Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1// Global Variables2var ReadyToLoadData;3var CurrentGame;4var JSONData;5var FirstLoad;6// Called on initialisation7function OnBodyLoad() {8 FirstLoad = true;9 // Switch loading depending on local or web mode10 document.getElementById('input').style.display = config.Local ? "block" : "none" ;11 if (! config.Local) {12 LoadContent();13 }14 15 document.getElementById('debug').style.display = config.Debug ? "block" : "none" ; 16 CurrentGame = 0;17 18 // Set animation speed19 document.getElementById("Table1").setAttribute("style", "--looptime: " + config.LoopTime) ;20 document.getElementById("Table2").setAttribute("style", "--looptime: " + config.LoopTime) ;21 22 // set animation event handlers23 var element = document.getElementById("Table1");24 element.addEventListener("animationiteration", AniLoop, false);25 element.addEventListener("webkitAnimationIteration", AniLoop, false);26}27// Called each time an entry has finished scrolling28function AniLoop(event) {29 // Switch Over Animation Direction Horizontal <--> vertical30 document.getElementById("Table1").classList.toggle("tickerTable1h") ;31 document.getElementById("Table1").classList.toggle("tickerTable1v") ;32 document.getElementById("Table2").classList.toggle("tickerTable2h") ;33 document.getElementById("Table2").classList.toggle("tickerTable2v") ; 34 35 // So, if we're in web mode or have entered filename, refresh our data36 if (ReadyToLoadData) {37 if (document.getElementById("Table1").classList.contains("tickerTable1v") ) {38 // We've just finished a horizontal scroll, about to start a vertical one39 // Refresh data and move on to the next event - load new event into bottom row so it can scroll into view40 LoadContent();41 document.getElementById("debug").innerText = "Showing " + CurrentGame ;42 CurrentGame += 2;43 } else {44 // We've just finished a vertical scroll, about to start a horizontal one45 // Copy data in bottom row to top one - the horizontal scroll will flip back to show the 46 // top row.47 CopyEvent34to12();48 }49 } else {50 // heartbeat51 document.getElementById("debug").innerText = document.getElementById("debug").innerText == "DEBUG" ? "debug" : "DEBUG" ;52 }53 }54// Called from two places: 55// 1. the first time we're ready to load - varies depending on mode56// 2. When we reach the end of the scroll, if we've been called before (ReadyToLoadData = true)57function LoadContent() {58 if (config.Local) {59 loadFile();60 } else {61 NetLoadFile();62 }63 ReadyToLoadData = true;64 }65 66// Loads a LOCAL file (used in debug mode)67function loadFile() {68 var input, file, fr;69 if (typeof window.FileReader !== 'function') {70 alert("The file API isn't supported on this browser yet.");71 return;72 }73 input = document.getElementById('fileinput');74 if (!input) {75 alert("Um, couldn't find the fileinput element.");76 }77 else if (!input.files) {78 alert("This browser doesn't seem to support the `files` property of file inputs.");79 }80 else if (!input.files[0]) {81 alert("Please select a file before clicking 'Load'");82 }83 else {84 ShowLoading(true);85 file = input.files[0];86 fr = new FileReader();87 fr.onload = function(e) {88 var lines =;89 JSONData = JSON.parse(lines); 90 ShowLoading(false);91 }92 fr.readAsText(file);93 if (JSONData != null) {94 ExtractJsonData(0);95 ExtractJsonData(1);96 }97 }98 }99 100// Loads the data file - production (network) version101function NetLoadFile() {102 ShowLoading(true);103 var JSONDoc = config.RemoteServer + config.RemotePath;104 xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();105"get", JSONDoc, true ) ;106 107 // Approach is as follows:108 // If we've never loaded the doc at all, then extract the data as soon as we've done the load.109 // If we have previously loaded the doc, then this is a refresh, so no need to wait for doc to load, 110 // just update from the most recent one received. This synchronises the update with scrolling and111 // prevents updates mid-scroll.112 113 xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {114 if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { // State 4 = DONE - operation complete115 JSONData = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.response); 116 ShowLoading(false);117 if (FirstLoad) {118 FirstLoad = false;119 ExtractJsonData(0);120 ExtractJsonData(1);121 }122 }123 };124 xmlhttp.send() ;125 if (JSONData != null) {126 ExtractJsonData(0);127 ExtractJsonData(1);128 }129 }130 131// Parse the JSON data file, find the Event to display132// Parameter is