How to use stubsToValidateWithPredicates method in mountebank

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Source:dryRunValidator.js Github


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1'use strict';2/**3 * Validating a syntactically correct imposter creation statically is quite difficult.4 * This module validates dynamically by running test requests through each predicate and each stub5 * to see if it throws an error. A valid request is one that passes the dry run error-free.6 * @module7 */8var utils = require('util'),9 Q = require('q'),10 exceptions = require('../util/errors'),11 helpers = require('../util/helpers'),12 combinators = require('../util/combinators'),13 ResponseResolver = require('./responseResolver');14/**15 * Creates the validator16 * @param {Object} options - Configuration for the validator17 * @param {Object} options.testRequest - The protocol-specific request used for each dry run18 * @param {Object} options.StubRepository - The creation function19 * @param {boolean} options.allowInjection - Whether JavaScript injection is allowed or not20 * @param {function} options.additionalValidation - A function that performs protocol-specific validation21 * @returns {Object}22 */23function create (options) {24 function stubForResponse (originalStub, response, withPredicates) {25 // Each dry run only validates the first response, so we26 // explode the number of stubs to dry run each response separately27 var clonedStub = helpers.clone(originalStub),28 clonedResponse = helpers.clone(response);29 clonedStub.responses = [clonedResponse];30 // If the predicates don't match the test request, we won't dry run31 // the response (although the predicates will be dry run). We remove32 // the predicates to account for this scenario.33 if (!withPredicates) {34 delete clonedStub.predicates;35 }36 // we've already validated waits and don't want to add latency to validation37 if (clonedResponse._behaviors && clonedResponse._behaviors.wait) {38 delete clonedResponse._behaviors.wait;39 }40 return clonedStub;41 }42 function dryRun (stub, encoding, logger) {43 // Need a well-formed proxy response in case a behavior decorator expects certain fields to exist44 var dryRunProxy = { to: function () { return Q(options.testProxyResponse); } },45 dryRunLogger = {46 debug: combinators.noop,47 info: combinators.noop,48 warn: combinators.noop,49 error: logger.error50 },51 resolver = ResponseResolver.create(dryRunProxy, combinators.identity),52 stubsToValidateWithPredicates = (response) {53 return stubForResponse(stub, response, true);54 }),55 stubsToValidateWithoutPredicates = (response) {56 return stubForResponse(stub, response, false);57 }),58 stubsToValidate = stubsToValidateWithPredicates.concat(stubsToValidateWithoutPredicates),59 dryRunRepositories = (stubToValidate) {60 var stubRepository = options.StubRepository.create(resolver, false, encoding);61 stubRepository.addStub(stubToValidate);62 return stubRepository;63 });64 return Q.all( (stubRepository) {65 var testRequest = options.testRequest;66 testRequest.isDryRun = true;67 return stubRepository.resolve(testRequest, dryRunLogger);68 }));69 }70 function addDryRunErrors (stub, encoding, errors, logger) {71 var deferred = Q.defer();72 try {73 dryRun(stub, encoding, logger).done(deferred.resolve, function (reason) {74 reason.source = reason.source || JSON.stringify(stub);75 errors.push(reason);76 deferred.resolve();77 });78 }79 catch (error) {80 errors.push(exceptions.ValidationError('malformed stub request', {81 data: error.message,82 source: error.source || stub83 }));84 deferred.resolve();85 }86 return deferred.promise;87 }88 function addInvalidWaitErrors (stub, errors) {89 var hasInvalidWait = stub.responses.some(function (response) {90 return response._behaviors && response._behaviors.wait && response._behaviors.wait < 0;91 });92 if (hasInvalidWait) {93 errors.push(exceptions.ValidationError("'wait' value must be an integer greater than or equal to 0", {94 source: stub95 }));96 }97 }98 function hasStubInjection (stub) {99 var hasResponseInjections = utils.isArray(stub.responses) && stub.responses.some(function (response) {100 var hasDecorator = response._behaviors && response._behaviors.decorate;101 var hasProxyDecorator = response.proxy && response.proxy._behaviors && response.proxy._behaviors.decorate;102 return response.inject || hasDecorator || hasProxyDecorator;103 }),104 hasPredicateInjections = Object.keys(stub.predicates || {}).some(function (predicate) {105 return stub.predicates[predicate].inject;106 });107 return hasResponseInjections || hasPredicateInjections;108 }109 function addStubInjectionErrors (stub, errors) {110 if (!options.allowInjection && hasStubInjection(stub)) {111 errors.push(exceptions.InjectionError(112 'JavaScript injection is not allowed unless mb is run with the --allowInjection flag', { source: stub }));113 }114 }115 function errorsForStub (stub, encoding, logger) {116 var errors = [],117 deferred = Q.defer();118 if (!utils.isArray(stub.responses) || stub.responses.length === 0) {119 errors.push(exceptions.ValidationError("'responses' must be a non-empty array", {120 source: stub121 }));122 }123 else {124 addInvalidWaitErrors(stub, errors);125 }126 addStubInjectionErrors(stub, errors);127 if (errors.length > 0) {128 // no sense in dry-running if there are already problems;129 // it will just add noise to the errors130 deferred.resolve(errors);131 }132 else {133 addDryRunErrors(stub, encoding, errors, logger).done(function () {134 deferred.resolve(errors);135 });136 }137 return deferred.promise;138 }139 function errorsForRequest (request) {140 var errors = [],141 hasRequestInjection = request.endOfRequestResolver && request.endOfRequestResolver.inject;142 if (!options.allowInjection && hasRequestInjection) {143 errors.push(exceptions.InjectionError(144 'JavaScript injection is not allowed unless mb is run with the --allowInjection flag',145 { source: request.endOfRequestResolver }));146 }147 return errors;148 }149 /**150 * Validates that the imposter creation is syntactically valid151 * @memberOf module:models/dryRunValidator#152 * @param {Object} request - The request containing the imposter definition153 * @param {Object} logger - The logger154 * @returns {Object} Promise resolving to an object containing isValid and an errors array155 */156 function validate (request, logger) {157 var stubs = request.stubs || [],158 encoding = request.mode === 'binary' ? 'base64' : 'utf8',159 validationPromises = (stub) { return errorsForStub(stub, encoding, logger); }),160 deferred = Q.defer();161 validationPromises.push(Q(errorsForRequest(request)));162 if (options.additionalValidation) {163 validationPromises.push(Q(options.additionalValidation(request)));164 }165 Q.all(validationPromises).done(function (errorsForAllStubs) {166 var allErrors = errorsForAllStubs.reduce(function (stubErrors, accumulator) {167 return accumulator.concat(stubErrors);168 }, []);169 deferred.resolve({ isValid: allErrors.length === 0, errors: allErrors });170 });171 return deferred.promise;172 }173 return {174 validate: validate175 };176}177module.exports = {178 create: create...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var mb = require('mountebank');3var stubsToValidateWithPredicates = mb.stubsToValidateWithPredicates;4var stubs = [{5 predicates: [{6 equals: {7 }8 }],9 responses: [{10 is: {11 headers: {12 },13 body: JSON.stringify({ test: 'test' })14 }15 }]16}];17var result = stubsToValidateWithPredicates(stubs);18assert.deepEqual(result, stubs);

