How to use depthIdentifier method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:AnyArbitraryBuilder.ts Github


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1import { Arbitrary } from '../../../check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary';2import { stringify } from '../../../utils/stringify';3import { array } from '../../array';4import { oneof } from '../../oneof';5import { tuple } from '../../tuple';6import { bigInt } from '../../bigInt';7import { date } from '../../date';8import { float32Array } from '../../float32Array';9import { float64Array } from '../../float64Array';10import { int16Array } from '../../int16Array';11import { int32Array } from '../../int32Array';12import { int8Array } from '../../int8Array';13import { uint16Array } from '../../uint16Array';14import { uint32Array } from '../../uint32Array';15import { uint8Array } from '../../uint8Array';16import { uint8ClampedArray } from '../../uint8ClampedArray';17import { sparseArray } from '../../sparseArray';18import { keyValuePairsToObjectMapper, keyValuePairsToObjectUnmapper } from '../mappers/KeyValuePairsToObject';19import { QualifiedObjectConstraints } from '../helpers/QualifiedObjectConstraints';20import { arrayToMapMapper, arrayToMapUnmapper } from '../mappers/ArrayToMap';21import { arrayToSetMapper, arrayToSetUnmapper } from '../mappers/ArrayToSet';22import { objectToPrototypeLessMapper, objectToPrototypeLessUnmapper } from '../mappers/ObjectToPrototypeLess';23import { letrec } from '../../letrec';24import { SizeForArbitrary } from '../helpers/MaxLengthFromMinLength';25import { uniqueArray } from '../../uniqueArray';26import { createDepthIdentifier, DepthIdentifier } from '../helpers/DepthContext';27/** @internal */28function mapOf<T, U>(29 ka: Arbitrary<T>,30 va: Arbitrary<U>,31 maxKeys: number | undefined,32 size: SizeForArbitrary | undefined,33 depthIdentifier: DepthIdentifier34) {35 return uniqueArray(tuple(ka, va), {36 maxLength: maxKeys,37 size,38 comparator: 'SameValueZero',39 selector: (t) => t[0],40 depthIdentifier,41 }).map(arrayToMapMapper, arrayToMapUnmapper);42}43/** @internal */44function dictOf<U>(45 ka: Arbitrary<string>,46 va: Arbitrary<U>,47 maxKeys: number | undefined,48 size: SizeForArbitrary | undefined,49 depthIdentifier: DepthIdentifier50) {51 return uniqueArray(tuple(ka, va), {52 maxLength: maxKeys,53 size,54 selector: (t) => t[0],55 depthIdentifier,56 }).map(keyValuePairsToObjectMapper, keyValuePairsToObjectUnmapper);57}58/** @internal */59function setOf<U>(60 va: Arbitrary<U>,61 maxKeys: number | undefined,62 size: SizeForArbitrary | undefined,63 depthIdentifier: DepthIdentifier64) {65 return uniqueArray(va, { maxLength: maxKeys, size, comparator: 'SameValueZero', depthIdentifier }).map(66 arrayToSetMapper,67 arrayToSetUnmapper68 );69}70/** @internal */71// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types72function prototypeLessOf(objectArb: Arbitrary<object>) {73 return, objectToPrototypeLessUnmapper);74}75/** @internal */76function typedArray(constraints: { maxLength: number | undefined; size: SizeForArbitrary }) {77 return oneof(78 int8Array(constraints),79 uint8Array(constraints),80 uint8ClampedArray(constraints),81 int16Array(constraints),82 uint16Array(constraints),83 int32Array(constraints),84 uint32Array(constraints),85 float32Array(constraints),86 float64Array(constraints)87 );88}89/** @internal */90export function anyArbitraryBuilder(constraints: QualifiedObjectConstraints): Arbitrary<unknown> {91 const arbitrariesForBase = constraints.values;92 const depthSize = constraints.depthSize;93 const depthIdentifier = createDepthIdentifier();94 const maxDepth = constraints.maxDepth;95 const maxKeys = constraints.maxKeys;96 const size = constraints.size;97 const baseArb = oneof(98 ...arbitrariesForBase,99 ...(constraints.withBigInt ? [bigInt()] : []),100 ...(constraints.withDate ? [date()] : [])101 );102 return letrec((tie) => ({103 anything: oneof(104 { maxDepth, depthSize, depthIdentifier },105 baseArb, // Final recursion case106 tie('array'),107 tie('object'),108 ...(constraints.withMap ? [tie('map')] : []),109 ...(constraints.withSet ? [tie('set')] : []),110 ...(constraints.withObjectString ? [tie('anything').map((o) => stringify(o))] : []),111 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types112 ...(constraints.withNullPrototype ? [prototypeLessOf(tie('object') as Arbitrary<object>)] : []),113 ...(constraints.withTypedArray ? [typedArray({ maxLength: maxKeys, size })] : []),114 ...(constraints.withSparseArray115 ? [sparseArray(tie('anything'), { maxNumElements: maxKeys, size, depthIdentifier })]116 : [])117 ),118 // String keys119 keys: constraints.withObjectString120 ? oneof(121 { arbitrary: constraints.key, weight: 10 },122 { arbitrary: tie('anything').map((o) => stringify(o)), weight: 1 }123 )124 : constraints.key,125 // anything[]126 array: array(tie('anything'), { maxLength: maxKeys, size, depthIdentifier }),127 // Set<anything>128 set: setOf(tie('anything'), maxKeys, size, depthIdentifier),129 // Map<key, anything> | Map<anything, anything>130 map: oneof(131 mapOf(tie('keys') as Arbitrary<string>, tie('anything'), maxKeys, size, depthIdentifier),132 mapOf(tie('anything'), tie('anything'), maxKeys, size, depthIdentifier)133 ),134 // {[key:string]: anything}135 object: dictOf(tie('keys') as Arbitrary<string>, tie('anything'), maxKeys, size, depthIdentifier),136 })).anything;...

