Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1'use strict';2const _ = require('lodash');3const Utils = require('./utils');4const Promise = require('./promise');5const debug = Utils.getLogger().debugContext('hooks');6const hookTypes = {7 beforeValidate: {params: 2},8 afterValidate: {params: 2},9 validationFailed: {params: 3},10 beforeCreate: {params: 2},11 afterCreate: {params: 2},12 beforeDestroy: {params: 2},13 afterDestroy: {params: 2},14 beforeRestore: {params: 2},15 afterRestore: {params: 2},16 beforeUpdate: {params: 2},17 afterUpdate: {params: 2},18 beforeSave: {params: 2, proxies: ['beforeUpdate', 'beforeCreate']},19 afterSave: {params: 2, proxies: ['afterUpdate', 'afterCreate']},20 beforeUpsert: {params: 2},21 afterUpsert: {params: 2},22 beforeBulkCreate: {params: 2},23 afterBulkCreate: {params: 2},24 beforeBulkDestroy: {params: 1},25 afterBulkDestroy: {params: 1},26 beforeBulkRestore: {params: 1},27 afterBulkRestore: {params: 1},28 beforeBulkUpdate: {params: 1},29 afterBulkUpdate: {params: 1},30 beforeFind: {params: 1},31 beforeFindAfterExpandIncludeAll: {params: 1},32 beforeFindAfterOptions: {params: 1},33 afterFind: {params: 2},34 beforeCount: {params: 1},35 beforeDefine: {params: 2, sync: true},36 afterDefine: {params: 1, sync: true},37 beforeInit: {params: 2, sync: true},38 afterInit: {params: 1, sync: true},39 beforeConnect: {params: 1},40 afterConnect: {params: 2},41 beforeSync: {params: 1},42 afterSync: {params: 1},43 beforeBulkSync: {params: 1},44 afterBulkSync: {params: 1}45};46exports.hooks = hookTypes;47const hookAliases = {48 beforeDelete: 'beforeDestroy',49 afterDelete: 'afterDestroy',50 beforeBulkDelete: 'beforeBulkDestroy',51 afterBulkDelete: 'afterBulkDestroy',52 beforeConnection: 'beforeConnect'53};54exports.hookAliases = hookAliases;55/**56 * get array of current hook and its proxied hooks combined57 * @private58 */59const getProxiedHooks = hookType =>60 hookTypes[hookType].proxies61 ? hookTypes[hookType].proxies.concat(hookType)62 : [hookType]63;64function getHooks(hookType) {65 return (this.options.hooks || {})[hookType] || [];66};67const Hooks = {68 /**69 * Process user supplied hooks definition70 *71 * @param {Object} hooks72 *73 * @private74 * @memberOf Sequelize75 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model76 */77 _setupHooks(hooks) {78 this.options.hooks = {};79 || {}, (hooksArray, hookName) => {80 if (!_.isArray(hooksArray)) hooksArray = [hooksArray];81 hooksArray.forEach(hookFn => this.addHook(hookName, hookFn));82 });83 },84 runHooks(hooks) {85 if (!hooks) throw new Error('runHooks requires at least 1 argument');86 const hookArgs = Utils.sliceArgs(arguments, 1);87 let hookType;88 if (typeof hooks === 'string') {89 hookType = hooks;90 hooks =, hookType);91 if (this.sequelize) {92 hooks = hooks.concat(, hookType));93 }94 }95 if (!Array.isArray(hooks)) {96 hooks = [hooks];97 }98 // synchronous hooks99 if (hookTypes[hookType] && hookTypes[hookType].sync) {100 for (let hook of hooks) {101 if (typeof hook === 'object') {102 hook = hook.fn;103 }104 debug(`running hook(sync) ${hookType}`);105 hook.apply(this, hookArgs);106 }107 return;108 }109 // asynchronous hooks (default)110 return Promise.each(hooks, hook => {111 if (typeof hook === 'object') {112 hook = hook.fn;113 }114 debug(`running hook ${hookType}`);115 return Promise.resolve(hook.apply(this, hookArgs));116 }).return();117 },118 hook() {119 Utils.deprecate('hook() method has been deprecated, please use addHook() method instead');120 return Hooks.addHook.apply(this, arguments);121 },122 /**123 * Add a hook to the model124 *125 * @param {String} hookType126 * @param {String} [name] Provide a name for the hook function. It can be used to remove the hook later or to order hooks based on some sort of priority system in the future.127 * @param {Function} fn The hook function128 *129 * @memberOf Sequelize130 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model131 */132 addHook(hookType, name, fn) {133 if (typeof name === 'function') {134 fn = name;135 name = null;136 }137 debug(`adding hook ${hookType}`);138 const originalHookType = hookType;139 hookType = hookAliases[hookType] || hookType;140 if (hookAliases[originalHookType]) {141 Utils.deprecate(`${originalHookType} hook has been deprecated, please use ${hookType} hook instead`);142 }143 // check for proxies, add them too144 hookType = getProxiedHooks(hookType);145 _.each(hookType, type => {146 this.options.hooks[type] =, type);147 this.options.hooks[type].push(name ? {name, fn} : fn);148 });149 return this;150 },151 /**152 * Remove hook from the model153 *154 * @param {String} hookType155 * @param {String|Function} name156 *157 * @memberOf Sequelize158 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model159 */160 removeHook(hookType, name) {161 hookType = hookAliases[hookType] || hookType;162 const isReference = typeof name === 'function' ? true : false;163 if (!this.hasHook(hookType)) {164 return this;165 }166 Utils.debug(`removing hook ${hookType}`);167 // check for proxies, add them too168 hookType = getProxiedHooks(hookType);169 for (const type of hookType) {170 this.options.hooks[type] = this.options.hooks[type].filter(hook => {171 if (isReference && typeof hook === 'function') {172 return hook !== name; // check if same method173 } else if (!isReference && typeof hook === 'object') {174 return !