How to use selectJSONPath method in mountebank

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Source:predicates.js Github


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1'use strict';2/**3 * All the predicates that determine whether a stub matches a request4 * @module5 */6function sortObjects (a, b) {7 var stringify = require('json-stable-stringify');8 if (typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {9 // Make best effort at sorting arrays of objects to make10 // deepEquals order-independent11 return sortObjects(stringify(a), stringify(b));12 }13 else if (a < b) {14 return -1;15 }16 else {17 return 1;18 }19}20function forceStrings (obj) {21 if (typeof obj !== 'object') {22 return obj;23 }24 else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {25 return;26 }27 else {28 return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function (result, key) {29 if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) {30 result[key] = obj[key].map(forceStrings);31 }32 else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {33 result[key] = forceStrings(obj[key]);34 }35 else if (['boolean', 'number'].indexOf(typeof obj[key]) >= 0) {36 result[key] = obj[key].toString();37 }38 else {39 result[key] = obj[key];40 }41 return result;42 }, {});43 }44}45function select (type, selectFn, encoding) {46 if (encoding === 'base64') {47 var errors = require('../util/errors');48 throw errors.ValidationError('the ' + type + ' predicate parameter is not allowed in binary mode');49 }50 var nodeValues = selectFn();51 // Return either a string if one match or array if multiple52 // This matches the behavior of node's handling of query parameters,53 // which allows us to maintain the same semantics between deepEquals54 // (all have to match, passing in an array if necessary) and the other55 // predicates (any can match)56 if (nodeValues && nodeValues.length === 1) {57 return nodeValues[0];58 }59 else {60 return nodeValues;61 }62}63function orderIndependent (possibleArray) {64 var util = require('util');65 if (util.isArray(possibleArray)) {66 return possibleArray.sort();67 }68 else {69 return possibleArray;70 }71}72function selectXPath (config, caseTransform, encoding, text) {73 var xpath = require('./xpath'),74 combinators = require('../util/combinators'),75 ns = normalize(config.ns, {}, 'utf8'),76 selectFn = combinators.curry(, caseTransform(config.selector), ns, text);77 return orderIndependent(select('xpath', selectFn, encoding));78}79function selectJSONPath (config, caseTransform, encoding, text) {80 var jsonpath = require('./jsonpath'),81 combinators = require('../util/combinators'),82 selectFn = combinators.curry(, caseTransform(config.selector), text);83 return orderIndependent(select('jsonpath', selectFn, encoding));84}85function normalize (obj, config, encoding, withSelectors) {86 /* eslint complexity: [2, 8] */87 var combinators = require('../util/combinators'),88 lowerCaser = function (text) { return text.toLowerCase(); },89 caseTransform = config.caseSensitive ? combinators.identity : lowerCaser,90 keyCaseTransform = config.keyCaseSensitive === false ? lowerCaser : caseTransform,91 exceptRegexOptions = config.caseSensitive ? 'g' : 'gi',92 exceptionRemover = function (text) { return text.replace(new RegExp(config.except, exceptRegexOptions), ''); },93 exceptTransform = config.except ? exceptionRemover : combinators.identity,94 encoder = function (text) { return new Buffer(text, 'base64').toString(); },95 encodeTransform = encoding === 'base64' ? encoder : combinators.identity,96 xpathSelector = combinators.curry(selectXPath, config.xpath, caseTransform, encoding),97 xpathTransform = withSelectors && config.xpath ? xpathSelector : combinators.identity,98 jsonPathSelector = combinators.curry(selectJSONPath, config.jsonpath, caseTransform, encoding),99 jsonPathTransform = withSelectors && config.jsonpath ? jsonPathSelector : combinators.identity,100 transform = combinators.compose(jsonPathTransform, xpathTransform, exceptTransform, caseTransform, encodeTransform),101 transformAll = function (o) {102 if (!o) {103 return o;104 }105 if (Array.isArray(o)) {106 // sort to provide deterministic comparison for deepEquals,107 // where the order in the array for