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Source:array.ts Github


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1import { Arbitrary } from '../check/arbitrary/definition/Arbitrary';2import { ArrayArbitrary } from './_internals/ArrayArbitrary';3import {4 MaxLengthUpperBound,5 SizeForArbitrary,6 maxGeneratedLengthFromSizeForArbitrary,7} from './_internals/helpers/MaxLengthFromMinLength';8import { DepthIdentifier } from './_internals/helpers/DepthContext';9/**10 * Constraints to be applied on {@link array}11 * @remarks Since 2.4.012 * @public13 */14export interface ArrayConstraints {15 /**16 * Lower bound of the generated array size17 * @remarks Since 2.4.018 */19 minLength?: number;20 /**21 * Upper bound of the generated array size22 * @remarks Since 2.4.023 */24 maxLength?: number;25 /**26 * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)27 *28 * When used in conjonction with `maxLength`, `size` will be used to define29 * the upper bound of the generated array size while `maxLength` will be used30 * to define and document the general maximal length allowed for this case.31 *32 * @remarks Since 2.22.033 */34 size?: SizeForArbitrary;35 /**36 * When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth37 * attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.38 *39 * In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large40 * then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot41 * larger than expected.42 *43 * For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to44 * define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.45 *46 * @remarks Since 2.25.047 */48 depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;49}50/**51 * Extra but internal constraints that can be passed to array.52 * This extra set is made of constraints mostly targets experimental and internal features not yet mature to be exposed.53 * @internal54 */55export interface ArrayConstraintsInternal<T> extends ArrayConstraints {56 /**57 * Extra user-definable and hardcoded values.58 * Each entry in the array could be used to build the final generated value outputed by the arbitrary of array on generate.59 * Each entry must have at least one element of type T into it.60 * Each T must be a value acceptable for the arbitrary passed to the array.61 */62 experimentalCustomSlices?: T[][];63}64/**65 * For arrays of values coming from `arb`66 *67 * @param arb - Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the array68 * @param constraints - Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)69 *70 * @remarks Since 0.0.171 * @public72 */73function array<T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, constraints: ArrayConstraints = {}): Arbitrary<T[]> {74 const size = constraints.size;75 const minLength = constraints.minLength || 0;76 const maxLengthOrUnset = constraints.maxLength;77 const depthIdentifier = constraints.depthIdentifier;78 const maxLength = maxLengthOrUnset !== undefined ? maxLengthOrUnset : MaxLengthUpperBound;79 const specifiedMaxLength = maxLengthOrUnset !== undefined;80 const maxGeneratedLength = maxGeneratedLengthFromSizeForArbitrary(size, minLength, maxLength, specifiedMaxLength);81 const customSlices = (constraints as ArrayConstraintsInternal<T>).experimentalCustomSlices || [];82 return new ArrayArbitrary<T>(arb, minLength, maxGeneratedLength, maxLength, depthIdentifier, undefined, customSlices);83}...

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Source:DepthContext.ts Github


