How to use cloned method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


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1'use strict'2const { test } = require('tap')3const rfdc = require('..')4const cloneDefault = require('../​default')5const clone = rfdc()6const cloneProto = rfdc({ proto: true })7const cloneCircles = rfdc({ circles: true })8const cloneCirclesProto = rfdc({ circles: true, proto: true })9const rnd = (max) => Math.round(Math.random() * max)10types(clone, 'default')11types(cloneProto, 'proto option')12types(cloneCircles, 'circles option')13types(cloneCirclesProto, 'circles and proto option')14test('default – does not copy proto properties', async ({ is }) => {15 is(clone(Object.create({ a: 1 })).a, undefined, 'value not copied')16})17test('default – shorthand import', async ({ same }) => {18 same(19 clone(Object.create({ a: 1 })),20 cloneDefault(Object.create({ a: 1 })),21 'import equals clone with default options'22 )23})24test('proto option – copies enumerable proto properties', async ({ is }) => {25 is(cloneProto(Object.create({ a: 1 })).a, 1, 'value copied')26})27test('circles option - circular object', async ({ same, is, isNot }) => {28 const o = { nest: { a: 1, b: 2 } }29 o.circular = o30 same(cloneCircles(o), o, 'same values')31 isNot(cloneCircles(o), o, 'different objects')32 isNot(cloneCircles(o).nest, o.nest, 'different nested objects')33 const c = cloneCircles(o)34 is(c.circular, c, 'circular references point to copied parent')35 isNot(c.circular, o, 'circular references do not point to original parent')36})37test('circles option – deep circular object', async ({ same, is, isNot }) => {38 const o = { nest: { a: 1, b: 2 } }39 o.nest.circular = o40 same(cloneCircles(o), o, 'same values')41 isNot(cloneCircles(o), o, 'different objects')42 isNot(cloneCircles(o).nest, o.nest, 'different nested objects')43 const c = cloneCircles(o)44 is(c.nest.circular, c, 'circular references point to copied parent')45 isNot(46 c.nest.circular,47 o,48 'circular references do not point to original parent'49 )50})51test('circles option alone – does not copy proto properties', async ({52 is53}) => {54 is(cloneCircles(Object.create({ a: 1 })).a, undefined, 'value not copied')55})56test('circles and proto option – copies enumerable proto properties', async ({57 is58}) => {59 is(cloneCirclesProto(Object.create({ a: 1 })).a, 1, 'value copied')60})61test('circles and proto option - circular object', async ({62 same,63 is,64 isNot65}) => {66 const o = { nest: { a: 1, b: 2 } }67 o.circular = o68 same(cloneCirclesProto(o), o, 'same values')69 isNot(cloneCirclesProto(o), o, 'different objects')70 isNot(cloneCirclesProto(o).nest, o.nest, 'different nested objects')71 const c = cloneCirclesProto(o)72 is(c.circular, c, 'circular references point to copied parent')73 isNot(c.circular, o, 'circular references do not point to original parent')74})75test('circles and proto option – deep circular object', async ({76 same,77 is,78 isNot79}) => {80 const o = { nest: { a: 1, b: 2 } }81 o.nest.circular = o82 same(cloneCirclesProto(o), o, 'same values')83 isNot(cloneCirclesProto(o), o, 'different objects')84 isNot(cloneCirclesProto(o).nest, o.nest, 'different nested objects')85 const c = cloneCirclesProto(o)86 is(c.nest.circular, c, 'circular references point to copied parent')87 isNot(88 c.nest.circular,89 o,90 'circular references do not point to original parent'91 )92})93test('circles and proto option – deep circular array', async ({94 same,95 is,96 isNot97}) => {98 const o = { nest: [1, 2] }99 o.nest.push(o)100 same(cloneCirclesProto(o), o, 'same values')101 isNot(cloneCirclesProto(o), o, 'different objects')102 isNot(cloneCirclesProto(o).nest, o.nest, 'different nested objects')103 const c = cloneCirclesProto(o)104 is(c.nest[2], c, 'circular references point to copied