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1var imposter = require('mountebank').create({2 stubs: [{3 predicates: [{4 equals: {5 }6 }],7 responses: [{8 is: {9 }10 }]11 }]12});13var imposter = require('mountebank').create({14 stubs: [{15 predicates: [{16 equals: {17 }18 }],19 responses: [{20 is: {21 }22 }]23 }]24});25var imposter = require('mountebank').create({26 stubs: [{27 predicates: [{28 equals: {29 }30 }],31 responses: [{32 is: {33 }34 }]35 }]36});37var imposter = require('mountebank').create({38 stubs: [{39 predicates: [{40 equals: {41 }42 }],43 responses: [{44 is: {45 }46 }]47 }]48});49var imposter = require('mountebank').create({50 stubs: [{51 predicates: [{52 equals: {53 }54 }],55 responses: [{56 is: {57 }58 }]59 }]60});61var imposter = require('mounteb

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1var assert = require('assert');2var mb = require('mountebank');3var request = require('request');4var port = 2525;5var host = 'localhost';6describe('Test', function () {7 before(function (done) {8 mb.create({ port: port, pidfile: '', logfile: 'mb.log' }, done);9 });10 after(function (done) {11 mb.stop({ pidfile: '' }, done);12 });13 it('should return 200', function (done) {14 var predicate = {15 "matches": {16 }17 };18 {19 {20 "is": {21 "headers": {22 },23 "body": {24 }25 }26 }27 }28 ];29 mb.stub({ port: port, stubs: stubs }, function (error) {30 assert.ifError(error);31 request.get(url + '/test?name=test', function (error, response, body) {32 assert.ifError(error);33 assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200);34 assert.strictEqual(body, '{"name":"test"}');35 done();36 });37 });38 });39});40AssertionError: expected { Object (body, headers, ...) } to deeply equal '{"name":"test"}'41 at Request._callback (test.js:39:28)42 at Request.self.callback (node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)43 at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)44 at Request.emit (events.js:191:7)45 at Request. (node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10)46 at emitOne (events.js:96:13)47 at Request.emit (events.js:188:7)48 at IncomingMessage. (node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12)49 at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:293:19)50 at emitNone (events.js:86:13)51 at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js

