Best JavaScript code snippet using jasmine-core
1/**2 * Shopware 53 * Copyright (c) shopware AG4 *5 * According to our dual licensing model, this program can be used either6 * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,7 * or under a proprietary license.8 *9 * The texts of the GNU Affero General Public License with an additional10 * permission and of our proprietary license can be found at and11 * in the LICENSE file you have received along with this program.12 *13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of15 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the16 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.17 *18 * "Shopware" is a registered trademark of shopware AG.19 * The licensing of the program under the AGPLv3 does not imply a20 * trademark license. Therefore any rights, title and interest in21 * our trademarks remain entirely with us.22 */23//{namespace name=backend/config/view/core_license}24/**25 * Shopware UI - Core-license management26 *27 * The customer is able to insert the shopware license data,28 * e.g. the shopware Core license key.29 *30 * If the license key is valid, the shopware backend icon is31 * switched accordingly and the license information is shown32 * to the customer.33 *34 */35//{block name="backend/config/view/form/core_license"}36Ext.define('Shopware.apps.Config.view.form.CoreLicense', {37 extend: 'Shopware.apps.Config.view.base.Form',38 alias: 'widget.config-form-corelicense',39 layout: 'anchor',40 bodyPadding: 20,41 /**42 * Unfilled license data object, used in case of43 * invalid license key check or license removal.44 */45 savedLicenseData: {46 'success': false,47 'message': '',48 'errorType': '',49 'licenseData': {50 'label': '',51 'module': '',52 'creation': '',53 'edition': '',54 'host': '',55 'type': '',56 'license': ''57 }58 },59 /**60 * The translatable label strings for license information.61 * Kept in seperate object to easier prevent interference with smarty compiler.62 */63 infoLabels: {64 heading: '{s name=info/heading}Add or change and validate your shopware license.{/s}',65 license: '{s name=info/license}License{/s}',66 error: '{s name=errors/common/heading}Error{/s}',67 registeredTo: '{s name=info/registeredTo}Registered to{/s}',68 createdAt: '{s name=info/createdAt}Created at{/s}'69 },70 /**71 * All known shopware edition css classes,72 * used when switching the backend icon.73 */74 editions: [75 'shopware-ce',76 'shopware-pe',77 'shopware-pp',78 'shopware-ee',79 'shopware-eb',80 'shopware-ec'81 ],82 /**83 * Used to keep the date format translatable for84 * different countries.85 */86 dateFormat: '{s name=date_format}m/d/Y{/s}',87 constructor: function(config) {88 var me = this;89 me.emptyLicenseData = me.savedLicenseData;90 Ext.Ajax.request({91 url: '{url controller="CoreLicense" action="loadSavedLicense"}',92 method: 'GET',93 async : false,94 success: function(result){95 me.savedLicenseData = Ext.decode(result.responseText);96 }97 });98 me.callParent(arguments);99 },100 getItems: function() {101 var me = this;102 me.licenseField = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.TextArea', {103 name: 'license',104 height: 250,105 width: '100%',106 anchor: '100%',107 fieldStyle: 'font: 13px monospace !important;',108 cols: 4,109 fieldLabel: '',110 supportText: ''111 });112 me.blockMessage = Shopware.Notification.createBlockMessage('', 'success');113 me.blockMessage.hide();114 /* {literal} */115 me.licenseStatus = Ext.create('Ext.Component', {116 tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(117 '<div style="text-align:left;width:100%;">' +118 '<p class="x-form-item-label">' +119 me.infoLabels.heading +120 '</p>' +121 '<br />'+122 '<div class="x-panel" style="width:100%;display:{display};">' +123 '<div style="height: 100px;">'+124 '<table style="width:400px;">' +125 '<tr>' +126 '<td>' + me.infoLabels.license + ':</td>' +127 '<td><b>{license}</b></td>' +128 '</tr>'+129 '<tr>' +130 '<td>' + me.infoLabels.registeredTo + ':</td>' +131 '<td>{host}</td>' +132 '</tr>'+133 '<tr>' +134 '<td>' + me.infoLabels.createdAt + ':</td>' +135 '<td>{[this.formatDate(values.licenseDate)]}</td>' +136 '</tr>'+137 '</table>'+138 '</div>' +139 '</div>' +140 '</div>',141 {142 formatDate: function(licenseDate) {143 var dt = Ext.Date.parse(licenseDate, 'Ymd');144 return Ext.Date.format(dt, me.dateFormat);145 }146 }147 ),148 data: {149 license: '',150 licenseDate: '',151 host: '',152 display: 'none'153 }154 });155 /* {/literal} */156 me.showLicenseData(me.savedLicenseData);157 return [158 me.blockMessage,159 me.licenseStatus,160 {161 xtype: 'fieldset',162 title: me.infoLabels.license,163 defaults: {164 anchor: '100%',165 labelWidth: 250,166 xtype: 'textfield'167 },168 items: [169 me.licenseField170 ]171 },172 {173 xtype: 'container',174 layout: {175 type: 'hbox',176 pack: 'end'177 },178 items: [179 {180 xtype: 'button',181 cls: 'small',182 text: '{s name=buttons/uninstallLicenseLabel}Uninstall{/s}',183 name: 'license-delete-button',184 handler: Ext.bind(me.handleUninstallButtonClick, me)185 },186 {187 xtype: 'button',188 cls: 'small primary',189 text: '{s name=buttons/addLicenseLabel}Save{/s}',190 name: 'license-set-button',191 handler: Ext.bind(me.setNewLicense, me)192 }193 ]194 }195 ];196 },197 /**198 * Displays a confirmation dialog before uninstallation takes place.199 * Triggered when the uninstall button is clicked.200 */201 handleUninstallButtonClick: function(){202 var me = this,203 licenseData = me.savedLicenseData.licenseData;204 // Check if a license is present205 if (! || === 0) {206 return;207 }208 Ext.MessageBox.confirm(209 '{s name=mesagebox/uninstall/title}Uninstallation confirmation{/s}',210 '{s name=mesagebox/uninstall/body}Are you sure you want to remove your license information from this shopware installation?