Best JavaScript code snippet using pact-foundation-pact
...220 it('should register the after hooks', () => {221 const name = 'connect'222 const gen = function * (next) { yield next }223 let app = new Application(settings)224 app.registerAfterHook(name, gen)225 expect(app._afterHooks[name]).to.eql(gen)226 })227 it('should throw without a name', () => {228 const gen = function * (next) { yield next }229 let app = new Application(settings)230 expect(() => {231 app.registerAfterHook('', gen)232 }).to.throw(/#registerAfterHook requires a method name/)233 })234 it('should if method does not allow after hook', () => {235 const name = 'something'236 const gen = function * (next) { yield next }237 let app = new Application(settings)238 expect(() => {239 app.registerAfterHook(name, gen)240 }).to.throw(/#registerAfterHook hook on method something is unsupported/)241 })242 it('should throw when a non-generator function is passed', () => {243 const name = 'connect'244 let app = new Application(settings)245 expect(() => {246 app.registerAfterHook(name)247 }).to.throw(/#registerAfterHook requires a generator/)248 expect(() => {249 app.registerAfterHook(name, () => {})250 }).to.throw(/#registerAfterHook requires a generator/)251 })252 })253 describe('#connect', () => {254 let app255 beforeEach(() => {256 app = new Application(settings)257 app._composedStack = sinon.stub()258 })259 it('should connect to a rabbit queue', function * () {260 yield app.connect()261 expect(amqplib.connect.called) expect(app.connection).to.exist263 expect(app.connection).to.eql(connection)264 })265 it('should create a channel', function * () {266 yield app.connect()267 expect(connection.createChannel.called) expect( expect( })271 it('should setup a consumer using the handler', function * () {272 yield app.connect()273 expect(channel.consume.called) expect(channel.consume.calledWith(settings.queueName, app._composedStack)) })276 it('should surface errors', function * () {277 let received = null278 const error = 'Test Error'279 connection.createChannel.rejects(error)280 try {281 yield app.connect()282 } catch (err) {283 received = err284 }285 expect(received)'error')286 expect(received.toString()).to.contain(error)287 })288 context('when it has a before hook', function() {289 it('should call the before hook', function * () {290 const stub = sinon.stub()291 const gen = function * () { stub() }292 app.registerBeforeHook('connect', gen)293 yield app.connect()294 expect(stub.called) expect(stub.calledBefore(amqplib.connect.called)) })297 })298 context('when it has an after hook', function() {299 it('should call the after hook', function * () {300 const stub = sinon.stub()301 const gen = function * () { stub() }302 app.registerAfterHook('connect', gen)303 yield app.connect()304 expect(stub.called) expect(stub.calledBefore(amqplib.connect.called)) })307 })308 })309 describe('#close', () => {310 let app311 beforeEach(function * () {312 app = new Application(settings)313 app._composedStack = sinon.stub()314 yield app.connect()315 })316 it('should close the channel', function * () {317 yield app.close()318 expect(channel.close.called) })320 it('should close the connection', function * () {321 yield app.close()322 expect(connection.close.called) })324 context('when it has a before hook', () => {325 it('should call the before hook', function * () {326 const stub = sinon.stub()327 const gen = function * () { stub() }328 app.registerBeforeHook('close', gen)329 yield app.close()330 expect(stub.called) })332 })333 context('when it has an after hook', () => {334 it('should call the after hook', function * () {335 const stub = sinon.stub()336 const gen = function * () { stub() }337 app.registerAfterHook('close', gen)338 yield app.close()339 expect(stub.called) })341 })342 })343 context('on a connection `close` event', () => {344 it('should emit a `connection:closed` event', function * () {345 const app = new Application(settings)346 app._composedStack = sinon.stub()347 yield app.connect()348 const err = new Error('Connection Closed Test Error')349 const spy = sinon.spy()350 app.on('connection:closed', spy)351 connection.emit('close', err)...
