How to use updatedSnippets method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:editor.js Github


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1import * as actions from 'src/actions/old/editor';2import { timerInterval } from 'src/middlewares/editor/handlers';3import { DRAFT_REHYDRATE } from 'src/modules/old/Drafts/actions/actions';4import {5 EDITOR_REVERT_DRAFT,6 CLEAR_EPISODE_EDITION,7 ENABLE_TRIM,8 SHOW_DROP_WARNING,9} from 'src/modules/old/Editor/actions';10import { calculateEpisodeDuration } from 'src/modules/old/Editor/helpers';11import createReducer from './createReducer';12const timePerSection = {13 1: 120,14 2: 90,15 3: 60,16 4: 45,17 5: 40,18 6: 30,19 7: 20,20 8: 15,21 9: 10,22 10: 5,23};24const initialState = {25 currentTimelineTime: 0,26 pixelsPerSecond: 1,27 canPublish: true,28 secondsPerSection: 120,29 totalTimeSeconds: 2000, // total length of the timeline in seconds30 latestSnippetTime: 0,31 layers: [32 {33 audioVolume: 1,34 frontendId: 1,35 },36 ],37 layerRecordings: [],38 draftItems: [],39 isDropWarningVisible: false,40};41const handlers = {42 [SHOW_DROP_WARNING]: (state, action) => ({43 ...state,44 isDropWarningVisible: action.payload,45 }),46 [ENABLE_TRIM]: (state, action) => ({47 ...state,48 layerRecordings: => {49 if (layer.frontendId !== {50 return layer;51 }52 const width = state.pixelsPerSecond * layer.playDuration;53 const left = action.payload.position - 20;54 const right = action.payload.position + 20;55 return {56 ...layer,57 trim: {58 ...layer.trim,59 isTrimming: true,60 arrowLeft: left < 0 ? 0 : left,61 arrowRight: right > width ? width : right,62 },63 };64 }),65 }),66 [CLEAR_EPISODE_EDITION]: () => initialState,67 [actions.EDITOR_ADD_LAYER]: (state, payload) => {68 const newLayer = {69 name: `Layer ${payload.layerId}`,70 audioVolume: 1,71 frontendId: payload.layerId,72 };73 const layers = [newLayer, ...state.layers];74 return {75 ...state,76 layers,77 };78 },79 [actions.EDITOR_ADD_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { recordingSnippet }) => {80 const isAlreadyAd = state.layerRecordings.find(e => e.isAd);81 if (recordingSnippet.isAd && isAlreadyAd) {82 return state;83 }84 const newSnippets = [recordingSnippet, ...state.layerRecordings];85 return {86 ...state,87 layerRecordings: newSnippets,88 latestSnippetTime: calculateEpisodeDuration(newSnippets) || state.latestSnippetTime,89 };90 },91 [actions.EDITOR_ADD_AD_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { recordingSnippet }) => {92 const isAlreadyAd = state.layerRecordings.find(e => e.isAd);93 if (recordingSnippet.isAd && isAlreadyAd) {94 return state;95 }96 const newSnippets = [recordingSnippet, ...state.layerRecordings];97 return {98 ...state,99 layerRecordings: newSnippets,100 };101 },102 [actions.EDITOR_SWITCH_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { snippetId, newLayerId }) => {103 const updatedSnippets = => {104 if (snippet.frontendId === snippetId) {105 return {106 ...snippet,107 layer: newLayerId,108 };109 }110 return snippet;111 });112 return {113 ...state,114 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,115 };116 },117 [actions.EDITOR_MOVE_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { recordingSnippet, newOffsetSeconds }) => {118 const updatedSnippets = => {119 if (snippet.frontendId !