How to use toSatisfyAll method in jest-extended

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Source:normalize.test.ts Github


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...7 `fills in "type" property for function entries`,8 [Arbitrary.Abi()],9 looseAbi => {10 const abi = normalize(looseAbi);11 expect(abi).toSatisfyAll(entry => "type" in entry);12 }13 );14 testProp(15 `never includes "payable" or "constant"`,16 [Arbitrary.Abi()],17 looseAbi => {18 const abi = normalize(looseAbi);19 expect(abi).toSatisfyAll(entry => !("payable" in entry));20 expect(abi).toSatisfyAll(entry => !("constant" in entry));21 }22 );23 testProp(24 `always includes "outputs" for function entries`,25 [Arbitrary.Abi()],26 looseAbi => {27 const abi = normalize(looseAbi);28 expect(abi.filter(({ type }) => type === "function")).toSatisfyAll(29 entry => "outputs" in entry30 );31 expect(abi).toSatisfyAll(entry => !("constant" in entry));32 }33 );34 testProp(35 `always includes "stateMutability" for entries that aren't events or errors`,36 [Arbitrary.Abi()],37 looseAbi => {38 const abi = normalize(looseAbi);39 expect(40 abi.filter(({ type }) => type !== "event" && type !== "error")41 ).toSatisfyAll(42 entry => "stateMutability" in entry43 );44 }45 );46 testProp("is idempotent", [Arbitrary.Abi()], looseAbi => {47 const abi = normalize(looseAbi);48 expect(normalize(abi)).toEqual(abi);49 });...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1import type { MatcherState } from 'expect'2import { expect } from '@jest/globals'3type Predicate<T> = (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean4interface SyncExpectationResult {5 pass: boolean6 message(): string7}8type ExpectationResult = SyncExpectationResult | Promise<SyncExpectationResult>9export function toSatisfyAll<T>(10 this: MatcherState,11 actual: T[],12 predicate: Predicate<T>13): ExpectationResult {14 const { printReceived, printExpected, matcherHint } = this.utils15 for (let [i, entry] of actual.entries()) {16 if (predicate(entry, i, actual) === false) {17 return {18 pass: false,19 message: () =>20 matcherHint('.toSatisfyAll') +21 '\n\n' +22 'Expected array to satisfy predicate for all values.\n' +23 `Received (first failed index: ${i}):\n` +24 ` ${printReceived(actual)}`,25 }26 }27 }28 return {29 pass: true,30 message: () =>31 matcherHint('.not.toSatisfyAll') +32 '\n\n' +33 'Expected array to not satisfy predicate for all values.\n' +34 'Received:\n' +35 ` ${printReceived(actual)}`,36 }37}38expect.extend({39 toSatisfyAll,40})41declare module 'expect' {42 interface AsymmetricMatchers {43 toSatisfyAll<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): void44 }45 interface Matchers<R> {46 toSatisfyAll<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): R47 }...

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1const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;2expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });3const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;4expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });5const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;6expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });7const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;8expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });9const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;10expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });11const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;12expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });13const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;14expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });15const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;16expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });17const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;18expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });19const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;20expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });21const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;22expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });23const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;24expect.extend({ toSatisfy

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1const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');2test('toSatisfyAll', () => {3 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAll((value) => value < 6);4});5toSatisfyAll (1 ms)6const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');7test('toSatisfyAll', () => {8 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAll((value) => value < 6);9});10toSatisfyAll (1 ms)11const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');12test('toSatisfyAll', () => {13 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAll((value) => value < 6);14});15toSatisfyAll (1 ms)

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1const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');2expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });3test('array to satisfy all', () => {4 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAll((n) => n > 0);5 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAll((n) => n > 0, (n) => n < 6);6 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAll((n) => n > 0, (n) => n < 6, (n) => n % 2 === 0);7});8const { toSatisfyAny } = require('jest-extended');9expect.extend({ toSatisfyAny });10test('array to satisfy any', () => {11 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAny((n) => n > 0);12 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAny((n) => n > 0, (n) => n < 6);13 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfyAny((n) => n > 0, (n) => n < 6, (n) => n % 2 === 0);14});15const { toSatisfySome } = require('jest-extended');16expect.extend({ toSatisfySome });17test('array to satisfy some', () => {18 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfySome((n) => n > 0);19 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfySome((n) => n > 0, (n) => n < 6);20 expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toSatisfySome((n) => n > 0, (n) => n

