Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...287// Description: 288// Returns: void289// Input parameters:290// instance: Instance291export function hideInstance(instance) {292 logNotImplemented('hideInstance');293}294// Function: hideTextInstance295// Description: 296// Returns: void297// Input parameters:298// textInstance: TextInstance299export function hideTextInstance(textInstance) {300 logNotImplemented('hideTextInstance');301}302// Function: unhideInstance303// Description: 304// Returns: void305// Input parameters:306// instance: Instance,307// props: Props308export function unhideInstance(instance, props) {309 logNotImplemented('unhideInstance');310}311// Function: unhideTextInstance312// Description: 313// Returns: void314// Input parameters:315// textInstance: TextInstance,316// text: string317export function unhideTextInstance(textInstance, text) {318 logNotImplemented('unhideTextInstance');319}320const HostConfig = {321 now:,322 ...
1$(function () {2 var st = getCookie("starttime");3 var et = getCookie("endtime");4 console.log("cookie starttime=" + st);5 console.log("cookie endtime=" + et);6 if (st !== "" && et !== "") {7 setDatePicker(st, et);8 datePickerUpdateData(st, et);9 } else {10 cb(moment().subtract(10, 'minutes'), moment());11 $('#reportrange span').html(moment().subtract(10, 'minutes').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') + ' - ' + moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'));12 }13});14function datePickerUpdateData(start, end) {15 var appElement = document.querySelector('[ng-controller=healthRuleViolationsListCtrl]');16 var $scope = angular.element(appElement).scope();17 $scope.replaceModel(start, end);18}19var transactionApp = angular.module('healthRuleViolationsListApp', []);20transactionApp.controller('healthRuleViolationsListCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $location) {21 //$scope.appName=QueryString('service');;22 $scope.appId = QueryString('appid');23 appId = $scope.appId;24 $scope.serviceId = QueryString('serviceid');25 serviceId = $scope.serviceId;26 $scope.instanceId = QueryString('instanceid');27 instanceId = $scope.instanceId;28 $scope.type = QueryString('type');29 $scope.from = QueryString('from');30 $ = QueryString('to');31 $ = checkToStr($;32 var rg = getCookie("ranges");33 setDatePicker($scope.from,$,rg);34 $scope.level = QueryString('level');35 $scope.fromStr = new Date(parseInt($scope.from)).format('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');36 $scope.toStr = new Date(parseInt($'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');37 $scope.topN = getCommonTopNNum();38 // æåº39 $scope.sortflag = ["unknown", "Ascending", "Descending"];40 $scope.sortbycallsflag = $scope.sortflag[0];41 $scope.sortbyerrorsflag = $scope.sortflag[0];42 $scope.sortbyresponseTimeflag = $scope.sortflag[0];43 $scope.sortbyTypeInitSrc = "../img/sort_16px_init.png";44 $scope.sortbyTypeSSrc = "../img/sort_16px_s.png";45 $scope.sortbyTypeXSrc = "../img/sort_16px_x.png";46 $scope.sortbycallsSrc = "../img/sort_16px_init.png";47 $scope.sortbyerrorsSrc = "../img/sort_16px_init.png";48 $scope.sortbyresponseTimeSrc = "../img/sort_16px_init.png";49 $scope.appList = [""];50 $scope.showLastIterms = [""];51 $scope.showMoreOrTopN = "æ¾ç¤ºæ´å¤";52 $scope.showFullLocation = false;53 $scope.hideService = false;54 $scope.hideInstance = false;55 $scope.lastItem = "";56 loadingBarReset();57 console.time('ajaxData');58 $scope.records = [];59 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;60 $scope.changeUrl = function () {61 if ($scope.serviceId == null && $scope.instanceId == null) {62 //events/applications/EMS63 $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + $scope.appId + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;64 $scope.lastItem = $scope.appId;65 $scope.hideService = true;66 $scope.hideInstance = true;67 console.log("$scope.serviceId == null && $scope.instanceId ==null");68 } else if ($scope.serviceId != null && $scope.instanceId == null) {69 // $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + $scope.appId + "/services/" + $scope.serviceId + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;71 $scope.lastItem = $scope.serviceId;72 $scope.hideService = false;73 $scope.hideInstance = true;74 console.log("$scope.serviceId != null && $scope.instanceId ==null");75 } else {76 // $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + $scope.appId + "/services/" + $scope.serviceId + "/instances/" + $scope.instanceId + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;78 $scope.lastItem = $scope.instanceId;79 $scope.hideService = false;80 $scope.hideInstance = false;81 console.log("$scope.serviceId != null && $scope.instanceId !