaccessible documents using Microsoft Word.Accessible documents allow information to be readily availablefor assistive technology.",2680 },2681 {2682 link: "",2683 image:2684 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/color-tester.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2685 tag: "Contrast Checker",2686 title: " ColorTester",2687 description:2688 "Software for test contrast ratio (WCAG 2.0(JIS X 8341 - 3: 2010) color contrast success criteria) between fore color and background color.",2689 },2690 {2691 link: "",2692 image:2693 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2694 tag: "Article",2695 title:2696 " Webflow accessibility: a step - by - step guide tomaking your site accessible",2697 description:2698 "Although building a site withWebflow takes care of many design, and codeaccessibility considerations, there are a few extra steps required to make a fully accessible Webflowwebsite.",2699 },2700 {2701 link: "",2702 image:2703 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2704 tag: "Article",2705 title: " The true cost of universal accessibility",2706 description:2707 "We have a long road ahead to anAccessible Web, and it comes with a significant backlog of work to be done.However, todayâs developmentpractices ensure that this backlog will grow exponentially â unless we measure it and address it soon.",2708 },2709 {2710 link: "",2711 image:2712 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2713 tag: "Curated List",2714 title: " A11y Advent Calendar",2715 description:2716 "A accessibility tip a day in thatarticle.Nothing too ground - breaking, and I expect a lot of these tips to be common knowledge for many of you, yet weâll end the month with a nice list of do âs & amp; donâts.",2717 },2718 {2719 link: "",2720 image:2721 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/fable.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2722 tag: "Software & Tools",2723 title: " Accessible usability scale",2724 description: "Test usability with assistivetechnology users.",2725 },2726 {2727 link: "",2728 image:2729 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2730 tag: "eBook",2731 title: " Accessibility for Digital Experiences 101",2732 description:2733 "More than 20% of people in both theUK and the US have some form of disability.Despite this, accessibility tends to be overlooked whendesigning digital experiences.",2734 },2735 {2736 link: "",2737 image:2738 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2739 tag: "Testing & Audit",2740 title:2741 " Accessibility testing: tips and best practicesfrom industry leaders",2742 description:2743 "Lots of companies want to conductaccessibility evaluations by conducting usability testing for people with disabilities.Itâs the right thingto do, and companies genuinely want to be accessible to all.Sometimes, however, the challenge feels sosteep that itâs hard to even know where to begin.",2744 },2745 {2746 link: "",2747 image:2748 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2749 tag: "Contrast Checker",2750 title: " Contrast Checker",2751 description:2752 "This tool is built for designers anddevelopers to test color contrast compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) as setforth by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C).These calculations are based on the formulas specified by theW3C.",2753 },2754 {2755 link: "",2756 image:2757 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/checker-firefox.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2758 tag: "Browser Extension",2759 title: " Contrast checker for Firefox",2760 description:2761 "Checks for compliance with thecontrast levels of foreground and background colors combination based on the requirements of WCAG 2.1",2762 },2763 {2764 link: "",2765 image:2766 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/image-color.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2767 tag: "Contrast Checker",2768 title: " Color Contrast Checker",2769 description:2770 "Enter your colors in HEX format orclick on the icon to use the color picker.Contrast ratio value will be updated automatically as you changecolor values.We use Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) to calculate the color contrast ratio.",2771 },2772 {2773 link: "",2774 image:2775 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/userway-color.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2776 tag: "Contrast Checker",2777 title: " Color Contrast Checker",2778 description:2779 "Ensure Accessible Color Use for WCAG & amp; ADA Compliance.",2780 },2781 {2782 link: "",2783 image:2784 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2785 tag: "Article",2786 title: " Accessibility checklist",2787 description:2788 "Accessibility checklist to designproducts that people will love⦠and use",2789 },2790 {2791 link: "",2792 image:2793 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/monsido.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2794 tag: "Contrast Checker",2795 title: " Contrast Checker",2796 description:2797 "The tool tests the contrast of yourbackground and text for accessibility.You can use it to visualize different color combination palettes for your website design that are in compliance with WCAG, EU directive, and ADA standards.",2798 },2799 {2800 link: "",2801 image:2802 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2803 tag: "Contrast Checker",2804 title: " Color Contrast & amp; Color PerceptionAccessibility Checker",2805 description:2806 "This tool lets you check the colorcontrast between different color pairings and also check for common color perceptions against Web ContentAccessibility Guideline(WCAG) standards.",2807 },2808 {2809 link: "",2810 image:2811 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2812 tag: "Curated List",2813 title: " 80 Web Accessibility Resources & amp; Tools(For2020) ",2814 description:2815 "This collection of 80 webaccessibility resources is aimed at anyone interested in learning how to design, develop and test inclusiveand accessible websites, apps and online documents.Because making the web accessible ensures equal accessto the roughly 1 billion people in the world with disabilities.",2816 },2817 {2818 link: "",2819 image:2820 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2821 tag: "Image Color Checker",2822 title: " Color Check for ADA image compliance",2823 description:2824 "Color Check in an interactive toolfor validating web image compliance with ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act) contrast and readabilitystandards.",2825 },2826 {2827 link: "",2828 image:2829 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/chromelens.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2830 tag: "Developer Tools",2831 title: " ChromeLens",2832 description:2833 "Chrome DevTools extension to developfor the visually impaired.",2834 },2835 {2836 link: "",2837 image:2838 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2839 tag: "Testing & Audit",2840 title: " Be Inclusive",2841 description:2842 "Be Inclusive is a web app that helpsyou define, track, and share web accessibility audits.We simplify the admin part of the process so manualauditing is easier to manage and share with teammates & amp; clients.",2843 },2844 {2845 link: "",2846 image:2847 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2848 tag: "PDF",2849 title: " PDF Accessibility",2850 description:2851 "This page is an overview of creatingaccessible PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.",2852 },2853 {2854 link: "",2855 image:2856 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2857 tag: "PDF",2858 title: " Tips and techniques for creating accessibleinfographics in PDFs",2859 description:2860 "This post addresses the five areasthat most commonly go wrong in the creation of accessible infographics for publication in PDFs.",2861 },2862 {2863 link: "",2864 image:2865 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2866 tag: "Guides",2867 title: " WebAIM: Web Accessibility for Designers",2868 description:2869 "The focus of web accessibility isoften on web development â the things that happen in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.Optimal accessibility shouldstart much earlier, as part of the visual design process.This infographic highlights many importantprinciples of accessible design.",2870 },2871 {2872 link: "",2873 image:2874 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2875 tag: "Infographics",2876 title: " Creating an Accessible Infographic",2877 description:2878 "Infographics on the web haveskyrocketed in popularity over the last few years for many great reasons.Often, they are able to quicklyconvey complex bits of information and show key relationships between data sets.For sighted users, representing data as an infographic actually improves accessibility.",2879 },2880 {2881 link: "",2882 image:2883 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2884 tag: "Article",2885 title: " Inclusive Design: How to Make Your VisualsAccessible to All",2886 description:2887 "Infographics are an incrediblyeffective way to quickly convey your message.However, if you donât keep the user in mind when creating yourinfographic, your message may not reach everyone that it could otherwise.",2888 },2889 {2890 link: "",2891 image:2892 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2893 tag: "Web Standards",2894 title: " Developing an Accessibility Statement",2895 description:2896 "Accessibility statements areprimarily for users of your content.Usually they will refer to accessibility statements when they encounterproblems.",2897 },2898 {2899 link: "",2900 image:2901 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2902 tag: "YouTube Channel",2903 title: " AXSChat",2904 description:2905 "Weâre an open online community ofindividuals dedicated to creating an inclusive world; we believe that accessibility is for everyone.",2906 },2907 {2908 link: "",2909 image:2910 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2911 tag: "Media",2912 title: " Accessible Infographics and Flyers Checklist",2913 description:2914 "Use this checklist to assess if yourflyer / infographic meets all accessibility standards and best practices.Select each checkbox that applies toyour flyer / infographic.",2915 },2916 {2917 link: "",2918 image:2919 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2920 tag: "Infographics",2921 title: " Accessible Infographics",2922 description:2923 "An infographic is a visualrepresentation of complex data that allows users to interact with the content.",2924 },2925 {2926 link: "",2927 image:2928 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2929 tag: "Article",2930 title:2931 " Accessibility certifications: separating what ISgood from what just sounds good",2932 description:2933 "People are increasingly posting thatthey(or their products) have been recently received a certificate in some accessibility - related topic.",2934 },2935 {2936 link: "",2937 image:2938 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2939 tag: "Guides",2940 title: " Creating Accessible Videos",2941 description:2942 "Videos should be produced anddelivered in ways that ensure that all members of the audience can access their content.An accessible videoincludes captions, a transcript, and audio description and is delivered in an accessible media player.",2943 },2944 {2945 link: "",2946 image:2947 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2948 tag: "Article",2949 title: " Contrasting Accessibility with Color Contrast",2950 description:2951 "How do we make it better as acommunity of designers and developers ? We must think about these folks and this is where the need for accessibility in the process comes in.",2952 },2953 {2954 link: "",2955 image:2956 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2957 tag: "PDF",2958 title: " Create and verify PDF accessibility, Acrobat Pro",2959 description:2960 "Acrobat tools make it easy to createaccessible PDFs and check the accessibility of existing PDFs.You can create PDFs to meet commonaccessibility standards.",2961 },2962 {2963 link: "",2964 image:2965 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2966 tag: "Icons & SVG",2967 title: " Ikonate",2968 description: "Fully customisable & accessiblevector icons",2969 },2970 {2971 link: "",2972 image:2973 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2974 tag: "Icons & SVG",2975 title: " How Can I Make My Icon System Accessible ?",2976 description: "Learning how to make an icon systemaccesible.",2977 },2978 {2979 link: "",2980 image:2981 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2982 tag: "EPUB",2983 title: " Ace, by DAISY",2984 description:2985 "Ace, the Accessibility Checker forEPUB, is a tool developed by the DAISY Consortium to assist with the evaluation of accessibility features ofEPUB publications.",2986 },2987 {2988 link: "",2989 image:2990 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",2991 tag: "Evaluation Tools",2992 title: " Access Monitor Plus",2993 description:2994 "Access our web accessibilitypractices(WCAG 2.1) assessor here.Obtain an accessibility report using one of the following methods.",2995 },2996 {2997 link: "",2998 image:2999 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3000 tag: "Curated List",3001 title: " Ferramentas",3002 description:3003 "A curated list of accessibilityresources by",3004 },3005 {3006 link: "",3007 image:3008 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ckeditor.