How to use obj method in differencify

Best JavaScript code snippet using differencify


Source:medidasCrecimientoController.js Github


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1import medidasCrecimiento from "../models/medidasCrecimientoModel.js";2import asyncHandler from "express-async-handler";3// * ENDPOINTS GROWTH STAGE4// handleResponse: Manejador para los datos recibidos por consulta a la base de datos5function handleResponse(data, res) {6 if (data) {7 res.status(200).json(data);8 } else {9 res.status(404).json({ message: "Error fetching data." });10 res.status(404);11 throw new Error("Error fetching the years.");12 }13}14function manageFilters(query, variables) {15 if (variables && variables.length > 0) {16 for (let i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {17 if (18 variables[i].value == "toxemia" ||19 variables[i].value == "Embarazomultiple" ||20 variables[i].value == "primipara" ||21 variables[i].value == "cesarea"22 ) {23 query[variables[i].value] = 1;24 }25 if (variables[i].value == "adolescentes") {26 query.edadmama = {27 $lte: 19,28 };29 }30 if (variables[i].value == "mayores") {31 query.edadmama = {32 $gte: 35,33 };34 }35 if (variables[i].value == "nivelmama") {36 query.nivelmama = variables[i].filter.includes("primaria")37 ? 138 : variables[i].filter.includes("secundaria")39 ? 240 : 3;41 }42 if (variables[i].value == "pesomama") {43 query.pesomama = {44 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),45 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),46 };47 }48 if (variables[i].value == "tallamama") {49 query.tallamama = {50 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),51 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),52 };53 }54 if (variables[i].value == "pesopapa") {55 query.pesopapa = {56 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),57 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),58 };59 }60 if (variables[i].value == "tallapapa") {61 query.tallapapa = {62 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),63 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),64 };65 }66 if (variables[i].value == "percapitasalariominimo") {67 query.percapitasalariominimo = {68 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),69 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),70 };71 }72 if (variables[i].value == "pesoalnacer") {73 query.pesoalnacer = {74 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),75 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),76 };77 }78 if (variables[i].value == "tallamama") {79 query.tallaalnacer = {80 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),81 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),82 };83 }84 if (variables[i].value == "pcalnacer") {85 query.pcalnacer = {86 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),87 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),88 };89 }90 if (variables[i].value == "tallapapa") {91 query.tallapapa = {92 $gte: parseInt(variables[i].desde),93 $lte: parseInt(variables[i].hasta),94 };95 }96 if (variables[i].value == "sexo") {97 query.nivelmama = variables[i].filter.includes("niño") ? 1 : 2;98 }99 }100 }101 return query;102}103// RCIUFreqDiasH104export const RCIUFreqDiasH = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {105 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;106 const finalYear = req.body.fin;107 const variables = req.body.vars;108 var data = [];109 const queryInitial = {110 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },111 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },112 };113 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);114 data = await medidasCrecimiento115 .find(query)116 .select([117 "ANOCAT",118 "RCIUpesoFenton",119 "edadgestacional",120 "TotalDiasHospitalizacion",121 ])122 .lean();123 const dataVis = {};124 const dataWith = [];125 const dataWithout = [];126 const datasets = [];127 dataWith.push(128 Math.round(129 (data130 .filter(131 (obj) =>132 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&133 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&134 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&135 obj.edadgestacional <= 32136 )137 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /138 data.filter(139 (obj) =>140 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&141 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&142 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&143 obj.edadgestacional <= 32144 ).length) *145 100146 ) / 100147 );148 dataWith.push(149 Math.round(150 (data151 .filter(152 (obj) =>153 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&154 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&155 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&156 obj.edadgestacional >= 33 &&157 obj.edadgestacional <= 34158 )159 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /160 data.filter(161 (obj) =>162 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&163 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&164 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&165 obj.edadgestacional >= 33 &&166 obj.edadgestacional <= 34167 ).length) *168 100169 ) / 100170 );171 dataWith.push(172 Math.round(173 (data174 .filter(175 (obj) =>176 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&177 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&178 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&179 obj.edadgestacional >= 34 &&180 obj.edadgestacional < 37181 )182 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /183 data.filter(184 (obj) =>185 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&186 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&187 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&188 obj.edadgestacional >= 34 &&189 obj.edadgestacional < 37190 ).length) *191 100192 ) / 100193 );194 dataWith.push(195 Math.round(196 (data197 .filter(198 (obj) =>199 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&200 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&201 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&202 obj.edadgestacional >= 37203 )204 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /205 data.filter(206 (obj) =>207 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&208 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&209 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&210 obj.edadgestacional >= 37211 ).length) *212 100213 ) / 100214 );215 dataWithout.push(216 Math.round(217 (data218 .filter(219 (obj) =>220 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&221 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&222 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&223 obj.edadgestacional <= 32224 )225 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /226 data.filter(227 (obj) =>228 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&229 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&230 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&231 obj.edadgestacional <= 32232 ).length) *233 100234 ) / 100235 );236 dataWithout.push(237 Math.round(238 (data239 .filter(240 (obj) =>241 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&242 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&243 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&244 obj.edadgestacional >= 33 &&245 obj.edadgestacional <= 34246 )247 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /248 data.filter(249 (obj) =>250 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&251 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&252 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&253 obj.edadgestacional >= 33 &&254 obj.edadgestacional <= 34255 ).length) *256 100257 ) / 100258 );259 dataWithout.push(260 Math.round(261 (data262 .filter(263 (obj) =>264 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&265 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&266 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&267 obj.edadgestacional >= 34 &&268 obj.edadgestacional < 37269 )270 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /271 data.filter(272 (obj) =>273 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&274 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&275 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&276 obj.edadgestacional >= 34 &&277 obj.edadgestacional < 37278 ).length) *279 100280 ) / 100281 );282 dataWithout.push(283 Math.round(284 (data285 .filter(286 (obj) =>287 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&288 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&289 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&290 obj.edadgestacional >= 37291 )292 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["TotalDiasHospitalizacion"] || 0), 0) /293 data.filter(294 (obj) =>295 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&296 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&297 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&298 obj.edadgestacional >= 37299 ).length) *300 100301 ) / 100302 );303 datasets.push({304 label: "con RCIU",305 data: dataWith,306 backgroundColor: "#0E7FA6",307 });308 datasets.push({309 label: "sin RCIU",310 data: dataWithout,311 backgroundColor: "#70D6BC",312 });313 dataVis.labels = [314 "< 32 semanas",315 "33-34 semanas",316 "34-37 semanas",317 "> 37 semanas",318 ];319 dataVis.datasets = datasets;320 handleResponse(dataVis, res);321});322// RCIUFreqUCI323export const RCIUFreqUCI = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {324 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;325 const finalYear = req.body.fin;326 const isPremature = req.body.prem;327 const variables = req.body.vars;328 const yearsInterval = [];329 const queryInitial = {330 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },331 edadgestacional: isPremature == "true" ? { $lt: 37 } : { $gt: 37 },332 };333 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);334 const data = await medidasCrecimiento335 .find(query)336 .select(["ANOCAT", "RCIUpesoFenton", "UCI"])337 .lean();338 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {339 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());340 }341 const size = data.length;342 const dataPoints1 = [];343 const dataPoints2 = [];344 const dataVis = {};345 dataVis.colorSet =346 isPremature == "true" ? "customColorSetPrem" : "customColorSetTerm";347 dataVis.axisX = {348 labelFontFamily: "arial",349 interval: 5,350 valueFormatString: "####",351 };352 dataVis.axisY = {353 labelFontFamily: "arial",354 titleFontFamily: "arial",355 title: "Cantidad",356 };357 dataVis.toolTip = {358 fontFamily: "arial",359 shared: true,360 };361 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;362 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";363 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {364 dataPoints1.push({365 x: parseInt(yearsInterval[i]),366 y: data.filter(367 (obj) =>368 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&369 obj.UCI == 1 &&370 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1371 ).length,372 relative:373 data.filter(374 (obj) =>375 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&376 obj.UCI == 1 &&377 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1378 ).length / size,379 });380 dataPoints2.push({381 x: parseInt(yearsInterval[i]),382 y: data.filter(383 (obj) =>384 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&385 obj.UCI == 1 &&386 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0387 ).length,388 relative:389 data.filter(390 (obj) =>391 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&392 obj.UCI == 1 &&393 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0394 ).length / size,395 });396 }397 = [];398 // dataVis.height = 140;399 dataVis.legend = {400 horizontalAlign: "top",401 verticalAlign: "top",402 fontFamily: "arial",403 };404{405 type: "stackedBar",406 name: isPremature == "true" ? "con RCIU prematuros" : "con RCIU a término",407 showInLegend: true,408 dataPoints: dataPoints1,409 });410{411 type: "stackedBar",412 name: isPremature == "true" ? "sin RCIU prematuros" : "sin RCIU a término",413 showInLegend: true,414 dataPoints: dataPoints2,415 });416 handleResponse(dataVis, res);417});418// RCIUFreqEGEntrada419export const RCIUFreqEGEntrada = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {420 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;421 const finalYear = req.body.fin;422 const isEntrada = req.body.entrada;423 const variables = req.body.vars;424 const yearsInterval = [];425 const queryInitial = {426 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },427 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },428 };429 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);430 const data = await medidasCrecimiento431 .find(query)432 .select([433 "ANOCAT",434 "RCIUpesoFenton",435 "edadgestacionalalaentrada",436 "edadsalidaPC",437 ])438 .lean();439 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {440 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());441 }442 const dataPoints1 = [];443 const dataPoints2 = [];444 const dataVis = {};445 dataVis.colorSet =446 isEntrada == "true" ? "customColorSetPrem" : "customColorSetTerm";447 dataVis.axisX = {448 title: "Años",449 titleFontFamily: "arial",450 labelFontFamily: "arial",451 titleFontStyle: "bold",452 };453 dataVis.axisY = {454 title:455 isEntrada == "true"456 ? "Promedio edad gestacional entrada"457 : "Promedio edad gestacional salida",458 titleFontFamily: "arial",459 labelFontFamily: "arial",460 titleFontStyle: "bold",461 };462 dataVis.toolTip = {463 fontFamily: "arial",464 };465 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;466 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";467 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {468 dataPoints1.push({469 x: i,470 y:471 data472 .filter(473 (obj) => obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] && obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1474 )475 .reduce(476 (a, b) =>477 a +478 (b[479 isEntrada == "true"480 ? "edadgestacionalalaentrada"481 : "edadsalidaPC"482 ] || 0),483 0484 ) /485 data.filter(486 (obj) => obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] && obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1487 ).length,488 });489 dataPoints2.push({490 x: i,491 y:492 data493 .filter(494 (obj) => obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] && obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0495 )496 .reduce(497 (a, b) =>498 a +499 (b[500 isEntrada == "true"501 ? "edadgestacionalalaentrada"502 : "edadsalidaPC"503 ] || 0),504 0505 ) /506 data.filter(507 (obj) => obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] && obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0508 ).length,509 });510 }511 = [];512 dataVis.height = 300;513 dataVis.legend = {514 horizontalAlign: "top",515 verticalAlign: "top",516 fontFamily: "arial",517 };518{519 type: "spline",520 markerSize: 5,521 connectNullData: true,522 name: "con RCIU",523 showInLegend: true,524 dataPoints: dataPoints1,525 });526{527 type: "spline",528 markerSize: 5,529 connectNullData: true,530 name: "sin RCIU",531 showInLegend: true,532 dataPoints: dataPoints2,533 });534 handleResponse(dataVis, res);535});536// RCIUPromPesoPMC537export const RCIUPromPesoPMC = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {538 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;539 const finalYear = req.body.fin;540 const graph = req.body.graph;541 const yearsInterval = [];542 const variables = req.body.vars;543 const queryInitial = {544 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },545 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },546 };547 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);548 const data = await medidasCrecimiento549 .find(query)550 .select([551 "ANOCAT",552 "RCIUpesoFenton",553 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",554 "edadgestacional",555 "pesoalaentrada",556 "PesosalidaPC",557 ])558 .lean();559 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {560 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());561 }562 const dataVis = {};563 const dataEntrada = [];564 const dataSalida = [];565 const datasets = [];566 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {567 dataEntrada.push(568 Math.round(569 (data570 .filter(571 (obj) =>572 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&573 (graph == "1"574 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 1575 : graph == "2"576 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 0577 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)578 )579 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["pesoalaentrada"] || 0), 0) /580 data.filter(581 (obj) =>582 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&583 (graph == "1"584 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 1585 : graph == "2"586 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 0587 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)588 ).length) *589 100590 ) / 100591 );592 dataSalida.push(593 Math.round(594 (data595 .filter(596 (obj) =>597 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&598 (graph == "1"599 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 1600 : graph == "2"601 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 0602 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)603 )604 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["PesosalidaPC"] || 0), 0) /605 data.filter(606 (obj) =>607 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&608 (graph == "1"609 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 1610 : graph == "2"611 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 0612 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)613 ).length) *614 100615 ) / 100616 );617 }618 datasets.push({619 label: "Peso entrada programa canguro",620 data: dataEntrada,621 backgroundColor:622 graph == 1 ? "#0E7FA6" : graph == 2 ? "#FF955B" : "#e7e72d",623 });624 datasets.push({625 label: "Peso salida programa canguro",626 data: dataSalida,627 backgroundColor:628 graph == 1 ? "#70D6BC" : graph == 2 ? "#A6330A" : "#1fd567",629 });630 dataVis.labels = yearsInterval;631 dataVis.datasets = datasets;632 handleResponse(dataVis, res);633});634// RCIUOxiEntrada635export const RCIUOxiEntrada = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {636 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;637 const finalYear = req.body.fin;638 const variables = req.body.vars;639 const yearsInterval = [];640 const queryInitial = {641 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },642 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },643 oxigenoentrada: 1,644 };645 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);646 const data = await medidasCrecimiento647 .find(query)648 .select(["ANOCAT", "RCIUpesoFenton", "oxigenoentrada"])649 .lean();650 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {651 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());652 }653 const dataPoints = [];654 const dataVis = {};655 dataVis.colorSet = "customColorSetPrem";656 dataVis.axisX = {657 title: "Presencia de RCIU",658 titleFontFamily: "arial",659 labelFontFamily: "arial",660 titleFontStyle: "bold",661 };662 dataVis.axisY = {663 title: "Número de bebés",664 titleFontFamily: "arial",665 labelFontFamily: "arial",666 titleFontStyle: "bold",667 };668 dataVis.toolTip = {669 content: "{label}: {y} neonatos ({relative}%)",670 fontFamily: "arial",671 };672 const size = data.length;673 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;674 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";675 dataPoints.push({676 label: "con RCIU",677 y: data.filter(678 (obj) =>679 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&680 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&681 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1682 ).length,683 relative:684 Math.round(685 (data.filter(686 (obj) =>687 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&688 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&689 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1690 ).length /691 size) *692 100 *693 100694 ) / 100,695 });696 dataPoints.push({697 label: "sin RCIU",698 y: data.filter(699 (obj) =>700 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&701 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&702 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0703 ).length,704 relative:705 Math.round(706 (data.filter(707 (obj) =>708 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&709 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&710 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0711 ).length /712 size) *713 100 *714 100715 ) / 100,716 });717 = [];718 dataVis.height = 260;719{720 type: "column",721 dataPoints: dataPoints,722 });723 handleResponse(dataVis, res);724});725// RCIULecheMaterna726export const RCIULecheMaterna = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {727 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;728 const finalYear = req.body.fin;729 const variables = req.body.vars;730 const yearsInterval = [];731 const queryInitial = {732 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },733 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },734 };735 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);736 const data = await medidasCrecimiento737 .find(query)738 .select([739 "ANOCAT",740 "RCIUpesoFenton",741 "alimentacion.sem40",742 "alimentacion.mes3",743 "alimentacion.mes6",744 "alimentacion.mes9",745 "alimentacion.mes12",746 ])747 .lean();748 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {749 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());750 }751 const dataVis = {};752 const dataWith = [];753 const dataWithout = [];754 const datasets = [];755 dataWith.push(756 data.filter(757 (obj) =>758 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&759 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&760 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&761 obj["alimentacion"] &&762 obj["alimentacion"]["sem40"] != 3763 ).length764 );765 dataWith.push(766 data.filter(767 (obj) =>768 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&769 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&770 