How to use orderIndependent method in mountebank

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Source:deep-diff.js Github


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1/**2 * Modified from */4;(function(root) {5 // nodejs compatible on server side and in the browser.6 function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {7 ctor.super_ = superCtor;8 ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {9 constructor: {10 value: ctor,11 enumerable: false,12 writable: true,13 configurable: true14 }15 });16 }17 function Diff(kind, path) {18 Object.defineProperty(this, "kind", {19 value: kind,20 enumerable: true21 });22 if (path && path.length) {23 Object.defineProperty(this, "path", {24 value: path,25 enumerable: true26 });27 }28 }29 function DiffEdit(path, origin, value) {30, "EDIT", path);31 Object.defineProperty(this, "lhs", {32 value: origin,33 enumerable: true34 });35 Object.defineProperty(this, "rhs", {36 value: value,37 enumerable: true38 });39 }40 inherits(DiffEdit, Diff);41 function DiffNew(path, value) {42, "NEW", path);43 Object.defineProperty(this, "rhs", {44 value: value,45 enumerable: true46 });47 }48 inherits(DiffNew, Diff);49 function DiffDeleted(path, value) {50, "DELETE", path);51 Object.defineProperty(this, "lhs", {52 value: value,53 enumerable: true54 });55 }56 inherits(DiffDeleted, Diff);57 function DiffArray(path, index, item) {58, "ARRAY", path);59 Object.defineProperty(this, "index", {60 value: index,61 enumerable: true62 });63 Object.defineProperty(this, "item", {64 value: item,65 enumerable: true66 });67 }68 inherits(DiffArray, Diff);69 function realTypeOf(subject) {70 var type = typeof subject;71 if (type !== "object") {72 return type;73 }74 if (subject === Math) {75 return "math";76 } else if (subject === null) {77 return "null";78 } else if (Array.isArray(subject)) {79 return "array";80 } else if (81 === "[object Date]"82 ) {83 return "date";84 } else if (85 typeof subject.toString === "function" &&86 /^\/.*\//.test(subject.toString())87 ) {88 return "regexp";89 }90 return "object";91 }92 // function hashThisString(string) {94 var hash = 0;95 if (string.length === 0) {96 return hash;97 }98 for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {99 var char = string.charCodeAt(i);100 hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char;101 hash = hash & hash; // Convert to 32bit integer102 }103 return hash;104 }105 // Gets a hash of the given object in an array order-independent fashion106 // also object key order independent (easier since they can be alphabetized)107 function getOrderIndependentHash(object) {108 var accum = 0;109 var type = realTypeOf(object);110 if (type === "array") {111 object.forEach(function(item) {112 // Addition is commutative so this is order indep113 accum += getOrderIndependentHash(item);114 });115 var arrayString = "[type: array, hash: " + accum + "]";116 return accum + hashThisString(arrayString);117 }118 if (type === "object") {119 for (var key in object) {120 if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {121 var keyValueString =122 "[ type: object, key: " +123 key +124 ", value hash: " +125 getOrderIndependentHash(object[key]) +126 "]";127 accum += hashThisString(keyValueString);128 }129 }130 return accum;131 }132 // Non object, non array...should be good?133 var stringToHash = "[ type: " + type + " ; value: " + object + "]";134 return accum + hashThisString(stringToHash);135 }136 function deepDiff(lhs, rhs, changes, prefilter, path, key, stack, orderIndependent) {137 changes = changes || [];138 path = path || [];139 stack = stack || [];140 var currentPath = path.slice(0);141 if (typeof key !== "undefined" && key !== null) {142 if (prefilter) {143 if (144 typeof prefilter === "function" &&145 prefilter(currentPath, key)146 ) {147 return;148 } else if (typeof prefilter === "object") {149 if (150 prefilter.prefilter &&151 prefilter.prefilter(currentPath, key)152 ) {153 return;154 }155 if (prefilter.normalize) {156 var alt = prefilter.normalize(currentPath, key, lhs, rhs);157 if (alt) {158 lhs = alt[0];159 rhs = alt[1];160 }161 }162 }163 }164 currentPath.push(key);165 }166 // Use string comparison for regexes167 if (realTypeOf(lhs) === "regexp" && realTypeOf(rhs) === "regexp") {168 lhs = lhs.toString();169 rhs = rhs.toString();170 }171 var ltype = typeof lhs;172 var rtype = typeof rhs;173 var i, j, k, other;174 var ldefined =175 ltype !