== recordingSnippet.frontendId) {120 return snippet;121 }122 return {123 ...snippet,124 timelineOffset: newOffsetSeconds,125 };126 });127 return {128 ...state,129 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,130 };131 },132 [actions.EDITOR_DELETE_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { recordingSnippet }) => {133 const updatedSnippets = state.layerRecordings.filter(134 snippet => snippet.frontendId !== recordingSnippet.frontendId,135 );136 return {137 ...state,138 canPublish: true,139 latestSnippetTime: calculateEpisodeDuration(updatedSnippets),140 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,141 };142 },143 [actions.EDITOR_FADE_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { frontendId, isFadeOut, fadeDuration }) => {144 const key = isFadeOut ? 'fadeOut' : 'fadeIn';145 const updatedSnippets = => {146 if (snippet.frontendId === frontendId) {147 return {148 ...snippet,149 fadeDuration,150 [key]: !snippet[key],151 };152 }153 return snippet;154 });155 return {156 ...state,157 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,158 };159 },160 [actions.EDITOR_UPDATE_RECORDING_SNIPPET]: (state, { recordingSnippet }) => {161 const updatedSnippets = => {162 if (snippet.frontendId !== recordingSnippet.frontendId) {163 return snippet;164 }165 return recordingSnippet;166 });167 return {168 ...state,169 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,170 };171 },172 [actions.EDITOR_INCREMENT_TIMELINE]: state => ({173 ...state,174 currentTimelineTime: state.currentTimelineTime + timerInterval,175 }),176 [actions.EDITOR_RESET]: () => ({177 ...initialState,178 }),179 [actions.EDITOR_SET_TIMELINE_TIME]: (state, action) => ({180 ...state,181 currentTimelineTime: action.newTime,182 }),183 [actions.EDITOR_SET_SNIPPET_DURATION]: (state, { snippet, newDuration }) => {184 const updatedSnippets = => {185 if (recordingSnippet.frontendId !== snippet.frontendId) {186 return recordingSnippet;187 }188 return {189 ...snippet,190 duration: newDuration,191 playDuration: Math.abs(newDuration / 1000 || snippet.playDuration),192 };193 });194 return {195 ...state,196 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,197 };198 },199 [actions.EDITOR_RECOMPUTE_TIMELINE_LENGTH]: state => {200 const latestSnippetTime = state.layerRecordings.reduce((acc, val) => {201 const endTime = val.timelineOffset + val.playDuration;202 if (endTime > acc) {203 return endTime;204 }205 return acc;206 }, 0);207 const newTotalTime =208 latestSnippetTime + 120 > state.totalTimeSeconds ? latestSnippetTime + 140 : state.totalTimeSeconds;209 return {210 ...state,211 canPublish: true,212 latestSnippetTime,213 totalTimeSeconds: newTotalTime,214 };215 },216 [actions.EDITOR_SET_LAYER_VOLUME]: (state, { layerId, volume }) => {217 const updatedLayers = => {218 if (layer.frontendId === layerId) {219 return {220 ...layer,221 audioVolume: volume,222 };223 }224 return layer;225 });226 return {227 ...state,228 layers: updatedLayers,229 };230 },231 [actions.EDITOR_CHANGE_ITEM_START_OFFSET]: (state, { snippet, deltaSeconds }) => {232 const updatedSnippets = => {233 if (thisSnippet.frontendId === snippet.frontendId) {234 return {235 ...thisSnippet,236 startOffset: snippet.startOffset + deltaSeconds,237 playDuration: Math.abs(snippet.playDuration - deltaSeconds),238 };239 }240 return thisSnippet;241 });242 return {243 ...state,244 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,245 };246 },247 [actions.EDITOR_CHANGE_ITEM_PLAY_DURATION]: (state, { snippet, deltaSeconds }) => {248 const updatedSnippets = => {249 const thisSnippet = currentSnippet;250 if (thisSnippet.frontendId === snippet.frontendId) {251 const playDuration = snippet.playDuration + deltaSeconds;252 if (playDuration < 10) {253 delete thisSnippet.fadeIn;254 delete thisSnippet.fadeOut;255 }256 return {257 ...thisSnippet,258 playDuration,259 };260 }261 return thisSnippet;262 });263 return {264 ...state,265 canPublish: true,266 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,267 };268 },269 [actions.EDITOR_SET_TRIM_MODE]: state => ({270 ...state,271 layerRecordings: => ({272 ...l,273 trim: { ...l.trim, isTrimming: false, arrowLeft: 0, arrowRight: 0 },274 })),275 }),276 [actions.EDITOR_SET_TRIM_X]: (state, { trim, snippet }) => {277 const updatedSnippets = => {278 if (thisSnippet.frontendId !== snippet.frontendId) {279 return thisSnippet;280 }281 return {282 ...thisSnippet,283 trim,284 };285 });286 return {287 ...state,288 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,289 };290 },291 [actions.EDITOR_SET_ZOOM]: (state, { pixelsPerSecond }) => {292 const updatedSnippets = => {293 const previousWidth = state.pixelsPerSecond * thisSnippet.playDuration;294 const nextWidth = pixelsPerSecond * thisSnippet.playDuration;295 const scale = nextWidth / previousWidth;296 const arrowLeft = thisSnippet.trim.arrowLeft !== 0 ? thisSnippet.trim.arrowLeft * scale : 0;297 const arrowRight = thisSnippet.trim.arrowRight !== 0 ? thisSnippet.trim.arrowRight * scale : 0;298 return {299 ...thisSnippet,300 trim: {301 ...thisSnippet.trim,302 arrowLeft,303 arrowRight,304 },305 };306 });307 return {308 ...state,309 pixelsPerSecond,310 secondsPerSection: timePerSection[pixelsPerSecond],311 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,312 };313 },314 [actions.EDITOR_TRIM_SELECTIONS]: state => {315 const updatedSnippets = state.layerRecordings316 .filter(snippet => snippet.playDuration !== 0)317 .map(thisSnippet => ({318 ...thisSnippet,319 trim: {320 arrowLeft: 0,321 arrowRight: 0,322 higher: null,323 },324 }));325 return {326 ...state,327 latestSnippetTime: calculateEpisodeDuration(updatedSnippets),328 layerRecordings: updatedSnippets,329 };330 },331 [DRAFT_REHYDRATE]: (_state, { draft }) => {332 const draftRehydrated = JSON.parse(;333 return {334 ...draftRehydrated,335 layers: => (Number.isInteger(l.audioVolume) ? l : { ...l, audioVolume: 1 })),336 layerRecordings: => ({337 ...l,338 trim: { arrowLeft: 0, arrowRight: 0, higher: null, isTrimming: false },339 })),340 };341 },342 [actions.EDITOR_INITIALIZE]: () => ({343 ...initialState,344 }),345 [EDITOR_REVERT_DRAFT]: () => ({346 ...initialState,347 }),348};...