== name;175 }176 return true;177 });178 }179 return this;180 },181 /**182 * Check whether the mode has any hooks of this type183 *184 * @param {String} hookType185 *186 * @alias hasHooks187 * @memberOf Sequelize188 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model189 */190 hasHook(hookType) {191 return this.options.hooks[hookType] && !!this.options.hooks[hookType].length;192 }193};194Hooks.hasHooks = Hooks.hasHook;195function applyTo(target) {196 _.mixin(target, Hooks);197 const allHooks = Object.keys(hookTypes).concat(Object.keys(hookAliases));198 for (const hook of allHooks) {199 target[hook] = function(name, callback) {200 return this.addHook(hook, name, callback);201 };202 }203}204exports.applyTo = applyTo;205/**206 * A hook that is run before validation207 * @param {String} name208 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options209 * @name beforeValidate210 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model211 */212/**213 * A hook that is run after validation214 * @param {String} name215 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options216 * @name afterValidate217 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model218 */219/**220 * A hook that is run when validation fails221 * @param {String} name222 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options, error. Error is the223 * SequelizeValidationError. If the callback throws an error, it will replace the original validation error.224 * @name validationFailed225 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model226 */227/**228 * A hook that is run before creating a single instance229 * @param {String} name230 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options231 * @name beforeCreate232 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model233 */234/**235 * A hook that is run after creating a single instance236 * @param {String} name237 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options238 * @name afterCreate239 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model240 */241/**242 * A hook that is run before creating or updating a single instance, It proxies `beforeCreate` and `beforeUpdate`243 * @param {String} name244 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options245 * @name beforeSave246 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model247 */248/**249 * A hook that is run before upserting250 * @param {String} name251 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options252 * @name beforeUpsert253 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model254 */255/**256 * A hook that is run after upserting257 * @param {String} name258 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options259 * @name afterUpsert260 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model261 */262/**263 * A hook that is run after creating or updating a single instance, It proxies `afterCreate` and `afterUpdate`264 * @param {String} name265 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options266 * @name afterSave267 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model268 */269/**270 * A hook that is run before destroying a single instance271 * @param {String} name272 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options273 *274 * @name beforeDestroy275 * @alias beforeDelete276 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model277 */278/**279 * A hook that is run after destroying a single instance280 * @param {String} name281 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options282 *283 * @name afterDestroy284 * @alias afterDelete285 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model286 */287/**288 * A hook that is run before restoring a single instance289 * @param {String} name290 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options291 *292 * @name beforeRestore293 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model294 */295/**296 * A hook that is run after restoring a single instance297 * @param {String} name298 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options299 *300 * @name afterRestore301 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model302 */303/**304 * A hook that is run before updating a single instance305 * @param {String} name306 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options307 * @name beforeUpdate308 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model309 */310/**311 * A hook that is run after updating a single instance312 * @param {String} name313 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance, options314 * @name afterUpdate315 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model316 */317/**318 * A hook that is run before creating instances in bulk319 * @param {String} name320 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instances, options321 * @name beforeBulkCreate322 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model323 */324/**325 * A hook that is run after creating instances in bulk326 * @param {String} name327 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instances, options328 * @name afterBulkCreate329 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model330 */331/**332 * A hook that is run before destroying instances in bulk333 * @param {String} name334 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options335 *336 * @name beforeBulkDestroy337 * @alias beforeBulkDelete338 