How to use validateSpecs method in Best

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...21 "bar'foo",22 "foo)bar"23]24function boolValuePropertyTest(t, specs, key, path) {25 validateSpecs({ ...specs, [key]: true })26 validateSpecs({ ...specs, [key]: false })27 var error = t.throws(() => {28 validateSpecs({...specs, [key]: 42})29 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})30 t.deepEqual(error.path, path.concat(key))31, "value must be a bool")32 var error = t.throws(() => {33 validateSpecs({...specs, [key]: "Hello world!"})34 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})35 t.deepEqual(error.path, path.concat(key))36, "value must be a bool")37}38function numberValuePropertyTest(t, specs, key, path) {39 /​/​ To be written.40}41function stringValuePropertyTest(t, specs, key, path) {42 validateSpecs({ ...specs, [key]: "Hello world!" })43 var error = t.throws(() => {44 validateSpecs({...specs, [key]: false})45 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})46 t.deepEqual(error.path, path.concat(key))47, "value must be a string")48 error = t.throws(() => {49 validateSpecs({...specs, [key]: true})50 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})51 t.deepEqual(error.path, path.concat(key))52, "value must be a string")53 error = t.throws(() => {54 validateSpecs({...specs, [key]: 42})55 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})56 t.deepEqual(error.path, path.concat(key))57, "value must be a string")58}59function namePropertyTest(t, specs) {60 stringValuePropertyTest(t, specs, "name", [])61}62function descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs) {63 stringValuePropertyTest(t, specs, "description", [])64}65function optionPropertyTest(t, specs, path) {66 boolValuePropertyTest(t, specs, "option", path)67}68function missingPropertyTest(t, specs, property) {69 const error = t.throws(() => {70 validateSpecs(specs)71 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})72 t.deepEqual(error.path, [])73, `'${property}' property is missing`)74}75function additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs) {76 var errors = []77 validateSpecs({ ...specs, foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' }, errors=errors)78 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])79[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")80 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, [])81[1].message, "'bar' property is unexpected")82}83function lengthPropertyTest(t, specs) {84 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: 42 })85 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { minimum: 42 } })86 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { maximum: 42 } })87 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { minimum: 0, maximum: 42 } })88 var error = t.throws(() => {89 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: -1 })90 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})91 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['length'])92, "must be greater or equal to zero")93 var warnings = []94 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: 42.5 }, undefined, warnings)95, 1)96 t.deepEqual(warnings[0].path, ['length'])97[0].message, "should be an integer (got decimal)")98 var error = t.throws(() => {99 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { minimum: -1 }})100 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})101 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['length', 'minimum'])102, "must be greater or equal to zero")103 var warnings = []104 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { minimum: 42.5 }}, undefined, warnings)105, 1)106 t.deepEqual(warnings[0].path, ['length', 'minimum'])107[0].message, "should be an integer (got decimal)")108 var error = t.throws(() => {109 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { maximum: -1 }})110 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})111 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['length', 'maximum'])112, "must be greater or equal to zero")113 var warnings = []114 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { maximum: 42.5 }}, undefined, warnings)115, 1)116 t.deepEqual(warnings[0].path, ['length', 'maximum'])117[0].message, "should be an integer (got decimal)")118 for (const [minimum, maximum] of [[42, 0], [1, 0]]) {119 var error = t.throws(() => {120 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { minimum, maximum }})121 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})122 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['length'])123, "minimum must be lower than maximum")124 }125 var error = t.throws(() => {126 validateSpecs({ ...specs, length: { foo: 'bar' }})127 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})128 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['length'])129, "'foo' property is unexpected")130}131test('type-block', t => {132 /​/​ type blocks must be an object133 for (const specs in [false, true, 42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {134 var error = t.throws(() => {135 validateSpecs(specs)136 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})137 t.deepEqual(error.path, [])138, "value must be an object")139 }140 /​/​ 'type' property is missing141 missingPropertyTest(t, {}, 'type')142 /​/​ value of 'type' property is incorrect143 var error = t.throws(() => {144 validateSpecs({ type: 'foo' })145 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})146 t.deepEqual(error.path, [])147, "value