How to use solve method in devicefarmer-stf

Best JavaScript code snippet using devicefarmer-stf


Source:solves.js Github


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1(function() {2 // LocalSolves manages solves which the user does offline. It uses3 // LocalPuzzles to get the solves of interest.4 //5 // The puzzles argument must be a LocalPuzzles which has already been loaded6 // with the user's current puzzles.7 //8 // This is an EventEmitter which will emit the following events:9 // - delete: either the deleteSolve or the moveSolve method was used.10 // - modify: the modifySolve method was used.11 // - modifyUnindexed: modifySolveById was used and the ID was not in a cursor.12 // - move: the moveSolve method was used.13 // - loadingStats14 // - computedStats15 function LocalSolves(puzzles) {16;17 this._puzzles = puzzles;18 this._stats = null;19 this._averages = null;20 this._cursors = [];21 this._fillInMissingFields();22 this._computeStats();23 }24 LocalSolves.prototype = Object.create(;25 // addSolve pushes a solve to the end of the list.26 LocalSolves.prototype.addSolve = function(solve) {27 var solves = this.getSolves();28 =;29 solves.push(solve);30 // All the cursors at the end of the data get the extra solve.31 for (var i = 0, len = this._cursors.length; i < len; ++i) {32 var cursor = this._cursors[i];33 if (cursor._start+cursor._length === this.getSolves().length-1) {34 ++cursor._length;35 }36 }37 recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(solves, solves.length-1);38 if (this._averages !== null) {39 this._averages.pushSolve(solve);40 }41 this._emitStats();42 };43 // createCursor generates a ticket for getting a LocalCursor.44 LocalSolves.prototype.createCursor = function(start, length, cb) {45 return new, this, start, length);46 };47 // cursorClosed is called by a LocalCursor when it is closed by a consumer.48 LocalSolves.prototype.cursorClosed = function(cursor) {49 var idx = this._cursors.indexOf(cursor);50 if (idx < 0) {51 throw new Error('cursor was not registered');52 }53 this._cursors.splice(idx, 1);54 };55 // cursorCreated is called by each cursor to register itself with the56 // LocalSolves.57 LocalSolves.prototype.cursorCreated = function(cursor) {58 this._cursors.push(cursor);59 };60 // deleteSolve deletes a solve at a given index.61 LocalSolves.prototype.deleteSolve = function(index) {62 var solves = this.getSolves();63 var id = solves[index].id;64 solves.splice(index, 1);65 for (var i = 0, len = this._cursors.length; i < len; ++i) {66 var cursor = this._cursors[i];67 if (index < cursor._start) {68 --cursor._start;69 } else if (index < cursor._start+cursor._length) {70 --cursor._length;71 }72 }73 recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(solves, index);74 this._resetStats();75 this.emit('delete', id, index);76 };77 // getLatestSolve returns the latest solve or null if no solves exist.78 LocalSolves.prototype.getLatestSolve = function() {79 var solves = this.getSolves();80 if (solves.length === 0) {81 return null;82 }83 return solves[solves.length - 1];84 };85 // getSolves returns the current array of solves.86 LocalSolves.prototype.getSolves = function() {87 return this._puzzles.getActivePuzzle().solves;88 };89 // getStats returns the current stats or null if no stats are cached.90 LocalSolves.prototype.getStats = function() {91 return this._stats;92 };93 // modifySolve changes the attributes of a given solve.94 LocalSolves.prototype.modifySolve = function(index, attrs) {95 this._modifySolveNoEmit(index, attrs);96 this.emit('modify', this.getSolves()[index].id, attrs, index);97 };98 // modifySolveById changes the attributes of a solve by looking up its ID.99 // This will emit 'modifyUnindexed' instead of 'modify' if the solve is not100 // within any cursor.101 LocalSolves.prototype.modifySolveById = function(id, attrs) {102 var index = -1;103 var solves = this.getSolves();104 for (var i = 0, len = solves.length; i < len; ++i) {105 if (solves[i].id === id) {106 index = i;107 break;108 }109 }110 if (index < 0) {111 return;112 }113 this._modifySolveNoEmit(index, attrs);114 var containedByCursor = false;115 for (var i = 0, len = this._cursors.length; i < len; ++i) {116 var cursor = this._cursors[i];117 if (index < cursor._start+cursor._length && index >= cursor._start) {118 containedByCursor = true;119 break;120 }121 }122 if (containedByCursor) {123 this.emit('modify', id, attrs, index);124 } else {125 this.emit('modifyUnindexed', id, attrs);126 }127 };128 // moveSolve moves a solve to a different puzzle.129 LocalSolves.prototype.moveSolve = function(index, puzzleId) {130 var puzzle = this._puzzles.findById(puzzleId);131 