Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo
...204 }205 }206 class LifecycleTestComponent extends Component {207 componentWillMount() {}208 componentDidMount() {}209 componentWillUnmount() {}210 render() {211 return <div />;212 }213 }214 class Inner extends LifecycleTestComponent {215 render() {216 return (217 <div>218 <InnerMost />219 </div>220 );221 }222 }223 class InnerMost extends LifecycleTestComponent {224 render() {225 return <div />;226 }227 }228 let spies = [229 'componentWillMount',230 'componentDidMount',231 'componentWillUnmount'232 ];233 let verifyLifecycleMethods = TestComponent => {234 let proto = TestComponent.prototype;235 spies.forEach(s => sinon.spy(proto, s));236 let reset = () => spies.forEach(s => proto[s].resetHistory());237 it('should be invoked for components on initial render', () => {238 reset();239 render(<Outer />, scratch);240 expect(proto.componentDidMount).to.have.been.called;241 expect(proto.componentWillMount).to.have.been.calledBefore(242 proto.componentDidMount243 );244 expect(proto.componentDidMount).to.have.been.called;245 });246 it('should be invoked for components on unmount', () => {247 reset();248 setState({ show: false });249 rerender();250 expect(proto.componentWillUnmount).to.have.been.called;251 });252 it('should be invoked for components on re-render', () => {253 reset();254 setState({ show: true });255 rerender();256 expect(proto.componentDidMount).to.have.been.called;257 expect(proto.componentWillMount).to.have.been.calledBefore(258 proto.componentDidMount259 );260 expect(proto.componentDidMount).to.have.been.called;261 });262 };263 describe('inner components', () => {264 verifyLifecycleMethods(Inner);265 });266 describe('innermost components', () => {267 verifyLifecycleMethods(InnerMost);268 });269 describe('when shouldComponentUpdate() returns false', () => {270 let setState;271 class Outer extends Component {272 constructor() {273 super();274 this.state = { show: true };275 setState = s => this.setState(s);276 }277 render(props, { show }) {278 return (279 <div>280 {show && (281 <div>282 <Inner {...props} />283 </div>284 )}285 </div>286 );287 }288 }289 class Inner extends Component {290 shouldComponentUpdate() {291 return false;292 }293 componentWillMount() {}294 componentDidMount() {}295 componentWillUnmount() {}296 render() {297 return <div />;298 }299 }300 let proto = Inner.prototype;301 let spies = [302 'componentWillMount',303 'componentDidMount',304 'componentWillUnmount'305 ];306 spies.forEach(s => sinon.spy(proto, s));307 let reset = () => spies.forEach(s => proto[s].resetHistory());308 beforeEach(() => reset());309 it('should be invoke normally on initial mount', () => {310 render(<Outer />, scratch);311 expect(proto.componentWillMount).to.have.been.called;312 expect(proto.componentWillMount).to.have.been.calledBefore(313 proto.componentDidMount314 );315 expect(proto.componentDidMount).to.have.been.called;316 });317 it('should be invoked normally on unmount', () => {318 setState({ show: false });319 rerender();320 expect(proto.componentWillUnmount).to.have.been.called;321 });322 it('should still invoke mount for shouldComponentUpdate():false', () => {323 setState({ show: true });324 rerender();325 expect(proto.componentWillMount).to.have.been.called;326 expect(proto.componentWillMount).to.have.been.calledBefore(327 proto.componentDidMount328 );329 expect(proto.componentDidMount).to.have.been.called;330 });331 it('should still invoke unmount for shouldComponentUpdate():false', () => {332 setState({ show: false });333 rerender();334 