How to use assertMost method in chai

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Source:matrix-qc.js Github


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...66 }67 var IDENTITY_MATRIX = {a:1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, tx: 0, ty: 0};68 var counts = {};69 var ratio = 5/100; // At most every 5th is allowed to fail.70 function assertMost(propName, testCase, result) {71 if (typeof counts[propName]=='undefined') {72 counts[propName] = {passes:0, failed:0};73 }74 var c = counts[propName];75 if (result) {76 c.passes++;77 } else {78 c.failed++;79 }80 testCase.assert(c.failed/c.passes < ratio);81 }82 qc.declare(83 'it should instantiate correctly',84 [matrixGenerator(10)],85 function(testCase, m) {86 var matrix = toMatrix(m);87 testCase.assert(equals(matrix, m));88 }89 );90 qc.declare(91 'it should `concat()` two matrices correctly',92 [matrixGenerator(10), matrixGenerator(10)],93 function(testCase, m, n) {94 var matrix = toMatrix(m);95 var refMatrix = toGoogleMatrix(matrix);96 testCase.assert(equals(97 matrix.concat(toMatrix(n)),98 fromGoogleMatrix(refMatrix.multiply(toGoogleMatrix(n)))99 ));100 }101 );102 qc.declare(103 '`identity()` should reset each matrix to identity',104 [matrixGenerator(10)],105 function(testCase, m) {106 var matrix = toMatrix(m).identity();107 testCase.assert(equals(matrix, IDENTITY_MATRIX));108 }109 );110 qc.declare(111 '`invert()` should invert a matrix',112 [matrixGenerator(10)],113 function(testCase, m) {114 var matrix = toMatrix(m);115 var m1 = matrix.invert();116 var m2 = fromGoogleMatrix(toGoogleMatrix(m).getInverse());117 assertMost(, testCase, matrixEquals(m1, m2, 1e-10));118 }119 );120 qc.declare(121 '`invert().invert()` should be the original',122 [matrixGenerator(10)],123 function(testCase, m) {124 var matrix = toMatrix(m);125 var m1 = matrix.invert().invert();126 testCase.assert(matrixEquals(matrix, m1, 1e-10));127 }128 );129 qc.declare(130 'A matrix concated with itself `invert()`ed should be identity',131 [matrixGenerator(10)],132 function(testCase, m) {133 var matrix = toMatrix(m);134 var inversion = matrix.clone().invert();135 assertMost(, testCase, matrixEquals(136 matrix.concat(inversion),137 IDENTITY_MATRIX,138 1e-11139 ));140 }141 );142 qc.declare(143 '`rotate()` should apply the rotation correctly',144 [matrixGenerator(10), radGenerator(8)],145 function(testCase, m, r) {146 var matrix = toMatrix(m).rotate(r);147 var cos = Math.cos(r), sin = Math.sin(r);148 var refMatrix = toGoogleMatrix(m);149 var rotationMatrix = toGoogleMatrix({a: cos, b: sin, c: -sin, d: cos, tx: 0, ty: 0});150 testCase.assert(matrixEquals(151 matrix,152 fromGoogleMatrix(refMatrix.multiply(rotationMatrix)),153 1e-11154 ));155 }156 );157 qc.declare(158 '`scale()` should apply the scale correctly',159 [matrixGenerator(10), scaleGenerator, scaleGenerator],160 function(testCase, m, x, y) {161 var matrix = toMatrix(m).scale(x, y);162 var refMatrix = toGoogleMatrix(m);163 var scaleMatrix = toGoogleMatrix({a: x, b: 0, c: 0, d: y, tx: 0, ty: 0});164 testCase.assert(matrixEquals(165 matrix,166 fromGoogleMatrix(refMatrix.multiply(scaleMatrix))167 ));168 }169 );170 qc.declare(171 '`createBox()` should work like calling identity(), rotation(), scale() ' +172 'and translate() in succession',173 [174 scaleGenerator,175 scaleGenerator,176 radGenerator(10),177 qc.generator.number.integerRanges(-1000, 1000),178 qc.generator.number.integerRanges(-1000, 1000)179 ],180 function(testCase, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, tx, ty) {181 var matrix = new Matrix().createBox(scaleX, scaleY, rotation, tx, ty);182 var refMatrix = new Matrix().183 identity().184 rotate(rotation).185 scale(scaleX, scaleY).186 translate(tx, ty);187 assertMost(, testCase, equals(matrix, refMatrix));188 }189 );...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const should = chai.should();5const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');6chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));7const chai = require('chai');8const assert = chai.assert;9const expect = chai.expect;10const should = chai.should();11const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');12chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));13const chai = require('chai');14const assert = chai.assert;15const expect = chai.expect;16const should = chai.should();17const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');18chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));19const chai = require('chai');20const assert = chai.assert;21const expect = chai.expect;22const should = chai.should();23const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');24chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));25const chai = require('chai');26const assert = chai.assert;27const expect = chai.expect;28const should = chai.should();29const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');30chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));31const chai = require('chai');32const assert = chai.assert;33const expect = chai.expect;34const should = chai.should();35const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');36chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));37const chai = require('chai');38const assert = chai.assert;39const expect = chai.expect;40const should = chai.should();41const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');42chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));43const chai = require('chai');44const assert = chai.assert;45const expect = chai.expect;46const should = chai.should();47const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');48chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));49const chai = require('chai');50const assert = chai.assert;51const expect = chai.expect;52const should = chai.should();53const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');54chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.01));

