Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo
1/*!2 * Font Awesome Icon Picker3 * *5 * @author Javi Aguilar, itsjavi.com6 * @license MIT License7 * @see */9!function (e) {10 "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], e) : e(jQuery)11}(function (j) {12 j.ui = j.ui || {};13 j.ui.version = "1.12.1";14 !function () {15 var r, y = Math.max, x = Math.abs, s = /left|center|right/, i = /top|center|bottom/,16 c = /[\+\-]\d+(\.[\d]+)?%?/, f = /^\w+/, l = /%$/, o = j.fn.pos;17 function q(e, a, t) {18 return [parseFloat(e[0]) * (l.test(e[0]) ? a / 100 : 1), parseFloat(e[1]) * (l.test(e[1]) ? t / 100 : 1)]19 }20 function C(e, a) {21 return parseInt(j.css(e, a), 10) || 022 }23 j.pos = {24 scrollbarWidth: function () {25 if (void 0 !== r) return r;26 var e, a,27 t = j("<div style='display:block;position:absolute;width:50px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;'><div style='height:100px;width:auto;'></div></div>"),28 s = t.children()[0];29 return j("body").append(t), e = s.offsetWidth, t.css("overflow", "scroll"), e === (a = s.offsetWidth) && (a = t[0].clientWidth), t.remove(), r = e - a30 }, getScrollInfo: function (e) {31 var a = e.isWindow || e.isDocument ? "" : e.element.css("overflow-x"),32 t = e.isWindow || e.isDocument ? "" : e.element.css("overflow-y"),33 s = "scroll" === a || "auto" === a && e.width < e.element[0].scrollWidth;34 return {35 width: "scroll" === t || "auto" === t && e.height < e.element[0].scrollHeight ? j.pos.scrollbarWidth() : 0,36 height: s ? j.pos.scrollbarWidth() : 037 }38 }, getWithinInfo: function (e) {39 var a = j(e || window), t = j.isWindow(a[0]), s = !!a[0] && 9 === a[0].nodeType;40 return {41 element: a,42 isWindow: t,43 isDocument: s,44 offset: !t && !s ? j(e).offset() : {left: 0, top: 0},45 scrollLeft: a.scrollLeft(),46 scrollTop: a.scrollTop(),47 width: a.outerWidth(),48 height: a.outerHeight()49 }50 }51 }, j.fn.pos = function (h) {52 if (!h || !h.of) return o.apply(this, arguments);53 h = j.extend({}, h);54 var m, p, d, T, u, e, a, t, g = j(h.of), b = j.pos.getWithinInfo(h.within), k = j.pos.getScrollInfo(b),55 w = (h.collision || "flip").split(" "), v = {};56 return e = 9 === (t = (a = g)[0]).nodeType ? {57 width: a.width(),58 height: a.height(),59 offset: {top: 0, left: 0}60 } : j.isWindow(t) ? {61 width: a.width(),62 height: a.height(),63 offset: {top: a.scrollTop(), left: a.scrollLeft()}64 } : t.preventDefault ? {65 width: 0,66 height: 0,67 offset: {top: t.pageY, left: t.pageX}68 } : {69 width: a.outerWidth(),70 height: a.outerHeight(),71 offset: a.offset()72 }, g[0].preventDefault && ( = "left top"), p = e.width, d = e.height, T = e.offset, u = j.extend({}, T), j.each(["my", "at"], function () {73 var e, a, t = (h[this] || "").split(" ");74 1 === t.length && (t = s.test(t[0]) ? t.concat(["center"]) : i.test(t[0]) ? ["center"].concat(t) : ["center", "center"]), t[0] = s.test(t[0]) ? t[0] : "center", t[1] = i.test(t[1]) ? t[1] : "center", e = c.exec(t[0]), a = c.exec(t[1]), v[this] = [e ? e[0] : 0, a ? a[0] : 0], h[this] = [f.exec(t[0])[0], f.exec(t[1])[0]]75 }), 1 === w.length && (w[1] = w[0]), "right" ===[0] ? u.left += p : "center" ===[0] && (u.left += p / 2), "bottom" ===[1] ? += d : "center" ===[1] && ( += d / 2), m = q(, p, d), u.left += m[0], += m[1], this.each(function () {76 var t, e, c = j(this), f = c.outerWidth(), l = c.outerHeight(), a = C(this, "marginLeft"),77 s = C(this, "marginTop"), r = f + a + C(this, "marginRight") + k.width,78 i = l + s + C(this, "marginBottom") + k.height, o = j.extend({}, u),79 n = q(, c.outerWidth(), c.outerHeight());80 "right" ===[0] ? o.left -= f : "center" ===[0] && (o.left -= f / 2), "bottom" ===[1] ? -= l : "center" ===[1] && ( -= l / 2), o.left += n[0], += n[1], t = {81 marginLeft: a,82 marginTop: s83 }, j.each(["left", "top"], function (e, a) {84 j.ui.pos[w[e]] && j.ui.pos[w[e]][a](o, {85 targetWidth: p,86 targetHeight: d,87 elemWidth: f,88 elemHeight: l,89 collisionPosition: t,90 collisionWidth: r,91 collisionHeight: i,92 offset: [m[0] + n[0], m[1] + n[1]],93 my:,94 at:,95 within: b,96 elem: c97 })98 }), h.using && (e = function (e) {99 var a = T.left - o.left, t = a + p - f, s = -, r = s + d - l, i = {100 target: {element: g, left: T.left, top:, width: p, height: d},101 element: {element: c, left: o.left, top:, width: f, height: l},102 horizontal: t < 0 ? "left" : 0 < a ? "right" : "center",103 vertical: r < 0 ? "top" : 0 < s ? "bottom" : "middle"104 };105 p < f && x(a + t) < p && (i.horizontal = "center"), d < l && x(s + r) < d && (i.vertical = "middle"), y(x(a), x(t)) > y(x(s), x(r)) ? i.important = "horizontal" : i.important = "vertical",, e, i)106 }), c.offset(j.extend(o, {using: e}))107 })108 }, j.ui.pos = {109 _trigger: function (e, a, t, s) {110 a.elem && a.elem.trigger({type: t, position: e, positionData: a, triggered: s})111 }, fit: {112 left: function (e, a) {113 j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollide", "fitLeft");114 var t, s = a.within, r = s.isWindow ? s.scrollLeft : s.offset.left, i = s.width,115 c = e.left - a.collisionPosition.marginLeft, f = r - c, l = c + a.collisionWidth - i - r;116 a.collisionWidth > i ? 0 < f && l <= 0 ? (t = e.left + f + a.collisionWidth - i - r, e.left += f - t) : e.left = 0 < l && f <= 0 ? r : l < f ? r + i - a.collisionWidth : r : 0 < f ? e.left += f : 0 < l ? e.left -= l : e.left = y(e.left - c, e.left), j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollided", "fitLeft")117 }, top: function (e, a) {118 j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollide", "fitTop");119 var t, s = a.within, r = s.isWindow ? s.scrollTop :, i = a.within.height,120 c = - a.collisionPosition.marginTop, f = r - c, l = c + a.collisionHeight - i - r;121 a.collisionHeight > i ? 0 < f && l <= 0 ? (t = + f + a.collisionHeight - i - r, += f - t) : = 0 < l && f <= 0 ? r : l < f ? r + i - a.collisionHeight : r : 0 < f ? += f : 0 < l ? -= l : = y( - c,, j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollided", "fitTop")122 }123 }, flip: {124 left: function (e, a) {125 j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollide", "flipLeft");126 var t, s, r = a.within, i = r.offset.left + r.scrollLeft, c = r.width,127 f = r.isWindow ? r.scrollLeft : r.offset.left, l = e.left - a.collisionPosition.marginLeft,128 o = l - f, n = l + a.collisionWidth - c - f,129 h = "left" ===[0] ? -a.elemWidth : "right" ===[0] ? a.elemWidth : 0,130 m = "left" ===[0] ? a.targetWidth : "right" ===[0] ? -a.targetWidth : 0,131 p = -2 * a.offset[0];132 o < 0 ? ((t = e.left + h + m + p + a.collisionWidth - c - i) < 0 || t < x(o)) && (e.left += h + m + p) : 0 < n && (0 < (s = e.left - a.collisionPosition.marginLeft + h + m + p - f) || x(s) < n) && (e.left += h + m + p), j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollided", "flipLeft")133 }, top: function (e, a) {134 j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollide", "flipTop");135 var t, s, r = a.within, i = + r.scrollTop, c = r.height,136 f = r.isWindow ? r.scrollTop :, l = - a.collisionPosition.marginTop,137 o = l - f, n = l + a.collisionHeight - c - f,138 h = "top" ===[1] ? -a.elemHeight : "bottom" ===[1] ? a.elemHeight : 0,139 m = "top" ===[1] ? a.targetHeight : "bottom" ===[1] ? -a.targetHeight : 0,140 p = -2 * a.offset[1];141 o < 0 ? ((s = + h + m + p + a.collisionHeight - c - i) < 0 || s < x(o)) && ( += h + m + p) : 0 < n && (0 < (t = - a.collisionPosition.marginTop + h + m + p - f) || x(t) < n) && ( += h + m + p), j.ui.pos._trigger(e, a, "posCollided", "flipTop")142 }143 }, flipfit: {144 left: function () {145 j.ui.pos.flip.left.apply(this, arguments),, arguments)146 }, top: function () {147, arguments),, arguments)148 }149 }150 }, function () {151 var e, a, t, s, r, i = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], c = document.createElement("div");152 for (r in e = document.createElement(i ? "div" : "body"), t = {153 visibility: "hidden",154 width: 0,155 height: 0,156 border: 0,157 margin: 0,158 background: "none"159 }, i && j.extend(t, {position: "absolute", left: "-1000px", top: "-1000px"}), t)[r] = t[r];160 e.appendChild(c), (a = i || document.documentElement).insertBefore(e, a.firstChild), = "position: absolute; left: 10.7432222px;", s = j(c).offset().left, = 10 < s && s < 11, e.innerHTML = "", a.removeChild(e)161 }()162 }();163 j.ui.position164}), function (e) {165 "use strict";166 "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], e) : window.jQuery && !window.jQuery.fn.iconpicker && e(window.jQuery)167}(function (l) {168 "use strict";169 var t = function (e) {170 return !1 === e || "" === e || null == e171 }, s = function (e) {172 return 0 < l(e).length173 }, r = function (e) {174 return "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String175 }, i = function (e, a) {176 return -1 !