of 'type' is incorrect")148})149test('flag-type', t => {150 /​/​ test minimal specs151 var specs = { type: 'flag' }152 validateSpecs(specs)153 t.pass()154 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties155 namePropertyTest(t, specs)156 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)157 /​/​ test the 'option' property158 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])159 /​/​ test additional properties160 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)161 /​/​ test lazy validation162 var specs = {163 type: 'flag' ,164 option: 42,165 foo: 'bar'166 }167 var errors = []168 validateSpecs(specs, errors)169 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])170[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")171 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['option'])172[1].message, "value must be a bool")173})174test('number-type', t => {175 /​/​ test minimal specs176 var specs = { type: 'number' }177 validateSpecs(specs)178 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties179 namePropertyTest(t, specs)180 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)181 /​/​ test 'decimal' property182 validateSpecs({ ...specs, decimal: false })183 validateSpecs({ ...specs, decimal: true })184 for (const invalidValue in [42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {185 var error = t.throws(() => {186 validateSpecs({ ...specs, decimal: invalidValue })187 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})188 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['decimal'])189, "value must be a bool")190 }191 /​/​ test 'minimum' property192 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: 42 })193 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { value: 42 }})194 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { exclusive: false, value: 42 }})195 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { exclusive: true, value: 42 }})196 for (const invalidValue of [false, true, "Hello world!"]) {197 var error = t.throws(() => {198 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: invalidValue })199 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})200 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['minimum'])201, "value must be either a number or an object")202 }203 var error = t.throws(() => {204 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { exclusive: false}})205 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})206 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['minimum'])207, "'value' property is missing")208 for (const invalidValue of [42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {209 var error = t.throws(() => {210 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { exclusive: invalidValue, value: 42 }})211 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})212 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['minimum', 'exclusive'])213, "value must be a bool")214 }215 for (const invalidValue of [false, true, "Hello world!"]) {216 var error = t.throws(() => {217 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { exclusive: false, value: invalidValue }})218 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})219 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['minimum', 'value'])220, "value must be a number")221 }222 var error = t.throws(() => {223 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum: { value: false, foo: 'bar' }})224 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})225 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['minimum'])226, "'foo' property is unexpected")227 /​/​ test 'maximum' property228 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: 42 })229 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { value: 42 }})230 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { exclusive: false, value: 42 }})231 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { exclusive: true, value: 42 }})232 for (const invalidValue of [false, true, "Hello world!"]) {233 var error = t.throws(() => {234 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: invalidValue })235 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})236 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['maximum'])237, "value must be either a number or an object")238 }239 var error = t.throws(() => {240 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { exclusive: false}})241 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})242 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['maximum'])243, "'value' property is missing")244 for (const invalidValue of [42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {245 var error = t.throws(() => {246 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { exclusive: invalidValue, value: 42 }})247 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})248 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['maximum', 'exclusive'])249, "value must be a bool")250 }251 for (const invalidValue of [false, true, "Hello world!"]) {252 var error = t.throws(() => {253 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { exclusive: false, value: invalidValue }})254 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})255 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['maximum', 'value'])256, "value must be a number")257 }258 var error = t.throws(() => {259 validateSpecs({ ...specs, maximum: { value: false, foo: 'bar' }})260 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})261 