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model339 */340/**341 * A hook that is run after destroying instances in bulk342 * @param {String} name343 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options344 *345 * @name afterBulkDestroy346 * @alias afterBulkDelete347 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model348 */349/**350 * A hook that is run before restoring instances in bulk351 * @param {String} name352 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options353 *354 * @name beforeBulkRestore355 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model356 */357/**358 * A hook that is run after restoring instances in bulk359 * @param {String} name360 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options361 *362 * @name afterBulkRestore363 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model364 */365/**366 * A hook that is run before updating instances in bulk367 * @param {String} name368 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options369 * @name beforeBulkUpdate370 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model371 */372/**373 * A hook that is run after updating instances in bulk374 * @param {String} name375 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options376 * @name afterBulkUpdate377 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model378 */379/**380 * A hook that is run before a find (select) query381 * @param {String} name382 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options383 * @name beforeFind384 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model385 */386/**387 * A hook that is run before a find (select) query, after any { include: {all: ...} } options are expanded388 * @param {String} name389 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options390 * @name beforeFindAfterExpandIncludeAll391 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model392 */393/**394 * A hook that is run before a find (select) query, after all option parsing is complete395 * @param {String} name396 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options397 * @name beforeFindAfterOptions398 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model399 */400/**401 * A hook that is run after a find (select) query402 * @param {String} name403 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with instance(s), options404 * @name afterFind405 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model406 */407/**408 * A hook that is run before a count query409 * @param {String} name410 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options411 * @name beforeCount412 * @memberOf Sequelize.Model413 */414/**415 * A hook that is run before a define call416 * @param {String} name417 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with attributes, options418 * @name beforeDefine419 * @memberOf Sequelize420 */421/**422 * A hook that is run after a define call423 * @param {String} name424 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with factory425 * @name afterDefine426 * @memberOf Sequelize427 */428/**429 * A hook that is run before Sequelize() call430 * @param {String} name431 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with config, options432 * @name beforeInit433 * @memberOf Sequelize434 */435/**436 * A hook that is run after Sequelize() call437 * @param {String} name438 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with sequelize439 * @name afterInit440 * @memberOf Sequelize441 */442/**443 * A hook that is run before a connection is created444 * @param {String} name445 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with config passed to connection446 * @name beforeConnect447 * @memberOf Sequelize448 */449/**450 * A hook that is run after a connection is created451 * @param {String} name452 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with the connection object and thye config passed to connection453 * @name afterConnect454 * @memberOf Sequelize455 */456/**457 * A hook that is run before Model.sync call458 * @param {String} name459 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options passed to Model.sync460 * @name beforeSync461 * @memberOf Sequelize462 */463/**464 * A hook that is run after Model.sync call465 * @param {String} name466 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options passed to Model.sync467 * @name afterSync468 * @memberOf Sequelize469 */470/**471 * A hook that is run before sequelize.sync call472 * @param {String} name473 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options passed to sequelize.sync474 * @name beforeBulkSync475 * @memberOf Sequelize476 */477/**478 * A hook that is run after sequelize.sync call479 * @param {String} name480 * @param {Function} fn A callback function that is called with options passed to sequelize.sync481 * @name afterBulkSync482 * @memberOf Sequelize...
