Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1define('bitbucket/internal/feature/repository/sticky-branches', ['module', 'exports', 'jquery', 'lodash', 'bitbucket/util/navbuilder', 'bitbucket/internal/util/browser-location', 'bitbucket/internal/util/client-storage', 'bitbucket/internal/util/events'], function (module, exports, _jquery, _lodash, _navbuilder, _browserLocation, _clientStorage, _events) {2 'use strict';3 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {4 value: true5 });6 var _jquery2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_jquery);7 var _lodash2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_lodash);8 var _navbuilder2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_navbuilder);9 var _browserLocation2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_browserLocation);10 var _clientStorage2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_clientStorage);11 var _events2 = babelHelpers.interopRequireDefault(_events);12 var $fileBrowseLink;13 var $commitsLink;14 var $branchesLink;15 function onReady() {16 var pageUrl = _navbuilder2.default.parse(_browserLocation2.default.location.href);17 var browseUrl = _navbuilder2.default.currentRepo().browse().build();18 var commitsUrl = _navbuilder2.default.currentRepo().commits().build();19 var isBrowsePage = _lodash2.default.startsWith(pageUrl.path(), browseUrl); //treat all sub-pages (folders and files) like the browse page20 var isCommitsPage = pageUrl.path() === commitsUrl;21 var customRef = isBrowsePage ? pageUrl.getQueryParamValue('at') : isCommitsPage ? pageUrl.getQueryParamValue('until') : undefined;22 var resetIfNoCustomRef = isBrowsePage || isCommitsPage;23 var branchSessionKey = _clientStorage2.default.buildKey('current-branch', 'repo');24 var sessionRef = _clientStorage2.default.getSessionItem(branchSessionKey);25 $fileBrowseLink = (0, _jquery2.default)('#repository-nav-files');26 $commitsLink = (0, _jquery2.default)('#repository-nav-commits');27 $branchesLink = (0, _jquery2.default)('#repository-nav-branches');28 var isCustomRefCommit;29 // if we have a custom ref and we're on the browse page then we check if this30 // custom ref is a commit id31 if (customRef && isBrowsePage) {32 var revisionRef = (0, _jquery2.default)('[data-revision-ref]', '#repository-layout-revision-selector').data('revision-ref');33 // On the "browse" page we consider the customRef a commit id if:34 // - the branch selector is showing the same commit as our customRef35 // - the branch selector is not showing our customRef, it's a branch or tag, but the customRef is still "commit id-ish". This occurs36 // when there is an existing branch or tag that matches the "at" commit id that clicking on "View Source" has added.37 // The regex should never match a real branch/tag "at" as that will include "refs/{heads,tags}".38 isCustomRefCommit = revisionRef && ( === customRef && === 'commit' || !== customRef && ( === 'branch' || === 'tag') && /^[0-9a-f]{7,40}$/.test(customRef));39 }40 // we don't want to use the customRef if we're on the browse page and it IS a commit id41 var useCustomRef = !(isBrowsePage && isCustomRefCommit);42 if (customRef && useCustomRef) {43 customRef = decodeURIComponent(customRef);44 if (customRef !== sessionRef) {45 //update the stored ref in the session46 _clientStorage2.default.setSessionItem(branchSessionKey, customRef);47 }48 addRefToNavLinks(customRef);49 } else if (resetIfNoCustomRef && useCustomRef) {50 // If we are on the browse or commits page, and the user visits without a ref specified,51 // even if we have a ref in the session storage, reset to the default branch and clear the session storage52 // Prevents inconsistency between nav links and branch selector (branch selector would have default branch,53 // but the nav links would link to the session ref)54 _clientStorage2.default.removeSessionItem(branchSessionKey);55 } else if (sessionRef) {56 // If we have a ref stored in the session, use it57 addRefToNavLinks(sessionRef);58 }59 _events2.default.on('bitbucket.internal.layout.branch.revisionRefChanged', function (revisionRef) {60 if (revisionRef) {61 if (!revisionRef.getIsDefault()) {62 var refId = revisionRef.getId();63 addRefToNavLinks(refId);64 _clientStorage2.default.setSessionItem(branchSessionKey, refId);65 } else {66 removeRefFromNavLinks();67 _clientStorage2.default.removeSessionItem(branchSessionKey);68 }69 }70 });71 // Eve is not greedy with its wild card matching. We are assuming the first part72 // is page|feature|widget|layout and the second part is the name of the component73 _events2.default.on('bitbucket.internal.