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&771 obj["alimentacion"] &&772 obj["alimentacion"]["mes3"] != 3773 ).length774 );775 dataWith.push(776 data.filter(777 (obj) =>778 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&779 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&780 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&781 obj["alimentacion"] &&782 obj["alimentacion"]["mes6"] != 3783 ).length784 );785 dataWith.push(786 data.filter(787 (obj) =>788 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&789 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&790 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&791 obj["alimentacion"] &&792 obj["alimentacion"]["mes9"] != 3793 ).length794 );795 dataWith.push(796 data.filter(797 (obj) =>798 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&799 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&800 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&801 obj["alimentacion"] &&802 obj["alimentacion"]["mes12"] != 3803 ).length804 );805 dataWithout.push(806 data.filter(807 (obj) =>808 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&809 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&810 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&811 obj["alimentacion"] &&812 obj["alimentacion"]["sem40"] != 3813 ).length814 );815 dataWithout.push(816 data.filter(817 (obj) =>818 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&819 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&820 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&821 obj["alimentacion"] &&822 obj["alimentacion"]["mes3"] != 3823 ).length824 );825 dataWithout.push(826 data.filter(827 (obj) =>828 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&829 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&830 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&831 obj["alimentacion"] &&832 obj["alimentacion"]["mes6"] != 3833 ).length834 );835 dataWithout.push(836 data.filter(837 (obj) =>838 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&839 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&840 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&841 obj["alimentacion"] &&842 obj["alimentacion"]["mes9"] != 3843 ).length844 );845 dataWithout.push(846 data.filter(847 (obj) =>848 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&849 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&850 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&851 obj["alimentacion"] &&852 obj["alimentacion"]["mes12"] != 3853 ).length854 );855 datasets.push({856 label: "con RCIU",857 data: dataWith,858 backgroundColor: "#0E7FA6",859 });860 datasets.push({861 label: "sin RCIU",862 data: dataWithout,863 backgroundColor: "#FF955B",864 });865 dataVis.labels = ["semana 40", "mes 3", "mes 6", "mes 9", "mes 12"];866 dataVis.datasets = datasets;867 handleResponse(dataVis, res);868});869// RCIULecheMaternaTime870export const RCIULecheMaternaTime = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {871 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;872 const finalYear = req.body.fin;873 const tiempo = req.body.tiempo;874 const variables = req.body.vars;875 const yearsInterval = [];876 const queryInitial = {877 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },878 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },879 };880 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);881 const data = await medidasCrecimiento882 .find(query)883 .select([884 "ANOCAT",885 "RCIUpesoFenton",886 tiempo == "40"887 ? "alimentacion.sem40"888 : tiempo == "3"889 ? "alimentacion.mes3"890 : tiempo == "6"891 ? "alimentacion.mes6"892 : tiempo == "9"893 ? "alimentacion.mes9"894 : "alimentacion.mes12",895 ])896 .lean();897 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {898 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());899 }900 const dataPoints1 = [];901 const dataPoints2 = [];902 const dataVis = {};903 dataVis.colorSet = "customColorSetPrem";904 dataVis.axisX = {905 title: "Años",906 titleFontFamily: "arial",907 labelFontFamily: "arial",908 titleFontStyle: "bold",909 };910 dataVis.axisY = {911 title: "Frecuencia relativa",912 titleFontFamily: "arial",913 labelFontFamily: "arial",914 titleFontStyle: "bold",915 };916 dataVis.toolTip = {917 fontFamily: "arial",918 };919 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;920 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";921 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {922 dataPoints1.push({923 x: i,924 y:925 Math.round(926 (data.filter(927 (obj) =>928 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&929 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&930 obj.alimentacion &&931 (tiempo == "40"932 ? obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 3933 : tiempo == "3"934 ? obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 3935 : tiempo == "6"936 ? obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 3937 : tiempo == "9"938 ? obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 3939 : obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 3)940 ).length /941 data.filter(942 (obj) => obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] && obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1943 ).length) *944 100 *945 100946 ) / 100,947 });948 dataPoints2.push({949 x: i,950 y:951 Math.round(952 (data.filter(953 (obj) =>954 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&955 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&956 obj.alimentacion &&957 (tiempo == "40"958 ? obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 3959 : tiempo == "3"960 ? obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 3961 : tiempo == "6"962 ? obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 3963 : tiempo == "9"964 ? obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 3965 : obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 3)966 ).length /967 data.filter(968 (obj) => obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] && obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0969 ).length) *970 100 *971 100972 ) / 100,973 });974 }975 = [];976 dataVis.height = 300;977 dataVis.legend = {978 horizontalAlign: "top",979 verticalAlign: "top",980 fontFamily: "arial",981 };982{983 type: "spline",984 markerSize: 5,985 connectNullData: true,986 name: "con RCIU",987 showInLegend: true,988 dataPoints: dataPoints1,989 });990{991 type: "spline",992 markerSize: 5,993 connectNullData: true,994 name: "sin RCIU",995 showInLegend: true,996 dataPoints: dataPoints2,997 });998 handleResponse(dataVis, res);999});1000// RCIUAbsLecheMaternaTime1001export const RCIUAbsLecheMaternaTime = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1002 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;1003 const finalYear = req.body.fin;1004 const tiempo = req.body.tiempo;1005 const rciu = req.body.rciu;1006 const variables = req.body.vars;1007 const yearsInterval = [];1008 const queryInitial = {1009 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },1010 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },1011 };1012 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);1013 const data = await medidasCrecimiento1014 .find(query)1015 .select([1016 "ANOCAT",1017 "RCIUpesoFenton",1018 tiempo == "40"1019 ? "alimentacion.sem40"1020 : tiempo == "3"1021 ? "alimentacion.mes3"1022 : tiempo == "6"1023 ? "alimentacion.mes6"1024 : tiempo == "9"1025 ? "alimentacion.mes9"1026 : "alimentacion.mes12",1027 ])1028 .lean();1029 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {1030 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());1031 }1032 const dataPoints = [];1033 const dataVis = {};1034 dataVis.colorSet =1035 rciu == "1" ? "customColorSetWith" : "customColorSetWithout";1036 dataVis.axisX = {1037 title: "Años",1038 titleFontFamily: "arial",1039 labelFontFamily: "arial",1040 titleFontStyle: "bold",1041 };1042 dataVis.axisY = {1043 title: "Frecuencia Absoluta",1044 titleFontFamily: "arial",1045 labelFontFamily: "arial",1046 titleFontStyle: "bold",1047 };1048 dataVis.toolTip = {1049 content: "{label}: {y} neonatos",1050 fontFamily: "arial",1051 };1052 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;1053 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";1054 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {1055 dataPoints.push({1056 label: yearsInterval[i],1057 y: data.filter(1058 (obj) =>1059 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1060 (rciu == "1" ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0) &&1061 obj.alimentacion &&1062 (tiempo == "40"1063 ? obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 31064 : tiempo == "3"1065 ? obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 31066 : tiempo == "6"1067 ? obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 31068 : tiempo == "9"1069 ? obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 31070 : obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 3)1071 ).length,1072 });1073 }1074 = [];1075 dataVis.height = 150;1076{1077 type: "column",1078 dataPoints: dataPoints,1079 });1080 handleResponse(dataVis, res);1081});1082// parallelCoordsPMC1083export const parallelCoordsPMC = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1084 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;1085 const finalYear = req.body.fin;1086 const graph = req.body.graph;1087 const variables = req.body.vars;1088 const yearsInterval = [];1089 const queryInitial = {1090 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },1091 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },1092 };1093 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);1094 const data = await medidasCrecimiento1095 .find(query)1096 .select([1097 "ANOCAT",1098 "RCIUpesoFenton",1099 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",1100 "pesoalaentrada",1101 "tallaalaentrada",1102 "PCalaentrada",1103 "edadgestacionalalaentrada",1104 ])1105 .lean();1106 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {1107 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());1108 }1109 const dataParallel = [];1110 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {1111 dataParallel.push({1112 año: yearsInterval[i],1113 EG:1114 Math.round(1115 (data1116 .filter(1117 (obj) =>1118 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1119 (graph == "1"1120 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11121 : graph == "2"1122 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01123 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1124 )1125 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["edadgestacionalalaentrada"] || 0), 0) /1126 data.filter(1127 (obj) =>1128 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1129 (graph == "1"1130 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11131 : graph == "2"1132 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01133 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1134 ).length) *1135 1001136 ) / 100,1137 "peso (gr)":1138 Math.round(1139 (data1140 .filter(1141 (obj) =>1142 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1143 (graph == "1"1144 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11145 : graph == "2"1146 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01147 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1148 )1149 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["pesoalaentrada"] || 0), 0) /1150 data.filter(1151 (obj) =>1152 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1153 (graph == "1"1154 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11155 : graph == "2"1156 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01157 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1158 ).length) *1159 1001160 ) / 100,1161 "talla (cm)":1162 Math.round(1163 (data1164 .filter(1165 (obj) =>1166 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1167 (graph == "1"1168 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11169 : graph == "2"1170 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01171 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1172 )1173 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["tallaalaentrada"] || 0), 0) /1174 data.filter(1175 (obj) =>1176 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1177 (graph == "1"1178 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11179 : graph == "2"1180 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01181 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1182 ).length) *1183 1001184 ) / 100,1185 "pc (cm)":1186 Math.round(1187 (data1188 .filter(1189 (obj) =>1190 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1191 (graph == "1"1192 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11193 : graph == "2"1194 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01195 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1196 )1197 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["PCalaentrada"] || 0), 0) /1198 data.filter(1199 (obj) =>1200 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1201 (graph == "1"1202 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11203 : graph == "2"1204 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01205 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1206 ).length) *1207 1001208 ) / 100,1209 // color: Math.floor(Math.random() * (10 - 1 + 1) + 1),1210 });1211 }1212 handleResponse(dataParallel, res);1213});1214// parallelCoordsLecheMaterna1215export const parallelCoordsLecheMaterna = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1216 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;1217 const finalYear = req.body.fin;1218 const time = req.body.time;1219 const rciu = req.body.rciu;1220 const variables = req.body.vars;1221 const leche = req.body.leche;1222 const yearsInterval = [];1223 const queryInitial = {1224 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },1225 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },1226 };1227 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);1228 const data = await medidasCrecimiento1229 .find(query)1230 .select([1231 "ANOCAT",1232 "RCIUpesoFenton",1233 "edadgestacionalalaentrada",1234 "alimentacion.sem40",1235 "peso.sem40",1236 "talla.sem40",1237 "pc.sem40",1238 "alimentacion.mes3",1239 "peso.mes3",1240 "talla.mes3",1241 "pc.mes3",1242 "alimentacion.mes6",1243 "peso.mes6",1244 "talla.mes6",1245 "pc.mes6",1246 "alimentacion.mes9",1247 "peso.mes9",1248 "talla.mes9",1249 "pc.mes9",1250 "alimentacion.mes12",1251 "peso.mes12",1252 "talla.mes12",1253 "pc.mes12",1254 ])1255 .lean();1256 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {1257 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());1258 }1259 const tiempo =1260 time == "40"1261 ? "sem40"1262 : time == "3"1263 ? "mes3"1264 : time == "6"1265 ? "mes6"1266 : time == "9"1267 ? "mes9"1268 : "mes12";1269 const dataParallel = [];1270 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {1271 dataParallel.push({1272 año: yearsInterval[i],1273 EG:1274 Math.round(1275 (data1276 .filter(1277 (obj) =>1278 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1279 (rciu == "1"1280 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11281 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0) &&1282 obj["edadgestacionalalaentrada"] &&1283 (leche == "true"1284 ? time == "40"1285 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 31286 : time == "3"1287 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 31288 : time == "6"1289 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 31290 : time == "9"1291 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 41292 : obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 31293 : true)1294 )1295 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["edadgestacionalalaentrada"] || 0), 0) /1296 data.filter(1297 (obj) =>1298 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1299 (rciu == "1"1300 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11301 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0)1302 ).length) *1303 1001304 ) / 100,1305 "peso (gr)":1306 Math.round(1307 (data1308 .filter(1309 (obj) =>1310 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1311 (rciu == "1"1312 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11313 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0) &&1314 obj["peso"] &&1315 (leche == "true"1316 ? time == "40"1317 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 31318 : time == "3"1319 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 31320 : time == "6"1321 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 31322 : time == "9"1323 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 41324 : obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 31325 : true)1326 )1327 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["peso"][tiempo] || 0), 0) /1328 data.filter(1329 (obj) =>1330 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1331 (rciu == "1"1332 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11333 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0)1334 ).length) *1335 1001336 ) / 100,1337 "talla (cm)":1338 Math.round(1339 (data1340 .filter(1341 (obj) =>1342 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1343 (rciu == "1"1344 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11345 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0) &&1346 obj["talla"] &&1347 (leche == "true"1348 ? time == "40"1349 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 31350 : time == "3"1351 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 31352 : time == "6"1353 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 31354 : time == "9"1355 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 41356 : obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 31357 : true)1358 )1359 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["talla"][tiempo] || 0), 0) /1360 data.filter(1361 (obj) =>1362 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1363 (rciu == "1"1364 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11365 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0)1366 ).length) *1367 1001368 ) / 100,1369 "pc (cm)":1370 Math.round(1371 (data1372 .filter(1373 (obj) =>1374 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1375 (rciu == "1"1376 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11377 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0) &&1378 obj["pc"] &&1379 (leche == "true"1380 ? time == "40"1381 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.sem40 != 31382 : time == "3"1383 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes3 != 31384 : time == "6"1385 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes6 != 31386 : time == "9"1387 ? obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes9 != 41388 : obj.alimentacion && obj.alimentacion.mes12 != 31389 : true)1390 )1391 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b["pc"][tiempo] || 0), 0) /1392 data.filter(1393 (obj) =>1394 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&1395 (rciu == "1"1396 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11397 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0)1398 ).length) *1399 1001400 ) / 100,1401 });1402 }1403 handleResponse(dataParallel, res);1404});1405export const getEtapasCrecimiento = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1406 const etapas = [];1407 etapas.push({ value: "GENERALES", label: "Variables generales" });1408 etapas.push({ value: "PRIMER", label: "Primeros días de vida" });1409 etapas.push({ value: "PMC", label: "Entrada Programa Canguro" });1410 etapas.push({ value: "SEM40", label: "40 Semanas" });1411 etapas.push({ value: "3M", label: "3 Meses" });1412 etapas.push({ value: "6M", label: "6 Meses" });1413 etapas.push({ value: "9M", label: "9 meses" });1414 etapas.push({ value: "12M", label: "12 Meses" });1415 handleResponse(etapas, res);1416});1417export const getVarsByEtapaCrecimiento = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1418 const etapa = req.body.etapa;1419 const vars = [];1420 if (etapa.includes("GENERALES")) {1421 vars.push({1422 value: "oftalmologiafinal",1423 label: "Oftalmología final",1424 });1425 vars.push({1426 value: "resoptometria",1427 label: "Optometría",1428 });1429 vars.push({1430 value: "audiometria",1431 label: "Audiometría",1432 });1433 vars.push({1434 value: "pesoAnio",1435 label: "Peso durante el primer año",1436 });1437 vars.push({1438 value: "tallaAnio",1439 label: "Talla durante el primer año",1440 });1441 vars.push({1442 value: "pcAnio",1443 label: "Perímetro craneal durante el primer año",1444 });1445 }1446 if (etapa.includes("PRIMER")) {1447 vars.push({1448 value: "TotalDiasHospitalizacion",1449 label: "Días hospitalización",1450 });1451 vars.push({1452 value: "UCI",1453 label: "UCI",1454 });1455 }1456 if (etapa.includes("PMC")) {1457 vars.push({1458 value: "edadgestacionalalaentrada",1459 label: "Edad gestacional entrada",1460 });1461 vars.push({1462 value: "edadgestasalPC",1463 label: "Edad gestacional salida",1464 });1465 vars.push({1466 value: "medidasEntrada",1467 label: "Medidas antropométricas entrada",1468 });1469 vars.push({1470 value: "pesoEntradaSalida",1471 label: "Peso entrada y salida (gr)",1472 });1473 vars.push({1474 value: "oxigenoentrada",1475 label: "Oxígeno entrada",1476 });1477 }1478 if (etapa.includes("SEM40")) {1479 vars.push({1480 value: "alimentacion.sem40",1481 label: "Leche materna a las 40 semanas",1482 });1483 vars.push({1484 value: "medidasLecheSem40",1485 label: "Medidas antropométricas con leche materna (40 sem)",1486 });1487 vars.push({1488 value: "medidas40",1489 label: "Medidas antropométricas (40 sem)",1490 });1491 vars.push({1492 value: "peso.sem40",1493 label: "Peso 40 semanas",1494 });1495 vars.push({1496 value: "talla.sem40",1497 label: "Talla 40 semanas",1498 });1499 vars.push({1500 value: "pc.sem40",1501 label: "Perímetro craneal 40 semanas",1502 });1503 vars.push({1504 value: "nut4012",1505 label: "Nutrición 40 semanas - 12 meses",1506 });1507 }1508 if (etapa.includes("3M")) {1509 vars.push({1510 value: "alimentacion.mes3",1511 label: "Leche materna a los 3 meses",1512 });1513 vars.push({1514 value: "medidasLecheMes3",1515 