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3009 tag: "Software & Tools",3010 title: " CKEditor 4 - Accessibility Checker",3011 description:3012 "Use Accessibility Checker to inspectthe content when you work on it, right in the WYSIWYG editor.The tool will resolve some issuesautomatically and recommend how to fix common accessibility problems found in your document.",3013 },3014 {3015 link: "",3016 image:3017 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3018 tag: "Bookmarklet",3019 title: " Accessibility Bookmarklets",3020 description:3021 "Accessibility of web pages can behard to observe.These bookmarklets help web developers and designers see the big picture regarding webaccessibility.",3022 },3023 {3024 link: "",3025 image:3026 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3027 tag: "Curated List",3028 title: " a11yTools Resources",3029 description: "Tools and resources curated by PaulJ.Adam.",3030 },3031 {3032 link: "",3033 image:3034 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3035 tag: "Accessibility Cheatsheet",3036 title:3037 " WCAG Cheat Sheets WAI - ARIA Cheat Sheets & amp;Mobile Accessibility Cheat Sheets",3038 description:3039 "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is developed through the W3C process in cooperation with individuals and organizations around theworld, with a goal of proving a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets the needs ofindividuals, organizations, and governments internationally.",3040 },3041 {3042 link: "",3043 image:3044 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3045 tag: "Developer Tools",3046 title: " PostCSS Colorblind",3047 description:3048 "A PostCSS plugin for seeing yoursite as a colorblind person may.",3049 },3050 {3051 link: "",3052 image:3053 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3054 tag: "Software & Tools",3055 title: " a11yTools - Web Accessibility on theApp & nbsp; Store",3056 description:3057 "a11yTools is a collection of HTMLWeb Accessibility Testing Tools in one location on your iPhone and iPad for quick and easy Accessibilitytesting.Run your favorite Accessibility testing tool and easily take a screenshot on your phone showing thea11y error to developers and designers.",3058 },3059 {3060 link: "",3061 image:3062 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3063 tag: "Curated List",3064 title: " The Great Accessibility Blogs Roundup",3065 description:3066 "List of influencers in theaccessibility space & amp; made this comprehensive list of accessibility blogs.As the accessibility space isvery dynamic keeping updated about various accessibility techniques, tips & amp; tricks will be the key for success & amp; we hope these blogs will come in handy.",3067 },3068 {3069 link: "",3070 image:3071 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3072 tag: "Color Simulator",3073 title: " Check My Colours",3074 description:3075 "A tool for checking foreground andbackground color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast whenviewed by someone having color deficits.",3076 },3077 {3078 link: "",3079 image:3080 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3081 tag: "Article",3082 title:3083 " Accessibility Programming Guide for OS X: Testingfor Accessibility on OS X",3084 description:3085 "It is a tool for checking foregroundand background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrastwhen viewed by someone having color deficits.",3086 },3087 {3088 link: "",3089 image:3090 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3091 tag: "Browser Extension",3092 title: " a11yTools - Extension for Safari macOS",3093 description:3094 "a11yTools is a collection of HTMLWeb Accessibility Testing Tools in one location in a Safari Extension used for quick and easy Accessibilitytesting.Run your favorite Accessibility testing tool and then take a screenshot showing the a11y error todevelopers and designers.",3095 },3096 {3097 link: "",3098 image:3099 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3100 tag: "Testing & Audit",3101 title: " a11y - evaluation - tools",3102 description:3103 "A Google spreadsheet that includes alist of tools that can be used to evaluate the accessibility of web content and non - web content(mobile applications, desktop applications, documents)",3104 },3105 {3106 link: "",3107 image:3108 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3109 tag: "Developer Tools",3110 title: " A11ygato",3111 description: "Accessibility dashboard for websitemonitoring",3112 },3113 {3114 link: "",3115 image:3116 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3117 tag: "Mobile",3118 title: " Build more accessible apps",3119 description:3120 "Accessibility is an important partof any app.Whether you're developing a new app or improving an existing one, consider the accessibility ofyour app's components.",3121 },3122 {3123 link: "",3124 image:3125 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/color-a11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3126 tag: "Contrast Checker",3127 title: " Color Contrast Accessibility Validator",3128 description:3129 "This website provides free colorcontrast analysis tools that will display the color contrast issues of a web page or chosen color - pair; perWCAG 2.1 Guidelines.",3130 },3131 {3132 link: "",3133 image:3134 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3135 tag: "Guides",3136 title: " Best video on - demand streaming services foraccessibility",3137 description:3138 "Use this guide to compare the mostpopular on - demand services and find out which ones best suit your access needs.",3139 },3140 {3141 link: "",3142 image:3143 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3144 tag: "Article",3145 title: " Best video conferencing apps and software foraccessibility",3146 description:3147 "Video calling apps can help maintainconnection and community online, even if youâre unable to in person.Here's an overview of the best videoconferencing apps for accessibility.",3148 },3149 {3150 link: "",3151 image:3152 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3153 tag: "Design Patterns",3154 title: " Accessibility Code Library",3155 description:3156 "This is a collection of accessiblesolutions.The links take you to a page demonstrating the fully functional widget.",3157 },3158 {3159 link: "",3160 image:3161 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3162 tag: "Article",3163 title: " Accessibility of Web Components",3164 description:3165 "Presentation made by Marcy Suttonthat talks about accessibility of web components.",3166 },3167 {3168 link: "",3169 image:3170 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3171 tag: "Guides",3172 title: " Label in Name in WCAG 2.1",3173 description:3174 "Text in Label is just one of manycriterion outlined in the WCAG and, while it may seem like a small detail, adhering to it can make a bigimpact on our users.",3175 },3176 {3177 link: "",3178 image:3179 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3180 tag: "Design Patterns",3181 title: " Using Meaningful Link Text",3182 description:3183 "Link text should be unique within apage, should be meaningful when read out of context, and should help users to know something about theirdestination if they click on it.Link text such as âClick hereâ and âMoreâ fail to meet these criteria.",3184 },3185 {3186 link: "",3187 image:3188 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3189 tag: "Guides",3190 title: " Developing Accessible Websites",3191 description:3192 "In order to assure that websites andweb applications are accessible to and usable by everyone, designers and developers must follow webaccessibility guidelines.",3193 },3194 {3195 link: "",3196 image:3197 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3198 tag: "Curated List",3199 title: " A11Y Websites",3200 description:3201 "Showcase of accessible websites.These websites have been assessed through both automated and manual testing against the success criteria setout in the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) 2.1 to grade AA and above.",3202 },3203 {3204 link: "",3205 image:3206 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3207 tag: "Article",3208 title:3209 " Understanding accessibility requirements for public sector bodies",3210 description:3211 "Making a website or mobile appaccessible means making sure it can be used by as many people as possible.",3212 },3213 {3214 link: "",3215 image:3216 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3217 tag: "Guides",3218 title:3219 " Publish an accessibility statement before yourservice goes into public beta",3220 description:3221 "To comply with public sectoraccessibility regulations your service(this includes websites and mobile applications) must meet WebContent Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) 2.1 AA standards and publish an accessibility statement before goinginto public beta.",3222 },3223 {3224 link: "",3225 image:3226 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3227 tag: "Guides",3228 title: " Request an accessibility audit",3229 description:3230 "To meet public sector accessibilityregulations your service needs to pass an accessibility audit and publish an accessibility statement beforeit goes public.",3231 },3232 {3233 link: "",3234 image:3235 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3236 tag: "Testing & Audit",3237 title: " How to test for accessibility",3238 description:3239 "These are tasks you can undertake totest your service for accessibility.Some of these will reference the common testing methods.As a bareminimun we suggest you perform the generic tasks along with at least one screen - reader.",3240 },3241 {3242 link: "",3243 image:3244 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3245 tag: "Guides",3246 title: " Check the accessibility of your service beforeyou get an audit",3247 description:3248 "The accessibility of your service isyour teamâs responsibility.Before you request an accessibility audit, you should check the accessibility ofyour service.",3249 },3250 {3251 link: "",3252 image:3253 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3254 tag: "Article",3255 title: " Doing a basic accessibility check if you cannotdo a detailed one",3256 description:3257 "The first step towards meeting thenew accessibility requirements involves evaluating how accessible your website is.",3258 },3259 {3260 link: "",3261 image:3262 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3263 tag: "Article",3264 title: " Checklist to avoid the most common accessibilityerrors",3265 description:3266 "This isnât a comprehensive guide toaccessibility, but weâll look at ways to avoid the most common accessibility errors identified by the WebAIMaccessibility analysis of the top 1, 000, 000 home pages, and the HTTPArchive 2019 Web Almanac analysis of 5.8million pages.",3267 },3268 {3269 link: "",3270 image:3271 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3272 tag: "Curated List",3273 title: " 40 Tips For Inclusive And Accessible UserInterface Design",3274 description:3275 "Before diving into the tips, justone note on terminology.When weâre designing, itâs tempting to think in terms of âregularâ users as themain focus, and then to treat users with any kind of impairment as an edge case for which we might need tocompromise our core design.",3276 },3277 {3278 link: "",3279 image:3280 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3281 tag: "Handbook",3282 title: " AccessAbility: A Practical Handbook on AccessibleGraphic Design",3283 description:3284 "All design by definition promotesaccessibility.Graphic designers try to makeprinted messages clearer, websites more navigable, physical environmentseasier to negotiate.",3285 },3286 {3287 link: "",3288 image:3289 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3290 tag: "Article",3291 title: " Dropping Support For IE11 Is ProgressiveEnhancement",3292 description:3293 "If youâre a web developer workingtoday, itâs probably long passed time for you to stop transpiling your modern JavaScript into ES5 for Internet Explorer.Any time or effort spent getting your JavaScript working in IE11 is wasted time thatcould be better spent making a better experience for users without JavaScript.",3294 },3295 {3296 link: "",3297 image:3298 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3299 tag: "Curated List",3300 title: " Tools for designing good - looking accessibleinterfaces",3301 description:3302 "It's important for me thateverything I design is both accessible, ethical and user friendly.And to be fair, the three really gohand -in -hand.A product cannot be friendly if it's harmful or inaccessible.",3303 },3304 {3305 link: "",3306 image:3307 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/benjy.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3308 tag: "Media",3309 title: " Accessibility checklist",3310 description: "A list of accessibilityrecommendations, tips and resources.",3311 },3312 {3313 link: "",3314 image:3315 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3316 tag: "Design Patterns",3317 title: " A plan for accessible maps",3318 description:3319 "Designing accessible interactivemaps is hard.I donât think I could point to any single thing that Iâve worked on that covers all of thethings mentioned here.But, if I was going to start a brand new project, with plenty of time to get thingsright, this is where Iâd start.",3320 },3321 {3322 link: "",3323 image:3324 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3325 tag: "Web Standards",3326 title: " W3C Accessibility Standards Overview",3327 description:3328 "The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)develops international Web standards: HTML, CSS, and many more.W3Câs Web standards are called W3CRecommendations.This page introduces guidelines and other standards related to web accessibility.",3329 },3330 {3331 link: "",3332 image:3333 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3334 tag: "Web Standards",3335 title: " Writing for Web Accessibility",3336 description:3337 "Basic considerations to help you getstarted writing web content that is more accessible to people with disabilities.",3338 },3339 {3340 link: "",3341 image:3342 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3343 tag: "Web Standards",3344 title: " Developing for Web Accessibility â Tips forGetting Started",3345 description:3346 "Basic considerations to help you getstarted developing web content that is more accessible to people with disabilities.",3347 },3348 {3349 link: "",3350 image:3351 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3352 tag: "Audio & Video",3353 title: " Making Audio and Video Media Accessible",3354 description:3355 "Accessible audio and video isessential for people with disabilities, and benefits organizations.Depending on the content of your media, it might need captions / subtitles(a text version of the audio that is shown synchronized in the media player), a transcript(a separate text version of the audio), audio description of visual information (usually an additional audio stream that describes important visual content), or other accessibilityfunctionality / features.",3356 },3357 {3358 link: "",3359 image:3360 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3361 tag: "Web Standards",3362 title: " Designing for Web Accessibility",3363 description:3364 "Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) |W3C - Tips to help you getting started making your user interface design and visual design more accessibleto people with disabilities.",3365 },3366 {3367 link: "",3368 image:3369 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3370 tag: "Books",3371 title: " Mismatch",3372 description:3373 "How inclusive methods can buildelegant design solutions that work for all.",3374 },3375 {3376 link: "",3377 image:3378 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/consciousstyleguides.