{/s}',211 function (response) {212 if (response !== 'yes') {213 return;214 }215 me.uninstallLicense();216 });217 },218 /**219 * Deletes the license data from database via backend controller,220 * removes the license information content which is visible to the user221 * empty afterwards.222 */223 uninstallLicense: function () {224 var me = this,225 jsonData,226 licensePresent,227 licenseData = me.savedLicenseData.licenseData;228 Ext.Ajax.request({229 url: '{url controller="CoreLicense" action="uninstallLicense"}',230 method: 'GET',231 success: function (result) {232 jsonData = Ext.decode(result.responseText);233 licensePresent = && > 0;234 235 if (jsonData.success) {236 me.savedLicenseData = me.emptyLicenseData;237 me.switchEditionIcon('ce');238 me.licenseField.setValue('');239 if (licensePresent) {240 me.licenseStatus.update({241 license: '{s name=info/license/unlicensed}Not licensed{/s}',242 licenseDate: '',243 host: '',244 display: 'initial'245 });246 }247 me.blockMessage.hide();248 } else {249 Shopware.Notification.createGrowlMessage(250 '{s name=errors/common/heading}Error{/s}',251 '{s name=errors/common/common}An unknown error occured.{/s}',252 '{s name=errors/common/title}Core License{/s}'253 );254 }255 }256 });257 },258 /**259 * Tries to validate and set new license information provided260 * by the customer.261 */262 setNewLicense: function(){263 var me = this,264 license = me.licenseField.getValue().trim();265 me.licenseField.setDisabled(true);266 if(!license){267 Shopware.Notification.createGrowlMessage(268 '{s name=errors/common/heading}Error{/s}',269 '{s name=errors/license/common}License key could not be validated{/s}',270 '{s name=errors/common/title}Core License{/s}'271 );272 me.licenseField.setDisabled(false);273 return;274 }275 me.checkLicense(license);276 me.licenseField.setDisabled(false);277 },278 /**279 * Performs a license validation request and280 * updates the license information on success,281 * shows error otherwise.282 *283 * @string licenseString284 */285 checkLicense: function(licenseString){286 var me = this,287 jsonData;288 Ext.Ajax.request({289 url: '{url controller="CoreLicense" action="checkLicense"}',290 method: 'POST',291 params: {292 licenseString: licenseString293 },294 success: function (result) {295 jsonData = Ext.decode(result.responseText);296 if (jsonData.success === true) {297 me.showLicenseData(jsonData);298 } else {299 Shopware.Notification.createGrowlMessage(300 '{s name=errors/common/heading}Error{/s}',301 me.getErrorMessage(jsonData.errorType),302 '{s name=errors/common/title}Core License{/s}'303 );304 }305 }306 });307 },308 /**309 * Performs the actual task of license information display by310 * updating the ExtJs xTemplate data using the provided object.311 *312 * @object jsonData313 */314 showLicenseData: function (jsonData) {315 var me = this;316 if (jsonData.errorType && jsonData.errorType == 'LicenseHostException') {317 me.switchEditionIcon('ce');318 me.licenseStatus.update({319 license: jsonData.licenseData.label,320 licenseDate: jsonData.licenseData.creation,321 host:,322 display: 'initial'323 });324 me.licenseField.setValue(jsonData.licenseData.license);325 me.setBlockMessage('{s name=errors/license/host}License key is not valid for domain{/s}', 'error');326;327 return;328 }329 if(jsonData.success === false){330 me.savedLicenseData = me.emptyLicenseData;331 me.licenseStatus.update({332 license: '',333 licenseDate: '',334 host: '',335 display: 'none'336 });337 me.blockMessage.hide();338 return;339 }340 me.savedLicenseData = jsonData;341 me.licenseField.setValue(jsonData.licenseData.license);342 me.licenseStatus.update({343 license: jsonData.licenseData.label,344 licenseDate: jsonData.licenseData.creation,345 host:,346 display: 'initial'347 });348 me.setBlockMessage('{s name=message/validLicense}Your license was successfully validated{/s}', 'success');349;350 me.switchEditionIcon(jsonData.licenseData.edition);351 },352 /**353 * Update the blockmessage content and type.354 * Doesn't change the blockmessage visibility.355 *356 * @param text357 * @param type358 */359 setBlockMessage: function (text, type) {360 var me = this,361 inner = me.blockMessage.items.first();362 inner.update({363 text: text,364 type: type365 });366 Ext.each(['notice', 'error', 'success'], function (element) {367 inner.removeCls(element);368 });369 inner.addCls(type);370 },371 /**372 * Switches the shopware icon in the backend according373 * to the string provided. If empty parameter is provided,374 * shopware community edition is assumed.375 *376 * @string edition377 */378 switchEditionIcon: function (edition) {379 var me = this,380 classes = Ext.getBody().getAttribute('class').split(" ");381 if(!edition){382 edition = 'ce';383 }384 classes.forEach(function (element) {385 if (Ext.Array.indexOf(me.editions, element) > -1) {386 Ext.getBody().removeCls(element);387 Ext.getBody().addCls('shopware-' + edition.toLowerCase());388 }389 });390 },391 /**392 * Translates an error string from the backend controller to a more393 * human readable and translatable error message.394 * 395 * @string errorType396 * @returns string397 */398 getErrorMessage: function (errorType) {399 var me= this,400 message;401 switch (errorType) {402 case 'LicenseProductKeyException':403 message = '{s name=errors/license/product_key}License key does not match a commercial shopware edition{/s}';404 break;405 case 'LicenseHostException':406 message = '{s name=errors/license/host}License key is not valid for domain{/s}';407 break;408 default:409 message = '{s name=errors/license/common}License key could not be validated{/s}';410 }411 return message;412 }413});...
