How to use sparseArrayBuilder method in fast-check-monorepo

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Source:sparseArray.spec.ts Github


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1/* eslint-disable no-sparse-arrays */2import * as fc from 'fast-check';3import { sparseArray, SparseArrayConstraints } from '../../../src/arbitrary/sparseArray';4import { FakeIntegerArbitrary, fakeArbitrary, fakeArbitraryStaticValue } from './__test-helpers__/ArbitraryHelpers';5import * as RestrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilderMock from '../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/builders/RestrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder';6import * as TupleMock from '../../../src/arbitrary/tuple';7import * as UniqueMock from '../../../src/arbitrary/uniqueArray';8import {9 assertProduceCorrectValues,10 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed,11 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext,12} from './__test-helpers__/ArbitraryAssertions';13import { Value } from '../../../src/check/arbitrary/definition/Value';14import { buildShrinkTree, renderTree } from './__test-helpers__/ShrinkTree';15import { MaxLengthUpperBound } from '../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/helpers/MaxLengthFromMinLength';16function beforeEachHook() {17 jest.resetModules();18 jest.restoreAllMocks();19}20beforeEach(beforeEachHook);21fc.configureGlobal({22 ...fc.readConfigureGlobal(),23 beforeEach: beforeEachHook,24});25describe('sparseArray', () => {26 it('should always specify a minLength and maxLength on the underlying set', () => {27 fc.assert(28, { nil: undefined }), (ct) => {29 // Arrange30 fc.pre(!isLimitNoTrailingCase(ct));31 const tuple = jest.spyOn(TupleMock, 'tuple');32 const uniqueArray = jest.spyOn(UniqueMock, 'uniqueArray');33 const { instance: tupleInstance } = fakeArbitraryStaticValue(() => []);34 const { instance: uniqueInstance } = fakeArbitraryStaticValue(() => []);35 tuple.mockReturnValueOnce(tupleInstance);36 uniqueArray.mockReturnValueOnce(uniqueInstance);37 const { instance: arb } = fakeArbitrary();38 // Act39 sparseArray(arb, ct);40 // Assert41 expect(uniqueArray).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);42 expect(uniqueArray).toHaveBeenCalledWith(43 expect.anything(),44 expect.objectContaining({ minLength: expect.any(Number), maxLength: expect.any(Number) })45 );46 })47 );48 });49 it('should always pass a not too large maxLength or with a size to set given the length we expect at the end', () => {50 fc.assert(51, { nil: undefined }), (ct) => {52 // Arrange53 fc.pre(!isLimitNoTrailingCase(ct));54 const tuple = jest.spyOn(TupleMock, 'tuple');55 const uniqueArray = jest.spyOn(UniqueMock, 'uniqueArray');56 const restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder = jest.spyOn(57 RestrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilderMock,58 'restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder'59 ); // called to build indexes60 const { instance: tupleInstance } = fakeArbitraryStaticValue(() => []);61 const { instance: uniqueArrayInstance } = fakeArbitraryStaticValue(() => []);62 tuple.mockReturnValueOnce(tupleInstance);63 uniqueArray.mockReturnValueOnce(uniqueArrayInstance);64 const { instance: arb } = fakeArbitrary();65 // Act66 sparseArray(arb, ct);67 // Assert68 expect(restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder).toHaveBeenCalled(); // at least once69 expect(uniqueArray).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);70 // First call is to configure items coming with data71 const maxGeneratedIndexes = restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder.mock.calls[0][1]; // ie maxGenerated72 const maxRequestedIndexes = restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder.mock.calls[0][2]; // ie max73 expect(maxGeneratedIndexes).toBeLessThanOrEqual(maxRequestedIndexes);74 const maxRequestedLength = uniqueArray.mock.calls[0][1].maxLength!;75 if (ct !