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3379 tag: "Guides",3380 title: " Conscious Style Guide",3381 description:3382 "A website devoted to consciouslanguage.Our mission is to help writers and editors think critically about using languageâincluding words, portrayals, framing, and representationâto empower instead of limit.",3383 },3384 {3385 link: "",3386 image:3387 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3388 tag: "Testing & Audit",3389 title: " My Approach To Mobile Accessibility Testing",3390 description:3391 "When I get asked by team membersabout mobile accessibility, I am often asked how difficult it is compared to desktop accessibility testing.Often the questions indicate how many assume that mobile accessibility is a completely different beast totraditional functional and accessibility software testing.",3392 },3393 {3394 link: "",3395 image:3396 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3397 tag: "Curated List",3398 title: " WCAG 2.1: The Area Of Effect For MobileAccessibility",3399 description:3400 "Accessibility guidelines are not arecent trend, but with events in the Digital World, they are taking more prominent roles within companies. ",3401 },3402 {3403 link: "",3404 image:3405 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/mot.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3406 tag: "Media",3407 title: " 30 Days of Accessibility Testing",3408 description:3409 "List of 30 challenges aroundaccessibility testing by Ministry of Testing",3410 },3411 {3412 link: "",3413 image:3414 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3415 tag: "Developer Tools",3416 title: " Magica11y",3417 description:3418 "A suite of functions to detectâuser - preferenceâ and âenvironmentâ media features.",3419 },3420 {3421 link: "",3422 image:3423 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3424 tag: "Mobile",3425 title: " Be My Eyes - See the world together",3426 description:3427 "Be My Eyes is a free app thatconnects blind and low - vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.",3428 },3429 {3430 link: "",3431 image:3432 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3433 tag: "Article",3434 title: " Why and How to Start Manual Accessibility Testing",3435 description:3436 "Automated tests only work for thosethings that can be tested programmatically and objectively, such as the existence of alt tags, whether colorcontrast ratios are high enough, and the existence of form labels.",3437 },3438 {3439 link: "",3440 image:3441 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3442 tag: "Article",3443 title: " Making Documents Accessible",3444 description:3445 "Word processing documents must bedesigned so that people with and without disabilities can easily access and edit them.In particular, peoplewho are blind, people with low vision, and people with dyslexia may use a screen reader or Braille device tonavigate the document.",3446 },3447 {3448 link: "",3449 image:3450 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3451 tag: "Resources",3452 title: " Improve accessibility with the AccessibilityChecker",3453 description:3454 "Before sending your email message orsharing your document or spreadsheet, run the Accessibility Checker to make sure your Microsoft Officecontent is easy for people of all abilities to read and edit.",3455 },3456 {3457 link: "",3458 image:3459 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3460 tag: "Emails",3461 title: " Writing Accessible Emails",3462 description:3463 "Email is a primary way of connectingwith new and existing audiences, so youâll want to ensure that the messages you send are accessible. Luckily, the process for making emails accessible for people with disabilities is similar to making anyother document accessible.",3464 },3465 {3466 link: "",3467 image:3468 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3469 tag: "Article",3470 title: " Creating Accessible Data Visualizations on theWeb",3471 description:3472 "Data visualizations are graphicrepresentations that cut through the volume of data to deliver insights.Charts, graphs, and other visualsabstract the underlying data to help people identify patterns and unpack complex information.Addingaccessibility features to visualizations is essential for providing the same insights to people with disabilities.",3473 },3474 {3475 link: "",3476 image:3477 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3478 tag: "Article",3479 title: " How to create better, more accessible WordPressthemes",3480 description:3481 "Data visualizations are graphicrepresentations that cut through the volume of data to deliver insights.Charts, graphs, and other visualsabstract the underlying data to help people identify patterns and unpack complex information.Addingaccessibility features to visualizations is essential for providing the same insights to people with disabilities.",3482 },3483 {3484 link: "",3485 image:3486 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3487 tag: "Article",3488 title: " Writing Accessible Content",3489 description:3490 "Good start for accessible site isusing accessibility ready themes and plugins.I have written technical overview how to build accessiblethemes.But that alone is not enough.Writing accessible content is big part of having accessible site.",3491 },3492 {3493 link: "",3494 image:3495 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3496 tag: "Design Patterns",3497 title: " Building an accessible autocomplete control",3498 description:3499 "Adam Silver write an end-to-endprocess on how to build an accessible autocomplete control.",3500 },3501 {3502 link: "",3503 image:3504 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3505 tag: "Resources",3506 title: " Disability Language Style Guide",3507 description:3508 "This style guide, developed by theNational Center on Disability and Journalism at Arizona State University, is intended to help.It coversalmost 200 words and terms commonly used when referring to disability, most of which are not covered in TheAssociated Press style guide.",3509 },3510 {3511 link: "",3512 image:3513 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3514 tag: "Resources",3515 title: " Ableism / Language",3516 description:3517 "The terms that are listed below arepart of an expanding English - language glossary of ableist words and terms.",3518 },3519 {3520 link: "",3521 image:3522 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3523 tag: "Copywriting",3524 title: " Hemingway Editor",3525 description:3526 "The app highlights lengthy, complexsentences and common errors; if you see a yellow sentence, shorten or split it.If you see a red highlight, your sentence is so dense and complicated that your readers will get lost trying to follow its meandering, splitting logic â try editing this sentence to remove the red.",3527 },3528 {3529 link: "",3530 image:3531 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3532 tag: "Design Patterns",3533 title: " The main reasons why we shouldn't use click hereas link text",3534 description:3535 "A typical pattern on the web is forlinks to hide behind text that says âclick hereâ, âread moreâ, or similar.Iâm going to share the reasonswhy this is bad and suggest some better patterns to use.",3536 },3537 {3538 link: "",3539 image:3540 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3541 tag: "Podcast",3542 title: " What is ARIA Even For ?",3543 description: "Podcast that talks about some commonpitfalls of using ARIA.",3544 },3545 {3546 link: "",3547 image:3548 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3549 tag: "Media",3550 title: " Assessment Checklist",3551 description:3552 "This checklist includes an outlineof how to cover everything thatâs required in an accessibility audit of a project or product.",3553 },3554 {3555 link: "",3556 image:3557 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3558 tag: "Curated List",3559 title: " A11y Resources",3560 description:3561 "Checkout these recommended resourcesfor furthering your journey in web accessibility.",3562 },3563 {3564 link: "",3565 image:3566 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3567 tag: "Media",3568 title: " Accessibility Audit Checklist",3569 description:3570 "A spreadsheet for you to manuallytest your website.A a11y resource must have brought to you by Luis Garcia from Reddit.",3571 },3572 {3573 link: "",3574 image:3575 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3576 tag: "Article",3577 title: " a11y is web accessibility",3578 description:3579 "When you read it regularly, youstart to notice that thereâs an ebb and flow to the kinds of things that get brought up.People post ideasand observations, followed by reactions, counter - reactions, meta - reactions, subtweets, side and backchannelconversations, etc.",3580 },3581 {3582 link: "",3583 image:3584 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3585 tag: "Guides",3586 title: " How to Make Your Events More Accessible andInclusive",3587 description:3588 "When planning an event, we can allagree that thereâs one universal goal â to ensure everyone has a fantastic time.More often than not, accommodating accessibility is often an afterthought in event marketing(or not even a thought at all).Asevent marketers, itâs on us to make sure every component of the our events is accessible to every singleparticipant â no matter ability.",3589 },3590 {3591 link: "",3592 image:3593 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3594 tag: "Article",3595 title: " Which Video Conferencing Tools Are MostAccessible ? ",3596 description:3597 "Since the beginning of the COVIDpandemic, the rate of development in video conferencing has accelerated in a business that already hadfrequent releases.Major product announcements are happening weekly, and Zoom is releasing patches nearlydaily, along with a major upgrade to Zoom 5.",3598 },3599 {3600 link: "",3601 image:3602 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3603 tag: "Article",3604 title: " Global Digital Accessibility Developments DuringCOVID - 19",3605 description:3606 "What impact has COVID-19 had oncompanies across the UK and beyond ? Iâve been hosting a series of monthly webinars with senior accessibilityguests from global brands such as Microsoft and ATOS, and UK giants like Barclays and Sainsburyâs.",3607 },3608 {3609 link: "",3610 image:3611 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3612 tag: "Resources",3613 title: " Accessibility Glossary",3614 description:3615 "Select a letter to browse theglossary alphabetically.Next, click on a designation to consult its French equivalent and otherterminological information(which may vary from one entry to another) that includes other designations, definitions, notes and usage examples.",3616 },3617 {3618 link: "",3619 image:3620 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3621 tag: "PDF",3622 title: " Accessible PDF: A Glossary of Terms",3623 description: "PDF Accessibility Terms Defined",3624 },3625 {3626 link: "",3627 image:3628 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3629 tag: "Resources",3630 title: " Accessibility Glossary of Terms",3631 description:3632 "Accessibility Glossary of Termsbrought to you b Accessible360.",3633 },3634 {3635 link: "",3636 image:3637 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3638 tag: "Resources",3639 title: " Accessibility Terms",3640 description:3641 "If you are new to accessibility youmay have noticed there are many acronyms, technical terms and other information directly related toaccessibility, disabilities, and advocacy.Here is a glossary of terms to assist you.",3642 },3643 {3644 link: "",3645 image:3646 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3647 tag: "Resources",3648 title: " Accessibility Glossary Terms",3649 description: "Accessibility Glossary Terms",3650 },3651 {3652 link: "",3653 image:3654 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3655 tag: "Article",3656 title: " Your âhamburger menuâ button is inaccessible.Hereâs how to fix it",3657 description:3658 "Do you have a hamburger menu on yourwebsite ? You probably do.And why wouldnât you ? It helps unclutter a busy website on mobile.However thereâsa problem.Itâs not accessible if you havenât actually put the time and effort to do it so.",3659 },3660 {3661 link: "",3662 image:3663 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3664 tag: "Article",3665 title: " How to Use ARIA Roles, Properties, and States inHTML",3666 description:3667 "In this beginnerâs accessibilitytutorial weâre going to learn what ARIA is, why it is necessary to write our HTML with ARIA in mind, what ARIA roles, properties, and states are, and(very importantly) the 5 rules of ARIA use.",3668 },3669 {3670 link: "",3671 image:3672 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3673 tag: "Article",3674 title: " Designing for diversity",3675 description:3676 "Inclusive design is often confusedwith simply designing for people with disabilities.However, true inclusive design is much more than this âit is about designing for as diverse a range of people possible.",3677 },3678 {3679 link: "",3680 image:3681 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3682 tag: "Article",3683 title: " How Users Read on the Web",3684 description:3685 "They don't. People rarely read Webpages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences.",3686 },3687 {3688 link: "",3689 image:3690 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3691 tag: "Developer Tools",3692 title: " Accessibility Support",3693 description: "Will your code work with assistivetechnologies ? ",3694 },3695 {3696 link: "",3697 image:3698 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/intopia.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3699 tag: "Company",3700 title: " Intopia",3701 description:3702 "We help organisations be moreinclusive and accessible.Together, we create enjoyable, efficient online and mobile experiences for everyone.",3703 },3704 {3705 link: "",3706 image:3707 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3708 tag: "Curated List",3709 title: " Accessibility Reviews",3710 description:3711 "A community-driven resource to bothfind and share information on the accessibility of tools, services, platforms, and so on.",3712 },3713 {3714 link: "",3715 image:3716 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3717 tag: "Community",3718 title: " A11y Bytes",3719 description: "Join A11y Bytes at Slack.",3720 },3721 {3722 link: "",3723 image:3724 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/content-readability-guidelines.