1/*2 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one3 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.5 */6import { licensingMock } from '../../../../../plugins/licensing/server/mocks';7import { XPackInfoLicense } from './xpack_info_license';8function getXPackInfoLicense(getRawLicense) {9 return new XPackInfoLicense(getRawLicense);10}11describe('XPackInfoLicense', () => {12 const xpackInfoLicenseUndefined = getXPackInfoLicense(() => {});13 let xpackInfoLicense;14 let getRawLicense;15 beforeEach(() => {16 getRawLicense = jest.fn();17 xpackInfoLicense = getXPackInfoLicense(getRawLicense);18 });19 test('getUid returns uid field', () => {20 const uid = 'abc123';21 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { uid } }));22 expect(xpackInfoLicense.getUid()).toBe(uid);23 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);24 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.getUid()).toBe(undefined);25 });26 test('isActive returns true if status is active', () => {27 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active' } }));28 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isActive()).toBe(true);29 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);30 });31 test('isActive returns false if status is not active', () => {32 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'aCtIvE' } })); // needs to match exactly33 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isActive()).toBe(false);34 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);35 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.isActive()).toBe(false);36 });37 test('getExpiryDateInMillis returns expiry_date_in_millis', () => {38 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(39 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { expiryDateInMillis: 123 } })40 );41 expect(xpackInfoLicense.getExpiryDateInMillis()).toBe(123);42 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);43 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.getExpiryDateInMillis()).toBe(undefined);44 });45 test('isOneOf returns true of the mode includes one of the types', () => {46 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { mode: 'platinum' } }));47 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isOneOf('platinum')).toBe(true);48 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);49 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isOneOf(['platinum'])).toBe(true);50 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);51 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isOneOf(['gold', 'platinum'])).toBe(true);52 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);53 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isOneOf(['platinum', 'gold'])).toBe(true);54 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);55 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isOneOf(['basic', 'gold'])).toBe(false);56 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5);57 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isOneOf(['basic'])).toBe(false);58 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(6);59 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.isOneOf(['platinum', 'gold'])).toBe(false);60 });61 test('getType returns the type', () => {62 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { type: 'basic' } }));63 expect(xpackInfoLicense.getType()).toBe('basic');64 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);65 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { type: 'gold' } }));66 expect(xpackInfoLicense.getType()).toBe('gold');67 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);68 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.getType()).toBe(undefined);69 });70 test('getMode returns the mode', () => {71 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { mode: 'basic' } }));72 expect(xpackInfoLicense.getMode()).toBe('basic');73 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);74 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { mode: 'gold' } }));75 expect(xpackInfoLicense.getMode()).toBe('gold');76 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);77 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.getMode()).toBe(undefined);78 });79 test('isActiveLicense returns the true if active and typeChecker matches', () => {80 const expectAbc123 = (type) => type === 'abc123';81 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(82 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active', mode: 'abc123' } })83 );84 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isActiveLicense(expectAbc123)).toBe(true);85 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);86 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(87 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'NOTactive', mode: 'abc123' } })88 );89 