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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const stubsToValidateWithPredicates = require('./stubsToValidateWithPredicates');3const stubs = stubsToValidateWithPredicates.getStubsToValidateWithPredicates();4mb.start({5}, function () {6 mb.createImposter(3000, stubs, function () {7 console.log('Imposter created');8 });9});10const mb = require('mountebank');11const stubs = {12 {13 {14 "equals": {15 "query": {16 }17 }18 }19 {20 "is": {21 "headers": {22 },23 "body": {24 }25 }26 }27 }28};29exports.getStubsToValidateWithPredicates = function () {30 return stubs;31};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var mb = require('mountebank');3var stub = {4 { equals: { method: 'GET' } },5 { equals: { path: '/test' } }6 { is: { statusCode: 200, body: 'OK' } }7};8mb.start({9}, function (error) {10 if (error) {11 console.error(error);12 process.exit(1);13 }14 mb.stub(server, stub, function (error) {15 if (error) {16 console.error(error);17 process.exit(1);18 }19 mb.stubsToValidateWithPredicates(server, function (error, stubs) {20 if (error) {21 console.error(error);22 process.exit(1);23 }24 assert.deepEqual(stubs, [stub]);25 mb.stop(server, function (error) {26 if (error) {27 console.error(error);28 process.exit(1);29 }30 });31 });32 });33});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');3const chaiSubset = require('chai-subset');4const expect = chai.expect;5const mountebank = require('mountebank');6const port = 2525;7const stubs = require('./stubs');8const predicates = require('./predicates');9const path = require('path');10const fs = require('fs');11const imposter = require('./imposter');12const request = require('request');13chai.use(chaiAsPromised);14chai.use(chaiSubset);15describe('create imposter', () => {16 it('should create imposter', () => {17 return'/imposters', imposter)18 .then(response => {19 expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(201);20 });21 });22});23describe('add stubs', () => {24 it('should add stubs', () => {25 return mb.stubsToValidateWithPredicates(2525, stubs, predicates)26 .then(response => {27 expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(201);28 });29 });30});31describe('get request', () => {32 it('should return response', () => {33 return mb.get('/imposters/2525')34 .then(response => {35 expect(response.body.stubs[0].responses[0].body).to.equal('{"name":"test"}');36 });37 });38});39describe('delete imposter', () => {40 it('should delete imposter', () => {41 return mb.del('/imposters/2525')42 .then(response => {43 expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200);44 });45 });46});47module.exports = [{48 responses: [{49 is: {50 body: '{"name":"test"}'51 }52 }]53}];54module.exports = [{55 and: [{56 equals: {57 }58 }]59}];60module.exports = {61 stubs: [{62 responses: [{63 is: {

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1var imposter = require('mountebank').create();2imposter.useLogger(console);3imposter.useFile('imposters.json');4imposter.start(2525, function () {5 console.log("imposter started");6 imposter.addStub({7 predicates: [{8 equals: {9 }10 }],11 responses: [{12 is: {13 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },14 body: { message: 'Hello World' }15 }16 }]17 }, function () {18 console.log("stub added");19 });20});21{22 {23 {24 "equals": {25 }26 }27 {28 "is": {29 "headers": {30 },31 "body": {32 }33 }34 }35 }36}37const imposter = require('mountebank').create();38imposter.useLogger(console);39imposter.useFile('imposters.json');40imposter.start(2525, function () {41 console.log("imposter started");42 imposter.stubsToValidateWithPredicates([43 {44 equals: {45 }46 }47 ], function (error, stubs) {48 console.log("stubs", stubs);49 });50});51{52 {53 {54 "equals": {55 }56 }57 {58 "is": {59 "headers": {60 },61 "body": {62 }63 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mb = require('mountebank');2const fs = require('fs');3const path = require('path');4const logger = require('winston');5const os = require('os');6const stubsToValidateWithPredicates = require('./stubsToValidateWithPredicates');7const stubsToValidateWithPredicates = require('./stubsToValidateWithPredicates');8const imposter = mb.create({9});10const stub = {11 {12 equals: {13 }14 }15 {16 is: {17 }18 }19};20const stub = {21 {22 equals: {23 }24 }25 {26 is: {27 }

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