*.*.revisionRefRemoved', function (ref) {74 // This is definitely _not_ perfect. This can potentially incorrectly75 // match when the suffix. Ideally we would be comparing ids but often76 // branchSessionKey stores a displayId. However .refRemoved is not a77 // common action so it is safer to just clear the history.78 var branch = _clientStorage2.default.getSessionItem(branchSessionKey);79 if (branch && _lodash2.default.endsWith(, branch)) {80 removeRefFromNavLinks();81 _clientStorage2.default.removeSessionItem(branchSessionKey);82 }83 });84 }85 function addRefToNavLinks(ref) {86 if (ref) {87 $fileBrowseLink.attr('href', _navbuilder2.default.parse($fileBrowseLink.attr('href')).replaceQueryParam('at', ref));88 $commitsLink.attr('href', _navbuilder2.default.parse($commitsLink.attr('href')).replaceQueryParam('until', ref));89 $branchesLink.attr('href', _navbuilder2.default.parse($branchesLink.attr('href')).replaceQueryParam('base', ref));90 } else {91 removeRefFromNavLinks();92 }93 }94 function removeRefFromNavLinks() {95 $fileBrowseLink.attr('href', _navbuilder2.default.parse($fileBrowseLink.attr('href')).deleteQueryParam('at'));96 $commitsLink.attr('href', _navbuilder2.default.parse($commitsLink.attr('href')).deleteQueryParam('until'));97 $branchesLink.attr('href', _navbuilder2.default.parse($branchesLink.attr('href')).deleteQueryParam('base'));98 }99 exports.default = {100 onReady: onReady101 };102 module.exports = exports['default'];...
1import firestore from '@react-native-firebase/firestore';2export const savePost = (postDetails, callback) => {3 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')4 .doc('All').collection('Team Type').doc(postDetails.created_at);5 try {6 customRef.set(postDetails).then(() => {7 if (callback) callback()8 })9 } catch (error) {10 }11}12export const getUser = (user, callback) => {13 let userDet = { email: '' };14 const customRef = firestore().collection('Users')15 .doc(;16 try {17 customRef.get().then((doc) => {18 userDet =;19 callback(userDet);20 })21 } catch (error) {22 callback(userDet)23 }24}25export const getUsers = (callback) => {26 let users = [];27 const customRef = firestore().collection('Users');28 try {29 customRef.get().then((snap) => {30 if (!snap.forEach) {31 return32 }33 snap.forEach(doc => {34 const { email, first_name, last_name } =;35 const det = { email, firstName: first_name, lastName: last_name };36 users.push(det)37 })38 callback(users);39 })40 } catch (error) {41 callback(users)42 }43}44export const getPost = async (callback) => {45 let posts = [];46 try {47 await firestore().collection('Social')48 .doc('All').collection('Team Type')49 .get().then((snap) => {50 if (!snap.forEach) {51 return52 }53 snap.forEach(doc => {54 posts.push( })56 posts = posts.sort((a, b) =>57 new Date(a.created_at).getTime() - new Date(b.created_at).getTime()).reverse()58 })59 callback(posts)60 } catch (error) {61 callback(posts)62 }63}64export const saveComm = (commDetails, callback) => {65 const { commented_post: { post_creation } } = commDetails;66 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')67 .doc('All').collection('Team Type').doc(post_creation);68 try {69 customRef.update({70 comments: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(commDetails)71 }).then(() => callback())72 } catch (error) {73 }74}75export const saveLike = (likeDetails, post_creation, callback) => {76 console.log('touchedddd')77 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')78 .doc('All').collection('Team Type').doc(post_creation);79 try {80 customRef.update({81 likers: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(likeDetails)82 }).then(() => callback())83 } catch (error) {84 }85}86export const delLike = (likeDetails, postCreation, callback) => {87 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')88 .doc('All').collection('Team Type').doc(postCreation);89 try {90 customRef.update({91 likers: firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(likeDetails)92 }).then(() => callback())93 } catch (error) {94 }95}96export const saveBookMark = (bkMkDet, postCreation, callback) => {97 console.log('touchedddd')98 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')99 .doc('All').collection('Team Type').doc(postCreation);100 try {101 customRef.update({102 bookMarks: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(bkMkDet)103 }).then(() => callback())104 } catch (error) {105 }106}107export const delBookMark = (bkMkDet, postCreation, callback) => {108 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')109 .doc('All').collection('Team Type').doc(postCreation);110 try {111 customRef.update({112 bookMarks: firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(bkMkDet)113 }).then(() => callback())114 } catch (error) {115 }116}117export const addBoardBookMark = (user, board, post, callback) => {118 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')119 .doc('BookMarks').doc(board); // Start120 try {121 customRef.get().then(doc => {122 if (doc.exists) {123 customRef.update({124 [board]: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(post)125 }).then(() => {126 if (callback) callback();127 })128 } else {129 customRef.set({130 [board]: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(post)131 }).then(() => {132 if (callback) callback()133 })134 }135 })136 } catch (error) { }137}138export const getBoardBookmark = async (user, callback) => {139 let bookMarks = {};140 try {141 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')142 .doc('BookMarks');143 await customRef.get().then((snap) => {144 if (!snap.forEach) {145 return146 }147 snap.forEach(doc => {148 bookMarks = {149 ...bookMarks,150 }152 })153 })154 callback(bookMarks)155 } catch (error) {156 callback(bookMarks)157 }158}159export const delBoardBookMark = (user, board, post, callback) => {160 try {161 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')162 .doc('BookMarks').doc(board);163 console.log('post-creation2', post, 'board', board);164 customRef.update({165 [board]: firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(post)166 }).then(() => {167 console.log('toucheddddddddd');168 callback()169 })170 } catch (error) {171 }172}173export const saveBoard = async (user, board, callback) => {174 const customRef = firestore().collection('Social')175 .doc('Boards').doc();176 try {177 customRef.get().then((doc) => {178 if (!doc.exists) {179 customRef.set({ boards: [board] }).then(() => {180 if (callback) callback()181 })182 } else {183 customRef.update({184 boards: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(board)185 })186 }187 })188 } catch (error) {189 }190}191export const getBoards = async (user, callback) => {192 let boards = [];193 try {194 await firestore().collection('Social')195 .doc('Boards')196 .get().then((snap) => {197 if (!snap.forEach) {198 return199 }200 snap.forEach(doc => {201 boards = || []202 })203 })204 callback(boards)205 } catch (error) {206 callback(boards)207 }...
1var assert = require('assert'),2 _ = require('lodash');3var carto = require('../lib/carto');4describe('Reference', function() {5 it('should accept custom reference adhering to spec', function(done) {6 var customRef = {7 load: function (wanted) {8 return {9 version: wanted,10 style: {},11 layer: {},12 symbolizers: {13 bla: {14 width: {15 css: 'bla-width',16 type: 'float'17 }18 }19 },20 colors: {},21 datasources: {}22 };23 },24 latest: '1.5.0',25 versions: [26 '1.0.0',27 '1.5.0'28 ]29 };30 var renderer = new carto.Renderer({31 reference: customRef32 }),33 output = renderer.renderMSS('#test { bla-width: 1; }');34 assert.equal(output.msg, null);35 assert.equal(, '<Style filter-mode="first" name="style">\n <Rule>\n <BlaSymbolizer width="1" />\n </Rule>\n</Style>\n');36 done();37 });38 it('should reject custom reference not adhering to spec', function(done) {39 var customRef = {40 load: function (wanted) {41 return wanted;42 },43 latest: '1.5.0',44 versions: [45 '1.0.0',46 '1.5.0'47 ]48 };49 var renderer = new carto.Renderer({50 reference: customRef51 }),52 output = renderer.renderMSS('#test { marker-color: #fff; }');53 assert.ok(!_.isNil(output.msg) && output.msg.length > 0);54 assert.equal(output.msg[0].message, 'Could not use the given reference, because it does not adhere to the specification. See the documentation for details.');55 done();56 });57 it('should error on no rules', function(done) {58 var customRef = {59 load: function (wanted) {60 return {61 version: wanted,62 style: {},63 layer: {},64 symbolizers: {},65 colors: {},66 datasources: {}67 };68 },69 latest: '1.5.0',70 versions: [71 '1.0.0',72 '1.5.0'73 ]74 };75 var renderer = new carto.Renderer({76 reference: customRef77 }),78 output = renderer.renderMSS('#test { marker-width: 1; }');79 assert.ok(!_.isNil(output.msg) && output.msg.length > 0);80 assert.equal(output.msg[0].message, 'Unrecognized rule: marker-width.');81 done();82 });...