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isActiveLicense(expectAbc123)).toBe(false);90 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);91 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(92 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'NOTactive', mode: 'NOTabc123' } })93 );94 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isActiveLicense(expectAbc123)).toBe(false);95 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);96 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(97 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active', mode: 'NOTabc123' } })98 );99 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isActiveLicense(expectAbc123)).toBe(false);100 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);101 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.isActive(expectAbc123)).toBe(false);102 });103 test('isBasic returns the true if active and basic', () => {104 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(105 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active', mode: 'basic' } })106 );107 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isBasic()).toBe(true);108 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);109 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(110 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'NOTactive', mode: 'gold' } })111 );112 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isBasic()).toBe(false);113 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);114 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(115 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'NOTactive', mode: 'trial' } })116 );117 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isBasic()).toBe(false);118 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);119 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(120 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active', mode: 'platinum' } })121 );122 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isBasic()).toBe(false);123 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);124 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.isBasic()).toBe(false);125 });126 test('isNotBasic returns the true if active and not basic', () => {127 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(128 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active', mode: 'platinum' } })129 );130 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isNotBasic()).toBe(true);131 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);132 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(133 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'NOTactive', mode: 'gold' } })134 );135 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isNotBasic()).toBe(false);136 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);137 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(138 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'NOTactive', mode: 'trial' } })139 );140 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isNotBasic()).toBe(false);141 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);142 getRawLicense.mockReturnValue(143 licensingMock.createLicense({ license: { status: 'active', mode: 'basic' } })144 );145 expect(xpackInfoLicense.isNotBasic()).toBe(false);146 expect(getRawLicense).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);147 expect(xpackInfoLicenseUndefined.isNotBasic()).toBe(false);148 });...
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3exports.PluginOptionsReader = void 0;4var PluginOptionsReader = /** @class */ (function () {5 function PluginOptionsReader(context) {6 this.context = context;7 }8 PluginOptionsReader.prototype.readOptions = function (options) {9 var licenseInclusionTest = options.licenseInclusionTest || (function () { return true; });10 var unacceptableLicenseTest = options.unacceptableLicenseTest || (function () { return false; });11 var perChunkOutput = options.perChunkOutput === undefined || options.perChunkOutput;12 var licenseTemplateDir = options.licenseTemplateDir;13 var licenseTextOverrides = options.licenseTextOverrides || {};14 var licenseTypeOverrides = options.licenseTypeOverrides || {};15 var handleUnacceptableLicense = options.handleUnacceptableLicense || (function () { });16 var handleMissingLicenseText = options.handleMissingLicenseText || (function () { return null; });17 var renderLicenses = options.renderLicenses ||18 (function (modules) {19 return modules20 .sort(function (left, right) {21 return < ? -1 : 1;22 })23 .reduce(function (file, module) {24 return "" + file + + (module.licenseId ? "\n" + module.licenseId : '') + (module.licenseText ? "\n" + module.licenseText : '') + "\n\n";25 }, '')26 .trim() + "\n";27 });28 var renderBanner = options.renderBanner ||29 (function (filename) {30 return "/*! License information is available at " + filename + " */";31 });32 var outputFilename = options.outputFilename ||33 (perChunkOutput ? '[name].licenses.txt' : 'licenses.txt');34 var addBanner = options.addBanner === undefined ? false : options.addBanner;35 var chunkIncludeExcludeTest = options.chunkIncludeExcludeTest || (function () { return true; });36 var modulesDirectories = options.modulesDirectories || null;37 var additionalChunkModules = options.additionalChunkModules || {};38 var additionalModules = options.additionalModules || [];39 var preferredLicenseTypes = options.preferredLicenseTypes || [];40 var handleLicenseAmbiguity = options.handleLicenseAmbiguity ||41 (function (_packageName, licenses) {42 return licenses[0].type;43 });44 var handleMissingLicenseType = options.handleMissingLicenseType || (function () { return null; });45 var licenseFileOverrides = options.licenseFileOverrides || {};46 var excludedPackageTest = options.excludedPackageTest || (function () { return false; });47 var stats = {48 warnings: options.stats && options.stats.warnings !