How to use waitForElement method in navalia

Best JavaScript code snippet using navalia


Source:Checkbox.test.js Github


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...15 label="Naruto"16 testId="checkbox"17 />18 )19 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )20 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )21 expect( input.value ).toBe( 'Naruto' )22 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()23 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()24 } )25 test( 'When there is no prop "isChecked" the component is not checked by default', async() => {26 const { container, getByTestId } = render(27 <Checkbox28 label="Naruto"29 testId="checkbox"30 />31 )32 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )33 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )34 expect( input.checked ).toBe( false )35 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()36 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()37 } )38 test( 'When there is a prop "isChecked" with value False the component is not checked', async() => {39 const { container, getByTestId } = render(40 <Checkbox41 isChecked={ false }42 label="Naruto"43 testId="checkbox"44 />45 )46 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )47 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )48 expect( input.checked ).toBe( false )49 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()50 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()51 } )52 test( 'When there is a prop "isChecked" with value True the component is checked', async() => {53 const { container, getByTestId } = render(54 <Checkbox55 isChecked={ true }56 label="Naruto"57 testId="checkbox"58 />59 )60 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )61 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )62 expect( input.checked ).toBe( true )63 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()64 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()65 } )66 test( 'When there is no prop "disabled" the component is abled by default', async() => {67 const { container, getByTestId } = render(68 <Checkbox69 label="Naruto"70 testId="checkbox"71 />72 )73 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )74 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )75 expect( input.disabled ).toBe( false )76 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()77 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()78 } )79 test( 'When there is a prop "disabled" with value True the component is disabled', async() => {80 const { container, getByTestId } = render(81 <Checkbox82 disabled={ true }83 label="Naruto"84 testId="checkbox"85 />86 )87 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )88 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )89 expect( input.disabled ).toBe( true )90 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()91 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()92 } )93 test( 'When there is a prop "disabled" with value False the component is abled', async() => {94 const { container, getByTestId } = render(95 <Checkbox96 disabled={ false }97 label="Naruto"98 testId="checkbox"99 />100 )101 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )102 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )103 expect( input.disabled ).toBe( false )104 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()105 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()106 } )107 test( 'When there is a "click" prop, the function is called when the input is clicked', async() => {108 const { container, getByTestId } = render(109 <Checkbox110 click={ mockedFunction }111 label="Naruto"112 testId="checkbox"113 />114 )115 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )116 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )117 input )118 expect( mockedFunction ).toHaveBeenCalled()119 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()120 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()121 } )122 test( 'When there is a "click" prop and a true "disabled" prop, the function is not called when the input is clicked', async() => {123 const { container, getByTestId } = render(124 <Checkbox125 click={ mockedFunction }126 disabled={ true }127 label="Naruto"128 testId="checkbox"129 />130 )131 const input = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'checkbox' ) )132 const generalDiv = await waitForElement( () => getByTestId( 'div-checkbox' ) )133 input )134 expect( mockedFunction ).not.toHaveBeenCalled()135 expect( generalDiv ).toBeInTheDocument()136 expect( container ).toMatchSnapshot()137 } )...

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Source:wait-for-element.js Github


