How to use CloneArbitrary method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:CloneArbitrary.spec.ts Github


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...28 clone.mockReturnValueOnce(mrngClone1).mockReturnValueOnce(mrngClone2);29 const { instance: sourceArb, generate } = fakeArbitrary<symbol>();30 generate.mockReturnValue(new Value(producedValue, undefined));31 /​/​ Act32 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(sourceArb, numValues);33 const out = arb.generate(mrng, biasFactor);34 /​/​ Assert35 expect(out.value).toEqual([producedValue, producedValue, producedValue]);36 expect(generate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);37 expect(generate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mrngClone1, biasFactor);38 expect(generate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mrngClone2, biasFactor);39 expect(generate).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(mrng, biasFactor);40 });41 it.each`42 type | cloneable43 ${'non-cloneable'} | ${false}44 ${'cloneable'} | ${true}45 `('should produce a $type tuple when sub-value is $type', ({ cloneable }) => {46 /​/​ Arrange47 const numValues = 1;48 const { instance: mrng } = fakeRandom();49 const { instance: sourceArb, generate } = fakeArbitrary<unknown>();50 if (cloneable) generate.mockReturnValue(new Value({ [cloneMethod]: jest.fn() }, undefined));51 else generate.mockReturnValue(new Value({ m: jest.fn() }, undefined));52 /​/​ Act53 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(sourceArb, numValues);54 const out = arb.generate(mrng, numValues);55 /​/​ Assert56 expect(out.hasToBeCloned).toBe(cloneable);57 expect(hasCloneMethod(out.value)).toBe(cloneable);58 });59 });60 describe('canShrinkWithoutContext', () => {61 it('should return false if passed value does not have the right length', () =>62 fc.assert(63{ max: 1000 }), fc.nat({ max: 1000 }), (numValues, numRequestedValues) => {64 /​/​ Arrange65 fc.pre(numValues !== numRequestedValues);66 const { instance: sourceArb, canShrinkWithoutContext } = fakeArbitrary();67 /​/​ Act68 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(sourceArb, numValues);69 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext([...Array(numRequestedValues)]);70 /​/​ Assert71 expect(out).toBe(false);72 expect(canShrinkWithoutContext).not.toHaveBeenCalled();73 })74 ));75 it('should return false if values are not equal regarding', () => {76 /​/​ Arrange77 const { instance: sourceArb, canShrinkWithoutContext } = fakeArbitrary();78 /​/​ Act79 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(sourceArb, 2);80 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext([{}, {}]);81 /​/​ Assert82 expect(out).toBe(false);83 expect(canShrinkWithoutContext).not.toHaveBeenCalled();84 });85 it.each`86 canShrinkWithoutContextValue87 ${true}88 ${false}89 `(90 'should ask sub-arbitrary whenever length is correct and children are equal regarding',91 ({ canShrinkWithoutContextValue }) => {92 /​/​ Arrange93 const value = {};94 const { instance: sourceArb, canShrinkWithoutContext } = fakeArbitrary();95 canShrinkWithoutContext.mockReturnValue(canShrinkWithoutContextValue);96 /​/​ Act97 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(sourceArb, 2);98 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext([value, value]);99 /​/​ Assert100 expect(out).toBe(canShrinkWithoutContextValue);101 expect(canShrinkWithoutContext).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);102 expect(canShrinkWithoutContext).toHaveBeenCalledWith(value);103 }104 );105 });106 describe('shrink', () => {107 it('should shrink numValues times the value and zip the outputs together', () => {108 /​/​ Arrange109 const value = Symbol();110 const s1 = Symbol();111 const s2 = Symbol();112 const numValues = 3;113 const { instance: sourceArb, shrink } = fakeArbitrary<symbol>();114 shrink115 .mockReturnValueOnce(Stream.of<Value<symbol>>(new Value(s1, undefined), new Value(s2, undefined)))116 .mockReturnValueOnce(Stream.of<Value<symbol>>(new Value(s1, undefined), new Value(s2, undefined)))117 .mockReturnValueOnce(Stream.of<Value<symbol>>(new Value(s1, undefined), new Value(s2, undefined)));118 /​/​ Act119 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(sourceArb, numValues);120 const shrinks = [...arb.shrink([value, value, value])];121 /​/​ Assert122 expect( => v.value)).toEqual([123 [s1, s1, s1],124 [s2, s2, s2],125 ]);126 expect(shrink).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);127 expect(shrink).toHaveBeenCalledWith(value, undefined);128 });129 });130});131describe('CloneArbitrary (integration)', () => {132 type Extra = number;133 const extraParameters: fc.Arbitrary<Extra> = fc.nat({ max: 100 });134 const isCorrect = (value: number[], extra: Extra) =>135 Array.isArray(value) && value.length === extra && new Set(value).size <= 1;136 /​/​ Should never be called for extra = 0137 const isStrictlySmaller = (t1: number[], t2: number[]) => t1[0] < t2[0];138 const cloneBuilder = (extra: Extra) => new CloneArbitrary(new FakeIntegerArbitrary(), extra);139 it('should produce the same values given the same seed', () => {140 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed(cloneBuilder, { extraParameters });141 });142 it('should only produce correct values', () => {143 assertProduceCorrectValues(cloneBuilder, isCorrect, { extraParameters });144 });145 it('should produce values seen as shrinkable without any context', () => {146 /​/​ Only when equal regarding Object.is147 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext(cloneBuilder, { extraParameters });148 });149 it('should be able to shrink to the same values without initial context (if underlyings do)', () => {150 assertShrinkProducesSameValueWithoutInitialContext(cloneBuilder, { extraParameters });151 });152 it('should preserve strictly smaller ordering in shrink (if underlyings do)', () => {153 assertShrinkProducesStrictlySmallerValue(cloneBuilder, isStrictlySmaller, { extraParameters });154 });155 it('should produce the right shrinking tree', () => {156 /​/​ Arrange157 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(new FirstArbitrary(), 5);158 const { instance: mrng } = fakeRandom();159 /​/​ Act160 const g = arb.generate(mrng, undefined);161 const renderedTree = renderTree(buildShrinkTree(arb, g)).join('\n');162 /​/​ Assert163 expect(renderedTree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`164 "[4,4,4,4,4]165 ├> [2,2,2,2,2]166 | └> [0,0,0,0,0]167 └> [3,3,3,3,3]168 ├> [0,0,0,0,0]169 └> [1,1,1,1,1]"170 `);171 });172 it('should not re-use twice the same instance of cloneable', () => {173 /​/​ Arrange174 const alreadySeenCloneable = new Set<unknown>();175 const arb = new CloneArbitrary(new CloneableArbitrary(), 5);176 const { instance: mrng } = fakeRandom();177 /​/​ Act178 const g = arb.generate(mrng, undefined);179 const treeA = buildShrinkTree(arb, g);180 const treeB = buildShrinkTree(arb, g);181 /​/​ Assert182 walkTree(treeA, ([_first, cloneable, _second]) => {183 expect(alreadySeenCloneable.has(cloneable)).toBe(false);184 alreadySeenCloneable.add(cloneable);185 });186 walkTree(treeB, ([_first, cloneable, _second]) => {187 expect(alreadySeenCloneable.has(cloneable)).toBe(false);188 alreadySeenCloneable.add(cloneable);189 });...