== undefined49 ? options.stats.warnings50 : true,51 errors: options.stats && options.stats.errors !== undefined52 ? options.stats.errors53 : true54 };55 var skipChildCompilers = !!options.skipChildCompilers;56 var constructedOptions = {57 licenseInclusionTest: licenseInclusionTest,58 unacceptableLicenseTest: unacceptableLicenseTest,59 perChunkOutput: perChunkOutput,60 licenseTemplateDir: licenseTemplateDir,61 licenseTextOverrides: licenseTextOverrides,62 licenseFileOverrides: licenseFileOverrides,63 licenseTypeOverrides: licenseTypeOverrides,64 handleUnacceptableLicense: handleUnacceptableLicense,65 handleMissingLicenseText: handleMissingLicenseText,66 renderLicenses: renderLicenses,67 renderBanner: renderBanner,68 outputFilename: outputFilename,69 addBanner: addBanner,70 chunkIncludeExcludeTest: chunkIncludeExcludeTest,71 modulesDirectories: modulesDirectories,72 additionalChunkModules: additionalChunkModules,73 additionalModules: additionalModules,74 preferredLicenseTypes: preferredLicenseTypes,75 handleLicenseAmbiguity: handleLicenseAmbiguity,76 handleMissingLicenseType: handleMissingLicenseType,77 excludedPackageTest: excludedPackageTest,78 stats: stats,79 skipChildCompilers: skipChildCompilers,80 buildRoot: this.context81 };82 return constructedOptions;83 };84 return PluginOptionsReader;85}());...
1"use strict";2var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {3 var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;4 if (m) return;5 if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {6 next: function () {7 if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;8 return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };9 }10 };11 throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");12};13Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });14exports.PluginLicenseTypeIdentifier = void 0;15var PluginLicenseTypeIdentifier = /** @class */ (function () {16 function PluginLicenseTypeIdentifier(logger, licenseTypeOverrides, preferredLicenseTypes, handleLicenseAmbiguity, handleMissingLicenseType) {17 this.logger = logger;18 this.licenseTypeOverrides = licenseTypeOverrides;19 this.preferredLicenseTypes = preferredLicenseTypes;20 this.handleLicenseAmbiguity = handleLicenseAmbiguity;21 this.handleMissingLicenseType = handleMissingLicenseType;22 }23 PluginLicenseTypeIdentifier.prototype.findLicenseIdentifier = function (compilation, packageName, packageJson) {24 if (this.licenseTypeOverrides && this.licenseTypeOverrides[packageName]) {25 return this.licenseTypeOverrides[packageName];26 }27 var licensePropValue = packageJson.license;28 if (licensePropValue) {29 return typeof licensePropValue === 'string'30 ? licensePropValue31 : licensePropValue.type;32 }33 // handle deprecated "licenses" field in package.json34 if (Array.isArray(packageJson.licenses) &&35 packageJson.licenses.length > 0) {36 if (packageJson.licenses.length === 1) {37 return packageJson.licenses[0].type;38 }39 // handle multiple licenses when we have a preferred license type40 var licenseTypes = (x) { return x.type; });41 var licenseType = this.findPreferredLicense(licenseTypes, this.preferredLicenseTypes);42 if (licenseType !== null) {43 // found preferred license44 return licenseType;45 }46 var resolvedLicenseType = this.handleLicenseAmbiguity(packageName, packageJson.licenses);47 this.logger.warn(compilation, packageName + " specifies multiple licenses: " + licenseTypes + ". Automatically selected " + resolvedLicenseType + ". Use the preferredLicenseTypes or the licenseTypeOverrides option to resolve this warning.");48 return resolvedLicenseType;49 }50 this.logger.warn(compilation, "could not find any license type for " + packageName + " in its package.json");51 return this.handleMissingLicenseType(packageName);52 };53 PluginLicenseTypeIdentifier.prototype.findPreferredLicense = function (licenseTypes, preferredLicenseTypes) {54 var e_1, _a, e_2, _b;55 try {56 for (var preferredLicenseTypes_1 = __values(preferredLicenseTypes), preferredLicenseTypes_1_1 =; !preferredLicenseTypes_1_1.done; preferredLicenseTypes_1_1 = {57 var preferredLicenseType = preferredLicenseTypes_1_1.value;58 try {59 for (var licenseTypes_1 = (e_2 = void 0, __values(licenseTypes)), licenseTypes_1_1 =; !licenseTypes_1_1.done; licenseTypes_1_1 = {60 var licenseType = licenseTypes_1_1.value;61 if (preferredLicenseType === licenseType) {62 return preferredLicenseType;63 }64 }65 }66 catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }67 finally {68 try {69 if (licenseTypes_1_1 && !licenseTypes_1_1.done && (_b = licenseTypes_1.return));70 }71 finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }72 }73 }74 }75 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }76 finally {77 try {78 if (preferredLicenseTypes_1_1 && !preferredLicenseTypes_1_1.done && (_a = preferredLicenseTypes_1.return));79 }80 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }81 }82 return null;83 };84 return PluginLicenseTypeIdentifier;85}());...
