How to use trackBefore method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:dom_patch.js Github


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...45 }46 }47 before(kind, callback){ this.callbacks[`before${kind}`].push(callback) }48 after(kind, callback){ this.callbacks[`after${kind}`].push(callback) }49 trackBefore(kind, ...args){50 this.callbacks[`before${kind}`].forEach(callback => callback(...args))51 }52 trackAfter(kind, ...args){53 this.callbacks[`after${kind}`].forEach(callback => callback(...args))54 }55 markPrunableContentForRemoval(){56 DOM.all(this.container, "[phx-update=append] > *, [phx-update=prepend] > *", el => {57 el.setAttribute(PHX_PRUNE, "")58 })59 }60 perform(){61 let {view, liveSocket, container, html} = this62 let targetContainer = this.isCIDPatch() ? this.targetCIDContainer(html) : container63 if(this.isCIDPatch() && !targetContainer){ return }64 let focused = liveSocket.getActiveElement()65 let {selectionStart, selectionEnd} = focused && DOM.hasSelectionRange(focused) ? focused : {}66 let phxUpdate = liveSocket.binding(PHX_UPDATE)67 let phxFeedbackFor = liveSocket.binding(PHX_FEEDBACK_FOR)68 let disableWith = liveSocket.binding(PHX_DISABLE_WITH)69 let phxTriggerExternal = liveSocket.binding(PHX_TRIGGER_ACTION)70 let phxRemove = liveSocket.binding("remove")71 let added = []72 let updates = []73 let appendPrependUpdates = []74 let pendingRemoves = []75 let externalFormTriggered = null76 let diffHTML = liveSocket.time("premorph container prep", () => {77 return this.buildDiffHTML(container, html, phxUpdate, targetContainer)78 })79 this.trackBefore("added", container)80 this.trackBefore("updated", container, container)81 liveSocket.time("morphdom", () => {82 morphdom(targetContainer, diffHTML, {83 childrenOnly: targetContainer.getAttribute(PHX_COMPONENT) === null,84 getNodeKey: (node) => {85 return DOM.isPhxDestroyed(node) ? null : node.id86 },87 onBeforeNodeAdded: (el) => {88 this.trackBefore("added", el)89 return el90 },91 onNodeAdded: (el) => {92 // hack to fix Safari handling of img srcset and video tags93 if(el instanceof HTMLImageElement && el.srcset){94 el.srcset = el.srcset95 } else if(el instanceof HTMLVideoElement && el.autoplay){96 }98 if(DOM.isNowTriggerFormExternal(el, phxTriggerExternal)){99 externalFormTriggered = el100 }101 //input handling102 DOM.discardError(targetContainer, el, phxFeedbackFor)103 // nested view handling104 if((DOM.isPhxChild(el) && view.ownsElement(el)) || DOM.isPhxSticky(el) && view.ownsElement(el.parentNode)){105 this.trackAfter("phxChildAdded", el)106 }107 added.push(el)108 },109 onNodeDiscarded: (el) => {110 // nested view handling111 if(DOM.isPhxChild(el) || DOM.isPhxSticky(el)){ liveSocket.destroyViewByEl(el) }112 this.trackAfter("discarded", el)113 },114 onBeforeNodeDiscarded: (el) => {115 if(el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute(PHX_PRUNE) !== null){ return true }116 if(el.parentNode !== null && DOM.isPhxUpdate(el.parentNode, phxUpdate, ["append", "prepend"]) &&{ return false }117 if(el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute(phxRemove)){118 pendingRemoves.push(el)119 return false120 }121 if(this.skipCIDSibling(el)){ return false }122 return true123 },124 onElUpdated: (el) => {125 if(DOM.isNowTriggerFormExternal(el, phxTriggerExternal)){126 externalFormTriggered = el127 }128 updates.push(el)129 },130 onBeforeElUpdated: (fromEl, toEl) => {131 DOM.cleanChildNodes(toEl, phxUpdate)132 if(this.skipCIDSibling(toEl)){ return false }133 if(DOM.isPhxSticky(fromEl)){ return false }134 if(DOM.isIgnored(fromEl, phxUpdate)){135 this.trackBefore("updated", fromEl, toEl)136 DOM.mergeAttrs(fromEl, toEl, {isIgnored: true})137 updates.push(fromEl)138 DOM.applyStickyOperations(fromEl)139 return false140 }141 if(fromEl.type === "number" && (fromEl.validity && fromEl.validity.badInput)){ return false }142 if(!DOM.syncPendingRef(fromEl, toEl, disableWith)){143 if(DOM.isUploadInput(fromEl)){144 this.trackBefore("updated", fromEl, toEl)145 updates.push(fromEl)146 }147 DOM.applyStickyOperations(fromEl)148 return false149 }150 // nested view handling151 if(DOM.isPhxChild(toEl)){152 let prevSession = fromEl.getAttribute(PHX_SESSION)153 DOM.mergeAttrs(fromEl, toEl, {exclude: [PHX_STATIC]})154 if(prevSession !== ""){ fromEl.setAttribute(PHX_SESSION, prevSession) }155 fromEl.setAttribute(PHX_ROOT_ID, this.rootID)156 DOM.applyStickyOperations(fromEl)157 return false158 }159 // input handling160 DOM.copyPrivates(toEl, fromEl)161 DOM.discardError(targetContainer, toEl, phxFeedbackFor)162 let isFocusedFormEl = focused && fromEl.isSameNode(focused) && DOM.isFormInput(fromEl)163 if(isFocusedFormEl){164 this.trackBefore("updated", fromEl, toEl)165 DOM.mergeFocusedInput(fromEl, toEl)166 DOM.syncAttrsToProps(fromEl)167 updates.push(fromEl)168 DOM.applyStickyOperations(fromEl)169 return false170 } else {171 if(DOM.isPhxUpdate(toEl, phxUpdate, ["append", "prepend"])){172 appendPrependUpdates.push(new DOMPostMorphRestorer(fromEl, toEl, toEl.getAttribute(phxUpdate)))173 }174 DOM.syncAttrsToProps(toEl)175 DOM.applyStickyOperations(toEl)176 this.trackBefore("updated", fromEl, toEl)177 return true178 }179 }180 })181 })182 if(liveSocket.isDebugEnabled()){ detectDuplicateIds() }183 if(appendPrependUpdates.length > 0){184 liveSocket.time("post-morph append/prepend restoration", () => {185 appendPrependUpdates.forEach(update => update.perform())186 })187 }188 liveSocket.silenceEvents(() => DOM.restoreFocus(focused, selectionStart, selectionEnd))189 DOM.dispatchEvent(document, "phx:update")190 added.forEach(el => this.trackAfter("added", el))...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trackBefore } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2trackBefore(() => {3 console.log('track before');4});5const { trackAfter } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6trackAfter(() => {7 console.log('track after');8});9function trackBefore(cb: () => void): void10function trackAfter(cb: () => void): void