label: "Medidas antropométricas con leche materna (mes 3)",1516 });1517 vars.push({1518 value: "medidas3",1519 label: "Medidas antropométricas (mes 3)",1520 });1521 vars.push({1522 value: "peso.mes3",1523 label: "Peso 3 meses",1524 });1525 vars.push({1526 value: "talla.mes3",1527 label: "Talla 3 meses",1528 });1529 vars.push({1530 value: "pc.mes3",1531 label: "Perímetro craneal 3 meses",1532 });1533 vars.push({1534 value: "Infanib3m",1535 label: "Infanib 3 meses",1536 });1537 }1538 if (etapa.includes("6M")) {1539 vars.push({1540 value: "alimentacion.mes6",1541 label: "Leche materna a los 6 meses",1542 });1543 vars.push({1544 value: "medidasLecheMes6",1545 label: "Medidas antropométricas con leche materna (mes 6)",1546 });1547 vars.push({1548 value: "medidas6",1549 label: "Medidas antropométricas (mes 6)",1550 });1551 vars.push({1552 value: "peso.mes6",1553 label: "Peso 6 meses",1554 });1555 vars.push({1556 value: "talla.mes6",1557 label: "Talla 6 meses",1558 });1559 vars.push({1560 value: "pc.mes6",1561 label: "Perímetro craneal 6 meses",1562 });1563 vars.push({1564 value: "Infanib6m",1565 label: "Infanib 6 meses",1566 });1567 vars.push({1568 value: "CD",1569 label: "Griffiths (coeficiente intelectual)",1570 });1571 }1572 if (etapa.includes("9M")) {1573 vars.push({1574 value: "alimentacion.mes9",1575 label: "Leche materna a los 9 meses",1576 });1577 vars.push({1578 value: "medidasLecheMes9",1579 label: "Medidas antropométricas con leche materna (mes 9)",1580 });1581 vars.push({1582 value: "medidas9",1583 label: "Medidas antropométricas (mes 9)",1584 });1585 vars.push({1586 value: "peso.mes9",1587 label: "Peso 9 meses",1588 });1589 vars.push({1590 value: "talla.mes9",1591 label: "Talla 9 meses",1592 });1593 vars.push({1594 value: "pc.mes9",1595 label: "Perímetro craneal 9 meses",1596 });1597 vars.push({1598 value: "Infanib9m",1599 label: "Infanib 9 meses",1600 });1601 }1602 if (etapa.includes("12M")) {1603 vars.push({1604 value: "alimentacion.mes12",1605 label: "Leche materna a los 12 meses",1606 });1607 vars.push({1608 value: "medidasLecheMes12",1609 label: "Medidas antropométricas con leche materna (mes 12)",1610 });1611 vars.push({1612 value: "medidas12",1613 label: "Medidas antropométricas (mes 12)",1614 });1615 vars.push({1616 value: "peso.mes12",1617 label: "Peso 12 meses",1618 });1619 vars.push({1620 value: "talla.mes12",1621 label: "Talla 12 meses",1622 });1623 vars.push({1624 value: "pc.mes12",1625 label: "Perímetro craneal 12 meses",1626 });1627 vars.push({1628 value: "nut4012",1629 label: "Nutrición 40 semanas - 12 meses",1630 });1631 vars.push({1632 value: "Infanib12m",1633 label: "Infanib 12 meses",1634 });1635 vars.push({1636 value: "CD",1637 label: "Griffiths (coeficiente intelectual)",1638 });1639 }1640 handleResponse(vars, res);1641});1642export const RCIUNut4012 = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1643 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;1644 const finalYear = req.body.fin;1645 const time = req.body.time;1646 const variables = req.body.vars;1647 const queryInitial = {1648 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },1649 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },1650 };1651 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);1652 const data = await medidasCrecimiento1653 .find(query)1654 .select([1655 "ANOCAT",1656 "RCIUpesoFenton",1657 time == "40" ? "Indexnutricion40sem" : "indexnutricion12meses",1658 ])1659 .lean();1660 const dataVis = {};1661 const dataWith = [];1662 const dataWithout = [];1663 const datasets = [];1664 dataWith.push(1665 Math.round(1666 (data.filter(1667 (obj) =>1668 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1669 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1670 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&1671 (time == "40"1672 ? obj.Indexnutricion40sem == 01673 : obj.indexnutricion12meses == 0)1674 ).length /1675 data.filter(1676 (obj) =>1677 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1678 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1679 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11680 ).length) *1681 100 *1682 1001683 ) / 1001684 );1685 dataWith.push(1686 Math.round(1687 (data.filter(1688 (obj) =>1689 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1690 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1691 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&1692 (time == "40"1693 ? obj.Indexnutricion40sem == 11694 : obj.indexnutricion12meses == 1)1695 ).length /1696 data.filter(1697 (obj) =>1698 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1699 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1700 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 11701 ).length) *1702 100 *1703 1001704 ) / 1001705 );1706 dataWithout.push(1707 Math.round(1708 (data.filter(1709 (obj) =>1710 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1711 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1712 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&1713 (time == "40"1714 ? obj.Indexnutricion40sem == 01715 : obj.indexnutricion12meses == 0)1716 ).length /1717 data.filter(1718 (obj) =>1719 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1720 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1721 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 01722 ).length) *1723 100 *1724 1001725 ) / 1001726 );1727 dataWithout.push(1728 Math.round(1729 (data.filter(1730 (obj) =>1731 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1732 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1733 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&1734 (time == "40"1735 ? obj.Indexnutricion40sem == 11736 : obj.indexnutricion12meses == 1)1737 ).length /1738 data.filter(1739 (obj) =>1740 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1741 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1742 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 01743 ).length) *1744 100 *1745 1001746 ) / 1001747 );1748 datasets.push({1749 label: "con RCIU",1750 data: dataWith,1751 backgroundColor: time == "40" ? "#0E7FA6" : "#FF955B",1752 });1753 datasets.push({1754 label: "sin RCIU",1755 data: dataWithout,1756 backgroundColor: time == "40" ? "#70D6BC" : "#A6330A",1757 });1758 dataVis.labels = ["Disarmónico", "Armónico"];1759 dataVis.datasets = datasets;1760 handleResponse(dataVis, res);1761});1762export const getGriffiths = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {1763 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;1764 const finalYear = req.body.fin;1765 const variables = req.body.vars;1766 const graph = req.body.graph;1767 const queryInitial = {1768 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },1769 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },1770 };1771 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);1772 const data = await medidasCrecimiento1773 .find(query)1774 .select([1775 "ANOCAT",1776 "RCIUpesoFenton",1777 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",1778 "CD6",1779 "CD12",1780 ])1781 .lean();1782 const dataVis = {};1783 const dataSix = [];1784 const dataTwelve = [];1785 const datasets = [];1786 dataSix.push(1787 data.filter(1788 (obj) =>1789 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1790 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1791 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1792 obj["CD6"] <= 69 &&1793 (graph == "1"1794 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11795 : graph == "2"1796 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01797 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1798 ).length1799 );1800 dataSix.push(1801 data.filter(1802 (obj) =>1803 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1804 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1805 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1806 obj.CD6 >= 70 &&1807 obj.CD6 <= 79 &&1808 (graph == "1"1809 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11810 : graph == "2"1811 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01812 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1813 ).length1814 );1815 dataSix.push(1816 data.filter(1817 (obj) =>1818 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1819 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1820 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1821 obj.CD6 >= 80 &&1822 obj.CD6 <= 89 &&1823 (graph == "1"1824 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11825 : graph == "2"1826 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01827 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1828 ).length1829 );1830 dataSix.push(1831 data.filter(1832 (obj) =>1833 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1834 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1835 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1836 obj.CD6 >= 90 &&1837 obj.CD6 <= 109 &&1838 (graph == "1"1839 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11840 : graph == "2"1841 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01842 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1843 ).length1844 );1845 dataSix.push(1846 data.filter(1847 (obj) =>1848 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1849 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1850 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1851 obj.CD6 >= 110 &&1852 obj.CD6 <= 119 &&1853 (graph == "1"1854 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11855 : graph == "2"1856 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01857 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1858 ).length1859 );1860 dataSix.push(1861 data.filter(1862 (obj) =>1863 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1864 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1865 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1866 obj.CD6 >= 120 &&1867 obj.CD6 <= 129 &&1868 (graph == "1"1869 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11870 : graph == "2"1871 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01872 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1873 ).length1874 );1875 dataSix.push(1876 data.filter(1877 (obj) =>1878 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1879 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1880 (obj["CD6"] != null || obj["CD6"] != undefined || obj["CD6"] != NaN) &&1881 obj.CD6 >= 130 &&1882 (graph == "1"1883 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11884 : graph == "2"1885 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01886 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1887 ).length1888 );1889 dataTwelve.push(1890 data.filter(1891 (obj) =>1892 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1893 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1894 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1895 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1896 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1897 obj["CD12"] <= 69 &&1898 (graph == "1"1899 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11900 : graph == "2"1901 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01902 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1903 ).length1904 );1905 dataTwelve.push(1906 data.filter(1907 (obj) =>1908 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1909 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1910 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1911 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1912 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1913 obj["CD12"] >= 70 &&1914 obj["CD12"] <= 79 &&1915 (graph == "1"1916 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11917 : graph == "2"1918 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01919 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1920 ).length1921 );1922 dataTwelve.push(1923 data.filter(1924 (obj) =>1925 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1926 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1927 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1928 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1929 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1930 obj.CD12 >= 80 &&1931 obj.CD12 <= 89 &&1932 (graph == "1"1933 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11934 : graph == "2"1935 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01936 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1937 ).length1938 );1939 dataTwelve.push(1940 data.filter(1941 (obj) =>1942 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1943 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1944 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1945 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1946 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1947 obj.CD12 >= 90 &&1948 obj.CD12 <= 109 &&1949 (graph == "1"1950 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11951 : graph == "2"1952 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01953 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1954 ).length1955 );1956 dataTwelve.push(1957 data.filter(1958 (obj) =>1959 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1960 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1961 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1962 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1963 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1964 obj.CD12 >= 110 &&1965 obj.CD12 <= 119 &&1966 (graph == "1"1967 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11968 : graph == "2"1969 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01970 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1971 ).length1972 );1973 dataTwelve.push(1974 data.filter(1975 (obj) =>1976 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1977 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1978 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1979 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1980 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1981 obj.CD12 >= 120 &&1982 obj.CD12 <= 129 &&1983 (graph == "1"1984 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 11985 : graph == "2"1986 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 01987 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)1988 ).length1989 );1990 dataTwelve.push(1991 data.filter(1992 (obj) =>1993 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&1994 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&1995 (obj["CD12"] != null ||1996 obj["CD12"] != undefined ||1997 obj["CD12"] != NaN) &&1998 obj.CD12 >= 130 &&1999 (graph == "1"2000 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12001 : graph == "2"2002 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02003 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2004 ).length2005 );2006 datasets.push({2007 label: "CD6",2008 data: dataSix,2009 backgroundColor:2010 graph == "1" ? "#0E7FA6" : graph == "2" ? "#70D6BC" : "#2DEB4D",2011 });2012 datasets.push({2013 label: "CD12",2014 data: dataTwelve,2015 backgroundColor:2016 graph == "1" ? "#FF955B" : graph == "2" ? "#A6330A" : "#F5C42F",2017 });2018 dataVis.labels = [2019 "<69",2020 "70-79",2021 "80-89",2022 "90-109",2023 "110-119",2024 "120-129",2025 ">130",2026 ];2027 dataVis.datasets = datasets;2028 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2029});2030export const RCIUInfanibProm = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2031 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2032 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2033 const variables = req.body.vars;2034 const graph = req.body.graph;2035 const queryInitial = {2036 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2037 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2038 };2039 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2040 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2041 .find(query)2042 .select([2043 "ANOCAT",2044 "RCIUpesoFenton",2045 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",2046 "Infanib3m",2047 "Infanib6m",2048 "Infanib9m",2049 "Infanib12m",2050 ])2051 .lean();2052 const dataVis = {};2053 const dataPerdida = [];2054 const dataNormal = [];2055 const dataTrans = [];2056 const dataAnormal = [];2057 const datasets = [];2058 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {2059 dataPerdida.push(2060 Math.round(2061 (data.filter(2062 (obj) =>2063 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2064 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2065 (i == 02066 ? obj.Infanib3m == null ||2067 obj.Infanib3m == undefined ||2068 obj.Infanib3m == NaN2069 : i == 12070 ? obj.Infanib6m == null ||2071 obj.Infanib6m == undefined ||2072 obj.Infanib6m == NaN2073 : i == 22074 ? obj.Infanib9m == null ||2075 obj.Infanib9m == undefined ||2076 obj.Infanib9m == NaN2077 : obj.Infanib12m == null ||2078 obj.Infanib12m == undefined ||2079 obj.Infanib12m == NaN) &&2080 (graph == "1"2081 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12082 : graph == "2"2083 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02084 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2085 ).length /2086 data.filter(2087 (obj) =>2088 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2089 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2090 (graph == "1"2091 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12092 : graph == "2"2093 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02094 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2095 ).length) *2096 100 *2097 1002098 ) / 1002099 );2100 dataNormal.push(2101 Math.round(2102 (data.filter(2103 (obj) =>2104 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2105 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2106 (i == 02107 ? obj.Infanib3m == 12108 : i == 12109 ? obj.Infanib6m == 12110 : i == 22111 ? obj.Infanib9m == 12112 : obj.Infanib12m == 1) &&2113 (graph == "1"2114 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12115 : graph == "2"2116 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02117 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2118 ).length /2119 data.filter(2120 (obj) =>2121 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2122 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2123 (graph == "1"2124 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12125 : graph == "2"2126 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02127 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2128 ).length) *2129 100 *2130 1002131 ) / 1002132 );2133 dataTrans.push(2134 Math.round(2135 (data.filter(2136 (obj) =>2137 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2138 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2139 (i == 02140 ? obj.Infanib3m == 22141 : i == 12142 ? obj.Infanib6m == 22143 : i == 22144 ? obj.Infanib9m == 22145 : obj.Infanib12m == 2) &&2146 (graph == "1"2147 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12148 : graph == "2"2149 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02150 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2151 ).length /2152 data.filter(2153 (obj) =>2154 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2155 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2156 (graph == "1"2157 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12158 : graph == "2"2159 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02160 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2161 ).length) *2162 100 *2163 1002164 ) / 1002165 );2166 dataAnormal.push(2167 Math.round(2168 (data.filter(2169 (obj) =>2170 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2171 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2172 (i == 02173 ? obj.Infanib3m == 32174 : i == 12175 ? obj.Infanib6m == 32176 : i == 22177 ? obj.Infanib9m == 32178 : obj.Infanib12m == 3) &&2179 (graph == "1"2180 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12181 : graph == "2"2182 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02183 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2184 ).length /2185 data.filter(2186 (obj) =>2187 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2188 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2189 (graph == "1"2190 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12191 : graph == "2"2192 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02193 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2194 ).length) *2195 100 *2196 1002197 ) / 1002198 );2199 }2200 datasets.push({2201 label: "Perdido",2202 data: dataPerdida,2203 backgroundColor: "#0E7FA6",2204 });2205 datasets.push({2206 label: "Normal",2207 data: dataNormal,2208 backgroundColor: "#FF955B",2209 });2210 datasets.push({2211 label: "Transitorio",2212 data: dataTrans,2213 backgroundColor: "#A6330A",2214 });2215 datasets.push({2216 label: "Anormal",2217 data: dataAnormal,2218 backgroundColor: "#F5C42F",2219 });2220 dataVis.labels = ["mes 3", "mes 6", "mes 9", "mes 12"];2221 dataVis.datasets = datasets;2222 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2223});2224export const RCIUInfanibTime = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2225 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2226 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2227 const time = req.body.time;2228 const graph = req.body.graph;2229 const variables = req.body.vars;2230 const yearsInterval = [];2231 const queryInitial = {2232 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2233 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2234 };2235 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2236 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2237 .find(query)2238 .select([2239 "ANOCAT",2240 "RCIUpesoFenton",2241 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",2242 "Infanib3m",2243 "Infanib6m",2244 "Infanib9m",2245 "Infanib12m",2246 ])2247 .lean();2248 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {2249 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());2250 }2251 const dataPoints1 = [];2252 const dataPoints2 = [];2253 const dataPoints3 = [];2254 const dataPoints4 = [];2255 const dataVis = {};2256 dataVis.colorSet = "customColorSet";2257 dataVis.axisX = {2258 title: "Años",2259 titleFontFamily: "arial",2260 