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3725 tag: "Guides",3726 title: " Readability Guidelines",3727 description:3728 "A collaboratively developed,universal content style guide, based on usability evidence",3729 },3730 {3731 link: "",3732 image:3733 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/adobe.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3734 tag: "Color Generator",3735 title: " Accessible color palette generator",3736 description: "Adobe color's accessible colorpalette generator.",3737 },3738 {3739 link: "",3740 image:3741 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3742 tag: "Article",3743 title: " 8 common questions about accessible UX",3744 description:3745 "Inclusive design is about servingall types of people, and being exceptionally aware of our biases when creating designs.If youâre doing itright, youâre building a product that is usable for people from all backgrounds, including people with disabilities.The truth is inclusive design is just better design.",3746 },3747 {3748 link: "",3749 image:3750 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/inclusiveicons.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3751 tag: "Icons & SVG",3752 title: " Inclusive icons",3753 description:3754 "An inclusive icons designed byAudrey Marzin and Florent Lenormand.",3755 },3756 {3757 link: "",3758 image:3759 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/brailleinstitute.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3760 tag: "Typeface",3761 title: " Atkinson Hyperlegible Font",3762 description:3763 "Atkinson Hyperlegible font is namedafter Braille Institute founder, Robert J.Atkinson.What makes it different from traditional typographydesign is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improvingreadability.",3764 },3765 {3766 link: "",3767 image:3768 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3769 tag: "Community",3770 title: " Fable",3771 description:3772 "Digital product testing, powered bypeople with disabilities.Fable moves organizations from worrying about compliance, to building exceptional, accessible user experiences.",3773 },3774 {3775 link: "",3776 image:3777 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/accessibilitydev.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3778 tag: "Guides",3779 title: " Accessibility.Dev",3780 description:3781 "A go-to guide for developers inbuilding websites more accessible.",3782 },3783 {3784 link: "",3785 image:3786 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/inclusionhub.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3787 tag: "Curated List",3788 title: " Web Accessibility Resources",3789 description:3790 "A directory of accessibilityresources, tools, services and platforms by InclusionHub.",3791 },3792 {3793 link: "",3794 image:3795 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3796 tag: "Curated List",3797 title: " InclusionHub Digital Inclusion Resources",3798 description: "Web accessibility resources tools,services and platforms.",3799 },3800 {3801 link: "",3802 image:3803 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3804 tag: "Curated List",3805 title: " Accessibility tools for designers and developers",3806 description:3807 "In this guide, youâll findaccessibility testing tools, color contrast checkers and color blindness simulators, both for designers and developers who work with web and mobile.",3808 },3809 {3810 link: "",3811 image:3812 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3813 tag: "Vision Simulator",3814 title: " Coblis",3815 description:3816 "The Color BLIndness Simulator canclose this gap for you.Just play around with it and get a feeling of how it is to have a color visionhandicap.",3817 },3818 {3819 link: "",3820 image:3821 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3822 tag: "Article",3823 title: " When will open source care about accessibility",3824 description:3825 "Hereâs a short breakdown. I donâtcare to go into it in depth, because, honestly, I couldnât care less that non - disabled WordPress fans andWordPress staff are upset by this decision.Let them be pissed for a while.They deserve to have their egobruised.",3826 },3827 {3828 link: "",3829 image:3830 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/faciliti.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3831 tag: "Developer Tools",3832 title: " FACILâiti",3833 description:3834 "FACILâiti provides a significantlyimproved and customized browsing experience for older adults and people with disabilities.It allows thewebsite to meet the needs of each individualâs particular condition.",3835 },3836 {3837 link: "",3838 image:3839 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3840 tag: "Article",3841 title: " Creating accessible color systems for human eyes",3842 description:3843 "I think we all agree that colors aresimply hard.We work with digital devices by looking at our screens through human eyes.These often donât goalong very well.",3844 },3845 {3846 link: "",3847 image:3848 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/coursera.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3849 tag: "Courses & Certificates",3850 title: " An Introduction to Accessibility and InclusiveDesign",3851 description:3852 "This course introduces some of thefundamental principles of accessibility and prepares learners for further study in accessibility and inclusive design.",3853 },3854 {3855 link: "",3856 image:3857 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/elsevier.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3858 tag: "Media",3859 title: " Elsevier's Accessibility Checklist",3860 description:3861 "This checklist provides an overviewof the success criteria for Web accessibility.",3862 },3863 {3864 link: "",3865 image:3866 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/thea11ymachine.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3867 tag: "Validators",3868 title: " TheA11yMachine",3869 description:3870 "The A11y Machine is an automatedaccessibility testing tool which crawls and tests pages of any web application to produce detailed reports. ",3871 },3872 {3873 link: "",3874 image:3875 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/thebighack.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3876 tag: "Article",3877 title: " Accessibility and video on - demand streamingservices",3878 description:3879 "The Big Hack's Inclusive LeagueTable compares the most popular UK video streaming services and the services they provide for their disabled customers. ",3880 },3881 {3882 link: "",3883 image:3884 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/adg.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3885 tag: "Guides",3886 title: " Welcome to the Accessibility Developer Guide",3887 description:3888 "If you want to learn more aboutdesigning and implementing fully accessible websites, you've come to the right place.",3889 },3890 {3891 link: "",3892 image:3893 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3894 tag: "Media",3895 title: " Accessibility checklist",3896 description:3897 "To design products that people willlove⦠and use.Every product designer has to pay special attention to rules, principles, and recommendationsto make their interface design accessible.",3898 },3899 {3900 link: "",3901 image:3902 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3903 tag: "Article",3904 title: " 5 misconceptions about accessibility that harmpeople and products",3905 description:3906 "Why build accessible products?Understand how important it is to design a product with respect to accessibility principles.",3907 },3908 {3909 link: "",3910 image:3911 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/eventpart.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3912 tag: "Video",3913 title: " Making Motion Inclusive",3914 description:3915 "Itâs a common misconception thatthings like inclusive design and accessibility only come at the cost of design details like motion, butthatâs just not the case.",3916 },3917 {3918 link: "",3919 image:3920 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3921 tag: "Microsoft Powerpoint",3922 title: " WebAIM: PowerPoint Accessibility",3923 description:3924 "Microsoft PowerPoint is one of themost popular tools for creating slide show presentations.It is often used to organize thoughts for a meeting or lesson, to present key points in a live presentation, and even to create handouts.This articleoutlines how to can make PowerPoint files more accessible on the web.",3925 },3926 {3927 link: "",3928 image:3929 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/businessinsider.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3930 tag: "Article",3931 title: " How retailers can make their digital presencemore accessible",3932 description:3933 "Creating an online experience that'susable for the visually impaired.",3934 },3935 {3936 link: "",3937 image:3938 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/alistpart.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3939 tag: "Article",3940 title: " Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders",3941 description:3942 "Accessibility can be tricky. Thereare plenty of conditions to take into consideration, and many technical limitations and weird exceptionsthat make it quite hard to master for most designers and developers.",3943 },3944 {3945 link: "",3946 image:3947 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3948 tag: "Article",3949 title: " Responsive Design for Motion",3950 description:3951 "WebKit now supports theprefers - reduced - motion media feature, part of CSS Media Queries Level 5, User Preferences.The feature canbe used in a CSS @media block or through the window.matchMedia() interface in JavaScript.Web designers anddevelopers can use this feature to serve alternate animations that avoid motion sickness triggersexperienced by some site visitors.",3952 },3953 {3954 link: "",3955 image:3956 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/source.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3957 tag: "Article",3958 title: " Your interactive makes me sick",3959 description:3960 "Why your coolest scrolly featurescan cause problems, and what to do about it.",3961 },3962 {3963 link: "",3964 image:3965 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/bootcampers.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3966 tag: "Books",3967 title: " The Bootcampers Guide to Web Accessibility",3968 description:3969 "A guide of everything Lindsey Kopaczas a self - taught accessibility expert to help bootcampers and self - guided learners.",3970 },3971 {3972 link: "",3973 image:3974 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/emailtalk.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3975 tag: "Emails",3976 title: " Accessibility and Typography in Email w / PaulAiry",3977 description: "Talks about Accessibility andTypography in Emails",3978 },3979 {3980 link: "",3981 image:3982 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3983 tag: "Article",3984 title: " A skip link on Squarespace and a little aboutz - index",3985 description:3986 "Injecting accessibility featuresinto existing websites can be a challenge.",3987 },3988 {3989 link: "",3990 image:3991 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11ycollective.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",3992 tag: "Courses & Certificates",3993 title: " The A11Y Collective online courses on WebAccessibility",3994 description:3995 "Whether youâre a designer,developer, product owner, webmaster or content creator, you have the power to make impact.Just enroll in our courses.Learn at home or on the go and always at your own pace.",3996 },3997 {3998 link: "",3999 image:4000 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4001 tag: "Resources",4002 title: " WP Accessibility Resources",4003 description: "Download all WP Accessibility talksand online session.",4004 },4005 {4006 link: "",4007 image:4008 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/cipt.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4009 tag: "Resources",4010 title: " Can I Play That ?",4011 description: "For Disabled Gamers, By DisabledGamers",4012 },4013 {4014 link: "",4015 image:4016 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/writer.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4017 tag: "Guides",4018 title: " A11y for Writers",4019 description:4020 "To help writers create moreinclusive and accessible content, creative spaces, and professional circles.",4021 },4022 {4023 link: "",4024 image:4025 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4026 tag: "Article",4027 title: " Easy Captions for Content Creators",4028 description:4029 "You made a video! Maybe itâs yourfirst, maybe itâs your 500th.Whatever the case, you have a video and now it needs captions.Butâ¦how do you get captions ? And why do you need them ? And if youâre uploading it to YouTube, surely the auto - captionsprovided by YouTube will suffice, right ? Wrong.",4030 },4031 {4032 link: "",4033 image:4034 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4035 tag: "Article",4036 title: " How Educators Can Support Accessibility",4037 description:4038 "Online education stands a realchance to level the playing field for disabled people when it comes to access to education, but only if schools donât insist on applying their strict(and quite often absurd) traditional education accommodationpolicies to online programs.",4039 },4040 {4041 link: "",4042 image:4043 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/deque.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4044 tag: "Curated List",4045 title: " Web Accessibility News & amp; Resources",4046 description:4047 "Web accessibility news andresources, curated by Deque Systems.",4048 },4049 {4050 link: "",4051 image:4052 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4053 tag: "Gaming",4054 title: " The Last Of Us Part II - Most Accessible GameEver!",4055 description:4056 "Today along with Courtney Cravenfrom are taking a look at the accessibility of Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us PartII.",4057 },4058 {4059 link: "",4060 image:4061 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4062 tag: "Accessibility Personas",4063 title: " Bringing inclusive design to life throughPersonas",4064 description:4065 "Accessibility personas â Olivia,Keith, Colin, Serena, Arturo, and Edith",4066 },4067 {4068 link: "",4069 image:4070 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/tink.