1import {pick} from 'lodash'2import assert from 'assert'3import arrify from 'arrify'4import {lazyGetter} from './utils'5const OVERRIDABLE_FIELDS = ['jsonType', 'type', 'name', 'title', 'description', 'options']6const REFERENCE_CORE = {7 name: 'reference',8 type: null,9 jsonType: 'object'10}11function humanize(arr, conjunction) {12 const len = arr.length13 if (len === 1) {14 return arr[0]15 }16 const first = arr.slice(0, len - 1)17 const last = arr[len - 1]18 return `${first.join(', ')} ${conjunction} ${last}`19}20function buildTitle(type) {21 if (type.title) {22 return type.title23 }24 if (! || === 0) {25 return 'Reference'26 }27 return `Reference to ${humanize(arrify( => (toType.title || || toType.type || '').toLowerCase()), 'or')}`28}29export const ReferenceType = {30 get() {31 return REFERENCE_CORE32 },33 extend(subTypeDef, createMemberType) {34 if (! {35 throw new Error(`Missing "to" field in reference definition. Check the type ${}`)36 }37 const parsed = Object.assign(pick(REFERENCE_CORE, OVERRIDABLE_FIELDS), subTypeDef, {38 type: REFERENCE_CORE,39 title: subTypeDef.title || buildTitle(subTypeDef),40 })41 lazyGetter(parsed, 'to', () => {42 return arrify( => createMemberType(toType))43 })44 return subtype(parsed)45 function subtype(parent) {46 return {47 get() {48 return parent49 },50 extend: extensionDef => {51 if (extensionDef.of) {52 throw new Error('Cannot override `of` of subtypes of "reference"')53 }54 const current = Object.assign({}, parent, pick(extensionDef, OVERRIDABLE_FIELDS), {type: parent})55 return subtype(current)56 }57 }58 }59 }60}61const CustomRef = ReferenceType.extend({62 name: 'customRef',63 title: 'Custom ref',64 to: []65})66const TypeOfCustomStr = CustomRef.extend({67 name: 'typeOfCustomRef',68 title: 'Type Of CustomRef'69})70const TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr = TypeOfCustomStr.extend({71 name: 'typeOfTypeOfCustomRef',72 title: 'Type Of Type Of CustomRef'73})74assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get().type, TypeOfCustomStr.get())75assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get().type, TypeOfCustomStr.get())76assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get().name, 'typeOfTypeOfCustomRef')77assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get(), 'typeOfCustomRef')78assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get(), 'customRef')79assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get(), 'reference')80assert.equal(TypeOfTypeOfCustomStr.get().type.type.type.jsonType, 'object')...
...33 }34 componentWillUnmount(): void {35 if (this._el != null) {36 this._el = null;37 this.props.customRef(null);38 }39 }40 _updateElement(): void {41 const el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);42 if (el !== this._el) {43 this._el = el;44 this.props.customRef(null);45 this.props.customRef(el);46 }47 }48 componentDidUpdate(prevProps: RefWrapperProps): void {49 if (this.props.children !== prevProps.children) {50 this._updateElement();51 }52 }53 render(): React.Node {54 return React.Children.only(this.props.children);55 }56}57export class Tooltip extends React.Component<Props> {58 _tooltip: IDisposable;59 _element: null | Text | Element;...
...38 } else {39 realOptions.menuContainer = node;40 }41 }42 (customRef ? [customRef()] : this.children).forEach(child => {43 const node =44 child instanceof Component45 ? ReactDOM.findDOMNode(child)46 : child;47 const t = new TributeJS({48 ...realOptions,49 });50 t.attach(node);51 this.tribute = t;52 const listener = this.handleTributeReplaced.bind(this);53 node.addEventListener('tribute-replaced', listener);54 this.listeners.push(listener);55 });56 };...