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Source:clone.spec.ts Github


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...6 jest.restoreAllMocks();7}8beforeEach(beforeEachHook);9describe('clone', () => {10 it('should instantiate CloneArbitrary(arb, numValues) for clone(arb, numValues)', () => {11 /​/​ Arrange12 const numValues = 10;13 const { instance: sourceArbitrary } = fakeArbitrary();14 const { instance } = fakeArbitrary();15 const CloneArbitrary = jest.spyOn(CloneArbitraryMock, 'CloneArbitrary');16 CloneArbitrary.mockImplementation(() => instance as CloneArbitraryMock.CloneArbitrary<unknown>);17 /​/​ Act18 const arb = clone(sourceArbitrary, numValues);19 /​/​ Assert20 expect(CloneArbitrary).toHaveBeenCalledWith(sourceArbitrary, numValues);21 expect(arb).toBe(instance);22 });...

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Source:clone.ts Github


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...20 * @public21 */​22function clone<T, N extends number>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, numValues: N): Arbitrary<CloneValue<T, N>>;23function clone<T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, numValues: number): Arbitrary<T[]> {24 return new CloneArbitrary(arb, numValues);25}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { cloneArbitrary } = require('@dubzzz/​fast-check');2const arb = cloneArbitrary([1, 2, 3]);3console.log(arb.generate());4const { cloneArbitrary } = require('@dubzzz/​fast-check');5const arb = cloneArbitrary(new Date());6console.log(arb.generate());7array (arrayArbitrary: Arbitrary<T[]>) => Arbitrary<T[]>8const { array } = require('@dubzzz/​fast-check');9const arb = array(arbInt());10console.log(arb.generate());11arraySet (arrayArbitrary: Arbitrary<T[]>) => Arbitrary<T[]>12const { arraySet } = require('@dubzzz/​fast-check');13const arb = arraySet(arbInt());14console.log(arb.generate());15tuple (arbitraries: Arbitrary<T>[]) => Arbitrary<T[]>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { cloneArbitrary } from 'fast-check';2const arb = cloneArbitrary(42);3import { cloneArbitrary } from 'fast-check';4const arb = cloneArbitrary(42);5 at Object.generate (node_modules/​fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​CloneArbitrary.js:22:32)6 at Object.<anonymous> (test.js:6:10)7 at Module._compile (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:1158:30)8 at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:1178:10)9 at Module.load (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:1002:32)10 at Function.Module._load (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:901:14)11 at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/​modules/​run_main.js:74:12)12@rajsolanki I don't see any issue with your code. Could you please provide a minimal reproducible example (with a package.json) so that I can have a look at it?

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