How to use startMousing method in devicefarmer-stf

Best JavaScript code snippet using devicefarmer-stf


Source:screen-directive.js Github


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...588589 fakePinch = e.altKey590591 calculateBounds()592 startMousing()593594 var x = e.pageX - screen.bounds.x595 var y = e.pageY - screen.bounds.y596 var pressure = 0.5597 var scaled = scaler.coords(598 screen.bounds.w599 , screen.bounds.h600 , x601 , y602 , screen.rotation603 )604605 control.touchDown(nextSeq(), 0, scaled.xP, scaled.yP, pressure)606607 if (fakePinch) {608 control.touchDown(nextSeq(), 1, 1 - scaled.xP, 1 - scaled.yP,609 pressure)610 }611612 control.touchCommit(nextSeq())613614 activateFinger(0, x, y, pressure)615616 if (fakePinch) {617 activateFinger(1, -e.pageX + screen.bounds.x + screen.bounds.w,618 -e.pageY + screen.bounds.y + screen.bounds.h, pressure)619 }620621 element.bind('mousemove', mouseMoveListener)622 $document.bind('mouseup', mouseUpListener)623 $document.bind('mouseleave', mouseUpListener)624625 if (lastPossiblyBuggyMouseUpEvent &&626 lastPossiblyBuggyMouseUpEvent.timeStamp > e.timeStamp) {627 // We got mouseup before mousedown. See mouseUpBugWorkaroundListener628 // for details.629 mouseUpListener(lastPossiblyBuggyMouseUpEvent)630 }631 else {632 lastPossiblyBuggyMouseUpEvent = null633 }634 }635636 function mouseMoveListener(event) {637 var e = event638 if (e.originalEvent) {639 e = e.originalEvent640 }641642 // Skip secondary click643 if (e.which === 3) {644 return645 }646 e.preventDefault()647648 var addGhostFinger = !fakePinch && e.altKey649 var deleteGhostFinger = fakePinch && !e.altKey650651 fakePinch = e.altKey652653 var x = e.pageX - screen.bounds.x654 var y = e.pageY - screen.bounds.y655 var pressure = 0.5656 var scaled = scaler.coords(657 screen.bounds.w658 , screen.bounds.h659 , x660 , y661 , screen.rotation662 )663664 control.touchMove(nextSeq(), 0, scaled.xP, scaled.yP, pressure)665666 if (addGhostFinger) {667 control.touchDown(nextSeq(), 1, 1 - scaled.xP, 1 - scaled.yP, pressure)668 }669 else if (deleteGhostFinger) {670 control.touchUp(nextSeq(), 1)671 }672 else if (fakePinch) {673 control.touchMove(nextSeq(), 1, 1 - scaled.xP, 1 - scaled.yP, pressure)674 }675676 control.touchCommit(nextSeq())677678 activateFinger(0, x, y, pressure)679680 if (deleteGhostFinger) {681 deactivateFinger(1)682 }683 else if (fakePinch) {684 activateFinger(1, -e.pageX + screen.bounds.x + screen.bounds.w,685 -e.pageY + screen.bounds.y + screen.bounds.h, pressure)686 }687 }688689 function mouseUpListener(event) {690 var e = event691 if (e.originalEvent) {692 e = e.originalEvent693 }694695 // Skip secondary click696 if (e.which === 3) {697 return698 }699 e.preventDefault()700701 control.touchUp(nextSeq(), 0)702703 if (fakePinch) {704 control.touchUp(nextSeq(), 1)705 }706707 control.touchCommit(nextSeq())708709 deactivateFinger(0)710711 if (fakePinch) {712 deactivateFinger(1)713 }714715 stopMousing()716 }717718 /**719 * Do NOT remove under any circumstances. Currently, in the latest720 * Safari (Version 8.0 (10600.1.25)), if an input field is focused721 * while we do a tap click on an MBP trackpad ("Tap to click" in722 * Settings), it sometimes causes the mouseup event to trigger before723 * the mousedown event (but event.timeStamp will be correct). It724 * doesn't happen in any other browser. The following minimal test725 * case triggers the same behavior (although less frequently). Keep726 * tapping and you'll eventually see see two mouseups in a row with727 * the same counter value followed by a mousedown with a new counter728 * value. Also, when the bug happens, the cursor in the input field729 * stops blinking. It may take up to 300 attempts to spot the bug on730 * a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014).731 *732 * <!doctype html>733 *734 * <div id="touchable"735 * style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background: green"></div>736 * <input id="focusable" type="text" />737 *738 * <script>739 * var touchable = document.getElementById('touchable')740 * , focusable = document.getElementById('focusable')741 * , counter = 0742 *743 * function mousedownListener(e) {744 * counter += 1745 * console.log('mousedown', counter, e, e.timeStamp)746 * e.preventDefault()747 * }748 *749 * function mouseupListener(e) {750 * e.preventDefault()751 * console.log('mouseup', counter, e, e.timeStamp)752 * focusable.focus()753 * }754 *755 * touchable.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, false)756 * touchable.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseupListener, false)757 * </script>758 *759 * I believe that the bug is caused by some kind of a race condition760 * in Safari. Using a textarea or a focused contenteditable does not761 * get rid of the bug. The bug also happens if the text field is762 * focused manually by the user (not with .focus()).763 *764 * It also doesn't help if you .blur() before .focus().765 *766 * So basically we'll just have to store the event on mouseup and check767 * if we should do the browser's job in the mousedown handler.768 */769 function mouseUpBugWorkaroundListener(e) {770 lastPossiblyBuggyMouseUpEvent = e771 }772773 function startMousing() {774 control.gestureStart(nextSeq())775 input[0].focus()776 }777778 function stopMousing() {779 element.unbind('mousemove', mouseMoveListener)780 $document.unbind('mouseup', mouseUpListener)781 $document.unbind('mouseleave', mouseUpListener)782 deactivateFingers()783 control.gestureStop(nextSeq())784 }785786 function touchStartListener(event) {787 var e = event ...

