How to use TmpStore method in istanbul

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Source:file-store-test.js Github


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1/*2 * file-store-test.js: Tests for the nconf File store.3 *4 * (C) 2011, Nodejitsu Inc.5 *6 */7var fs = require('fs'),8 path = require('path'),9 vows = require('vows'),10 assert = require('assert'),11 nconf = require('../../lib/nconf'),12 data = require('../fixtures/data').data,13 store;14vows.describe('nconf/stores/file').addBatch({15 "When using the nconf file store": {16 "with a valid JSON file": {17 topic: function () {18 var filePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'store.json');19 fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));20 = store = new nconf.File({ file: filePath });21 return null;22 },23 "the load() method": {24 topic: function () {25;26 },27 "should load the data correctly": function (err, data) {28 assert.isNull(err);29 assert.deepEqual(data,;30 }31 }32 },33 "with a malformed JSON file": {34 topic: function () {35 var filePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'malformed.json');36 = new nconf.File({ file: filePath });37 return null;38 },39 "the load() method with a malformed JSON config file": {40 topic: function () {41, null));42 },43 "should respond with an error": function (_, err) {44 assert.isTrue(!!err);45 }46 }47 }48 }49}).addBatch({50 "When using the nconf file store": {51 topic: function () {52 var tmpPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'tmp.json'),53 tmpStore = new nconf.File({ file: tmpPath });54 return tmpStore;55 },56 "the save() method": {57 topic: function (tmpStore) {58 var that = this;59 60 Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {61 tmpStore.set(key, data[key]);62 }); 63 64 () {65 fs.readFile(tmpStore.file, function (err, d) {66 fs.unlinkSync(tmpStore.file);67 return err68 ? that.callback(err)69 : that.callback(err, JSON.parse(d.toString()));70 });71 });72 },73 "should save the data correctly": function (err, read) {74 assert.isNull(err);75 assert.deepEqual(read, data);76 }77 }78 }79}).addBatch({80 "When using the nconf file store": {81 topic: function () {82 var tmpPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'tmp.json'),83 tmpStore = new nconf.File({ file: tmpPath });84 return tmpStore;85 },86 "the saveSync() method": {87 topic: function (tmpStore) {88 var that = this;89 Object.keys(data).forEach(function (key) {90 tmpStore.set(key, data[key]);91 });92 var saved = tmpStore.saveSync();93 fs.readFile(tmpStore.file, function (err, d) {94 fs.unlinkSync(tmpStore.file);95 return err96 ? that.callback(err)97 : that.callback(err, JSON.parse(d.toString()), saved);98 });99 },100 "should save the data correctly": function (err, read, saved) {101 assert.isNull(err);102 assert.deepEqual(read, data);103 assert.deepEqual(read, saved);104 }105 }106 }107}).addBatch({108 "When using the nconf file store": {109 "the set() method": {110 "should respond with true": function () {111 assert.isTrue(store.set('foo:bar:bazz', 'buzz'));112 assert.isTrue(store.set('falsy:number', 0));113 assert.isTrue(store.set('falsy:string', ''));114 assert.isTrue(store.set('falsy:boolean', false));115 assert.isTrue(store.set('falsy:object', null));116 }117 },118 "the get() method": {119 "should respond with the correct value": function () {120 assert.equal(store.get('foo:bar:bazz'), 'buzz');121 assert.equal(store.get('falsy:number'), 0);122 assert.equal(store.get('falsy:string'), '');123 assert.equal(store.get('falsy:boolean'), false);124 assert.equal(store.get('falsy:object'), null);125 }126 },127 "the clear() method": {128 "should respond with the true": function () {129 assert.equal(store.get('foo:bar:bazz'), 'buzz');130 assert.isTrue(store.clear('foo:bar:bazz'));131 assert.isTrue(typeof store.get('foo:bar:bazz') === 'undefined');132 }133 }134 }135}).addBatch({136 "When using the nconf file store": {137 "the search() method": {138 "when the target file exists higher in the directory tree": {139 topic: function () {140 var filePath = this.filePath = path.join(process.env.HOME, '.nconf');141 fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));142 return new (nconf.File)({143 file: '.nconf'144 })145 },146 "should update the file appropriately": function (store) {147;148 assert.equal(store.file, this.filePath);149 fs.unlinkSync(this.filePath);150 }151 },152 "when the target file doesn't exist higher in the directory tree": {153 topic: function () {154 var filePath = this.filePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'search-store.json');155 return new (nconf.File)({156 dir: path.dirname(filePath),157 file: 'search-store.json'158 })159 },160 "should update the file appropriately": function (store) {161;162 assert.equal(store.file, this.filePath);163 }164 }165 }166 }...