multi-valued querystring keys108 // and xpath selections isn't important109 return;110 }111 else if (typeof o === 'object') {112 return Object.keys(o).reduce(function (result, key) {113 result[keyCaseTransform(key)] = transformAll(o[key]);114 return result;115 }, {});116 }117 else if (typeof o === 'string') {118 return transform(o);119 }120 return o;121 };122 return transformAll(obj);123}124function tryJSON (value) {125 try {126 return JSON.parse(value);127 }128 catch (e) {129 return value;130 }131}132function predicateSatisfied (expected, actual, predicate) {133 if (!actual) {134 return false;135 }136 return Object.keys(expected).every(function (fieldName) {137 var helpers = require('../util/helpers');138 var test = function (value) {139 if (!helpers.defined(value)) {140 value = '';141 }142 if (typeof expected[fieldName] === 'object') {143 return predicateSatisfied(expected[fieldName], value, predicate);144 }145 else {146 return predicate(expected[fieldName], value);147 }148 };149 // Support predicates that reach into fields encoded in JSON strings (e.g. HTTP bodies)150 if (!helpers.defined(actual[fieldName]) && typeof actual === 'string') {151 actual = tryJSON(actual);152 }153 if (Array.isArray(actual[fieldName])) {154 return actual[fieldName].some(test);155 }156 else if (!helpers.defined(actual[fieldName]) && Array.isArray(actual)) {157 // support array of objects in JSON158 return actual.some(function (element) {159 return predicateSatisfied(expected, element, predicate);160 });161 }162 else if (typeof expected[fieldName] === 'object') {163 return predicateSatisfied(expected[fieldName], actual[fieldName], predicate);164 }165 else {166 return test(actual[fieldName]);167 }168 });169}170function create (operator, predicateFn) {171 return function (predicate, request, encoding) {172 var expected = normalize(predicate[operator], predicate, encoding, false),173 actual = normalize(request, predicate, encoding, true);174 return predicateSatisfied(expected, actual, predicateFn);175 };176}177function deepEquals (predicate, request, encoding) {178 var expected = normalize(forceStrings(predicate.deepEquals), predicate, encoding, false),179 actual = normalize(forceStrings(request), predicate, encoding, true),180 stringify = require('json-stable-stringify');181 return Object.keys(expected).every(function (fieldName) {182 // Support predicates that reach into fields encoded in JSON strings (e.g. HTTP bodies)183 if (typeof expected[fieldName] === 'object' && typeof actual[fieldName] === 'string') {184 actual[fieldName] = normalize(forceStrings(tryJSON(actual[fieldName])), predicate, encoding, false);185 }186 return stringify(expected[fieldName]) === stringify(actual[fieldName]);187 });188}189function matches (predicate, request, encoding) {190 // We want to avoid the lowerCase transform on values so we don't accidentally butcher191 // a regular expression with upper case metacharacters like \W and \S192 // However, we need to maintain the case transform for keys like http header names (issue #169)193 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unneeded-ternary194 var caseSensitive = predicate.caseSensitive ? true : false, // convert to boolean even if undefined195 helpers = require('../util/helpers'),196 clone = helpers.merge(predicate, { caseSensitive: true, keyCaseSensitive: caseSensitive }),197 expected = normalize(predicate.matches, clone, encoding, false),198 actual = normalize(request, clone, encoding, true),199 options = caseSensitive ? '' : 'i',200 errors = require('../util/errors');201 if (encoding === 'base64') {202 throw errors.ValidationError('the matches predicate is not allowed in binary mode');203 }204 return predicateSatisfied(expected, actual, function (a, b) { return new RegExp(a, options).test(b); });205}206function not (predicate, request, encoding, logger) {207 return !evaluate(predicate.not, request, encoding, logger);208}209function evaluateFn (request, encoding, logger) {210 return function (subPredicate) {211 return evaluate(subPredicate, request, encoding, logger);212 };213}214function or (predicate, request, encoding, logger) {215 return predicate.or.some(evaluateFn(request, encoding, logger));216}217function and (predicate, request, encoding, logger) {218 