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Source:index.js Github


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...108 在浏览器中的相对原点(offsetTop,offsetLeft)109 从最内部的canvas元素开始计算screen区域110 */111 var screen = calculateBounds($element.find('canvas')[0])112 //startMousing()113 var x = e.pageX - screen.bounds.x114 var y = e.pageY - screen.bounds.y115 var pressure = 0.5116 var scaled = scaler.coords(117 screen.bounds.w118 , screen.bounds.h119 , x120 , y121 , screen.rotation122 )123 //计算之后可得到scaled对象,其中包含了点击点的x,y轴百分比信息124 //百分比信息与原始的设备屏幕高宽的乘积,既可还原浏览器中点击点与设备屏幕点击点之间的映射125 126 control.touchDown(nextSeq(), 0, scaled.xP, scaled.yP, pressure)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');2stf.startMousing();3var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');4stf.stopMousing();5var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');6stf.startTouching();7var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');8stf.stopTouching();9var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');10stf.startKeyboard();11var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');12stf.stopKeyboard();13var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');14stf.startTyping();15var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');16stf.stopTyping();17var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');18stf.startCamera();19var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');20stf.stopCamera();21var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');22stf.startBrowser();23var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');24stf.stopBrowser();25var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');26stf.startPhone();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');2var device = stf.startMousing();3var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');4var device = stf.stopMousing();5var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');6var device = stf.startTouching();7var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');8var device = stf.stopTouching();9var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');10var device = stf.startKeyboard();11var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');12var device = stf.stopKeyboard();13var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');14var device = stf.startRecording();15var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');16var device = stf.stopRecording();17var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');18var device = stf.startScreenShot();19var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');20var device = stf.stopScreenShot();21var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');22var device = stf.startScreenMirror();23var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');24var device = stf.stopScreenMirror();25var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');26var device = stf.startScreenRecord();27var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf');28var device = stf.stopScreenRecord();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');2var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');3device.startMousing();4var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');5var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');6device.stopMousing();7var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');8var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');9device.startRemoteInput();10var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');11var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');12device.stopRemoteInput();13var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');14var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');15device.startTouch();16var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');17var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');18device.stopTouch();19var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');20var device = new stf.Device(client, 'device serial number');21device.startVideo();22var stf = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');23var client = new stf.Client('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const device = require('devicefarmer-stf-device');2device.init({3});4device.startMousing();5device.stopMousing();6init(options)7startMousing()8stopMousing()

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