== "undefined" ||176 (stack &&177 stack.length > 0 &&178 stack[stack.length - 1].lhs &&179 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(180 stack[stack.length - 1].lhs,181 key182 ));183 var rdefined =184 rtype !== "undefined" ||185 (stack &&186 stack.length > 0 &&187 stack[stack.length - 1].rhs &&188 Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(189 stack[stack.length - 1].rhs,190 key191 ));192 if (!ldefined && rdefined) {193 changes.push(new DiffNew(currentPath, rhs));194 } else if (!rdefined && ldefined) {195 changes.push(new DiffDeleted(currentPath, lhs));196 } else if (realTypeOf(lhs) !== realTypeOf(rhs)) {197 changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs));198 } else if (realTypeOf(lhs) === "date" && lhs - rhs !== 0) {199 changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs));200 } else if (ltype === "object" && lhs !== null && rhs !== null) {201 for (i = stack.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {202 if (stack[i].lhs === lhs) {203 other = true;204 break;205 }206 }207 if (!other) {208 stack.push({ lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs });209 if (Array.isArray(lhs)) {210 // If order doesn't matter, we need to sort our arrays211 if (orderIndependent) {212 lhs.sort(function(a, b) {213 return (getOrderIndependentHash(a) - getOrderIndependentHash(b));214 });215 rhs.sort(function(a, b) {216 return (getOrderIndependentHash(a) - getOrderIndependentHash(b));217 });218 }219 i = rhs.length - 1;220 j = lhs.length - 1;221 while (i > j) {222 changes.push(223 new DiffArray(224 currentPath,225 i,226 new DiffNew(undefined, rhs[i--])227 )228 );229 }230 while (j > i) {231 changes.push(232 new DiffArray(233 currentPath,234 j,235 new DiffDeleted(undefined, lhs[j--])236 )237 );238 }239 for (; i >= 0; --i) {240 deepDiff(lhs[i], rhs[i], changes, prefilter, currentPath, i, stack, orderIndependent);241 }242 } else {243 var akeys = Object.keys(lhs);244 var pkeys = Object.keys(rhs);245 for (i = 0; i < akeys.length; ++i) {246 k = akeys[i];247 other = pkeys.indexOf(k);248 if (other >= 0) {249 deepDiff(lhs[k], rhs[k], changes, prefilter, currentPath, k, stack, orderIndependent);250 pkeys[other] = null;251 } else {252 deepDiff(lhs[k], undefined, changes, prefilter, currentPath, k, stack, orderIndependent);253 }254 }255 for (i = 0; i < pkeys.length; ++i) {256 k = pkeys[i];257 if (k) {258 deepDiff(undefined, rhs[k], changes, prefilter, currentPath, k, stack, orderIndependent);259 }260 }261 }262 stack.length = stack.length - 1;263 } else if (lhs !== rhs) {264 // lhs is contains a cycle at this element and it differs from rhs265 changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs));266 }267 } else if (lhs !== rhs) {268 if (!(ltype === "number" && isNaN(lhs) && isNaN(rhs))) {269 changes.push(new DiffEdit(currentPath, lhs, rhs));270 }271 }272 }273 function observableDiff(lhs, rhs, observer, prefilter, orderIndependent) {274 var changes = [];275 deepDiff(lhs, rhs, changes, prefilter, null, null, null, orderIndependent);276 if (observer) {277 for (var i = 0; i < changes.length; ++i) {278 observer(changes[i]);279 }280 }281 return changes;282 }283 function accumulateDiff(lhs, rhs, prefilter, accum) {284 var observer = accum285 ? function(difference) {286 if (difference) {287 accum.push(difference);288 }289 }290 : undefined;291 var changes = observableDiff(lhs, rhs, observer, prefilter);292 return accum ? accum : changes.length ? changes : undefined;293 }294 Object.defineProperties(accumulateDiff, {295 diff: {296 value: accumulateDiff,297 enumerable: true298 },299 observableDiff: {300 value: observableDiff,301 enumerable: true302 },303 orderIndepHash: {304 value: getOrderIndependentHash,305 enumerable: true306 }307 });308 root.DeepDiff = accumulateDiff;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.create({3}).then(function (server) {4 console.log('mountebank started on port', server.port);5 