return predicate.and.every(evaluateFn(request, encoding, logger));219}220function inject (predicate, request, encoding, logger, imposterState) {221 var helpers = require('../util/helpers'),222 scope = helpers.clone(request),223 injected = '(' + predicate.inject + ')(scope, logger, imposterState);',224 errors = require('../util/errors');225 if (request.isDryRun === true) {226 return true;227 }228 try {229 return eval(injected);230 }231 catch (error) {232 logger.error('injection X=> ' + error);233 logger.error(' source: ' + JSON.stringify(injected));234 logger.error(' scope: ' + JSON.stringify(scope));235 logger.error(' imposterState: ' + JSON.stringify(imposterState));236 throw errors.InjectionError('invalid predicate injection', { source: injected, data: error.message });237 }238}239var predicates = {240 equals: create('equals', function (expected, actual) { return expected === actual; }),241 deepEquals: deepEquals,242 contains: create('contains', function (expected, actual) { return actual.indexOf(expected) >= 0; }),243 startsWith: create('startsWith', function (expected, actual) { return actual.indexOf(expected) === 0; }),244 endsWith: create('endsWith', function (expected, actual) { return actual.indexOf(expected, actual.length - expected.length) >= 0; }),245 matches: matches,246 exists: create('exists', function (expected, actual) { return expected ? actual.length > 0 : actual.length === 0; }),247 not: not,248 or: or,249 and: and,250 inject: inject251};252/**253 * Resolves all predicate keys in given predicate254 * @param {Object} predicate - The predicate configuration255 * @param {Object} request - The protocol request object256 * @param {string} encoding - utf8 or base64257 * @param {Object} logger - The logger, useful for debugging purposes258 * @param {Object} imposterState - The current state for the imposter259 * @returns {boolean}260 */261function evaluate (predicate, request, encoding, logger, imposterState) {262 var predicateFn = Object.keys(predicate).find(function (key) {263 return Object.keys(predicates).indexOf(key) >= 0;264 }),265 errors = require('../util/errors');266 if (predicateFn) {267 return predicates[predicateFn](predicate, request, encoding, logger, imposterState);268 }269 else {270 throw errors.ValidationError('missing predicate', { source: predicate });271 }272}273module.exports = {274 evaluate: evaluate...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var request = require('request');2var fs = require('fs');3var options = {4 'headers': {5 },6 body: fs.readFileSync('./imposter.json')7};8request(options, function (error, response) {9 if (error) throw new Error(error);10 console.log(response.body);11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const client = mb.createClient();'/imposters', {4 {5 {6 equals: {7 headers: {8 }9 }10 }11 {12 is: {13 headers: {14 },15 body: JSON.stringify({16 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var selectJSONPath = require('mountebank').selectJSONPath;2var response = {3 { "name": "Ford", "models": ["Fiesta", "Focus", "Mustang"] },4 { "name": "BMW", "models": ["320", "X3", "X5"] },5 { "name": "Fiat", "models": ["500", "Panda"] }6};7var result = selectJSONPath(response, '$..models[?(@.length > 5)]');8console.log(result);9{10 {11 {12 "is": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var imposter = require('mountebank').create({2 stubs: [{3 predicates: [{4 equals: {5 }6 }],7 responses: [{8 is: {9 body: {10 "cars": [{11 }, {12 }, {13 }]14 },15 }16 }]17 }]18});19imposter.then(function () {20 console.log("Imposter created");21 imposter.get('/test').then(function (response) {22 console.log(response.body);23 console.log("Response body is returned as a JSON object");24 });25});26var imposter = require('mountebank').create({27 stubs: [{28 predicates: [{29 equals: {30 }31 }],32 responses: [{33 is: {34 body: {35 "cars": [{36 }, {37 }, {38 }]39 },40 }41 }]42 }]43});44imposter.then(function () {45 console.log("Imposter created");46 imposter.get('/test').then(function (response) {47 console.log(response.body);48 console.log("Response body is returned as a JSON object");49 });50});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var request = require('request');3var