How to use numChoices method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:picker.js Github


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1(function () {2 let share;3 if (^\?/)) {4 const params ='&');5 params.forEach(function(param) {6 const parts = param.split('=');7 if (decodeURIComponent(parts[0]) === 'share') {8 share = atob(decodeURIComponent(parts[1]));9 }10 });11 }12 const choices = document.getElementById('choices');13 let numChoices = 0;14 function addChoice(text) {15 const input = document.createElement('input');16 input.setAttribute('id', 'thing-' + numChoices);17 input.setAttribute('type', 'text');18 if (text) {19 input.setAttribute('value', text);20 }21 input.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Thing ' + (numChoices + 1));22 if (share) {23 input.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');24 }25 choices.appendChild(input);26 numChoices += 1;27 }28 if (share) {29 share.split('\0').forEach(function(choice) {30 addChoice(choice);31 });32 }33 else {34 addChoice();35 addChoice();36 }37 const yourPick = document.getElementById('your-pick');38 function showPick(pickValue) {39 yourPick.innerHTML = 'Your pick is:';40 const pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(numChoices));41 const pickText = document.createElement('div');42 pickText.setAttribute('id', 'your-pick-text');43 pickText.innerText = pickValue44 yourPick.appendChild(pickText);45 }46 function onTimer(remaining) {47 if (remaining <= 0) {48 const pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(numChoices));49 showPick(document.getElementById('thing-' + pick).value);50 }51 else52 {53 setTimeout(function() {54 onTimer(remaining - 1);55 }, 50);56 let pickText = ''57 for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {58 pickText += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 0x2596)59 }60 showPick(pickText);61 }62 }63 function getShareCode() {64 const choiceTexts = [];65 for (let i = 0; i < numChoices; i++) {66 choiceTexts.push(document.getElementById('thing-' + i).value);67 }68 return btoa(choiceTexts.join('\0')).replace(/=+$/, '');69 }70 function onPick() {71 onTimer(20);72 gtag('event', 'pick', {event_label: getShareCode()});73 }74 function onAddAnother() {75 addChoice();76 }77 function onShare() {78 const choiceTexts = [];79 for (let i = 0; i < numChoices; i++) {80 choiceTexts.push(document.getElementById('thing-' + i).value);81 }82 const code = btoa(choiceTexts.join('\0')).replace(/=+$/, '');83 gtag('event', 'share', {event_label: code});84 = '?share=' + code;85 }86 const buttons = document.getElementById('buttons');87 const pickButton = document.createElement('button');88 pickButton.innerText = 'Pick';89 pickButton.addEventListener('click', onPick);90 buttons.appendChild(pickButton);91 if (!share) {92 const addAnotherButton = document.createElement('button');93 addAnotherButton.innerText = 'Add Another Thing';94 addAnotherButton.addEventListener('click', onAddAnother);95 buttons.appendChild(addAnotherButton);96 const shareButton = document.createElement('button');97 shareButton.innerText = 'Share';98 shareButton.addEventListener('click', onShare);99 buttons.appendChild(shareButton);100 }...

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Source:customitemdata.js Github


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1let customitemdata = {2 "toolkit": {3 "name": "Trusty Toolkit",4 "extraLoad": 1,5 "tagSet": "toolbox",6 "sections": [7 {8 "name": "Features",9 "numChoices": 2,10 "choices": [11 "Assorted Scrap Wood (Toolbox)",12 "Assorted Gears and Springs (Toolbox)",13 "Esoteric Hand Tools (Toolbox)",14 "Manuals (Toolbox)",15 "Assorted Medicines (Toolbox)",16 "Portable Alchemy Kit (Toolbox)",17 "Sewing Kit (Toolbox)",18 "Cookware (Toolbox)",19 "Minor Explosives (Toolbox)"20 ]21 },22 {23 "name": "Drawbacks",24 "numChoices": 1,25 "choices": [26 "Heavy (Toolbox)",27 "Bulky and Obvious (Toolbox)",28 "Stolen (Toolbox)",29 "Fragile (Toolbox)"30 ]31 }32 ]33 },34 "ship": {35 "name": "Small Ship",36 "tagSet": "ship",37 "wear": 4,38 "sections": [39 {40 "name": "Blessings",41 "numChoices": 2,42 "choices": [43 "Stocked (Ship)",44 "Nimble (Ship)",45 "Renowned (Ship)",46 "Swift (Ship)"47 ]48 },49 {50 "name": "Flaws",51 "numChoices": 2,52 "choices": [53 "Dreaded (Ship)",54 "Rickety (Ship)",55 "Clumsy (Ship)",56 "Stolen (Ship)"57 ]58 }59 ]60 },61 "heirloom": {62 "name": "Heirloom Weapon",63 "tagSet": "heirloom",64 "wear": 4,65 "sections": [66 {67 "name": "Features",68 "numChoices": 2,69 "choices": [70 "Reliable (Heirloom)",71 "Feared (Heirloom)",72 "Deadly (Heirloom)",73 "Double-Headed (Heirloom)",74 "Flexible (Heirloom)",75 "Unique (Heirloom)",76 "Rousing (Heirloom)"77 ]78 }79 ]80 },81 "symbol": {82 "name": "Symbol",83 "tagSet": "default",84 "wear": 3,85 "sections": [86 {87 "name": "Features",88 "numChoices": 2,89 "choices": [90 "Sturdy (Symbol)",91 "Enchanting (Symbol)",92 "Versatile (Symbol)",93 "Revealing (Symbol)",94 "Pleasant (Symbol)"95 ]96 }97 ]98 }...

