How to use buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper method in fast-check-monorepo

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Source:ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObject.spec.ts Github


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1import {2 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper,3 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper,4} from '../../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/mappers/ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObject';5describe('buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper', () => {6 it('should create instances with Object prototype', () => {7 // Arrange8 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = [];9 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');10 const values: any[] = [];11 // Act12 const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);13 const obj = mapper(values);14 // Assert15 expect(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)).toBe(Object.prototype);16 });17 it('should replace magic values by no key', () => {18 // Arrange19 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];20 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');21 const values: any[] = [undefined, magicNoValue, null, 0];22 // Act23 const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);24 const obj = mapper(values);25 // Assert26 expect(obj).toHaveProperty('a');27 expect(obj).not.toHaveProperty('b');28 expect(obj).toHaveProperty('c');29 expect(obj).toHaveProperty('d');30 expect(obj).toEqual({ a: undefined, c: null, d: 0 });31 });32 it('should be able to produce instances with "__proto__" as key', () => {33 // Arrange34 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = ['__proto__'];35 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');36 const values: any[] = [0];37 // Act38 const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);39 const obj = mapper(values);40 // Assert41 expect(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)).toBe(Object.prototype);42 expect(obj).toHaveProperty('__proto__');43 expect(obj.__proto__).toBe(0);44 expect(obj).toEqual({ ['__proto__']: 0 });45 });46});47describe('buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper', () => {48 it('should properly unmap basic instances of Object without keys', () => {49 // Arrange50 const obj = {};51 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = [];52 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');53 // Act54 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);55 const values = unmapper(obj);56 // Assert57 expect(values).toEqual([]);58 });59 it('should properly unmap basic instances of Object with multiple keys and no missing', () => {60 // Arrange61 const obj = { a: 'e', 1: 'hello', b: undefined };62 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = ['b', '1', 'a'];63 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');64 // Act65 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);66 const values = unmapper(obj);67 // Assert68 expect(values).toEqual([undefined, 'hello', 'e']);69 });70 it('should properly unmap instances of Object with known symbols as keys', () => {71 // Arrange72 const s1 = Symbol('s1');73 const s2 = Symbol('s2');74 const obj = { a: 'e', [s2]: 'hello', [s1]: undefined };75 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = [s2, s1, 'a'];76 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');77 // Act78 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);79 const values = unmapper(obj);80 // Assert81 expect(values).toEqual(['hello', undefined, 'e']);82 });83 it('should properly unmap instances of Object with missing keys', () => {84 // Arrange85 const s1 = Symbol('s1');86 const s2 = Symbol('s2');87 const s3 = Symbol('s2');88 const obj = { a: 'e', [s2]: 'hello', [s1]: undefined };89 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = [s2, 'b', s1, 'a', 'd', s3];90 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');91 // Act92 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);93 const values = unmapper(obj);94 // Assert95 expect(values).toEqual(['hello', magicNoValue, undefined, 'e', magicNoValue, magicNoValue]);96 });97 it('should properly unmap instances of Object with "__proto__" as key when there', () => {98 // Arrange99 const obj = { ['__proto__']: 'e' };100 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = ['toString', '__proto__', 'a'];101 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');102 // Act103 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);104 const values = unmapper(obj);105 // Assert106 expect(values).toEqual([magicNoValue, 'e', magicNoValue]);107 });108 it('should properly unmap instances of Object with "__proto__" as key when not there', () => {109 // Arrange110 const obj = {};111 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = ['toString', '__proto__', 'a'];112 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');113 // Act114 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);115 const values = unmapper(obj);116 // Assert117 expect(values).toEqual([magicNoValue, magicNoValue, magicNoValue]);118 });119 it.each`120 value | condition121 ${Object.create(null)} | ${'it has no prototype'}122 ${new (class A {})()} | ${'it is not just a simple object but a more complex type'}123 ${[]} | ${'it is an Array'}124 ${new Number(0)} | ${'it is a boxed-Number'}125 ${0} | ${'it is a number'}126 ${null} | ${'it is null'}127 ${undefined} | ${'it is undefined'}128 ${{ [Symbol('unknown')]: 5 }} | ${'it contains an unknown symbol property'}129 ${{ [Symbol('unknown')]: 5, a: 6, [Symbol.for('a')]: 7 }} | ${'it contains an unknown symbol property (even if others are there)'}130 ${{ unknown: 5 }} | ${'it contains an unknown named property'}131 ${{ unknown: 5, a: 6, [Symbol.for('a')]: 7 }} | ${'it contains an unknown named property (even if others are there)'}132 ${Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 5, configurable: false })} | ${'it contains a non-configurable property'}133 ${Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 5, enumerable: false })} | ${'it contains a non-enumerable property'}134 ${Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { value: 5, writable: false })} | ${'it contains a non-writable property'}135 ${Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: () => 5 })} | ${'it contains a get property'}136 ${Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { set: () => {} })} | ${'it contains a set property'}137 `('should reject unmap on instance when $condition', ({ value }) => {138 // Arrange139 const keys: (string | symbol)[] = ['a', Symbol.for('a')];140 const magicNoValue = Symbol('no-value');141 const unmapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<any, typeof magicNoValue>(keys, magicNoValue);142 // Act / Assert143 expect(() => unmapper(value)).toThrowError();144 });...