1'use strict'2const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter3const assert = require('assert')4const co = require('co')5const compose = require('koa-compose')6const amqp = require('amqplib')7const isGenerator = require('./utils/is-generator')8const buildRabbitUrl = require('./utils/build-rabbit-url')9module.exports = Application10function Application(config) {11 if (!(this instanceof Application)) return new Application(config)12 assert(config.hosts, 'array of hosts are required')13 assert(config.username, 'rabbit username is required')14 assert(config.password, 'rabbit password is required')15 assert(config.queueName, 'queueName is required')16 this._config = config || {}17 this._beforeHooks = {}18 this._afterHooks = {}19 this.middleware = []20}21Object.setPrototypeOf(Application.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype)22Application.prototype.use = function(fn) {23 assert(isGenerator(fn), '#use requires a generator')24 this.middleware = this.middleware.concat(fn)25 return this26}27Application.prototype.get = function(key) {28 return key ? this._config[key] : this._config29}30Application.prototype.createContext = function(message) {31 return {32 app: this,33 message,34 onError: function(err) {35 this.err = err36'error', err, this)37 }38 }39}40Application.prototype.listen = function(handler) {41 assert(isGenerator(handler), '#listen requires a generator')42 const mw = this.middleware.concat(handler)43 const composedMiddleware = co.wrap(compose(mw))44 this._composedStack = (message) => {45 const context = this.createContext(message)46 return composedMiddleware47 .call(context)48 .catch(context.onError.bind(context))49 }50 return this51}52Application.prototype.getStack = function() {53 assert.ok(this._composedStack, 'Stack not composed. You must call #listen first.')54 return this._composedStack55}56Application.prototype.registerBeforeHook = function(name, fn) {57 const supported = ['connect', 'close']58 assert(name, '#registerBeforeHook requires a method name')59 assert(supported.indexOf(name) >= 0, `#registerBeforeHook hook on method ${name} is unsupported`)60 assert(isGenerator(fn), '#registerBeforeHook requires a generator')61 this._beforeHooks[name] = fn62 return this63}64Application.prototype.registerAfterHook = function(name, fn) {65 const supported = ['connect', 'close']66 assert(name, '#registerAfterHook requires a method name')67 assert(supported.indexOf(name) >= 0, `#registerAfterHook hook on method ${name} is unsupported`)68 assert(isGenerator(fn), '#registerAfterHook requires a generator')69 this._afterHooks[name] = fn70 return this71}72Application.prototype.callBeforeHook = function * (name) {73 const hook = this._beforeHooks[name]74 if (typeof hook === 'function') yield hook()75}76Application.prototype.callAfterHook = function * (name) {77 const hook = this._afterHooks[name]78 if (typeof hook === 'function') yield hook()79}80Application.prototype.connect = function() {81 const self = this82 const hosts = this.get('hosts')83 const username = this.get('username')84 const password = this.get('password')85 const rabbitUrl = buildRabbitUrl(hosts, username, password)86 const queueName = this.get('queueName')87 return co(function * () {88 yield self.callBeforeHook('connect')89 self.connection = yield amqp.connect(rabbitUrl)90 = yield self.connection.createChannel()91 self.connection.on('close', function(err) {92 self.emit('connection:closed', err)93 })94 yield, self._composedStack)95 yield self.callAfterHook('connect')96 }).catch((err) => { throw err })97}98Application.prototype.close = function(done) {99 const self = this100 return co(function * () {101 yield self.callBeforeHook('close')102 yield yield self.connection.close()104 yield self.callAfterHook('close')105 }).catch((err) => { throw err })...