== l.inArray(e, a)177 }, c = function (e, a) {178 this._id = c._idCounter++, this.element = l(e).addClass("iconpicker-element"), this._trigger("iconpickerCreate", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue}), this.options = l.extend({}, c.defaultOptions,, a), this.options.templates = l.extend({}, c.defaultOptions.templates, this.options.templates), this.options.originalPlacement = this.options.placement, this.container = !!s(this.options.container) && l(this.options.container), !1 === this.container && (".dropdown-toggle") ? this.container = l("~ .dropdown-menu:first", this.element) : this.container ="input,textarea,button,.btn") ? this.element.parent() : this.element), this.container.addClass("iconpicker-container"), this.isDropdownMenu() && (this.options.placement = "inline"), this.input = !!"input,textarea") && this.element.addClass("iconpicker-input"), !1 === this.input && (this.input = this.container.find(this.options.input),"input,textarea") || (this.input = !1)), this.component = this.isDropdownMenu() ? this.container.parent().find(this.options.component) : this.container.find(this.options.component), 0 === this.component.length ? this.component = !1 : this.component.find("i").addClass("iconpicker-component"), this._createPopover(), this._createIconpicker(), 0 === this.getAcceptButton().length && (this.options.mustAccept = !1), this.isInputGroup() ? this.container.parent().append(this.popover) : this.container.append(this.popover), this._bindElementEvents(), this._bindWindowEvents(), this.update(this.options.selected), this.isInline() &&, this._trigger("iconpickerCreated", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue})179 };180 c._idCounter = 0, c.defaultOptions = {181 title: !1,182 selected: !1,183 defaultValue: !1,184 placement: "bottom",185 collision: "none",186 animation: !0,187 hideOnSelect: !1,188 showFooter: !1,189 searchInFooter: !1,190 mustAccept: !1,191 selectedCustomClass: "bg-primary",192 icons: [],193 fullClassFormatter: function (e) {194 return e195 },196 input: "input,.iconpicker-input",197 inputSearch: !1,198 container: !1,199 component: ".input-group-addon,.iconpicker-component",200 templates: {201 popover: '<div class="iconpicker-popover popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-title"></div><div class="popover-content"></div></div>',202 footer: '<div class="popover-footer"></div>',203 buttons: '<button class="iconpicker-btn iconpicker-btn-cancel btn btn-default btn-sm">Cancel</button> <button class="iconpicker-btn iconpicker-btn-accept btn btn-primary btn-sm">Accept</button>',204 search: '<input type="search" class="form-control iconpicker-search" placeholder="Type to filter" />',205 iconpicker: '<div class="iconpicker"><div class="iconpicker-items"></div></div>',206 iconpickerItem: '<a role="button" href="javascript:;" class="iconpicker-item"><i></i></a>'207 }208 }, c.batch = function (e, a) {209 var t =, 2);210 return l(e).each(function () {211 var e = l(this).data("iconpicker");212 e && e[a].apply(e, t)213 })214 }, c.prototype = {215 constructor: c, options: {}, _id: 0, _trigger: function (e, a) {216 a = a || {}, this.element.trigger(l.extend({type: e, iconpickerInstance: this}, a))217 }, _createPopover: function () {218 this.popover = l(this.options.templates.popover);219 var e = this.popover.find(".popover-title");220 if (this.options.title && e.append(l('<div class="popover-title-text">' + this.options.title + "</div>")), this.hasSeparatedSearchInput() && !this.options.searchInFooter ? e.append( : this.options.title || e.remove(), this.options.showFooter && !t(this.options.templates.footer)) {221 var a = l(this.options.templates.footer);222 this.hasSeparatedSearchInput() && this.options.searchInFooter && a.append(l(, t(this.options.templates.buttons) || a.append(l(this.options.templates.buttons)), this.popover.append(a)223 }224 return !0 === this.options.animation && this.popover.addClass("fade"), this.popover225 }, _createIconpicker: function () {226 var t = this;227 this.iconpicker = l(this.options.templates.iconpicker);228 var e = function (e) {229 var a = l(this);230"i") && (a = a.parent()), t._trigger("iconpickerSelect", {231 iconpickerItem: a,232 iconpickerValue: t.iconpickerValue233 }), !1 === t.options.mustAccept ? (t.update("iconpickerValue")), t._trigger("iconpickerSelected", {234 iconpickerItem: this,235 iconpickerValue: t.iconpickerValue236 })) : t.update("iconpickerValue"), !0), t.options.hideOnSelect && !1 === t.options.mustAccept && t.hide()237 }, a = l(this.options.templates.iconpickerItem), s = [];238 for (var r in this.options.icons) if ("string" == typeof this.options.icons[r].title) {239 var i = a.clone();240 if (i.find("i").addClass(this.options.fullClassFormatter(this.options.icons[r].title)),"iconpickerValue", this.options.icons[r].title).on("click.iconpicker", e), i.attr("title", "." + this.options.icons[r].title), 0 < this.options.icons[r].searchTerms.length) {241 for (var c = "", f = 0; f < this.options.icons[r].searchTerms.length; f++) c = c + this.options.icons[r].searchTerms[f] + " ";242 i.attr("data-search-terms", c)243 }244 s.push(i)245 }246 return this.iconpicker.find(".iconpicker-items").append(s), this.popover.find(".popover-content").append(this.iconpicker), this.iconpicker247 }, _isEventInsideIconpicker: function (e) {248 var a = l(;249 return !((!a.hasClass("iconpicker-element") || a.hasClass("iconpicker-element") && ! && 0 === a.parents(".iconpicker-popover").length)250 }, _bindElementEvents: function () {251 var a = this;252 this.getSearchInput().on("keyup.iconpicker", function () {253 a.filter(l(this).val().toLowerCase())254 }), this.getAcceptButton().on("click.iconpicker", function () {255 var e = a.iconpicker.find(".iconpicker-selected").get(0);256 a.update(a.iconpickerValue), a._trigger("iconpickerSelected", {257 iconpickerItem: e,258 iconpickerValue: a.iconpickerValue259 }), a.isInline() || a.hide()260 }), this.getCancelButton().on("click.iconpicker", function () {261 a.isInline() || a.hide()262 }), this.element.on("focus.iconpicker", function (e) {263, e.stopPropagation()264 }), this.hasComponent() && this.component.on("click.iconpicker", function () {265 a.toggle()266 }), this.hasInput() && this.input.on("keyup.iconpicker", function (e) {267 i(e.keyCode, [38, 40, 37, 39, 16, 17, 18, 9, 8, 91, 93, 20, 46, 186, 190, 46, 78, 188, 44, 86]) ? a._updateFormGroupStatus(!1 !== a.getValid(this.value)) : a.update(), !0 === a.options.inputSearch && a.filter(l(this).val().toLowerCase())268 })269 }, _bindWindowEvents: function () {270 var e = l(window.document), a = this, t = ".iconpicker.inst" + this._id;271 l(window).on("resize.iconpicker" + t + " orientationchange.iconpicker" + t, function (e) {272 a.popover.hasClass("in") && a.updatePlacement()273 }), a.isInline() || e.on("mouseup" + t, function (e) {274 a._isEventInsideIconpicker(e) || a.isInline() || a.hide()275 })276 }, _unbindElementEvents: function () {277".iconpicker"),".iconpicker"), this.hasInput() &&".iconpicker"), this.hasComponent() &&".iconpicker"), this.hasContainer() &&".iconpicker")278 }, _unbindWindowEvents: function () {279 l(window).off(".iconpicker.inst" + this._id), l(window.document).off(".iconpicker.inst" + this._id)280 }, updatePlacement: function (e, a) {281 e = e || this.options.placement, this.options.placement = e, a = !0 === (a = a || this.options.collision) ? "flip" : a;282 var t = {283 at: "right bottom",284 my: "right top",285 of: this.hasInput() && !this.isInputGroup() ? this.input : this.container,286 collision: !0 === a ? "flip" : a,287 within: window288 };289 if (this.popover.removeClass("inline topLeftCorner topLeft top topRight topRightCorner rightTop right rightBottom bottomRight bottomRightCorner bottom bottomLeft bottomLeftCorner leftBottom left leftTop"), "object" == typeof e) return this.popover.pos(l.extend({}, t, e));290 switch (e) {291 case"inline":292 t = !1;293 break;294 case"topLeftCorner":295 = "right bottom", = "left top";296 break;297 case"topLeft":298 = "left bottom", = "left top";299 break;300 case"top":301 = "center bottom", = "center top";302 break;303 case"topRight":304 = "right bottom", = "right top";305 break;306 case"topRightCorner":307 = "left bottom", = "right top";308 break;309 case"rightTop":310 = "left bottom", = "right center";311 break;312 case"right":313 = "left center", = "right center";314 break;315 case"rightBottom":316 = "left top", = "right center";317 break;318 case"bottomRightCorner":319 = "left top", = "right bottom";320 break;321 case"bottomRight":322 = "right top", = "right bottom";323 break;324 case"bottom":325 = "center top", = "center bottom";326 break;327 case"bottomLeft":328 = "left top", = "left bottom";329 break;330 case"bottomLeftCorner":331 = "right top", = "left bottom";332 break;333 case"leftBottom":334 = "right top", = "left center";335 break;336 case"left":337 = "right center", = "left center";338 break;339 case"leftTop":340 = "right bottom", = "left center";341 break;342 default:343 return !1344 }345 return this.popover.css({display: "inline" === this.options.placement ? "" : "block"}), !1 !