Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...12import { FirstVisibleChildLayout } from "./layout/FirstVisibleChildLayout";13import { useStoreMethods } from "../hooks";14describe("createFunctionalComponent", () => {15 it("allows spread", () => {16 const SuperDiv = createFunctionalComponent(({ ...props }) => {17 return (18 <cx>19 <div {...props} />20 </cx>21 );22 });23 let props = {24 text: "Spread",25 style: "background: red;",26 };27 const widget = (28 <cx>29 <SuperDiv {...props} class="test" />30 </cx>31 );32 let store = new Store();33 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);34 let tree = component.toJSON();35 assert.deepEqual(tree, {36 type: "div",37 children: ["Spread"],38 props: {39 className: "test",40 style: {41 background: "red",42 },43 },44 });45 });46 it("visible and Rescope behave as expected", () => {47 const RootRescope = createFunctionalComponent(({}) => {48 return (49 <cx>50 <Rescope bind="x">51 <div text-bind="y" />52 </Rescope>53 </cx>54 );55 });56 const widget = (57 <cx>58 <RootRescope visible-expr="!!{x}" />59 </cx>60 );61 let store = new Store({62 data: {63 x: {64 y: "OK",65 },66 },67 });68 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);69 let tree = component.toJSON();70 assert.deepEqual(tree, {71 type: "div",72 children: ["OK"],73 props: {},74 });75 });76 it("visible and multiple items behave as expected", () => {77 const FComponent = createFunctionalComponent(({}) => {78 return (79 <cx>80 <div>1</div>81 <div visible={false}>2</div>82 <div>3</div>83 </cx>84 );85 });86 const widget = (87 <cx>88 <FComponent />89 </cx>90 );91 let store = new Store();92 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);93 let tree = component.toJSON();94 assert.deepEqual(tree, [95 {96 type: "div",97 children: ["1"],98 props: {},99 },100 {101 type: "div",102 children: ["3"],103 props: {},104 },105 ]);106 });107 it("respects inner layouts", () => {108 const FComponent = createFunctionalComponent(({}) => {109 return (110 <cx>111 <LabeledContainer label="Test" />112 <LabeledContainer label="Test" />113 </cx>114 );115 });116 const widget = (117 <cx>118 <div layout={LabelsLeftLayout}>119 <FComponent />120 </div>121 </cx>122 );123 let store = new Store();124 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);125 let tree = component.toJSON();126 assert.deepEqual(tree, {127 type: "div",128 props: {},129 children: [130 {131 type: "table",132 props: {133 className: "cxb-labelsleftlayout",134 style: undefined,135 },136 children: [137 {138 type: "tbody",139 props: {},140 children: [141 {142 type: "tr",143 props: {},144 children: [145 {146 type: "td",147 props: {148 className: "cxe-labelsleftlayout-label",149 style: undefined,150 },151 children: [152 {153 type: "label",154 props: {155 className: "cxb-label",156 },157 children: ["Test"],158 },159 ],160 },161 {162 type: "td",163 props: {164 className: "cxe-labelsleftlayout-field",165 },166 children: null,167 },168 ],169 },170 {171 type: "tr",172 props: {},173 children: [174 {175 type: "td",176 props: {177 className: "cxe-labelsleftlayout-label",178 style: undefined,179 },180 children: [181 {182 type: "label",183 props: {184 className: "cxb-label",185 },186 children: ["Test"],187 },188 ],189 },190 {191 type: "td",192 props: {193 className: "cxe-labelsleftlayout-field",194 },195 children: null,196 },197 ],198 },199 ],200 },201 ],202 },203 ],204 });205 });206 it("can use refs for data bindings", () => {207 const X = createFunctionalComponent(({}) => {208 let { ref } = useStoreMethods();209 let x = ref("x", "OK");210 return (211 <cx>212 <div text={x} />213 </cx>214 );215 });216 const widget = (217 <cx>218 <X visible={true} />219 </cx>220 );221 let store = new Store();222 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);223 let tree = component.toJSON();224 assert.deepEqual(tree, {225 type: "div",226 children: ["OK"],227 props: {},228 });229 });230 it("adds children at the right place", () => {231 const X = createFunctionalComponent(({ children }) => (232 <cx>233 <header />234 <main>{children}</main>235 <footer />236 </cx>237 ));238 const widget = (239 <cx>240 <X>241 <div />242 </X>243 </cx>244 );245 let store = new Store();246 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);247 let tree = component.toJSON();248 assert.deepEqual(tree, [249 {250 type: "header",251 children: null,252 props: {},253 },254 {255 type: "main",256 children: [257 {258 type: "div",259 children: null,260 props: {},261 },262 ],263 props: {},264 },265 {266 type: "footer",267 children: null,268 props: {},269 },270 ]);271 });272 it("works well with repeaters", () => {273 const X = createFunctionalComponent(({}) => {274 let { ref } = useStoreMethods();275 let text = ref("$record.text");276 return (277 <cx>278 <div text={text} />279 </cx>280 );281 });282 const widget = (283 <cx>284 <Repeater records-bind="array">285 <X />286 </Repeater>287 </cx>288 );289 let store = new Store({ data: { array: [{ text: "0" }, { text: "1" }, { text: "2" }] } });290 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);291 let tree = component.toJSON();292 assert.deepEqual(tree, [293 {294 