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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const should = chai.should();5const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');6chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.1));7describe('chai assert', function() {8 it('should use assertAlmost', function() {9 assert.almostEqual(0.5, 0.51);10 assert.notAlmostEqual(0.5, 0.6);11 });12 it('should use expectAlmost', function() {13 expect(0.5);14 expect(0.5);15 });16 it('should use shouldAlmost', function() {17;18;19 });20});21const chai = require('chai');22const assert = chai.assert;23const expect = chai.expect;24const should = chai.should();25const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');26chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.1));27describe('chai assert', function() {28 it('should use assertAlmost', function() {29 assert.almostEqual(0.5, 0.51);30 assert.notAlmostEqual(0.5, 0.6);31 });32 it('should use expectAlmost', function() {33 expect(0.5);34 expect(0.5);35 });36 it('should use shouldAlmost', function() {37;38;39 });40});41const chai = require('chai');42const assert = chai.assert;43const expect = chai.expect;44const should = chai.should();45const chaiAlmost = require('chai-almost');46chai.use(chaiAlmost(0.1));47describe('chai assert', function() {48 it('should use assertAlmost', function() {49 assert.almostEqual(0.5, 0.51);50 assert.notAlmostEqual(0.5, 0.6);51 });52 it('should

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertMost = require('chai-most');3assertMost(assert, 1);4describe('Array', function() {5 describe('#indexOf()', function() {6 it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {7 assertMost.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);8 });9 });10});

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5var calculator = require('../calculator.js');6describe('addition', function() {7 it('should return 6 for add(2,4)', function() {8 expect(calculator.add(2,4)).to.equal(6);9 });10 it('should return 5 for add(2,3)', function() {11 expect(calculator.add(2,3)).to.equal(5);12 });13 it('should return 10 for add(5,5)', function() {14 expect(calculator.add(5,5)).to.equal(10);15 });16 it('should return 0 for add(0,0)', function() {17 expect(calculator.add(0,0)).to.equal(0);18 });19 it('should return 5 for add(5,0)', function() {20 expect(calculator.add(5,0)).to.equal(5);21 });22 it('should return 5 for add(0,5)', function() {23 expect(calculator.add(0,5)).to.equal(5);24 });25 it('should return 3 for add(1.5,1.5)', function() {

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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const should = chai.should();5const assertMost = require('../index');6chai.use(assertMost);7describe('assertMost', function() {8 describe('most', function() {9 it('should return the most common value', function() {10 assertMost.most([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.equal(3);11 });12 });13 describe('least', function() {14 it('should return the least common value', function() {15 assertMost.least([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.equal(1);16 });17 });18 describe('mostCount', function() {19 it('should return the count of the most common value', function() {20 assertMost.mostCount([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.equal(3);21 });22 });23 describe('leastCount', function() {24 it('should return the count of the least common value', function() {25 assertMost.leastCount([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.equal(1);26 });27 });28 describe('mostAndLeast', function() {29 it('should return an array of the most and least common values', function() {30 assertMost.mostAndLeast([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.eql([3, 1]);31 });32 });33 describe('mostAndLeastCount', function() {34 it('should return an array of the count of the most and least common values', function() {35 assertMost.mostAndLeastCount([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.eql([3, 1]);36 });37 });38 describe('mostAndLeastCountAndValues', function() {39 it('should return an array of the count of the most and least common values and the values', function() {40 assertMost.mostAndLeastCountAndValues([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]).should.eql([3, 3, 1, 1]);41 });42 });43 describe('mostAndLeastCountAndValues', function()