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Source:PartialRecordArbitraryBuilder.spec.ts Github


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1import { fakeArbitrary } from '../../__test-helpers__/ArbitraryHelpers';2import { buildPartialRecordArbitrary } from '../../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/builders/PartialRecordArbitraryBuilder';3import * as OptionMock from '../../../../../src/arbitrary/option';4import * as TupleMock from '../../../../../src/arbitrary/tuple';5import * as ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock from '../../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/mappers/ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObject';6function beforeEachHook() {7 jest.resetModules();8 jest.restoreAllMocks();9}10beforeEach(beforeEachHook);11describe('buildPartialRecordArbitrary', () => {12 it('should never wrap arbitraries linked to required keys and forward all keys to mappers', () => {13 // Arrange14 const { instance: mappedInstance } = fakeArbitrary<any>();15 const { instance: tupleInstance, map } = fakeArbitrary<any[]>();16 const option = jest.spyOn(OptionMock, 'option');17 const tuple = jest.spyOn(TupleMock, 'tuple');18 tuple.mockReturnValue(tupleInstance);19 map.mockReturnValue(mappedInstance);20 const mapper = jest.fn();21 const buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper = jest.spyOn(22 ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock,23 'buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper'24 );25 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper.mockReturnValue(mapper);26 const unmapper = jest.fn();27 const buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper = jest.spyOn(28 ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock,29 'buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper'30 );31 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper.mockReturnValue(unmapper);32 const arbKey1 = fakeArbitrary();33 const arbKey2 = fakeArbitrary();34 const recordModel = {35 a: arbKey1,36 b: arbKey2,37 };38 const requiredKeys: (keyof typeof recordModel)[] = ['a', 'b'];39 const allKeys: (keyof typeof recordModel)[] = ['a', 'b'];40 // Act41 const arb = buildPartialRecordArbitrary(recordModel, requiredKeys);42 // Assert43 expect(arb).toBe(mappedInstance);44 expect(option).not.toHaveBeenCalled();45 expect(tuple).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);46 expect(tuple).toHaveBeenCalledWith(recordModel.a, recordModel.b);47 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);48 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper).toHaveBeenCalledWith(allKeys, expect.any(Symbol));49 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);50 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper).toHaveBeenCalledWith(allKeys, expect.any(Symbol));51 expect(map).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);52 expect(map).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mapper, unmapper);53 });54 it('should wrap arbitraries not linked to required keys into option and forward all keys to mappers', () => {55 // Arrange56 const { instance: mappedInstance } = fakeArbitrary<any>();57 const { instance: tupleInstance, map } = fakeArbitrary<any[]>();58 const { instance: optionInstance1 } = fakeArbitrary();59 const { instance: optionInstance2 } = fakeArbitrary();60 const option = jest.spyOn(OptionMock, 'option');61 const tuple = jest.spyOn(TupleMock, 'tuple');62 const optionInstance1Old = optionInstance1;63 const optionInstance2Old = optionInstance2;64 option.mockReturnValueOnce(optionInstance1Old).mockReturnValueOnce(optionInstance2Old);65 tuple.mockReturnValue(tupleInstance);66 map.mockReturnValue(mappedInstance);67 const mapper = jest.fn();68 const buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper = jest.spyOn(69 ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock,70 'buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper'71 );72 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper.mockReturnValue(mapper);73 const unmapper = jest.fn();74 const buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper = jest.spyOn(75 ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock,76 'buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper'77 );78 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper.mockReturnValue(unmapper);79 const arbKey1 = fakeArbitrary();80 const arbKey2 = fakeArbitrary();81 const arbKey3 = fakeArbitrary();82 const recordModel = {83 a: arbKey1,84 b: arbKey2,85 c: arbKey3,86 };87 const requiredKeys: (keyof typeof recordModel)[] = ['b'];88 const allKeys: (keyof typeof recordModel)[] = ['a', 'b', 'c'];89 // Act90 const arb = buildPartialRecordArbitrary(recordModel, requiredKeys);91 // Assert92 expect(arb).toBe(mappedInstance);93 expect(option).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);94 expect(option).toHaveBeenCalledWith(recordModel.a, { nil: expect.any(Symbol) });95 expect(option).toHaveBeenCalledWith(recordModel.c, { nil: expect.any(Symbol) });96 expect(tuple).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);97 expect(tuple).toHaveBeenCalledWith(optionInstance1Old, recordModel.b, optionInstance2Old);98 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);99 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper).toHaveBeenCalledWith(allKeys, expect.any(Symbol));100 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);101 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper).toHaveBeenCalledWith(allKeys, expect.any(Symbol));102 expect(map).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);103 expect(map).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mapper, unmapper);104 });105 it('should not wrap any arbitrary when required keys is not specified (all required) and forward all keys to mappers', () => {106 // Arrange107 const { instance: mappedInstance } = fakeArbitrary<any>();108 const { instance: tupleInstance, map } = fakeArbitrary<any[]>();109 const option = jest.spyOn(OptionMock, 'option');110 const tuple = jest.spyOn(TupleMock, 'tuple');111 tuple.mockReturnValue(tupleInstance);112 map.mockReturnValue(mappedInstance);113 const mapper = jest.fn();114 const buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper = jest.spyOn(115 ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock,116 'buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper'117 );118 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper.mockReturnValue(mapper);119 const unmapper = jest.fn();120 const buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper = jest.spyOn(121 ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMock,122 'buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper'123 );124 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper.mockReturnValue(unmapper);125 const arbKey1 = fakeArbitrary();126 const arbKey2 = fakeArbitrary();127 const recordModel = {128 a: arbKey1,129 b: arbKey2,130 };131 const requiredKeys = undefined;132 const allKeys: (keyof typeof recordModel)[] = ['a', 'b'];133 // Act134 const arb = buildPartialRecordArbitrary(recordModel, requiredKeys);135 // Assert136 expect(arb).toBe(mappedInstance);137 expect(option).not.toHaveBeenCalled();138 expect(tuple).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);139 expect(tuple).toHaveBeenCalledWith(recordModel.a, recordModel.b);140 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);141 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper).toHaveBeenCalledWith(allKeys, expect.any(Symbol));142 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);143 expect(buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper).toHaveBeenCalledWith(allKeys, expect.any(Symbol));144 expect(map).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);145 expect(map).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mapper, unmapper);146 });...