1/*2 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one3 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.5 */6import { set } from 'lodash';7import { checkLicense } from './check_license';8import {9 LICENSE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE,10 LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRED,11 LICENSE_STATUS_VALID,12 LICENSE_TYPE_BASIC,13} from '../../../common/constants';14describe('check_license', function () {15 const pluginName = 'Foo';16 const minimumLicenseRequired = LICENSE_TYPE_BASIC;17 let mockLicenseInfo;18 beforeEach(() => (mockLicenseInfo = {}));19 describe('license information is undefined', () => {20 beforeEach(() => (mockLicenseInfo = undefined));21 it('should set status to unavailable', () => {22 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).status).toBe(23 LICENSE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE24 );25 });26 it('should set a message', () => {27 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).message).not.toBe(28 undefined29 );30 });31 });32 describe('license information is not available', () => {33 beforeEach(() => (mockLicenseInfo.isAvailable = () => false));34 it('should set status to unavailable', () => {35 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).status).toBe(36 LICENSE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE37 );38 });39 it('should set a message', () => {40 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).message).not.toBe(41 undefined42 );43 });44 });45 describe('license information is available', () => {46 beforeEach(() => {47 mockLicenseInfo.isAvailable = () => true;48 set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.getType', () => LICENSE_TYPE_BASIC);49 });50 describe('& license is trial, standard, gold, platinum', () => {51 beforeEach(() => set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.isOneOf', () => true));52 describe('& license is active', () => {53 beforeEach(() => set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.isActive', () => true));54 it('should set status to valid', () => {55 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).status).toBe(56 LICENSE_STATUS_VALID57 );58 });59 it('should not set a message', () => {60 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).message).toBe(61 undefined62 );63 });64 });65 describe('& license is expired', () => {66 beforeEach(() => set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.isActive', () => false));67 it('should set status to inactive', () => {68 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).status).toBe(69 LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRED70 );71 });72 it('should set a message', () => {73 expect(74 checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).message75 ).not.toBe(undefined);76 });77 });78 });79 describe('& license is basic', () => {80 beforeEach(() => set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.isOneOf', () => true));81 describe('& license is active', () => {82 beforeEach(() => set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.isActive', () => true));83 it('should set status to valid', () => {84 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).status).toBe(85 LICENSE_STATUS_VALID86 );87 });88 it('should not set a message', () => {89 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).message).toBe(90 undefined91 );92 });93 });94 describe('& license is expired', () => {95 beforeEach(() => set(mockLicenseInfo, 'license.isActive', () => false));96 it('should set status to inactive', () => {97 expect(checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).status).toBe(98 LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRED99 );100 });101 it('should set a message', () => {102 expect(103 checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, mockLicenseInfo).message104 ).not.toBe(undefined);105 });106 });107 });108 });...