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Source:Technology.jsx Github


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1import "../css/Technology.css";2import { v4 } from "uuid";3import {4 getFirestore,5 collection,6 getDocs,7 query,8 setDoc,9 doc,10 deleteDoc,11} from "firebase/firestore";12import { connectFirebase } from "../data/config";13import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";14import { useEffect, useState } from "react";15import AddSnippetForm from "../components/AddSnippetForm";16import Snippet from "../components/Snippet";17function Technology() {18 const [showForm, setShowForm] = useState(false);19 const [snippets, setSnippets] = useState([]);20 let params = useParams();21 connectFirebase();22 useEffect(() => {23 loadDatabase();24 }, []);25 const loadDatabase = async () => {26 const data = [];27 // Query our database for all documents in a specific collection28 const querySnapshot = await getDocs(29 query(collection(getFirestore(), `${}`))30 );31 // Traverse and add data to out component state32 querySnapshot.forEach((snippet) => {33 data.push(;34 });35 setSnippets(data);36 };37 const toggleForm = () => {38 if (showForm) {39 setShowForm(false);40 } else {41 setShowForm(true);42 }43 };44 const handleAddSnippet = async (performsIn, snippetIn, languageIn) => {45 const generatedId = v4();46 try {47 await setDoc(doc(getFirestore(),, generatedId), {48 id: generatedId,49 language: languageIn,50 performs: performsIn,51 snippet: snippetIn,52 });53 } catch (error) {54 console.log(error);55 }56 const updatedSnippets = [...snippets];57 updatedSnippets.push({58 performs: performsIn,59 snippet: snippetIn,60 id: generatedId,61 });62 setSnippets(updatedSnippets);63 };64 const handleDeleteSnippet = async (id) => {65 const updatedSnippets = [...snippets];66 let indexToDelete = -1;67 updatedSnippets.forEach((snippet, i) => {68 if ( === id) {69 indexToDelete = i;70 }71 });72 updatedSnippets.splice(indexToDelete, 1);73 setSnippets(updatedSnippets);74 // Reflect deletion in database75 try {76 await deleteDoc(doc(getFirestore(),, id));77 } catch (error) {78 console.log(error);79 }80 };81 return (82 <div className="Technology pattern-grid-sm">83 <div className="page-title">84 <h2>85 {" "}86 {, 1).toUpperCase() +87}{" "}88 Collection89 </h2>90 <button onClick={() => toggleForm()} className="addTechFolder-btn">91 Add Snippet92 </button>93 </div>94 {/* Map through our snippets and return Snippet components with their relative data */}95 <div className="SnippetContainer">96 { => {97 return (98 <Snippet99 performs={curSnippet.performs}100 id={}101 snippet={curSnippet.snippet}102 key={v4()}103 language={curSnippet.language}104 handleDeleteSnippet={handleDeleteSnippet}105 />106 );107 })}108 </div>109 {showForm ? (110 <AddSnippetForm111 technology={}112 toggleForm={toggleForm}113 handleAddSnippet={handleAddSnippet}114 />115 ) : null}116 </div>117 );118}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { updatedSnippets } = require('fast-check/lib/types/property/Property.generic');3const { Property } = require('fast-check/lib/types/property/Property');4const { Shrinkable } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/Shrinkable');5const { ShrinkableArray } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableArray');6const { ShrinkableMap } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableMap');7const { ShrinkableSet } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableSet');8const { ShrinkableObject } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableObject');9const { ShrinkableString } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableString');10const { ShrinkableNumber } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableNumber');11const { ShrinkableBoolean } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableBoolean');12const { ShrinkableBigInt } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableBigInt');13const { ShrinkableUndefined } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableUndefined');14const { ShrinkableNull } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableNull');15const { ShrinkableDate } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableDate');16const { ShrinkableSymbol } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableSymbol');17const { ShrinkableFunction } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableFunction');18const { ShrinkableError } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableError');19const { ShrinkableRegExp } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/definition/ShrinkableRegExp');20function stringifyShrinkable(shrinkable) {21 if (shrinkable instanceof Shrinkable) {22 if (shrinkable instanceof ShrinkableArray) {23 return `[${', ')}]`;24 } else if (shrinkable instanceof ShrinkableMap) {25 return `{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { updatedSnippets } = require('fast-check');2const { snippets } = require('./test1');3const updatedSnippets = updatedSnippets(snippets);4console.log(updatedSnippets);5const { updatedSnippets } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6const { snippets } = require('./test1');7const updatedSnippets = updatedSnippets(snippets);8console.log(updatedSnippets);9const { updatedSnippets } = require('fast-check-monorepo');10const { snippets } = require('./test1');11const updatedSnippets2 = updatedSnippets(snippets);12console.log(updatedSnippets2);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check')2const updatedSnippets = require('fast-check-monorepo')3const arb = fc.integer(1, 100)4fc.assert(5, (n) => {6 })7updatedSnippets('test3.js')

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