expect(proto.componentWillUnmount).to.have.been.called;335 });336 });337 });338 describe('#setState', () => {339 // From preactjs/preact#1170340 it('should NOT mutate state, only create new versions', () => {341 const stateConstant = {};342 let didMount = false;343 let componentState;344 class Stateful extends Component {345 constructor() {346 super(...arguments);347 this.state = stateConstant;348 }349 componentDidMount() {350 didMount = true;351 // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-mount-set-state352 this.setState({ key: 'value' }, () => {353 componentState = this.state;354 });355 }356 render() {357 return <div />;358 }359 }360 render(<Stateful />, scratch);361 rerender();362 expect(didMount).to.equal(true);363 expect(componentState).to.deep.equal({ key: 'value' });364 expect(stateConstant).to.deep.equal({});365 });366 // This feature is not mentioned in the docs, but is part of the release367 // notes for react v16.0.0: it('should abort if updater function returns null', () => {369 let updateState;370 class Foo extends Component {371 constructor() {372 super();373 this.state = { value: 0 };374 updateState = () =>375 this.setState(prev => {376 prev.value++;377 return null;378 });379 }380 render() {381 return 'value: ' + this.state.value;382 }383 }384 let renderSpy = sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'render');385 render(<Foo />, scratch);386 renderSpy.resetHistory();387 updateState();388 rerender();389 expect(renderSpy);390 });391 it('should call callback with correct this binding', () => {392 let inst;393 let updateState;394 class Foo extends Component {395 constructor() {396 super();397 updateState = () => this.setState({}, this.onUpdate);398 }399 onUpdate() {400 inst = this;401 }402 }403 render(<Foo />, scratch);404 updateState();405 rerender();406 expect(inst);407 });408 });409 describe('Lifecycle DOM Timing', () => {410 it('should be invoked when dom does (DidMount, WillUnmount) or does not (WillMount, DidUnmount) exist', () => {411 let setState;412 class Outer extends Component {413 constructor() {414 super();415 this.state = { show: true };416 setState = s => {417 this.setState(s);418 this.forceUpdate();419 };420 }421 componentWillMount() {422 expect(423 document.getElementById('OuterDiv'),424 'Outer componentWillMount'425 ).to.not.exist;426 }427 componentDidMount() {428 expect(document.getElementById('OuterDiv'), 'Outer componentDidMount')429 .to.exist;430 }431 componentWillUnmount() {432 expect(433 document.getElementById('OuterDiv'),434 'Outer componentWillUnmount'435 ).to.exist;436 setTimeout(() => {437 expect(438 document.getElementById('OuterDiv'),439 'Outer after componentWillUnmount'440 ).to.not.exist;441 }, 0);442 }443 render(props, { show }) {444 return (445 <div id="OuterDiv">446 {show && (447 <div>448 <Inner {...props} />449 </div>450 )}451 </div>452 );453 }454 }455 class Inner extends Component {456 componentWillMount() {457 expect(458 document.getElementById('InnerDiv'),459 'Inner componentWillMount'460 ).to.not.exist;461 }462 componentDidMount() {463 expect(document.getElementById('InnerDiv'), 'Inner componentDidMount')464 .to.exist;465 }466 componentWillUnmount() {467 // @TODO Component mounted into elements (non-components)468 // are currently unmounted after those elements, so their469 // DOM is unmounted prior to the method being called.470 //expect(document.getElementById('InnerDiv'), 'Inner componentWillUnmount').to.exist;471 setTimeout(() => {472 expect(473 document.getElementById('InnerDiv'),474 'Inner after componentWillUnmount'475 ).to.not.exist;476 }, 0);...