=null");82 }83 }84 $scope.changeUrl();85 $scope.loadData = function () {86 console.log("transactionTableUrl = " + $scope.tableUrl);87 $scope.order = "calls";88 $scope.records = [];89 $scope.isrecordsLoading = true;90 $http.get($scope.tableUrl)91 .success(function (response) {92 console.log(response);93 $scope.records = response.tables;94 console.log($scope.records);95 $scope.apps = response.apps;96 if ($scope.serviceId == null && $scope.instanceId == null) {97 $scope.showLastIterms = $scope.getCurrentApps();98 } else if ($scope.serviceId != null && $scope.instanceId == null) {99 $scope.showLastIterms = $scope.getCurrentServices($scope.appId);100 } else {101 $scope.showLastIterms = $scope.getCurrentInstances($scope.appId, $scope.serviceId);102 }103 console.log("get showLastIterms");104 console.log($scope.showLastIterms);105 // é¾æ¥è¿æ¥ætype,åæ ¹æ®typeç±»åè¿è¡æåºï¼106 if ($scope.type === "calls") {107 $scope.sortByCalls();108 } else if ($scope.type === "errors") {109 $scope.sortByErrors();110 } else if ($scope.type === "reponsetime") {111 $scope.sortByResponseTime();112 }113 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;114 }).error(function (data) {115 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;116 console.log("ajaxError:\n" + data.error + "\n" + data.message);117 });118 }119 $scope.loadData();120 // è·åapps121 $scope.getCurrentApps = function () {122 return $scope.apps;123 }124 $scope.replaceModel = function (start, end) {125 $scope.selectedStartTime = start;126 $scope.selectedEndTime = end;127 $scope.from = $scope.selectedStartTime;128 $ = $scope.selectedEndTime;129 console.log('[[[selectedTimeRange]]] = ' + $scope.selectedStartTime + ' ' + $scope.selectedEndTime);130 $scope.changeUrl();131 $scope.loadData();132 }133 // æ ¹æ®appidè·åservices134 $scope.getCurrentServices = function (appid) {135 for (var i = 0; i < $scope.apps.length; i++) {136 if ($scope.apps[i].name === appid) {137 console.log("services:");138 console.log($scope.apps[i].services);139 return $scope.apps[i].services;140 }141 }142 }143 // æ ¹æ®appidåserviceidè·åinstances144 $scope.getCurrentInstances = function (appid, serviceId) {145 for (var i = 0; i < $scope.apps.length; i++) {146 if ($scope.apps[i].name === appid) {147 for (var j = 0; j < $scope.apps[i].services.length; j++) {148 if ($scope.apps[i].services[j].name === serviceId) {149 console.log("instances:");150 console.log($scope.apps[i].services[j].instances);151 return $scope.apps[i].services[j].instances;152 }153 }154 }155 }156 }157 $scope.ClickShowFullLocation = function () {158 $scope.showFullLocation = true;159 }160 $scope.ClickHideFullLocation = function () {161 $scope.showFullLocation = false;162 console.log("showFullLocation:" + $scope.showFullLocation);163 }164 $scope.changeLastIterm = function (showLastIterm) {165 // $scope.appId =;166 console.log('[[[selectedTimeRange]]] = ' + $scope.selectedStartTime + ' ' + $scope.selectedEndTime);167 if (showLastIterm.level === "application") {168 //events/applications/EMS169 $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;170 } else if (showLastIterm.level === "service") {171 // $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + showLastIterm.appName + "/services/" + + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;173 } else {174 // $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + showLastIterm.appName + "/services/" + showLastIterm.serviceName + "/instances/" + + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;176 }177 $scope.lastItem =;178 console.log("transactionTableUrl = " + $scope.tableUrl);179 $scope.records = [];180 $scope.isrecordsLoading = true;181 $http.get($scope.tableUrl)182 .success(function (response) {183 $scope.records = response.tables;184 $scope.apps = response.apps;185 // é¾æ¥è¿æ¥ætype,åæ ¹æ®typeç±»åè¿è¡æåºï¼186 if ($scope.type === "calls") {187 $scope.sortByCalls();188 } else if ($scope.type === "errors") {189 $scope.sortByErrors();190 } else if ($scope.type === "reponsetime") {191 $scope.sortByResponseTime();192 }193 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;194 }).error(function (data) {195 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;196 console.log("ajaxError:\n" + data.error + "\n" + data.message);197 });198 }199 $scope.ClickShowCurrentApp = function (appId) {200 if ($scope.hideService === true && $scope.hideInstance === true) {201 $scope.showFullLocation = false;202 console.log("showFullLocation:" + $scope.showFullLocation);203 return;204 }205 $scope.lastItem = appId;206 $scope.showFullLocation = false;207 $scope.hideService = true;208 $scope.hideInstance = true;209 $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + appId + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;210 console.log("transactionTableUrl = " + $scope.tableUrl);211 $scope.records = [];212 $scope.showLastIterms = [];213 $scope.isrecordsLoading = true;214 $http.get($scope.tableUrl)215 .success(function (response) {216 $scope.records = response.tables;217 console.log($scope.records);218 $scope.apps = response.apps;219 $scope.showLastIterms = $scope.getCurrentApps();220 console.log("ClickShowCurrentApp:");221 console.log("$scope.showLastIterms:");222 console.log($scope.showLastIterms);223 // é¾æ¥è¿æ¥ætype,åæ ¹æ®typeç±»åè¿è¡æåºï¼224 if ($scope.type === "calls") {225 $scope.sortByCalls();226 } else if ($scope.type === "errors") {227 $scope.sortByErrors();228 } else if ($scope.type === "reponsetime") {229 $scope.sortByResponseTime();230 }231 console.timeEnd('ajaxData');232 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;233 }).error(function (data) {234 console.log("ajaxError:\n" + data.error + "\n" + data.message);235 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;236 });237 }238 $scope.ClickShowCurrentService = function (appId, serviceId) {239 if ($scope.hideService === false && $scope.hideInstance === true) {240 $scope.showFullLocation = false;241 console.log("showFullLocation:" + $scope.showFullLocation);242 return;243 }244 $scope.lastItem = serviceId;245 $scope.showFullLocation = false;246 $scope.hideService = false;247 $scope.hideInstance = true;248 $scope.tableUrl = dataSourceURL() + "/events/applications/" + appId + "/services/" + serviceId + ".pinpoint?from=" + $scope.from + "&to=" + $;249 console.log("transactionTableUrl = " + $scope.tableUrl);250 $scope.showLastIterms = [];251 $scope.records = [];252 $scope.isrecordsLoading = true;253 $http.get($scope.tableUrl)254 .success(function (response) {255 console.log(response);256 $scope.records = response.tables;257 console.log($scope.records);258 $scope.apps = response.apps;259 console.log($scope.apps);260 $scope.showLastIterms = $scope.getCurrentServices(appId);261 console.log("ClickShowCurrentService:");262 console.log($scope.showLastIterms);263 // é¾æ¥è¿æ¥ætype,åæ ¹æ®typeç±»åè¿è¡æåºï¼264 if ($scope.type === "calls") {265 $scope.sortByCalls();266 } else if ($scope.type === "errors") {267 $scope.sortByErrors();268 } else if ($scope.type === "reponsetime") {269 $scope.sortByResponseTime();270 }271 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;272 }).error(function (data) {273 console.log("ajaxError:\n" + data.error + "\n" + data.message);274 $scope.isrecordsLoading = false;275 });276 }277 function QueryString(item) {278 console.log(item.toString() + " : ");279 var sValue = $location.absUrl().match(new RegExp("[\?\&]" + item + "=([^\&]*)(\&?)", "i"));280 console.log(sValue ? sValue[1] : sValue);281 return sValue ? sValue[1] : sValue;282 }283 function checkToStr(str) {284 try {285 var loc = str.indexOf('#');286 } catch (err) {287 return '';288 }289 if (loc == -1) {290 return str;291 } else {292 return str.substring(0, loc);293 }294 }295 $scope.myFilter = function (item, type) {296 //return item.path == '/favicon.ico';297 return item.path == type;298 //return true;299 };...