type: "div",295 children: ["0"],296 props: {},297 },298 {299 type: "div",300 children: ["1"],301 props: {},302 },303 {304 type: "div",305 children: ["2"],306 props: {},307 },308 ]);309 store.update("array", (array) => [array[0], { text: "10" }, array[2]]);310 tree = component.toJSON();311 assert.deepEqual(tree, [312 {313 type: "div",314 children: ["0"],315 props: {},316 },317 {318 type: "div",319 children: ["10"],320 props: {},321 },322 {323 type: "div",324 children: ["2"],325 props: {},326 },327 ]);328 });329 it("can have its own layout", () => {330 const X = createFunctionalComponent(() => (331 <cx>332 <div>1</div>333 <div>2</div>334 <div>3</div>335 </cx>336 ));337 const widget = (338 <cx>339 <X layout={FirstVisibleChildLayout} />340 </cx>341 );342 let store = new Store();343 const component = renderer.create(<Cx widget={widget} store={store} subscribe immediate />);344 let tree = component.toJSON();...
1import { Repeater, Menu, Button, MenuItem } from 'cx/widgets';2import DashboardWidget from '../DashboardWidget';3import { createFunctionalComponent } from 'cx/ui';4import { useState, useTrigger } from 'cx/hooks';5const TodoItem = createFunctionalComponent(({ text }) => {6 return (7 <cx>8 <div class="box_item pad" tabIndex={0} text={text} />9 </cx>10 );11});12export const Todo = createFunctionalComponent(({ width, height }) => {13 let tasks = useState([14 { id: 1, text: 'Task 1', completed: false },15 { id: 2, text: 'Task 2', completed: false },16 ]);17 return (18 <cx>19 <DashboardWidget width={width} height={height} title="TODO">20 <div>21 <Menu>22 <Repeater records={tasks}>23 <MenuItem>24 <TodoItem text-bind="$record.text" />25 </MenuItem>26 </Repeater>...
1const vscode = require('vscode');2const CreateFunctionalComponent = require('./commands/create-functional-component');3const CreateClassComponent = require('./commands/create-class-component');4function activate(context) {5 let createClassComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(6 'extension.react-components:create-class-component', 7 () => { new CreateClassComponent() }8 );9 context.subscriptions.push(createClassComponent);10 let createFunctionalComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(11 'extension.react-components:create-functional-component', 12 () => { new CreateFunctionalComponent() }13 );14 context.subscriptions.push(createFunctionalComponent);15}...
1const vscode = require('vscode');2const CreateClassComponent = require('./src/commands/create-class-component');3const CreateFunctionalComponent = require('./src/commands/create-functional-component');4function activate(context) {5 let createClassComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(6 'extension.react-components:create-class-component', 7 new CreateClassComponent()8 );9 let createFunctionalComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(10 'extension.react-components:create-functional-component', 11 new CreateFunctionalComponent()12 );13 14 context.subscriptions.push(createClassComponent);15 context.subscriptions.push(createFunctionalComponent);16}...
1const vscode = require('vscode');2const CreateClassComponent = require('./src/commands/create-class-component');3const CreateFunctionalComponent = require('./src/commands/create-functional-component');4function activate(context) {5 let createClassComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(6 'extension.react-components:create-class-component', 7 CreateClassComponent8 );9 let createFunctionalComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(10 'extension.react-components:create-functional-component', 11 new CreateFunctionalComponent()12 );13 14 context.subscriptions.push(createClassComponent);15 context.subscriptions.push(createFunctionalComponent);16}...
1const vscode = require('vscode');2const CreateClassComponent = require('./src/commands/create-class-component');3const CreateFunctionalComponent = require('./src/commands/create-functional-component');4function activate(context) {5 let createClassComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(6 'extension.react-components:create-class-component', 7 CreateClassComponent8 );9 let createFunctionalComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(10 'extension.react-components:create-functional-component', 11 new CreateFunctionalComponent()12 );13 14 context.subscriptions.push(createClassComponent);15 context.subscriptions.push(createFunctionalComponent);16}...
1const vscode = require('vscode');2const CreateClassComponent = require('./src/commands/create-class-component');3const CreateFunctionalComponent = require('./src/commands/create-functional-component');4function activate(context) {5 let createClassComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(6 'extension.react-components:create-class-component', 7 CreateClassComponent8 );9 let createFunctionalComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(10 'extension.react-components:create-functional-component', 11 CreateFunctionalComponent12 );13 14 context.subscriptions.push(createClassComponent);15 context.subscriptions.push(createFunctionalComponent);16}...