1// TODO: Create a function that returns a license badge based on which license is passed in2// If there is no license, return an empty string3//function renderLicenseBadge(license) {}4// TODO: Create a function that returns the license link5// If there is no license, return an empty string6//function renderLicenseLink(license) {}7// TODO: Create a function that returns the license section of README8// If there is no license, return an empty string9//function renderLicenseSection(license) {}10// TODO: Create a function to generate markdown for README11function generateMarkdown(data) {12 let chosenLicense = `${data.license}`;13 let readLicense = '';14 15 if (chosenLicense === 'MIT License') {16 showLicense = 'MIT License';17 badgeLicense = '';18 readLicense = '';19 };20 if (chosenLicense === 'GNU AGPLv3') {21 showLicense = 'GNU AGPLv3 License' ;22 badgeLicense = '';23 readLicense = '';24 };25 if (chosenLicense === 'Mozilla Public License 2.0') {26 showLicense = 'Mozilla Public License 2.0';27 badgeLicense = '';28 readLicense = '';29 };30 if (chosenLicense === 'Apache License 2.0') {31 showLicense = 'Apache License 2.0';32 badgeLicense = '';33 readLicense = '';34 };35 if (chosenLicense === 'Boost Software License 1.0') {36 showLicense = 'Boost Software License 1.0';37 badgeLicense = '';38 readLicense = '';39 };40 if (chosenLicense === 'The Unlicense') {41 showLicense = 'The Unlicense';42 badgeLicense = '';43 readLicense = '';44 };45return `46# ${data.title}47<br/>48## Project Description49${data.description}50<br/>51## Table of Contents 52- [Installation](#installation)53- [Usage](#usage)54- [Credits](#credits)55- [License](#license)56- [Contributors](#Contributors)57- [Tests](#Tests)58- [Questions](#Questions)59## Deployment60${data.walkthrough}61<br/>62## Usage63${data.usage}64<br/>65## Credits66Third-party assets:67${}68<br/>69## License70${badgeLicense}71This application uses the ${showLicense}72For more information, please visit: ${readLicense}73<br/>74## Contributors75Project powered by the contributions of:76${data.contributors}77## Tests78${data.test}79## Questions80 If you have any questions, please reach out to a contributor via GitHub:81 [${data.question}](${data.userName})82`;83}...
1/*2 * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one3 * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.5 */6import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';7import {8 LICENSE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE,9 LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID,10 LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRED,11 LICENSE_STATUS_VALID,12 RANKED_LICENSE_TYPES,13} from '../../../common/constants';14export function checkLicense(pluginName, minimumLicenseRequired, xpackLicenseInfo) {15 if (!minimumLicenseRequired) {16 throw new Error(17 `Error checking license for plugin "${pluginName}". The minimum license required has not been provided.`18 );19 }20 if (!RANKED_LICENSE_TYPES.includes(minimumLicenseRequired)) {21 throw new Error(`Invalid license type supplied to checkLicense: ${minimumLicenseRequired}`);22 }23 // If, for some reason, we cannot get the license information24 // from Elasticsearch, assume worst case and disable25 if (!xpackLicenseInfo || !xpackLicenseInfo.isAvailable()) {26 return {27 status: LICENSE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE,28 message: i18n.translate('xpack.server.checkLicense.errorUnavailableMessage', {29 defaultMessage:30 'You cannot use {pluginName} because license information is not available at this time.',31 values: { pluginName },32 }),33 };34 }35 const { license } = xpackLicenseInfo;36 const isLicenseModeValid = license.isOneOf(37 [...RANKED_LICENSE_TYPES].splice(RANKED_LICENSE_TYPES.indexOf(minimumLicenseRequired))38 );39 const isLicenseActive = license.isActive();40 const licenseType = license.getType();41 // License is not valid42 if (!isLicenseModeValid) {43 return {44 status: LICENSE_STATUS_INVALID,45 message: i18n.translate('xpack.server.checkLicense.errorUnsupportedMessage', {46 defaultMessage:47 'Your {licenseType} license does not support {pluginName}. Please upgrade your license.',48 values: { licenseType, pluginName },49 }),50 };51 }52 // License is valid but not active53 if (!isLicenseActive) {54 return {55 status: LICENSE_STATUS_EXPIRED,56 message: i18n.translate('xpack.server.checkLicense.errorExpiredMessage', {57 defaultMessage:58 'You cannot use {pluginName} because your {licenseType} license has expired.',59 values: { licenseType, pluginName },60 }),61 };62 }63 // License is valid and active64 return {65 status: LICENSE_STATUS_VALID,66 };...
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3exports.PluginLicensePolicy = void 0;4var PluginLicensePolicy = /** @class */ (function () {5 function PluginLicensePolicy(licenseTester, unacceptableLicenseTester, unacceptableLicenseHandler, missingLicenseTextHandler) {6 this.licenseTester = licenseTester;7 this.unacceptableLicenseTester = unacceptableLicenseTester;8 this.unacceptableLicenseHandler = unacceptableLicenseHandler;9 this.missingLicenseTextHandler = missingLicenseTextHandler;10 }11 PluginLicensePolicy.prototype.isLicenseWrittenFor = function (licenseType) {12 return this.licenseTester.test(licenseType);13 };14 PluginLicensePolicy.prototype.isLicenseUnacceptableFor = function (licenseType) {15 return this.unacceptableLicenseTester.test(licenseType);16 };17 PluginLicensePolicy.prototype.handleUnacceptableLicense = function (packageName, licenseType) {18 this.unacceptableLicenseHandler(packageName, licenseType);19 };20 PluginLicensePolicy.prototype.handleMissingLicenseText = function (packageName, licenseType) {21 this.missingLicenseTextHandler(packageName, licenseType);22 };23 return PluginLicensePolicy;24}());...