...17 return ()=>{18 unsubscribeCalled++;19 };20 }21 componentDidMount() {22 didMountCalled = true;23 }24 componentDidUpdate() {25 didUpdateCalled = true;26 }27 componentWillUnmount() {28 willUnmountCalled = true;29 }30 });31 const subscriber = new Subscriber();32 subscriber.componentDidMount();33 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();34 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();35 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();36 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();37 subscriber.componentWillUnmount();38 assert.equal(didMountCalled, true, "componentDidMount called");39 assert.equal(didUpdateCalled, true, "componentDidUpdate called");40 assert.equal(willUnmountCalled, true, "componentWillUnmount called");41 assert.equal(getSubsCalled, 5, "getSubs called on componentDidMount and each componentDidUpdate");42 assert.equal(subscribeCalled, 1, "subscribe called only on getSubs changes");43 assert.equal(unsubscribeCalled, 1, "unsubscribe called on componentWillUnmount");44 assert.end();45});46test('createAutoSubscriber component test', (assert) => {47 var getSubsCalled = 0;48 var subscribeCalled = 0;49 var unsubscribeCalled = 0;50 var didMountCalled = false;51 var didUpdateCalled = false;52 var willUnmountCalled = false;53 function getSubs(props, state) {54 getSubsCalled++;55 return {subKey: "subKey1", asValue: true};56 }57 function subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) {58 subscribeCalled++;59 return ()=>{60 unsubscribeCalled++;61 };62 }63 const Subscriber = createAutoSubscriber({getSubs, subscribeSubs})(class {64 getSubs() {65 //shouldn't be called66 }67 subscribeSubs() {68 //shouldn't be called69 }70 componentDidMount() {71 didMountCalled = true;72 }73 componentDidUpdate() {74 didUpdateCalled = true;75 }76 componentWillUnmount() {77 willUnmountCalled = true;78 }79 });80 const subscriber = new Subscriber();81 subscriber.componentDidMount();82 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();83 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();84 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();85 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();86 subscriber.componentWillUnmount();87 assert.equal(didMountCalled, true, "componentDidMount called");88 assert.equal(didUpdateCalled, true, "componentDidUpdate called");89 assert.equal(willUnmountCalled, true, "componentWillUnmount called");90 assert.equal(getSubsCalled, 5, "getSubs called on componentDidMount and each componentDidUpdate");91 assert.equal(subscribeCalled, 1, "subscribe called only on getSubs changes");92 assert.equal(unsubscribeCalled, 1, "unsubscribe called on componentWillUnmount");93 assert.end();94});95test('autoSubscriber component updates subscriptions on getSubs changes', (assert) => {96 var getSubsCalled = 0;97 var subscribeCalled = 0;98 var unsubscribeCalled = 0;99 var didMountCalled = false;100 var didUpdateCalled = false;101 var willUnmountCalled = false;102 const Subscriber = autoSubscriber(class {103 static getSubs(props, state) {104 getSubsCalled++;105 return {subKey: "subKey"+(getSubsCalled), asValue: true};106 }107 static subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) {108 subscribeCalled++;109 return ()=>{110 unsubscribeCalled++;111 };112 }113 componentDidMount() {114 didMountCalled = true;115 }116 componentDidUpdate() {117 didUpdateCalled = true;118 }119 componentWillUnmount() {120 willUnmountCalled = true;121 }122 });123 const subscriber = new Subscriber();124 subscriber.componentDidMount();125 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();126 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();127 subscriber.componentWillUnmount();128 assert.equal(didMountCalled, true, "componentDidMount called");129 assert.equal(didUpdateCalled, true, "componentDidUpdate called");130 assert.equal(willUnmountCalled, true, "componentWillUnmount called");131 assert.equal(getSubsCalled, 3, "getSubs called on