How to use queryOrMutation method in pact-foundation-pact

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Source:dataStore.js Github


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1//@flow2import { normalize } from "normalizr-gre";3import URL from "url";4import Mutation from "./Mutation";5import Query from "./Query";6import ConnectionQuery from "./ConnectionQuery";7import type { Connection } from "./ConnectionQuery";8import { merge } from "./ImmutableUtils";9import isEqual from "lodash/isEqual";10import type RestlayProvider from "./RestlayProvider";11export const DATA_FETCHED = "@@restlay/DATA_FETCHED";12export const DATA_FETCHED_FAIL = "@@restlay/DATA_FETCHED_FAIL";13const DATA_CONNECTION_SPLICE = "@@restlay/DATA_CONNECTION_SPLICE";14export type Entities = {15 [_: string]: { [_: string]: Object }16};17type Result<R> = {18 result: R,19 time: number20};21export type Store = {22 entities: Entities,23 results: { [_: string]: Result<any> }24};25type DispatchF = (action: Object) => void;26type GetState = () => { data: Store };27export function getPendingQueryResult<R>(28 store: Store,29 query: Query<any, R> | ConnectionQuery<any, any>30): ?Result<R> {31 return store.results[query.getCacheKey()];32}33export function queryCacheIsFresh(store: Store, query: Query<*, *>): boolean {34 const cache = getPendingQueryResult(store, query);35 if (!cache) return false;36 return < cache.time + 1000 * query.cacheMaxAge;37}38const initialState: Store = {39 entities: {},40 results: {}41};42// NB we do not preserve the entities object immutable, but only for the object entity itself43function mergeEntities(prev: Entities, patch: Entities): Entities {44 const all = { ...patch, ...prev }; // potentially there are new collections45 const entities = {};46 for (let type in all) {47 const patchColl = patch[type];48 const oldColl = all[type];49 entities[type] = merge(oldColl, patchColl, isEqual);50 }51 return entities;52}53const emptyConnection: Connection<any> = {54 edges: [],55 pageInfo: { hasNextPage: true }56};57const accumulateConnectionEdges = <T>(58 oldConnection: ?Connection<T>,59 connection: Connection<T>60): Connection<T> => {61 if (!oldConnection) return connection;62 const pageInfo = { ...connection.pageInfo };63 if (connection.pageInfo.hasNextPage && connection.edges.length === 0) {64 console.warn(65 "API issue: connection says hasNextPage but edges.length is 0!"66 );67 pageInfo.hasNextPage = false;68 }69 const edges = oldConnection.edges.concat(connection.edges);70 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && oldConnection) {71 const cursors = {};72 edges.forEach((e, i) => {73 if (!e.cursor) {74 console.warn("API issue: an edge must have a cursor defined");75 }76 if (cursors[e.cursor]) {77 console.warn(78 "API issue: duplicate cursor found at index " + i + ": " + e.cursor79 );80 }81 cursors[e.cursor] = true;82 });83 }84 return {85 edges,86 pageInfo87 };88};89const sliceConnection = <T>(90 connection: Connection<T>,91 length: number92): Connection<T> => ({93 pageInfo: { hasNextPage: true },94 edges: connection.edges.slice(0, length)95});96// TODO we need to split into more functions:97// one for mutation98// one for query99// one for connection query (or more functions, initial query / more page ?)100export const executeQueryOrMutation =101 // network is dynamically provided so the library can be mocked (e.g. for tests)102 (ctx: RestlayProvider) => <Out>(103 queryOrMutation:104 | Query<any, Out>105 | Mutation<any, Out>106 | ConnectionQuery<any, any>107 ) => (dispatch: DispatchF, getState: GetState) => {108 let uri = queryOrMutation.uri;109 let cacheKey, method, body;110 // TODO ConnectionQuery don't stick very well in the normal Query paradigm111 // and later we might really split into 2 different parts112 if (queryOrMutation instanceof ConnectionQuery) {113 const store = getState();114 const cache = getPendingQueryResult(, queryOrMutation);115 const size = queryOrMutation.getSize();116 const shouldReset = !queryOrMutation.firstQueryDone;117 // FIXME this is a hack! need a better refactoring of all of these118 const count =119 cache && !shouldReset120 ? cache.result.pageInfo.hasNextPage121 ? size - cache.result.edges.length122 : 0123 : size;124 if (count < 0) {125 const cacheKey = queryOrMutation.getCacheKey();126 //$FlowFixMe127 return Promise.resolve().then(() => {128 // needs to happen in async129 dispatch({130 type: DATA_CONNECTION_SPLICE,131 cacheKey,132 size,133 queryOrMutation134 });135 return cache ? sliceConnection(cache.result, size) : emptyConnection;136 });137 } else if (count === 0) {138 // $FlowFixMe139 return Promise.resolve((cache && cache.result) || emptyConnection);140 } else {141 const params = queryOrMutation.getPaginationURLParams(142 count,143 shouldReset || !cache || cache.result.edges.length === 0144 ? undefined145 : cache.result.edges[cache.result.edges.length - 1].cursor146 );147 const { pathname, query } = URL.parse(uri, true);148 uri = URL.format({149 pathname,150 query: { ...query, ...params }151 });152 }153 }154 if (queryOrMutation instanceof Mutation) {155 method = queryOrMutation.method;156 body = queryOrMutation.getBody();157 } else {158 cacheKey = queryOrMutation.getCacheKey();159 const pendingPromise = ctx.getPendingQuery(queryOrMutation);160 if (pendingPromise) return pendingPromise;161 method = "GET";162 }163 const promise = ctx164 .network(uri, method, body)165 .then(data => {166 const result = normalize(167 data,168 queryOrMutation.getResponseSchema() || {}169 );170 let resetConnection = false;171 if (172 queryOrMutation instanceof Query ||173 queryOrMutation instanceof ConnectionQuery174 ) {175 ctx.removePendingQuery(queryOrMutation);176 }177 if (queryOrMutation instanceof ConnectionQuery) {178 resetConnection = !queryOrMutation.firstQueryDone;179 queryOrMutation.firstQueryDone = true;180 }181 dispatch({182 type: DATA_FETCHED,183 result,184 queryOrMutation,185 cacheKey,186 resetConnection187 });188 return data;189 })190 .catch(error => {191 if (192 queryOrMutation instanceof Query ||193 queryOrMutation instanceof ConnectionQuery194 ) {195 ctx.removePendingQuery(queryOrMutation);196 }197 dispatch({198 type: DATA_FETCHED_FAIL,199 error,200 queryOrMutation,201 cacheKey202 });203 throw error;204 });205 if (206 queryOrMutation instanceof Query ||207 queryOrMutation instanceof ConnectionQuery208 ) {209 ctx.setPendingQuery(queryOrMutation, promise);210 }211 return promise;212 };213const reducers = {214 [DATA_CONNECTION_SPLICE]: (store, { size, cacheKey }) => {215 if (!cacheKey) {216 return store;217 } else {218 return {219,220 results: {221,222 [cacheKey]: {223 result: sliceConnection(store.results[cacheKey].result, size),224 time: }226 }227 };228 }229 },230 [DATA_FETCHED]: (231 store,232 { queryOrMutation, result, cacheKey, resetConnection }233 ) => {234 const entities = mergeEntities(store.entities, result.entities);235 if (!cacheKey) {236 return {, entities };237 } else {238 return {239 entities,240 results: {241,242 [cacheKey]: {243 result:244 queryOrMutation instanceof ConnectionQuery && !resetConnection245 ? accumulateConnectionEdges(246 // FIXME this is always appending, there is no way to reset this..247 // actually will need to differenciate the initial FETCH from PAGINATE248 // also there will be some obvious DEV checks to do, like there is not supposed to be dups in cursors ...249 store.results[cacheKey] && store.results[cacheKey].result,250 result.result251 )252 : result.result,253 time: }255 }256 };257 }258 }259};260export const reducer = (state: * = initialState, action: Object) => {261 if (action.type in reducers) {262 const patch = reducers[action.type](state, action);263 if (patch) {264 return { ...state, ...patch };265 }266 }267 return state;...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1import 'isomorphic-fetch'2import { polyfill } from 'es6-promise'3polyfill()4interface RequestOptions {5 method: string6 headers: any7 body: string8}9/**10 * @param {string} url - Your GraphQL Endpoint11 */12class graphQlClient {13 private url: string14 private options: any = {}15 constructor (url: string) {16 this.url = url17 }18 /**19 * @param {object} options20 */21 public setOptions(options: any) {22 this.options = options23 }24 /**25 * @param {string} queryOrMutation - A valid GraphQL query or mutation (subscriptions not supported!)26 * @param {object} variables - GraphQL variables27 */28 public execute<R = any, V = any>(queryOrMutation: string, variables?: V) {29 const { url } = this30 return new Promise<R>((resolve, reject) => {31 if (url && url.length > 0) {32 if (validateUrl(url)) {33 if (queryOrMutation) {34 let graphql = JSON.stringify({35 query: queryOrMutation36 })37 38 if (variables) {39 graphql = JSON.stringify({40 query: queryOrMutation,41 variables: variables42 })43 }44 45 let requestOptions: RequestOptions = {46 method: 'POST',47 headers: {48 'Content-Type': 'application/json'49 },50 body: graphql,51 ...this.options52 }53 54 fetch(url, requestOptions)55 .then(response => {56 return response.json()57 })58 .then(result => {59 if (result.errors) {60 reject(result)61 } else {62 resolve( }64 })65 .catch(error => reject(error))66 } else {67 reject('Please provide a Query or Mutation!')68 }69 } else {70 reject('Invalid URL!')71 }72 } else {73 reject('Please provide a GraphQL endpoint (e.g: https://localhost:3000/graphql/)')74 }75 })76 }77}78const validateUrl = (Url: string) => {79 const validationRegEx = /[(http(s)?):\/\/(www\.)?a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/ig80 return validationRegEx.test(Url)81}82const gql = (literals: TemplateStringsArray, ...placeholders: any) => {83 return literals.reduce((prev, curr, index) => prev + curr + placeholders[index])84}85export {86 gql87}...