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { trackBefore } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const arb = fc.integer(1, 100);4const isEven = (n) => n % 2 === 0;5const isOdd = (n) => n % 2 !== 0;6const trackedArb = trackBefore(arb);7fc.assert(8, (n) => {9 return isEven(n) || isOdd(n);10 })11);12const fc = require('fast-check');13const { trackBefore } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const arb = fc.integer(1, 100);15const isEven = (n) => n % 2 === 0;16const isOdd = (n) => n % 2 !== 0;17const trackedArb = trackBefore(arb);18fc.assert(19, (n) => {20 return isEven(n) || isOdd(n);21 })22);23- `arb` **[IRawProperty](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trackBefore } = require("fast-check");2const { property } = require("fast-check");3const { integer } = require("fast-check");4const { string } = require("fast-check");5const { record } = require("fast-check");6const { tuple } = require("fast-check");7trackBefore(() => {8 console.log("before");9});10trackBefore(() => {11 console.log("after");12});13property(14 integer(),15 integer(),16 integer(),17 (a, b, c) => {18 console.log("test");19 return a + b === c;20 }21).beforeEach(() => {22 console.log("before each");23});24property(25 integer(),26 integer(),27 integer(),28 (a, b, c) => {29 console.log("test");30 return a + b === c;31 }32).afterEach(() => {33 console.log("after each");34});35property(36 tuple(integer(), integer(), integer()),37 ([a, b, c]) => {38 console.log("test");39 return a + b === c;40 }41).beforeEach(() => {42 console.log("before each");43});44property(45 tuple(integer(), integer(), integer()),46 ([a, b, c]) => {47 console.log("test");48 return a + b === c;49 }50).afterEach(() => {51 console.log("after each");52});53property(54 record({55 a: integer(),56 b: integer(),57 c: integer()58 }),59 ({ a, b, c }) => {60 console.log("test");61 return a + b === c;62 }63).beforeEach(() => {64 console.log("before each");65});66property(67 record({68 a: integer(),69 b: integer(),70 c: integer()71 }),72 ({ a, b, c }) => {73 console.log("test");74 return a + b === c;75 }76).afterEach(() => {77 console.log("after each");78});79property(80 string(),81 string(),82 string(),83 (a, b, c) => {84 console.log("test");85 return a + b === c;86 }87).beforeEach(() => {88 console.log("before each");89});90property(91 string(),92 string(),93 string(),

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const { trackBefore } = require("fast-check-monorepo");3 .array(fc.integer())4 .trackBefore((a, b) => a.length < b.length);5fc.assert(6, (a) => {7 return a.length <= 10;8 })9);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { trackBefore } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const test3 = () => {4 const test = fc.integer(),6 fc.integer(),7 (a, b) => {8 trackBefore('test3', 'test3');9 return a + b === b + a;10 }11 );12 fc.assert(test, { seed: 123, path: 'test3.js', endOnFailure: true });13};14module.exports = test3;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { trackBefore } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const arb = fc.nat();4const before = trackBefore(arb); => {6 console.log('before: ', res);7});8const fc = require('fast-check');9const { trackAfter } = require('fast-check-monorepo');10const arb = fc.nat();11const after = trackAfter(arb); => {13 console.log('after: ', res);14});15const fc = require('fast-check');16const { trackBeforeAndAfter } = require('fast-check-monorepo');17const arb = fc.nat();18const beforeAfter = trackBeforeAndAfter(arb); => {20 console.log('beforeAfter: ', res);21});22const fc = require('fast-check');23const { trackBeforeAndAfterWithShrink } = require('fast-check-monorepo');24const arb = fc.nat();25const beforeAfter = trackBeforeAndAfterWithShrink(arb);

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