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2import {render, renderIntoDocument, cleanup} from './helpers/test-utils'3afterEach(cleanup)4test('waits for element to appear in the document', async () => {5 const {rerender, getByTestId} = renderIntoDocument('<div />')6 const promise = waitForElement(() => getByTestId('div'))7 setTimeout(() => rerender('<div data-testid="div" />'))8 const element = await promise9 expect(element).toBeInTheDocument()10})11test('waits for element to appear in a specified container', async () => {12 const {rerender, container, getByTestId} = render('<div />')13 const promise = waitForElement(() => getByTestId('div'), {container})14 setTimeout(() => rerender('<div data-testid="div" />'))15 const element = await promise16 expect(element).toBeTruthy()17})18test('can time out', async () => {19 jest.useFakeTimers()20 const promise = waitForElement(() => {})21 jest.advanceTimersByTime(4600)22 await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow(/timed out/i)23 jest.useRealTimers()24})25test('can specify our own timeout time', async () => {26 jest.useFakeTimers()27 const promise = waitForElement(() => {}, {timeout: 4700})28 const handler = jest.fn()29 promise.then(handler, handler)30 // advance beyond the default31 jest.advanceTimersByTime(4600)32 // promise was neither rejected nor resolved33 expect(handler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0)34 // advance beyond our specified timeout35 jest.advanceTimersByTime(150)36 // timed out37 await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow(/timed out/i)38 jest.useRealTimers()39})40test('throws last thrown error', async () => {41 const {rerender, container} = render('<div />')42 let error43 setTimeout(() => {44 error = new Error('first error')45 rerender('<div>first</div>')46 }, 10)47 setTimeout(() => {48 error = new Error('second error')49 rerender('<div>second</div>')50 }, 20)51 const promise = waitForElement(52 () => {53 throw error54 },55 {container, timeout: 50},56 )57 await expect(promise).rejects.toThrow(error)58})59test('waits until callback does not return null', async () => {60 const {rerender, container, queryByTestId} = render('<div />')61 const promise = waitForElement(() => queryByTestId('div'), {container})62 setTimeout(() => rerender('<div data-testid="div" />'))63 const element = await promise64 expect(element).toBeTruthy()65})66test('throws error if no callback is provided', async () => {67 await expect(waitForElement()).rejects.toThrow(/callback/i)...

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Source:can_deactivate_spec.ts Github


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1import {verifyNoBrowserErrors} from 'angular2/src/testing/e2e_util';2function waitForElement(selector: string) {3 var EC = (<any>protractor).ExpectedConditions;4 // Waits for the element with id 'abc' to be present on the dom.5 browser.wait(EC.presenceOf($(selector)), 20000);6}7function waitForAlert() {8 var EC = (<any>protractor).ExpectedConditions;9 browser.wait(EC.alertIsPresent(), 1000);10}11describe('can deactivate example app', function() {12 afterEach(verifyNoBrowserErrors);13 var URL = 'angular2/examples/router/ts/can_deactivate/';14 it('should not navigate away when prompt is cancelled', function() {15 browser.get(URL);16 waitForElement('note-index-cmp');17 element(by.css('#note-1-link')).click();18 waitForElement('note-cmp');19 browser.navigate().back();20 waitForAlert();21 browser.switchTo().alert().dismiss(); // Use to simulate cancel button22 expect(element(by.css('note-cmp')).getText()).toContain('id: 1');23 });24 it('should navigate away when prompt is confirmed', function() {25 browser.get(URL);26 waitForElement('note-index-cmp');27 element(by.css('#note-1-link')).click();28 waitForElement('note-cmp');29 browser.navigate().back();30 waitForAlert();31 browser.switchTo().alert().accept();32 waitForElement('note-index-cmp');33 expect(element(by.css('note-index-cmp')).getText()).toContain('Your Notes');34 });...

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Source:can_deactivate_spec.js Github