== undefined && ct.noTrailingHole) {76 // maxRequestedIndexes is the maximal index we may have for the current instance (+1 is the length)77 // maxRequestedLength is the maximal number of elements we ask to the set78 const maxElementsToGenerateForArray = maxRequestedLength;79 const maxResultingArrayLength = maxRequestedIndexes + 1;80 expect(maxElementsToGenerateForArray).toBeLessThanOrEqual(maxResultingArrayLength);81 } else {82 // In the default case, for falsy noTrailingHole:83 // - nat will be called with the maximal length allowed for the requested array84 // - set with the maximal number of elements +185 const maxElementsToGenerateForArray = maxRequestedLength - 1;86 const maxResultingArrayLength = maxRequestedIndexes;87 expect(maxElementsToGenerateForArray).toBeLessThanOrEqual(maxResultingArrayLength);88 }89 // Second call is only to handle the length computation in case we allow trailing holes90 const resultedMinNumElements = ct !== undefined ? ct.minNumElements || 0 : 0;91 const resultedMaxLength = ct !== undefined && ct.maxLength !== undefined ? ct.maxLength : MaxLengthUpperBound;92 if (ct === undefined || (!ct.noTrailingHole && resultedMaxLength > resultedMinNumElements)) {93 expect(restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);94 const [min, maxGenerated, max] = restrictedIntegerArbitraryBuilder.mock.calls[1];95 expect(min).toBe(resultedMinNumElements);96 expect(maxGenerated).toBe(maxGeneratedIndexes + 1);97 expect(max).toBe(maxRequestedIndexes + 1);98 }99 })100 );101 });102 it('should reject constraints having minNumElements > maxLength', () => {103 fc.assert(104 validSparseArrayConstraints(['minNumElements', 'maxLength']),106 fc.nat({ max: 4294967295 }),107 fc.nat({ max: 4294967295 }),108 (draftCt, a, b) => {109 // Arrange110 fc.pre(a !== b);111 const ct = { ...draftCt, minNumElements: a > b ? a : b, maxLength: a > b ? b : a };112 const { instance: arb } = fakeArbitrary();113 // Act / Assert114 expect(() => sparseArray(arb, ct)).toThrowError(/non-hole/);115 }116 )117 );118 });119 it('should reject constraints having minNumElements > maxNumElements', () => {120 fc.assert(121 validSparseArrayConstraints(['minNumElements', 'maxNumElements']),123 fc.nat({ max: 4294967295 }),124 fc.nat({ max: 4294967295 }),125 (draftCt, a, b) => {126 // Arrange127 fc.pre(a !== b);128 const ct = { ...draftCt, minNumElements: a > b ? a : b, maxNumElements: a > b ? b : a };129 const { instance: arb } = fakeArbitrary();130 // Act / Assert131 expect(() => sparseArray(arb, ct)).toThrowError(/non-hole/);132 }133 )134 );135 });136});137describe('sparseArray (integration)', () => {138 type Extra = SparseArrayConstraints | undefined;139 // Even if full of holes, they still are memory intensive we explicitely140 // limit num elements in order to avoid running our tests for too long141 const extraParameters: fc.Arbitrary<Extra> = fc.option(validSparseArrayConstraints([], 100), { nil: undefined });142 const isEqual = (v1: number[], v2: number[]): boolean => {143 // WARNING: Very long loops in Jest when comparing two very large sparse arrays144 expect(v1.length).toBe(v2.length);145 expect(Object.entries(v1)).toEqual(Object.entries(v2));146 return true;147 };148 const isCorrect = (v: number[], extra: Extra = {}) => {149 // Should be an array150 if (!Array.isArray(v)) return false;151 // Should not have a length greater than the requested one (if any)152 if (extra.maxLength !== undefined && v.length > extra.maxLength) return false;153 // Should contain at least the minimal number of requested items (if specified)154 if (extra.minNumElements !== undefined && Object.keys(v).length < extra.minNumElements) return false;155 // Should contain at most the maxiaml number of requested items (if specified)156 if (extra.maxNumElements !== undefined && Object.keys(v).length > extra.maxNumElements) return false;157 // Should only contain valid keys: numbers within 0 and length-1158 for (const k of Object.keys(v)) {159 const i = Number(k);160 if (Number.isNaN(i) || i < 0 || i >= v.length) return false;161 }162 // Should never end by a hole if user activated noTrailingHole163 if (extra.noTrailingHole && v.length > 0 && !