parent')105 isNot(c.nest[2], o, 'circular references do not point to original parent')106})107function types (clone, label) {108 test(label + ' – number', async ({ is }) => {109 is(clone(42), 42, 'same value')110 })111 test(label + ' – string', async ({ is }) => {112 is(clone('str'), 'str', 'same value')113 })114 test(label + ' – boolean', async ({ is }) => {115 is(clone(true), true, 'same value')116 })117 test(label + ' – function', async ({ is }) => {118 const fn = () => {}119 is(clone(fn), fn, 'same function')120 })121 test(label + ' – async function', async ({ is }) => {122 const fn = async () => {}123 is(clone(fn), fn, 'same function')124 })125 test(label + ' – generator function', async ({ is }) => {126 const fn = function * () {}127 is(clone(fn), fn, 'same function')128 })129 test(label + ' – date', async ({ is, isNot }) => {130 const date = new Date()131 is(+clone(date), +date, 'same value')132 isNot(clone(date), date, 'different object')133 })134 test(label + ' – null', async ({ is }) => {135 is(clone(null), null, 'same value')136 })137 test(label + ' – shallow object', async ({ same, isNot }) => {138 const o = { a: 1, b: 2 }139 same(clone(o), o, 'same values')140 isNot(clone(o), o, 'different object')141 })142 test(label + ' – shallow array', async ({ same, isNot }) => {143 const o = [1, 2]144 same(clone(o), o, 'same values')145 isNot(clone(o), o, 'different arrays')146 })147 test(label + ' – deep object', async ({ same, isNot }) => {148 const o = { nest: { a: 1, b: 2 } }149 same(clone(o), o, 'same values')150 isNot(clone(o), o, 'different objects')151 isNot(clone(o).nest, o.nest, 'different nested objects')152 })153 test(label + ' – deep array', async ({ same, isNot }) => {154 const o = [{ a: 1, b: 2 }, [3]]155 same(clone(o), o, 'same values')156 isNot(clone(o), o, 'different arrays')157 isNot(clone(o)[0], o[0], 'different array elements')158 isNot(clone(o)[1], o[1], 'different array elements')159 })160 test(label + ' – nested number', async ({ is }) => {161 is(clone({ a: 1 }).a, 1, 'same value')162 })163 test(label + ' – nested string', async ({ is }) => {164 is(clone({ s: 'str' }).s, 'str', 'same value')165 })166 test(label + ' – nested boolean', async ({ is }) => {167 is(clone({ b: true }).b, true, 'same value')168 })169 test(label + ' – nested function', async ({ is }) => {170 const fn = () => {}171 is(clone({ fn }).fn, fn, 'same function')172 })173 test(label + ' – nested async function', async ({ is }) => {174 const fn = async () => {}175 is(clone({ fn }).fn, fn, 'same function')176 })177 test(label + ' – nested generator function', async ({ is }) => {178 const fn = function * () {}179 is(clone({ fn }).fn, fn, 'same function')180 })181 test(label + ' – nested date', async ({ is, isNot }) => {182 const date = new Date()183 is(+clone({ d: date }).d, +date, 'same value')184 isNot(clone({ d: date }).d, date, 'different object')185 })186 test(label + ' – nested date in array', async ({ is, isNot }) => {187 const date = new Date()188 is(+clone({ d: [date] }).d[0], +date, 'same value')189 isNot(clone({ d: [date] }).d[0], date, 'different object')190 is(+cloneCircles({ d: [date] }).d[0], +date, 'same value')191 isNot(cloneCircles({ d: [date] }).d, date, 'different object')192 })193 test(label + ' – nested null', async ({ is }) => {194 is(clone({ n: null }).n, null, 'same value')195 })196 test(label + ' – arguments', async ({ isNot, same }) => {197 function fn (...args) {198 same(clone(arguments), args, 'same values')199 isNot(clone(arguments), arguments, 'different object')200 }201 fn(1, 2, 3)202 })203 test(`${label} copies buffers from object correctly`, async ({ ok, is, isNot }) => {204 const input = const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input)206 const clonedBuffer = clone({ a: inputBuffer }).a207 ok(Buffer.isBuffer(clonedBuffer), 'cloned value