labelFontFamily: "arial",2261 titleFontStyle: "bold",2262 interval: 5,2263 };2264 dataVis.axisY = {2265 title: "Frecuencia resultado Infanib",2266 titleFontFamily: "arial",2267 labelFontFamily: "arial",2268 titleFontStyle: "bold",2269 };2270 dataVis.toolTip = {2271 fontFamily: "arial",2272 };2273 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;2274 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";2275 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {2276 dataPoints1.push({2277 x: i,2278 y:2279 Math.round(2280 (data.filter(2281 (obj) =>2282 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2283 (time == "3"2284 ? obj.Infanib3m == 12285 : time == "6"2286 ? obj.Infanib6m == 12287 : time == "9"2288 ? obj.Infanib9m == 12289 : obj.Infanib12m == 1) &&2290 (graph == "1"2291 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12292 : graph == "2"2293 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02294 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2295 ).length /2296 data.filter(2297 (obj) =>2298 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2299 (graph == "1"2300 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12301 : graph == "2"2302 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02303 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2304 ).length) *2305 100 *2306 1002307 ) / 100,2308 });2309 dataPoints2.push({2310 x: i,2311 y:2312 Math.round(2313 (data.filter(2314 (obj) =>2315 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2316 (time == "3"2317 ? obj.Infanib3m == 22318 : time == "6"2319 ? obj.Infanib6m == 22320 : time == "9"2321 ? obj.Infanib9m == 22322 : obj.Infanib12m == 2) &&2323 (graph == "1"2324 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12325 : graph == "2"2326 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02327 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2328 ).length /2329 data.filter(2330 (obj) =>2331 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2332 (graph == "1"2333 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12334 : graph == "2"2335 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02336 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2337 ).length) *2338 100 *2339 1002340 ) / 100,2341 });2342 dataPoints3.push({2343 x: i,2344 y:2345 Math.round(2346 (data.filter(2347 (obj) =>2348 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2349 (time == "3"2350 ? obj.Infanib3m == 32351 : time == "6"2352 ? obj.Infanib6m == 32353 : time == "9"2354 ? obj.Infanib9m == 32355 : obj.Infanib12m == 3) &&2356 (graph == "1"2357 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12358 : graph == "2"2359 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02360 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2361 ).length /2362 data.filter(2363 (obj) =>2364 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2365 (graph == "1"2366 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12367 : graph == "2"2368 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02369 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2370 ).length) *2371 100 *2372 1002373 ) / 100,2374 });2375 dataPoints4.push({2376 x: i,2377 y:2378 Math.round(2379 (data.filter(2380 (obj) =>2381 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2382 (time == "3"2383 ? obj.Infanib3m == null ||2384 obj.Infanib3m == undefined ||2385 obj.Infanib3m == NaN2386 : time == "6"2387 ? obj.Infanib6m == null ||2388 obj.Infanib6m == undefined ||2389 obj.Infanib6m == NaN2390 : time == "9"2391 ? obj.Infanib9m == null ||2392 obj.Infanib9m == undefined ||2393 obj.Infanib9m == NaN2394 : obj.Infanib12m == null ||2395 obj.Infanib12m == undefined ||2396 obj.Infanib12m == NaN) &&2397 (graph == "1"2398 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12399 : graph == "2"2400 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02401 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2402 ).length /2403 data.filter(2404 (obj) =>2405 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2406 (graph == "1"2407 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12408 : graph == "2"2409 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02410 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2411 ).length) *2412 100 *2413 1002414 ) / 100,2415 });2416 }2417 = [];2418 dataVis.height = 300;2419 dataVis.legend = {2420 horizontalAlign: "top",2421 verticalAlign: "top",2422 fontFamily: "arial",2423 };2424{2425 type: "spline",2426 markerSize: 5,2427 connectNullData: true,2428 name: "Normal",2429 showInLegend: true,2430 dataPoints: dataPoints1,2431 });2432{2433 type: "spline",2434 markerSize: 5,2435 connectNullData: true,2436 name: "Transitorio",2437 showInLegend: true,2438 dataPoints: dataPoints2,2439 });2440{2441 type: "spline",2442 markerSize: 5,2443 connectNullData: true,2444 name: "Anormal",2445 showInLegend: true,2446 dataPoints: dataPoints3,2447 });2448{2449 type: "spline",2450 markerSize: 5,2451 connectNullData: true,2452 name: "Vacíos",2453 showInLegend: true,2454 dataPoints: dataPoints4,2455 });2456 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2457});2458export const RCIUoftalmologia = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2459 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2460 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2461 const variables = req.body.vars;2462 const graph = req.body.graph;2463 const queryInitial = {2464 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2465 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2466 };2467 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2468 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2469 .find(query)2470 .select([2471 "ANOCAT",2472 "RCIUpesoFenton",2473 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",2474 "oftalmologiafinal",2475 ])2476 .lean();2477 const dataVis = {};2478 const datos = [];2479 const datasets = [];2480 for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {2481 datos.push(2482 Math.round(2483 (data.filter(2484 (obj) =>2485 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2486 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2487 (i == 02488 ? obj.oftalmologiafinal == 02489 : i == 12490 ? obj.oftalmologiafinal == 12491 : i == 22492 ? obj.oftalmologiafinal == 22493 : i == 32494 ? obj.oftalmologiafinal == 32495 : i == 42496 ? obj.oftalmologiafinal == 62497 : obj.oftalmologiafinal == 10) &&2498 (graph == "1"2499 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12500 : graph == "2"2501 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02502 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2503 ).length /2504 data.filter(2505 (obj) =>2506 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2507 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2508 (graph == "1"2509 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12510 : graph == "2"2511 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02512 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2513 ).length) *2514 100 *2515 1002516 ) / 1002517 );2518 }2519 datasets.push({2520 label: "Resultados optometría",2521 data: datos,2522 backgroundColor:2523 graph == "1" ? "#0E7FA6" : graph == "2" ? "#FF955B" : "#70D6BC",2524 });2525 dataVis.labels = [2526 "Espera consulta",2527 "ROP cualquier grado",2528 "No ROP",2529 "Cirugía ocular",2530 "Ciegos",2531 "Otro diagnóstico",2532 ];2533 dataVis.datasets = datasets;2534 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2535});2536export const RCIUoptometria = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2537 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2538 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2539 const variables = req.body.vars;2540 const graph = req.body.graph;2541 const queryInitial = {2542 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2543 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2544 };2545 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2546 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2547 .find(query)2548 .select([2549 "ANOCAT",2550 "RCIUpesoFenton",2551 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",2552 "resoptometria",2553 ])2554 .lean();2555 const dataVis = {};2556 const datos = [];2557 const datasets = [];2558 for (let i = 1; i < 6; i++) {2559 datos.push(2560 Math.round(2561 (data.filter(2562 (obj) =>2563 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2564 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2565 (i == 12566 ? obj.resoptometria == 12567 : i == 22568 ? obj.resoptometria == 22569 : i == 32570 ? obj.resoptometria == 32571 : i == 42572 ? obj.resoptometria == 42573 : obj.resoptometria == 7) &&2574 (graph == "1"2575 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12576 : graph == "2"2577 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02578 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2579 ).length /2580 data.filter(2581 (obj) =>2582 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2583 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2584 (graph == "1"2585 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12586 : graph == "2"2587 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02588 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2589 ).length) *2590 100 *2591 1002592 ) / 1002593 );2594 }2595 datasets.push({2596 label: "Resultados resoptometría",2597 data: datos,2598 backgroundColor:2599 graph == "1" ? "#0E7FA6" : graph == "2" ? "#FF955B" : "#70D6BC",2600 });2601 dataVis.labels = [2602 "Normal",2603 "Miope",2604 "Astigmatismo",2605 "Hipermetropia",2606 "Otro diagnóstico",2607 ];2608 dataVis.datasets = datasets;2609 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2610});2611export const RCIUaudiometria = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2612 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2613 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2614 const variables = req.body.vars;2615 const graph = req.body.graph;2616 const queryInitial = {2617 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2618 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2619 };2620 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2621 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2622 .find(query)2623 .select([2624 "ANOCAT",2625 "RCIUpesoFenton",2626 "RCIUpesoFentonentrada",2627 "audiometria",2628 ])2629 .lean();2630 const dataVis = {};2631 const datos = [];2632 const datasets = [];2633 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {2634 datos.push(2635 Math.round(2636 (data.filter(2637 (obj) =>2638 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2639 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2640 (i == 12641 ? obj.audiometria == -12642 : i == 22643 ? obj.audiometria == 02644 : obj.audiometria == 1) &&2645 (graph == "1"2646 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12647 : graph == "2"2648 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02649 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2650 ).length /2651 data.filter(2652 (obj) =>2653 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2654 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2655 (graph == "1"2656 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 12657 : graph == "2"2658 ? obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.RCIUpesoFentonentrada == 02659 : obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1)2660 ).length) *2661 100 *2662 1002663 ) / 1002664 );2665 }2666 datasets.push({2667 label: "Resultados audiometría",2668 data: datos,2669 backgroundColor:2670 graph == "1" ? "#0E7FA6" : graph == "2" ? "#FF955B" : "#70D6BC",2671 });2672 dataVis.labels = ["Muere o deserta", "Normal", "Anormal uno o dos lados"];2673 dataVis.datasets = datasets;2674 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2675});2676// RCIUAFPromMedidaBebeNacer2677export const RCIUPromMedidasGrowth = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2678 const variable = req.body.var;2679 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2680 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2681 const yearsInterval = [];2682 const variables = req.body.vars;2683 // const desde = req.body.desde;2684 // const hasta = req.body.hasta;2685 const queryInitial = {2686 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2687 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2688 };2689 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2690 // if (desde && desde != "0" && hasta && hasta != "0") {2691 // if (variable == "pesoalnacer") {2692 // query.pesoalnacer = { $gte: parseInt(desde), $lte: parseInt(hasta) };2693 // } else if (variable == "tallaalnacer") {2694 // query.tallaalnacer = { $gte: parseInt(desde), $lte: parseInt(hasta) };2695 // } else if (variable == "pcalnacer") {2696 // query.pcalnacer = { $gte: parseInt(desde), $lte: parseInt(hasta) };2697 // }2698 // }2699 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2700 .find(query)2701 .select(["ANOCAT", "RCIUpesoFenton", variable])2702 .lean();2703 for (let index = initialYear; index < parseInt(finalYear) + 1; index++) {2704 yearsInterval.push(index.toString());2705 }2706 const dataVis = {};2707 const dataWith = [];2708 const dataWithout = [];2709 const datasets = [];2710 var split = variable.split(".");2711 var first = split[0];2712 var second = split[1];2713 for (let i = 0; i < yearsInterval.length; i++) {2714 dataWith.push(2715 Math.round(2716 (data2717 .filter(2718 (obj) =>2719 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 &&2720 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2721 obj[first]2722 )2723 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b[first][second] || 0), 0) /2724 data.filter(2725 (obj) => obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 1 && obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i]2726 ).length) *2727 1002728 ) / 1002729 );2730 dataWithout.push(2731 Math.round(2732 (data2733 .filter(2734 (obj) =>2735 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 &&2736 obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i] &&2737 obj[first]2738 )2739 .reduce((a, b) => a + (b[first][second] || 0), 0) /2740 data.filter(2741 (obj) => obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 0 && obj.ANOCAT == yearsInterval[i]2742 ).length) *2743 1002744 ) / 1002745 );2746 }2747 var medida = "";2748 if (variable.includes("peso")) {2749 medida = "(gr)";2750 } else if (variable.includes("talla") || variable.includes("pc")) {2751 medida = "(cm)";2752 }2753 datasets.push({2754 label: `Promedio ${variable} con RCIU ${medida}`,2755 data: dataWith,2756 backgroundColor: "#0E7FA6",2757 });2758 datasets.push({2759 label: `Promedio ${variable} sin RCIU ${medida}`,2760 data: dataWithout,2761 backgroundColor: "#FF955B",2762 });2763 dataVis.labels = yearsInterval;2764 dataVis.datasets = datasets;2765 handleResponse(dataVis, res);2766});2767export const RCIUMedidaAnio = asyncHandler(async (req, res) => {2768 const initialYear = req.body.inicio;2769 const finalYear = req.body.fin;2770 const variables = req.body.vars;2771 const variable = req.body.var;2772 const queryInitial = {2773 ANOCAT: { $gte: initialYear, $lte: finalYear },2774 edadgestacional: { $lt: 37 },2775 };2776 const query = manageFilters(queryInitial, variables);2777 const data = await medidasCrecimiento2778 .find(query)2779 .select(["ANOCAT", "RCIUpesoFenton", variable])2780 .lean();2781 const dataPoints1 = [];2782 const dataPoints2 = [];2783 const dataVis = {};2784 dataVis.colorSet = "customColorSetPrem";2785 dataVis.axisX = {2786 title: "Momento del año de vida",2787 titleFontFamily: "arial",2788 labelFontFamily: "arial",2789 titleFontStyle: "bold",2790 interval: 1,2791 };2792 dataVis.axisY = {2793 title: `Promedio ${variable}`,2794 titleFontFamily: "arial",2795 labelFontFamily: "arial",2796 titleFontStyle: "bold",2797 };2798 dataVis.toolTip = {2799 fontFamily: "arial",2800 };2801 dataVis.zoomEnabled = true;2802 dataVis.zoomType = "xy";2803 for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {2804 dataPoints1.push({2805 x: i,2806 y:2807 Math.round(2808 (data2809 .filter(2810 (obj) =>2811 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2812 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2813 obj[variable] &&2814 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 12815 )2816 .reduce(2817 (a, b) =>2818 a +2819 (b[variable][2820 i == 02821 ? "sem40"2822 : i == 12823 ? "mes3"2824 : i == 22825 ? "mes6"2826 : i == 32827 ? "mes9"2828 : "mes12"2829 ] || 0),2830 02831 ) /2832 data.filter(2833 (obj) =>2834 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2835 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2836 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 12837 ).length) *2838 1002839 ) / 100,2840 });2841 dataPoints2.push({2842 x: i,2843 y:2844 Math.round(2845 (data2846 .filter(2847 (obj) =>2848 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2849 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2850 obj[variable] &&2851 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 02852 )2853 .reduce(2854 (a, b) =>2855 a +2856 (b[variable][2857 i == 02858 ? "sem40"2859 : i == 12860 ? "mes3"2861 : i == 22862 ? "mes6"2863 : i == 32864 ? "mes9"2865 : "mes12"2866 ] || 0),2867 02868 ) /2869 data.filter(2870 (obj) =>2871 obj.ANOCAT >= initialYear &&2872 obj.ANOCAT <= finalYear &&2873 obj.RCIUpesoFenton == 02874 ).length) *2875 1002876 ) / 100,2877 });2878 }2879 = [];2880 dataVis.height = 300;2881 dataVis.legend = {2882 horizontalAlign: "top",2883 verticalAlign: "top",2884 fontFamily: "arial",2885 };2886{2887 type: "spline",2888 markerSize: 5,2889 connectNullData: true,2890 name: "con RCIU",2891 showInLegend: true,2892 dataPoints: dataPoints1,2893 });2894{2895 type: "spline",2896 markerSize: 5,2897 connectNullData: true,2898 name: "sin RCIU",2899 showInLegend: true,2900 dataPoints: dataPoints2,2901 });2902 handleResponse(dataVis, res);...

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1# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may4# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain5# a copy of the License at6#7# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT11# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the12# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations13# under the License.14from lxml import etree15from nova.compute import arch16from nova.openstack.common import units17from nova import test18from nova.tests import matchers19from nova.virt.libvirt import config20class LibvirtConfigBaseTest(test.NoDBTestCase):21 def assertXmlEqual(self, expectedXmlstr, actualXmlstr):22 self.assertThat(actualXmlstr, matchers.XMLMatches(expectedXmlstr))23class LibvirtConfigTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):24 def test_config_plain(self):25 obj = config.LibvirtConfigObject(root_name="demo")26 xml = obj.to_xml()27 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<demo/>")28 def test_config_ns(self):29 obj = config.LibvirtConfigObject(root_name="demo", ns_prefix="foo",30 ns_uri="")31 xml = obj.to_xml()32 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """33 <foo:demo xmlns:foo=""/>""")34 def test_config_text(self):35 obj = config.LibvirtConfigObject(root_name="demo")36 root = obj.format_dom()37 root.append(obj._text_node("foo", "bar"))38 xml = etree.tostring(root)39 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<demo><foo>bar</foo></demo>")40 def test_config_parse(self):41 inxml = "<demo><foo/></demo>"42 obj = config.LibvirtConfigObject(root_name="demo")43 obj.parse_str(inxml)44class LibvirtConfigCapsTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):45 def test_config_host(self):46 xmlin = """47 <capabilities>48 <host>49 <uuid>c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809</uuid>50 <cpu>51 <arch>x86_64</arch>52 <model>Opteron_G3</model>53 <vendor>AMD</vendor>54 <topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>55 <feature name='ibs'/>56 <feature name='osvw'/>57 </cpu>58 <topology>59 <cells num='2'>60 <cell id='0'>61 <memory unit='KiB'>4048280</memory>62 <cpus num='4'>63 <cpu id='0' socket_id='0' core_id='0' siblings='0'/>64 <cpu id='1' socket_id='0' core_id='1' siblings='1'/>65 <cpu id='2' socket_id='0' core_id='2' siblings='2'/>66 <cpu id='3' socket_id='0' core_id='3' siblings='3'/>67 </cpus>68 </cell>69 <cell id='1'>70 <memory unit='KiB'>4127684</memory>71 <cpus num='4'>72 <cpu id='4' socket_id='1' core_id='0' siblings='4'/>73 <cpu id='5' socket_id='1' core_id='1' siblings='5'/>74 <cpu id='6' socket_id='1' core_id='2' siblings='6'/>75 <cpu id='7' socket_id='1' core_id='3' siblings='7'/>76 </cpus>77 </cell>78 </cells>79 </topology>80 </host>81 <guest>82 <os_type>hvm</os_type>83 <arch name='x86_64'/>84 </guest>85 <guest>86 <os_type>hvm</os_type>87 <arch name='i686'/>88 </guest>89 </capabilities>"""90 obj = config.LibvirtConfigCaps()91 obj.parse_str(xmlin)92 self.assertIsInstance(, config.LibvirtConfigCapsHost)93 self.assertEqual(, "c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809")94 xmlout = obj.to_xml()95 self.assertXmlEqual(xmlin, xmlout)96class LibvirtConfigGuestTimerTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):97 def test_config_platform(self):98 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestTimer()99 obj.track = "host"100 xml = obj.to_xml()101 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """102 <timer name="platform" track="host"/>103 """)104 def test_config_pit(self):105 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestTimer()106 = "pit"107 obj.tickpolicy = "discard"108 xml = obj.to_xml()109 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """110 <timer name="pit" tickpolicy="discard"/>111 """)112 def test_config_hpet(self):113 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestTimer()114 = "hpet"115 obj.present = False116 xml = obj.to_xml()117 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """118 <timer name="hpet" present="no"/>119 """)120class LibvirtConfigGuestClockTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):121 def test_config_utc(self):122 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestClock()123 xml = obj.to_xml()124 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """125 <clock offset="utc"/>126 """)127 def test_config_localtime(self):128 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestClock()129 obj.offset = "localtime"130 xml = obj.to_xml()131 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """132 <clock offset="localtime"/>133 """)134 def test_config_timezone(self):135 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestClock()136 obj.offset = "timezone"137 obj.timezone = "EDT"138 xml = obj.to_xml()139 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """140 <clock offset="timezone" timezone="EDT"/>141 """)142 def test_config_variable(self):143 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestClock()144 obj.offset = "variable"145 obj.adjustment = "123456"146 xml = obj.to_xml()147 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """148 <clock offset="variable" adjustment="123456"/>149 """)150 def test_config_timers(self):151 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestClock()152 tmpit = config.LibvirtConfigGuestTimer()153 = "pit"154 tmpit.tickpolicy = "discard"155 tmrtc = config.LibvirtConfigGuestTimer()156 = "rtc"157 tmrtc.tickpolicy = "merge"158 obj.add_timer(tmpit)159 obj.add_timer(tmrtc)160 xml = obj.to_xml()161 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """162 <clock offset="utc">163 <timer name="pit" tickpolicy="discard"/>164 <timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="merge"/>165 </clock>166 """)167class LibvirtConfigCPUFeatureTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):168 def test_config_simple(self):169 obj = config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("mtrr")170 xml = obj.to_xml()171 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """172 <feature name="mtrr"/>173 """)174class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeatureTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):175 def test_config_simple(self):176 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeature("mtrr")177 obj.policy = "force"178 xml = obj.to_xml()179 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """180 <feature name="mtrr" policy="force"/>181 """)182class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMATest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):183 def test_config_simple(self):184 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA()185 cell = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell()186 = 0187 cell.cpus = set([0, 1])188 cell.memory = 1000000189 obj.cells.append(cell)190 cell = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell()191 = 1192 cell.cpus = set([2, 3])193 cell.memory = 1500000194 obj.cells.append(cell)195 xml = obj.to_xml()196 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """197 <numa>198 <cell id="0" cpus="0-1" memory="1000000"/>199 <cell id="1" cpus="2-3" memory="1500000"/>200 </numa>201 """)202class LibvirtConfigCPUTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):203 def test_config_simple(self):204 obj = config.LibvirtConfigCPU()205 obj.model = "Penryn"206 xml = obj.to_xml()207 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """208 <cpu>209 <model>Penryn</model>210 </cpu>211 """)212 def test_config_complex(self):213 obj = config.LibvirtConfigCPU()214 obj.model = "Penryn"215 obj.vendor = "Intel"216 obj.arch = arch.X86_64217 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("mtrr"))218 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("apic"))219 xml = obj.to_xml()220 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """221 <cpu>222 <arch>x86_64</arch>223 <model>Penryn</model>224 <vendor>Intel</vendor>225 <feature name="apic"/>226 <feature name="mtrr"/>227 </cpu>228 """)229 def test_only_uniq_cpu_featues(self):230 obj = config.LibvirtConfigCPU()231 obj.model = "Penryn"232 obj.vendor = "Intel"233 obj.arch = arch.X86_64234 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("mtrr"))235 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("apic"))236 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("apic"))237 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigCPUFeature("mtrr"))238 xml = obj.to_xml()239 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """240 <cpu>241 <arch>x86_64</arch>242 <model>Penryn</model>243 <vendor>Intel</vendor>244 <feature name="apic"/>245 <feature name="mtrr"/>246 </cpu>247 """)248 def test_config_topology(self):249 obj = config.LibvirtConfigCPU()250 obj.model = "Penryn"251 obj.sockets = 4252 obj.cores = 4253 obj.threads = 2254 xml = obj.to_xml()255 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """256 <cpu>257 <model>Penryn</model>258 <topology sockets="4" cores="4" threads="2"/>259 </cpu>260 """)261class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):262 def test_config_simple(self):263 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPU()264 obj.model = "Penryn"265 xml = obj.to_xml()266 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """267 <cpu match="exact">268 <model>Penryn</model>269 </cpu>270 """)271 def test_config_complex(self):272 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPU()273 obj.model = "Penryn"274 obj.vendor = "Intel"275 obj.arch = arch.X86_64276 obj.mode = "custom"277 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeature("mtrr"))278 obj.add_feature(config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUFeature("apic"))279 xml = obj.to_xml()280 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """281 <cpu mode="custom" match="exact">282 <arch>x86_64</arch>283 <model>Penryn</model>284 <vendor>Intel</vendor>285 <feature name="apic" policy="require"/>286 <feature name="mtrr" policy="require"/>287 </cpu>288 """)289 def test_config_host(self):290 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPU()291 obj.mode = "host-model"292 obj.match = "exact"293 xml = obj.to_xml()294 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """295 <cpu mode="host-model" match="exact"/>296 """)297 def test_config_host_with_numa(self):298 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPU()299 obj.mode = "host-model"300 obj.match = "exact"301 numa = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMA()302 cell = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell()303 = 0304 cell.cpus = set([0, 1])305 cell.memory = 1000000306 numa.cells.append(cell)307 cell = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUNUMACell()308 = 1309 cell.cpus = set([2, 3])310 cell.memory = 1500000311 numa.cells.append(cell)312 obj.numa = numa313 xml = obj.to_xml()314 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """315 <cpu mode="host-model" match="exact">316 <numa>317 <cell id="0" cpus="0-1" memory="1000000"/>318 <cell id="1" cpus="2-3" memory="1500000"/>319 </numa>320 </cpu>321 """)322class LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOSTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):323 def test_config_simple(self):324 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOS()325 xml = obj.to_xml()326 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """327 <smbios mode="sysinfo"/>328 """)329class LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfoTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):330 def test_config_simple(self):331 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo()332 xml = obj.to_xml()333 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """334 <sysinfo type="smbios"/>335 """)336 def test_config_bios(self):337 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo()338 obj.bios_vendor = "Acme"339 obj.bios_version = "6.6.6"340 xml = obj.to_xml()341 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """342 <sysinfo type="smbios">343 <bios>344 <entry name="vendor">Acme</entry>345 <entry name="version">6.6.6</entry>346 </bios>347 </sysinfo>348 """)349 def test_config_system(self):350 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo()351 obj.system_manufacturer = "Acme"352 obj.system_product = "Wile Coyote"353 obj.system_version = "6.6.6"354 obj.system_serial = "123456"355 obj.system_uuid = "c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809"356 xml = obj.to_xml()357 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """358 <sysinfo type="smbios">359 <system>360 <entry name="manufacturer">Acme</entry>361 <entry name="product">Wile Coyote</entry>362 <entry name="version">6.6.6</entry>363 <entry name="serial">123456</entry>364 <entry name="uuid">c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809</entry>365 </system>366 </sysinfo>367 """)368 def test_config_mixed(self):369 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo()370 obj.bios_vendor = "Acme"371 obj.system_manufacturer = "Acme"372 obj.system_product = "Wile Coyote"373 obj.system_uuid = "c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809"374 xml = obj.to_xml()375 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """376 <sysinfo type="smbios">377 <bios>378 <entry name="vendor">Acme</entry>379 </bios>380 <system>381 <entry name="manufacturer">Acme</entry>382 <entry name="product">Wile Coyote</entry>383 <entry name="uuid">c7a5fdbd-edaf-9455-926a-d65c16db1809</entry>384 </system>385 </sysinfo>386 """)387class LibvirtConfigGuestDiskTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):388 def test_config_file(self):389 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()390 obj.source_type = "file"391 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello"392 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"393 obj.target_bus = "ide"394 xml = obj.to_xml()395 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """396 <disk type="file" device="disk">397 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>398 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>399 </disk>""")400 def test_config_file_parse(self):401 xml = """<disk type="file" device="disk">402 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>403 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>404 </disk>"""405 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)406 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()407 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)408 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'file')409 self.assertEqual(obj.source_path, '/tmp/hello')410 self.assertEqual(obj.target_dev, '/dev/hda')411 self.assertEqual(obj.target_bus, 'ide')412 def test_config_file_serial(self):413 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()414 obj.source_type = "file"415 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello"416 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"417 obj.target_bus = "ide"418 obj.serial = "7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9"419 xml = obj.to_xml()420 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """421 <disk type="file" device="disk">422 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>423 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>424 <serial>7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9</serial>425 </disk>""")426 def test_config_file_serial_parse(self):427 xml = """<disk type="file" device="disk">428 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>429 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>430 <serial>7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9</serial>431 </disk>"""432 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)433 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()434 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)435 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'file')436 self.assertEqual(obj.serial, '7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9')437 def test_config_file_discard(self):438 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()439 obj.driver_name = "qemu"440 obj.driver_format = "qcow2"441 obj.driver_cache = "none"442 obj.driver_discard = "unmap"443 obj.source_type = "file"444 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello.qcow2"445 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"446 obj.target_bus = "ide"447 obj.serial = "7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9"448 xml = obj.to_xml()449 self.assertXmlEqual("""450 <disk type="file" device="disk">451 <driver name="qemu" type="qcow2" cache="none" discard="unmap"/>452 <source file="/tmp/hello.qcow2"/>453 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>454 <serial>7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9</serial>455 </disk>""", xml)456 def test_config_file_discard_parse(self):457 xml = """458 <disk type="file" device="disk">459 <driver name="qemu" type="qcow2" cache="none" discard="unmap"/>460 <source file="/tmp/hello.qcow2"/>461 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>462 <serial>7a97c4a3-6f59-41d4-bf47-191d7f97f8e9</serial>463 </disk>"""464 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)465 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()466 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)467 self.assertEqual('unmap', obj.driver_discard)468 def test_config_block(self):469 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()470 obj.source_type = "block"471 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello"472 obj.source_device = "cdrom"473 obj.driver_name = "qemu"474 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hdc"475 obj.target_bus = "ide"476 xml = obj.to_xml()477 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """478 <disk type="block" device="cdrom">479 <driver name="qemu"/>480 <source dev="/tmp/hello"/>481 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hdc"/>482 </disk>""")483 def test_config_block_parse(self):484 xml = """<disk type="block" device="cdrom">485 <driver name="qemu"/>486 <source dev="/tmp/hello"/>487 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hdc"/>488 </disk>"""489 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)490 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()491 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)492 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'block')493 self.assertEqual(obj.source_path, '/tmp/hello')494 self.assertEqual(obj.target_dev, '/dev/hdc')495 self.assertEqual(obj.target_bus, 'ide')496 def test_config_network(self):497 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()498 obj.source_type = "network"499 obj.source_protocol = "iscsi"500 obj.source_name = ""501 obj.driver_name = "qemu"502 obj.driver_format = "qcow2"503 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"504 obj.target_bus = "ide"505 xml = obj.to_xml()506 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """507 <disk type="network" device="disk">508 <driver name="qemu" type="qcow2"/>509 <source name="" protocol="iscsi"/>510 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>511 </disk>""")512 def test_config_network_parse(self):513 xml = """<disk type="network" device="disk">514 <driver name="qemu" type="qcow2"/>515 <source name="" protocol="iscsi"/>516 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>517 </disk>"""518 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)519 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()520 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)521 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'network')522 self.assertEqual(obj.source_protocol, 'iscsi')523 self.assertEqual(obj.source_name, '')524 self.assertEqual(obj.driver_name, 'qemu')525 self.assertEqual(obj.driver_format, 'qcow2')526 self.assertEqual(obj.target_dev, '/dev/hda')527 self.assertEqual(obj.target_bus, 'ide')528 def test_config_network_no_name(self):529 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()530 obj.source_type = 'network'531 obj.source_protocol = 'nbd'532 obj.source_hosts = ['']533 obj.source_ports = [None]534 obj.driver_name = 'qemu'535 obj.driver_format = 'raw'536 obj.target_dev = '/dev/vda'537 obj.target_bus = 'virtio'538 xml = obj.to_xml()539 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """540 <disk type="network" device="disk">541 <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>542 <source protocol="nbd">543 <host name=""/>544 </source>545 <target bus="virtio" dev="/dev/vda"/>546 </disk>""")547 def test_config_network_multihost(self):548 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()549 obj.source_type = 'network'550 obj.source_protocol = 'rbd'551 obj.source_name = 'pool/image'552 obj.source_hosts = ['', '::1', '']553 obj.source_ports = [None, '123', '456']554 obj.driver_name = 'qemu'555 obj.driver_format = 'raw'556 obj.target_dev = '/dev/vda'557 obj.target_bus = 'virtio'558 xml = obj.to_xml()559 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """560 <disk type="network" device="disk">561 <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>562 <source name="pool/image" protocol="rbd">563 <host name=""/>564 <host name="::1" port="123"/>565 <host name="" port="456"/>566 </source>567 <target bus="virtio" dev="/dev/vda"/>568 </disk>""")569 def test_config_network_auth(self):570 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()571 obj.source_type = "network"572 obj.source_protocol = "rbd"573 obj.source_name = "pool/image"574 obj.driver_name = "qemu"575 obj.driver_format = "raw"576 obj.target_dev = "/dev/vda"577 obj.target_bus = "virtio"578 obj.auth_username = "foo"579 obj.auth_secret_type = "ceph"580 obj.auth_secret_uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"581 xml = obj.to_xml()582 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """583 <disk type="network" device="disk">584 <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>585 <source name="pool/image" protocol="rbd"/>586 <auth username="foo">587 <secret type="ceph"588 uuid="b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"/>589 </auth>590 <target bus="virtio" dev="/dev/vda"/>591 </disk>""")592 def test_config_iotune(self):593 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()594 obj.source_type = "file"595 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello"596 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"597 obj.target_bus = "ide"598 obj.disk_read_bytes_sec = 1024000599 obj.disk_read_iops_sec = 1000600 obj.disk_total_bytes_sec = 2048000601 obj.disk_write_bytes_sec = 1024000602 obj.disk_write_iops_sec = 1000603 obj.disk_total_iops_sec = 2000604 xml = obj.to_xml()605 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """606 <disk type="file" device="disk">607 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>608 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>609 <iotune>610 <read_bytes_sec>1024000</read_bytes_sec>611 <read_iops_sec>1000</read_iops_sec>612 <write_bytes_sec>1024000</write_bytes_sec>613 <write_iops_sec>1000</write_iops_sec>614 <total_bytes_sec>2048000</total_bytes_sec>615 <total_iops_sec>2000</total_iops_sec>616 </iotune>617 </disk>""")618 def test_config_blockio(self):619 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()620 obj.source_type = "file"621 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello"622 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"623 obj.target_bus = "ide"624 obj.logical_block_size = "4096"625 obj.physical_block_size = "4096"626 xml = obj.to_xml()627 self.assertXmlEqual("""628 <disk type="file" device="disk">629 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>630 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>631 <blockio logical_block_size="4096" physical_block_size="4096"/>632 </disk>""", xml)633class LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDiskTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):634 def test_config_file(self):635 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()636 obj.source_type = "file"637 obj.source_path = "/tmp/hello"638 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hda"639 obj.target_bus = "ide"640 xml = obj.to_xml()641 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """642 <disk type="file" device="disk">643 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>644 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>645 </disk>""")646 def test_config_file_parse(self):647 xml = """<disk type="file" device="disk">648 <source file="/tmp/hello"/>649 <target bus="ide" dev="/dev/hda"/>650 </disk>"""651 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)652 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()653 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)654 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'file')655 self.assertEqual(obj.source_path, '/tmp/hello')656 self.assertEqual(obj.target_dev, '/dev/hda')657 self.assertEqual(obj.target_bus, 'ide')658class LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStoreTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):659 def test_config_file_parse(self):660 xml = """<backingStore type='file'>661 <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>662 <source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/mid.qcow2'/>663 <backingStore type='file'>664 <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>665 <source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/base.qcow2'/>666 <backingStore/>667 </backingStore>668 </backingStore>669 """670 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)671 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore()672 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)673 self.assertEqual(obj.driver_name, 'qemu')674 self.assertEqual(obj.driver_format, 'qcow2')675 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'file')676 self.assertEqual(obj.source_file, '/var/lib/libvirt/images/mid.qcow2')677 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.driver_name, 'qemu')678 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.source_type, 'file')679 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.source_file,680 '/var/lib/libvirt/images/base.qcow2')681 self.assertIsNone(obj.backing_store.backing_store)682 def test_config_network_parse(self):683 xml = """<backingStore type='network' index='1'>684 <format type='qcow2'/>685 <source protocol='gluster' name='volume1/img1'>686 <host name='host1' port='24007'/>687 </source>688 <backingStore type='network' index='2'>689 <format type='qcow2'/>690 <source protocol='gluster' name='volume1/img2'>691 <host name='host1' port='24007'/>692 </source>693 <backingStore/>694 </backingStore>695 </backingStore>696 """697 xmldoc = etree.fromstring(xml)698 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDiskBackingStore()699 obj.parse_dom(xmldoc)700 self.assertEqual(obj.source_type, 'network')701 self.assertEqual(obj.source_protocol, 'gluster')702 self.assertEqual(obj.source_name, 'volume1/img1')703 self.assertEqual(obj.source_hosts[0], 'host1')704 self.assertEqual(obj.source_ports[0], '24007')705 self.assertEqual(obj.index, '1')706 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.source_name, 'volume1/img2')707 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.index, '2')708 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.source_hosts[0], 'host1')709 self.assertEqual(obj.backing_store.source_ports[0], '24007')710 self.assertIsNone(obj.backing_store.backing_store)711class LibvirtConfigGuestFilesysTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):712 def test_config_mount(self):713 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys()714 obj.source_type = "mount"715 obj.source_dir = "/tmp/hello"716 obj.target_dir = "/mnt"717 xml = obj.to_xml()718 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """719 <filesystem type="mount">720 <source dir="/tmp/hello"/>721 <target dir="/mnt"/>722 </filesystem>""")723class LibvirtConfigGuestInputTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):724 def test_config_tablet(self):725 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInput()726 xml = obj.to_xml()727 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """728 <input type="tablet" bus="usb"/>""")729class LibvirtConfigGuestGraphicsTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):730 def test_config_graphics(self):731 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestGraphics()732 obj.type = "vnc"733 obj.autoport = True734 obj.keymap = "en_US"735 obj.listen = ""736 xml = obj.to_xml()737 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """738 <graphics type="vnc" autoport="yes" keymap="en_US" listen=""/>739 """)740class LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):741 def test_config_pci_guest_host_dev(self):742 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev(mode='subsystem', type='pci')743 xml = obj.to_xml()744 expected = """745 <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes"/>746 """747 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, expected)748 def test_parse_GuestHostdev(self):749 xmldoc = """<hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes"/>"""750 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev()751 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)752 self.assertEqual(obj.mode, 'subsystem')753 self.assertEqual(obj.type, 'pci')754 self.assertEqual(obj.managed, 'yes')755 def test_parse_GuestHostdev_non_pci(self):756 xmldoc = """<hostdev mode="subsystem" type="usb" managed="no"/>"""757 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdev()758 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)759 self.assertEqual(obj.mode, 'subsystem')760 self.assertEqual(obj.type, 'usb')761 self.assertEqual(obj.managed, 'no')762class LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):763 expected = """764 <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">765 <source>766 <address bus="0x11" domain="0x1234" function="0x3"767 slot="0x22" />768 </source>769 </hostdev>770 """771 def test_config_guest_hosdev_pci(self):772 hostdev = config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI()773 hostdev.domain = "1234"774 hostdev.bus = "11"775 hostdev.slot = "22"776 hostdev.function = "3"777 xml = hostdev.to_xml()778 self.assertXmlEqual(self.expected, xml)779 def test_parse_guest_hosdev_pci(self):780 xmldoc = self.expected781 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI()782 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)783 self.assertEqual(obj.mode, 'subsystem')784 self.assertEqual(obj.type, 'pci')785 self.assertEqual(obj.managed, 'yes')786 self.assertEqual(obj.domain, '0x1234')787 self.assertEqual(obj.bus, '0x11')788 self.assertEqual(obj.slot, '0x22')789 self.assertEqual(obj.function, '0x3')790 def test_parse_guest_hosdev_usb(self):791 xmldoc = """<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb'>792 <source startupPolicy='optional'>793 <vendor id='0x1234'/>794 <product id='0xbeef'/>795 </source>796 <boot order='2'/>797 </hostdev>"""798 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI()799 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)800 self.assertEqual(obj.mode, 'subsystem')801 self.assertEqual(obj.type, 'usb')802class LibvirtConfigGuestSerialTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):803 def test_config_file(self):804 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSerial()805 obj.type = "file"806 obj.source_path = "/tmp/vm.log"807 xml = obj.to_xml()808 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """809 <serial type="file">810 <source path="/tmp/vm.log"/>811 </serial>""")812 def test_config_serial_port(self):813 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSerial()814 obj.type = "tcp"815 obj.listen_port = 11111816 obj.listen_host = ""817 xml = obj.to_xml()818 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """819 <serial type="tcp">820 <source host="" service="11111" mode="bind"/>821 </serial>""")822class LibvirtConfigGuestConsoleTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):823 def test_config_pty(self):824 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestConsole()825 obj.type = "pty"826 xml = obj.to_xml()827 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """828 <console type="pty"/>""")829class LibvirtConfigGuestChannelTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):830 def test_config_spice_minimal(self):831 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestChannel()832 obj.type = "spicevmc"833 xml = obj.to_xml()834 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """835 <channel type="spicevmc">836 <target type='virtio'/>837 </channel>""")838 def test_config_spice_full(self):839 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestChannel()840 obj.type = "spicevmc"841 obj.target_name = "com.redhat.spice.0"842 xml = obj.to_xml()843 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """844 <channel type="spicevmc">845 <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0'/>846 </channel>""")847 def test_config_qga_full(self):848 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestChannel()849 obj.type = "unix"850 obj.target_name = "org.qemu.guest_agent.0"851 obj.source_path = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/%s.%s.sock" % (852 obj.target_name, "instance-name")853 xml = obj.to_xml()854 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """855 <channel type="unix">856 <source path="%s" mode="bind"/>857 <target type="virtio" name="org.qemu.guest_agent.0"/>858 </channel>""" % obj.source_path)859class LibvirtConfigGuestInterfaceTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):860 def test_config_ethernet(self):861 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()862 obj.net_type = "ethernet"863 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"864 obj.model = "virtio"865 obj.target_dev = "vnet0"866 obj.driver_name = "vhost"867 obj.vif_inbound_average = 1024000868 obj.vif_inbound_peak = 10240000869 obj.vif_inbound_burst = 1024000870 obj.vif_outbound_average = 1024000871 obj.vif_outbound_peak = 10240000872 obj.vif_outbound_burst = 1024000873 xml = obj.to_xml()874 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """875 <interface type="ethernet">876 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>877 <model type="virtio"/>878 <driver name="vhost"/>879 <target dev="vnet0"/>880 <bandwidth>881 <inbound average="1024000" peak="10240000" burst="1024000"/>882 <outbound average="1024000" peak="10240000" burst="1024000"/>883 </bandwidth>884 </interface>""")885 def test_config_bridge(self):886 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()887 obj.net_type = "bridge"888 obj.source_dev = "br0"889 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"890 obj.model = "virtio"891 obj.target_dev = "tap12345678"892 obj.filtername = "clean-traffic"893 obj.filterparams.append({"key": "IP", "value": ""})894 obj.vif_inbound_average = 1024000895 obj.vif_inbound_peak = 10240000896 obj.vif_inbound_burst = 1024000897 obj.vif_outbound_average = 1024000898 obj.vif_outbound_peak = 10240000899 obj.vif_outbound_burst = 1024000900 xml = obj.to_xml()901 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """902 <interface type="bridge">903 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>904 <model type="virtio"/>905 <source bridge="br0"/>906 <target dev="tap12345678"/>907 <filterref filter="clean-traffic">908 <parameter name="IP" value=""/>909 </filterref>910 <bandwidth>911 <inbound average="1024000" peak="10240000" burst="1024000"/>912 <outbound average="1024000" peak="10240000" burst="1024000"/>913 </bandwidth>914 </interface>""")915 def test_config_bridge_ovs(self):916 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()917 obj.net_type = "bridge"918 obj.source_dev = "br0"919 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"920 obj.model = "virtio"921 obj.target_dev = "tap12345678"922 obj.vporttype = "openvswitch"923 obj.vportparams.append({"key": "instanceid", "value": "foobar"})924 xml = obj.to_xml()925 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """926 <interface type="bridge">927 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>928 <model type="virtio"/>929 <source bridge="br0"/>930 <target dev="tap12345678"/>931 <virtualport type="openvswitch">932 <parameters instanceid="foobar"/>933 </virtualport>934 </interface>""")935 def test_config_8021Qbh(self):936 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()937 obj.net_type = "direct"938 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"939 obj.model = "virtio"940 obj.target_dev = "tap12345678"941 obj.source_dev = "eth0"942 obj.vporttype = "802.1Qbh"943 xml = obj.to_xml()944 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """945 <interface type="direct">946 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>947 <model type="virtio"/>948 <source dev="eth0" mode="private"/>949 <target dev="tap12345678"/>950 <virtualport type="802.1Qbh"/>951 </interface>""")952 def test_config_direct(self):953 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()954 obj.net_type = "direct"955 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"956 obj.model = "virtio"957 obj.source_dev = "eth0"958 obj.source_mode = "passthrough"959 xml = obj.to_xml()960 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """961 <interface type="direct">962 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>963 <model type="virtio"/>964 <source dev="eth0" mode="passthrough"/>965 </interface>""")966 def test_config_8021Qbh_hostdev(self):967 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()968 obj.net_type = "hostdev"969 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"970 obj.source_dev = "0000:0a:00.1"971 obj.vporttype = "802.1Qbh"972 obj.add_vport_param("profileid", "MyPortProfile")973 xml = obj.to_xml()974 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """975 <interface type="hostdev" managed="yes">976 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>977 <source>978 <address type="pci" domain="0x0000"979 bus="0x0a" slot="0x00" function="0x1"/>980 </source>981 <virtualport type="802.1Qbh">982 <parameters profileid="MyPortProfile"/>983 </virtualport>984 </interface>""")985 def test_config_hw_veb_hostdev(self):986 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestInterface()987 obj.net_type = "hostdev"988 obj.mac_addr = "DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"989 obj.source_dev = "0000:0a:00.1"990 obj.vlan = "100"991 xml = obj.to_xml()992 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """993 <interface type="hostdev" managed="yes">994 <mac address="DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE"/>995 <source>996 <address type="pci" domain="0x0000"997 bus="0x0a" slot="0x00" function="0x1"/>998 </source>999 <vlan>1000 <tag id="100"/>1001 </vlan>1002 </interface>""")1003class LibvirtConfigGuestTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1004 def test_config_lxc(self):1005 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1006 obj.virt_type = "lxc"1007 obj.memory = 100 * units.Mi1008 obj.vcpus = 21009 obj.cpuset = set([0, 1, 3, 4, 5])1010 = "demo"1011 obj.uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"1012 obj.os_type = "exe"1013 obj.os_init_path = "/sbin/init"1014 fs = config.LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys()1015 fs.source_dir = "/root/lxc"1016 fs.target_dir = "/"1017 obj.add_device(fs)1018 xml = obj.to_xml()1019 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1020 <domain type="lxc">1021 <uuid>b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147</uuid>1022 <name>demo</name>1023 <memory>104857600</memory>1024 <vcpu cpuset="0-1,3-5">2</vcpu>1025 <os>1026 <type>exe</type>1027 <init>/sbin/init</init>1028 </os>1029 <devices>1030 <filesystem type="mount">1031 <source dir="/root/lxc"/>1032 <target dir="/"/>1033 </filesystem>1034 </devices>1035 </domain>""")1036 def test_config_lxc_with_idmap(self):1037 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1038 obj.virt_type = "lxc"1039 obj.memory = 100 * units.Mi1040 obj.vcpus = 21041 obj.cpuset = set([0, 1, 3, 4, 5])1042 = "demo"1043 obj.uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"1044 obj.os_type = "exe"1045 obj.os_init_path = "/sbin/init"1046 uidmap = config.LibvirtConfigGuestUIDMap()1047 = "10000"1048 uidmap.count = "1"1049 obj.idmaps.append(uidmap)1050 gidmap = config.LibvirtConfigGuestGIDMap()1051 = "10000"1052 gidmap.count = "1"1053 obj.idmaps.append(gidmap)1054 fs = config.LibvirtConfigGuestFilesys()1055 fs.source_dir = "/root/lxc"1056 fs.target_dir = "/"1057 obj.add_device(fs)1058 xml = obj.to_xml()1059 self.assertXmlEqual("""1060 <domain type="lxc">1061 <uuid>b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147</uuid>1062 <name>demo</name>1063 <memory>104857600</memory>1064 <vcpu cpuset="0-1,3-5">2</vcpu>1065 <os>1066 <type>exe</type>1067 <init>/sbin/init</init>1068 </os>1069 <devices>1070 <filesystem type="mount">1071 <source dir="/root/lxc"/>1072 <target dir="/"/>1073 </filesystem>1074 </devices>1075 <idmap>1076 <uid start="0" target="10000" count="1"/>1077 <gid start="0" target="10000" count="1"/>1078 </idmap>1079 </domain>""", xml)1080 def test_config_xen_pv(self):1081 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1082 obj.virt_type = "xen"1083 obj.memory = 100 * units.Mi1084 obj.vcpus = 21085 obj.cpuset = set([0, 1, 3, 4, 5])1086 = "demo"1087 obj.uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"1088 obj.os_type = "linux"1089 obj.os_kernel = "/tmp/vmlinuz"1090 obj.os_initrd = "/tmp/ramdisk"1091 obj.os_cmdline = "console=xvc0"1092 disk = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()1093 disk.source_type = "file"1094 disk.source_path = "/tmp/img"1095 disk.target_dev = "/dev/xvda"1096 disk.target_bus = "xen"1097 obj.add_device(disk)1098 xml = obj.to_xml()1099 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1100 <domain type="xen">1101 <uuid>b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147</uuid>1102 <name>demo</name>1103 <memory>104857600</memory>1104 <vcpu cpuset="0-1,3-5">2</vcpu>1105 <os>1106 <type>linux</type>1107 <kernel>/tmp/vmlinuz</kernel>1108 <initrd>/tmp/ramdisk</initrd>1109 <cmdline>console=xvc0</cmdline>1110 </os>1111 <devices>1112 <disk type="file" device="disk">1113 <source file="/tmp/img"/>1114 <target bus="xen" dev="/dev/xvda"/>1115 </disk>1116 </devices>1117 </domain>""")1118 def test_config_xen_hvm(self):1119 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1120 obj.virt_type = "xen"1121 obj.memory = 100 * units.Mi1122 obj.vcpus = 21123 obj.cpuset = set([0, 1, 3, 4, 5])1124 = "demo"1125 obj.uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"1126 obj.os_type = "hvm"1127 obj.os_loader = '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'1128 obj.os_root = "root=xvda"1129 obj.os_cmdline = "console=xvc0"1130 obj.pae = True1131 obj.acpi = True1132 obj.apic = True1133 disk = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()1134 disk.source_type = "file"1135 disk.source_path = "/tmp/img"1136 disk.target_dev = "/dev/xvda"1137 disk.target_bus = "xen"1138 obj.add_device(disk)1139 xml = obj.to_xml()1140 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1141 <domain type="xen">1142 <uuid>b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147</uuid>1143 <name>demo</name>1144 <memory>104857600</memory>1145 <vcpu cpuset="0-1,3-5">2</vcpu>1146 <os>1147 <type>hvm</type>1148 <loader>/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader</loader>1149 <cmdline>console=xvc0</cmdline>1150 <root>root=xvda</root>1151 </os>1152 <features>1153 <acpi/>1154 <apic/>1155 <pae/>1156 </features>1157 <devices>1158 <disk type="file" device="disk">1159 <source file="/tmp/img"/>1160 <target bus="xen" dev="/dev/xvda"/>1161 </disk>1162 </devices>1163 </domain>""")1164 def test_config_kvm(self):1165 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1166 obj.virt_type = "kvm"1167 obj.memory = 100 * units.Mi1168 obj.vcpus = 21169 obj.cpuset = set([0, 1, 3, 4, 5])1170 obj.cputune = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTune()1171 obj.cputune.shares = 1001172 obj.cputune.quota = 500001173 obj.cputune.period = 250001174 obj.membacking = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBacking()1175 obj.membacking.hugepages = True1176 obj.memtune = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTune()1177 obj.memtune.hard_limit = 4961178 obj.memtune.soft_limit = 6721179 obj.memtune.swap_hard_limit = 16381180 obj.memtune.min_guarantee = 29701181 = "demo"1182 obj.uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"1183 obj.os_type = "linux"1184 obj.os_boot_dev = ["hd", "cdrom", "fd"]1185 obj.os_smbios = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSMBIOS()1186 obj.pae = True1187 obj.acpi = True1188 obj.apic = True1189 obj.sysinfo = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSysinfo()1190 obj.sysinfo.bios_vendor = "Acme"1191 obj.sysinfo.system_version = "1.0.0"1192 disk = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()1193 disk.source_type = "file"1194 disk.source_path = "/tmp/img"1195 disk.target_dev = "/dev/vda"1196 disk.target_bus = "virtio"1197 obj.add_device(disk)1198 xml = obj.to_xml()1199 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1200 <domain type="kvm">1201 <uuid>b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147</uuid>1202 <name>demo</name>1203 <memory>104857600</memory>1204 <memoryBacking>1205 <hugepages/>1206 </memoryBacking>1207 <memtune>1208 <hard_limit units="K">496</hard_limit>1209 <soft_limit units="K">672</soft_limit>1210 <swap_hard_limit units="K">1638</swap_hard_limit>1211 <min_guarantee units="K">2970</min_guarantee>1212 </memtune>1213 <vcpu cpuset="0-1,3-5">2</vcpu>1214 <sysinfo type='smbios'>1215 <bios>1216 <entry name="vendor">Acme</entry>1217 </bios>1218 <system>1219 <entry name="version">1.0.0</entry>1220 </system>1221 </sysinfo>1222 <os>1223 <type>linux</type>1224 <boot dev="hd"/>1225 <boot dev="cdrom"/>1226 <boot dev="fd"/>1227 <smbios mode="sysinfo"/>1228 </os>1229 <features>1230 <acpi/>1231 <apic/>1232 <pae/>1233 </features>1234 <cputune>1235 <shares>100</shares>1236 <quota>50000</quota>1237 <period>25000</period>1238 </cputune>1239 <devices>1240 <disk type="file" device="disk">1241 <source file="/tmp/img"/>1242 <target bus="virtio" dev="/dev/vda"/>1243 </disk>1244 </devices>1245 </domain>""")1246 def test_config_machine_type(self):1247 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1248 obj.virt_type = "kvm"1249 obj.memory = 100 * units.Mi1250 obj.vcpus = 21251 = "demo"1252 obj.uuid = "b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147"1253 obj.os_type = "hvm"1254 obj.os_mach_type = "fake_machine_type"1255 xml = obj.to_xml()1256 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1257 <domain type="kvm">1258 <uuid>b38a3f43-4be2-4046-897f-b67c2f5e0147</uuid>1259 <name>demo</name>1260 <memory>104857600</memory>1261 <vcpu>2</vcpu>1262 <os>1263 <type machine="fake_machine_type">hvm</type>1264 </os>1265 </domain>""")1266 def test_ConfigGuest_parse_devices(self):1267 xmldoc = """ <domain type="kvm">1268 <devices>1269 <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="no">1270 </hostdev>1271 </devices>1272 </domain>1273 """1274 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1275 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)1276 self.assertEqual(len(obj.devices), 1)1277 self.assertIsInstance(obj.devices[0],1278 config.LibvirtConfigGuestHostdevPCI)1279 self.assertEqual(obj.devices[0].mode, 'subsystem')1280 self.assertEqual(obj.devices[0].managed, 'no')1281 def test_ConfigGuest_parse_devices_wrong_type(self):1282 xmldoc = """ <domain type="kvm">1283 <devices>1284 <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="xxxx" managed="no">1285 </hostdev>1286 </devices>1287 </domain>1288 """1289 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1290 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)1291 self.assertEqual(len(obj.devices), 0)1292 def test_ConfigGuest_parese_cpu(self):1293 xmldoc = """ <domain>1294 <cpu mode='custom' match='exact'>1295 <model>kvm64</model>1296 </cpu>1297 </domain>1298 """1299 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuest()1300 obj.parse_str(xmldoc)1301 self.assertEqual(obj.cpu.mode, 'custom')1302 self.assertEqual(obj.cpu.match, 'exact')1303 self.assertEqual(obj.cpu.model, 'kvm64')1304class LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1305 def test_config_snapshot(self):1306 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshot()1307 = "Demo"1308 xml = obj.to_xml()1309 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1310 <domainsnapshot>1311 <name>Demo</name>1312 <disks/>1313 </domainsnapshot>""")1314 def test_config_snapshot_with_disks(self):1315 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshot()1316 = "Demo"1317 disk = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk()1318 = 'vda'1319 disk.source_path = 'source-path'1320 disk.source_type = 'file'1321 disk.snapshot = 'external'1322 disk.driver_name = 'qcow2'1323 obj.add_disk(disk)1324 disk2 = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk()1325 = 'vdb'1326 disk2.snapshot = 'no'1327 obj.add_disk(disk2)1328 xml = obj.to_xml()1329 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1330 <domainsnapshot>1331 <name>Demo</name>1332 <disks>1333 <disk name='vda' snapshot='external' type='file'>1334 <source file='source-path'/>1335 </disk>1336 <disk name='vdb' snapshot='no'/>1337 </disks>1338 </domainsnapshot>""")1339 def test_config_snapshot_with_network_disks(self):1340 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshot()1341 = "Demo"1342 disk = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk()1343 = 'vda'1344 disk.source_name = 'source-file'1345 disk.source_type = 'network'1346 disk.source_hosts = ['host1']1347 disk.source_ports = ['12345']1348 disk.source_protocol = 'glusterfs'1349 disk.snapshot = 'external'1350 disk.driver_name = 'qcow2'1351 obj.add_disk(disk)1352 disk2 = config.LibvirtConfigGuestSnapshotDisk()1353 = 'vdb'1354 disk2.snapshot = 'no'1355 obj.add_disk(disk2)1356 xml = obj.to_xml()1357 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1358 <domainsnapshot>1359 <name>Demo</name>1360 <disks>1361 <disk name='vda' snapshot='external' type='network'>1362 <source protocol='glusterfs' name='source-file'>1363 <host name='host1' port='12345'/>1364 </source>1365 </disk>1366 <disk name='vdb' snapshot='no'/>1367 </disks>1368 </domainsnapshot>""")1369class LibvirtConfigNodeDeviceTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1370 def test_config_virt_usb_device(self):1371 xmlin = """1372 <device>1373 <name>usb_0000_09_00_0</name>1374 <parent>pci_0000_00_1c_0</parent>1375 <driver>1376 <name>vxge</name>1377 </driver>1378 <capability type="usb">1379 <domain>0</domain>1380 <capability type="fake_usb">1381 <address fake_usb="fake"/>1382 </capability>1383 </capability>1384 </device>"""1385 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevice()1386 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1387 self.assertIsNone(obj.pci_capability)1388 def test_config_virt_device(self):1389 xmlin = """1390 <device>1391 <name>pci_0000_09_00_0</name>1392 <parent>pci_0000_00_1c_0</parent>1393 <driver>1394 <name>vxge</name>1395 </driver>1396 <capability type="pci">1397 <domain>0</domain>1398 <bus>9</bus>1399 <slot>0</slot>1400 <function>0</function>1401 <product id="0x5833">X3100 Series 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe</product>1402 <vendor id="0x17d5">Neterion Inc.