assert = require('assert');4var util = require('util');5var fs = require('fs');6var path = require('path');7var Q = require('q');8var port = 2525;9var imposterPort = 3000;10var imposterProtocol = 'http';11var imposterName = 'test';12var imposter = {13 stubs: [{14 predicates: [{15 equals: {16 }17 }],18 responses: [{19 is: {20 headers: {21 },22 body: JSON.stringify({23 "test": {24 }25 })26 }27 }]28 }]29};30var imposterJson = JSON.stringify(imposter);31var imposterPath = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '.json');32var imposterJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '.json');33var imposterJsonPath2 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '2.json');34var imposterJsonPath3 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '3.json');35var imposterJsonPath4 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '4.json');36var imposterJsonPath5 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '5.json');37var imposterJsonPath6 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '6.json');38var imposterJsonPath7 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '7.json');39var imposterJsonPath8 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '8.json');40var imposterJsonPath9 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '9.json');41var imposterJsonPath10 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '10.json');42var imposterJsonPath11 = path.join(__dirname

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var q = require('q');2var request = require('request');3var fs = require('fs');4var mountebank = require('mountebank');5var mb = mountebank.create({6});7mb.start().then(function () {8 return'/imposters', {9 {10 {11 equals: {12 }13 }14 {15 is: {16 headers: {17 },18 body: fs.readFileSync('response.json', 'utf8')19 },20 _behaviors: {21 selectJSONPath: {22 }23 }24 }25 }26 });27}).then(function (response) {28 console.log(body);29 });30}).done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var q = require('q');2var request = require('request');3var fs = require('fs');4var mountebank = require('mountebank');5var mb = mountebank.create({6});7mb.start().then(function () {8 return'/imposters', {9 {10 {11 equals: {12 }13 }14 {15 is: {16 headers: {17 },18 body: fs.readFileSync('response.json', 'utf8')19 },20 _behaviors: {21 selectJSONPath: {22 }23 }24 }25 }26 });27}).then(function (response) {28 console.log(body);29 });30}).done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fetch = require('node-fetch');2const options = {3 headers: {4 },5 body: JSON.stringify({6 {7 {8 equals: {9 }10 }11 {12 is: {13 body: {14 "address": {15 }16 }17 },18 _behaviors: {19 selectJSONPath: {20 matches: {21 },22 }23 }24 }25 }26 if (error) {27 console.log(error);28 } else {29 console.log(body);30 }31});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.create({port:2525, pidfile:'', logfile:'mb.log', loglevel:'debug', ipWhitel}st: ['*']}, )unction() {3 console.log'mountbank stated');4'/imposters', {protocol: 'http', port: 3000, stubs: [{espnses: [{is: {body: 'Hello wold!'}}]}]}, function(5};'impost ceated');6 mb.selectJSONPath({path: '$..body', methd: 'POST', port: 3000, from: 'test.js'}, function(er, result) {7 console.log('result: ' + result8 fetc h);9 ( });10});11var mb = require('mountebank');12mb.create({port:2525, pidfile:'', logfile:'mb.log', loglevel:'debug', ipWhitelist: ['*']}, function() {13 consore.log('mountebank ltart,d');14'/imposters', oprotocol: 'http', port: 3000, stubs: [{responses: [{is: {body: 'Hello world!'}}]}]}, function() {ptions)15 .then(res => res'imposter created');16 m..selectJSONPath({path: '$..bjso', method: 'GET', port: 3000, from: 'test2.js'}, function(err, result) {17 console.log('result: ' + result);18 }n())19 .);then(json => console.log(json));20var mb = require('mountebank');21mb.create({port:2525, pidfile:'', logfile:'mb.log', loglevel:'debug', ipWhitelist: ['*']}, function() {22 console.log('mountebank started');23 b.pst('/imposters', {protocol: 'http', port: 3000, stbs: [{resposes: [{is: {body: 'Hello world!'