server.close();6});7var mb = require('mountebank');8mb.create({9}).then(function (server) {10 console.log('mountebank started on port', server.port);11 server.close();12});13var mb = require('mountebank');14mb.create({15}).then(function (server) {16 console.log('mountebank started on port', server.port);17 server.close();18});19var mb = require('mountebank');20mb.create({21}).then(function (server) {22 console.log('mountebank started on port', server.port);23 server.close();24});25var mb = require('mountebank');26mb.create({27}).then(function (server) {28 console.log('mountebank started on port', server.port);29 server.close();30});31var mb = require('mountebank');32mb.create({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.create({3}, function (error, server) {4 server.stub({5 {6 equals: {7 body: {8 }9 }10 }11 {12 is: {13 }14 }15 });16 server.addStub({17 {18 equals: {19 body: {20 }21 }22 }23 {24 is: {25 }26 }27 });28 server.addStub({29 {30 equals: {31 body: {32 }33 }34 }35 {36 is: {37 }38 }39 });40});41{42 {43 {44 "is": {45 "headers": {46 },47 }48 }49 {50 "equals": {51 "body": {52 }53 }54 }55 },56 {57 {58 "is": {59 "headers": {60 },61 }62 }63 {64 "equals": {65 "body": {66 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var mb = require('mountebank');3 {4 {5 {6 equals: {7 }8 }9 {10 is: {11 headers: {12 },13 }14 }15 }16 }17];18mb.create({ port: 2525, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' }, function (error, mb) {19 assert.ifError(error);20'/imposters', imposters, function (error, response) {21 assert.ifError(error);22 assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 201);23 mb.get('/imposters', function (error, response) {24 assert.ifError(error);25 assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);26 console.log(response.body);27 mb.del('/imposters', function (error, response) {28 assert.ifError(error);29 assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);30 mb.stop();31 });32 });33 });34});35 {36 {37 {38 "equals": {39 }40 }41 {42 "is": {43 "headers": {44 },45 }46 }47 }48 "_links": {49 "self": {50 },51 "logs": {52 },53 "stubs": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const request = require('request-promise');3const port = 2525;4mb.create({5}).then(() => {6 return'/imposters', {7 {8 {9 is: {10 }11 }12 }13 });14}).then(() => {15}).then(response => {16 console.log(response);17}).finally(() => {18 return mb.stop();19});20const mb = require('mountebank');21const request = require('request-promise');22const port = 2525;23mb.create({24}).then(() => {25 return'/imposters', {26 {27 {28 is: {29 }30 }31 }32 });33}).then(() => {34}).then(response => {35 console.log(response);36}).finally(() => {37 return mb.stop();38});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var fs = require('fs');3var port = 2525;4var imposters = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('imposters.json', 'utf8'));5mb.start(port, imposters, function () {6 console.log('mountebank started');7});8 {9 {10 {11 "is": {12 "headers": {13 },14 "body": {15 }16 }17 }18 {19 {20 "equals": {21 "headers": {22 }23 }24 },25 {26 "equals": {27 "headers": {28 }29 }30 }31 }32 }33 }34 {35 {36 "is": {37 "headers": {38 },39 "body": {40 }41 }42 }43 {44 {45 "equals": {46 "headers": {47 }48 }49 },50 {51 "equals": {52 "headers": {53 }54 }55 }56 }57 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const server = mb.create({3});4server.start()5 .then(() => {6 return'/imposters', {7 {8 {9 is: {10 }11 }12 }13 });14 })15 .then(() => {16 return server.get('/imposters/3000');17 })18 .then(response => {19 console.log(JSON.stringify(response.body, null, 2));20 })21 .catch(error => {22 console.error(error);23 });24const mb = require('mountebank');25const server = mb.create({26});27server.start()28 .then(() => {29 return'/imposters', {30 {31 {32 is: {33 }34 }35 }36 });37 })38 .then(() => {39 return server.get('/imposters/3000');40 })41 .then(response => {42 console.log(JSON.stringify(response.body, null, 2));43 })44 .catch(error => {45 console.error(error);46 });47const mb = require('mountebank');48const server = mb.create({49});50server.start()51 .then(()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const