...255// Description:256// Returns: void257// Input parameters:258// instance: Instance259function hideInstance(instance) {260 logNotImplemented('hideInstance');261}262// Function: hideTextInstance263// Description:264// Returns: void265// Input parameters:266// textInstance: TextInstance267function hideTextInstance(textInstance) {268 logNotImplemented('hideTextInstance');269}270// Function: unhideInstance271// Description:272// Returns: void273// Input parameters:274// instance: Instance,275// props: Props276function unhideInstance(instance, props) {277 logNotImplemented('unhideInstance');278}279// Function: unhideTextInstance280// Description:281// Returns: void282// Input parameters:283// textInstance: TextInstance,284// text: string285function unhideTextInstance(textInstance, text) {286 logNotImplemented('unhideTextInstance');287}288const HostConfig = {289 now:,290 createInstance: createInstance,...
...138 if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {139 validatePropertiesInDevelopment(type, props, internalHandle);140 }141}142export function hideInstance(instance) {143 instance.visible = false;144}145export function unhideInstance(instance, props) {146 instance.visible =147 typeof props.visible !== "undefined" ? props.visible : true;148}149export function hideTextInstance(instance) {150 // Noop151}152export function unhideTextInstance(instance, props) {153 // Noop154}155export function detachDeletedInstance(instance) {156 // Noop157}158export function now() {159 return typeof performance === "object" &&...
1/**2 * Imports3 */4import ActivitySidebar from 'components/ActivitySidebar'5import summonChannels from 'lib/summon-channels'6import {statusMap} from 'lib/activity-helpers'7import EmptyState from 'components/EmptyState'8import Activity from 'components/Activity'9import InstanceNav from './InstanceNav'10import {component, element} from 'vdux'11import {Button} from 'vdux-containers'12import {Block, Card} from 'vdux-ui'13/**14 * <ActivityInstance/>15 */16export default summonChannels(17 ({instance}) => `share!${instance._id}.annotations`,18 ({instance}) => ({19 setOpened: () => ({20 settingOpened: {21 url: `/instance/${instance._id}/opened`,22 method: 'PUT'23 }24 })25 })26)(component({27 * onCreate ({props}) {28 const {currentUser, instance, setOpened} = props29 if (currentUser._id === && instance.status === statusMap.unopened) {30 yield setOpened()31 }32 },33 render ({props, actions, state}) {34 const {isShown} = state35 const {instance, instances, currentUser, activities, speechRate, speakingId, setSpeaking, selectObject, selectedObject} = props36 const isTeacher = currentUser.userType === 'teacher'37 const isStudent = currentUser.userType === 'student'38 const isReturned = instance.status === statusMap.returned39 const {at, status, hideOnTurnIn, showIncorrect} = instance40 const isRedo = at && at.turnedIn && (status === statusMap.opened)41 const commentsShown = state.commentsId42 const {loaded, value} = activities43 const comments = loaded ? value.items : []44 const isTurnedIn = status === statusMap.turnedIn || status === statusMap.graded45 const hideInstance = hideOnTurnIn && isStudent && isTurnedIn46 const isHidden = !isShown && isTurnedIn && isStudent47 return (48 <Block align='center start'>49 <Block50 align='end start'51 hide={isHidden}>52 <Card53 transform={`translate3d(-${commentsShown ? 