</vendor>1403 <capability type="virt_functions">1404 <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x00" function="0x1"/>1405 <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x00" function="0x2"/>1406 <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x00" function="0x3"/>1407 </capability>1408 </capability>1409 </device>"""1410 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevice()1411 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1412 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability,1413 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap)1414 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0],1415 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1416 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].type,1417 "virt_functions")1418 self.assertEqual(len(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].1419 device_addrs),1420 3)1421 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.bus, 9)1422 def test_config_phy_device(self):1423 xmlin = """1424 <device>1425 <name>pci_0000_33_00_0</name>1426 <parent>pci_0000_22_1c_0</parent>1427 <driver>1428 <name>vxx</name>1429 </driver>1430 <capability type="pci">1431 <domain>0</domain>1432 <bus>9</bus>1433 <slot>0</slot>1434 <function>0</function>1435 <product id="0x5833">X3100 Series 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe</product>1436 <vendor id="0x17d5">Neterion Inc.</vendor>1437 <capability type="phys_function">1438 <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x09' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>1439 </capability>1440 </capability>1441 </device>"""1442 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevice()1443 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1444 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability,1445 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap)1446 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0],1447 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1448 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].type,1449 "phys_function")1450 self.assertEqual(len(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].1451 device_addrs),1452 1)1453 def test_config_non_device(self):1454 xmlin = """1455 <device>1456 <name>pci_0000_33_00_0</name>1457 <parent>pci_0000_22_1c_0</parent>1458 <driver>1459 <name>vxx</name>1460 </driver>1461 <capability type="pci">1462 <domain>0</domain>1463 <bus>9</bus>1464 <slot>0</slot>1465 <function>0</function>1466 <product id="0x5833">X3100 Series 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe</product>1467 <vendor id="0x17d5">Neterion Inc.</vendor>1468 <capability type="virt_functions"/>1469 </capability>1470 </device>"""1471 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevice()1472 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1473 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability,1474 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap)1475 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0],1476 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1477 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].type,1478 "virt_functions")1479 def test_config_fail_device(self):1480 xmlin = """1481 <device>1482 <name>pci_0000_33_00_0</name>1483 <parent>pci_0000_22_1c_0</parent>1484 <driver>1485 <name>vxx</name>1486 </driver>1487 <capability type="pci">1488 <domain>0</domain>1489 <bus>9</bus>1490 <slot>0</slot>1491 <function>0</function>1492 <product id="0x5833">X3100 Series 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe</product>1493 <vendor id="0x17d5">Neterion Inc.</vendor>1494 <capability type="virt_functions">1495 </capability>1496 </capability>1497 </device>"""1498 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevice()1499 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1500 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability,1501 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap)1502 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0],1503 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1504 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].type,1505 "virt_functions")1506 def test_config_2cap_device(self):1507 xmlin = """1508 <device>1509 <name>pci_0000_04_10_7</name>1510 <parent>pci_0000_00_01_1</parent>1511 <driver>1512 <name>igbvf</name>1513 </driver>1514 <capability type='pci'>1515 <domain>0</domain>1516 <bus>4</bus>1517 <slot>16</slot>1518 <function>7</function>1519 <product id='0x1520'>I350 Ethernet Controller Virtual</product>1520 <vendor id='0x8086'>Intel Corporation</vendor>1521 <capability type='phys_function'>1522 <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x3'/>1523 </capability>1524 <capability type='virt_functions'>1525 <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x3'/>1526 </capability>1527 </capability>1528 </device>"""1529 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevice()1530 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1531 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability,1532 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap)1533 self.assertIsInstance(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0],1534 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1535 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[0].type,1536 "phys_function")1537 self.assertEqual(obj.pci_capability.fun_capability[1].type,1538 "virt_functions")1539class LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCapTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1540 def test_config_device_pci_cap(self):1541 xmlin = """1542 <capability type="pci">1543 <domain>0</domain>1544 <bus>10</bus>1545 <slot>1</slot>1546 <function>5</function>1547 <product id="0x8086-3">Intel 10 Gigabit Ethernet</product>1548 <vendor id="0x8086">Intel Inc.</vendor>1549 <capability type="virt_functions">1550 <address domain="0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x1" function="0x1"/>1551 <address domain="0001" bus="0x0a" slot="0x02" function="0x03"/>1552 </capability>1553 </capability>"""1554 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap()1555 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1556 self.assertEqual(obj.domain, 0)1557 self.assertEqual(obj.bus, 10)1558 self.assertEqual(obj.slot, 1)1559 self.assertEqual(obj.function, 5)1560 self.assertEqual(obj.product, "Intel 10 Gigabit Ethernet")1561 self.assertEqual(obj.product_id, '0x8086-3')1562 self.assertEqual(obj.vendor, "Intel Inc.")1563 self.assertEqual(obj.vendor_id, "0x8086")1564 self.assertIsInstance(obj.fun_capability[0],1565 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1566 self.assertEqual(obj.fun_capability[0].type, 'virt_functions')1567 self.assertEqual(obj.fun_capability[0].device_addrs,1568 [("0000", "0x0a", "0x1", "0x1"),1569 ("0001", "0x0a", "0x02", "0x03"), ])1570 def test_config_device_pci_2cap(self):1571 xmlin = """1572 <capability type="pci">1573 <domain>0</domain>1574 <bus>10</bus>1575 <slot>1</slot>1576 <function>5</function>1577 <product id="0x8086-3">Intel 10 Gigabit Ethernet</product>1578 <vendor id="0x8086">Intel Inc.</vendor>1579 <capability type="virt_functions">1580 <address domain="0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x1" function="0x1"/>1581 <address domain="0001" bus="0x0a" slot="0x02" function="0x03"/>1582 </capability>1583 <capability type="phys_function">1584 <address domain="0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x1" function="0x1"/>1585 </capability>1586 </capability>"""1587 obj = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciCap()1588 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1589 self.assertEqual(obj.domain, 0)1590 self.assertEqual(obj.bus, 10)1591 self.assertEqual(obj.slot, 1)1592 self.assertEqual(obj.function, 5)1593 self.assertEqual(obj.product, "Intel 10 Gigabit Ethernet")1594 self.assertEqual(obj.product_id, '0x8086-3')1595 self.assertEqual(obj.vendor, "Intel Inc.")1596 self.assertEqual(obj.vendor_id, "0x8086")1597 self.assertIsInstance(obj.fun_capability[0],1598 config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap)1599 self.assertEqual(obj.fun_capability[0].type, 'virt_functions')1600 self.assertEqual(obj.fun_capability[0].device_addrs,1601 [("0000", '0x0a', '0x1', "0x1"),1602 ("0001", "0x0a", "0x02", "0x03"), ])1603 self.assertEqual(obj.fun_capability[1].type, 'phys_function')1604 self.assertEqual(obj.fun_capability[1].device_addrs,1605 [("0000", '0x0a', '0x1', "0x1"), ])1606 def test_config_read_only_disk(self):1607 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestDisk()1608 obj.source_type = "disk"1609 obj.source_device = "disk"1610 obj.driver_name = "kvm"1611 obj.target_dev = "/dev/hdc"1612 obj.target_bus = "virtio"1613 obj.readonly = True1614 xml = obj.to_xml()1615 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1616 <disk type="disk" device="disk">1617 <driver name="kvm"/>1618 <target bus="virtio" dev="/dev/hdc"/>1619 <readonly/>1620 </disk>""")1621 obj.readonly = False1622 xml = obj.to_xml()1623 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1624 <disk type="disk" device="disk">1625 <driver name="kvm"/>1626 <target bus="virtio" dev="/dev/hdc"/>1627 </disk>""")1628class LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1629 def test_config_device_pci_subfunction(self):1630 xmlin = """1631 <capability type="virt_functions">1632 <address domain="0000" bus="0x0a" slot="0x1" function="0x1"/>1633 <address domain="0001" bus="0x0a" slot="0x02" function="0x03"/>1634 </capability>"""1635 fun_capability = config.LibvirtConfigNodeDevicePciSubFunctionCap()1636 fun_capability.parse_str(xmlin)1637 self.assertEqual('virt_functions', fun_capability.type)1638 self.assertEqual([("0000", "0x0a", "0x1", "0x1"),1639 ("0001", "0x0a", "0x02", "0x03"), ],1640 fun_capability.device_addrs)1641class LibvirtConfigGuestVideoTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1642 def test_config_video_driver(self):1643 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestVideo()1644 obj.type = 'qxl'1645 xml = obj.to_xml()1646 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1647 <video>1648 <model type='qxl'/>1649 </video>""")1650 def test_config_video_driver_vram_heads(self):1651 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestVideo()1652 obj.type = 'qxl'1653 obj.vram = '9216'1654 obj.heads = '1'1655 xml = obj.to_xml()1656 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1657 <video>1658 <model type='qxl' vram='9216' heads='1'/>1659 </video>""")1660class LibvirtConfigGuestSeclabel(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1661 def test_config_seclabel_config(self):1662 obj = config.LibvirtConfigSeclabel()1663 xml = obj.to_xml()1664 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1665 <seclabel type='dynamic'/>""")1666 def test_config_seclabel_baselabel(self):1667 obj = config.LibvirtConfigSeclabel()1668 obj.type = 'dynamic'1669 obj.baselabel = 'system_u:system_r:my_svirt_t:s0'1670 xml = obj.to_xml()1671 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1672 <seclabel type='dynamic'>1673 <baselabel>system_u:system_r:my_svirt_t:s0</baselabel>1674 </seclabel>""")1675class LibvirtConfigGuestRngTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1676 def test_config_rng_driver(self):1677 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestRng()1678 xml = obj.to_xml()1679 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1680<rng model='virtio'>1681 <backend model='random'/>1682</rng>""")1683 def test_config_rng_driver_with_rate(self):1684 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestRng()1685 obj.backend = '/dev/random'1686 obj.rate_period = '12'1687 obj.rate_bytes = '34'1688 xml = obj.to_xml()1689 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1690<rng model='virtio'>1691 <rate period='12' bytes='34'/>1692 <backend model='random'>/dev/random</backend>1693</rng>""")1694class LibvirtConfigGuestControllerTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1695 def test_config_guest_contoller(self):1696 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestController()1697 obj.type = 'scsi'1698 obj.index = 01699 obj.model = 'virtio-scsi'1700 xml = obj.to_xml()1701 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1702 <controller type='scsi' index='0' model='virtio-scsi'/>""")1703class LibvirtConfigGuestWatchdogTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1704 def test_config_watchdog(self):1705 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestWatchdog()1706 obj.action = 'none'1707 xml = obj.to_xml()1708 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<watchdog model='i6300esb' action='none'/>")1709 def test_config_watchdog_default_action(self):1710 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestWatchdog()1711 xml = obj.to_xml()1712 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<watchdog model='i6300esb' action='reset'/>")1713class LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1714 def test_config_cputune_timeslice(self):1715 cputune = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTune()1716 cputune.shares = 1001717 cputune.quota = 500001718 cputune.period = 250001719 xml = cputune.to_xml()1720 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1721 <cputune>1722 <shares>100</shares>1723 <quota>50000</quota>1724 <period>25000</period>1725 </cputune>""")1726 def test_config_cputune_vcpus(self):1727 cputune = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTune()1728 vcpu0 = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin()1729 = 01730 vcpu0.cpuset = set([0, 1])1731 vcpu1 = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin()1732 = 11733 vcpu1.cpuset = set([2, 3])1734 vcpu2 = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin()1735 = 21736 vcpu2.cpuset = set([4, 5])1737 vcpu3 = config.LibvirtConfigGuestCPUTuneVCPUPin()1738 = 31739 vcpu3.cpuset = set([6, 7])1740 cputune.vcpupin.extend([vcpu0, vcpu1, vcpu2, vcpu3])1741 xml = cputune.to_xml()1742 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1743 <cputune>1744 <vcpupin vcpu="0" cpuset="0-1"/>1745 <vcpupin vcpu="1" cpuset="2-3"/>1746 <vcpupin vcpu="2" cpuset="4-5"/>1747 <vcpupin vcpu="3" cpuset="6-7"/>1748 </cputune>""")1749class LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBackingTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1750 def test_config_memory_backing_none(self):1751 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBacking()1752 xml = obj.to_xml()1753 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<memoryBacking/>")1754 def test_config_memory_backing_all(self):1755 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryBacking()1756 obj.locked = True1757 obj.sharedpages = False1758 obj.hugepages = True1759 xml = obj.to_xml()1760 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1761 <memoryBacking>1762 <hugepages/>1763 <nosharedpages/>1764 <locked/>1765 </memoryBacking>""")1766class LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTuneTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1767 def test_config_memory_backing_none(self):1768 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTune()1769 xml = obj.to_xml()1770 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, "<memtune/>")1771 def test_config_memory_backing_all(self):1772 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMemoryTune()1773 obj.soft_limit = 61774 obj.hard_limit = 281775 obj.swap_hard_limit = 1401776 obj.min_guarantee = 2701777 xml = obj.to_xml()1778 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1779 <memtune>1780 <hard_limit units="K">28</hard_limit>1781 <soft_limit units="K">6</soft_limit>1782 <swap_hard_limit units="K">140</swap_hard_limit>1783 <min_guarantee units="K">270</min_guarantee>1784 </memtune>""")1785class LibvirtConfigGuestMetadataNovaTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1786 def test_config_metadata(self):1787 meta = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaInstance()1788 meta.package = "2014.2.3"1789 = "moonbuggy"1790 meta.creationTime = 12345678901791 meta.roottype = "image"1792 meta.rootid = "fe55c69a-8b2e-4bbc-811a-9ad2023a0426"1793 owner = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaOwner()1794 owner.userid = "3472c2a6-de91-4fb5-b618-42bc781ef670"1795 owner.username = "buzz"1796 owner.projectid = "f241e906-010e-4917-ae81-53f4fb8aa021"1797 owner.projectname = "moonshot"1798 meta.owner = owner1799 flavor = config.LibvirtConfigGuestMetaNovaFlavor()1800 = "m1.lowgravity"1801 flavor.vcpus = 81802 flavor.memory = 20481803 flavor.swap = 101804 flavor.disk = 501805 flavor.ephemeral = 101806 meta.flavor = flavor1807 xml = meta.to_xml()1808 self.assertXmlEqual(xml, """1809 <nova:instance xmlns:nova=''>1810 <nova:package version="2014.2.3"/>1811 <nova:name>moonbuggy</nova:name>1812 <nova:creationTime>2009-02-13 23:31:30</nova:creationTime>1813 <nova:flavor name="m1.lowgravity">1814 <nova:memory>2048</nova:memory>1815 <nova:disk>50</nova:disk>1816 <nova:swap>10</nova:swap>1817 <nova:ephemeral>10</nova:ephemeral>1818 <nova:vcpus>8</nova:vcpus>1819 </nova:flavor>1820 <nova:owner>1821 <nova:user1822 uuid="3472c2a6-de91-4fb5-b618-42bc781ef670">buzz</nova:user>1823 <nova:project1824 uuid="f241e906-010e-4917-ae81-53f4fb8aa021">moonshot</nova:project>1825 </nova:owner>1826 <nova:root type="image" uuid="fe55c69a-8b2e-4bbc-811a-9ad2023a0426"/>1827 </nova:instance>1828 """)1829class LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1830 def test_config_id_map_parse_start_not_int(self):1831 xmlin = "<uid start='a' target='20000' count='5'/>"1832 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap()1833 self.assertRaises(ValueError, obj.parse_str, xmlin)1834 def test_config_id_map_parse_target_not_int(self):1835 xmlin = "<uid start='2' target='a' count='5'/>"1836 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap()1837 self.assertRaises(ValueError, obj.parse_str, xmlin)1838 def test_config_id_map_parse_count_not_int(self):1839 xmlin = "<uid start='2' target='20000' count='a'/>"1840 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestIDMap()1841 self.assertRaises(ValueError, obj.parse_str, xmlin)1842 def test_config_uid_map(self):1843 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestUIDMap()1844 obj.start = 11845 = 100001846 obj.count = 21847 xml = obj.to_xml()1848 self.assertXmlEqual("<uid start='1' target='10000' count='2'/>", xml)1849 def test_config_uid_map_parse(self):1850 xmlin = "<uid start='2' target='20000' count='5'/>"1851 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestUIDMap()1852 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1853 self.assertEqual(2, obj.start)1854 self.assertEqual(20000, self.assertEqual(5, obj.count)1856 def test_config_gid_map(self):1857 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestGIDMap()1858 obj.start = 11859 = 100001860 obj.count = 21861 xml = obj.to_xml()1862 self.assertXmlEqual("<gid start='1' target='10000' count='2'/>", xml)1863 def test_config_gid_map_parse(self):1864 xmlin = "<gid start='2' target='20000' count='5'/>"1865 obj = config.LibvirtConfigGuestGIDMap()1866 obj.parse_str(xmlin)1867 self.assertEqual(2, obj.start)1868 self.assertEqual(20000, self.assertEqual(5, obj.count)1870class LibvirtConfigMemoryBalloonTest(LibvirtConfigBaseTest):1871 def test_config_memory_balloon_period(self):1872 balloon = config.LibvirtConfigMemoryBalloon()1873 balloon.model = 'fake_virtio'1874 balloon.period = 111875 xml = balloon.to_xml()1876 expected_xml = """1877 <memballoon model='fake_virtio'>1878 <stats period='11'/>1879 </memballoon>"""...