1const vscode = require('vscode');2const CreateClassComponent = require('./commands/create-class-component');3const CreateFunctionalComponent = require('./commands/create-functional-component');4function activate(context) {5 let createClassComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(6 'extension.react-components:create-class-component', 7 CreateClassComponent8 );9 let createFunctionalComponent = vscode.commands.registerCommand(10 'extension.react-components:create-functional-component', 11 new CreateFunctionalComponent()12 );13 14 context.subscriptions.push(createClassComponent);15 context.subscriptions.push(createFunctionalComponent);16}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3const { Page } = require('@playwright/test');4const { ElementHandle } = require('@playwright/test');5const MyComponent = createFunctionalComponent(async (page: Page, selector: string) => {6 return {7 async click() {8 await;9 },10 async getTextContent() {11 const handle = await page.$(selector);12 return handle.textContent();13 },14 };15});16test('should click the button', async ({ page }) => {17 await page.setContent(`<button>Click me</button>`);18 const button = await MyComponent(page, 'button');19 await;20 expect(await button.getTextContent()).toBe('Clicked!');21});22test('should click the button with waitForSelector', async ({ page }) => {23 await page.setContent(`<button>Click me</button>`);24 const button = await MyComponent(page, 'button');25 await page.waitForSelector('button');26 await;27 expect(await button.getTextContent()).toBe('Clicked!');28});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test.describe('test', () => {4 test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(page, () => {6 return {7 root: document.createElement('div'),8 };9 });10 await component.waitForSelector('text=Hello World!');11 });12});13const { test } = require('@playwright/test');14test.describe('test', () => {15 test('test', async ({ page }) => {16 const component = await page.createFunctionalComponent(() => {17 return {18 root: document.createElement('div'),19 };20 });21 await component.waitForSelector('text=Hello World!');22 });23});24const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');25const { test } = require('@playwright/test');26test.describe('test', () => {27 test('test', async ({ page }) => {28 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(page, () => {29 return {30 root: document.createElement('div'),31 };32 });33 await component.waitForSelector('text=Hello World!');34 });35});36const { test } = require('@playwright/test');37test.describe('test', () => {38 test('test', async ({ page }) => {39 const component = await page.createFunctionalComponent(() => {40 return {41 root: document.createElement('div'),42 };43 });44 await component.waitForSelector('text=Hello World!');45 });46});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const { Page } = require('@playwright/test');4test.describe('Test', () => {5 test('test', async ({ page }) => {6 const pageComponent = createFunctionalComponent(page);7 await'a:has-text("Docs")');8 await'text=API Reference');9 await'text=Page');10 await'text=class Page');11 await'text=click');12 });13});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(page, () => {5 const div = document.createElement('div');6 div.textContent = 'Hello world';7 return div;8 });9 await;10 await expect(component).toHaveText('Hello world');11});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const { click, text } = createFunctionalComponent(page, 'selector');5 await click();6 await text();7});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');2const functionalComponent = createFunctionalComponent(async (page, { url }) => {3 await page.goto(url);4 const title = await page.evaluate(() => document.title);5 return { title };6});7console.log(title);8const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');9const functionalComponent = createFunctionalComponent(async (page, { url }) => {10 await page.goto(url);11 const title = await page.evaluate(() => document.title);12 return { title };13});14console.log(title);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require(‘@playwright/test’)2const { test } = require(‘@playwright/test’);3test(‘my test’, async ({ page }) => {4 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(async (page, selector) => {5 });6 await;7});8const { createFunctionalComponent } = require(‘@playwright/test’)9const { test } = require(‘@playwright/test’);10test(‘my test’, async ({ page }) => {11 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(async (page, selector) => {12 });13 await;14});15const { createFunctionalComponent } = require(‘@playwright/test’)16const { test } = require(‘@playwright/test’);17test(‘my test’, async ({ page }) => {18 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(async (page, selector) => {19 });20 await;21});22const { createFunctionalComponent } = require(‘@playwright/test’)23const { test } = require(‘@playwright/test’);24test(‘my test’, async ({ page }) => {25 const component = await createFunctionalComponent(async (page, selector) => {26 });27 await;28});29const { createFunctionalComponent } = require(‘@playwright/test’)30const { test } = require(‘@playwright/test’);31test(‘
Using AI Code Generation
1const { createFunctionalComponent } = require('playwright');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test.use({4 page: createFunctionalComponent(async ({ page }, use) => {5 await use(page);6 }),7});8test('test', async ({ page }) => {9 await'text=Get started');10});11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test('test', async ({ page }) => {13 await'text=Get started');14});
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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