1import React, { useEffect } from 'react';2const Mouse = () => {3 //follows the cursor4 const customRef = React.useRef(null)5 useEffect(() => {6 const onMouseMove = (e) => {7 // const { clientX, clientY } = e8 const mouseX = clientX - customRef.current.clientWidth / 29 const mouseY = clientY - customRef.current.clientHeight / 210 = `translate3d(${mouseX}px, ${mouseY}px, 0)`11 }12 document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove)13 return () => {14 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove)15 }16 }, [])17 return (18 <div className="app-cursor" ref={customRef} />19 )20}...
1import React, { forwardRef } from "react";2import PropTypes from "prop-types";3import "./Panel.css";4const Panel = forwardRef((props, ref) => {5 const { children, className, customRef } = props;6 return (7 <div className={`Panel ${className}`} ref={customRef}>8 {children}9 </div>10 );11});12Panel.displayName = "Panel";13Panel.propTypes = {14 children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array]),15 className: PropTypes.string,16 customRef: PropTypes.func17};18Panel.defaultProps = {19 children: [],20 className: "",21 customRef: null22};...
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const customRef = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {7 return window.__playwright__customRef;8 });9 const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {10 return customRef('button');11 }, customRef);12 await;13 await browser.close();14})();15const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {16 return customRef('#myButton');17 }, customRef);18const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {19 return customRef('.myButton');20 }, customRef);21const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {22 return customRef('.myButton', 1);23 }, customRef);24const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {25 return customRef('.myButton',
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const customRef = await page.customRef();7 console.log(customRef);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 const customRef = await page.customRef();16 console.log(customRef);17 await browser.close();18})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.customRef();6 await browser.close();7})();8module.exports = {9 use: {10 viewport: { width: 800, height: 600 },11 customRef: async function () {12 const context = this.context();13 const page =;14 await page.evaluate(() => {15 const element = document.querySelector('input[name=q]');16 element.value = 'Hello World';17 });18 }19 }20};21const { chromium, extend } = require('playwright');22extend('myMethod', async function (msg) {23 console.log(msg);24});25(async () => {26 const browser = await chromium.launch();27 const context = await browser.newContext();28 const page = await context.newPage();29 await page.myMethod('Hello World');30 await browser.close();31})();32const { chromium, extend } = require('playwright');33extend('myMethod', async function (msg) {34 console.log(msg);35});36(async () => {37 const browser = await chromium.launch();38 const context = await browser.newContext();39 const page = await context.newPage();40 await page.myMethod('Hello World');41 await browser.close();42})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const customRef = await page.customRef();7 console.log(customRef);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 const customRef = await page.customRef();16 console.log(customRef);17 await browser.close();18})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const customRef = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {7 return window.__playwright__customRef;8 });9 const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {10 return customRef('button');11 }, customRef);12 await;13 await browser.close();14})();15const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {16 return customRef('#myButton');17 }, customRef);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { customRef } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 cnst page = aaitbrowser.newPage();6 const element = wait customRef(page, 'ref', 'foo');7 console.log(element);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11const { customRef } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');12(async () => {13 const browser= await hromim.launch();14 con page = await browser.newPage();15 const element await customRef(page, 'ref', 'foo');16 console.log(element);17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } require('playwright');20const { customRef } require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');21(async () > {22 const browser r await chromium.launch();23 const page e await browser.newPage();24 const element t await customRef(page, 'ref', 'foo');25 console.log(element);26 await browser.close();27})();urn customRef('.myButton');28 }, customRef);29The customRemiuf } = require('playwr ght');30const { cmstoeRefthod willire('playwright/lib/client/selectorEng ne');31(async () => {32 const browser = await chromium.launcht);33 const page = await browser.newPage();34 const element = await customRef(page, 'ref', 'foo');35 console.log(element);36 await browser.close();37})();38const { chromium } = require('playwright');39const { customRef } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');40(async () => {41 const browser = await chromium.launch();42 const page = await