50 : 0}px, 0, 0)`}54 printProps={{mb: 0, boxShadow: '0 0 0'}}55 transition='transform 0.35s'56 relative57 w={756}58 z={1}59 mb='l'60 mr>61 <PrintButton />62 <Activity63 instances={instances}64 selectObject={selectObject}65 selectedObject={selectedObject}66 showComments={actions.showComments}67 commentsId={state.commentsId}68 comments={comments}69 activity={instance}70 currentUser={currentUser}71 clickableTags={isTeacher}72 showAnswersOnPrint={isTeacher || instance.status === statusMap.returned}73 showIncorrect={instance.status === statusMap.returned || showIncorrect}74 showAnswers={isTeacher || instance.status === statusMap.returned}75 answerable={isStudent && instance.status <= statusMap.opened}76 speechRate={speechRate}77 speakingId={speakingId}78 setSpeaking={setSpeaking} />79 </Card>80 <Block81 printProps={{hide: true}}82 fixed={{top: 53}}83 transition='opacity 0.35s'84 opacity={commentsShown ? 0.07 : 1}85 pointerEvents={commentsShown ? 'none' : 'all'}86 w={200}>87 <ActivitySidebar88 selectedObject={selectedObject}89 selectObject={selectObject}90 canGrade={isTeacher && instance.status >= statusMap.turnedIn}91 canSetMax={false}92 isRedo={isRedo}93 hasInstanceNav={isTeacher}94 showIncorrect={showIncorrect}95 isStudent={isStudent}96 showScores={isTeacher || isReturned}97 activity={instance} />98 {99 isTeacher && <InstanceNav {...props} />100 }101 </Block>102 <Block w={200} printProps={{hide: true}} />103 </Block>104 <EmptyState mx='auto' color='blue' icon='file_download' mt='xl' hide={!isHidden}>105 <Block fs='m' mt mb='l'>Your Activity Has Been Turned In</Block>106 <Block fs='xs' hide={!hideInstance}>107 You can see your results after your activity has been returned.108 </Block>109 <Block underline fs='xs' pointer onClick={actions.showInstance} hide={hideInstance}>110 Click to View My Activity111 </Block>112 </EmptyState>113 </Block>114 )115 },116 reducer: {117 showComments: (state, commentsId) => ({commentsId}),118 showInstance: (state) => ({isShown: true})119 }120}))121/**122 * <PrintButton/>123 */124const PrintButton = component({125 render ({actions}) {126 return (127 <Button128 activeProps={{bgColor: 'rgba(black, .15)'}}129 hoverProps={{bgColor: 'rgba(black, .1)'}}130 onClick={actions.print}131 absolute={{right: 6, top: 6}}132 printProps={{hide: true}}133 color='text'134 icon='print'135 circle={30}136 fs='s' />137 )138 },139 controller: {140 print () {141 window.print()142 }143 }...
...31 // è·¯ç±è·³è½¬æ¶ï¼éè¦æ¸
çå¾çé¢è§å¨32 cleanImgViewer = () => {33 try {34 if (hideInstance) {35 hideInstance();36 }37 } catch (e) {38 console.error(e);39 }40 };41 listenRouterChangeAndClean() {42 // FIXME: æ¤ç§åæ³ä¸å¥½43 if (!isServer()) {44 window.addEventListener('popstate', this.cleanImgViewer, false);45 }46 }47 componentDidMount() {48 console.log(process.env.DISCUZ_BUILDINFO);49 if (window.performance) {...