1const util = require('util')2const { NodeVM } = require('vm2')3const path = require('path')4const fs = require('fs')5const isClass = require('is-class')6const debug = require('debug')('botium-core-asserterUtils')7const { BotiumError } = require('../BotiumError')8const { DEFAULT_ASSERTERS, DEFAULT_LOGIC_HOOKS, DEFAULT_USER_INPUTS } = require('./LogicHookConsts')9DEFAULT_ASSERTERS.forEach((asserter) => {10 asserter.Class = require(`./asserter/${asserter.className}`)11})12DEFAULT_LOGIC_HOOKS.forEach((logicHook) => {13 logicHook.Class = require(`./logichooks/${logicHook.className}`)14})15DEFAULT_USER_INPUTS.forEach((userInput) => {16 userInput.Class = require(`./userinput/${userInput.className}`)17})18const Capabilities = require('../../Capabilities')19const _ = require('lodash')20module.exports = class LogicHookUtils {21 constructor ({ buildScriptContext, caps }) {22 this.asserters = {}23 this.globalAsserters = []24 this.logicHooks = {}25 this.globalLogicHooks = []26 this.userInputs = {}27 this.buildScriptContext = buildScriptContext28 this.caps = caps29 this._setDefaultAsserters()30 this._setDefaultLogicHooks()31 this._setDefaultUserInputs()32 this._fetchAsserters()33 this._fetchLogicHooks()34 this._fetchUserInputs()35 }36 _setDefaultAsserters () {37 DEFAULT_ASSERTERS.forEach((asserter) => {38 this.asserters[] = new (asserter.Class)(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps)39 })40 debug(`Loaded Default asserter - ${util.inspect(Object.keys(this.asserters))}`)41 }42 _setDefaultLogicHooks () {43 DEFAULT_LOGIC_HOOKS.forEach((lh) => {44 this.logicHooks[] = new (lh.Class)(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps)45 })46 debug(`Loaded Default logic hook - ${util.inspect(Object.keys(this.logicHooks))}`)47 }48 _setDefaultUserInputs () {49 DEFAULT_USER_INPUTS.forEach((ui) => {50 this.userInputs[] = new (ui.Class)(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps)51 })52 debug(`Loaded Default user input - ${util.inspect(Object.keys(this.userInputs))}`)53 }54 _fetchAsserters () {55 this.caps[Capabilities.ASSERTERS]56 .map(asserter => {57 if (this.asserters[asserter.ref]) {58 debug(`${asserter.ref} asserter already exists, overwriting.`)59 }60 this.asserters[asserter.ref] = this._loadClass(asserter, 'asserter')61 if ( {62 this.globalAsserters.push(asserter.ref)63 debug(`global asserter: ${asserter.ref} was set and will be executed in every convo`)64 }65 })66 }67 _fetchLogicHooks () {68 this.caps[Capabilities.LOGIC_HOOKS]69 .map(logicHook => {70 if (this.logicHooks[logicHook.ref]) {71 debug(`${logicHook.ref} logic hook already exists, overwriting.`)72 }73 this.logicHooks[logicHook.ref] = this._loadClass(logicHook, 'logichook')74 debug(`Loaded ${logicHook.ref} SUCCESSFULLY`)75 if ( {76 this.globalLogicHooks.push(logicHook.ref)77 debug(`global logic hook: ${logicHook.ref} was set and will be executed in every convo`)78 }79 })80 }81 _fetchUserInputs () {82 this.caps[Capabilities.USER_INPUTS]83 .map(userInput => {84 if (this.userInputs[userInput.ref]) {85 debug(`${userInput.ref} userinput already exists, overwriting.`)86 }87 this.userInputs[userInput.ref] = this._loadClass(userInput, 'userinput')88 debug(`Loaded ${userInput.ref} SUCCESSFULLY`)89 })90 }91 getGlobalAsserter () {92 return this.globalAsserters93 .map(name => this.asserters[name])94 }95 getGlobalLogicHook () {96 return this.globalLogicHooks97 .map(name => this.logicHooks[name])98 }99 _loadClass ({ src, ref, args }, hookType) {100 if (hookType !== 'asserter' && hookType !== 'logichook' && hookType !== 'userinput') {101 throw Error(`Unknown hookType ${hookType}`)102 }103 // 1 gives possibility to use default asserter as global asserter104 if (hookType === 'asserter') {105 const asserter = DEFAULT_ASSERTERS.find(asserter => src === asserter.className)106 if (asserter) {107 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using default asserter ${asserter.className} as global asserter`)108 return new (asserter.Class)(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)109 }110 }111 if (hookType === 'logichook') {112 const lh = DEFAULT_LOGIC_HOOKS.find(lh => src === lh.className)113 if (lh) {114 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using default logichook ${lh.className} as global logichook`)115 return new (lh.Class)(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)116 }117 }118 if (hookType === 'userinput') {119 const ui = DEFAULT_USER_INPUTS.find(ui => src === ui.className)120 if (ui) {121 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using default userinput ${ui.className} as global userinput`)122 return new (ui.Class)(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)123 }124 }125 const _checkUnsafe = () => {126 if (!this.caps[Capabilities.SECURITY_ALLOW_UNSAFE]) {127 throw new BotiumError(128 'Security Error. Using unsafe component is not allowed',129 {130 type: 'security',131 subtype: 'allow unsafe',132 source: path.basename(__filename),133 cause: { src: !!src, ref, args, hookType }134 }135 )136 }137 }138 if (!src) {139 const packageName = `botium-${hookType}-${ref}`140 try {141 const CheckClass = require(packageName)142 if (isClass(CheckClass)) {143 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Loading from ${packageName} as class. Guessed package name.`)144 return new CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)145 } else if (_.isFunction(CheckClass)) {146 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Loading from ${packageName} as function. Guessed package name.`)147 return CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)148 } else if (isClass(CheckClass.PluginClass)) {149 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Loading from ${packageName} as class using PluginClass. Guessed package name.