== t ? this.popover.pos(t).css("maxWidth", l(window).width() - this.container.offset().left - 5) : this.popover.css({346 top: "auto",347 right: "auto",348 bottom: "auto",349 left: "auto",350 maxWidth: "none"351 }), this.popover.addClass(this.options.placement), !0352 }, _updateComponents: function () {353 if (this.iconpicker.find(".iconpicker-item.iconpicker-selected").removeClass("iconpicker-selected " + this.options.selectedCustomClass), this.iconpickerValue && this.iconpicker.find("." + this.options.fullClassFormatter(this.iconpickerValue).replace(/ /g, ".")).parent().addClass("iconpicker-selected " + this.options.selectedCustomClass), this.hasComponent()) {354 var e = this.component.find("i");355 0 < e.length ? e.attr("class", this.options.fullClassFormatter(this.iconpickerValue)) : this.component.html(this.getHtml())356 }357 }, _updateFormGroupStatus: function (e) {358 return !!this.hasInput() && (!1 !== e ? this.input.parents(".form-group:first").removeClass("has-error") : this.input.parents(".form-group:first").addClass("has-error"), !0)359 }, getValid: function (e) {360 r(e) || (e = "");361 var a = "" === e;362 e = l.trim(e);363 for (var t = !1, s = 0; s < this.options.icons.length; s++) if (this.options.icons[s].title === e) {364 t = !0;365 break366 }367 return !(!t && !a) && e368 }, setValue: function (e) {369 var a = this.getValid(e);370 return !1 !== a ? (this.iconpickerValue = a, this._trigger("iconpickerSetValue", {iconpickerValue: a}), this.iconpickerValue) : (this._trigger("iconpickerInvalid", {iconpickerValue: e}), !1)371 }, getHtml: function () {372 return '<i class="' + this.options.fullClassFormatter(this.iconpickerValue) + '"></i>'373 }, setSourceValue: function (e) {374 return !1 !== (e = this.setValue(e)) && "" !== e && (this.hasInput() ? this.input.val(this.iconpickerValue) :"iconpickerValue", this.iconpickerValue), this._trigger("iconpickerSetSourceValue", {iconpickerValue: e})), e375 }, getSourceValue: function (e) {376 var a = e = e || this.options.defaultValue;377 return void 0 !== (a = this.hasInput() ? this.input.val() :"iconpickerValue")) && "" !== a && null !== a && !1 !== a || (a = e), a378 }, hasInput: function () {379 return !1 !== this.input380 }, isInputSearch: function () {381 return this.hasInput() && !0 === this.options.inputSearch382 }, isInputGroup: function () {383 return".input-group")384 }, isDropdownMenu: function () {385 return".dropdown-menu")386 }, hasSeparatedSearchInput: function () {387 return !1 !== && !this.isInputSearch()388 }, hasComponent: function () {389 return !1 !== this.component390 }, hasContainer: function () {391 return !1 !== this.container392 }, getAcceptButton: function () {393 return this.popover.find(".iconpicker-btn-accept")394 }, getCancelButton: function () {395 return this.popover.find(".iconpicker-btn-cancel")396 }, getSearchInput: function () {397 return this.popover.find(".iconpicker-search")398 }, filter: function (s) {399 if (t(s)) return this.iconpicker.find(".iconpicker-item").show(), l(!1);400 var r = [];401 return this.iconpicker.find(".iconpicker-item").each(function () {402 var e = l(this), a = e.attr("title").toLowerCase();403 a = a + " " + (e.attr("data-search-terms") ? e.attr("data-search-terms").toLowerCase() : "");404 var t = !1;405 try {406 t = new RegExp("(^|\\W)" + s, "g")407 } catch (e) {408 t = !1409 }410 !1 !== t && a.match(t) ? (r.push(e), : e.hide()411 }), r412 }, show: function () {413 if (this.popover.hasClass("in")) return !1;414 l.iconpicker.batch(l("").not(this.popover), "hide"), this._trigger("iconpickerShow", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue}), this.updatePlacement(), this.popover.addClass("in"), setTimeout(l.proxy(function () {415 this.popover.css("display", this.isInline() ? "" : "block"), this._trigger("iconpickerShown", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue})416 }, this), this.options.animation ? 300 : 1)417 }, hide: function () {418 if (!this.popover.hasClass("in")) return !1;419 this._trigger("iconpickerHide", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue}), this.popover.removeClass("in"), setTimeout(l.proxy(function () {420 this.popover.css("display", "none"), this.getSearchInput().val(""), this.filter(""), this._trigger("iconpickerHidden", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue})421 }, this), this.options.animation ? 300 : 1)422 }, toggle: function () {423":visible") ? this.hide() :!0)424 }, update: function (e, a) {425 return e = e || this.getSourceValue(this.iconpickerValue), this._trigger("iconpickerUpdate", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue}), !0 === a ? e = this.setValue(e) : (e = this.setSourceValue(e), this._updateFormGroupStatus(!1 !== e)), !1 !== e && this._updateComponents(), this._trigger("iconpickerUpdated", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue}), e426 }, destroy: function () {427 this._trigger("iconpickerDestroy", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue}), this.element.removeData("iconpicker").removeData("iconpickerValue").removeClass("iconpicker-element"), this._unbindElementEvents(), this._unbindWindowEvents(), l(this.popover).remove(), this._trigger("iconpickerDestroyed", {iconpickerValue: this.iconpickerValue})428 }, disable: function () {429 return !!this.hasInput() && (this.input.prop("disabled", !0), !0)430 }, enable: function () {431 return !!this.hasInput() && (this.input.prop("disabled", !1), !0)432 }, isDisabled: function () {433 return !!this.hasInput() && !0 === this.input.prop("disabled")434 }, isInline: function () {435 return "inline" === this.options.placement || this.popover.hasClass("inline")436 }437 }, l.iconpicker = c, l.fn.iconpicker = function (a) {438 return this.each(function () {439 var e = l(this);440"iconpicker") ||"iconpicker", new c(this, "object" == typeof a ? a : {}))441 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1/*2 * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.3 *4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are6 * met:7 *8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.10 *11 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above12 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer13 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the14 * distribution.15 *16 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS17 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT18 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR19 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GOOGLE INC.20 * OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,21 * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT22 * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,23 * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY24 * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT25 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE26 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.27 */28/**29 * @constructor30 */31WebInspector.AdvancedSearchController = function()32{33 this._shortcut = WebInspector.AdvancedSearchController.createShortcut();34 this._searchId = 0;35 36 WebInspector.settings.advancedSearchConfig = WebInspector.settings.createSetting("advancedSearchConfig", new WebInspector.SearchConfig("", true, false));37 38 WebInspector.resourceTreeModel.addEventListener(WebInspector.ResourceTreeModel.EventTypes.FrameNavigated, this._frameNavigated, this);39}40WebInspector.AdvancedSearchController.createShortcut = function()41{42 if (WebInspector.isMac())43 return WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.makeDescriptor("f", WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifiers.Meta | WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifiers.Alt);44 else45 return WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.makeDescriptor("f", WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifiers.Ctrl | WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifiers.Shift);46}47WebInspector.AdvancedSearchController.prototype = {48 /**49 * @param {Event} event50 */51 handleShortcut: function(event)52 {53 if (WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.makeKeyFromEvent(event) === this._shortcut.key) {54;55 event.handled = true;56 }57 },58 _frameNavigated: function()59 {60 this.resetSearch();61 },62 /**63 * @param {WebInspector.SearchScope} searchScope64 */65 registerSearchScope: function(searchScope)66 {67 // FIXME: implement multiple search scopes.68 this._searchScope = searchScope;69 },70 show: function()71 {72 if (!this._searchView)73 this._searchView = new WebInspector.SearchView(this);74 75 if (this._searchView.isShowing())76 this._searchView.focus();77 else78 WebInspector.showViewInDrawer(this._searchView);79 },80 close: function()81 {82 this.stopSearch();83 WebInspector.closeDrawerView();84 },85 /**86 * @param {number} searchId87 * @param {Object} searchResult88 */89 _onSearchResult: function(searchId, searchResult)90 {91 if (searchId !