if (puzzle === null) {132 return;133 }134 var solve = this.getSolves()[index];135 this.deleteSolve(index);136 insertSolveUsingTimestamp(solve, puzzle.solves);137 this.emit('move',, puzzle);138 };139 // reset should be called whenever the solves were changed in a way that140 // cannot be easily broken down into deletions, additions and modifications.141 LocalSolves.prototype.reset = function() {142 while (this._cursors.length > 0) {143 this._cursors[this._cursors.length-1].close();144 }145 this._resetStats();146 };147 // _computeStats generates this._stats.148 LocalSolves.prototype._computeStats = function() {149 if (this._averages === null) {150 this._averages = new;151 var solves = this.getSolves();152 for (var i = 0, len = solves.length; i < len; ++i) {153 this._averages.pushSolve(solves[i]);154 }155 }156 this._stats = this._averages.stats();157 };158 // _emitStats uses this._averages to emit new stats asynchronously.159 // It will create this._averages if it is null.160 LocalSolves.prototype._emitStats = function() {161 this._stats = null;162 this.emit('loadingStats');163 setTimeout(function() {164 if (this._stats === null) {165 this._computeStats();166 this.emit('computedStats', this._stats);167 }168 }.bind(this), 1);169 };170 // _fillInMissingFields fills in missing fields for all solve objects on all171 // puzzles.172 LocalSolves.prototype._fillInMissingFields = function() {173 var puzzles = this._puzzles.getPuzzles();174 for (var i = 0, len = puzzles.length; i < len; ++i) {175 var puzzle = puzzles[i];176 var solves = puzzle.solves;177 recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(solves, 0);178 for (var j = 0, len1 = solves.length; j < len1; ++j) {179 var solve = solves[j];180 if (!solve.scrambler) {181 solve.scrambler = puzzle.scrambler;182 solve.scrambleType = puzzle.scrambleType;183 }184 }185 }186 };187 // _modifySolveNoEmit modifies a solve without emitting a modify event.188 LocalSolves.prototype._modifySolveNoEmit = function(index, attrs) {189 var solve = this.getSolves()[index];190 if ('undefined' === typeof solve) {191 throw new Error('no solve at index: ' + index);192 }193 var newSolve =;194 this.getSolves()[index] = newSolve;195 var keys = Object.keys(attrs);196 for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; ++i) {197 var key = keys[i];198 newSolve[key] = attrs[key];199 }200 // TODO: do not recompute this stuff if neither the time nor the penalties201 // were modified.202 recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(this.getSolves(), index+1);203 this._resetStats();204 };205 // _resetStats deletes all pre-existing knowledge about the stats and206 // recomputes them asynchronously.207 LocalSolves.prototype._resetStats = function() {208 this._averages = null;209 this._emitStats();210 };211 function insertSolveUsingTimestamp(solve, solves) {212 // TODO: use a binary search here.213 for (var i = solves.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {214 if (solves[i].date <= {215 solves.splice(i+1, 0, solve);216 recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(solves, i+1);217 return;218 }219 }220 solves.unshift(solve);221 recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(solves, 0);222 }223 function recomputeLastPBsAndPWs(solves, startIndex) {224 recomputeLastPBs(solves, startIndex);225 recomputeLastPWs(solves, startIndex);226 }227 function recomputeLastPBs(solves, startIndex) {228 if (startIndex >= solves.length) {229 return;230 }231 var lastPB = -1;232 if (startIndex > 0) {233 var previousSolve = solves[startIndex - 1];234 if (previousSolve.dnf) {235 lastPB = previousSolve.lastPB;236 } else if (previousSolve.lastPB === -1) {237 lastPB =;238 } else {239 lastPB = Math.min(,240 previousSolve.lastPB);241 }242 }243 for (var i = startIndex, len = solves.length; i < len; ++i) {244 var solve = solves[i];245 solve.lastPB = lastPB;246 if (!solve.dnf) {247 if (lastPB < 0) {248 lastPB =;249 } else {250 lastPB = Math.min(lastPB,;251 }252 }253 }254 };255 function recomputeLastPWs(solves, startIndex) {256 if (startIndex >= solves.length) {257 return;258 }259 var lastPW = -1;260 if (startIndex > 0) {261 var previousSolve = solves[startIndex - 1];262 if (previousSolve.dnf) {263 lastPW = previousSolve.lastPW;264 } else if (previousSolve.lastPW === -1) {265 lastPW =;266 } else {267 lastPW = Math.max(,268 previousSolve.lastPW);269 }270 }271 for (var i = startIndex, len = solves.length; i < len; ++i) {272 var solve = solves[i];273 solve.lastPW = lastPW;274 if (!solve.dnf) {275 if (lastPW < 0) {276 lastPW =;277 } else {278 lastPW = Math.max(lastPW,;279 }280 }281 }282 };283 = LocalSolves;...