...80 test("resetTextContent", () => {81 const result = FN.resetTextContent({});82 });83 test("hideInstance", () => {84 const result = FN.hideInstance({});85 });86 test("hideTextInstance", () => {87 const result = FN.hideTextInstance({});88 });89 test("unhideInstance", () => {90 const result = FN.unhideInstance({});91 });92 test("unhideTextInstance", () => {93 const result = FN.unhideTextInstance({});94 });...
...74 finish: VueUtil.debounce(function(fn) {75 initLoadingBar();76 clearInterval(intervaler);77{percent: 100});78 hideInstance(fn);79 }),80 error: VueUtil.debounce(function(fn) {81 initLoadingBar();82 clearInterval(intervaler);83{percent: 100, error: true});84 hideInstance(fn);85 })86 }87 Vue.loadingBar = VueLoadingBar;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const [button] = await page.$$('text=Get started');7 await button._hideInstance();8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'button-hidden.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 const [button] = await page.$$('text=Get started');17 await button._showInstance();18 await page.screenshot({ path: 'button-shown.png' });19 await browser.close();20})();21const { chromium } = require('playwright');22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch();24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 const [button] = await page.$$('text=Get started');27 await button._hideInstance();28 await page.screenshot({ path: 'button-hidden.png' });29 await button._showInstance();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'button-shown.png' });31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 const [button] = await page.$$('text=Get started');39 await button._hideInstance();40 await page.screenshot({ path: 'button-hidden.png' });41 await button._showInstance();42 await page.screenshot({ path: 'button-shown.png' });43 await browser.close();44})();45const { chromium }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');6 await element.evaluate(element => element.hideInstance());7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const { showInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');3const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');4const { setAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');5const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');6const { removeAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');7const { setAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');8const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');9const { removeAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');10const { setAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');11const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');12const { removeAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');13const { setAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');14const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');15const { removeAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');16const { setAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');17const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');18const { removeAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');3(async() => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 hideInstance(context);7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');13(async() => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 hideInstance(context);17 const page = await context.newPage();18 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });19 await browser.close();20})();21const { chromium } = require('playwright');22const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');23(async() => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch();25 const context = await browser.newContext();26 hideInstance(context);27 const page = await context.newPage();28 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });29 await browser.close();30})();31const { chromium } = require('playwright');32const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');33(async() => {34 const browser = await chromium.launch();35 const context = await browser.newContext();36 hideInstance(context);37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');43(async() => {44 const browser = await chromium.launch();45 const context = await browser.newContext();46 hideInstance(context);47 const page = await context.newPage();48 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });49 await browser.close();50})();51const { chromium } = require('playwright');52const {
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');3const { chromium } = playwright;4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const page = await browser.newPage();7 await hideInstance(page);8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const page = await context.newPage();3const element = await page.$('input');4await hideInstance(element);5await page.screenshot({ path: 'element-hidden.png' });6hideInstance(element)7const { hideInstance } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');8const page = await context.newPage();9const element = await page.$('input');10await hideInstance(element);11await page.screenshot({ path: 'element-hidden.png' });
Using AI Code Generation
1const {hideInstance} = require('@playwright/test/lib/internal/hideInstance');2const {Page} = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/page');3const page = new Page();4const hiddenPage = hideInstance(page);5console.log(hiddenPage);6console.log(hiddenPage instanceof Page);7console.log(hiddenPage instanceof Object);8Page {9 _browserContext: BrowserContext {10 _timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings { _defaultTimeout: 30000 },11 _options: { name: 'test', viewport: null, userAgent: null },12 _browser: Browser {13 _options: { name: 'test', headless: true, slowMo: 0, executablePath: null },14 _firstPageCallback: [Function (anonymous)],15 _closeCallback: [Function (anonymous)],16 _closePromiseFulfill: [Function (anonymous)],17 _closePromiseReject: [Function (anonymous)],
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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