== this._searchId)92 return;93 this._searchView.addSearchResult(searchResult);94 if (!searchResult.searchMatches.length)95 return;96 97 if (!this._searchResultsPane) 98 this._searchResultsPane = this._currentSearchScope.createSearchResultsPane(this._searchConfig); 99 this._searchView.resultsPane = this._searchResultsPane; 100 this._searchResultsPane.addSearchResult(searchResult);101 },102 103 /**104 * @param {number} searchId105 * @param {boolean} finished106 */107 _onSearchFinished: function(searchId, finished)108 {109 if (searchId !== this._searchId)110 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this._searchStopStatusBarButton.addEventListener("click", this._searchStopButtonPressed, this);202 203 this._searchResultsMessageElement = document.createElement("span");204 this._searchResultsMessageElement.className = "search-results-status-bar-message";205 this._load();206}207// Number of recent search queries to store.208WebInspector.SearchView.maxQueriesCount = 20;209WebInspector.SearchView.prototype = {210 /**211 * @return {Array.<Element>}212 */213 get statusBarItems()214 {215 return [this._searchStatusBarElement];216 },217 /**218 * @return {Element}219 */220 get counterElement()221 {222 return this._searchResultsMessageElement;223 },224 /**225 * @return {WebInspector.SearchConfig}226 */227 get searchConfig()228 {229 return new WebInspector.SearchConfig(this._search.value, this._ignoreCaseCheckbox.checked, this._regexCheckbox.checked);230 },231 232 /**233 * @type {WebInspector.SearchResultsPane}234 */235 set resultsPane(resultsPane)236 {237 this.resetResults();238 this._searchResultsElement.appendChild(resultsPane.element);239 },240 241 /**242 * @param {number} totalSearchResultsCount243 */244 searchStarted: function(totalSearchResultsCount)245 {246 this.resetResults();247 this._resetCounters();248 249 this._totalSearchResultsCount = totalSearchResultsCount;250 this._searchMessageElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("Searching...");251 this._searchStatusBarElement.appendChild(this._searchProgressElement);252 this._searchStatusBarElement.appendChild(this._searchStopButtonItem);253 this._updateSearchProgress();254 255 this._updateSearchResultsMessage();256 257 if (!this._searchingView)258 this._searchingView = new WebInspector.EmptyView(WebInspector.UIString("Searching..."));259;260 },261 _updateSearchResultsMessage: function()262 {263 if (this._searchMatchesCount && this._searchResultsCount)264 this._searchResultsMessageElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("Found %d matches in %d files.", this._searchMatchesCount, this._nonEmptySearchResultsCount);265 else266 this._searchResultsMessageElement.textContent = "";267 },268 _updateSearchProgress: function()269 {270 this._searchProgressElement.setAttribute("max", this._totalSearchResultsCount);271 this._searchProgressElement.setAttribute("value", this._searchResultsCount);272 },273 resetResults: function()274 {275 if (this._searchingView)276 this._searchingView.detach();277 if (this._notFoundView)278 this._notFoundView.detach();279 this._searchResultsElement.removeChildren();280 },281 _resetCounters: function()282 {283 this._searchMatchesCount = 0;284 this._searchResultsCount = 0;285 this._nonEmptySearchResultsCount = 0;286 },287 nothingFound: function()288 {289 this.resetResults();290 if (!this._notFoundView)291 this._notFoundView = new WebInspector.EmptyView(WebInspector.UIString("No matches found."));292;293 this._searchResultsMessageElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("No matches found.");294 },295 /**296 * @param {Object} searchResult297 */298 addSearchResult: function(searchResult)299 {300 this._searchMatchesCount += searchResult.searchMatches.length;301 this._searchResultsCount++;302 if (searchResult.searchMatches.length)303 this._nonEmptySearchResultsCount++;304 this._updateSearchResultsMessage();305 this._updateSearchProgress();306 },307 /**308 * @param {boolean} finished309 */310 searchFinished: function(finished)311 {312 this._searchMessageElement.textContent = finished ? WebInspector.UIString("Search finished.") : WebInspector.UIString("Search interrupted.");313 this._searchStatusBarElement.removeChild(this._searchProgressElement);314 this._searchStatusBarElement.removeChild(this._searchStopButtonItem);315 },316 focus: function()317 {318 WebInspector.setCurrentFocusElement(this._search);319;320 },321 wasShown: function()322 {323 this.focus();324 },325 wasHidden: function()326 {327 this._controller.stopSearch();328 },329 /**330 * @param {Event} event331 */332 _onKeyDown: function(event)333 {334 switch (event.keyCode) {335 case WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Keys.Enter.code:336 this._onAction();337 break;338 case WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Keys.Esc.code:339 this._controller.close();340 event.consume(true);341 break;342 } 343 },344 345 _save: function()346 {347 var searchConfig = new WebInspector.SearchConfig(this.searchConfig.query, this.searchConfig.ignoreCase, this.searchConfig.isRegex); 348 WebInspector.settings.advancedSearchConfig.set(searchConfig);349 },350 351 _load: function()352 {353 var searchConfig = WebInspector.settings.advancedSearchConfig.get();354 this._search.value = searchConfig.query;355 this._ignoreCaseCheckbox.checked = searchConfig.ignoreCase;356 this._regexCheckbox.checked = searchConfig.isRegex;357 },358 _closeButtonPressed: function()359 {360 this._controller.close();361 },362 _searchStopButtonPressed: function()363 {364 this._controller.stopSearch();365 this.focus();366 },367 368 _onAction: function()369 {370 if (!this.searchConfig.query || !this.searchConfig.query.length)371 return;372 373 this._save();374 this._controller.startSearch(this.searchConfig);375 }376}377WebInspector.SearchView.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.View.prototype;378/**379 * @constructor380 * @param {string} query381 * @param {boolean} ignoreCase382 * @param {boolean} isRegex383 */384WebInspector.SearchConfig = function(query, ignoreCase, isRegex)385{386 this.query = query;387 this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;388 this.isRegex = isRegex;389}390/**391 * @interface392 */393WebInspector.SearchScope = function()394{395}396WebInspector.SearchScope.prototype = {397 /**398 * @param {WebInspector.SearchConfig} searchConfig399 * @param {function(Object)} searchResultCallback400 * @param {function(boolean)} searchFinishedCallback401 */402 performSearch: function(searchConfig, searchResultCallback, searchFinishedCallback) { },403 stopSearch: function() { },404 405 /**406 * @param {WebInspector.SearchConfig} searchConfig407 * @return {WebInspector.SearchResultsPane}408 */409 createSearchResultsPane: function(searchConfig) { }410}411/**412 * @constructor413 * @param {WebInspector.SearchConfig} searchConfig414 */415WebInspector.SearchResultsPane = function(searchConfig)416{417 this._searchConfig = searchConfig;418 this.element = document.createElement("div");419}420WebInspector.SearchResultsPane.prototype = {421 /**422 * @return {WebInspector.SearchConfig}423 */424 get searchConfig()425 {426 return this._searchConfig;427 },428 /**429 * @param {Object} searchResult430 */431 addSearchResult: function(searchResult) { }432}433/**434 * @constructor435 * @extends {WebInspector.SearchResultsPane} 436 * @param {WebInspector.SearchConfig} searchConfig437 */438WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane = function(searchConfig)439{440, searchConfig);441 442 this._searchResults = [];443 ="search-results-pane-file-based";444 445 this._treeOutlineElement = document.createElement("ol");446 this._treeOutlineElement.className = "outline-disclosure";447 this._treeOutlineElement.addStyleClass("search-results-outline-disclosure");448 this.element.appendChild(this._treeOutlineElement);449 this._treeOutline = new TreeOutline(this._treeOutlineElement);450 451 this._matchesExpandedCount = 0;452}453WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.matchesExpandedByDefaultCount = 20;454WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.fileMatchesShownAtOnce = 20;455WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.prototype = {456 /**457 * @param {Object} file458 * @param {number} lineNumber459 * @param {number} columnNumber460 * @return {Element}461 */462 createAnchor: function(file, lineNumber, columnNumber) { },463 /**464 * @param {Object} file465 * @return {string}466 */467 fileName: function(file) { },468 /**469 * @param {Object} searchResult470 */471 addSearchResult: function(searchResult)472 {473 this._searchResults.push(searchResult);474 var file = searchResult.file;475 var fileName = this.fileName(file);476 var searchMatches = searchResult.searchMatches;477 var fileTreeElement = this._addFileTreeElement(fileName, searchMatches.length, this._searchResults.length - 1);478 },479 /**480 * @param {Object} searchResult481 * @param {TreeElement} fileTreeElement482 */483 _fileTreeElementExpanded: function(searchResult, fileTreeElement)484 {485 if (fileTreeElement._initialized)486 return;487 488 var toIndex = Math.min(searchResult.searchMatches.length, WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.fileMatchesShownAtOnce);489 if (toIndex < searchResult.searchMatches.length) {490 this._appendSearchMatches(fileTreeElement, searchResult, 0, toIndex - 1);491 this._appendShowMoreMatchesElement(fileTreeElement, searchResult, toIndex - 1);492 } else493 this._appendSearchMatches(fileTreeElement, searchResult, 0, toIndex);494 495 fileTreeElement._initialized = true;496 },497 /**498 * @param {TreeElement} fileTreeElement499 * @param {Object} searchResult500 * @param {number} fromIndex501 * @param {number} toIndex502 */503 _appendSearchMatches: function(fileTreeElement, searchResult, fromIndex, toIndex)504 {505 var file = searchResult.file;506 var fileName = this.fileName(file);507 var searchMatches = searchResult.searchMatches;508 509 var regex = createSearchRegex(this._searchConfig.query, !this._searchConfig.ignoreCase, this._searchConfig.isRegex);510 for (var i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; ++i) {511 var lineNumber = searchMatches[i].lineNumber;512 var lineContent = searchMatches[i].lineContent;513 var matchRanges = this._regexMatchRanges(lineContent, regex);514 515 var anchor = this.createAnchor(file, lineNumber, matchRanges[0].offset);516 517 var numberString = numberToStringWithSpacesPadding(lineNumber + 1, 4);518 var lineNumberSpan = document.createElement("span");519 lineNumberSpan.addStyleClass("webkit-line-number");520 lineNumberSpan.addStyleClass("search-match-line-number");521 lineNumberSpan.textContent = numberString;522 anchor.appendChild(lineNumberSpan);523 524 var contentSpan = this._createContentSpan(lineContent, matchRanges);525 anchor.appendChild(contentSpan);526 527 var searchMatchElement = new TreeElement("", null, false);528 fileTreeElement.appendChild(searchMatchElement);529 searchMatchElement.listItemElement.className = "search-match";530 searchMatchElement.listItemElement.appendChild(anchor);531 }532 },533 /**534 * @param {TreeElement} fileTreeElement535 * @param {Object} searchResult536 * @param {number} startMatchIndex537 */538 _appendShowMoreMatchesElement: function(fileTreeElement, searchResult, startMatchIndex)539 {540 var matchesLeftCount = searchResult.searchMatches.length - startMatchIndex;541 var showMoreMatchesText = WebInspector.UIString("Show all matches (%d more).", matchesLeftCount);542 var showMoreMatchesElement = new TreeElement(showMoreMatchesText, null, false);543 fileTreeElement.appendChild(showMoreMatchesElement);544 showMoreMatchesElement.listItemElement.addStyleClass("show-more-matches");545 showMoreMatchesElement.onselect = this._showMoreMatchesElementSelected.bind(this, searchResult, startMatchIndex);546 },547 /**548 * @param {Object} searchResult549 * @param {number} startMatchIndex550 * @param {TreeElement} showMoreMatchesElement551 */552 _showMoreMatchesElementSelected: function(searchResult, startMatchIndex, showMoreMatchesElement)553 {554 var fileTreeElement = showMoreMatchesElement.parent;555 fileTreeElement.removeChild(showMoreMatchesElement);556 this._appendSearchMatches(fileTreeElement, searchResult, startMatchIndex, searchResult.searchMatches.length);557 },558 /**559 * @param {string} fileName560 * @param {number} searchMatchesCount561 * @param {number} searchResultIndex562 */563 _addFileTreeElement: function(fileName, searchMatchesCount, searchResultIndex)564 {565 var fileTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, true);566 fileTreeElement.toggleOnClick = true;567 fileTreeElement.selectable = false;568 this._treeOutline.appendChild(fileTreeElement);569 fileTreeElement.listItemElement.addStyleClass("search-result");570 var fileNameSpan = document.createElement("span");571 fileNameSpan.className = "search-result-file-name";572 fileNameSpan.textContent = fileName;573 fileTreeElement.listItemElement.appendChild(fileNameSpan);574 var matchesCountSpan = document.createElement("span");575 matchesCountSpan.className = "search-result-matches-count";576 if (searchMatchesCount === 1)577 matchesCountSpan.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("(%d match)", searchMatchesCount);578 else579 matchesCountSpan.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("(%d matches)", searchMatchesCount);580 581 fileTreeElement.listItemElement.appendChild(matchesCountSpan);582 583 var searchResult = this._searchResults[searchResultIndex];584 fileTreeElement.onexpand = this._fileTreeElementExpanded.bind(this, searchResult);585 // Expand until at least certain amount of matches is expanded.586 if (this._matchesExpandedCount < WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.matchesExpandedByDefaultCount)587 fileTreeElement.expand();588 this._matchesExpandedCount += searchResult.searchMatches.length;589 return fileTreeElement; 590 },591 /**592 * @param {string} lineContent593 * @param {RegExp} regex594 * @return {Array.<Object>}595 */596 _regexMatchRanges: function(lineContent, regex)597 {598 regex.lastIndex = 0;599 var match;600 var offset = 0;601 var matchRanges = [];602 while ((regex.lastIndex < lineContent.length) && (match = regex.exec(lineContent)))603 matchRanges.push({ offset: match.index, length: match[0].length });604 605 return matchRanges;606 },607 608 /**609 * @param {string} lineContent610 * @param {Array.<Object>} matchRanges611 */612 _createContentSpan: function(lineContent, matchRanges)613 {614 var contentSpan = document.createElement("span");615 contentSpan.className = "search-match-content";616 contentSpan.textContent = lineContent;617 WebInspector.highlightRangesWithStyleClass(contentSpan, matchRanges, "highlighted-match");618 return contentSpan;619 }620}621WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.SearchResultsPane.prototype;622/**623 * @constructor624 * @param {Object} file625 * @param {Array.<Object>} searchMatches626 */627WebInspector.FileBasedSearchResultsPane.SearchResult = function(file, searchMatches) {628 this.file = file;629 this.searchMatches = searchMatches;630}631/**632 * @type {WebInspector.AdvancedSearchController}633 */...
1import os23from api.utils import Documen_job4import operator5BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))6import pandas as pd7from django.db.models import Q8from django.shortcuts import render, redirect9from django.http import HttpResponse10from django.views import View11from django.http import JsonResponse12from collector.models import Innovation13from searchBar.models import SearchResult, KeywordSearch, Category, Keyword_category, company_info14import json15import csv16import wget17from datetime import datetime as dt1819my_api_key = ''20my_cse_id = ''212223# Create your views here.24class SearchView(View):25 template_name = "searchBar/searchBar.html"26 Return_template = "searchBar/searchResult.html"2728 def get(self, request):29 if request.user.is_authenticated:30 user = request.user.username31 category_result = Category.objects.all()32 return render(request, self.template_name, {'user': user, 'category_result': category_result})3334 def post(self, request):35 if request.user.is_authenticated:36 user = request.user.username37 if 'search' in request.POST:38 for type in request.POST.getlist('type'):39 for Key_word in request.POST.getlist('Search_Anything'):40 Description = request.POST.get('Desc_Search')41 filter_type = type42 store_Keyword = KeywordSearch(keyWord=Key_word, description=Description, filter=filter_type, status=4)43 categories = request.POST.getlist('category')45 categories.append('OTHERS')46 for category in categories:47 store_category = Keyword_category(name=category.upper(), keywordId=store_Keyword)48 """Run BackGround Job For Panding Task"""50 Keyword_result = KeywordSearch.objects.filter(status=4).values()51 for filter in Keyword_result:52 del filter["created_at"]53 del filter["updated_at"]54 keyword_searchId = KeywordSearch.objects.get(pk=filter['id'])55 keyword_searchId.status = 056 create_lists = [filter]58 Documen_job(create_lists)59 return redirect("searchResult")6061class SearchResultView(View):62 template_name = "searchBar/searchResult.html"6364 def get(self, request):65 if request.user.is_authenticated:66 user = request.user.username67 Keyword_result = KeywordSearch.objects.all().order_by('id')68 final_result = []69 for result in Keyword_result:7071 types_of_text = SearchResult.objects.filter('type_of_text',72 flat=True).distinct()73 total_company_result = company_info.objects.filter('company_url',74 flat=True).distinct()75 total_stored_result = SearchResult.objects.filter('url',76 flat=True).distinct()77 78 result.total_stored_result = len(total_stored_result) + len(total_company_result)7980 if result.total_crawled_result is not None:81 result.total_crawled_result -= len(total_company_result)82 83 r = list(types_of_text[:1])84 if r:85 result.types_of_text = r[0]86 else:87 result.types_of_text = "TECHNOLOGY"88 if result.status == 0:89 result.status = 'Pending'90 elif result.status == 1:91 result.status = 'Running'92 elif result.status == 2:93 result.status = 'Completed'94 result.total_crawled_result = result.total_stored_result95 final_result.append(result)96 return