1import { runSingleTask } from './tasks/runTask';2import { MigrationEmitter } from './events';3import type {4 Options,5 TaskResult,6 RegisterCreateTask,7 RegisterRemoveTask,8 RegisterRenameTask,9 RegisterTransformTask,10 RegisterAfterHook,11 Task,12 TaskError,13} from './types';14import { isPattern } from './utils';15import { getReporter } from './reporters';16import { VirtualFileSystem } from './VirtualFileSystem';17import { AfterHookFn } from './hooks';18export type RegisterMethods = {19 transform: RegisterTransformTask;20 rename: RegisterRenameTask;21 remove: RegisterRemoveTask;22 create: RegisterCreateTask;23 after: RegisterAfterHook;24};25export class Migration {26 options: Options;27 events: MigrationEmitter;28 fs: VirtualFileSystem;29 results: Array<TaskResult>;30 errors: Array<TaskError>;31 afterHooks: Array<AfterHookFn>;32 title: string | null;33 constructor(options: Options) {34 this.title = null;35 this.options = options;36 = new MigrationEmitter(this);37 this.fs = new VirtualFileSystem({ cwd: options.cwd });38 this.results = [];39 this.errors = [];40 this.afterHooks = [];41 }42 runTask(task: Task) {43 const { taskErrors, taskResults } = runSingleTask(task, this);44 this.results.push(...taskResults);45 this.errors.push(...taskErrors);46 }47 transform: RegisterTransformTask = (title, pattern, transformFn) => {48 this.runTask({ type: 'transform', title, pattern, fn: transformFn });49 };50 rename: RegisterRenameTask = (title, pattern, renameFn) => {51 this.runTask({ type: 'rename', title, pattern, fn: renameFn });52 };53 remove: RegisterRemoveTask = (title, pattern, removeFn) => {54 this.runTask({ type: 'remove', title, pattern, fn: removeFn });55 };56 create: RegisterCreateTask = (title, patternOrCreateFn, createFn) => {57 let task: Task;58 if (isPattern(patternOrCreateFn)) {59 if (!createFn) {60 throw new Error(61 `When using a pattern for the second argument of the createTask function62You must supply a createFunction as the third argument`63 );64 }65 task = {66 type: 'create',67 title,68 pattern: patternOrCreateFn,69 fn: createFn,70 };71 } else {72 task = { type: 'create', title, fn: patternOrCreateFn };73 }74 this.runTask(task);75 };76 after: RegisterAfterHook = (afterFn: AfterHookFn) => {77 this.afterHooks.push(afterFn);78 };79 registerMethods: RegisterMethods = {80 transform: this.transform,81 rename: this.rename,82 remove: this.remove,83 create: this.create,84 after: this.after,85 };86 write() {87 this.fs.writeChangesToDisc();88 this.afterHooks.forEach((fn) => fn());89 }90 static init(options: Options): Migration {91 const migration = new Migration(options);92 const reporter = getReporter(options.reporter, {93 cwd: options.cwd,94 });95 reporter(migration);96 return migration;97 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');2pact.registerAfterHook(function (done) {3 console.log("after hook");4 done();5});6var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');7pact.registerAfterHook(function (done) {8 console.log("after hook");9 done();10});
Using AI Code Generation
1var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');2pact.registerAfterHook(function (result) {3 if (result.status === 0) {4 console.log('PACT test passed');5 } else {6 console.log('PACT test failed');7 }8});9var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');10pact.registerAfterHook(function (result) {11 if (result.status === 0) {12 console.log('PACT test passed');13 } else {14 console.log('PACT test failed');15 }16});17var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');18pact.registerAfterHook(function (result) {19 if (result.status === 0) {20 console.log('PACT test passed');21 } else {22 console.log('PACT test failed');23 }24});25var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');26pact.registerAfterHook(function (result) {27 if (result.status === 0) {28 console.log('PACT test passed');29 } else {30 console.log('PACT test failed');31 }32});33var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');34pact.registerAfterHook(function (result) {35 if (result.status === 0) {36 console.log('PACT test passed');37 } else {38 console.log('PACT test failed');39 }40});41var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');42pact.registerAfterHook(function (result) {43 if (result.status === 0) {44 console.log('PACT test passed');45 } else {46 console.log('PACT test failed');47 }48});49var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');
Using AI Code Generation
1const pactNode = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');2const pactflow = require('@pact-foundation/pactflow');3pactNode.registerAfterHook(function (data) {4 console.log('This hook will be called after the pact verification is completed');5 console.log('data is', data);6 console.log('data.results is', data.results);7 console.log('data.results.length is', data.results.length);8 console.log('data.results[0] is', data.results[0]);9});10: an array of strings;11: a string;12: a boolean;13: an array of strings;14: an array of strings;15: a string;16: a boolean;17: an array of strings;
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