is buffer')208 isNot(clonedBuffer, inputBuffer, 'cloned buffer is not same as input buffer')209 is(clonedBuffer.toString(), input, 'cloned buffer content is correct')210 })211 test(`${label} copies buffers from arrays correctly`, async ({ ok, is, isNot }) => {212 const input = const inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input)214 const [clonedBuffer] = clone([inputBuffer])215 ok(Buffer.isBuffer(clonedBuffer), 'cloned value is buffer')216 isNot(clonedBuffer, inputBuffer, 'cloned buffer is not same as input buffer')217 is(clonedBuffer.toString(), input, 'cloned buffer content is correct')218 })219 test(`${label} copies TypedArrays from object correctly`, async ({ ok, is, isNot }) => {220 const [input1, input2] = [rnd(10), rnd(10)]221 var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8)222 const int32View = new Int32Array(buffer)223 int32View[0] = input1224 int32View[1] = input2225 const cloned = clone({ a: int32View }).a226 ok(cloned instanceof Int32Array, 'cloned value is instance of class')227 isNot(cloned, int32View, 'cloned value is not same as input value')228 is(cloned[0], input1, 'cloned value content is correct')229 is(cloned[1], input2, 'cloned value content is correct')230 })231 test(`${label} copies TypedArrays from array correctly`, async ({ ok, is, isNot }) => {232 const [input1, input2] = [rnd(10), rnd(10)]233 var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16)234 const int32View = new Int32Array(buffer)235 int32View[0] = input1236 int32View[1] = input2237 const [cloned] = clone([int32View])238 ok(cloned instanceof Int32Array, 'cloned value is instance of class')239 isNot(cloned, int32View, 'cloned value is not same as input value')240 is(cloned[0], input1, 'cloned value content is correct')241 is(cloned[1], input2, 'cloned value content is correct')242 })243 test(`${label} copies complex TypedArrays`, async ({ ok, deepEqual, is, isNot }) => {244 const [input1, input2, input3] = [rnd(10), rnd(10), rnd(10)]245 var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4)246 const view1 = new Int8Array(buffer, 0, 2)247 const view2 = new Int8Array(buffer, 2, 2)248 const view3 = new Int8Array(buffer)249 view1[0] = input1250 view2[0] = input2251 view3[3] = input3252 const cloned = clone({ view1, view2, view3 })253 ok(cloned.view1 instanceof Int8Array, 'cloned value is instance of class')254 ok(cloned.view2 instanceof Int8Array, 'cloned value is instance of class')255 ok(cloned.view3 instanceof Int8Array, 'cloned value is instance of class')256 isNot(cloned.view1, view1, 'cloned value is not same as input value')257 isNot(cloned.view2, view2, 'cloned value is not same as input value')258 isNot(cloned.view3, view3, 'cloned value is not same as input value')259 deepEqual(Array.from(cloned.view1), [input1, 0], 'cloned value content is correct')260 deepEqual(Array.from(cloned.view2), [input2, input3], 'cloned value content is correct')261 deepEqual(Array.from(cloned.view3), [input1, 0, input2, input3], 'cloned value content is correct')262 })263 test(`${label} - maps`, async ({ same, isNot }) => {264 const map = new Map([['a', 1]])265 same(Array.from(clone(map)), [['a', 1]], 'same value')266 isNot(clone(map), map, 'different object')267 })268 test(`${label} - sets`, async ({ same, isNot }) => {269 const set = new Set([1])270 same(Array.from(clone(set)), [1])271 isNot(clone(set), set, 'different object')272 })273 test(`${label} - nested maps`, async ({ same, isNot }) => {274 const data = { m: new Map([['a', 1]]) }275 same(Array.from(clone(data).m), [['a', 1]], 'same value')276 isNot(clone(data).m, data.m, 'different object')277 })278 test(`${label} - nested sets`, async ({ same, isNot }) => {279 const data = { s: new Set([1]) }280 same(Array.from(clone(data).s), [1], 'same value')281 isNot(clone(data).s, data.s, 'different object')282 })...