render(request, self.template_name, {'params': final_result})9798 def post(self, request):99100 if 'load' in request.POST:101 Keyword_result = KeywordSearch.objects.filter(status=0).values()102 # print(Keyword_result)103 keywords_data = []104 for filter in Keyword_result:105 if filter['filter'] == 'Document':106 pass107 # document_Crawl(Keyword_result)108 elif filter['filter'] == 'Website':109 keywords_data.append(filter)110 # test_crawl(keywords_data)111 Documen_job(keywords_data)112 return redirect("searchResult")113 else:114 selected_tests = request.POST['test_list_ids']115 selected_tests = json.loads(selected_tests)116 for i, test in enumerate(selected_tests):117 delete_records = KeywordSearch.objects.get(id=test)118 delete_records.delete()119 return HttpResponse("success")120121class result(View):122 def get(self, request):123 searches = request.GET['search']124 matches = Innovation.objects.all().order_by("title").filter(Q(title__contains=searches)).values()125 return JsonResponse({"models_to_return": list(matches)})126127128class updateResult(View):129 def get(self, request):130 Keyword_result = KeywordSearch.objects.all().values()131 object_result = []132133 for result in Keyword_result:134 if result['status'] == 0:135 result['status'] = 'Pending'136 elif result['status'] == 1:137 result['status'] = 'Running'138 elif result['status'] == 2:139 result['status'] = 'Completed'140 object_result.append(result)141 return JsonResponse({"models_to_return": list(object_result)})142143144class filterResult(View):145 template_name = "searchBar/searchResult.html"146147 def get(self, request, status_id):148 result_list = KeywordSearch.objects.filter(status=status_id).values()149 final_result = []150 for result in result_list:151 if result['status'] == 0:152 result['status'] = 'Pending'153 elif result['status'] == 1:154 result['status'] = 'Running'155 elif result['status'] == 2:156 result['status'] = 'Completed'157 final_result.append(result)158 return render(request, self.template_name, {'params': final_result})159160161"""New Overview page Response"""162163164class SearchListView(View):165 template_name1 = "searchBar/searchList.html"166 template_name2 = "searchBar/weboverview_ref.html"167168 def get(self, request, search_id):169 keywordSearchResult = KeywordSearch.objects.get(id=search_id)170 """Get All Type Of Url_extension"""171 extract_url_extension_type = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values_list(172 'url_extension_type', flat=True).distinct()173 """Get Keyword_Id To find Results"""174 SearchResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values()175 """Get Type_of_text"""176 types_of_text = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values_list('type_of_text',177 flat=True).distinct()178 custom_result = {}179180 for filter in extract_url_extension_type:181 filterResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(182 Q(keywordId_id=search_id) & Q(url_extension_type=filter)).values()183 custom_result[filter] = filterResults184 """ Finding Company_Info Witch Stores From Google Map Api"""185 company_data = company_info.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values()186 return render(request, self.template_name2,187 {'result': SearchResults, 'finalResult': custom_result, 'keywordSearch': keywordSearchResult,188 'types_of_text': types_of_text, 'url_extension': extract_url_extension_type, 'select_type': '',189 'company_details': company_data})190191192"""Replica"""193194195class SearchListTypeView(View):196 template_name1 = "searchBar/searchList.html"197 template_name2 = "searchBar/weboverview_ref.html"198199 def get(self, request, search_id, type):200 keywordSearchResult = KeywordSearch.objects.get(id=search_id)201 desc_is_null = False202 if not keywordSearchResult.description:203 desc_is_null = True204 """Get All Type Of Url_extension"""205 extract_url_extension_type = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values_list(206 'url_extension_type', flat=True).distinct()207 """Get Keyword_Id To find Results"""208 SearchResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values()209 """Get Type_of_text"""210 types_of_text = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values_list('type_of_text',211 flat=True).distinct()212213 custom_result = {}214 for filter in extract_url_extension_type:215 filterResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(216 Q(keywordId_id=search_id) & Q(url_extension_type=filter) & Q(type_of_text=type)).order_by(217 '-matched_similarity').values()218 custom_result[filter] = filterResults219 """Finding Company_Info Witch Stores From Google Map Api"""220 company_data = company_info.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).order_by('-matched_similarity').values()221222 return render(request, self.template_name2,223 {'result': SearchResults, 'finalResult': custom_result, 'keywordSearch': keywordSearchResult,224 'types_of_text': types_of_text, 'url_extension': extract_url_extension_type,225 'select_type': type, 'company_details': company_data, 'desc_is_null': desc_is_null})226227228"""Old_Overview page Response"""229230231# class SearchListView(View):232# template_name1 = "searchBar/searchList.html"233# template_name2 = "searchBar/weboverview.html"234#235# def get(self, request, search_id):236# keywordSearchResult = KeywordSearch.objects.get(id=search_id)237# SearchResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values()238# return render(request, self.template_name2, {'result': SearchResults, 'keywordSearch': keywordSearchResult})239240241class ExportCsvView(View):242243 def post(self, request):244 fileName = request.POST['filename'] + '.csv'245 filePath = 'media/' + fileName246 search_id = request.POST['search_id']247 company_search_id = request.POST['company_startup_id']248 check_all_ids = request.POST['check_all_ids']249 search_ids = json.loads(search_id)250 allcheck_ids = json.loads(check_all_ids)251 print(allcheck_ids)252 company_search_ids = json.loads(company_search_id)253254 """Extracting_data For all checked_id with Type"""255 search_result_id_list = []256 for allcheck_id in allcheck_ids:257 SearchResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId=allcheck_id['keyword_id'],258 url_extension_type=allcheck_id['type'],type_of_text=allcheck_id['types_of_text'],).values_list('id',259 flat=True).distinct().order_by('-matched_similarity')260 for id in SearchResults:261 search_result_id_list.append(id)262 """combine Two search id least"""263 all_searchid = search_result_id_list + search_ids264 """Removing same Id's from list and creating Final list of id's"""265 final_search_ids = []266 for id in all_searchid:267 if int(id) not in final_search_ids:268 final_search_ids.append(id)269 """Writing the csv file"""270 with open(filePath, 'w', newline='') as file:271 writer = csv.writer(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, delimiter=';')272 writer.writerow(273 ["Title", "URL", "Description", "Type", "Category", "Subcategory", "Rating"])274 275 276 for ids in final_search_ids:277 searchResult = SearchResult.objects.get(pk=ids)278 keywordSearchResult = KeywordSearch.objects.get(pk=searchResult.keywordId_id)279 writer.writerow(280 [searchResult.title, searchResult.url, searchResult.description, keywordSearchResult.filter,281 searchResult.type_of_text, searchResult.url_extension_type, searchResult.matched_similarity])282 283 284 for company_id in company_search_ids:285 searchResult = SearchResult.objects.get(pk=company_id)286 keywordSearchResult = KeywordSearch.objects.get(pk=searchResult.keywordId_id)287 company_details = company_info.objects.get(searchResultId=company_id)288 writer.writerow(289 [company_details.company_name, company_details.company_url, searchResult.description,290 keywordSearchResult.filter,291 searchResult.type_of_text,"COMPANY / STARTUP" , keywordSearchResult.spin])292293 294 return JsonResponse({"filePath": filePath, "fileName": fileName})295296297class DownloadServerView(View):298299 def post(self, request):300 test = '%d%m%Y'301 dte = fileName = "innovation{}.xlsx".format(dte)303 filePath = 'media/searchresult/' + fileName304 search_id = request.POST['search_id']305 search_ids = json.loads(search_id)306307 with open(filePath, 'w') as file:308 writer = csv.writer(file, )309 writer.writerow(["Title", "URL", "Description"])310 for ids in search_ids:311 searchResult = SearchResult.objects.get(pk=ids)312 writer.writerow([searchResult.title, searchResult.url, searchResult.description])313 return JsonResponse({"filePath": filePath, "fileName": fileName})314315316class DownloadLocallyView(View):317318 def post(self, request):319 innvoation_id = request.POST['innvoation_id']320 # fileName = "innovation{}.xlsx".format(innvoation_id)321 fileName = "innovation_{}.xlsx".format(innvoation_id)322 filePath = 'media/downloadLocally/' + fileName323 search_id = request.POST['search_id']324 search_ids = json.loads(search_id)325 if len(search_id) > 2:326 with open(filePath, 'w') as file:327 writer = csv.writer(file, )328 