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Source:PartialRecordArbitraryBuilder.ts Github


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1import { Arbitrary } from '../../../check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary';2import { safeIndexOf, safePush } from '../../../utils/globals';3import { option } from '../../option';4import { tuple } from '../../tuple';5import { EnumerableKeyOf, extractEnumerableKeys } from '../helpers/EnumerableKeysExtractor';6import {7 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper,8 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper,9} from '../mappers/ValuesAndSeparateKeysToObject';10const noKeyValue: unique symbol = Symbol('no-key');11type NoKeyType = typeof noKeyValue;12/** @internal */13export function buildPartialRecordArbitrary<T, TKeys extends EnumerableKeyOf<T>>(14 recordModel: { [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]> },15 requiredKeys: TKeys[] | undefined16): Arbitrary<Partial<T> & Pick<T, TKeys>> {17 const keys = extractEnumerableKeys(recordModel);18 const arbs: Arbitrary<T[keyof T] | NoKeyType>[] = [];19 for (let index = 0; index !== keys.length; ++index) {20 const k: EnumerableKeyOf<T> = keys[index];21 const requiredArbitrary = recordModel[k];22 if (requiredKeys === undefined || safeIndexOf(requiredKeys, k as TKeys) !== -1) {23 safePush(arbs, requiredArbitrary);24 } else {25 safePush(arbs, option(requiredArbitrary, { nil: noKeyValue as NoKeyType }));26 }27 }28 return tuple(...arbs).map(29 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper<T, NoKeyType>(keys, noKeyValue),30 buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectUnmapper<T, NoKeyType>(keys, noKeyValue)31 );...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check');2const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);3const result = mapper([1, 2, 3]);4console.log(result);5const { buildValuesAndKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check');6const mapper = buildValuesAndKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);7const result = mapper([1, 2, 3]);8console.log(result);9const { buildValuesToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check');10const mapper = buildValuesToObjectMapper();11const result = mapper([1, 2, 3]);12console.log(result);13const { buildStringToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check');14const mapper = buildStringToObjectMapper();15const result = mapper('abc');16console.log(result);17const { buildStringToValuesMapper } = require('fast-check');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check');2const { buildObject } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/ObjectArbitrary');3const { buildString } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/StringArbitrary');4const buildCustomObject = buildObject({withSet: true});5const buildCustomString = buildString({minLength: 5, maxLength: 10});6const buildCustomObjectWithCustomString = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(buildCustomString, buildCustomObject);7const customObject = buildCustomObjectWithCustomString();8console.log(customObject);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);3const obj = mapper([1, 2, 3]);4const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);6const obj = mapper([1, 2, 3]);7const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);9const obj = mapper([1, 2, 3]);10const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);12const obj = mapper([1, 2, 3]);13const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b', 'c']);15const obj = mapper([1, 2, 3]);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require( 'fast-check' );2const { Mapper } = require( 'fast-check/lib/types/mapper/Mapper' );3const { Arbitrary } = require( 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary' );4const { ArbitraryWithShrink } = require( 'fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ArbitraryWithShrink' );5const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper( { a: 'b' } );6const arb = new ArbitraryWithShrink( new Arbitrary( () => 1 ) );7const mapped = mapper( arb );8console.log( mapped );

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check');2const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper(['a', 'b']);3const values = ['a', 'b'];4const values = ['a'];5const values = ['a', 'b', 'c'];6const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];7const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];8const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'];9const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'];10const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'];11const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i'];12const values = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'];

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const mapper = buildValuesAndSeparateKeysToObjectMapper({3 key1: fc.integer(),4 key2: fc.string(),5 key3: fc.boolean(),6});7fc.assert(8, (obj) => {9 })10);11const { buildValuesAndCombinedKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');12const mapper = buildValuesAndCombinedKeysToObjectMapper({13 key1: fc.integer(),14 key2: fc.string(),15 key3: fc.boolean(),16});17fc.assert(18, (obj) => {19 })20);21const { buildValuesAndCombinedKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');22const mapper = buildValuesAndCombinedKeysToObjectMapper({23 key1: fc.integer(),24 key2: fc.string(),25 key3: fc.boolean(),26});27fc.assert(28, (obj) => {29 })30);31const { buildValuesAndCombinedKeysToObjectMapper } = require('fast-check-monorepo');32const mapper = buildValuesAndCombinedKeysToObjectMapper({33 key1: fc.integer(),34 key2: fc.string(),35 key3: fc.boolean(),36});37fc.assert(38, (obj

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