`)150 return new CheckClass.PluginClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)151 } else {152 throw new Error(`${packageName} class or function or PluginClass field expected`)153 }154 } catch (err) {155 throw new Error(`Failed to fetch package ${packageName} - ${util.inspect(err)}`)156 }157 }158 if (isClass(src)) {159 _checkUnsafe()160 try {161 const CheckClass = src162 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src as class.`)163 return new CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)164 } catch (err) {165 throw new Error(`Failed to load package ${ref} from provided class - ${util.inspect(err)}`)166 }167 }168 if (_.isFunction(src)) {169 _checkUnsafe()170 try {171 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src as function.`)172 return src(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)173 } catch (err) {174 throw new Error(`Failed to load package ${ref} from provided function - ${util.inspect(err)}`)175 }176 }177 if (_.isObject(src) && !_.isString(src)) {178 try {179 const hookObject = Object.keys(src).reduce((result, key) => {180 result[key] = (args) => {181 const script = src[key]182 if (_.isFunction(script)) {183 _checkUnsafe()184 return script(args)185 } else if (_.isString(script)) {186 try {187 const vm = new NodeVM({188 eval: false,189 require: false,190 sandbox: args191 })192 return } catch (err) {194 throw new Error(`Script "${key}" is not valid - ${util.inspect(err)}`)195 }196 } else {197 throw new Error(`Script "${key}" is not valid - only functions and javascript code accepted`)198 }199 }200 return result201 }, {})202 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src as function code.`)203 return hookObject204 } catch (err) {205 throw new Error(`Failed to load package ${ref} from provided function - ${util.inspect(err)}`)206 }207 }208 const loadErr = []209 const tryLoadPackage = src210 try {211 let CheckClass = require(tryLoadPackage)212 if (CheckClass.default) {213 CheckClass = CheckClass.default214 }215 if (isClass(CheckClass)) {216 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src for require. Loading from ${tryLoadPackage} as class`)217 return new CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)218 } else if (_.isFunction(CheckClass)) {219 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src for require. Loading from ${tryLoadPackage} as class`)220 return CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)221 } else if (isClass(CheckClass.PluginClass)) {222 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src for require. Loading from ${tryLoadPackage} as class using PluginClass.`)223 return new CheckClass.PluginClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)224 } else {225 throw new Error(`${tryLoadPackage} class or function expected`)226 }227 } catch (err) {228 loadErr.push(`Failed to fetch ${ref} ${hookType} from ${tryLoadPackage} - ${util.inspect(err)}`)229 }230 const tryLoadFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), src)231 if (fs.existsSync(tryLoadFile)) {232 _checkUnsafe()233 try {234 let CheckClass = require(tryLoadFile)235 if (CheckClass.default) {236 CheckClass = CheckClass.default237 }238 if (isClass(CheckClass)) {239 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src as relative path to module with a class. Loading from ${tryLoadFile} as class`)240 return new CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)241 } else if (_.isFunction(CheckClass)) {242 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src as relative path to module with a function. Loading from ${tryLoadFile} as class`)243 return CheckClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)244 } else if (isClass(CheckClass.PluginClass)) {245 debug(`Loading ${ref} ${hookType}. Using src as relative path to module with a class. Loading from ${tryLoadFile} as class using PluginClass`)246 return new CheckClass.PluginClass(this.buildScriptContext, this.caps, args)247 } else {248 throw new Error(`${tryLoadFile} class or function expected`)249 }250 } catch (err) {251 loadErr.push(`Failed to fetch ${ref} ${hookType} from ${tryLoadFile} - ${util.inspect(err)} `)252 }253 }254 loadErr.forEach(debug)255 throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${ref} ${hookType}, no idea how to load ...`)256 }...
1/*!2 impleCode Product Scripts v1.0.0 - 2014-02-113 Manages product related scripts4 (c) 2014 Norbert Dreszer - https://implecode.com5 */67jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {8 reponsive_product_catalog();9 setTimeout( "modern_grid_font_size()", 0 );10 $( window ).resize( function () {11 reponsive_product_catalog();12 setTimeout( "modern_grid_font_size()", 0 );13 } );14 if ( typeof colorbox == 'object' && $( ".a-product-image" ).length ) {15 $( ".a-product-image" ).colorbox( product_object.lightbox_settings );16 }1718 jQuery( ".product_order_selector" ).change( function () {19 jQuery(this).parent(".product_order" ).submit();20 } );21 22 jQuery(".dismiss-empty-bar").click(function(e) {23 e.preventDefault();24 var data = {25 'action': 'hide_empty_bar_message'26 };27 product_object.ajaxurl, data, function () {28 jQuery("div.product-sort-bar").hide('slow');29 } );30 });3132 $.ic = {33 /**34 * Implement a WordPress-link Hook System for Javascript 35 * TODO: Change 'tag' to 'args', allow number (priority), string (tag), object (priority+tag)36 */37 hooks: { action: { }, filter: { } },38 addAction: function ( action, callable, tag ) {39 jQuery.ic.addHook( 'action', action, callable, tag );40 },41 addFilter: function ( action, callable, tag ) {42 jQuery.ic.addHook( 'filter', action, callable, tag );43 },44 doAction: function ( action, args ) {45 jQuery.ic.doHook( 'action', action, null, args );46 },47 applyFilters: function ( action, value, args ) {48 return jQuery.ic.doHook( 'filter', action, value, args );49 },50 removeAction: function ( action, tag ) {51 jQuery.ic.removeHook( 'action', action, tag );52 },53 removeFilter: function ( action, tag ) {54 jQuery.ic.removeHook( 'filter', action, tag );55 },56 addHook: function ( hookType, action, callable, tag ) {57 if ( undefined == jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action] ) {58 jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action] = [ ];59 }60 var hooks = jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action];61 if ( undefined == tag ) {62 tag = action + '_' + hooks.length;63 }64 jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action].push( { tag: tag, callable: callable } );65 },66 doHook: function ( hookType, action, value, args ) {67 if ( undefined != jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action] ) {68 var hooks = jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action];69 for ( var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++ ) {70 if ( 'action' == hookType ) {71 hooks[i].callable( args );72 } else {73 value = hooks[i].callable( value, args );74 }75 }76 }77 if ( 'filter' == hookType ) {78 return value;79 }80 },81 removeHook: function ( hookType, action, tag ) {82 if ( undefined != jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action] ) {83 var hooks = jQuery.ic.hooks[hookType][action];84 for ( var i = hooks.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {85 if ( undefined == tag || tag == hooks[i].tag )86 hooks.splice( i, 1 );87 }88 }89 }90 }91} );9293function reponsive_product_catalog() {94 var list_width = jQuery( ".product-list" ).width();95 var product_page_width = jQuery( "article.al_product" ).width();96 if ( list_width < 600 ) {97 jQuery( ".product-list" ).addClass( "responsive" );98 }99 else {100 jQuery( ".product-list" ).removeClass( "responsive" );101 }102 if ( product_page_width < 600 ) {103 jQuery( "article.al_product" ).addClass( "responsive" );104 }105 else {106 jQuery( "article.al_product" ).removeClass( "responsive" );107 }108}109110function modern_grid_font_size() {111 var fontSize = jQuery( ".modern-grid-element" ).width() * 0.08;112 if ( fontSize < 16 ) {113 jQuery( ".modern-grid-element h3" ).css( 'font-size', fontSize );114 jQuery( ".modern-grid-element .product-price" ).css( 'font-size', fontSize );115 fontSize = fontSize * 0.8;116 jQuery( ".modern-grid-element .product-attributes table" ).css( 'font-size', fontSize );117 }
1;2(function ($) {3 // global4 window.TP_Donate_Global = {5 hooks: {action: {}, filter: {}},6 addAction: function (action, callback, priority, context) {7 this.addHook('action', action, callback, priority, context);8 },9 addFilter: function (action, callback, priority, context) {10 this.addHook('filter', action, callback, priority, context);11 },12 doAction: function (action) {13 this.doHook('action', action, arguments);14 },15 applyFilters: function (action) {16 return this.doHook('filter', action, arguments);17 },18 removeAction: function (action, callback, priority, context) {19 this.removeHook('action', action, callback, priority, context);20 },21 removeFilter: function (action, callback, context) {22 this.removeHook('filter', action, callback, context);23 },24 addHook: function (hookType, action, callback, priority, context) {25 priority = parseInt(( priority || 10 ), 10);26 if (undefined == this.hooks[hookType][action]) {27 this.hooks[hookType][action] = [];28 }29 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];30 if (undefined == context) {31 context = action + '_' + hooks.length;32 }33 this.hooks[hookType][action].push({callback: callback, priority: priority, context: context});34 },35 doHook: function (hookType, action, args) {36 args =, 1);37 var value = args[0];38 if (undefined != this.hooks[hookType][action]) {39 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];40 hooks.sort(function (a, b) {41 return a['priority'] - b['priority'];42 });43 for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {44 var hook = hooks[i];45 if (typeof hook.callback == 'string') {46 hook.callback = window[hook.callback];47 }48 if ('action' == hookType) {49 hook.callback.apply(hook.context, args);50 } else {51 args.unshift(value);52 value = hook.callback.apply(hook.context, args);53 }54 }55 }56 if ('filter' == hookType) {57 return value;58 }59 },60 removeHook: function (hookType, action, callback, priority, context) {61 if (undefined != this.hooks[hookType][action]) {62 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];63 for (var i = hooks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {64 var hook = hooks[i];65 if (hook.priority == priority && context == hook.context) {66 hooks.splice(i, 1);67 }68 }69 this.hooks[hookType][action] = hooks;70 }71 },72 beforeAjax: function () {73 $('.donate_ajax_overflow').addClass('active');74 },75 afterAjax: function () {76 $('.donate_ajax_overflow').removeClass('active');77 },78 processing: function () {79 $('.donate_submit').text(thimpress_donate.i18n['processing']);80 },81 complete: function () {82 $('.donate_submit').text(thimpress_donate.i18n['complete']);83 }84 };...