imposter = {3 {4 {5 is: {6 headers: {7 }8 }9 }10 {11 equals: {12 }13 }14 },15 {16 {17 is: {18 headers: {19 }20 }21 }22 {23 equals: {24 }25 }26 }27};28mb.create(imposter).then(function () {29 console.log('Imposter created');30});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var port = 2525;3mb.create(port).then(function (server) {4 console.log('Mountebank server started on port ' + port);5'/imposters', {6 {7 {8 is: {9 }10 }11 }12 }).then(function (response) {13 console.log('Imposter created with ID ' + response.body.imposter.port);14 server.get('/imposters/' + response.body.imposter.port + '/requests').then(function (response) {15 console.log('Requests received: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body));16 server.del('/imposters/' + response.body.imposter.port).then(function () {17 console.log('Imposter deleted');18 server.del('/imposters').then(function () {19 console.log('All imposters deleted');20 server.close();21 });22 });23 });24 });25}).catch(function (error) {26 console.error('Error creating server', error);27});28var mb = require('mountebank');29var port = 2525;30mb.create(port).then(function (server) {31 console.log('Mountebank server started on port ' + port);32'/imposters', {33 {34 {35 is: {36 }37 }38 }39 }).then(function (response) {40 console.log('Imposter created with ID ' + response.body.imposter.port);41 server.get('/imposters/' + response.body.imposter.port + '/requests').then(function (response) {42 console.log('Requests received: ' + JSON.stringify(response.body));43 server.del('/imposters/' + response.body.imposter.port).then(function () {44 console.log('Imposter deleted');45 server.del('/imposters').then(function () {46 console.log('All imposters deleted');47 server.close();48 });49 });50 });51 });52}).catch(function (error) {53 console.error('Error creating server', error);54});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var request = require('request');3var fs = require('fs');4var expect = require('chai').expect;5var supertest = require('supertest');6var chai = require('chai'), chaiHttp = require('chai-http');7chai.use(chaiHttp);8var should = chai.should();9var assert = chai.assert;10var chaiJsonSchema = require('chai-json-schema');11chai.use(chaiJsonSchema);12var faker = require('faker');13var jsonschema = require('jsonschema');14var Validator = jsonschema.Validator;15var v = new Validator();16var Joi = require('joi');17var jsonschema = require('jsonschema');18var Validator = jsonschema.Validator;19var v = new Validator();20var chaiXmlSchema = require('chai-xml-schema');21chai.use(chaiXmlSchema);22var xmlschema = require('xmlschema');23var chaiXml = require('chai-xml');24chai.use(chaiXml);25var chaiXmlSchema = require('chai-xml-schema');26chai.use(chaiXmlSchema);27var xmlschema = require('xmlschema');28var chaiXml = require('chai-xml');29chai.use(chaiXml);30var chaiXmlSchema = require('chai-xml-schema');31chai.use(chaiXmlSchema);32var xmlschema = require('xmlschema');33var chaiXml = require('chai-xml');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var Q = require('q');3var response = {4 _links: {5 self: {6 }7 }8};9var imposters = [{10 stubs: [{11 predicates: [{12 equals: {13 }14 }],15 responses: [{16 is: {17 headers: {18 },19 body: JSON.stringify(response)20 }21 }]22 }]23}];24mb.start({25}).then(function () {26 return'/imposters', imposters);27}).then(function () {28 return'/imposters/4545/stubs', [{29 predicates: [{30 equals: {31 }32 }],33 responses: [{34 is: {35 headers: {36 },37 body: JSON.stringify(response)38 }39 }]40 }]);41}).then(function () {42 return mb.get('/imposters');43}).then(function (response) {44 console.log(JSON.stringify(response.body, null, 2));45}).then(function () {46 return mb.del('/imposters');47}).then(function () {48 return mb.stop();49}).done();50var mb = require('mountebank');51var Q = require('q');52var response = {53 _links: {54 self: {55 }56 }57};58var imposters = [{59 stubs: [{60 predicates: [{61 equals: {62 }63 }],64 responses: [{65 is: {66 headers: {67 },68 body: JSON.stringify(response)69 }70 }]71 }]72}];73mb.start({

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