which line (Section) to display to133function ExtractJsonData(Sec) {134 var MarketsWithGames = 0;135 // Go through finding events with some markets136 for (i = 0; i <; i++) {137 if ( config.Debug ) {138 console.log("E" + i + ": " +[i].participantnameaway + " @ " +[i].participantnamehome);139 }140 if ([i].markets != null) {141 142 // see if this is the "n"th market with games, where "n" is the current one to display143 if ( MarketsWithGames == (CurrentGame + Sec)) {144 if (Sec == 1) {145 ExtractEvent(0,[i]);146 } else {147 ExtractEvent(1,[i]);148 }149 150 // Now found one, no need to continue151 return;152 } else {153 // we have games, but this is not yet the one we need154 MarketsWithGames += 1;155 }156 }157 }158 159 // If we got here, we have insuffient events to reach the counter. 160 // If we have ANY events with markets, reset counter and have another go161 if (MarketsWithGames > 0) {162 CurrentGame = 0;163 ExtractJsonData(Sec);164 }165 166}167// Extract a single event's data into display grid168// Line indicates which line of the grid to extract to: 0/1169// Event is a node in the parsed JSON indicating the current event to extract from 170function ExtractEvent(Line, Event) {171 172 // Prefixes for element ID's to locate which output grid cell to put data into 173 var IDR1 = ((Line == 0) ? "L3" : "L7");174 var IDR2 = ((Line == 0) ? "L4" : "L8");175 176 // Set the team names177 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'T').innerText = Event.participantnameaway;178 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'T').innerText = Event.participantnamehome;179 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'T2').innerText = Event.participantnameaway;180 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'T2').innerText = Event.participantnamehome;181 182 // Now find the Points, Moneyline and totals markets183 for (j = 0; j <; j++) {184 var Market =[j]185 if ( config.Debug ) {186 console.log("M" + j + ": " +;187 }188 if ( Market.gameperiod == "1+") {189 if ( Market.big3markettype == "ML") {190 // Money line191 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'M').innerText = Market.selections[0].priceus;192 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'M').innerText = Market.selections[1].priceus;193 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'M2').innerText = Market.selections[0].priceus;194 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'M2').innerText = Market.selections[1].priceus;195 } else if ( Market.big3markettype == "PS") {196 // Points spread197 CMH = Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;198 if ( CMH > 0 ) {199 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'P').innerText = "+" + Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;200 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'P').innerText = "-" + Market.selections[1].currentmatchhandicap;201 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'P2').innerText = "+" + Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;202 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'P2').innerText = "-" + Market.selections[1].currentmatchhandicap;203 } else {204 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'P').innerText = "" + Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;205 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'P').innerText = "+" + -Market.selections[1].currentmatchhandicap;206 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'P2').innerText = "" + Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;207 document.getElementById(IDR2 + 'P2').innerText = "+" + -Market.selections[1].currentmatchhandicap;208 }209 } else if ( Market.big3markettype == "TP") {210 // Total Points211 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'OU').innerText = "O/U " + Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;212 document.getElementById(IDR1 + 'OU2').innerText = "O/U " + Market.selections[0].currentmatchhandicap;213 }214 }215 }216}217function CopyEvent34to12() {218 // There might be a more elegant way of doing this, but is it worth it?219 220 // name221 document.getElementById('L1T').innerText = document.getElementById('L3T').innerText ;222 document.getElementById('L2T').innerText = document.getElementById('L4T').innerText ; 223 document.getElementById('L1T2').innerText = document.getElementById('L3T2').innerText ;224 document.getElementById('L2T2').innerText = document.getElementById('L4T2').innerText ; 225 document.getElementById('L5T').innerText = document.getElementById('L7T').innerText ;226 