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Source:helpers.js Github


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1/​/​ const prettier = require("prettier")2const fs = require("fs")3/​/​ const PRETTIER_CONFIG = {4/​/​ tabWidth: 2,5/​/​ trailingComma: "none"6/​/​ }7/​/​ function formatCodeWithPrettier(data) {8/​/​ const config = { ...PRETTIER_CONFIG }9/​/​ return prettier.format(data, config)10/​/​ }11function GenerateActionCreators({ actions, service_name, root_path }) {12 const TEMPLATE_PATH = "./​service_template/​actions/​actionCreators.dart"13 fs.readFile(TEMPLATE_PATH, "utf8", (err, data) => {14 if (err) throw err15 let code = "",16 clonedData = data17 actions.forEach((action) => {18 clonedData = clonedData.replace(/​ACTION_CREATOR_REQ/​g, action + "Req")19 clonedData = clonedData.replace(20 /​ACTION_CREATOR_SUCCESS/​g,21 action + "Success"22 )23 clonedData = clonedData.replace(24 /​ACTION_CREATOR_FAILURE/​g,25 action + "Failure"26 )27 code = code + clonedData + "\n\n"28 clonedData = data29 })30 const formattedCode = code31 fs.writeFile(32 `${root_path}/​${service_name}/​actions/​actionCreators.dart`,33 `${formattedCode}`,34 function (err) {35 if (err) throw err36 console.log("Action creators created successfully.")37 }38 )39 })40}41function GenerateModel({ actions, service_name, root_path }) {42 const initialState = actions.reduce((init, action) => {43 return {44 ...init,45 [action]: {46 isLoading: true,47 data: [],48 error: ""49 }50 }51 }, {})52 const formattedCode = `53 class ${service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)} {54 Map<String, dynamic> initialState;55 56 ${service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)}.initialState()57 : initialState = ${JSON.stringify(initialState)};58 ${59 service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)60 }({this.initialState});61 ${service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)}.from${62 service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)63 }(${service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)} another) {64 initialState = another.initialState;65 }66 }`67 fs.writeFile(68 `${root_path}/​${service_name}/​model/​${service_name.toLowerCase()}_state.dart`,69 `${formattedCode}`,70 function (err) {71 if (err) throw err72 console.log("Reducer created successfully.")73 }74 )75}76function GenerateReducers({ actions, service_name, root_path }) {77 const TEMPLATE_PATH = "./​service_template/​reducers/​index.txt"78 fs.readFile(TEMPLATE_PATH, "utf8", (err, data) => {79 if (err) throw err80 const initialState = actions.reduce((init, action) => {81 return {82 ...init,83 [action]: {84 isLoading: true,85 data: [],86 error: ""87 }88 }89 }, {})90 const service_name_state =91 service_name[0].toUpperCase() + service_name.slice(1)92 let code = `import '../​actions/​actionCreators.dart';\nimport '../​model/​${service_name.toLowerCase()}_state.dart';\n\n93 ${service_name_state} appReducer(${service_name_state} prevState, dynamic action){94 ${service_name_state} newState = ${service_name_state}.from${service_name_state}(prevState);\n95 `,96 clonedData = data97 actions.forEach((action) => {98 clonedData = clonedData.replace(/​ACTION_TYPE_REQ/​g, action + "Req")99 clonedData = clonedData.replace(100 /​ACTION_TYPE_SUCCESS/​g,101 action + "Success"102 )103 clonedData = clonedData.replace(104 /​ACTION_TYPE_FAILURE/​g,105 action + "Failure"106 )107 clonedData = clonedData.replace(/​ACTION_TYPE/​g, action)108 code = code + clonedData + "\n\n" + "\n else "109 clonedData = data110 })111 code =112 code +113 `\n114 return newState; 115 \nreturn newState; 116 }117 `118 const formattedCode = code119 fs.writeFile(120 `${root_path}/​${service_name}/​reducers/​${service_name.toLowerCase()}_reducer.dart`,121 `${formattedCode}`,122 function (err) {123 if (err) throw err124 console.log("Reducer created successfully.")125 }126 )127 })128}129function GenerateMiddleware({ actions, service_name, root_path }) {130 const TEMPLATE_PATH = "./​service_template/​middleware/​index.txt"131 fs.readFile(TEMPLATE_PATH, "utf8", (err, data) => {132 if (err) throw err133 const actionCreators = actions.reduce((init, action) => {134 return [...init, action + "Req", action + "Success", action + "Failure"]135 }, [])136 let code = `137 import 'dart:convert';138 import '../​actions/​actionCreators.dart';139 import '../​../​store/​app_state.dart';140 import 'package:redux_thunk/​redux_thunk.dart';141 import 'package:redux/​redux.dart';142 import 'package:http/​http.dart' as http;143 \n144 `,145 clonedData = data146 actions.forEach((action) => {147 clonedData = clonedData.replace(148 /​ACTION_TYPE/​g,149 action[0].toLowerCase() + action.slice(1)150 )151 clonedData = clonedData.replace(/​ACTION_CREATOR_REQ/​g, action + "Req")152 clonedData = clonedData.replace(153 /​ACTION_CREATOR_SUCCESS/​g,154 action + "Success"155 )156 clonedData = clonedData.replace(157 /​ACTION_CREATOR_FAILURE/​g,158 action + "Failure"159 )160 clonedData = clonedData.replace(/​ACTION_TYPE/​g, action.toLowerCase())161 code = code + clonedData + "\n\n"162 clonedData = data163 })164 const formattedCode = code165 fs.writeFile(166 `${root_path}/​${service_name}/​middleware/​${service_name.toLowerCase()}_middleware.dart`,167 `${formattedCode}`,168 function (err) {169 if (err) throw err170 console.log("Middleware created successfully.")171 }172 )173 })174}175function GenerateWidgets({ widgets, service_name, root_path }) {176 const TEMPLATE_PATH = "./​service_template/​widget.txt"177 fs.readFile(TEMPLATE_PATH, "utf8", (err, data) => {178 if (err) throw err179 widgets.forEach((widget) => {180 let code = `181 import 'package:flutter/​material.dart';182import 'package:flutter_redux/​flutter_redux.dart';183import '../​middleware/​${service_name.toLowerCase()}_middleware.dart';184import '../​model/​${service_name.toLowerCase()}_state.dart';185 `,186 clonedData = data187 clonedData = clonedData.replace(188 /​WIDGET_NAME/​g,189 widget[0].toUpperCase() + widget.slice(1)190 )191 code = code + clonedData + "\n\n"192 clonedData = data193 const formattedCode = code194 fs.writeFile(195 `${root_path}/​${service_name}/​widgets/​${196 widget[0].toUpperCase() + widget.slice(1)197 }.dart`,198 `${formattedCode}`,199 function (err) {200 if (err) throw err201 console.log(`${widget} widget created successfully.`)202 }203 )204 })205 })206}207module.exports = {208 GenerateActionCreators,209 GenerateModel,210 GenerateReducers,211 GenerateMiddleware,212 GenerateWidgets...

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Source:listReducer.ts Github


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1import {2 ListsAction,3 ListState,4 Lists,5 ADD_LIST,6 GET_LISTS,7 GET_LIST_BY_ID,8 SET_LISTID_TO_DELETE,9 SET_LIST_TO_EDIT,10 DELETE_LIST,11 UPDATE_LIST,12 SET_SELECTED_LIST,13 ADD_TASK,14 SET_TASK_TO_DELETE,15 UNSET_TASK_TO_DELETE,16 DELETE_TASK,17 SET_TASK_TO_EDIT,18 UNSET_TASK_TO_EDIT,19 UPDATE_TASK,20} from "../​types";21const initialState: ListState = {22 lists: {},23 listIdToDelete: "",24 listToEdit: null,25 listById: null,26 selectedList: null,27 taskToDelete: null,28 taskToEdit: null,29};30/​/​Helpers function31const getListsFromLS = () => {32 if (localStorage.getItem("task_list")) {33 