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1/* */ 2'use strict';3var e2e_util_1 = require('../../../../src/testing/e2e_util');4function waitForElement(selector) {5 var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;6 browser.wait(EC.presenceOf($(selector)), 20000);7}8function waitForAlert() {9 var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;10 browser.wait(EC.alertIsPresent(), 1000);11}12describe('can deactivate example app', function() {13 afterEach(e2e_util_1.verifyNoBrowserErrors);14 var URL = 'angular2/examples/router/ts/can_deactivate/';15 it('should not navigate away when prompt is cancelled', function() {16 browser.get(URL);17 waitForElement('note-index-cmp');18 element(by.css('#note-1-link')).click();19 waitForElement('note-cmp');20 browser.navigate().back();21 waitForAlert();22 browser.switchTo().alert().dismiss();23 expect(element(by.css('note-cmp')).getText()).toContain('id: 1');24 });25 it('should navigate away when prompt is confirmed', function() {26 browser.get(URL);27 waitForElement('note-index-cmp');28 element(by.css('#note-1-link')).click();29 waitForElement('note-cmp');30 browser.navigate().back();31 waitForAlert();32 browser.switchTo().alert().accept();33 waitForElement('note-index-cmp');34 expect(element(by.css('note-index-cmp')).getText()).toContain('Your Notes');35 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2 .launch()3 .then(browser => browser.waitForElement('input[name="q"]'))4 .then(browser => browser.type('input[name="q"]', 'navalia'))5 .then(browser => browser.waitForElement('input[name="btnK"]'))6 .then(browser =>'input[name="btnK"]'))7 .then(browser => browser.waitForElement('a[href*="navalia"]'))8 .then(browser =>'a[href*="navalia"]'))9 .then(browser => browser.waitForElement('h1'))10 .then(browser => browser.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('h1').textContent))11 .then(text => console.log(text))12 .catch(console.error);13### `launch([options])`14### `close()`15### `open(url)`16### `goBack()`17### `goForward()`18### `reload()`19### `waitForNavigation([options])`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var navalia = require('navalia');2var browser = new navalia.Browser();3 .waitForElement('input[name="q"]')4 .type('input[name="q"]', 'navalia')5 .submit('input[name="q"]')6 .waitForElement('#res')7 .screenshot()8 .then(function (image) {9 console.log(image);10 })11 .close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3 .init()4 .waitForElement('input[name="q"]')5 .type('input[name="q"]', 'navalia')6 .click('input[name="btnK"]')7 .waitForElement('h3.r a')8 .evaluate(() => {9 return document.querySelector('h3.r a').href;10 })11 .then((href) => {12 assert.equal(href, '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3const { waitForElement } = require('navalia');4(async () => {5 const browser = await navalia.firefox();6 const element = await waitForElement(browser, 'input[name="q"]');7 assert(element !== null);8 await browser.close();9})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3 .use('chrome')4 .waitForElement('#hplogo')5 .then(() => {6 console.log('Element exists');7 })8 .catch(err => {9 console.log('Element does not exist');10 })11 .close();12const navalia = require('navalia');13const assert = require('assert');14 .use('chrome')15 .waitForElementToDisappear('#hplogo')16 .then(() => {17 console.log('Element does not exist');18 })19 .catch(err => {20 console.log('Element exists');21 })22 .close();23const navalia = require('navalia');24const assert = require('assert');25 .use('chrome')26 .click('#hplogo')27 .waitForNavigation()28 .then(() => {29 console.log('Navigation complete');30 })31 .catch(err => {32 console.log('Navigation did not complete');33 })34 .close();35const navalia = require('navalia');36const assert = require('assert');37 .use('chrome')38 .waitForText('Google')39 .then(() => {40 console.log('Text exists');41 })42 .catch(err => {43 console.log('Text does not exist');44 })45 .close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3 .waitForElement('#hplogo')4 .evaluate(() => {5 return document.getElementById('hplogo').alt;6 })7 .then((alt) => {8 assert.equal(alt, 'Google');9 })10 .close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { waitForElement } = require('navalia');2(async () => {3 const browser = await navalia();4 await waitForElement(browser, 'input[name="q"]', 5000);5})();6const { waitForNavigation } = require('navalia');7(async () => {8 const browser = await navalia();9 await waitForNavigation(browser, 'input[name="q"]', 5000);10})();11const { waitForText } = require('navalia');12(async () => {13 const browser = await