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Source:index.js Github


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...8 url: "ws://localhost:4000/graphql",9 lazy: false,10});11// query, mutation12async function queryOrMutation(subscribePayload) {13 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {14 let result;15 const cleanUp = client.subscribe(subscribePayload, {16 next: (data) => (result = data),17 complete: () => {18 cleanUp();19 return resolve(result);20 },21 error: reject,22 });23 });24}25// subscription26function useSubscription(operationPayload, callback) {27 const callbackRef = useRef(callback);28 callbackRef.current = callback;29 useEffect(() => {30 const subscription = client.subscribe(operationPayload, {31 next: (result) => {32 callbackRef.current(result);33 },34 error: (errors) => {35 callbackRef.current({ errors });36 },37 complete: () => {38 subscription.unsubscribe();39 },40 });41 return () => {42 subscription.unsubscribe();43 };44 }, []); // eslint-disable-line45 // the effect should be run when component is mounted and unmounted46}47const queryFn = async ({ queryKey }) => {48 const [query, variables, operationName, extensions] = queryKey;49 const { data } = await queryOrMutation({50 query,51 variables,52 operationName,53 extensions,54 });55 return data;56};57const queryClient = new QueryClient({58 defaultOptions: {59 queries: {60 // default function used by all useQuery calls61 queryFn,62 // prevents re-fetching queries by default, data is updated manually with subscriptions63 staleTime: Infinity,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { queryOrMutation } from "pact-foundation-pact-web";2 query {3 allUsers {4 }5 }6`;7queryOrMutation(url, query).then((data) => {8 console.log(data);9});10describe("test2", () => {11 it("should return all users", () => {12 cy.readFile("pacts/my_consumer-my_provider.json").then((pact) => {13 const interaction = pact.interactions[0];14 cy.intercept(interaction.request.method, interaction.request.path, {15 }).as("graphql");16 cy.get("button").click();17 cy.wait("@graphql").its("response.statusCode").should("eq", 200);18 });19 });20});

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