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertMost = require('chai-assert-most');3assertMost(assert, 5);4assert.most(10, 5);5assert.most(5, 5);6assert.most(5, 10);

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var assertMost = function (actual, expected, delta) {4 var pass = (actual <= expected + delta) && (actual >= expected - delta);5 assert(pass, actual + ' is not most ' + expected + ' +/- ' + delta);6};7assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.5);8assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.4);9assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.6);10var chai = require('chai');11var assert = chai.assert;12var assertMost = function (actual, expected, delta) {13 var pass = (actual <= expected + delta) && (actual >= expected - delta);14 assert(pass, actual + ' is not most ' + expected + ' +/- ' + delta);15};16assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.5);17assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.4);18assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.6);19var chai = require('chai');20var assert = chai.assert;21var assertMost = function (actual, expected, delta) {22 var pass = (actual <= expected + delta) && (actual >= expected - delta);23 assert(pass, actual + ' is not most ' + expected + ' +/- ' + delta);24};25assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.5);26assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.4);27assertMost(1.5, 1, 0.6);

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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertMost = require('chai-most');3assertMost(assert);4describe('assertMost', function() {5 it('should pass', function() {6 assert.most(4, 5);7 });8});9var assert = require('chai').assert;10var assertMost = require('chai-most');11assertMost(assert);12describe('assertMost', function() {13 it('should pass', function() {14 assert.most(4, 5);15 });16});17var assert = require('chai').assert;18var assertMost = require('chai-most');19assertMost(assert);20describe('assertMost', function() {21 it('should pass', function() {22 assert.most(4, 5);23 });24});25var assert = require('chai').assert;26var assertMost = require('chai-most');27assertMost(assert);28describe('assertMost', function() {29 it('should pass', function() {30 assert.most(4, 5);31 });32});33var assert = require('chai').assert;34var assertMost = require('chai-most');35assertMost(assert);36describe('assertMost', function() {37 it('should pass', function() {38 assert.most(4, 5);39 });40});41var assert = require('chai').assert;42var assertMost = require('chai-most');43assertMost(assert);44describe('assertMost', function() {45 it('should pass', function() {46 assert.most(4, 5);47 });48});49var assert = require('chai').assert;50var assertMost = require('chai-most');51assertMost(assert);52describe('assertMost', function() {53 it('should pass', function() {54 assert.most(4, 5);55 });56});57var assert = require('chai').assert;58var assertMost = require('chai-most');59assertMost(assert);60describe('assertMost', function() {61 it('should pass', function() {62 assert.most(4, 5

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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5describe('type of variable', function () {6 it('should return the type of the variable', function () {7 var type = typeof 3;8 expect(type).to.equal('number');9 });10});11describe('length of variable', function () {12 it('should return the length of the variable', function () {13 var length = 'hello'.length;14 expect(length).to.equal(5);15 });16});17describe('value of variable', function () {18 it('should return the value of the variable', function () {19 var value = 3;20 expect(value).to.equal(3);21 });22});23describe('equality of variable', function () {24 it('should return the equality of the variable', function () {25 var value = 3;26 expect(value).to.equal(3);27 });28});29describe('inequality of variable', function () {30 it('should return the inequality of the variable', function () {31 var value = 3;32 expect(value).to.not.equal(5);33 });34});35describe('greater than of variable', function () {36 it('should return the greater than of the variable', function () {37 var value = 3;38 expect(value);39 });40});41describe('greater than or equal to of variable', function () {42 it('should return the greater than or equal to of the variable', function () {43 var value = 3;44 expect(value);45 });46});47describe('less than of variable', function () {48 it('should return the less than of the variable', function () {49 var value = 3;50 expect(value);51 });52});53describe('less

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var assertMost = require('chai-assertmost');3assert.use(assertMost);4describe('Array', function() {5 describe('#indexOf()', function() {6 it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {7 assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), 1);8 });9 });10});

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