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4071 tag: "Article",4072 title: " How screen readers navigate data tables",4073 description:4074 "When a table is created using theappropriate HTML elements(or ARIA roles) screen readers can inform users about the characteristics of thetable, and users have access to keyboard commands specifically for navigating tabular content.",4075 },4076 {4077 link: "",4078 image:4079 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/devyarns.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4080 tag: "Article",4081 title: " Five Ways to Write Better Alt Text",4082 description:4083 "Itâs easy to writeminimally - compliant alt text.Just stick anything at all in there and automated testing tools will be happy.But if you actually care about providing high - quality experiences for blind users(which you should), writing alt text is a lot more challenging.",4084 },4085 {4086 link: "",4087 image:4088 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/frequentl11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4089 tag: "Newsletters",4090 title: " frequent11y",4091 description:4092 "frequent11y is an a11y-focussednewsletter covering design, development, ethics and science in the world of accessibility.Receive your a11ynews daily, weekly, fortnightly, and monthly.",4093 },4094 {4095 link: "",4096 image:4097 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/webaccessibilitychecklist.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4098 tag: "Media",4099 title: " Web Accessibility Checklist",4100 description:4101 "A checklist for creating accessiblewebsites and web applications.",4102 },4103 {4104 link: "",4105 image:4106 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/zipboard.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4107 tag: "Article",4108 title: " Designing Accessible eLearning Courses",4109 description:4110 "Accessibility eLearning developmenthas evolved from Web accessibility.Web accessibility is about making content, applications, websites, orany form of digital content that can be accessed over the internet by anyone from any place in the world. ",4111 },4112 {4113 link: "",4114 image:4115 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/forum.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4116 tag: "Article",4117 title: " A Good Reminder of the Importance of WebAccessibility",4118 description:4119 "The power of the Web is in itsuniversality.Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.",4120 },4121 {4122 link: "",4123 image:4124 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4125 tag: "Article",4126 title: " Gutenberg Accessibility Costs WordPress the W3CWork",4127 description:4128 "As the W3C has embarked on a fullweb property rebuild, its vendor(Studio24) indirectly announced earlier this month that it had droppedWordPress from consideration as a CMS.",4129 },4130 {4131 link: "",4132 image:4133 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4134 tag: "Article",4135 title: " Apple iOS 14 Accessibility Features",4136 description: "Apple iOS 14 accessibility features.",4137 },4138 {4139 link: "",4140 image:4141 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4142 tag: "Article",4143 title: " Apple Takes Accessibility Features to the NextLevel in iOS 14",4144 description:4145 "Not only did Apple take the time tofocus on interacting with your iPhone physically, but there are some extra new features.These include audioimprovements along with some extra goodies for those who use AirPods.",4146 },4147 {4148 link: "",4149 image:4150 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4151 tag: "Resources",4152 title: " Products and Features â Google Accessibility",4153 description: "Explore some of Google'saccessibility features and products.",4154 },4155 {4156 link: "",4157 image:4158 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4159 tag: "Resources",4160 title: " Microsoft Windows 10 Accessibility Features",4161 description:4162 "Windows 10 brings meaningfulinnovation to all people, whether you have a disability, a personal preference, or a unique work style.",4163 },4164 {4165 link: "",4166 image:4167 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/forum.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4168 tag: "Media",4169 title: " An Accessibility & amp; Inclusion Checklist forVirtual Events",4170 description:4171 "To make a virtual event accessible,hereâs a helpful checklist that covers accessibility across the full timeline of preparing for an event, to wrapping it up.",4172 },4173 {4174 link: "",4175 image:4176 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4177 tag: "Design Patterns",4178 title: " Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS",4179 description:4180 "Iâve always loved exploring how tomake semantic, accessible elements aesthetically pleasing.And yes, it is possible.Challenging myself to do this has improved my CSS skills.",4181 },4182 {4183 link: "",4184 image:4185 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4186 tag: "Article",4187 title:4188 " Persuading stakeholders and higher ups theimportance of accessibility",4189 description:4190 "Making the case for accessibility isthe most challenging part of the process.We believe there are three main levels that require change for this to happenâgetting your peers on board, changing the way your team works, and finally changing yourorganisationâs systems and processes.",4191 },4192 {4193 link: "",4194 image:4195 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/prototypr.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4196 tag: "Article",4197 title: " 9 ways to make social content accessible",4198 description:4199 "You donât need me to tell you thatdigital things need to be accessible(again).Accessible products and services are both a moral imperativeand the law.",4200 },4201 {4202 link: "",4203 image:4204 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4205 tag: "Article",4206 title: " Intro to Accessibility",4207 description:4208 "Accessibility may be more than amoral imperative to ensure products are inclusive of more people who already experience barriers in dailylife â it has a very practical outcome, benefiting everyone including the person with the disability.",4209 },4210 {4211 link: "",4212 image:4213 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4214 tag: "Guides",4215 title: " Tips to Create an Accessible and Contrasted ColorPalette",4216 description:4217 "Color contrast is something reallyimportant in Design.It will help users read your text and get a clear understanding of your content.Colorcontrast and color accessibility scares a lot of designers too",4218 },4219 {4220 link: "",4221 image:4222 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/coloraccessibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4223 tag: "Curated List",4224 title:4225 " Color Accessibility: Tools and resources to helpyou design inclusive products",4226 description:4227 "A curated list of all resources,tips and tools regularly use to build and check the color accessibility by Stephanie Walter.",4228 },4229 {4230 link: "",4231 image:4232 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/accessibilityforteams.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4233 tag: "Guides",4234 title: " Accessibility for teams by Peter van Grieken",4235 description:4236 "A starter guide for teams aboutdelivering accessible websites.",4237 },4238 {4239 link: "",4240 image:4241 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/designmodo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4242 tag: "Article",4243 title: " 12 Screen Reader Facts for Accessible Web Design",4244 description:4245 "Designing for accessibility, andspecifically for screen readers, is a skill every UX designer needs.",4246 },4247 {4248 link: "",4249 image:4250 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4251 tag: "Curated List",4252 title: " Accessibility tools for Developers and QAs",4253 description:4254 "There are plenty of Accessibilitytools that can help us improve our web sites / apps for more people.Choose your flavor and begin testing.",4255 },4256 {4257 link: "",4258 image:4259 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4260 tag: "Curated List",4261 title: " Accessibility Resources",4262 description: "A curated list of accessibilityresources by Ian Routledge.",4263 },4264 {4265 link: "",4266 image:4267 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4268 tag: "Article",4269 title:4270 " Adobe unveils ambitious multi - year vision forPDF: Introduces Liquid Mode",4271 description:4272 "As we build future PDF experiences,our long - term vision is centered around bringing more Adobe Sensei technology into all of our documentproducts and services.",4273 },4274 {4275 link: "",4276 image:4277 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4278 tag: "Software & Tools",4279 title: " Voicetext by Presence",4280 description: "Send voice messages w/ texttranscribed directly in Slack",4281 },4282 {4283 link: "",4284 image:4285 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/web-accessibility-google.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4286 tag: "Courses & Certificates",4287 title: " Udacity's Web Accessibility by Google",4288 description:4289 "In this course youâll get hands - onexperience making web applications accessible.Youâll understand when and why users need accessibility.",4290 },4291 {4292 link: "",4293 image:4294 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4295 tag: "Article",4296 title: " How GovTech created a web accessibility testingtool",4297 description:4298 "Meet the GovTech team working toembed inclusion and accessibility into webpage design and software development",4299 },4300 {4301 link: "",4302 image:4303 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/csstricks.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4304 tag: "Motion",4305 title: " Accessible Web Animation",4306 description: "The WCAG on Animation Explained.",4307 },4308 {4309 link: "",4310 image:4311 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4312 tag: "Motion",4313 title: " Accessibility and Motion",4314 description:4315 "How to design the delightful userexperience you want for your sighted / non - motion sensitive users, without triggering distraction, nauseaand migraines in the rest of us.",4316 },4317 {4318 link: "",4319 image:4320 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/rangeslider.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4321 tag: "Design Patterns",4322 title: " Creating an Accessible Range Slider with CSS",4323 description:4324 "A thorough guide of creating anaccessibile range slider with CSS.",4325 },4326 {4327 link: "",4328 image:4329 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4330 tag: "Mobile",4331 title: " Mobile Web Accessibility",4332 description:4333 "Mobile Web Accessibility Check is acomplete mobile solution to enable verification of mobile web accessibility against internationallyrecognized accessibility guidelines.",4334 },4335 {4336 link: "",4337 image:4338 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4339 tag: "Developer Tools",4340 title: " equa11y",4341 description:4342 "Equa11y Command Line Tool: An easyto implement axe - core command line testing tool made by Software Engineers for Software Engineers",4343 },4344 {4345 link: "",4346 image:4347 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4348 tag: "Developer Tools",4349 title: " Modularscale",4350 description:4351 "Use a scale like you would use aruler.Many people set heading type sizes with numbers from a scale, but that's just one possibility. Youcan use a scale to measure or set the size of any element or negative space in a composition â includinggrids, and the overall dimensions of the composition itself.",4352 },4353 {4354 link: "",4355 image:4356 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hikeorders.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4357 tag: "Guides",4358 title: " Accessibility Terms Glossary",4359 description:4360 "Wondering what that acronym means?Stay up to date on the most important accessibility terms.",4361 },4362 {4363 link: "",4364 image:4365 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/polypane.