1;2( function ( $ ) {3 // global4 window.TP_Donate_Global = {5 hooks: {action: {}, filter: {}},6 addAction: function ( action, callback, priority, context ) {7 this.addHook( 'action', action, callback, priority, context );8 },9 addFilter: function ( action, callback, priority, context ) {10 this.addHook( 'filter', action, callback, priority, context );11 },12 doAction: function ( action ) {13 this.doHook( 'action', action, arguments );14 },15 applyFilters: function ( action ) {16 return this.doHook( 'filter', action, arguments );17 },18 removeAction: function ( action, callback, priority, context ) {19 this.removeHook( 'action', action, callback, priority, context );20 },21 removeFilter: function ( action, callback, context ) {22 this.removeHook( 'filter', action, callback, context );23 },24 addHook: function ( hookType, action, callback, priority, context ) {25 priority = parseInt( ( priority || 10 ), 10 );26 if ( undefined == this.hooks[hookType][action] ) {27 this.hooks[hookType][action] = [ ];28 }29 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];30 if ( undefined == context ) {31 context = action + '_' + hooks.length;32 }33 this.hooks[hookType][action].push( {callback: callback, priority: priority, context: context} );34 },35 doHook: function ( hookType, action, args ) {36 args = args, 1 );37 var value = args[0];38 if ( undefined != this.hooks[hookType][action] ) {39 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];40 hooks.sort( function ( a, b ) {41 return a['priority'] - b['priority'];42 } );43 for ( var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++ ) {44 var hook = hooks[i];45 if ( typeof hook.callback == 'string' ) {46 hook.callback = window[hook.callback];47 }48 if ( 'action' == hookType ) {49 hook.callback.apply( hook.context, args );50 } else {51 args.unshift( value );52 value = hook.callback.apply( hook.context, args );53 }54 }55 }56 if ( 'filter' == hookType ) {57 return value;58 }59 },60 removeHook: function ( hookType, action, callback, priority, context ) {61 if ( undefined != this.hooks[hookType][action] ) {62 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];63 for ( var i = hooks.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {64 var hook = hooks[i];65 if ( hook.priority == priority && context == hook.context ) {66 hooks.splice( i, 1 );67 }68 }69 this.hooks[hookType][action] = hooks;70 }71 },72 beforeAjax: function () {73 $( '.donate_ajax_overflow' ).addClass( 'active' );74 },75 afterAjax: function () {76 $( '.donate_ajax_overflow' ).removeClass( 'active' );77 }78 };...
1//----------------------------------------------------------2//------ JAVASCRIPT HOOK FUNCTIONS FOR GRAVITY FORMS -------3//----------------------------------------------------------4if ( ! gform ) {5 document.addEventListener( 'gform_main_scripts_loaded', function() { gform.scriptsLoaded = true; } );6 window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { gform.domLoaded = true; } );7 var gform = {8 domLoaded: false,9 scriptsLoaded: false,10 initializeOnLoaded: function( fn ) {11 if ( gform.domLoaded && gform.scriptsLoaded ) {12 fn();13 } else if( ! gform.domLoaded && gform.scriptsLoaded ) {14 window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', fn );15 } else {16 document.addEventListener( 'gform_main_scripts_loaded', fn );17 }18 },19 hooks: { action: {}, filter: {} },20 addAction: function( action, callable, priority, tag ) {21 gform.addHook( 'action', action, callable, priority, tag );22 },23 addFilter: function( action, callable, priority, tag ) {24 gform.addHook( 'filter', action, callable, priority, tag );25 },26 doAction: function( action ) {27 gform.doHook( 'action', action, arguments );28 },29 applyFilters: function( action ) {30 return gform.doHook( 'filter', action, arguments );31 },32 removeAction: function( action, tag ) {33 gform.removeHook( 'action', action, tag );34 },35 removeFilter: function( action, priority, tag ) {36 gform.removeHook( 'filter', action, priority, tag );37 },38 addHook: function( hookType, action, callable, priority, tag ) {39 if ( undefined == gform.hooks[hookType][action] ) {40 gform.hooks[hookType][action] = [];41 }42 var hooks = gform.hooks[hookType][action];43 if ( undefined == tag ) {44 tag = action + '_' + hooks.length;45 }46 if( priority == undefined ){47 priority = 10;48 }49 gform.hooks[hookType][action].push( { tag:tag, callable:callable, priority:priority } );50 },51 doHook: function( hookType, action, args ) {52 // splice args from object into array and remove first index which is the hook name53 args =, 1);54 if ( undefined != gform.hooks[hookType][action] ) {55 var hooks = gform.hooks[hookType][action], hook;56 //sort by priority57 hooks.sort(function(a,b){return a["priority"]-b["priority"]});58 hooks.forEach( function( hookItem ) {59 hook = hookItem.callable;60 if(typeof hook != 'function')61 hook = window[hook];62 if ( 'action' == hookType ) {63 hook.apply(null, args);64 } else {65 args[0] = hook.apply(null, args);66 }67 } );68 }69 if ( 'filter'==hookType ) {70 return args[0];71 }72 },73 removeHook: function( hookType, action, priority, tag ) {74 if ( undefined != gform.hooks[hookType][action] ) {75 var hooks = gform.hooks[hookType][action];76 hooks = hooks.filter( function(hook, index, arr) {77 var removeHook = (undefined==tag||tag==hook.tag) && (undefined==priority||priority==hook.priority);78 return !removeHook;79 } );80 gform.hooks[hookType][action] = hooks;81 }82 }83 };...