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1const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;2expect([1, 2, 3]).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 0);3expect([1, 2, 3]).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 0, 'custom error message');4const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');5expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });6expect([1, 2, 3]).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 0);7expect([1, 2, 3]).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 0, 'custom error message');8toSatisfyAll(array, predicate, message)9const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');10expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });11test('passes when all items in the array pass the predicate', () => {12 const array = [1, 2, 3];13 expect(array).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 0);14});15test('fails when any item in the array fails the predicate', () => {16 const array = [1, 2, 3];17 expect(() => {18 expect(array).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 1);19 }).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();20});21test('fails when any item in the array fails the predicate with custom message', () => {22 const array = [1, 2, 3];23 expect(() => {24 expect(array).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 1, 'custom message');25 }).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();26});27const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;28test('passes when all items in the array pass the predicate', () => {29 const array = [1, 2, 3];30 expect(array).toSatisfyAll((item) => item > 0);31});32test('fails

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1const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;2test('toSatisfyAll', () => {3 expect([2, 4, 6]).toSatisfyAll((num) => {4 return num % 2 === 0;5 });6});7const toSatisfyAny = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAny;8test('toSatisfyAny', () => {9 expect([2, 4, 6]).toSatisfyAny((num) => {10 return num % 2 === 0;11 });12});13const toSatisfySome = require('jest-extended').toSatisfySome;14test('toSatisfySome', () => {15 expect([2, 4, 6]).toSatisfySome((num) => {16 return num % 2 === 0;17 });18});19const toStartWith = require('jest-extended').toStartWith;20test('toStartWith', () => {21 expect('expect().toStartWith()').toStartWith('expect');22});23const toThrowAnyError = require('jest-extended').toThrowAnyError;24test('toThrowAnyError', () => {25 expect(() => {26 throw new TypeError('foo');27 }).toThrowAnyError();28});29const toThrowErrorOfType = require('jest-extended').toThrowErrorOfType;30test('toThrowErrorOfType', () => {31 expect(() => {32 throw new TypeError('foo');33 }).toThrowErrorOfType('TypeError');34});35const toThrowWithMessage = require('jest-extended').toThrowWithMessage;36test('toThrowWithMessage', () => {37 expect(() => {38 throw new TypeError('foo');39 }).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, 'foo');40});

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1const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');2expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });3const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];4expect(arr).toSatisfyAll((item) => item < 10);5const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');6SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

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1const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');2expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });3test('custom matcher', () => {4 expect([5 { id: 1, name: 'John' },6 { id: 2, name: 'Jane' },7 { id: 3, name: 'Jack' },8 ]).toSatisfyAll((user) => > 0);9});10const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');11expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });12test('custom matcher', () => {13 expect([14 { id: 1, name: 'John' },15 { id: 2, name: 'Jane' },16 { id: 3, name: 'Jack' },17 ]).toSatisfyAll((user) => > 0);18});19const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');20expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });21test('custom matcher', () => {22 expect([23 { id: 1, name: 'John' },24 { id: 2, name: 'Jane' },25 { id: 3, name: 'Jack' },26 ]).toSatisfyAll((user) => > 0);27});28const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');29expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });30test('custom matcher', () => {31 expect([32 { id: 1, name: 'John' },33 { id: 2, name: 'Jane' },34 { id: 3, name: 'Jack' },35 ]).toSatisfyAll((user) => > 0);36});37const { toSatisfyAll } = require('jest-extended');38expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });39test('custom matcher', () => {40 expect([41 { id: 1, name: 'John'

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1const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;2expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });3const testObj = { name: 'test', age: 18 };4expect(testObj).toSatisfyAll({5 name: expect.any(String),6 age: expect.any(Number),7});8const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;9expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });10const testObj = { name: 'test', age: 18 };11expect(testObj).toSatisfyAll({12 name: expect.any(String),13 age: expect.any(Number),14});15const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;16expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });17const testObj = { name: 'test', age: 18 };18expect(testObj).toSatisfyAll({19 name: expect.any(String),20 age: expect.any(Number),21});22const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;23expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });24const testObj = { name: 'test', age: 18 };25expect(testObj).toSatisfyAll({26 name: expect.any(String),27 age: expect.any(Number),28});29const toSatisfyAll = require('jest-extended').toSatisfyAll;30expect.extend({ toSatisfyAll });31const testObj = { name: 'test', age: 18 };32expect(testObj).toSatisfyAll({33 name: expect.any(String),34 age: expect.any(Number),35});

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