navalia();14 await waitForText(browser, 'Google Search', 5000);15})();16const { waitForUrl } = require('navalia');17(async () => {18 const browser = await navalia();19})();20const { waitForUrlToContain } = require('navalia');21(async () => {22 const browser = await navalia();23 await waitForUrlToContain(browser, '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const { waitForElement } = require('navalia');3const browser = new navalia();4 .goto(url)5 .then(() => waitForElement(browser, 'input[title="Search"]'))6 .then(() => browser.type('input[title="Search"]', 'navalia'))7 .then(() =>'input[value="Google Search"]'))8 .then(() => waitForElement(browser, '#resultStats'))9 .then(() => browser.screenshot('navalia.png'))10 .then(() => browser.close());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3const browser = new navalia('chrome');4 .waitForElement('.gLFyf')5 .type('.gLFyf', 'navalia')6 .click('.gNO89b')7 .waitForElement('.yuRUbf')8 .click('.yuRUbf a')9 .waitForElement('.repohead-details-container')10 .then(() => {11 browser.evaluate(() => {12 return document.querySelector('.repohead-details-container').innerText;13 }).then((text) => {14 assert(text.includes('navalia'));15 browser.close();16 });17 });18const navalia = require('navalia');19const assert = require('assert');20const browser = new navalia('chrome');21 .waitForElement('.gLFyf')22 .type('.gLFyf', 'navalia')23 .click('.gNO89b')24 .waitForElement('.yuRUbf')25 .click('.yuRUbf a')26 .waitForElement('.repohead-details-container')27 .evaluate(() => {28 return document.querySelector('.repohead-details-container').innerText;29 }).then((text) => {30 assert(text.includes('navalia'));31 browser.close();32 });33const navalia = require('navalia');34const assert = require('assert');35const browser = new navalia('chrome');36 .waitForElement('.gLFyf')37 .type('.gLFyf', 'navalia')38 .click('.gNO89b')39 .waitForElement('.yuRUbf')40 .click('.yuRUbf a')41 .waitForElement('.repohead-details-container')42 .evaluateOnElement('.repohead-details-container',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var navalia = require("navalia");2var assert = require("assert");3browser.waitForElement("input[name='q']")4 .then(function () {5 return browser.type("input[name='q']", "navalia");6 })7 .then(function () {8 return"input[name='btnK']");9 })10 .then(function () {11 return browser.waitForElement("div#search");12 })13 .then(function () {14 return browser.evaluate(function () {15 return document.querySelector("div#search").innerText;16 });17 })18 .then(function (text) {19 assert(text.indexOf("navalia") > -1);20 browser.close();21 });22var navalia = require("navalia");23var assert = require("assert");"a[href='/intl/en/about.html']")25 .then(function () {26 return browser.waitForNavigation();27 })28 .then(function () {29 return browser.evaluate(function () {30 return document.title;31 });32 })33 .then(function (title) {34 assert(title === "Google - About Google, Our Culture & Company News");35 browser.close();36 });37var navalia = require("navalia");38browser.waitForText("a[href='/intl/en/about.html']", "About")39 .then(function () {40 return"a[href='/intl/en/about.html']");41 })42 .then(function () {43 return browser.waitForNavigation();44 })45 .then(function () {46 return browser.evaluate(function () {47 return document.title;48 });49 })50 .then(function (title) {51 assert(title === "Google - About Google, Our Culture & Company News");52 browser.close();53 });54 })55 .catch(err => {56 console.log('Element does not exist');57 })58 .close();59const navalia = require('navalia');60const assert = require('assert');61 .use('chrome')62 .waitForElementToDisappear('#hplogo')63 .then(() => {64 console.log('Element does not exist');65 })66 .catch(err => {67 console.log('Element exists');68 })69 .close();70const navalia = require('navalia');71const assert = require('assert');72 .use('chrome')73 .click('#hplogo')74 .waitForNavigation()75 .then(() => {76 console.log('Navigation complete');77 })78 .catch(err => {79 console.log('Navigation did not complete');80 })81 .close();82const navalia = require('navalia');83const assert = require('assert');84 .use('chrome')85 .waitForText('Google')86 .then(() => {87 console.log('Text exists');88 })89 .catch(err => {90 console.log('Text does not exist');91 })92 .close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const navalia = require('navalia');2const assert = require('assert');3 .waitForElement('#hplogo')4 .evaluate(() => {5 return document.getElementById('hplogo').alt;6 })7 .then((alt) => {8 assert.equal(alt, 'Google');9 })10 .close();

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