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4366 tag: "Developer Tools",4367 title: " Polypane",4368 description:4369 "A browser with all the tools youneed to build responsive, accessible and performant sites five times faster, perfect for developers and designers.",4370 },4371 {4372 link: "",4373 image:4374 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4375 tag: "MacOS App",4376 title: " Caption",4377 description:4378 "Caption takes the effort out offinding and setting up the right subtitles.A simple design, drag & amp; drop search, and automaticdownloading & amp; renaming let you just start watching.Caption is multi-platform, open - source, and builtentirely on web technology.",4379 },4380 {4381 link: "",4382 image:4383 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/vana11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4384 tag: "Developer Tools",4385 title: " Van11y",4386 description:4387 "Van11y (for Vanilla-Accessibility)is a collection of accessible scripts for rich interfaces elements, built using progressive enhancement andcustomizable.",4388 },4389 {4390 link: "",4391 image:4392 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4393 tag: "Organization",4394 title: " Hadley",4395 description:4396 "The mission of Hadley is to createpersonalized learning opportunities that empower adults with vision loss or blindness to thrive - at home, at work, and in their communities.",4397 },4398 {4399 link: "",4400 image:4401 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4402 tag: "Podcast",4403 title: " Maccessibility",4404 description:4405 "In Episode 201 of The MaccessibilityRoundtable Podcast, our knights Discuss Appleâs âTime Fliesâ event.",4406 },4407 {4408 link: "",4409 image:4410 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4411 tag: "Resources",4412 title: " Apple's Accessibility Videos",4413 description: "Watch all Apple's accessibilityvideos.",4414 },4415 {4416 link: "",4417 image:4418 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4419 tag: "Article",4420 title: " Accessibility is not like drowning",4421 description:4422 "Accessibility is not like drowning.I mean it obviously isn't, but let me explain why I'm comparing the two.",4423 },4424 {4425 link: "",4426 image:4427 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4428 tag: "Article",4429 title: " For many, accessibility is an unknown unknown",4430 description:4431 "An unknown unknown is something youdonât know you donât know.When youâre just starting out with web development there are many unknownunknowns.You donât know enough about whatâs possible to know what the right way to do things is. Accessibility is one of them.",4432 },4433 {4434 link: "",4435 image:4436 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4437 tag: "UI KIT",4438 title:4439 " Pixel Lite - Accessibility - first UI kit available in many tech flavors",4440 description: "A modern accessibility-first UI Kitcrafted by Themesberg.",4441 },4442 {4443 link: "",4444 image:4445 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4446 tag: "Article",4447 title: " Pivoting to fully remote accessibility testing",4448 description:4449 "People with disabilities are morelikely to have requested part - time or full - time WFH as a reasonable accommodation.However, those wereindividuals who wanted to WFH and, more importantly, emotionally invested in WFH.",4450 },4451 {4452 link: "",4453 image:4454 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4455 tag: "Article",4456 title:4457 " How to discuss accessibility during adesign / UI / UX interview or portfolio review",4458 description:4459 "Portfolio reviews are thepenultimate step in the design / UI / UX interview process.Itâs a chance to show your work, defend yourdecision making, explain your creative process, and allow your work to speak for you.",4460 },4461 {4462 link: "",4463 image:4464 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4465 tag: "Article",4466 title:4467 " Accessibility and Design Thinking donât worktogether automatically",4468 description:4469 "Under the universal/inclusive designdoctrine, you design for all users and, therefore, do not call out the needs of the users with disabilities. ",4470 },4471 {4472 link: "",4473 image:4474 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4475 tag: "Article",4476 title: " There is no âmyths of color contrastaccessibilityâ",4477 description:4478 "When you need to work on interfaces,color contrast is a real thing you have to take into account to make it accessible.You have the right to beafraid of losing part of the aesthetics of your beautifully well - designed interface, and you are right if you are used to a poor contrast ratio.Accessibility comes with its constraint, but not much more than UX (User Experience) Design.",4479 },4480 {4481 link: "",4482 image:4483 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4484 tag: "Article",4485 title: " Building an Accessible Product",4486 description:4487 "Accessibility is a hot topic, andeveryone is pushing to make their products more accessible.Whether youâre looking at it through a design, technical, or managerial lens, the task of taking a product from zero to accessible can be very daunting.Wehave recently gone through this process on the Inbox team at Hootsuite and want to share some of theknowledge weâve gained.",4488 },4489 {4490 link: "",4491 image:4492 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4493 tag: "Article",4494 title: " What is Focus in Web Accessibility ?",4495 description:4496 "Some users use the keyboardprimarily, and do not or can not use the mouse to interact with the computer(e.g., someone with physical motor coordination and control challenges).",4497 },4498 {4499 link: "",4500 image:4501 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4502 tag: "Article",4503 title: " Please Take Accessibility Seriously",4504 description:4505 "The internet is, theoretically, aplace that can be adapted to suit people with different accessibility needs.",4506 },4507 {4508 link: "",4509 image:4510 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4511 tag: "Article",4512 title: " UX Design Colour Psychology, Theory & amp;Accessibility",4513 description:4514 "Colour is an interesting topic,which I feel is often overlooked and sometimes under - appreciated.One of the first things I was taught wasthe power of colour, how it can have an impact on human emotion, and that there should be purpose behindchoosing one.",4515 },4516 {4517 link: "",4518 image:4519 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4520 tag: "Article",4521 title: " How AI Can Influence Accessibility",4522 description:4523 "Thoughts on establishing bestpractices in AI ethics and creating an inclusive digital future.",4524 },4525 {4526 link: "",4527 image:4528 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4529 tag: "Article",4530 title: " 10 ways to start your inclusive, accessibledesign journey",4531 description:4532 "How do you integrate inclusive andaccessible design practices into your work, so that it becomes almost Business As Usual ? Hereâs 10 ways thathelp recognise inclusion, learn from diversity, and be more innovative with the technology we create.",4533 },4534 {4535 link: "",4536 image:4537 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11ywatch.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4538 tag: "Validators",4539 title: " A11yWatch",4540 description: "Fast and efficient web accessibilityproductivity tool.",4541 },4542 {4543 link: "",4544 image:4545 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/creativeboost.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4546 tag: "Courses & Certificates",4547 title: " Foundations of Website Accessibility Course",4548 description:4549 "Overwhelmed by WCAG? Learn apractical approach to accessibility guidelines.",4550 },4551 {4552 link: "",4553 image:4554 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4555 tag: "Article",4556 title: " Overlays and Plugins Arenât the Answer toAccessibility",4557 description:4558 "Website accessibility overlays andplugins arenât the answer to accessibility and compliance, despite being touted as an easy, automatedsolution for web designers and developers and their clients.They present a plethora of problems.",4559 },4560 {4561 link: "",4562 image:4563 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4564 tag: "Article",4565 title: " Design With Accessibility in Mind",4566 description:4567 "Most designers donât think aboutaccessibility, but it affects branding, design, documents and websites.Itâs a great way to differentiateyourself from other designers while helping your clients reach more people and legally protecting them.",4568 },4569 {4570 link: "",4571 image:4572 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4573 tag: "Figma",4574 title: " Color Accessibility",4575 description:4576 "The following assignment is brokendown into three distinct units.These units will test your ability to identify vision deficiencies, utilizetools to assist in making corrections, and your creativity in altering existing designs to the benefit ofyour users.",4577 },4578 {4579 link: "",4580 image:4581 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/adobe.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4582 tag: "Article",4583 title: " Color choices that are accessible",4584 description: "Color is a foundational element inany creative work.",4585 },4586 {4587 link: "",4588 image:4589 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4590 tag: "Article",4591 title: " Using the Ipad to Support Dyslexia",4592 description:4593 "When using an iPad to support pupilswith literacy difficulties such as dyslexia, there is a temptation to head straight to the Apps Store todownload the latest dedicated 'dyslexia app'. ",4594 },4595 {4596 link: "",4597 image:4598 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4599 tag: "Article",4600 title:4601 " Co - creator of Apple VoiceOver talks importance ofaccessibility tech",4602 description:4603 "Dean Hudson, accessibility technicalevangelist at Apple, was part of the original team behind VoiceOver.",4604 },4605 {4606 link: "",4607 image:4608 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4609 tag: "Mobile",4610 title: " Accessibility â React",4611 description:4612 "Web accessibility (also referred toas is the design and creation of websites that can be used by everyone.Accessibility support is necessary to allow assistive technology to interpret web pages.",4613 },4614 {4615 link: "",4616 image:4617 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4618 tag: "Inspiration",4619 title: " Meet the teacher changing how people think aboutdisability",4620 description:4621 "Teaching special education takes anamazing person to figure out exactly what works for each child, and talking to her gave me an even greaterappreciation for these educators.Amyâs students are lucky to have her in their corner.",4622 },4623 {4624 link: "",4625 image:4626 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4627 tag: "Article",4628 title: " Let Accessible UX Principles Shape Everything YouDo",4629 description:4630 "Embedding accessibility andinclusive design throughout the product life cycle is a little like giving up smoking, said Leonie Watson, director of TetraLogical, a London - based inclusive design agency.Everybody knows itâs the right thing todo, but it seems almost impossible until you summon the will.",4631 },4632 {4633 link: "",4634 image:4635 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4636 tag: "Gaming",4637 title: " Gaps in Video Game Accessibility",4638 description: "Gaps in video game accessibility.",4639 },4640 {4641 link: "",4642 image:4643 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4644 tag: "Article",4645 title: " A History of Section 508 Accessibility",4646 description: "A history timeline of Section 508.",4647 },4648 {4649 link: "",4650 image:4651 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4652 tag: "Article",4653 title: " Pros and Cons of 5 Web Accessibility Tools",4654 description:4655 "While the need for web accessibilitywas not envisioned when the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law 30 years ago this summer, ADA web accessibility has emerged as a top - of - mind topic and a fundamental necessity.",4656 },4657 {4658 link: "",4659 image:4660 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4661 tag: "Article",4662 title: " Connecting UX With Digital Accessibility Strategy",4663 description:4664 "An inclusive UX design process hasother potential benefits.Team members become more sensitive to the diversity of human needs when makingdecisions.Processes, resources, and tools emerge to support designing for user diversity.",4665 },4666 {4667 link: "",4668 image:4669 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4670 tag: "Article",4671 title:4672 " Designers should avoid pure black typography âbut which dark gray should we use ? ",4673 description:4674 "Iâve learned something importantfrom this experience with what would seem not such a critical task to many designers.But in reality, reading discomfort could make or break your product, especially if you are content dense application thatrelies heavily on reading.",4675 },4676 {4677 link: "",4678 image:4679 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4680 tag: "Video",4681 title: " Accessible Color Standards",4682 description:4683 "Today weâre talking about colorcontrast! Weâll go over what the A, AA, and AAA conformance levels mean and how to ensure properaccessibility compliance for your own site.Weâll go over how to use Chrome Developer",4684 },4685 {4686 link: "",4687 image:4688 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4689 tag: "Article",4690 title: " What to look for in an accessibility audit",4691 description:4692 "An accessibility audit is acombination of automated and manual testing done by accessibility experts using assistive technologies in various testing states.A detailed audit is a thorough review of accessibility that provides full coverage, that automated testing alone cannot provide.",4693 },4694 {4695 link: "",4696 image:4697 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4698 tag: "Article",4699 title: " Letâs make Accessibility sustainable at scale",4700 description:4701 "When you hear the wordâsustainabilityâ, do you immediately think of the environment, green energy and windmills ? ",4702 },4703 {4704 link: "",4705 image:4706 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4707 tag: "Article",4708 title: " Make apps for everyone",4709 description:4710 "When it comes to mobile apps, Iwould say that accessibility is something thatâs closer to UX than to the development phase.Thatâs becauseaccessibility has to start from the design.We have to design and develop apps with accessibility in mind. ",4711 },4712 {4713 link: "",4714 image:4715 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4716 tag: "Article",4717 title:4718 " 7 things I learned from Q & amp; As withaccessibility leads in big tech",4719 description:4720 "In the midst of the lockdown, I hadvirtual conversations with Taylor Krut[Amazon], JoAnna Hunt[Amazon], and Matt May[Adobe] about a11y, andgained some early career insights in this field that I think could be useful for any 0â3 years old designerswho wish to make their work more inclusive.",4721 },4722 {4723 link: "",4724 image:4725 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4726 tag: "Article",4727 title:4728 " Accessibility on Digital Adoption Platforms â Auserâs delight, but a developerâs challenge",4729 description:4730 "Accessibility helps users to accessand use web applications despite any disability while Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) are thestandard guidelines proposed by W3C for an application to be an accessibility complaint.Sometimes it alsohelps users to effectively use a web application with only one input device(keyboard).",4731 },4732 {4733 link: "",4734 image:4735 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/cookie.