1const Hook = {2 hooks: {action: {}, filter: {}},3 addAction: function (action, callable, priority, tag) {4 this.addHook('action', action, callable, priority, tag);5 return this;6 },7 addFilter: function (action, callable, priority, tag) {8 this.addHook('filter', action, callable, priority, tag);9 return this;10 },11 doAction: function (action) {12 this.doHook('action', action, arguments);13 return this;14 },15 applyFilters: function (action) {16 return this.doHook('filter', action, arguments);17 },18 removeAction: function (action, tag) {19 this.removeHook('action', action, tag);20 return this;21 },22 removeFilter: function (action, priority, tag) {23 this.removeHook('filter', action, priority, tag);24 return this;25 },26 addHook: function (hookType, action, callable, priority, tag) {27 if (undefined === this.hooks[hookType][action]) {28 this.hooks[hookType][action] = [];29 }30 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];31 if (undefined === tag) {32 tag = action + '_' + hooks.length;33 }34 this.hooks[hookType][action].push({tag: tag, callable: callable, priority: priority});35 return this;36 },37 doHook: function (hookType, action, args) {38 // splice args from object into array and remove first index which is the hook name39 args =, 1);40 if (undefined !== this.hooks[hookType][action]) {41 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action], hook;42 //sort by priority43 hooks.sort(function (a, b) {44 return a["priority"] - b["priority"];45 });46 for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {47 hook = hooks[i].callable;48 if (typeof hook !== 'function')49 hook = window[hook];50 if ('action' === hookType) {51 hook.apply(null, args);52 } else {53 args[0] = hook.apply(null, args);54 }55 }56 }57 if ('filter' === hookType) {58 return args[0];59 }60 return this;61 },62 removeHook: function (hookType, action, priority, tag) {63 if (undefined !== this.hooks[hookType][action]) {64 var hooks = this.hooks[hookType][action];65 for (var i = hooks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {66 if ((undefined === tag || tag === hooks[i].tag) && (undefined === priority || priority === hooks[i].priority)) {67 hooks.splice(i, 1);68 }69 }70 }71 return this;72 }73};...
1import ErrorStackParser from "error-stack-parser";23export function begin(data){4 process.send({5 message : "BEGIN",6 data : data7 });8}910export function suiteEnd(suite){11 process.send({12 message : "SUITE_END",13 data : {14 id : suite.id15 }16 })17}1819export function startTest(test){20 process.send({21 message : "START_TEST",22 data : {23 id : test.id24 }25 });26}2728export function passTest(test){29 process.send({30 message : "END_TEST",31 data : {32 id :,33 state : test.state34 }35 });36}373839export function failTest(test, error){40 if(test.type === "hook"){41 //TODO find a better way to check hook type42 var hookType;43 if(test.title === "\"after all\" hook"){44 hookType = "AFTER_ALL";45 }else if(test.title === "\"before all\" hook"){46 hookType = "BEFORE_ALL";47 }else if(test.title.indexOf("\"after each\"") > -1){48 hookType = "AFTER_EACH";49 }else if(test.title.indexOf("\"before each\"") > -1){50 hookType = "BEFORE_EACH";51 }52 process.send({53 message : hookType,54 data : {55 hookType : hookType,56 suiteId :,57 state : test.state,58 title : test.title,59 error : {60 message : error.message,61 stack : ErrorStackParser.parse(error)62 }63 }64 });65 }else{66 process.send({67 message : "END_TEST",68 data : {69 id :,70 state : test.state,71 error : {72 message : error.message,73 stack : ErrorStackParser.parse(error)74 }75 }76 });77 }78}7980export function done(data){81 process.send({82 message : "END",83 data : {84 stats : data.stats85 }86 });
Using AI Code Generation
1const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');3const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');7const { hookType } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8const { hookType } = require('playwright-internal-api');9const { hookType } = require('playwright-interna
Using AI Code Generation
1const { hookType } = require('@playwright/test/lib/runner');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const title = await page.title();5 console.log(title);6});7test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {8 const hook = hookType();9 console.log(hook);10});11test.afterEach(async ({ page }) => {12 const hook = hookType();13 console.log(hook);14});15- [Playwright GitHub](
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