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Source:index.js Github


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...77 cube.checkForMove();78 TWEEN.update();79 renderer.render(scene, camera);80}81function solve() {82 if (cube.animating) {83 solveMessage.innerHTML = "Wait until Cube is Still";84 return;85 }86 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();87 const url = "";88"POST", url, true);89 xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");90 let data = JSON.stringify({ cubeSize: cubeSize, scramble: cube.state() });91 console.log(data);92 xhr.send(data);93 solveMessage.innerHTML = "Solving...";94 cube.sequencing = true;95 solveButton.disabled = true;...

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Source:heuristica.js Github


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1(function () {2 var tiles = [],3 goal = [];4 var startScreen = document.querySelector("#startScreen");5 startScreen.addEventListener("click", startGame, false);6 var endScreen = document.querySelector("#endScreen");7 /**********8 Solução e initBoard9 **********/10 var initBoard = $(".initBoard").attr('data-value');11 var arrayInitBoard = initBoard.split(" ");12 var indexSolve = 0;13 var solveBoard = $(".solveBoard").attr('data-value');14 var arraySolveBoard = solveBoard.split(" ");15 arraySolveBoard.reverse();16 function setStepSolve(){17 indexSolve++;18 if(arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] == 'UP'){19 $('.showSolve').html("PASSO "+indexSolve+": CIMA");20 }else if(arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] == 'DOWN'){21 $('.showSolve').html("PASSO "+indexSolve+": BAIXO");22 }else if(arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] == 'RIGHT'){23 $('.showSolve').html("PASSO "+indexSolve+": DIREITA");24 }else if(arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] == 'LEFT'){25 $('.showSolve').html("PASSO "+indexSolve+": ESQUERDA");26 }else{27 $('.showSolve').html("FIM!!!");28 }29 }30 function init() {31 for(var i = 1; i < 9; i++){32 var tile = document.querySelector('#n' + i);33 = "url('/../img/n"+i+".png')";34 tile.addEventListener("click", moveTile, false);35 tiles.push(tile);36 goal.push(tile);37 }38 tiles.push(null);39 goal.push(null);40 render();41 }42 function render(){43 for(var i in tiles){44 var tile = tiles[i];45 if(tile != null){46 = (i%3) *100 + 5 + "px";47 if(i < 3){48 = "5px";49 }else if(i < 6){50 = "105px";51 }else{52 = "205px";53 }54 }55 }56 }57 function startGame(){58 /*remove screen start*/59 = "0";60 = "-1";61 this.removeEventListener("click", startGame, false);62 /*coloca o estado init no board*/63 var aux = [];64 aux[0] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[0]-1];65 aux[1] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[1]-1];66 aux[2] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[2]-1];67 aux[3] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[3]-1];68 aux[4] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[4]-1];69 aux[5] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[5]-1];70 aux[6] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[6]-1];71 aux[7] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[7]-1];72 aux[8] = tiles[arrayInitBoard[8]-1];73 tiles = aux;74 render();75 setStepSolve();76 }77 function moveTile(){78 var index = tiles.indexOf(this);79 if(index % 3 !== 0 && arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] === "RIGHT"){80 if(!tiles[index-1]){81 tiles[index-1] = this;82 tiles[index] = null;83 setStepSolve();84 }85 }86 if(index % 3 !== 2 && arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] === "LEFT"){87 if(!tiles[index+1]){88 tiles[index+1] = this;89 tiles[index] = null;90 setStepSolve();91 }92 }93 if(index > 2 && arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] === "DOWN"){94 if(!tiles[index-3]){95 tiles[index-3] = this;96 tiles[index] = null;97 setStepSolve();98 }99 }100 if(index < 6 && arraySolveBoard[indexSolve] === "UP"){101 if(!tiles[index+3]){102 tiles[index+3] = this;103 tiles[index] = null;104 setStepSolve();105 }106 }107 render();108 if(checkGoal()){109 showEndScreen();110 }111 }112 function showEndScreen() {113 = "1";114 = "1";115 setTimeout(function functionName() {116 endScreen.addEventListener("click", goIndex, false);117 })118 }119 120 function goIndex() {121 var url = window.location.href;122 var arrayUrl = url.split("/");123 console.log(arrayUrl);124 window.location="http://"+arrayUrl[2]+"/servlets/standalone.rkt;";125 }126 function setScore(){127 var inputScore = $('.scoreHidden').val();128 inputScore++;129 $('.score').html("SCORE "+inputScore);130 $('.scoreHidden').attr('value', inputScore);131 }132 function checkGoal(){133 for(var i in tiles){134 if(tiles[i] !== goal[i]){135 return false;136 }137 }138 return true;139 }140 init();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var devicefarmer = require('devicefarmer-stf');2var device = stf.use('HT4A2SK00033');3device.solve('', '', function(err, result) {4 if (err) {5 console.error(err);6 } else {7 console.log(result);8 }9});10{11 "dependencies": {12 }13}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');2var device = new stf.Device();3device.solve('9b9d5b5c', '', '$WifiSettingsActivity');4var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');5var device = new stf.Device();6device.solve('9b9d5b5c', '', '$WifiSettingsActivity', function(err, res){7 if(err){8 console.log("Error occurred: "+err);9 }else{10 console.log("Solve response: "+res);11 }12});13{14 "data": {15 }16}17{18 "data": {19 }20}

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