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1/**2 * Internal symbol used to declare an opaque type for DepthIdentifier3 * @public4 */5declare const depthIdentifierSymbol: unique symbol;6/**7 * Type used to strongly type instances of depth identifier while keeping internals8 * what they contain internally9 *10 * @remarks Since 2.25.011 * @public12 */13export type DepthIdentifier = { [depthIdentifierSymbol]: true };14/**15 * Instance of depth, can be used to alter the depth perceived by an arbitrary16 * or to bias your own arbitraries based on the current depth17 *18 * @remarks Since 2.25.019 * @public20 */21export type DepthContext = {22 /**23 * Current depth (starts at 0, continues with 1, 2...).24 * Only made of integer values superior or equal to 0.25 *26 * Remark: Whenever altering the `depth` during a `generate`, please make sure to ALWAYS27 * reset it to its original value before you leave the `generate`. Otherwise the execution28 * will imply side-effects that will potentially impact the following runs and make replay29 * of the issue barely impossible.30 */31 depth: number;32};33/**34 * Internal cache for depth contexts35 * @internal36 */37const depthContextCache = new Map<string, DepthContext>();38/**39 * Get back the requested DepthContext40 * @remarks Since 2.25.041 * @public42 */43export function getDepthContextFor(contextMeta: DepthContext | DepthIdentifier | string | undefined): DepthContext {44 if (contextMeta === undefined) {45 return { depth: 0 };46 }47 if (typeof contextMeta !== 'string') {48 return contextMeta as DepthContext;49 }50 const cachedContext = depthContextCache.get(contextMeta);51 if (cachedContext !== undefined) {52 return cachedContext;53 }54 const context = { depth: 0 };55 depthContextCache.set(contextMeta, context);56 return context;57}58/**59 * Create a new and unique instance of DepthIdentifier60 * that can be shared across multiple arbitraries if needed61 * @public62 */63export function createDepthIdentifier(): DepthIdentifier {64 const identifier: DepthContext = { depth: 0 };65 return identifier as unknown as DepthIdentifier;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3fc.assert(4, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {5 return depthIdentifier(a, b);6 })7);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2test('depthIdentifier', () => {3 expect(depthIdentifier(1)).toBe('1');4 expect(depthIdentifier(2)).toBe('2');5 expect(depthIdentifier(3)).toBe('3');6});7const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8test('depthIdentifier', () => {9 expect(depthIdentifier(1)).toBe('1');10 expect(depthIdentifier(2)).toBe('2');11 expect(depthIdentifier(3)).toBe('3');12});13const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14module.exports = async function() {15 depthIdentifier(1);16};17module.exports = {18};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const depthIdentifierArb = depthIdentifier(fc.string(), 2);4fc.assert(5, (id) => {6 return id.length === 2;7 })8);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { assert } = require('chai');3describe('depthIdentifier', () => {4 it('should return depthIdentifier', () => {5 const depth = depthIdentifier();6 assert.equal(depth, 'depthIdentifier');7 });8});9const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');10const { assert } = require('chai');11describe('depthIdentifier', () => {12 it('should return depthIdentifier', () => {13 const depth = depthIdentifier();14 assert.equal(depth, 'depthIdentifier');15 });16});17const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');18const { assert } = require('chai');19describe('depthIdentifier', () => {20 it('should return depthIdentifier', () => {21 const depth = depthIdentifier();22 assert.equal(depth, 'depthIdentifier');23 });24});25const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');26const { assert } = require('chai');27describe('depthIdentifier', () => {28 it('should return depthIdentifier', () => {29 const depth = depthIdentifier();30 assert.equal(depth, 'depthIdentifier');31 });32});33const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');34const { assert } = require('chai');35describe('depthIdentifier', () => {36 it('should return depthIdentifier', () => {37 const depth = depthIdentifier();38 assert.equal(depth, 'depthIdentifier');39 });40});41const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');42const { assert } = require('chai');43describe('depthIdentifier', () => {44 it('should return depthIdentifier', () => {45 const depth = depthIdentifier();46 assert.equal(depth, 'depthIdentifier');47 });48});49const { depthIdentifier } =

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check');2const { identifier } = require('fast-check/lib/types/property/PathValue.js');3const { path } = require('fast-check/lib/types/property/PathValue.js');4const { value } = require('fast-check/lib/types/property/PathValue.js');5const id = depthIdentifier(2);6const id2 = identifier(2);7const id3 = path(2);8const id4 = value(2);9console.log(id);10console.log(id2);11console.log(id3);12console.log(id4);13depthIdentifier(depth: number): number14identifier(depth: number): number15path(depth: number): number16value(depth: number): number17depthIdentifier(depth: number): number18const depthIdentifier = (depth: number): number => depth;19const identifier = (depth: number): number => depth;20const path = (depth: number): number => depth;21const value = (depth: number): number => depth;22depthIdentifier(depth: number): number23identifier(depth: number): number

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2console.log(depthIdentifier(3));3const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');4console.log(depthIdentifier(4));5const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6console.log(depthIdentifier(5));7const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8console.log(depthIdentifier(6));9const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');10console.log(depthIdentifier(7));11const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');12console.log(depthIdentifier(8));13const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14console.log(depthIdentifier(9));15const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');16console.log(depthIdentifier(10));17const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');18console.log(depthIdentifier(11));19const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20console.log(depthIdentifier(12));21const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');22console.log(depthIdentifier(13));23const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');24console.log(depthIdentifier(14));25const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');26console.log(depthIdentifier(15));27const { depthIdentifier } = require('fast-check-monorepo');28console.log(depthIdentifier(16));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fastCheck = require('fast-check');2const { depthIdentifier } = fastCheck;3const { integer } = fastCheck;4const { tuple } = fastCheck;5const myGenerator = tuple(depthIdentifier(), integer(), integer());6fastCheck.check(myGenerator, (tuple) => {7 console.log(tuple);8});

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