(v.length - 1 in v)) return false;164 // If all the previous checks passed, then array should be ok165 return true;166 };167 const sparseArrayBuilder = (extra: Extra) => sparseArray(new FakeIntegerArbitrary(), extra);168 it('should produce the same values given the same seed', () => {169 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed(sparseArrayBuilder, { extraParameters, isEqual });170 });171 it('should only produce correct values', () => {172 assertProduceCorrectValues(sparseArrayBuilder, isCorrect, { extraParameters });173 });174 it('should produce values seen as shrinkable without any context', () => {175 // Remark: It will not shrink towards the exact same values for various reasons,176 // - when noTrailingHole=false, there is no real way to buid back the targetLength177 // - the key-value pairs will most of the time not be in the same ordered as the build order,178 // thus it will lead to a different shrink order179 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext(sparseArrayBuilder, { extraParameters });180 });181 it.each`182 source | constraints183 ${['1'] /* unsupported value */} | ${{}}184 ${[1, , , , ,] /* ending by a hole not allowed */} | ${{ noTrailingHole: true }}185 ${[, , , , , 3, , , , , , , , , , 6] /* not enough non-holey items */} | ${{ minNumElements: 3 }}186 ${[, , , , , 3, 4, , , 5, , , , , , 6] /* too many non-holey items */} | ${{ maxNumElements: 3 }}187 ${[, , , 4] /* too long (length is 4) */} | ${{ maxLength: 3 }}188 `('should not be able to generate $source with fc.sparseArray(..., $constraints)', ({ source, constraints }) => {189 // Arrange / Act190 const arb = sparseArray(new FakeIntegerArbitrary(), constraints);191 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source);192 // Assert193 expect(out).toBe(false);194 });195 it.each`196 rawValue | constraints197 ${[1, , , , ,]} | ${{ noTrailingHole: false }}198 ${[, , , , , 3, , , , , , , , , , 6]} | ${{ minNumElements: 2 }}199 ${[, , , , , 3, 4, , , 5, , , , , , 6]} | ${{ maxNumElements: 4 }}200 ${[, , , 4]} | ${{ maxLength: 4 }}201 ${Object.assign(Array(200), { 1: 7 }) /* length longer than default maxGeneratedLength but ok for shrink */} | ${{}}202 ${[...Array(50)].map((_, i) => i) /* non-holey items higher than default maxGeneratedLength but ok for shrink */} | ${{}}203 `('should be able to shrink $rawValue with fc.sparseArray(..., $constraints)', ({ rawValue, constraints }) => {204 // Arrange205 const arb = sparseArray(new FakeIntegerArbitrary(), constraints);206 const value = new Value(rawValue, undefined);207 // Act208 const renderedTree = renderTree(buildShrinkTree(arb, value, { numItems: 100 })).join('\n');209 // Assert210 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(rawValue)).toBe(true);211 expect(renderedTree).toMatchSnapshot();212 });213});214// Helpers215function validSparseArrayConstraints(216 removedKeys: (keyof SparseArrayConstraints)[] = [],217 max: number | undefined = undefined218) {219 return fc220 .record(221 {222 maxLength: removedKeys.includes('maxLength') ? fc.constant(undefined) : fc.nat({ max }),223 minNumElements: removedKeys.includes('minNumElements')224 ? fc.constant(undefined)225 : fc.nat({ max: max !== undefined ? Math.min(5, max) : undefined }),226 maxNumElements: removedKeys.includes('maxNumElements') ? fc.constant(undefined) : fc.nat({ max }),227 noTrailingHole: removedKeys.includes('noTrailingHole') ? fc.constant(undefined) : fc.boolean(),228 },229 { requiredKeys: [] }230 )231 .map((ct) => {232 // We use map there in order not to filter on generated values233 if (ct.minNumElements !== undefined && ct.maxNumElements !== undefined && ct.minNumElements > ct.maxNumElements) {234 return { ...ct, minNumElements: ct.maxNumElements, maxNumElements: ct.minNumElements };235 }236 return ct;237 })238 .map((ct) => {239 // We use map there in order not to filter on generated values240 if (ct.minNumElements !== undefined && ct.maxLength !== undefined && ct.minNumElements > ct.maxLength) {241 return { ...ct, minNumElements: ct.maxLength, maxLength: ct.minNumElements };242 }243 return ct;244 });245}246function isLimitNoTrailingCase(ct?: SparseArrayConstraints): boolean {247 // In that precise case the only solution is a simple constant equal to []248 return ct !== undefined && !!ct.noTrailingHole && ct.maxLength === 0;...