componentDidMount and each componentDidUpdate");132 assert.equal(subscribeCalled, 3, "subscribe called only on getSubs changes");133 assert.equal(unsubscribeCalled, 3, "unsubscribe called on componentWillUnmount");134 assert.end();135});136test('autoSubscriber handles subscribeSubs that returns a promise and keeps track of fetching state', (assert) => {137 var getSubsCalled = 0;138 var subscribeCalled = 0;139 var unsubscribeCalled = 0;140 let setStateCalledWithFetchingTrue = false;141 const Subscriber = autoSubscriber(class {142 static getSubs(props, state) {143 getSubsCalled++;144 return {subKey: "subKey"+(getSubsCalled), asValue: true};145 }146 static subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) {147 subscribeCalled++;148 return {149 unsubscribe: ()=>{150 unsubscribeCalled++;151 },152 promise: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(); })153 };154 }155 componentDidMount() {156 }157 componentDidUpdate() {158 }159 componentWillUnmount() {160 }161 setState(state, done) {162 if (state._autoSubscriberFetching) {163 setStateCalledWithFetchingTrue = true;164 } else if (state._autoSubscriberFetching === false) {165 assert.end();166 }167 done && done();168 }169 });170 const subscriber = new Subscriber();171 subscriber.componentDidMount();172 assert.equal(getSubsCalled, 1, "getSubs called on componentDidMount");173 assert.equal(setStateCalledWithFetchingTrue, true, "setState called with autoSubscriberFetching=true");174});175test('autoSubscriber keeps track of fetching error', (assert) => {176 var getSubsCalled = 0;177 var subscribeCalled = 0;178 var unsubscribeCalled = 0;179 const Subscriber = autoSubscriber(class {180 static getSubs(props, state) {181 getSubsCalled++;182 return {subKey: "subKey"+(getSubsCalled), asValue: true};183 }184 static subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) {185 subscribeCalled++;186 return {187 unsubscribe: ()=>{188 unsubscribeCalled++;189 },190 promise: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject('fetch error'); })191 };192 }193 componentDidMount() {194 }195 componentDidUpdate() {196 }197 componentWillUnmount() {198 }199 setState(state, done) {200 if (state._autoSubscriberError === 'fetch error') {201 assert.end();202 }203 done && done();204 }205 });206 const subscriber = new Subscriber();207 subscriber.componentDidMount();208 assert.equal(getSubsCalled, 1, "getSubs called on componentDidMount");209});210test('autoSubscriber doesn\'t trash super\'s state', (assert) => {211 var getSubsCalled = 0;212 var subscribeCalled = 0;213 var unsubscribeCalled = 0;214 const Subscriber = autoSubscriber(class {215 static getSubs(props, state) {216 getSubsCalled++;217 return {subKey: "subKey"+(getSubsCalled), asValue: true};218 }219 static subscribeSubs(subs, props, state) {220 subscribeCalled++;221 return {222 unsubscribe: ()=>{223 unsubscribeCalled++;224 },225 promise: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(); })226 };227 }228 constructor(props) {229 this.state = {230 userState: 1231 }232 }233 componentDidMount() {234 }235 componentDidUpdate() {236 }237 componentWillUnmount() {238 }239 setState(state, done) {240 }241 });242 const subscriber = new Subscriber();243 subscriber.componentDidMount();244 assert.equal(getSubsCalled, 1, "getSubs called on componentDidMount");245 assert.equal(subscriber.state.userState, 1, "user state is kept");246 assert.end();247});248test('autoSubscriber component works with missing methods', (assert) => {249 var didMountCalled = false;250 var didUpdateCalled = false;251 var willUnmountCalled = false;252 const Subscriber = autoSubscriber(class {253 componentDidMount() {254 didMountCalled = true;255 }256 componentDidUpdate() {257 didUpdateCalled = true;258 }259 componentWillUnmount() {260 willUnmountCalled = true;261 }262 });263 const subscriber = new Subscriber();264 subscriber.componentDidMount();265 subscriber.componentDidUpdate();266 subscriber.componentWillUnmount();267 assert.end();...