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4736 tag: "Article",4737 title: " Cookie banners and accessibility",4738 description:4739 "Yes, these do matter, especially ifyou are using a cookie banner to handle your privacy disclosures, super especially if you can be sued in California.",4740 },4741 {4742 link: "",4743 image:4744 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4745 tag: "Mobile",4746 title: " Accessibility and React Native â From 0 to 100",4747 description:4748 "A year ago, I was tasked with makingan app accessible.The app was written using React Native and had not been designed with accessibility inmind.If youâre about to undergo a similar activity in React Native, I believe this story will help you hitthe ground running(or at least speed walking).",4749 },4750 {4751 link: "",4752 image:4753 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4754 tag: "Article",4755 title: " Building for usability, not just accessibility",4756 description:4757 "In the digital world we come to thesame crossroads, do we design for most users or all users ? ",4758 },4759 {4760 link: "",4761 image:4762 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4763 tag: "Figma",4764 title: " Color Filters",4765 description: "A Figma plugin for color blindnessaccessibility.",4766 },4767 {4768 link: "",4769 image:4770 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4771 tag: "Article",4772 title: " The Newbieâs Introduction to Web Accessibility",4773 description:4774 "Accessible websites should be asubiquitous as ramps on sidewalks.Why do so many lack access to the internet, and what can you do to help ? ",4775 },4776 {4777 link: "",4778 image:4779 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/peoplesearch.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4780 tag: "Curated List",4781 title: " The big accessibility round - up",4782 description: "Tools, inspiration, resources andevents.",4783 },4784 {4785 link: "",4786 image:4787 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/comica11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4788 tag: "Inspiration",4789 title: " ComicA11y",4790 description:4791 "An all inclusive online comicexperiment.Because comics should be universal.",4792 },4793 {4794 link: "",4795 image:4796 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/visib11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4797 tag: "Software",4798 title: " Live Subtitles",4799 description:4800 "Live Subtitles is an AugmentedReality(AR) app which displays real - time conversational subtitles on your smartphone screen as someone isspeaking.",4801 },4802 {4803 link: "",4804 image:4805 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/visib11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4806 tag: "Software",4807 title: " Visib11y",4808 description:4809 "Visib11y is a daily help app forpeople with visual impairment or blindness.Instantly recognize objects all around you, read text, find outyour location, and navigate to places, all with speech.",4810 },4811 {4812 link: "",4813 image:4814 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/wikibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4815 tag: "Software",4816 title: " Wikibility",4817 description:4818 "Using Wikibility, users withlearning disorders like dyslexia, senior, blind users, etc., can all easily use Wikipedia.",4819 },4820 {4821 link: "",4822 image:4823 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/augmenta11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4824 tag: "Software",4825 title: " Augmenta11y",4826 description:4827 "Augmenta11y is an Augmented Reality (AR) app that helps people with learning disabilities like dyslexia easily read signage, paper, and othermaterial in the real world.",4828 },4829 {4830 link: "",4831 image:4832 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/oswaldlabs.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4833 tag: "Company",4834 title: " Oswald Labs",4835 description:4836 "Oswald Labs is an award-winningaccessibility technology company.",4837 },4838 {4839 link: "",4840 image:4841 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/oswaldvalmiki.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4842 tag: "Browser Extension",4843 title: " Valmiki",4844 description: "The revolutionary tool foraccessible reading.",4845 },4846 {4847 link: "",4848 image:4849 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/agasthaya.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4850 tag: "Developer Tools",4851 title: " Agastya by Oswald Labs",4852 description:4853 "By adding just one line ofJavaScript code, you can make your website accessible to a much wider audience.",4854 },4855 {4856 link: "",4857 image:4858 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/yana.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4859 tag: "People to Follow",4860 title: " Yana Gevorgyan",4861 description:4862 "Yana is a multi-disciplinary productdesigner and creator of Cluse, the most comprehensive color contrast plugin for Sketch that ensures yourproducts are WCAG 2.0 accessible.",4863 },4864 {4865 link: "",4866 image:4867 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sketchassistant.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4868 tag: "Plugins",4869 title: " Sketch Accessibility Assistant",4870 description:4871 "The Accessibility Assistant ensuresthat your Sketch elements pass AA + compliance based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.",4872 },4873 {4874 link: "",4875 image:4876 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/anand.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4877 tag: "People to Follow",4878 title: " Anand Chowdhary",4879 description:4880 "Anand Chowdhary is a cre\u00adativetech\u00adnol\u00ado\u00adgist and en\u00adtre\u00adpre\u00adneur.He is the co - founder and CEO of Oswald Labs, an ac\u00adces\u00adsi\u00adbil\u00aditytech\u00adnol\u00adogy com\u00adpany.",4881 },4882 {4883 link: "",4884 image:4885 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/catnoone.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4886 tag: "People to Follow",4887 title: " Cat Noone",4888 description:4889 "Cat Noone is the CEO of Stark, asuite of integrated accessibility compliancetools for software teams.A solid a11y advocate and evangelist.",4890 },4891 {4892 link: "",4893 image:4894 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/madalynparker.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4895 tag: "People to Follow",4896 title: " Madalyn Parker",4897 description:4898 "Madalyn is a Staff Engineer on theCore team at Gatsby, wielding accessibility knowledge to implement accessible solutions at the frameworklevel and making it easier to build an accessible site out of the box.",4899 },4900 {4901 link: "",4902 image:4903 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/campaignmonitor.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4904 tag: "Media",4905 title: " Campaign Monitor's Checklist: Is your emailcampaign accessible ? ",4906 description:4907 "Use the following checklist based onW3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to make sure your email campaign is accessible prior to send.",4908 },4909 {4910 link: "",4911 image:4912 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4913 tag: "Article",4914 title: " Writing HTML with accessibility in mind",4915 description:4916 "An introduction to webaccessibility.Tips on how to improve your markup and provide users with more and betters ways to navigateand interact with your site.",4917 },4918 {4919 link: "!/?view.left=1&view.right=0",4920 image:4921 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/colortool.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4922 tag: "Color Generator",4923 title: " Color Tool - Material Design",4924 description:4925 "Create, share, and apply colorpalettes to your UI, as well as measure the accessibility level of any color combination.",4926 },4927 {4928 link: "",4929 image:4930 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4931 tag: "Article",4932 title: " 9 Myths About Accessibility.Most designers donâtknow about",4933 description:4934 "Find out 9 myths about accessibilityand why you and your clients should care.",4935 },4936 {4937 link: "",4938 image:4939 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/insights.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4940 tag: "Browser Extension",4941 title: " Accessibility Insights for Web",4942 description:4943 "Accessibility Insights for Web helpsdevelopers quickly find and fix accessibility issues.",4944 },4945 {4946 link: "",4947 image:4948 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/datepicker.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4949 tag: "Design Patterns",4950 title: " Date picker WCAG 2.1 compliant",4951 description: "An open source date picker UIpattern in WCAG 2.1 compliant.",4952 },4953 {4954 link: "",4955 image:4956 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11y-ally.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4957 tag: "Developer Tools",4958 title: " A11y Ally",4959 description:4960 "A collection of tools to aiddevelopers observe, verify, and test the accessibility of Android applications.",4961 },4962 {4963 link: "",4964 image:4965 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/zebra.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4966 tag: "Plugins",4967 title: " Zebra",4968 description:4969 "Zebra is a fast, lightweight colourcontrast checker plugin for Figma.",4970 },4971 {4972 link: "",4973 image:4974 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/button-contrast.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4975 tag: "Contrast Checker",4976 title: " Button Contrast Checker",4977 description:4978 "A tool to test the contrast of allbuttons and links of a page at once.Enter your domain and Button Checker test if your buttons have enoughcontrast and are compliant with WCAG 2.1.",4979 },4980 {4981 link: "",4982 image:4983 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ibm.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4984 tag: "Guides",4985 title: " IBM Equal Access Toolkit",4986 description: "Make your product more usable bymore people in less time.",4987 },4988 {4989 link: "",4990 image:4991 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ibm.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",4992 tag: "Media",4993 title: " IBM Accessibility Checklist",4994 description: "This is Version 7.1 of the IBMAccessibility Checklist.",4995 },4996 {4997 link: "",4998 image:4999 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/hearo.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5000 tag: "Software",5001 title: " Hearo",5002 description:5003 "An app that can help the HearingImpaired people to communicate better with their Hearing Friends by seamlessly translating voice.",5004 },5005 {5006 link: "",5007 image:5008 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5009 tag: "Design Patterns",5010 title: " 4 Major Patterns for Accessible Drag and Drop",5011 description:5012 "Building an interaction that worksfor both mouse and non - mouse users.",5013 },5014 {5015 link: "",5016 image:5017 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/campaignmonitor.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5018 tag: "Emails",5019 title: " Basic requirements for accessible email campaigns",5020 description:5021 "Campaign Monitor's basicrequirements and guide for accessible email campaigns.",5022 },5023 {5024 link: "",5025 image:5026 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/dot.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5027 tag: "Bookmarklet",5028 title: " Dot translate",5029 description:5030 "A simple tool and bookmarklet tohelp you translate any website into braille.",5031 },5032 {5033 link: "",5034 image:5035 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/madalyn.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5036 tag: "Article",5037 title:5038 " 5 Things You Need to Know About ManualAccessibility Testing with the Keyboard and Screen Readers",5039 description:5040 "Madalyn Parker wrote an extensiveguide on how you can test manually with the keyboard and screen readers for accessibility.",5041 },5042 {5043 link: "",5044 image:5045 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/forms.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5046 tag: "Article",5047 title: " How to Build Accessible HTML Forms",5048 description:5049 "Proper steps to creating forms forthe web, how to think about the code we write, and considerations to make along the way.",5050 },5051 {5052 link: "",5053 image:5054 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5055 tag: "Article",5056 title: " Web Accessibility Tip: Visually hidden text forscreen - readers",5057 description:5058 "How to hide text from sighted usersyet still allow screen - readers to read it and how to improve accessibility for those accessing your websitewith a screen - reader.",5059 },5060 {5061 link: "",5062 image:5063 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5064 tag: "Article",5065 title: " Building Accessibility into your React App",5066 description:5067 "Some of the tips and guides on howsetting up automated accessibility audit tool for React applications that will help you build and createaccessible React apps.",5068 },5069 {5070 link: "",5071 image:5072 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5073 tag: "Article",5074 title: " Using Accessibility Best Practices in AndroidDevelopment",5075 description:5076 "When you develop Android apps withaccessibility in mind, you make the user experience much more better for users with accessibility needs.",5077 },5078 {5079 link: "",5080 image:5081 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/duotone.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5082 tag: "Developer Tools",5083 title: " Duotone Reader",5084 description: "Screen reading enhancement withduo - voice text reading.",5085 },5086 {5087 link: "",5088 image:5089 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/koa11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5090 tag: "Validators",5091 title: " Koa11y",5092 description:5093 "Koa11y is a desktop app that allowsyou to automatically detect accessibility(a11y) issues on webpages.",5094 },5095 {5096 link: "",5097 image:5098 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/notyf.