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['maximum'])262, "'foo' property is unexpected")263 /​/​ test minimum must be lower than maximum264 for (const [minimum, maximum] of [[42, 0], [-9, -10], [1, -1]]) {265 var error = t.throws(() => {266 validateSpecs({ ...specs, minimum, maximum })267 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})268 t.deepEqual(error.path, [])269, "minimum must be lower than maximum")270 }271 /​/​ test the 'option' property272 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])273 /​/​ test additional properties274 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)275 /​/​ test lazy validation276 var specs = {277 type: 'number',278 decimal: 'foo',279 minimum: false,280 maximum: "Hello world!",281 option: 42,282 foo: 'bar'283 }284 var errors = []285 validateSpecs(specs, errors)286 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])287[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")288 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['decimal'])289[1].message, "value must be a bool")290 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, ['minimum'])291[2].message, "value must be either a number or an object")292 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['maximum'])293[3].message, "value must be either a number or an object")294 t.deepEqual(errors[4].path, ['option'])295[4].message, "value must be a bool")296})297test('string-type', t => {298 /​/​ test minimal specs299 var specs = { type: 'string' }300 validateSpecs(specs)301 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties302 namePropertyTest(t, specs)303 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)304 /​/​ test the 'length' property305 lengthPropertyTest(t, specs)306 /​/​ test the 'pattern' property307 validateSpecs({ ...specs, pattern: "^[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*$"})308 stringValuePropertyTest(t, specs, 'pattern', [])309 /​/​ test the 'option' property310 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])311 /​/​ test additional properties312 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)313 /​/​ test lazy validation314 var specs = {315 type: 'string',316 length: false,317 pattern: 42,318 option: 42,319 foo: 'bar'320 }321 var errors = []322 validateSpecs(specs, errors)323 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])324[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")325 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['length'])326[1].message, "value must be either a number or an object")327 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, ['pattern'])328[2].message, "value must be a string")329 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['option'])330[3].message, "value must be a bool")331})332test('array-type', t => {333 /​/​ test minimal specs334 var specs = {335 type: 'array',336 value: {337 type: 'string'338 }339 }340 missingPropertyTest(t, { type: 'array' }, 'value')341 validateSpecs({ type: 'array', value: { type: 'flag' }})342 validateSpecs({ type: 'array', value: { type: 'number' }})343 validateSpecs(specs)344 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties345 namePropertyTest(t, specs)346 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)347 /​/​ test the 'value' property348 var error = t.throws(() => {349 validateSpecs({ type: 'array', value: { type: 'foo' } })350 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})351 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['[]'])352, "value of 'type' is incorrect")353 /​/​ test the 'length' property354 lengthPropertyTest(t, specs)355 /​/​ test the 'option' property356 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])357 /​/​ test additional properties358 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)359 /​/​ test nested arrays360 const nestedArrays = {361 type: 'array',362 value: {363 type: 'array',364 value: {365 type: 'array',366 value: { type: 'string' }367 }368 }369 }370 validateSpecs(nestedArrays)371 /​/​ test lazy validation372 var specs = {373 type: 'array',374 value: 42,375 length: false,376 option: 42,377 foo: 'bar'378 }379 var errors = []380 validateSpecs(specs, errors)381 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])382[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")383 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['[]'])384[1].message, "value must be an object")385 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, ['length'])386[2].message, "value must be either a number or an object")387 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['option'])388[3].message, "value must be a bool")389})390test('object-type', t => {391 /​/​ test minimal specs392 var specs = {393 type: 'object',394 key: 'string',395 value: {396 type: 'string'397 }398 }399 validateSpecs(specs)400 missingPropertyTest(t, {type: 'object', value: { type: 'string'}}, 'key')401 missingPropertyTest(t, {type: 'object', key: 'string'}, 'value')402 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties403 namePropertyTest(t, specs)404 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)405 /​/​ test the 'key' property406 for (const key of ['integer', 'string']) {407 validateSpecs({ type: 'object', key: key, value: { type: 'string' } })408 }409 var error = t.throws(() => {410 validateSpecs({ type: 'object', key: 'foo', value: { type: 'string' } })411 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})412 t.deepEqual(error.path, [])413, "value of 'key' must be either 