...39 },40 {41 code: `42 class Hello extends React.Component {43 componentDidMount() {44 this.setState({45 data: data46 });47 }48 }49 `,50 errors: [51 {52 messageId: 'noSetState',53 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },54 },55 ],56 },57 {58 code: `59 class Hello extends React.Component {60 componentDidMount = () => {61 this.setState({62 data: data63 });64 }65 }66 `,67 features: ['class fields', 'no-ts-old'], // TODO: FIXME: remove no-ts-old and fix68 errors: [69 {70 messageId: 'noSetState',71 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },72 },73 ],74 },75 {76 code: `77 var Hello = createReactClass({78 componentDidMount: function() {79 this.setState({80 data: data81 });82 }83 });84 `,85 options: ['disallow-in-func'],86 errors: [87 {88 messageId: 'noSetState',89 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },90 },91 ],92 },93 {94 code: `95 class Hello extends React.Component {96 componentDidMount() {97 this.setState({98 data: data99 });100 }101 }102 `,103 options: ['disallow-in-func'],104 errors: [105 {106 messageId: 'noSetState',107 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },108 },109 ],110 },111 {112 code: `113 var Hello = createReactClass({114 componentDidMount: function() {115 someClass.onSomeEvent(function(data) {116 this.setState({117 data: data118 });119 })120 }121 });122 `,123 options: ['disallow-in-func'],124 errors: [125 {126 messageId: 'noSetState',127 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },128 },129 ],130 },131 {132 code: `133 class Hello extends React.Component {134 componentDidMount() {135 someClass.onSomeEvent(function(data) {136 this.setState({137 data: data138 });139 })140 }141 }142 `,143 options: ['disallow-in-func'],144 errors: [145 {146 messageId: 'noSetState',147 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },148 },149 ],150 },151 {152 code: `153 var Hello = createReactClass({154 componentDidMount: function() {155 if (true) {156 this.setState({157 data: data158 });159 }160 }161 });162 `,163 errors: [164 {165 messageId: 'noSetState',166 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },167 },168 ],169 },170 {171 code: `172 class Hello extends React.Component {173 componentDidMount() {174 if (true) {175 this.setState({176 data: data177 });178 }179 }180 }181 `,182 errors: [183 {184 messageId: 'noSetState',185 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },186 },187 ],188 },189 {190 code: `191 var Hello = createReactClass({192 componentDidMount: function() {193 someClass.onSomeEvent((data) => this.setState({data: data}));194 }195 });196 `,197 options: ['disallow-in-func'],198 errors: [199 {200 messageId: 'noSetState',201 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },202 },203 ],204 },205 {206 code: `207 class Hello extends React.Component {208 componentDidMount() {209 someClass.onSomeEvent((data) => this.setState({data: data}));210 }211 }212 `,213 options: ['disallow-in-func'],214 errors: [215 {216 messageId: 'noSetState',217 data: { name: 'componentDidMount' },218 },219 ],220 },221];222const ruleTester = new RuleTester({ parserOptions });...
...12 static propTypes = {13 component: PropTypes.func.isRequired,14 requestURL: PropTypes.string.isRequired15 };16 componentDidMount() {17 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<');18 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > typeof props.requestURL: ', typeof this.props.requestURL);19 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > props.requestURL: ', this.props.requestURL);20 axios.get(decodeURI(this.props.requestURL))21 .then(response => {22 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > SUCCESS typeof: ', typeof;23 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > SUCCESS data: ',;24 this.setState({ data: });25 })26 .catch(error => {27 if (error.response) {28 // The request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls out of the range of 2xx29 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > ',;30 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > ERROR.response.status: ', error.response.status);31 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > ERROR.response.headers: ', error.response.headers);32 } else {33 // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error34 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > ERROR.message: ', error.message);35 }36 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > componentDidMount() > json > ERROR.config: ', error.config);37 });38 }39 render () {40 let Component = this.props.component;41 console.log('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AxiosComponentLoaderBasic > render() > Component: ', this.props.component);42 return <Component content={ } />;43 }44}...