writer.writerow(["Title", "URL", "Description"])329 # data showing based on search ids330 for ids in search_ids:331 searchResult = SearchResult.objects.get(pk=ids)332 writer.writerow([searchResult.title, searchResult.url, searchResult.description])333334 else:335 with open(filePath, 'w') as file:336 # data showing based on innovation id337 writer = csv.writer(file, )338 writer.writerow(["Title", "URL", "Description"])339 searchResultData = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=innvoation_id)340 for search in searchResultData:341 writer.writerow([search.title, search.url, search.description])342343 return JsonResponse({"filePath": filePath, "fileName": fileName})344345346class DownloadFile(View):347348 def post(self, request):349 url = request.POST['linkUrls']350 fileName = request.POST['fileName'];351 filePath = 'media/downloadFileTempLocally/' + request.POST['fileName']352, filePath)353 return JsonResponse({"filePath": filePath, "fileName": fileName})354355356def delete_duplicate_link(search_id):357 keywordSearchResult = KeywordSearch.objects.get(id=search_id)358 SearchResults = SearchResult.objects.filter(keywordId_id=search_id).values()359 y = []360 t = []361 z = []362 for a in SearchResults:363 if not a["url"] in y:364 y.append(a["url"])365 else:366 t.append(a["url"])367 z.append(a["id"])368 urldel = SearchResult.objects.get(id=a["id"])369 urldel.delete()370
...70 'time-ms': 2,71 'cpu-time-ms': 072 }73 }74 def test_cloudsearch_qsearch(self):75 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)76'Test')77 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)78 self.assertEqual(args[b'q'], [b"Test"])79 self.assertEqual(args[b'start'], [b"0"])80 self.assertEqual(args[b'size'], [b"10"])81 def test_cloudsearch_bqsearch(self):82 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)83"'Test'")84 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)85 self.assertEqual(args[b'bq'], [b"'Test'"])86 def test_cloudsearch_search_details(self):87 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)88'Test', size=50, start=20)89 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)90 self.assertEqual(args[b'q'], [b"Test"])91 self.assertEqual(args[b'size'], [b"50"])92 self.assertEqual(args[b'start'], [b"20"])93 def test_cloudsearch_facet_single(self):94 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)95'Test', facet=["Author"])96 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)97 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet'], [b"Author"])98 def test_cloudsearch_facet_multiple(self):99 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)100'Test', facet=["author", "cat"])101 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)102 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet'], [b"author,cat"])103 def test_cloudsearch_facet_constraint_single(self):104 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)105 q='Test',107 facet_constraints={'author': "'John Smith','Mark Smith'"})108 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)109 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-author-constraints'],110 [b"'John Smith','Mark Smith'"])111 def test_cloudsearch_facet_constraint_multiple(self):112 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)113 q='Test',115 facet_constraints={'author': "'John Smith','Mark Smith'",116 'category': "'News','Reviews'"})117 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)118 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-author-constraints'],119 [b"'John Smith','Mark Smith'"])120 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-category-constraints'],121 [b"'News','Reviews'"])122 def test_cloudsearch_facet_sort_single(self):123 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)124'Test', facet_sort={'author': 'alpha'})125 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)126 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-author-sort'], [b'alpha'])127 def test_cloudsearch_facet_sort_multiple(self):128 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)129'Test', facet_sort={'author': 'alpha',130 'cat': 'count'})131 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)132 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-author-sort'], [b'alpha'])133 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-cat-sort'], [b'count'])134 def test_cloudsearch_top_n_single(self):135 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)136'Test', facet_top_n={'author': 5})137 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)138 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-author-top-n'], [b'5'])139 def test_cloudsearch_top_n_multiple(self):140 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)141'Test', facet_top_n={'author': 5, 'cat': 10})142 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)143 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-author-top-n'], [b'5'])144 self.assertEqual(args[b'facet-cat-top-n'], [b'10'])145 def test_cloudsearch_rank_single(self):146 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)147'Test', rank=["date"])148 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)149 self.assertEqual(args[b'rank'], [b'date'])150 def test_cloudsearch_rank_multiple(self):151 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)152'Test', rank=["date", "score"])153 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)154 self.assertEqual(args[b'rank'], [b'date,score'])155 def test_cloudsearch_result_fields_single(self):156 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)157'Test', return_fields=['author'])158 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)159 self.assertEqual(args[b'return-fields'], [b'author'])160 def test_cloudsearch_result_fields_multiple(self):161 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)162'Test', return_fields=['author', 'title'])163 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)164 self.assertEqual(args[b'return-fields'], [b'author,title'])165 def test_cloudsearch_t_field_single(self):166 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)167'Test', t={'year': '2001..2007'})168 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)169 self.assertEqual(args[b't-year'], [b'2001..2007'])170 def test_cloudsearch_t_field_multiple(self):171 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)172'Test', t={'year': '2001..2007', 'score': '10..50'})173 args = self.get_args(HTTPretty.last_request.raw_requestline)174 self.assertEqual(args[b't-year'], [b'2001..2007'])175 self.assertEqual(args[b't-score'], [b'10..50'])176 def test_cloudsearch_results_meta(self):177 """Check returned metadata is parsed correctly"""178 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)179 results ='Test')180 # These rely on the default response which is fed into HTTPretty181 self.assertEqual(results.rank, "-text_relevance")182 self.assertEqual(results.match_expression, "Test")183 def test_cloudsearch_results_info(self):184 """Check num_pages_needed is calculated correctly"""185 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)186 results ='Test')187 # This relies on the default response which is fed into HTTPretty188 self.assertEqual(results.num_pages_needed, 3.0)189 def test_cloudsearch_results_matched(self):190 """191 Check that information objects are passed back through the API192 correctly.193 """194 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)195 query = search.build_query(q='Test')196 results = search(query)197 self.assertEqual(results.search_service, search)198 self.assertEqual(results.query, query)199 def test_cloudsearch_results_hits(self):200 """Check that documents are parsed properly from AWS"""201 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)202 results ='Test')203 hits = list(map(lambda x: x['id'], # This relies on the default response which is fed into HTTPretty205 self.assertEqual(206 hits, ["12341", "12342", "12343", "12344",207 "12345", "12346", "12347"])208 def test_cloudsearch_results_iterator(self):209 """Check the results iterator"""210 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)211 results ='Test')212 results_correct = iter(["12341", "12342", "12343", "12344",213 "12345", "12346", "12347"])214 for x in results:215 self.assertEqual(x['id'], next(results_correct))216 def test_cloudsearch_results_internal_consistancy(self):217 """Check the documents length matches the iterator details"""218 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)219 results ='Test')220 self.assertEqual(len(results), len( def test_cloudsearch_search_nextpage(self):222 """Check next page query is correct"""223 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)224 query1 = search.build_query(q='Test')225 query2 = search.build_query(q='Test')226 results = search(query2)227 self.assertEqual(results.next_page().query.start,228 query1.start + query1.size)229 self.assertEqual(query1.q, query2.q)230class CloudSearchSearchFacetTest(CloudSearchSearchBaseTest):231 response = {232 'rank': '-text_relevance',233 'match-expr': "Test",234 