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...201 for index, item in enumerate(mylist):202 self.assertEqual(db_objs[index]['foo'], self.assertEqual(db_objs[index]['bar'], self.assertEqual(db_objs[index]['missing'], item.missing)205def compare_obj(test, obj, db_obj, subs=None, allow_missing=None,206 comparators=None):207 """Compare a NovaObject and a dict-like database object.208 This automatically converts TZ-aware datetimes and iterates over209 the fields of the object.210 :param:test: The TestCase doing the comparison211 :param:obj: The NovaObject to examine212 :param:db_obj: The dict-like database object to use as reference213 :param:subs: A dict of objkey=dbkey field substitutions214 :param:allow_missing: A list of fields that may not be in db_obj215 :param:comparators: Map of comparator functions to use for certain fields216 """217 if subs is None:218 subs = {}219 if allow_missing is None:220 allow_missing = []221 if comparators is None:222 comparators = {}223 for key in obj.fields:224 if key in allow_missing and not obj.obj_attr_is_set(key):225 continue226 obj_val = obj[key]227 db_key = subs.get(key, key)228 db_val = db_obj[db_key]229 if isinstance(obj_val, datetime.datetime):230 obj_val = obj_val.replace(tzinfo=None)231 if key in comparators:232 comparator = comparators[key]233 comparator(db_val, obj_val)234 else:235 test.assertEqual(db_val, obj_val)236class _BaseTestCase(test.TestCase):237 def setUp(self):238 super(_BaseTestCase, self).setUp()239 self.remote_object_calls = list()240 self.context = context.RequestContext('fake-user', 'fake-project')241 fake_notifier.stub_notifier(self.stubs)242 self.addCleanup(fake_notifier.reset)243 def compare_obj(self, obj, db_obj, subs=None, allow_missing=None,244 comparators=None):245 compare_obj(self, obj, db_obj, subs=subs, allow_missing=allow_missing,246 comparators=comparators)247 def json_comparator(self, expected, obj_val):248 # json-ify an object field for comparison with its db str249 # equivalent250 self.assertEqual(expected, jsonutils.dumps(obj_val))251 def str_comparator(self, expected, obj_val):252 """Compare an object field to a string in the db by performing253 a simple coercion on the object field value.254 """255 self.assertEqual(expected, str(obj_val))256 def assertNotIsInstance(self, obj, cls, msg=None):257 """Python < v2.7 compatibility. Assert 'not isinstance(obj, cls)."""258 try:259 f = super(_BaseTestCase, self).assertNotIsInstance...

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Source:events.js Github


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1$(document).ready(function() {2 module("Backbone.Events");3 test("on and trigger", 2, function() {4 var obj = { counter: 0 };5 _.extend(obj,Backbone.Events);6 obj.on('event', function() { obj.counter += 1; });7 obj.trigger('event');8 equal(obj.counter,1,'counter should be incremented.');9 obj.trigger('event');10 obj.trigger('event');11 obj.trigger('event');12 obj.trigger('event');13 equal(obj.counter, 5, 'counter should be incremented five times.');14 });15 test("binding and triggering multiple events", 4, function() {16 var obj = { counter: 0 };17 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);18 obj.on('a b c', function() { obj.counter += 1; });19 obj.trigger('a');20 equal(obj.counter, 1);21 obj.trigger('a b');22 equal(obj.counter, 3);23 obj.trigger('c');24 equal(obj.counter, 4);25'a c');26 obj.trigger('a b c');27 equal(obj.counter, 5);28 });29 test("binding and triggering with event maps", function() {30 var obj = { counter: 0 };31 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);32 var increment = function() {33 this.counter += 1;34 };35 obj.on({36 a: increment,37 b: increment,38 c: increment39 }, obj);40 obj.trigger('a');41 equal(obj.counter, 1);42 obj.trigger('a b');43 equal(obj.counter, 3);44 obj.trigger('c');45 equal(obj.counter, 4);46{47 a: increment,48 c: increment49 }, obj);50 obj.trigger('a b c');51 equal(obj.counter, 5);52 });53 test("listenTo and stopListening", 1, function() {54 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);55 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);56 a.listenTo(b, 'all', function(){ ok(true); });57 b.trigger('anything');58 a.listenTo(b, 'all', function(){ ok(false); });59 a.stopListening();60 b.trigger('anything');61 });62 test("listenTo and stopListening with event maps", 4, function() {63 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);64 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);65 var cb = function(){ ok(true); };66 a.listenTo(b, {event: cb});67 b.trigger('event');68 a.listenTo(b, {event2: cb});69 b.on('event2', cb);70 a.stopListening(b, {event2: cb});71 b.trigger('event event2');72 a.stopListening();73 b.trigger('event event2');74 });75 test("stopListening with omitted args", 2, function () {76 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);77 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);78 var cb = function () { ok(true); };79 a.listenTo(b, 'event', cb);80 b.on('event', cb);81 a.listenTo(b, 'event2', cb);82 a.stopListening(null, {event: cb});83 b.trigger('event event2');84;85 a.listenTo(b, 'event event2', cb);86 a.stopListening(null, 'event');87 a.stopListening();88 b.trigger('event2');89 });90 test("listenToOnce and stopListening", 1, function() {91 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);92 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);93 a.listenToOnce(b, 'all', function() { ok(true); });94 b.trigger('anything');95 b.trigger('anything');96 a.listenToOnce(b, 'all', function() { ok(false); });97 a.stopListening();98 b.trigger('anything');99 });100 test("listenTo, listenToOnce and stopListening", 1, function() {101 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);102 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);103 a.listenToOnce(b, 'all', function() { ok(true); });104 b.trigger('anything');105 b.trigger('anything');106 a.listenTo(b, 'all', function() { ok(false); });107 a.stopListening();108 b.trigger('anything');109 });110 test("listenTo and stopListening with event maps", 1, function() {111 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);112 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);113 a.listenTo(b, {change: function(){ ok(true); }});114 b.trigger('change');115 a.listenTo(b, {change: function(){ ok(false); }});116 a.stopListening();117 b.trigger('change');118 });119 test("listenTo yourself", 1, function(){120 var e = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);121 e.listenTo(e, "foo", function(){ ok(true); });122 e.trigger("foo");123 });124 test("listenTo yourself cleans yourself up with stopListening", 1, function(){125 var e = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);126 e.listenTo(e, "foo", function(){ ok(true); });127 e.trigger("foo");128 e.stopListening();129 e.trigger("foo");130 });131 test("listenTo with empty callback doesn't throw an error", 1, function(){132 var e = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);133 e.listenTo(e, "foo", null);134 e.trigger("foo");135 ok(true);136 });137 test("trigger all for each event", 3, function() {138 var a, b, obj = { counter: 0 };139 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);140 obj.on('all', function(event) {141 obj.counter++;142 if (event == 'a') a = true;143 if (event == 'b') b = true;144 })145 .trigger('a b');146 ok(a);147 ok(b);148 equal(obj.counter, 2);149 });150 test("on, then unbind all functions", 1, function() {151 var obj = { counter: 0 };152 _.extend(obj,Backbone.Events);153 var callback = function() { obj.counter += 1; };154 obj.on('event', callback);155 obj.trigger('event');156'event');157 obj.trigger('event');158 equal(obj.counter, 1, 'counter should have only been incremented once.');159 });160 test("bind two callbacks, unbind only one", 2, function() {161 var obj = { counterA: 0, counterB: 0 };162 _.extend(obj,Backbone.Events);163 var callback = function() { obj.counterA += 1; };164 obj.on('event', callback);165 obj.on('event', function() { obj.counterB += 1; });166 obj.trigger('event');167'event', callback);168 obj.trigger('event');169 equal(obj.counterA, 1, 'counterA should have only been incremented once.');170 equal(obj.counterB, 2, 'counterB should have been incremented twice.');171 });172 test("unbind a callback in the midst of it firing", 1, function() {173 var obj = {counter: 0};174 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);175 var callback = function() {176 obj.counter += 1;177'event', callback);178 };179 obj.on('event', callback);180 obj.trigger('event');181 obj.trigger('event');182 obj.trigger('event');183 equal(obj.counter, 1, 'the callback should have been unbound.');184 });185 test("two binds that unbind themeselves", 2, function() {186 var obj = { counterA: 0, counterB: 0 };187 _.extend(obj,Backbone.Events);188 var incrA = function(){ obj.counterA += 1;'event', incrA); };189 var incrB = function(){ obj.counterB += 1;'event', incrB); };190 obj.on('event', incrA);191 obj.on('event', incrB);192 obj.trigger('event');193 obj.trigger('event');194 obj.trigger('event');195 equal(obj.counterA, 1, 'counterA should have only been incremented once.');196 equal(obj.counterB, 1, 'counterB should have only been incremented once.');197 });198 test("bind a callback with a supplied context", 1, function () {199 var TestClass = function () {200 return this;201 };202 TestClass.prototype.assertTrue = function () {203 ok(true, '`this` was bound to the callback');204 };205 var obj = _.extend({},Backbone.Events);206 obj.on('event', function () { this.assertTrue(); }, (new TestClass));207 obj.trigger('event');208 });209 test("nested trigger with unbind", 1, function () {210 var obj = { counter: 0 };211 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);212 var incr1 = function(){ obj.counter += 1;'event', incr1); obj.trigger('event'); };213 var incr2 = function(){ obj.counter += 1; };214 obj.on('event', incr1);215 obj.on('event', incr2);216 obj.trigger('event');217 equal(obj.counter, 3, 'counter should have been incremented three times');218 });219 test("callback list is not altered during trigger", 2, function () {220 var counter = 0, obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);221 var incr = function(){ counter++; };222 obj.on('event', function(){ obj.on('event', incr).on('all', incr); })223 .trigger('event');224 equal(counter, 0, 'bind does not alter callback list');225 .on('event', function(){'event', incr).off('all', incr); })227 .on('event', incr)228 .on('all', incr)229 .trigger('event');230 equal(counter, 2, 'unbind does not alter callback list');231 });232 test("#1282 - 'all' callback list is retrieved after each event.", 1, function() {233 var counter = 0;234 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);235 var incr = function(){ counter++; };236 obj.on('x', function() {237 obj.on('y', incr).on('all', incr);238 })239 .trigger('x y');240 strictEqual(counter, 2);241 });242 test("if no callback is provided, `on` is a noop", 0, function() {243 _.extend({}, Backbone.Events).on('test').trigger('test');244 });245 test("if callback is truthy but not a function, `on` should throw an error just like jQuery", 1, function() {246 var view = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events).on('test', 'noop');247 throws(function() {248 view.trigger('test');249 });250 });251 test("remove all events for a specific context", 4, function() {252 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);253 obj.on('x y all', function() { ok(true); });254 obj.on('x y all', function() { ok(false); }, obj);255, null, obj);256 obj.trigger('x y');257 });258 test("remove all events for a specific callback", 4, function() {259 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);260 var success = function() { ok(true); };261 var fail = function() { ok(false); };262 obj.on('x y all', success);263 obj.on('x y all', fail);264, fail);265 obj.trigger('x y');266 });267 test("#1310 - off does not skip consecutive events", 0, function() {268 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);269 obj.on('event', function() { ok(false); }, obj);270 obj.on('event', function() { ok(false); }, obj);271, null, obj);272 obj.trigger('event');273 });274 test("once", 2, function() {275 // Same as the previous test, but we use once rather than having to explicitly unbind276 var obj = { counterA: 0, counterB: 0 };277 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);278 var incrA = function(){ obj.counterA += 1; obj.trigger('event'); };279 var incrB = function(){ obj.counterB += 1; };280 obj.once('event', incrA);281 obj.once('event', incrB);282 obj.trigger('event');283 equal(obj.counterA, 1, 'counterA should have only been incremented once.');284 equal(obj.counterB, 1, 'counterB should have only been incremented once.');285 });286 test("once variant one", 3, function() {287 var f = function(){ ok(true); };288 var a = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events).once('event', f);289 var b = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events).on('event', f);290 a.trigger('event');291 b.trigger('event');292 b.trigger('event');293 });294 test("once variant two", 3, function() {295 var f = function(){ ok(true); };296 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);297 obj298 .once('event', f)299 .on('event', f)300 .trigger('event')301 .trigger('event');302 });303 test("once with off", 0, function() {304 var f = function(){ ok(true); };305 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);306 obj.once('event', f);307'event', f);308 obj.trigger('event');309 });310 test("once with event maps", function() {311 var obj = { counter: 0 };312 _.extend(obj, Backbone.Events);313 var increment = function() {314 this.counter += 1;315 };316 obj.once({317 a: increment,318 b: increment,319 c: increment320 }, obj);321 obj.trigger('a');322 equal(obj.counter, 1);323 obj.trigger('a b');324 equal(obj.counter, 2);325 obj.trigger('c');326 equal(obj.counter, 3);327 obj.trigger('a b c');328 equal(obj.counter, 3);329 });330 test("once with off only by context", 0, function() {331 var context = {};332 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);333 obj.once('event', function(){ ok(false); }, context);334, null, context);335 obj.trigger('event');336 });337 test("Backbone object inherits Events", function() {338 ok(Backbone.on === Backbone.Events.on);339 });340 asyncTest("once with asynchronous events", 1, function() {341 var func = _.debounce(function() { ok(true); start(); }, 50);342 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events).once('async', func);343 obj.trigger('async');344 obj.trigger('async');345 });346 test("once with multiple events.", 2, function() {347 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);348 obj.once('x y', function() { ok(true); });349 obj.trigger('x y');350 });351 test("Off during iteration with once.", 2, function() {352 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);353 var f = function(){'event', f); };354 obj.on('event', f);355 obj.once('event', function(){});356 obj.on('event', function(){ ok(true); });357 obj.trigger('event');358 obj.trigger('event');359 });360 test("`once` on `all` should work as expected", 1, function() {361 Backbone.once('all', function() {362 ok(true);363 Backbone.trigger('all');364 });365 Backbone.trigger('all');366 });367 test("once without a callback is a noop", 0, function() {368 _.extend({}, Backbone.Events).once('event').trigger('event');369 });370 test("event functions are chainable", function() {371 var obj = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);372 var obj2 = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);373 var fn = function() {};374 equal(obj, obj.trigger('noeventssetyet'));375 equal(obj,'noeventssetyet'));376 equal(obj, obj.stopListening('noeventssetyet'));377 equal(obj, obj.on('a', fn));378 equal(obj, obj.once('c', fn));379 equal(obj, obj.trigger('a'));380 equal(obj, obj.listenTo(obj2, 'a', fn));381 equal(obj, obj.listenToOnce(obj2, 'b', fn));382 equal(obj,'a c'));383 equal(obj, obj.stopListening(obj2, 'a'));384 equal(obj, obj.stopListening());385 });...

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Source:draggables.js Github


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1(function (requirejs, require, define) {2define(['js/capa/drag_and_drop/draggable_events', 'js/capa/drag_and_drop/draggable_logic'], function (draggableEvents, draggableLogic) {3 return {4 'init': init5 };6 function init(state) {7 state.config.draggables.every(function (draggable) {8 processDraggable(state, draggable);9 return true;10 });11 }12 function makeDraggableCopy(callbackFunc) {13 var draggableObj, property;14 // Make a full proper copy of the draggable object, with some modifications.15 draggableObj = {};16 for (property in this) {17 if (this.hasOwnProperty(property) === true) {18 draggableObj[property] = this[property];19 }20 }21 // The modifications to the draggable copy.22 draggableObj.isOriginal = false; // This new draggable is a copy.23 draggableObj.uniqueId = draggableObj.state.getUniqueId(); // Is newly set.24 draggableObj.stateDraggablesIndex = null; // Will be set.25 draggableObj.containerEl = null; // Not needed, since a copy will never return to a container element.26 draggableObj.iconEl = null; // Will be created.27 draggableObj.iconImgEl = null; // Will be created.28 draggableObj.labelEl = null; // Will be created.29 draggableObj.targetField = []; // Will be populated.30 // Create DOM elements and attach events.31 if (draggableObj.originalConfigObj.icon.length > 0) {32 draggableObj.iconEl = $('<div></div>');33 draggableObj.iconImgEl = $('<img />');34 draggableObj.iconImgEl.attr('src', draggableObj.originalConfigObj.icon);35 draggableObj.iconImgEl.load(function () {36 draggableObj.iconEl.css({37 'position': 'absolute',38 'width': draggableObj.iconWidthSmall,39 'height': draggableObj.iconHeightSmall,40 'left': 50 - draggableObj.iconWidthSmall * 0.5,41 'top': ((draggableObj.originalConfigObj.label.length > 0) ? 5 : 50 - draggableObj.iconHeightSmall * 0.5)42 });43 draggableObj.iconImgEl.css({44 'position': 'absolute',45 'width': draggableObj.iconWidthSmall,46 'height': draggableObj.iconHeightSmall,47 'left': 0,48 'top': 049 });50 draggableObj.iconImgEl.appendTo(draggableObj.iconEl);51 if (draggableObj.originalConfigObj.label.length > 0) {52 draggableObj.labelEl = $(53 '<div ' +54 'style=" ' +55 'position: absolute; ' +56 'color: black; ' +57 'font-size: 0.95em; ' +58 '" ' +59 'role="label">' +60 draggableObj.originalConfigObj.label +61 '</div>'62 );63 draggableObj.labelEl.css({64 'left': 50 - draggableObj.labelWidth * 0.5,65 'top': 5 + draggableObj.iconHeightSmall + 566 });67 draggableObj.attachMouseEventsTo('labelEl');68 }69 draggableObj.attachMouseEventsTo('iconEl');70 draggableObj.stateDraggablesIndex = draggableObj.state.draggables.push(draggableObj) - 1;71 setTimeout(function () {72 callbackFunc(draggableObj);73 }, 0);74 });75 return;76 } else {77 if (draggableObj.originalConfigObj.label.length > 0) {78 draggableObj.iconEl = $(