1import React from 'react';2import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';3import { configure, shallow } from 'enzyme';4import { expect } from 'chai';5import { spy, stub, useFakeTimers } from 'sinon'6import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';7configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });8import App from '../src/App';9import Timer from '../src/Timer';10describe('<App />', () => {11 var appWrapper12 it('calls componentDidMount and adds a Timer', () => {13 spy(App.prototype, 'componentDidMount');14 appWrapper = shallow(<App />);15 //component mounted correctly16 expect(App.prototype.componentDidMount.calledOnce, "componentDidMount was not called").to.equal(true);17 //expect there to be one child element of div.TimerGrid within App18 expect(appWrapper.children('.TimerGrid').length).to.equal(1)19 //expect this.state.timers to be an array equal to 120 expect(appWrapper.state().timerIDs.length).to.equal(1)21 appWrapper.unmount()22 });23});24describe('<Timer />', () => {25 var timerWrapper26 it('calls componentDidMount', () => {27 spy(Timer.prototype, 'componentDidMount');28 timerWrapper = shallow(<Timer />);29 //component mounted correctly30 expect(Timer.prototype.componentDidMount.calledOnce, "componentDidMount was not called").to.equal(true);31 timerWrapper.unmount()32 });33 it('calls componentWillUnmount', () => {34 spy(Timer.prototype, 'componentWillUnmount');35 timerWrapper = shallow(<Timer />);36 timerWrapper.unmount()37 expect(Timer.prototype.componentWillUnmount.calledOnce).to.equal(true);38 })...
1import React, {Component} from 'react';2class ComponentDidMount extends Component {3 constructor (props) {4 console.log('constructor');5 super (props)6 // Inicializamos el state7 this.state = {scroll: 0}8 }9 componentWillMount () {10 console.log('ComponentWillMount');11 }12 componentDidMount () {13 console.log('ComponentDidMount');14 document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {15 this.setState({scroll: window.scrollY})16 })17 }18 19 render () {20 console.log('render');21 return (22 <div>23 <h4>Ciclo de montaje: componentDidMount</h4>24 <h3>Scroll: {this.state.scroll}</h3>25 <p>componentDidMount<br/>26 componentDidMount<br/>27 componentDidMount<br/>28 componentDidMount<br/>29 componentDidMount<br/>30 componentDidMount<br/>31 componentDidMount<br/>32 componentDidMount<br/>33 componentDidMount<br/>34 componentDidMount<br/>35 componentDidMount<br/>36 componentDidMount<br/>37 componentDidMount<br/>38 componentDidMount<br/>39 componentDidMount</p>40 </div>41 );42 }43}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { render } from 'react-dom';3import { check } from 'fast-check';4const App = () => {5 React.useEffect(() => {6 check(7 () => {8 return true;9 },10 { numRuns: 100 }11 );12 }, []);13 return <div>Hello world</div>;14};15render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));16import React from 'react';17import { render } from 'react-dom';18import { check } from 'fast-check';19const App = () => {20 React.useEffect(() => {21 check(22 () => {23 return true;24 },25 { numRuns: 100 }26 );27 }, []);28 return <div>Hello world</div>;29};30render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));31import React from 'react';32import { render } from 'react-dom';33import { check } from 'fast-check';34const App = () => {35 React.useEffect(() => {36 check(37 () => {38 return true;39 },40 { numRuns: 100 }41 );42 }, []);43 return <div>Hello world</div>;44};45render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));46import React from 'react';47import { render } from 'react-dom';48import { check } from 'fast-check';49const App = () => {50 React.useEffect(() => {51 check(52 () => {53 return true;54 },55 { numRuns: 100 }56 );57 }, []);58 return <div>Hello world</div>;59};60render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));61import React from 'react';62import { render } from 'react-dom';63import { check } from 'fast-check';64const App = () => {65 React.useEffect(() => {66 check(67 () => {68 return true;69 },70 { numRuns: 100 }71 );72 }, []);73 return <div>Hello world</div>;74};75render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from 'react';2import { mount } from 'enzyme';3import { fastCheck } from 'fast-check-monorepo';4class Test3 extends React.Component {5 componentDidMount() {6 fastCheck();7 }8 render() {9 return <div>Test3</div>;10 }11}12export default Test3;13import React from 'react';14import { mount } from 'enzyme';15import Test3 from './test3';16describe('Test3', () => {17 it('should render without crashing', () => {18 const wrapper = mount(<Test3 />);19 expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1);20 });21});22import React from 'react';23import { mount } from 'enzyme';24import Test3 from './test3';25describe('Test3', () => {26 it('should render without crashing', () => {27 const wrapper = mount(<Test3 />);28 expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1);29 });30});31import React from 'react';32import { mount } from 'enzyme';33import Test3 from './test3';34describe('Test3', () => {35 it('should render without crashing', () => {36 const wrapper = mount(<Test3 />);37 expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1);38 });39});40import React from 'react';41import { mount } from 'enzyme';42import Test3 from './test3';43describe('Test3', () => {44 it('should render without crashing', () => {45 const wrapper = mount(<Test3 />);46 expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1);47 });48});49import React from 'react';50import { mount } from 'enzyme';51import Test3 from './test3';52describe('Test3', () => {53 it('should render without crashing', () => {54 const wrapper = mount(<Test3 />);55 expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1);56 });57});58import React from 'react';59import { mount } from 'enzyme';60import Test3 from './test3';61describe('Test3', () => {62 it('should render without crashing', () => {63 const wrapper = mount(<Test3 />);64 expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1);65 });66});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { check, property } = require('fast-check');2const { render, screen } = require('@testing-library/react');3const { default: App } = require('./App');4test('renders learn react link', () => {5 render(<App />);6 const linkElement = screen.getByText(/learn react/i);7 expect(linkElement).toBeInTheDocument();8});9test('should pass', () => {10 check(property(), () => true);11});12test('should fail', () => {13 check(property(), () => false);14});15"scripts": {16 }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { check, property } = require("fast-check");2const { render, screen } = require("@testing-library/react");3const App = require("./App");4test("renders learn react link", () => {5 check(6 property(7 (n) => n >= 0 && n <= 10,8 (n) => {9 render(<App />);10 const linkElement = screen.getByText(/learn react/i);11 expect(linkElement).toBeInTheDocument();12 }13 );14});15The [fast-check-react](
Using AI Code Generation
1import React from "react";2import ReactDOM from "react-dom";3import App from "./App";4ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));5import React, { Component } from "react";6import "./App.css";7import { mount } from "enzyme";8import { render } from "@testing-library/react";9import { withFastCheck } from "@fast-check/react";10class App extends Component {11 state = {12 };13 componentDidMount() {14 this.setState({ message: "Hello World" });15 }16 render() {17 return <h1>{this.state.message}</h1>;18 }19}20export default withFastCheck(App);21h1 {22 text-align: center;23}24import React from "react";25import ReactDOM from "react-dom";26import App from "./App";27it("renders without crashing", () => {28 const div = document.createElement("div");29 ReactDOM.render(<App />, div);30 ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(div);31});32{33 "dependencies": {34 },35 "scripts": {36 },37 "eslintConfig": {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { check, property } from 'fast-check';2import { test1 } from 'test1';3import { test2 } from 'test2';4describe('test3', () => {5 describe('test3 test1', () => {6 it('test3 test1', () => {7 check(8 property(test1, test2, (a, b) => {9 return a + b > 0;10 }),11 );12 });13 });14});15export const test1 = () => {16 return 1;17};18export const test2 = () => {19 return 1;20};21import { check, property } from 