return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("task_list") || "{}");34 }35 return {};36};37const saveListsToLS = (lists: Lists) => {38 localStorage.setItem("task_list", JSON.stringify(lists));39};40export default (state = initialState, action: ListsAction): ListState => {41 const listsFromLS = getListsFromLS();42 switch (action.type) {43 case ADD_LIST:44 const clonedListsFromLS = { ...listsFromLS };45 clonedListsFromLS[] = action.payload;46 saveListsToLS(clonedListsFromLS);47 return {48 ...state,49 lists: clonedListsFromLS,50 };51 case GET_LISTS:52 return {53 ...state,54 lists: listsFromLS,55 };56 case GET_LIST_BY_ID:57 const list = listsFromLS[action.payload];58 return {59 ...state,60 listById: list,61 };62 case SET_LISTID_TO_DELETE:63 return {64 ...state,65 listIdToDelete: action.payload,66 };67 case SET_LIST_TO_EDIT:68 const listToEdit = listsFromLS[action.payload];69 return {70 ...state,71 listToEdit,72 };73 case DELETE_LIST:74 const clonedListsFromLS2 = { ...listsFromLS };75 const listId = clonedListsFromLS2[action.payload].id;76 delete clonedListsFromLS2[action.payload];77 saveListsToLS(clonedListsFromLS2);78 return {79 ...state,80 lists: clonedListsFromLS2,81 listIdToDelete: "",82 listById: null,83 selectedList:84 state.selectedList && listId === state.selectedList.id85 ? null86 : state.selectedList,87 };88 case UPDATE_LIST:89 const clonedListsFromLS3 = { ...listsFromLS };90 clonedListsFromLS3[].name =;91 saveListsToLS(clonedListsFromLS3);92 return {93 ...state,94 lists: clonedListsFromLS3,95 listToEdit: null,96 };97 98 case SET_SELECTED_LIST:99 const selectedList = getListsFromLS()[action.payload];100 return {101 ...state,102 selectedList: selectedList,103 };104 case ADD_TASK:105 const clonedListsFromLS4 = { ...listsFromLS };106 clonedListsFromLS4[].tasks.push(107 action.payload.task108 );109 saveListsToLS(clonedListsFromLS4);110 return {111 ...state,112 lists: clonedListsFromLS4,113 selectedList: clonedListsFromLS4[],114 };115 case SET_TASK_TO_DELETE:116 return {117 ...state,118 taskToDelete: {119 task: action.payload.task,120 list: action.payload.list,121 },122 };123 case UNSET_TASK_TO_DELETE:124 return {125 ...state,126 taskToDelete: null,127 };128 case DELETE_TASK:129 const clonedListsFromLS5 = { ...listsFromLS };130 const clonedTasks = [131 ...clonedListsFromLS5[state.taskToDelete!].tasks,132 ];133 const task = clonedTasks.find(134 (task) => === state.taskToDelete!.task.id135 );136 clonedTasks.splice(clonedTasks.indexOf(task!), 1);137 clonedListsFromLS5[state.taskToDelete!].tasks = clonedTasks;138 saveListsToLS(clonedListsFromLS5);139 return {140 ...state,141 lists: clonedListsFromLS5,142 selectedList: clonedListsFromLS5[state.taskToDelete!],143 taskToDelete: null,144 };145 case SET_TASK_TO_EDIT:146 return {147 ...state,148 taskToEdit: {149 task: action.payload.task,150 list: action.payload.list,151 },152 };153 case UNSET_TASK_TO_EDIT:154 return {155 ...state,156 taskToEdit: null,157 };158 case UPDATE_TASK:159 const clonedListsFromLS6 = { ...listsFromLS };160 const clonedList = { ...clonedListsFromLS6[] };161 const clonedTasks2 = [...clonedList.tasks];162 const task2 = clonedTasks2.find(163 (task) => === action.payload.taskId164 );165 const clonedTask = { ...task2! };166 = action.payload.taskName;167 clonedTask.completed = action.payload.taskState;168 const updatedTasks = =>169 === ? clonedTask : task170 );171 clonedList.tasks = updatedTasks;172 clonedListsFromLS6[] = clonedList;173 saveListsToLS(clonedListsFromLS6);174 return {175 ...state,176 lists: clonedListsFromLS6,177 selectedList: clonedList,178 taskToEdit: null,179 };180 default:181 return state;182 }...