'hits': {235 'found': 30,236 'start': 0,237 'hit': CloudSearchSearchBaseTest.hits238 },239 'info': {240 'rid': 'b7c167f6c2da6d93531b9a7b314ad030b3a74803b4b7797edb905ba5a6a08',241 'time-ms': 2,242 'cpu-time-ms': 0243 },244 'facets': {245 'tags': {},246 'animals': {'constraints': [{'count': '2', 'value': 'fish'}, {'count': '1', 'value': 'lions'}]},247 }248 }249 def test_cloudsearch_search_facets(self):250 #self.response['facets'] = {'tags': {}}251 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)252 results ='Test', facet=['tags'])253 self.assertTrue('tags' not in results.facets)254 self.assertEqual(results.facets['animals'], {u'lions': u'1', u'fish': u'2'})255class CloudSearchNonJsonTest(CloudSearchSearchBaseTest):256 response = b'<html><body><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></body></html>'257 response_status = 500258 content_type = 'text/xml'259 def test_response(self):260 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)261 with self.assertRaises(SearchServiceException):262'Test')263class CloudSearchUnauthorizedTest(CloudSearchSearchBaseTest):264 response = b'<html><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1>foo bar baz</body></html>'265 response_status = 403266 content_type = 'text/html'267 def test_response(self):268 search = SearchConnection(endpoint=HOSTNAME)269 with self.assertRaisesRegexp(SearchServiceException, 'foo bar baz'):270'Test')271class FakeResponse(object):272 status_code = 405273 content = b''274class CloudSearchConnectionTest(unittest.TestCase):275 cloudsearch = True276 def setUp(self):277 super(CloudSearchConnectionTest, self).setUp()278 self.conn = SearchConnection(279 endpoint=''280 )281 def test_expose_additional_error_info(self):282 mpo = mock.patch.object283 fake = FakeResponse()284 fake.content = b'Nopenopenope'285 # First, in the case of a non-JSON, non-403 error.286 with mpo(requests, 'get', return_value=fake) as mock_request:287 with self.assertRaises(SearchServiceException) as cm:288'not_gonna_happen')289 self.assertTrue('non-json response' in str(cm.exception))290 self.assertTrue('Nopenopenope' in str(cm.exception))291 # Then with JSON & an 'error' key within.292 fake.content = json.dumps({293 'error': "Something went wrong. Oops."294 }).encode('utf-8')295 with mpo(requests, 'get', return_value=fake) as mock_request:296 with self.assertRaises(SearchServiceException) as cm:297'no_luck_here')298 self.assertTrue('Unknown error' in str(cm.exception))...
1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be3// found in the LICENSE file.4Search.SearchView = class extends UI.VBox {5 /**6 * @param {string} settingKey7 */8 constructor(settingKey) {9 super(true);10 this.setMinimumSize(0, 40);11 this.registerRequiredCSS('search/searchView.css');12 this._focusOnShow = false;13 this._isIndexing = false;14 this._searchId = 1;15 this._searchMatchesCount = 0;16 this._searchResultsCount = 0;17 this._nonEmptySearchResultsCount = 0;18 /** @type {?UI.Widget} */19 this._searchingView = null;20 /** @type {?UI.Widget} */21 this._notFoundView = null;22 /** @type {?Search.SearchConfig} */23 this._searchConfig = null;24 /** @type {?Search.SearchConfig} */25 this._pendingSearchConfig = null;26 /** @type {?Search.SearchResultsPane} */27 this._searchResultsPane = null;28 /** @type {?UI.ProgressIndicator} */29 this._progressIndicator = null;30 /** @type {?UI.Widget} */31 this._visiblePane = null;32 this.contentElement.classList.add('search-view');33 this._searchPanelElement = this.contentElement.createChild('div', 'search-drawer-header');34 this._searchPanelElement.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown.bind(this), false);35 this._searchResultsElement = this.contentElement.createChild('div');36 this._searchResultsElement.className = 'search-results';37 const searchContainer = createElement('div');38 = 'auto';39 = 'start';40 = '300px';41 this._search = UI.HistoryInput.create();42 searchContainer.appendChild(this._search);43 this._search.placeholder = Common.UIString('Search');44 this._search.setAttribute('type', 'text');45 this._search.setAttribute('results', '0');46 this._search.setAttribute('size', 42);47 const searchItem = new UI.ToolbarItem(searchContainer);48 const toolbar = new UI.Toolbar('search-toolbar', this._searchPanelElement);49 this._matchCaseButton = Search.SearchView._appendToolbarToggle(toolbar, 'Aa', Common.UIString('Match Case'));50 this._regexButton =51 Search.SearchView._appendToolbarToggle(toolbar, '.*', Common.UIString('Use Regular Expression'));52 toolbar.appendToolbarItem(searchItem);53 const refreshButton = new UI.ToolbarButton(Common.UIString('Refresh'), 'largeicon-refresh');54 const clearButton = new UI.ToolbarButton(Common.UIString('Clear'), 'largeicon-clear');55 toolbar.appendToolbarItem(refreshButton);56 toolbar.appendToolbarItem(clearButton);57 refreshButton.addEventListener(UI.ToolbarButton.Events.Click, this._onAction.bind(this));58 clearButton.addEventListener(UI.ToolbarButton.Events.Click, () => {59 this._resetSearch();60 this._onSearchInputClear();61 });62 const searchStatusBarElement = this.contentElement.createChild('div', 'search-toolbar-summary');63 this._searchMessageElement = searchStatusBarElement.createChild('div', 'search-message');64 this._searchProgressPlaceholderElement = searchStatusBarElement.createChild('div', 'flex-centered');65 this._searchResultsMessageElement = searchStatusBarElement.createChild('div', 'search-message');66 this._advancedSearchConfig = Common.settings.createLocalSetting(67 settingKey + 'SearchConfig', new Search.SearchConfig('', true, false).toPlainObject());68 this._load();69 /** @type {?Search.SearchScope} */70 this._searchScope = null;71 }72 /**73 * @param {!UI.Toolbar} toolbar74 * @param {string} text75 * @param {string} tooltip76 * @return {!UI.ToolbarToggle}77 */78 static _appendToolbarToggle(toolbar, text, tooltip) {79 const toggle = new UI.ToolbarToggle(tooltip);80 toggle.setText(text);81 toggle.addEventListener(UI.ToolbarButton.Events.Click, () => toggle.setToggled(!toggle.toggled()));82 toolbar.appendToolbarItem(toggle);83 return toggle;84 }85 /**86 * @return {!Search.SearchConfig}87 */88 _buildSearchConfig() {89 return new Search.SearchConfig(this._search.value, !this._matchCaseButton.toggled(), this._regexButton.toggled());90 }91 /**92 * @protected93 * @param {string} queryCandidate94 * @param {boolean=} searchImmediately95 */96 async toggle(queryCandidate, searchImmediately) {97 if (queryCandidate)98 this._search.value = queryCandidate;99 if (this.isShowing())100 this.focus();101 else102 this._focusOnShow = true;103 this._initScope();104 if (searchImmediately)105 this._onAction();106 else107 this._startIndexing();108 }109 /**110 * @protected111 * @return {!Search.SearchScope}112 */113 createScope() {114 throw new Error('Not implemented');115 }116 _initScope() {117 this._searchScope = this.createScope();118 }119 /**120 * @override121 */122 wasShown() {123 if (this._focusOnShow) {124 this.focus();125 this._focusOnShow = false;126 }127 }128 _onIndexingFinished() {129 const finished = !this._progressIndicator.isCanceled();130 this._progressIndicator.done();131 this._progressIndicator = null;132 this._isIndexing = false;133 this._indexingFinished(finished);134 if (!finished)135 this._pendingSearchConfig = null;136 if (!this._pendingSearchConfig)137 return;138 const searchConfig = this._pendingSearchConfig;139 this._pendingSearchConfig = null;140 this._innerStartSearch(searchConfig);141 }142 _startIndexing() {143 this._isIndexing = true;144 if (this._progressIndicator)145 this._progressIndicator.done();146 this._progressIndicator = new UI.ProgressIndicator();147 this._searchMessageElement.textContent = Common.UIString('Indexing\u2026');148;149 this._searchScope.performIndexing(150 new Common.ProgressProxy(this._progressIndicator, this._onIndexingFinished.bind(this)));151 }152 _onSearchInputClear() {153 this._search.value = '';154 this.focus();155 }156 /**157 * @param {number} searchId158 * @param {!Search.SearchResult} searchResult159 */160 _onSearchResult(searchId, searchResult) {161 if (searchId !== this._searchId || !this._progressIndicator)162 return;163 if (this._progressIndicator && this._progressIndicator.isCanceled()) {164 this._onIndexingFinished();165 return;166 }167 this._addSearchResult(searchResult);168 if (!searchResult.matchesCount())169 return;170 if (!this._searchResultsPane) {171 this._searchResultsPane = new Search.SearchResultsPane(/** @type {!Search.SearchConfig} */ (this._searchConfig));172 this._showPane(this._searchResultsPane);173 }174 this._searchResultsPane.addSearchResult(searchResult);175 }176 /**177 * @param {number} searchId178 * @param {boolean} finished179 */180 _onSearchFinished(searchId, finished) {181 if (searchId !== this._searchId || !this._progressIndicator)182 return;183 if (!this._searchResultsPane)184 this._nothingFound();185 this._searchFinished(finished);186 this._searchConfig = null;187 }188 /**189 * @param {!Search.SearchConfig} searchConfig190 */191 async _start