browser.newPage();43 const element = await customRef(page, 'ref', 'foo');44 console.log(element);45 await browser.close();46})();47const { chromium } = require('playwright');48const {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require(urn a handle to the first button element with the class attribute set to “myButton”. The customRef method can also be used to get a reference to an element using a selector with multiple elements. For example, if you want to get a reference to the second button element with the class attribute set to “myButton”, you can use the following code:2const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {3 return customRef('.myButton', 1);4 }, customRef);5const elementHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((customRef) => {6 return customRef('.myButton',
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const customRef = page._delegate._browserContext._browser._connection._customRef;6 const target = await customRef('Target');7 const newPage = await page._delegate._browserContext._browser._connection._sessionFactory(targetId).newPage();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const customRef = page._delegate._connection._customRef.bind(page._delegate._connection);6 await customRef('Page.navigate', {7 const}customRef)= ;evaluaeHand(( => {8awr rocurnl(;dow.csoRf9})});10();customRefVucustoRfvuatuomR>{11 return .vu;12 }13conve { chromium } = require("");14 cns browsr= await cromum.launch();15 contpage = awat brower.newPage();16 cost custmRef = awaipage.evaluaeHandle(() => {17 rturnwindow.custmRe;18 });19 const ustomRefVue=awaustomRef.evalute(customRef => {20 returustomRef.vlu;21 });22 cosole.log(cusomRVale);23 awai bowsrclose();To run this example, you need to run the following command:24})();25How to add custom f awaitonts iFvaluteHadl(() => {26 tu wndw;27 })28cusomRefVlu.evalut(wuo omRef =>de29edo j?ncusomRefvau;30llg(umRfVlu31How to dbrops rLalrse(l?PI32const {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { customRef } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/frames');2const { Frame } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/frames');3const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/dom');4const { JSHandle } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/jsHandle');5async funti te()6 const frame = new Frame();7 const elementHandle = new ElementHandle();8 const jsHandle = new JSHandle();9 const page = new Page();10 const context = new BrowserContext();11 const browser = new Browser();12 const customRefObj = customRef(page, context, browser);13 console.log(customRefObj);14 const customRefObj1 = customRef(elementHandle, jsHandle);15 console.log(customRefObj1);16}17test();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require("playwright");2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = awai awaitt browrva.uwPaHadle(() => {5 rurn wndw;6 }7 const customRefVpgue = return window.ovelute(cusomRf =>8 })turnurn customlvel;9 });10})consl.lo(css.t RewVslse);11const { chromium } = require("playwright");12cowe{chrmim}=qui("p return");13(wnyc()=>{14 obrs= awai cromum.launch();15cspge=awaibw.nwP();16ostcomRf= apag.valuaeHandle(()=>{17 tur windw.cutmRe;18 });19 conscutomRefVau=aatcutoRef.evalate(utoRf=>{20 runcustomRfvnlut;21 u});22 toefale.log(cuslemRe Valuw);23atmwait.broesvr.clost();24})();25con {
Using AI Code Generation
1 return customRef.value;2co s){chroium}= qr("plywrih");3o{cusmRef}=quir("playwright");4co {custmRe }=rqu("lywight");5(yc()=>{6obrower =wicim.lunh({ hdls:fal });7 npg =awitbrowe.nwPag();8 ec)nstelmnt =awaipage.$("inpt[ame='q']");9 csthl=ta a{t ecemmnu.}=Elemqu(Handla();10wt;osf = usm f(handcs, "myrof");11 wcoitolc.l g(acaintref.ev loaRe((elefeaw) =>ieleme t.vagev)); return window.customRef;12 a}ait)brwsr.lose();13})();14 const customRefValue = await customRef.evaluate(customRef => {15N re:tThrnmiflntthoffic API, s oinoclnlohange in the fgcure.ustomRefValue);16 await browser.close();17})();18const { chromium } = require("playwright");19(async () => {20 const browser = await chromium.launch();21 const page = await browser.newPage();22 const customRef = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {23 return window.customRef;24 });25 const customRefValue = await customRef.evaluate(customRef => {26 return customRef.value;27 });28 console.log(customRefValue);29 await browser.close();30})();31const { chromium } = require("playwright");32(async () => {33 const browser = await chromium.launch();34 const page = await browser.newPage();35 const customRef = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {36 return window.customRef;37 });38 const customRefValue = await customRef.evaluate(customRef => {39 return customRef.value;40 });41 console.log(customRefValue);42 await browser.close();43})();44const {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require("playwright");2const { customRef } = require("playwright");3const { customRef } = require("playwright");4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });6 const page = await browser.newPage();7 const element = await page.$("input[name='q']");8 const handle = await element.asElementHandle();9 const ref = customRef(handle, "myref");10 console.log(await ref.evaluate((element) => element.value));11 await browser.close();12})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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