Using AI Code Generation
1var jasmine = require('jasmine-core');2var jasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters');3jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter({4}));5jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmineReporters.TerminalReporter({6}));7jasmine.getEnv().execute();8var Jasmine2HtmlReporter = require('protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter');9exports.config = {10 capabilities: {11 },12 onPrepare: function() {13 browser.driver.manage().window().maximize();14 jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(15 new Jasmine2HtmlReporter({16 })17 );18 }19};20"devDependencies": {21}22"jasmine-core": {23},24"jasmine-reporters": {
Using AI Code Generation
1var Jasmine = require('jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js');2var jasmine = new Jasmine();3jasmine.loadConfigFile('spec/support/jasmine.json');4jasmine.execute();5{6}7describe('some test', function() {8 it('should pass', function() {9 expect(1).toBe(1);10 });11});12var Jasmine = require('jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js');13var jasmine = new Jasmine();14jasmine.loadConfigFile('spec/support/jasmine.json');15jasmine.execute();16{17}18describe('some test', function() {19 it('should pass', function() {20 expect(1).toBe(1);21 });22});
Using AI Code Generation
1var Jasmine = require('jasmine');2var jasmine = new Jasmine();3jasmine.loadConfigFile('./spec/support/jasmine.json');4jasmine.execute();5{6}7Your name to display (optional):8Your name to display (optional):9var Jasmine = require('jasmine');10var jasmine = new Jasmine();11jasmine.loadConfigFile('./spec/support/jasmine.json');12jasmine.configureDefaultReporter({13 print: function() {}14});15jasmine.execute();16Your name to display (optional):17var Jasmine = require('jasmine');18var jasmine = new Jasmine();19jasmine.loadConfigFile('./spec/support/jasmine.json');20jasmine.configureDefaultReporter({21 print: function() {}22});23jasmine.execute();24Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmine.TrivialReporter());2jasmine.getEnv().execute();3jasmine.TrivialReporter = function() {4 this.started = false;5 this.finished = false;6};7jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype = {8 reportRunnerStarting: function(runner) {9 this.started = true;10 this.log(">> Jasmine has started");11 },12 reportRunnerResults: function(runner) {13 this.finished = true;14 var results = runner.results();15 if (results.failedCount === 0) {16 this.log(">> Jasmine has finished successfully!");17 } else {18 this.log(">> Jasmine has finished with " + results.failedCount + " failure(s)");19 }20 },21 reportSuiteResults: function(suite) {22 var results = suite.results();23 this.log(suite.getFullName() + ": " + results.passedCount + " of " + results.totalCount + " passed.");24 },25 reportSpecStarting: function(spec) {26 this.log(">> Running " + spec.getFullName());27 },28 reportSpecResults: function(spec) {29 var results = spec.results();30 for (var i = 0; i < results.getItems().length; i++) {31 var result = results.getItems()[i];32 if (result.type == 'log') {33 this.log(">> Log: " + result.toString());34 } else if (result.type == 'expect' && !result.passed()) {35 this.log(">> Failure: " + result.message);36 }37 }38 },39 log: function(str) {40 console.log(str);41 }42};43jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.constructor = jasmine.TrivialReporter;44jasmine.HtmlReporter = function() {45 this.started = false;46 this.finished = false;47 this.suites = [];48 this.currentSuite = null;49 this.results = null;50 this.executedSpecs = 0;51};52jasmine.HtmlReporter.prototype = {53 reportRunnerStarting: function(runner) {54 this.started = true;55 this.suites = [];56 this.currentSuite = null;57 this.results = runner.results();58 },59 reportRunnerResults: function(runner) {60 this.finished = true;61 this.executedSpecs = this.results.totalCount;
Using AI Code Generation
1jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmine.TrivialReporter());2jasmine.getEnv().execute();3jasmine.TrivialReporter = function() {4 this.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) {5 console.log('jasmine.getEnv().execute();');6 };7};8jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype = new jasmine.Reporter();9beforeEach(function() {10 jasmine.Ajax.useMock();11});12beforeEach(function() {13 jasmine.Ajax.useMock();14 jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000;15});16beforeEach(function() {17 jasmine.Ajax.useMock();18});19beforeEach(function() {20 jasmine.Ajax.useMock();21 jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000;22});23beforeEach(function() {24 jasmine.Ajax.useMock();25});26beforeEach(function() {27 jasmine.Ajax.useMock();28 jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000;29});
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