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Source:TTTSlice.js Github


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1import {createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';23const initialState = {4 history:[[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null]],5 step:0,6 xIsNext:true,7 win:false8};91011export const TTTSlice = createSlice({12 name: 'TicTacToe',13 initialState,14 reducers: {15 handleClick:(state, action) => {16 if (state.history[state.step][action.payload.index] === null &&{17 let tmpstore = state.history[state.step].slice();18 if (action.payload.xIsNext === true){19 tmpstore[action.payload.index]="X"20 }else{21 tmpstore[action.payload.index]="O"22 }23 state.history.push(tmpstore)24 state.step++;25 state.xIsNext= !state.xIsNext26 }27 },28 handleBack:(state)=>{29 if (state.step>=1 && && state.step!==9){30 state.history.pop();31 state.step--;32 state.xIsNext= !state.xIsNext;33 }34 },35 handleNewGame:(state)=>{36 if(state.step>0){37 state.history.length=1;38 state.step=0;39 state.xIsNext=true;40;41 }42 },43 checkWin:(state)=>{44 let tmpstore = state.history[state.step].slice();45 let winlist = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,4,6]]4647 for(let i=0; i<8; i++){48 const [a,b,c] = winlist[i];49 if(tmpstore[a] && tmpstore[a]===tmpstore[b] && tmpstore[a]===tmpstore[c]){50;51 break;52 }53 }54 },55 },5657});5859export const {handleClick, handleBack, handleNewGame, checkWin} = TTTSlice.actions;6061export const selectTTT = (state) => {return [state.TicTacToe.history, 62 state.TicTacToe.step, state.TicTacToe.xIsNext,]};63 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbulMiddleware = require('istanbul-middleware');2istanbulMiddleware.hookLoader(__dirname);3var app = require('./app.js');4app.listen(3000);5var express = require('express');6var app = express();7var istanbulMiddleware = require('istanbul-middleware');8app.get('/', function (req, res) {9 res.send('Hello World!');10});11app.get('/coverage', function (req, res) {12 istanbulMiddleware.writeReport(req, res);13});14module.exports = app;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var express = require('express');2var app = express();3var middleware = require('istanbul-middleware');4app.use(middleware.hookLoader(__dirname));5var server = app.listen(3000, function() {6 var host = server.address().address;7 var port = server.address().port;8});9app.get('/', function(req, res) {10 res.send('Hello World!');11});12app.get('/tmpStore', function(req, res) {13 var tmpStore = middleware.createTmpStore();14 tmpStore.addFileCoverage({15 s: {16 }17 });18 tmpStore.addFileCoverage({19 s: {20 }21 });22 res.send(tmpStore);23});24app.get('/tmpStore2', function(req, res) {25 var tmpStore = middleware.createTmpStore();26 tmpStore.addFileCoverage({27 s: {28 }29 });30 tmpStore.addFileCoverage({31 s: {32 }33 });34 res.send(tmpStore);35});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4var sync = false;5collector.add(require('./coverage/coverage.json'));6reporter.add('text');7reporter.add('lcovonly');8reporter.write(collector, sync, function () { console.log('done'); });9 throw ex;10 at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)11 at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)12 at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:501:10)13 at startup (node.js:129:16)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4var tmp = new istanbul.Store();5var map = tmp.get();6map['/home/saurabh/workspace/NodeJS/istanbul/test.js'] = { path: '/home/saurabh/workspace/NodeJS/istanbul/test.js', statementMap: { '0': { start: [Object], end: [Object] }, '1': { start: [Object], end: [Object] } }, fnMap: {}, branchMap: {}, s: { '0': 1, '1': 1 }, f: {}, b: {}, _coverageSchema: '1a1c01bbd47fc00a2c39e90264f33305004495a9', hash: 'c3b3d4f4c0e4b4b0d4f4c0e4b4b0d4f4c0e4b4b0' };7tmp.set(map);8collector.add(tmp.getFinalCoverage());9reporter.add('html');10reporter.write(collector, true, function () {11 console.log('All reports generated');12});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4var sync = false;5reporter.add('text-summary');6collector.add(global.__coverage__ || {});7reporter.write(collector, sync, function() {8 console.log('All reports generated');9});10require('./test/test.js');11require('./test.js');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var istanbul = require('istanbul');2var collector = new istanbul.Collector();3var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter();4var sync = false;5collector.add(coverage);6reporter.add('text');7reporter.write(collector, sync, function () {8 console.log('All reports generated');9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tmpStore = require('istanbul').TmpStore;2var store = new tmpStore();3var memoryStore = require('istanbul').MemoryStore;4var store = new memoryStore();5var fileStore = require('istanbul').FileStore;6var store = new fileStore();7var report = require('istanbul').Report;8var report = require('istanbul').Report;9var report = require('istanbul').Report;10var report = require('istanbul').Report;11var report = require('istanbul').Report;12var report = require('istanbul').Report;13var report = require('istanbul').Report;14var report = require('istanbul').Report;15var report = require('istanbul').Report;16var report = require('istanbul').Report;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tmpStore = require('istanbul');2tmpStore.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});3tmpStore.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});4var fileStore = require('istanbul');5fileStore.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});6fileStore.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});7var memoryStore = require('istanbul');8memoryStore.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});9memoryStore.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});10var mapStore = require('istanbul');11mapStore.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});12mapStore.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});13var objectStore = require('istanbul');14objectStore.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});15objectStore.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});16var store = require('istanbul');17store.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});18store.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});19var store = require('istanbul');20store.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});21store.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});22var store = require('istanbul');23store.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});24store.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});25var store = require('istanbul')'tmp');26store.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});27store.add('test2', {foo: 'bar2'});28var store = require('istanbul')'file');29store.add('test1', {foo: 'bar'});30store.add('test

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