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5099 tag: "Developer Tools",5100 title: " Notyf",5101 description:5102 "A minimalistic JavaScript libraryfor toast notifications.Responsive, A11Y, dependency - free.",5103 },5104 {5105 link: "",5106 image:5107 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5108 tag: "Bookmarklet",5109 title: " Reading Order Bookmarklet",5110 description:5111 "Test your page with this bookmarkletto quickly identify when content does not flow in a sensible manner.",5112 },5113 {5114 link: "",5115 image:5116 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5117 tag: "Bookmarklet",5118 title: " The Screen Curtain Bookmarklet",5119 description:5120 "The Screen Curtain Bookmarkletallows engineers, testers, educators, and students to temporarily obscure web technologies while using screen readers in order to simulate the experience of using such technologies without sight.",5121 },5122 {5123 link: "",5124 image:5125 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/whathasfocus.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5126 tag: "Bookmarklet",5127 title: " What has focus ?",5128 description:5129 "When something receives keyboardfocus via Tab key, the current element will be logged to the JavaScript console so you can determine whichelement currently has focus!",5130 },5131 {5132 link: "",5133 image:5134 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/h123.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5135 tag: "Bookmarklet",5136 title: " h123",5137 description: "A bookmarklet that shows headingslike a screenreader.",5138 },5139 {5140 link: "",5141 image:5142 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/howto.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5143 tag: "Article",5144 title: " How to talk to stakeholders about webaccessibility",5145 description:5146 "Show your stakeholders everythingyour company has done and is doing, the wonderful world of accessibility they are joining, and that they arealready a part of the solution.",5147 },5148 {5149 link: "",5150 image:5151 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ablegamers.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5152 tag: "Guides",5153 title: " Accessible Player Experience",5154 description:5155 "A tool that helps you makeaccessible content that supports players with disabilities and find inspiration for new accessible designs for your game.",5156 },5157 {5158 link: "",5159 image:5160 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/vr-accessibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5161 tag: "VR & AR",5162 title: " Accessibility of Virtual Reality Environments",5163 description:5164 "The University of Melbourne listedan extensive Virtual Reality guides and a in -depth dive in mobility, cognition, hearing, older users andmore.",5165 },5166 {5167 link: "",5168 image:5169 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5170 tag: "Curated List",5171 title: " Accessibility tools and tips for Designers",5172 description:5173 "So you want to include accessibility in your design work - flow ? Letâs explore how.",5174 },5175 {5176 link: "",5177 image:5178 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5179 tag: "Bookmarklet",5180 title: " Dyslexia bookmarklet",5181 description:5182 "Rearrange the letters within wordson a page, to show what reading with dyslexia is like.",5183 },5184 {5185 link: "",5186 image:5187 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/ebook.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5188 tag: "Books",5189 title: " The Ultimate Guide to Email Accessibility",5190 description:5191 "This guide has the insights andstep - by - step advice you need to write, design, and code emails that can be enjoyed by anyoneâregardless oftheir ability.",5192 },5193 {5194 link: "",5195 image:5196 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5197 tag: "Developer Tools",5198 title: " accessibilityjs",5199 description: "Client side accessibility errorscanner.",5200 },5201 {5202 link: "",5203 image:5204 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5205 tag: "Developer Tools",5206 title: " a11y.css",5207 description:5208 "This CSS file intends to warndevelopers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code.It can also be used to roughlyevaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet.",5209 },5210 {5211 link: "",5212 image:5213 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5214 tag: "Developer Tools",5215 title: " A11y Checker",5216 description: "Identifies accessibility issues inHTML markup.",5217 },5218 {5219 link: "",5220 image:5221 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/a11ycasts.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5222 tag: "Video",5223 title: " A11ycasts",5224 description:5225 "A11ycasts is short forAccessibilityCasts(a11y is a common shortening of the term accessibility because there are 11 letters in between the A and the Y ).The goal of A11ycasts is to teach developers how accessibility works allthe way down at the platform level, while also demonstrating real world accessibility problems and solutionsto fix them",5226 },5227 {5228 link: "",5229 image:5230 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/googlechrome.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5231 tag: "YouTube Channel",5232 title: " Google Chrome Developer",5233 description: "Making the web more awesome,inclusive and accessible.",5234 },5235 {5236 link: "",5237 image:5238 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/deque.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5239 tag: "YouTube Channel",5240 title: " Deque Systems - YouTube",5241 description:5242 "Dequeâs uniqueness lies in theirability to provide accessibility solutions that blend the best tools that technology can provide with extensive experience and knowledge.",5243 },5244 {5245 link: "",5246 image:5247 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/wai.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5248 tag: "YouTube Channel",5249 title: " W3C Web Accessibility Initiative(WAI)",5250 description:5251 "The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops standards and support materials to help you understand and implement accessibility.",5252 },5253 {5254 link: "",5255 image:5256 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/system-kyper.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5257 tag: "Design Systems",5258 title: " Kyper Design System",5259 description: "An accessible design system built bydesign team at MX.",5260 },5261 {5262 link: "",5263 image:5264 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/guidetocolor.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5265 tag: "Guides",5266 title: " A guide to color accessibility in product design",5267 description:5268 "Thereâs a lot of talk aboutaccessible design, but have you ever thought about color accessibility ? ",5269 },5270 {5271 link: "",5272 image:5273 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/cluse.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5274 tag: "Plugins",5275 title: " Cluse",5276 description:5277 "Cluse is a Sketch Plugin that allowsyou to test the color contrast of your design for accessibility and make changes without interrupting yourworkflow.",5278 },5279 {5280 link: "",5281 image:5282 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/able.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5283 tag: "Plugins",5284 title: " Able",5285 description:5286 "Able makes accessibility easy, whilelooking and feeling like Figma! Add color contrast and color blindness to your workflow with as littleeffort as possible.",5287 },5288 {5289 link: "",5290 image:5291 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/stark.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5292 tag: "Plugins",5293 title: " Stark Plugin",5294 description:5295 "Design, build, and ship yourprojects that are accessible and inclusive.Works with Adobe XD, Sketch, and Figma.",5296 },5297 {5298 link: "",5299 image:5300 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/w3c.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5301 tag: "Motion",5302 title: " WCAG Motion Guidelines",5303 description: "Understanding the success criteriafor Pause, Stop and Hide.",5304 },5305 {5306 link: "",5307 image:5308 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/accessibilityuikit.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5309 tag: "UI KIT",5310 title: " Accessibility UI Kit for Adobe XD",5311 description:5312 "A user interface kit with a focus onaccessibility.Buttons, texts, switches, sliders, tables, graphs, links, accessibility guidelines, checklistand more.A series of content and guidelines that will help you make your website more and more inclusive. ",5313 },5314 {5315 link: "",5316 image:5317 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/emergency.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5318 tag: "Article",5319 title: " Accessibility Challenges in an Emergency",5320 description:5321 "It is crucial to consider thechallenges your users may face in unexpected situations and take steps that ensure your system will remainaccessible when needed most.",5322 },5323 {5324 link: "",5325 image:5326 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/acessbility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5327 tag: "Icons & SVG",5328 title: " Making Icons More Accessible to Screen Readers",5329 description:5330 "Kalamuna as a mission-focusedorganization did a guide for you to build and create more accessible icons to screen readers.",5331 },5332 {5333 link: "",5334 image:5335 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/designing-for-accessbility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5336 tag: "Icons & SVG",5337 title: " Accessible SVGs: Inclusiveness Beyond Patterns",5338 description:5339 "We are fortunate to have robustpatterns to choose from when optimizing accessibility in SVGs â but most people stop there, focusing on codecompliance and not actual users and their needs.",5340 },5341 {5342 link: "",5343 image:5344 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/accessiblesystem.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5345 tag: "Company",5346 title: " Accessible Systems",5347 description:5348 " is an appliedcourse on accessibility that spans design and development.Go beyond technical requirements and learn how tocreate polished, performant, and usable websites for everyone.",5349 },5350 {5351 link: "",5352 image:5353 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/upyoua11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5354 tag: "Blog",5355 title: " Up Your A11y",5356 description:5357 "A blog that focuses on tutorials & amp; resources for developers seeking to build accessible web experiences.",5358 },5359 {5360 link: "",5361 image:5362 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/system-salesforce.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5363 tag: "Design Systems",5364 title: " Salesforce Lightning Design System",5365 description:5366 "The Lightning Design System forReact is an implementation of the with accessible patterns andestablished best practices.",5367 },5368 {5369 link: "",5370 image:5371 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/twitter.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5372 tag: "Article",5373 title: " Making Twitter more accessible",5374 description:5375 "Serving the public conversationmeans continuously taking steps to make Twitter more accessible â from what we build to the internalprograms and policies we implement globally â and this must include people with disabilities.",5376 },5377 {5378 link: "",5379 image:5380 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/digitalaccessibility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5381 tag: "Curated List",5382 title: " Digital Accessibility Resources",5383 description:5384 "Collection of a wide variety ofaccessibility resources & amp; categorized them accordingly.",5385 },5386 {5387 link: "",5388 image:5389 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5390 tag: "Blog",5391 title: " The User Is Out There",5392 description: "Research and Intel on InclusiveWebsite Design.",5393 },5394 {5395 link: "",5396 image:5397 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/thebottomdrawer.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5398 tag: "Curated List",5399 title: " The Bottom Drawer",5400 description:5401 "Kim Krause Berg curates and listedsome of the most useful accessibility tools and resources.",5402 },5403 {5404 link: "",5405 image:5406 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/sa11y.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5407 tag: "Bookmarklet",5408 title: " Sa11y",5409 description:5410 "An accessibility quality assurancetool that visually highlights common accessibility and usability issues.Geared towards content authors, Sa11y indicates errors or warnings at the source with a simple tooltip on how to fix.",5411 },5412 {5413 link: "",5414 image:5415 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/default.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5416 tag: "Developer Tools",5417 title: " a11y CSS reset",5418 description:5419 "A small set of global rules to makethings accessible and reset default styling.",5420 },5421 {5422 link: "",5423 image:5424 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/designing-for-accessbility.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5425 tag: "Article",5426 title: " Accessibility In Chrome DevTools",5427 description:5428 "This article will demonstrate someuseful features in DevTools which can help you improve the accessibility of your website.",5429 },5430 {5431 link: "",5432 image:5433 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/dev.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5434 tag: "Motion",5435 title: " Accessible Motion Design for the Web",5436 description:5437 "Motion design is a criticalcomponent of user experience, but not all enjoy animations equally.",5438 },5439 {5440 link: "",5441 image:5442 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/webdev.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5443 tag: "Courses & Certificates",5444 title: " http: // Accessible",5445 description:5446 "Learn how to provide a robustexperience to your users that accounts for their context and any situational, temporary, or permanentdisabilities.",5447 },5448 {5449 link: "",5450 image:5451 ",w-160/library-thumbnails/rabbithole.png?ik-sdk-version=react-1.0.9",5452 tag: "Podcast",5453 title: " Rabbit Hole Podcast: Accessibility",5454 description: "Explore how and why you should buildaccessible websites.",5455