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Source:bit-pack.ts Github


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1// We get 32-bits to play with2type Choice = number;3type NumChoices = number;4type LayoutOption = [Choice, NumChoices];5const maxBitSize = 5;6export const sizeOfChoices = (numChoices: number[]) =>7, n) => n + p, 0);8export const packBits = (nums: LayoutOption[]) =>9 nums.reduce(10 (p, [choice, numChoices]) => (p << minBitSize(numChoices)) | choice,11 0,12 ) >>> 0;13export const numIntoBytes = (num32: number) =>14 [num32 >> 24, num32 >> 16, num32 >> 8, num32].map((num) => num & 0xff);15export const bytesIntoNum = (bytesArr: number[]) =>16 ((bytesArr[0] << 24) |17 (bytesArr[1] << 16) |18 (bytesArr[2] << 8) |19 bytesArr[3]) >>>20 0;21export const unpackBits = (choiceBits: number, nums: NumChoices[]): number[] =>22 nums.reverse().reduce(23 ({res, bits}, numChoices) => ({24 bits: bits >> minBitSize(numChoices),25 res: [bits & ((1 << minBitSize(numChoices)) - 1), ...res],26 }),27 {bits: choiceBits, res: []} as {bits: number; res: number[]},28 ).res;29export const minBitSize = (num: number) =>30 1 +31 Array(maxBitSize)32 .fill(0)33 .findIndex((_, idx) => 2 << idx >= num);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2console.log(numChoices(2, 5));3const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');4console.log(numChoices(2, 5));5const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6console.log(numChoices(2, 5));7const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8console.log(numChoices(2, 5));9const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');10console.log(numChoices(2, 5));11const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');12console.log(numChoices(2, 5));13const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14console.log(numChoices(2, 5));15const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');16console.log(numChoices(2, 5));17const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');18console.log(numChoices(2, 5));19const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20console.log(numChoices(2, 5));21const { numChoices } = require('fast-check-monorepo');22console.log(numChoices(2, 5));23const { num

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const numChoices = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ArbitraryHelpers.js').numChoices;3fc.assert(, 10), fc.integer(0, 10), (a, b) => {4 return numChoices(a, b) === a + b;5}));6const fc = require('fast-check/lib/fast-check-default.js');7const numChoices = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ArbitraryHelpers.js').numChoices;8fc.assert(, 10), fc.integer(0, 10), (a, b) => {9 return numChoices(a, b) === a + b;10}));11const fc = require('fast-check/lib/fast-check-default.js');12const numChoices = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/ArbitraryHelpers.js').numChoices;13fc.assert(, 10), fc.integer(0, 10), (a, b) => {14 return numChoices(a, b) === a + b;15}));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"2console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))3import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"4console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))5import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"6console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))7import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"8console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))9import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"10console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))11import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"12console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))13import {numChoices} from "fast-check-monorepo"14console.log(numChoices(2,3,4))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const { numChoices } = require("fast-check-monorepo");3fc.assert(4, 100), (num) => {5 return numChoices(num) >= 1 && numChoices(num) <= 4;6 })7);8const fc = require("fast-check");9const { numChoices } = require("fast-check-monorepo");10fc.assert(11, 100), (num) => {12 return numChoices(num) >= 1 && numChoices(num) <= 4;13 })14);15const fc = require("fast-check");16const { numChoices } = require("fast-check-monorepo");17fc.assert(18, 100), (num) => {19 return numChoices(num) >= 1 && numChoices(num) <= 4;20 })21);22const fc = require("fast-check");23const { numChoices } = require("fast-check-monorepo");24fc.assert(25, 100), (num) => {26 return numChoices(num) >= 1 && numChoices(num) <= 4;27 })28);29const fc = require("fast-check");30const { numChoices } = require("fast-check-monorepo");31fc.assert(32, 100), (num) => {33 return numChoices(num) >= 1 && numChoices(num) <= 4;34 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import fc from 'fast-check';2const numChoices = (choices) => {3 let result = 0;4 for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {5 result += choices[i].numChoices();6 }7 return result;8};9 fc.integer({ min: 0, max: 99 }),10 fc.integer({ min: 100, max: 199 }),11 fc.integer({ min: 200, max: 299 }),12 fc.integer({ min: 300, max: 399 }),13 fc.integer({ min: 400, max: 499 }),14 fc.integer({ min: 500, max: 599 }),15 fc.integer({ min: 600, max: 699 }),16 fc.integer({ min: 700, max: 799 }),17 fc.integer({ min: 800, max: 899 }),18 fc.integer({ min: 900, max: 999 }),19];20const total = numChoices(choices);21console.log(total);22fc.assert(23{ min: 0, max: 999 }), (num) => {24 fc.integer({ min: 0, max: 99 }),25 fc.integer({ min: 100, max: 199 }),26 fc.integer({ min: 200, max: 299 }),27 fc.integer({ min: 300, max: 399 }),28 fc.integer({ min: 400, max: 499 }),29 fc.integer({ min: 500, max: 599 }),30 fc.integer({ min: 600, max: 699 }),31 fc.integer({ min: 700, max: 799 }),32 fc.integer({ min: 800, max: 899 }),33 fc.integer({ min: 900, max: 999 }),34 ];35 const total = numChoices(choices);36 return num < total;37 })38);39fc.assert(40{ min: 0, max: 999 }), (num) => {41 fc.integer({ min: 0, max: 99 }),42 fc.integer({ min: 100, max: 199

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