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneArbitrary');3const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod2 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneMethodArbitrary');4const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod3 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueArbitrary');5const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod4 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneArbitrary');6const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod5 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneMethodArbitrary');7const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod6 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueArbitrary');8const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod7 } = require('fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneArbitrary');9const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod8 } = require('fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneMethodArbitrary');10const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod9 } = require('fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueArbitrary');11const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod10 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneArbitrary');12const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod11 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneMethodArbitrary');13const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod12 } = require('fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueArbitrary');14test('cloneMethod', () => {15 expect(cloneMethod).toBe(cloneMethod2);16 expect(cloneMethod).toBe(cloneMethod3);17 expect(cloneMethod).toBe(cloneMethod4);18 expect(cloneMethod).toBe(cloneMethod5);19 expect(cloneMethod).toBe(cloneMethod6);20 expect(cloneMethod).toBe(cloneMethod7);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneArbitrary');3const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod2 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneMethodArbitrary');4const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod3 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueArbitrary');5const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod4 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextArbitrary');6const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod5 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');7const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod6 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithShrinkArbitrary');8const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod7 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');9const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod8 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');10const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod9 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');11const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod10 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');12const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod11 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');13const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod12 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');14const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod13 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');15const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod14 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');16const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod15 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');17const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod16 } = require('fast-check/​dist/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​CloneValueWithContextualShrinkArbitrary');18const { cloneMethod: cloneMethod17 } = require('fast-check/​dist

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });4const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });6const fc = require('fast-check');7const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });9const fc = require('fast-check');10const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });12const fc = require('fast-check');13const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });15const fc = require('fast-check');16const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');17fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });18const fc = require('fast-check');19const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });21const fc = require('fast-check');22const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');23fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });24const fc = require('fast-check');25const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');26fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });27const fc = require('fast-check');28const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');29fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });30const fc = require('fast-check');31const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');32fc.configureGlobal({ cloneMethod });33const fc = require('fast-check');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {cloneMethod} = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const {fc} = cloneMethod();3fc.assert(4, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b >= a)5);6const {fc} = require('fast-check');7fc.assert(8, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b >= a)9);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const { cloneMethod } = cloneMethod(fc);4fc.assert(5 fc.integer(),7 fc.integer(),8 (a, b) => {9 return a + b === b + a;10 }11);12const fc = require('fast-check');13const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const { cloneMethod } = cloneMethod(fc);15fc.assert(16 fc.integer(),18 fc.integer(),19 (a, b) => {20 return a + b === b + a;21 }22);23const fc = require('fast-check');24const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');25const { cloneMethod } = cloneMethod(fc);26fc.assert(27 fc.integer(),29 fc.integer(),30 (a, b) => {31 return a + b === b + a;32 }33);34const fc = require('fast-check');35const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');36const { cloneMethod } = cloneMethod(fc);37fc.assert(38 fc.integer(),40 fc.integer(),41 (a, b) => {42 return a + b === b + a;43 }44);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { cloneMethod } = require("fast-check");2const { array } = require("fast-check");3const { cloneMethod, array } = require("fast-check");4const { cloneMethod, array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");5const { cloneMethod } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");6const { array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");7const { cloneMethod, array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");8const { cloneMethod } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");9const { array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");10const { cloneMethod, array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");11const { cloneMethod } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");12const { array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");13const { cloneMethod, array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");14const { cloneMethod } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");15const { array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");16const { cloneMethod, array } = require("fast-check-monorepo/​fast-check/​src/​check/​arbitrary/​ArrayArbitrary.ts");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​cloneMethod';2const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();3const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();4import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo';5const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();6const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();7import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​cloneMethod';8const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();9const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();10import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo';11const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();12const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();13import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​cloneMethod';14const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();15const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();16import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo';17const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();18const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();19import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo/​lib/​cloneMethod';20const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();21const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();22import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-monorepo';23const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();24const clonedMethod = cloneMethod();25import { cloneMethod } from 'fast-check-mon

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { cloneMethod } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { property, fc } = require('fast-check');3const clone = cloneMethod();4const isClone = (value) => {5 const cloned = clone(value);6 return cloned === value;7};8property('cloned value is the same as the original', fc.anything(), isClone).check();9const { property, fc } = require('fast-check');10const isClone = (value) => {11 const cloned = clone(value);12 return cloned === value;13};14property('cloned value is the same as the original', fc.anything(), isClone).check();15const { property, fc } = require('fast-check');16const isClone = (value) => {17 const cloned = clone(value);18 return cloned === value;19};20property('cloned value is the same as the original', fc.anything(), isClone).check();

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