'integer' or 'string'")414 /​/​ test the 'value' property415 var error = t.throws(() => {416 validateSpecs({ type: 'object', value: { type: 'foo' } })417 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})418 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['{}'])419, "value of 'type' is incorrect")420 /​/​ test the 'length' property421 lengthPropertyTest(t, specs)422 /​/​ test the 'option' property423 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])424 /​/​ test additional properties425 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)426 /​/​ test nested objects427 const nestedObjects = {428 type: 'object',429 key: 'integer',430 value: {431 type: 'object',432 key: 'string',433 value: {434 type: 'string'435 }436 }437 }438 validateSpecs(nestedObjects)439 /​/​ test lazy validation440 var specs = {441 type: 'object',442 key: 'foo',443 value: 42,444 length: false,445 option: 42,446 foo: 'bar'447 }448 var errors = []449 validateSpecs(specs, errors)450 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])451[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")452 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['{}'])453[1].message, "value must be an object")454 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, [])455[2].message, "value of 'key' must be either 'integer' or 'string'")456 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['length'])457[3].message, "value must be either a number or an object")458 t.deepEqual(errors[4].path, ['option'])459[4].message, "value must be a bool")460})461test('tuple-type', t => {462 /​/​ test minimal specs463 var specs = {464 type: 'tuple',465 items: [466 { type: 'flag' },467 { type: 'number' },468 { type: 'string' }469 ]470 }471 validateSpecs(specs)472 missingPropertyTest(t, { type: 'tuple'}, 'items')473 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties474 namePropertyTest(t, specs)475 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)476 /​/​ test the 'items' property477 for (const value in [false, true, 42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {478 const error = t.throws(() => {479 validateSpecs({ type: 'tuple', items: value })480 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})481 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['items'])482, "value must be an array")483 }484 var error = t.throws(() => {485 validateSpecs({ type: 'tuple', items: [] })486 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})487 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['items'])488, "must contain at least one value")489 for (const value in [false, true, 42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {490 const error = t.throws(() => {491 validateSpecs({ type: 'tuple', items: [value] })492 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})493 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['<0>'])494, "value must be an object")495 }496 error = t.throws(() => {497 validateSpecs({ type: 'tuple', items: [{ type: 'foo' }] })498 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})499 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['<0>'])500, "value of 'type' is incorrect")501 /​/​ test the 'option' property502 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])503 /​/​ test additional properties504 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)505 /​/​ test nested tuples506 const nestedTuples = {507 type: 'tuple',508 items: [509 {510 type: 'tuple',511 items: [512 {513 type: 'tuple',514 items: [{ type: 'string' }]515 }516 ]517 }518 ]519 }520 validateSpecs(nestedTuples)521 /​/​ test lazy validation522 var specs = {523 type: 'tuple',524 items: [525 { type: 'foo' },526 { type: 'bar' },527 { type: 'quz' }528 ],529 option: 42,530 foo: 'bar'531 }532 var errors = []533 validateSpecs(specs, errors)534 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])535[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")536 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['<0>'])537[1].message, "value of 'type' is incorrect")538 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, ['<1>'])539[2].message, "value of 'type' is incorrect")540 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['<2>'])541[3].message, "value of 'type' is incorrect")542 t.deepEqual(errors[4].path, ['option'])543[4].message, "value must be a bool")544})545test('map-type', t => {546 /​/​ test minimal specs547 var specs = {548 type: 'map',549 fields: {550 foo: { type: 'flag' },551 bar: { type: 'number' },552 quz: { type: 'string' }553 }554 }555 validateSpecs(specs)556 missingPropertyTest(t, { type: 'map'}, 'fields')557 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties558 namePropertyTest(t, specs)559 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)560 /​/​ test the 'fields' property561 for (const value in [false, true, 42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {562 const error = t.throws(() => {563 validateSpecs({ type: 'map', fields: value })564 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})565 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['fields'])566, "value must be an object")567 }568 var error = t.throws(() => {569 validateSpecs({ type: 'map', fields: {} })570 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})571 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['fields'])572, "must contain at least one field")573 for (const name of VALID_NAMES) {574 const specs = {575 type: 'map',576 fields: {577 [name]: {578 type: 'flag'579 }580 }581 }582 validateSpecs(specs)583 }584 for (const name of INVALID_NAMES) {585 const specs = {586 type: 'map',587 fields: {588 [name]: {589 type: 'flag'590 }591 }592 }593 const error = t.throws(() => {594 validateSpecs(specs)595 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})596 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['fields'])597, `'${name}' is an incorrect key name`)598 }599 for (const value in [false, true, 42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {600 const error = t.throws(() => {601 validateSpecs({ type: 'map', fields: { foo: value } })602 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})603 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['$foo'])604, "value must be an object")605 }606 error = t.throws(() => {607 validateSpecs({ type: 'map', fields: { foo: { type: 'bar' } }})608 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})609 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['$foo'])610, "value of 'type' is incorrect")611 /​/​ test the 'option' property612 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])613 /​/​ test additional properties614 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)615 /​/​ test nested maps616 const nestedMaps = {617 type: 'map',618 fields: {619 foo: {620 type: 'map',621 fields: {622 bar: {623 type: 'map',624 fields: {625 quz: { type: 'string' }626 }627 }628 }629 }630 }631 }632 validateSpecs(nestedMaps)633 /​/​ test lazy validation634 var specs = {635 type: 'map',636 fields: {637 '@foo': { type: 'flag' },638 bar: { type: 'foo' }639 },640 option: 42,641 foo: 'bar'642 }643 var errors = []644 validateSpecs(specs, errors)645 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])646[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")647 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['fields'])648[1].message, "'@foo' is an incorrect key name")649 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, ['$bar'])650[2].message, "value of 'type' is incorrect")651 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['option'])652[3].message, "value must be a bool")653})654test('enum-type', t => {655 /​/​ test minimal specs656 var specs = {657 type: 'enum',658 values: ['foo', 'bar', 'quz']659 }660 validateSpecs(specs)661 var error = t.throws(() => {662 validateSpecs({type: 'enum'})663 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})664 t.deepEqual(error.path, [])665, "'values' property is missing")666 /​/​ test the 'values' property667 for (const value in [true, false, 42, 42.5, "Hello world!"]) {668 var error = t.throws(() => {669 validateSpecs({type: 'enum', values: value})670 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})671 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['values'])672, "value must be an array")673 }674 var error = t.throws(() => {675 validateSpecs({type: 'enum', values: []})676 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})677 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['values'])678, "must contain at least one value")679 var error = t.throws(() => {680 validateSpecs({type: 'enum', values: ['@foo', 'bar', 'quz']})681 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})682 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['values'])683, "'@foo' is an incorrect value")684 var error = t.throws(() => {685 validateSpecs({type: 'enum', values: ['foo', 'bar', 'quz', 'foo']})686 }, {instanceOf: ValidationError})687 t.deepEqual(error.path, ['values'])688, "'foo' value is duplicated")689 /​/​ test the 'option' property690 optionPropertyTest(t, specs, [])691 /​/​ test additional properties692 additionalPropertiesTest(t, specs)693 /​/​ test 'name' and 'description' properties694 namePropertyTest(t, specs)695 descriptionPropertyTest(t, specs)696 /​/​ test lazy validation697 var specs = {698 type: 'enum',699 values: ['@foo', 'bar', 'quz', 'bar'],700 option: 42,701 foo: 'bar'702 }703 var errors = []704 validateSpecs(specs, errors)705 t.deepEqual(errors[0].path, [])706[0].message, "'foo' property is unexpected")707 t.deepEqual(errors[1].path, ['values'])708[1].message, "'@foo' is an incorrect value")709 t.deepEqual(errors[2].path, ['values'])710[2].message, "'bar' value is duplicated")711 t.deepEqual(errors[3].path, ['option'])712[3].message, "value must be a bool")...

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Source:corpIDService.js Github


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...25 });26 }27 var _validateCreate = function(products, ABSelected, ABSpecs, CDSelected, CDSpecs, success) {28 var errorMsg = [];29 function validateSpecs(specs, side) {30 angular.forEach(specs, function(spec) {31 if (spec.Required && !spec.Value && !spec.CanSetForLineItem) {32 var name = spec.Label ? spec.Label : spec.Name;33 errorMsg.push("Please provide a value for " + name + " on the " + side + " side form");34 }35 });36 }37 if (ABSelected) {38 validateSpecs(ABSpecs, "left");39 }40 if (CDSelected) {41 validateSpecs(CDSpecs, "right");42 }43 _then(success, errorMsg);44 }45 var _createVariants = function(products, ABSpecs, CDSpecs, success) {46 var variants = [];47 angular.forEach(products, function(product) {48 var productType = (product.ExternalID.indexOf('A') > -1 || product.ExternalID.indexOf('B') > -1) ? "AB" : "CD";49 var variant = {};50 variant.Specs = (productType == 'AB') ? ABSpecs : CDSpecs;51 if (variant.Specs['Address']) {52 variant.Specs['Address1'] = {};53 variant.Specs['Address1'].Value = variant.Specs['Address'].Value;54 }55 else {...