'fast-check';22import { test1 } from 'test1';23import { test2 } from 'test2';24describe('test4', () => {25 describe('test4 test1', () => {26 it('test4 test1', () => {27 check(28 property(test1, test2, (a, b) => {29 return a + b > 0;30 }),31 );32 });33 });34});35import { check, property } from 'fast-check';36import { test1 } from 'test1';37import { test2 } from 'test2';38describe('test5', () => {39 describe('test5 test1', () => {40 it('test5 test1', () => {41 check(42 property(test1, test2, (a, b) => {43 return a + b > 0;44 }),45 );46 });47 });48});49import { check, property } from 'fast-check';50import { test1 } from 'test1';51import { test2 } from 'test2';52describe('test6', () => {53 describe('test6 test1', () => {54 it('test6 test1', () => {55 check(56 property(test1, test2, (a, b) => {57 return a + b > 0;58 }),59 );60 });
Using AI Code Generation
1import { check } from 'fast-check';2check(3 () => true,4 { seed: 42, path: 'test3.js', endOnFailure: false, verbose: true }5);678910111213141516171819;2const { property } = require('fast-check');3const { check } = require('fast-check');4const { it } = require('mocha');5const { expect } = require('chai');6describe('Test 3', function () {7 it('should pass with fast-check', function () {8 const isEven = (n) => n % 2 === 0;9 const arbEvenNumber = fastCheck.integer().filter(isEven);10 const isOdd = (n) => n % 2 !== 0;11 const arbOddNumber = fastCheck.integer().filter(isOdd);12 const isPositive = (n) => n > 0;13 const arbPositiveNumber = fastCheck.integer().filter(isPositive);14 const isNegative = (n) => n < 0;15 const arbNegativeNumber = fastCheck.integer().filter(isNegative);16 const isZero = (n) => n === 0;17 const arbZero = fastCheck.integer().filter(isZero);18 const arbNumber = fastCheck.oneof(arbEvenNumber, arbOddNumber, arbPositiveNumber, arbNegativeNumber, arbZero);19 const isInteger = (n) => Number.isInteger(n);20 const arbInteger = fastCheck.oneof(arbEvenNumber, arbOddNumber, arbPositiveNumber, arbNegativeNumber);21 const isNotInteger = (n) => !Number.isInteger(n);22 const arbNotInteger = fastCheck.oneof(arbPositiveNumber, arbNegativeNumber, arbZero);23 const isPositiveInteger = (n) => Number.isInteger(n) && n > 0;24 const arbPositiveInteger = fastCheck.integer().filter(isPositiveInteger);25 const isNegativeInteger = (n) => Number.isInteger(n) && n < 0;26 const arbNegativeInteger = fastCheck.integer().filter(isNegativeInteger);27 const isPositiveNotInteger = (n) => !Number.isInteger(n) && n > 0;28 const arbPositiveNotInteger = fastCheck.integer().filter(isPositiveNotInteger);29 const isNegativeNotInteger = (n) => !Number.isInteger(n) && n < 0;30 const arbNegativeNotInteger = fastCheck.integer().filter(isNegativeNotInteger);31 const isNotZeroInteger = (n) => Number.isInteger(n) && n !== 0;
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { beforeEach, afterAll, describe, it } = require('jest-circus');3const { toHaveProperty } = require('expect/build/matchers');4const { toBe, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeTruthy, toBeUndefined, toContain, toContainEqual, toEqual, toHaveLength, toHaveProperty, toMatch, toMatchObject, toStrictEqual, toThrow, toThrowError } = require('expect/build/matchers');5const { toBe, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeTruthy, toBeUndefined, toContain, toContainEqual, toEqual, toHaveLength, toHaveProperty, toMatch, toMatchObject, toStrictEqual, toThrow, toThrowError } = require('expect/build/matchers');6const { toBe, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeTruthy, toBeUndefined, toContain, toContainEqual, toEqual, toHaveLength, toHaveProperty, toMatch, toMatchObject, toStrictEqual, toThrow, toThrowError } = require('expect/build/matchers');7const { toBe, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBeTruthy, toBeUndefined, toContain, toContainEqual, toEqual, toHaveLength, toHaveProperty, toMatch, toMatchObject, toStrictEqual, toThrow, toThrowError } = require('expect/build/matchers');8const { toBe, toBeCloseTo, toBeDefined, toBeFalsy, toBeGreaterThan, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual, toBeLessThan, toBeLessThanOrEqual, toBeNaN, toBeNull, toBe
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