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Source:dir_8acfa16f84c26e7a9d5f910d228938d3.js Github


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1var dir_8acfa16f84c26e7a9d5f910d228938d3 =2[3 [ "ArrayBuilder.cs", "_array_builder_8cs_source.html", null ],4 [ "ArraySortHelper.cs", "_array_sort_helper_8cs_source.html", null ],5 [ "BitHelper.cs", "_bit_helper_8cs_source.html", null ],6 [ "ByteEqualityComparer.cs", "_byte_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],7 [ "Comparer.cs", "_system_8_collections_8_generic_2_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],8 [ "ComparisonComparer.cs", "_comparison_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],9 [ "CopyPosition.cs", "_copy_position_8cs_source.html", null ],10 [ "Dictionary.cs", "_dictionary_8cs_source.html", null ],11 [ "EnumEqualityComparer.cs", "_enum_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],12 [ "EnumerableHelpers.cs", "_enumerable_helpers_8cs_source.html", null ],13 [ "EqualityComparer.cs", "_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],14 [ "GenericArraySortHelper.cs", "_generic_array_sort_helper_8cs_source.html", null ],15 [ "GenericComparer.cs", "_generic_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],16 [ "GenericEqualityComparer.cs", "_generic_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],17 [ "HashSet.cs", "_hash_set_8cs_source.html", null ],18 [ "HashSetDebugView.cs", "_hash_set_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],19 [ "HashSetEqualityComparer.cs", "_hash_set_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],20 [ "IArraySortHelper.cs", "_i_array_sort_helper_8cs_source.html", null ],21 [ "ICollection.cs", "_generic_2_i_collection_8cs_source.html", null ],22 [ "IComparer.cs", "_generic_2_i_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],23 [ "IDictionary.cs", "_generic_2_i_dictionary_8cs_source.html", null ],24 [ "IEnumerable.cs", "_system_8_collections_8_generic_2_i_enumerable_8cs_source.html", null ],25 [ "IEnumerator.cs", "_system_8_collections_8_generic_2_i_enumerator_8cs_source.html", null ],26 [ "IEqualityComparer.cs", "_generic_2_i_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],27 [ "IList.cs", "_generic_2_i_list_8cs_source.html", null ],28 [ "IntrospectiveSortUtilities.cs", "_introspective_sort_utilities_8cs_source.html", null ],29 [ "IReadOnlyCollection.cs", "_i_read_only_collection_8cs_source.html", null ],30 [ "IReadOnlyDictionary.cs", "_i_read_only_dictionary_8cs_source.html", null ],31 [ "IReadOnlyList.cs", "_i_read_only_list_8cs_source.html", null ],32 [ "ISet.cs", "_i_set_8cs_source.html", null ],33 [ "KeyNotFoundException.cs", "_key_not_found_exception_8cs_source.html", null ],34 [ "KeyValuePair.cs", "_key_value_pair_8cs_source.html", null ],35 [ "LargeArrayBuilder.cs", "_large_array_builder_8cs_source.html", null ],36 [ "LinkedList.cs", "_linked_list_8cs_source.html", null ],37 [ "LinkedListNode.cs", "_linked_list_node_8cs_source.html", null ],38 [ "List.cs", "_list_8cs_source.html", null ],39 [ "LongEnumEqualityComparer.cs", "_long_enum_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],40 [ "Marker.cs", "_marker_8cs_source.html", null ],41 [ "Mscorlib_CollectionDebugView.cs", "_mscorlib___collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],42 [ "Mscorlib_DictionaryDebugView.cs", "_mscorlib___dictionary_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],43 [ "Mscorlib_DictionaryKeyCollectionDebugView.cs", "_mscorlib___dictionary_key_collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],44 [ "Mscorlib_DictionaryValueCollectionDebugView.cs", "_mscorlib___dictionary_value_collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],45 [ "Mscorlib_KeyedCollectionDebugView.cs", "_mscorlib___keyed_collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],46 [ "NullableComparer.cs", "_nullable_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],47 [ "NullableEqualityComparer.cs", "_nullable_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],48 [ "ObjectComparer.cs", "_object_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],49 [ "ObjectEqualityComparer.cs", "_object_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],50 [ "Queue.cs", "_generic_2_queue_8cs_source.html", null ],51 [ "RandomizedObjectEqualityComparer.cs", "_randomized_object_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],52 [ "RandomizedStringEqualityComparer.cs", "_randomized_string_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],53 [ "SByteEnumEqualityComparer.cs", "_s_byte_enum_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],54 [ "ShortEnumEqualityComparer.cs", "_short_enum_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],55 [ "SortedDictionary.cs", "_sorted_dictionary_8cs_source.html", null ],56 [ "SortedList.cs", "_generic_2_sorted_list_8cs_source.html", null ],57 [ "SortedSet.cs", "_sorted_set_8cs_source.html", null ],58 [ "SortedSetDebugView.cs", "_sorted_set_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],59 [ "SortedSetEqualityComparer.cs", "_sorted_set_equality_comparer_8cs_source.html", null ],60 [ "SparseArrayBuilder.cs", "_sparse_array_builder_8cs_source.html", null ],61 [ "Stack.cs", "_generic_2_stack_8cs_source.html", null ],62 [ "System_CollectionDebugView.cs", "_system___collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],63 [ "System_DictionaryDebugView.cs", "_system___dictionary_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],64 [ "System_DictionaryKeyCollectionDebugView.cs", "_system___dictionary_key_collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],65 [ "System_DictionaryValueCollectionDebugView.cs", "_system___dictionary_value_collection_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],66 [ "System_QueueDebugView.cs", "_system___queue_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],67 [ "System_StackDebugView.cs", "_system___stack_debug_view_8cs_source.html", null ],68 [ "TreeRotation.cs", "_tree_rotation_8cs_source.html", null ],69 [ "TreeSet.cs", "_tree_set_8cs_source.html", null ],70 [ "TreeWalkPredicate.cs", "_tree_walk_predicate_8cs_source.html", null ]...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');2const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder();3const arr = sparseArray([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]);4console.log(arr);5const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');6const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder();7const arr = sparseArray([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]);8console.log(arr);9const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');10const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder();11const arr = sparseArray([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]);12console.log(arr);13const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');14const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder();15const arr = sparseArray([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');2const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({3});4const arb = sparseArray(arbNumber);5const arb = sparseArrayBuilder({maxLength: 10, minLength: 5})(arbNumber);6const arb = sparseArrayBuilder({maxLength: 10, minLength: 5, noUndefined: true, noNull: true, noEmpty: true, noSparse: true, noHoles: true, noDuplicate: true, noNaN: true, noInfinite: true, noZero: true, noNegative: true, noPositive: true, noString: true, noSymbol: true, noBigInt: true, noObject: true, noFunction: true, noBoolean: true, noDate: true, noRegExp: true, noError: true})(arbNumber);7const arb = sparseArrayBuilder({maxLength: 10, minLength: 5, noUndefined: true, noNull: true, noEmpty: true, noSparse: true, noHoles: true, noDuplicate: true, noNaN: true, noInfinite: true, noZero: true, noNegative: true, noPositive: true, noString: true, noSymbol: true, noBigInt: true, noObject: true, noFunction: true, noBoolean: true, noDate: true, noRegExp: true, noError: true})(arbNumber);8const arb = sparseArrayBuilder({maxLength: 10, minLength: 5, noUndefined: true, noNull: true, noEmpty: true, noSparse: true, noHoles: true, noDuplicate: true, noNaN: true, noInfinite:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');2const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({minLength: 3, maxLength: 5, maxSparseRatio: 0.3});3const fc = require('fast-check');4fc.assert(5, (a) => {6 })7);8const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check-monorepo');9const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({minLength: 3, maxLength: 5, maxSparseRatio: 0.3});10const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({minLength: 3, maxLength: 5, maxSparseRatio: 0.3});11const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({minLength: 3, maxLength: 5, maxSparseRatio: 0.3});12const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({minLength: 3, maxLength: 5, maxSparseRatio: 0.3});13const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder({minLength: 3, maxLength: 5, maxSparse

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { sparseArrayBuilder } = require("fast-check")2const { array } = require("fast-check")3const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder(array())4sparseArray().forEach((value, index) => {5 console.log(value, index)6})7{8 "scripts": {9 },

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sparseArrayBuilder } from 'fast-check';2const builder = sparseArrayBuilder();3const sparseArray =;4console.log(sparseArray);5{6 "scripts": {7 },8 "dependencies": {9 }10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {sparseArrayBuilder} = require('fast-check');2const sparseArray = sparseArrayBuilder(3 {4 },5);6console.log(sparseArray());7console.log(sparseArray(42));8console.log(sparseArray(42, 43));9console.log(sparseArray(42, 43, 44));10console.log(sparseArray(42, 43, 44, 45));11console.log(sparseArray(42, 43, 44, 45, 46));

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