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Source:validate.spec.ts Github


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1import { Spec } from '..';2import { validate } from '../​../​app/​modules/​validation';3import { ValidateOptions } from '../​../​app/​modules/​validation/​validate-options.interface';4import { strictEqual } from 'assert';5export const validateSpecs: Spec = {};6validateSpecs[`validate: Should return trimmed string if min or max not defined`] = (done) => {7 const testValue = ' test string ';8 const options: ValidateOptions = {9 type: 'text',10 value: testValue11 };12 const testResult = validate(options);13 strictEqual(testResult, testValue.trim());14 done();15};16validateSpecs[`validate: Should return false if min option less then value's length option`] = (done) => {17 const testValue = ' test ';18 const trimmedTestValue = testValue.trim();19 const options: ValidateOptions = {20 type: 'text',21 value: testValue,22 min: 523 };24 const testResult = validate(options);25 const expected = trimmedTestValue.length >= options.min ? trimmedTestValue : false;26 strictEqual(testResult, expected);27 done();28};29validateSpecs[`validate: Should return false if value is type of string when type option is number`] = (done) => {30 const testValue = ' test ';31 const options: ValidateOptions = {32 type: 'number',33 value: testValue34 };35 const testResult = validate(options);36 const expected = typeof testValue === 'number' ? testValue : false;37 strictEqual(testResult, expected);38 done();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBuy = require("./​BestBuy.js");2var bestBuy = new BestBuy();3 {4 },5 {6 }7];8console.log(bestBuy.validateSpecs(specs));9var BestBuy = require("./​BestBuy.js");10var bestBuy = new BestBuy();11 {12 },13 {14 }15];16bestBuy.getProducts(specs, function (err, products) {17 if (err) {18 console.log(err);19 }20 else {21 console.log(products);22 }23});24var BestBuy = require("./​BestBuy.js");25var bestBuy = new BestBuy();26 {27 },28 {29 }30];31bestBuy.getProducts(specs, function (err, products) {32 if (err) {33 console.log(err);34 }35 else {36 console.log(products);37 }38});39var BestBuy = require("./​BestBuy.js");40var bestBuy = new BestBuy();41 {42 },43 {44 }45];46bestBuy.getProducts(specs, function (err, products) {47 if (err) {48 console.log(err);49 }50 else {51 console.log(products);52 }53});54var BestBuy = require("./​BestBuy.js");55var bestBuy = new BestBuy();56 {57 },58 {59 }60];61bestBuy.getProducts(specs, function (err, products) {62 if (err)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBuy = require('./​bestbuy');2var bestbuy = new BestBuy();3var specs = {4};5var result = bestbuy.validateSpecs(specs);6console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestSpecs = require('./​BestSpecs');2var bs = new BestSpecs();3var specs = {4};5var bestSpecs = bs.validateSpecs(specs);6console.log(bestSpecs);7console.log(bs.getCost());8console.log(bs.getCostWithTax());9console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscount());10console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShipping());11console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBack());12console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsurance());13console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarranty());14console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarrantyAndUpgrade());15console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarrantyAndUpgradeAndGiftCard());16console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarrantyAndUpgradeAndGiftCardAndRebate());17console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarrantyAndUpgradeAndGiftCardAndRebateAndReward());18console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarrantyAndUpgradeAndGiftCardAndRebateAndRewardAndPoints());19console.log(bs.getCostWithTaxAndDiscountAndShippingAndCashBackAndInsuranceAndWarranty

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBuy = require('./​BestBuy.js');2var bb = new BestBuy();3bb.validateSpecs('test1.js', function(err, data) {4 console.log(data);5});6{ result: 'success',7 test: 'test1.js' }8var BestBuy = require('./​BestBuy.js');9var bb = new BestBuy();10bb.validateSpecs('test1.js')11 .then(function(data) {12 console.log(data);13 })14 .catch(function(err) {15 console.log(err);16 });17{ result: 'success',18 test: 'test1.js' }19var BestBuy = require('./​BestBuy.js');20var bb = new BestBuy();21async function validate() {22 try {23 var data = await bb.validateSpecs('test1.js');24 console.log(data);25 } catch (err) {26 console.log(err);27 }28}29validate();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var BestBuySpecsPage = require('../​pageObjects/​bestBuySpecsPage.js');2var data = require('../​data/​bestBuySpecsData.json');3describe('BestBuySpecsPage', function() {4 var bestBuySpecsPage = new BestBuySpecsPage();5 beforeEach(function() {6 bestBuySpecsPage.get();7 });8 it('should validate the specs', function() {9 bestBuySpecsPage.validateSpecs(data);10 });11});12var BestBuySpecsPage = function() {13 var specs = element.all(by.repeater('spec in product.specs'));14 var specsList = element.all(by.repeater('spec in product.specs')).all(by.tagName('li'));15 this.validateSpecs = function(data) {16 expect(specs.count()).toEqual(data.specsCount);17 specsList.each(function(spec, index) {18 expect(spec.getText()).toEqual(data.specsList[index]);19 });20 };21};22{23}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var bestBuy = require('./​bestBuy.js');2var product = new bestBuy.Product();3var productSpecs = {4};5product.validateSpecs(productSpecs, function (err, result) {6 if (err) {7 console.log(err);8 } else {9 console.log(result);10 }11});12{ name: 'Samsung 55" Class LED 1080p 120Hz HDTV',13 valid: true }

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