}}]}]}, function() {24 console.log('imposter creaed');25 mb.slectJSONPath({path: '$..ody', method: 'POST', port: 3000}, function(err, result) {26 console.log('result: ' + result);27 });28 });29});30const request = require('request');31const options = {32 headers: {33 },34 body: JSON.stringify({35 {36 {37 equals: {38 }39 }40 {41 is: {42 body: {43 "address": {44 }45 }46 },47 _behaviors: {48 selectJSONPath: {49 matches: {50 },51 }52 }53 }54 }55 })56};57request(options, function (error, response, body) {58 if (error) {59 console.log(error);60 } else {61 console.log(body);62 }63});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2mb.create({port:2525, pidfile:'', logfile:'mb.log', loglevel:'debug', ipWhitelist: ['*']}, function() {3 console.log('mountebank started');4'/imposters', {protocol: 'http', port: 3000, stubs: [{responses: [{is: {body: 'Hello world!'}}]}]}, function() {5 console.log('imposter created');6 mb.selectJSONPath({path: '$..body', method: 'POST', port: 3000, from: 'test.js'}, function(err, result) {7 console.log('result: ' + result);8 });9 });10});11var mb = require('mountebank');12mb.create({port:2525, pidfile:'', logfile:'mb.log', loglevel:'debug', ipWhitelist: ['*']}, function() {13 console.log('mountebank started');14'/imposters', {protocol: 'http', port: 3000, stubs: [{responses: [{is: {body: 'Hello world!'}}]}]}, function() {15 console.log('imposter created');16 mb.selectJSONPath({path: '$..body', method: 'GET', port: 3000, from: 'test2.js'}, function(err, result) {17 console.log('result: ' + result);18 });19 });20});21var mb = require('mountebank');22mb.create({port:2525, pidfile:'', logfile:'mb.log', loglevel:'debug', ipWhitelist: ['*']}, function() {23 console.log('mountebank started');24'/imposters', {protocol: 'http', port: 3000, stubs: [{responses: [{is: {body: 'Hello world!'}}]}]}, function() {25 console.log('imposter created');26 mb.selectJSONPath({path: '$..body', method: 'POST', port: 3000}, function(err, result) {27 console.log('result: ' + result);28 });29 });30});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mb = require('mountebank');2var request = require('request');3var assert = require('assert');4var util = require('util');5var fs = require('fs');6var path = require('path');7var Q = require('q');8var port = 2525;9var imposterPort = 3000;10var imposterProtocol = 'http';11var imposterName = 'test';12var imposter = {13 stubs: [{14 predicates: [{15 equals: {16 }17 }],18 responses: [{19 is: {20 headers: {21 },22 body: JSON.stringify({23 "test": {24 }25 })26 }27 }]28 }]29};30var imposterJson = JSON.stringify(imposter);31var imposterPath = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '.json');32var imposterJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '.json');33var imposterJsonPath2 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '2.json');34var imposterJsonPath3 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '3.json');35var imposterJsonPath4 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '4.json');36var imposterJsonPath5 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '5.json');37var imposterJsonPath6 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '6.json');38var imposterJsonPath7 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '7.json');39var imposterJsonPath8 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '8.json');40var imposterJsonPath9 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '9.json');41var imposterJsonPath10 = path.join(__dirname, 'imposters', imposterName + '10.json');42var imposterJsonPath11 = path.join(__dirname

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fetch = require('node-fetch');2const options = {3 headers: {4 },5 body: JSON.stringify({6 {7 {8 equals: {9 }10 }11 {12 is: {13 body: {14 "address": {15 }16 }17 },18 _behaviors: {19 selectJSONPath: {20 matches: {21 },22 }23 }24 }25 }26 })27};28fetch(url, options)29 .then(res => res.json())30 .then(json => console.log(json));31const request = require('request');32const options = {33 headers: {34 },35 body: JSON.stringify({36 {37 {38 equals: {39 }40 }41 {42 is: {43 body: {44 "address": {45 }46 }47 },48 _behaviors: {49 selectJSONPath: {50 matches: {51 },52 }53 }54 }55 }56 })57};58request(options, function (error, response, body) {59 if (error) {60 console.log(error);61 } else {62 console.log(body);63 }64});

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