document.getElementById('L6T').innerText = document.getElementById('L8T').innerText ; 227 document.getElementById('L5T2').innerText = document.getElementById('L7T2').innerText ;228 document.getElementById('L6T2').innerText = document.getElementById('L8T2').innerText ; 229 // Money line230 document.getElementById('L1M').innerText = document.getElementById('L3M').innerText ; 231 document.getElementById('L2M').innerText = document.getElementById('L4M').innerText ; 232 document.getElementById('L1M2').innerText = document.getElementById('L3M2').innerText ; 233 document.getElementById('L2M2').innerText = document.getElementById('L4M2').innerText ; 234 document.getElementById('L5M').innerText = document.getElementById('L7M').innerText ; 235 document.getElementById('L6M').innerText = document.getElementById('L8M').innerText ; 236 document.getElementById('L5M2').innerText = document.getElementById('L7M2').innerText ; 237 document.getElementById('L6M2').innerText = document.getElementById('L8M2').innerText ; 238 // Points spread239 document.getElementById('L1P').innerText = document.getElementById('L3P').innerText ; 240 document.getElementById('L2P').innerText = document.getElementById('L4P').innerText ; 241 document.getElementById('L1P2').innerText = document.getElementById('L3P2').innerText ; 242 document.getElementById('L2P2').innerText = document.getElementById('L4P2').innerText ; 243 document.getElementById('L5P').innerText = document.getElementById('L7P').innerText ; 244 document.getElementById('L6P').innerText = document.getElementById('L8P').innerText ; 245 document.getElementById('L5P2').innerText = document.getElementById('L7P2').innerText ; 246 document.getElementById('L6P2').innerText = document.getElementById('L8P2').innerText ; 247 // Total Points248 document.getElementById('L1OU').innerText = document.getElementById('L3OU').innerText ; 249 document.getElementById('L1OU2').innerText = document.getElementById('L3OU2').innerText ; 250 document.getElementById('L5OU').innerText = document.getElementById('L7OU').innerText ; 251 document.getElementById('L5OU2').innerText = document.getElementById('L7OU2').innerText ; 252}253// Display little symbol to show we're working 254function ShowLoading(Show) {255 document.getElementById('loading').style.display = Show ? "block" : "none" ;256 }...
1// const buttons = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".button"));2const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".button");3const display = document.querySelector(".display");4const equals = document.querySelector(".equals");5const operators = document.querySelectorAll(".operator");67let firstOperand = null;8let secondOperand = null;9let sign = "";10let result = null;11let dotCounter = 0;1213buttons.forEach(button => button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {1415 let stringWithPlus = display.innerText.split("+");16 if (stringWithPlus.length >= 2 ) {17 equals.classList.add("ready");18 operators.forEach(operator => operator.classList.add("blocked"));19 }20 let stringWithMinus = display.innerText.split("-");21 if (stringWithMinus.length >= 2 ) {22 equals.classList.add("ready");23 operators.forEach(operator => operator.classList.add("blocked"));24 }25 let stringWithSlash = display.innerText.split("/");26 if (stringWithSlash.length >= 2 ) {27 equals.classList.add("ready");28 operators.forEach(operator => operator.classList.add("blocked"));29 }30 let stringWithStar = display.innerText.split("*");31 if (stringWithStar.length >= 2 ) {32 equals.classList.add("ready");33 operators.forEach(operator => operator.classList.add("blocked"));34 }35 // if (stringToCountArrayS[1] != "") {36 // equals.classList.add("ready");37 // }3839 switch( {40 case 'AC':4142 equals.classList.remove("ready");43 operators.forEach(operator => operator.classList.remove("blocked"));4445 clearDisplay();46 firstOperand = null;47 secondOperand = null;48 sign = "";49 break;50 case '/':51 dotCounter = 0;52 if (display.innerText.length == 0) return;53 54 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "+") return;55 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "-") return;56 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "/") return;57 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "*") return;58 if (display.innerText.includes("+")) return;59 if (display.innerText.includes("-")) return;60 if (display.innerText.includes("/")) return;61 if (display.innerText.includes("*")) return;6263 sign = "divide";64 // clearDisplay();65 display.innerText +=;66 break;67 case '*':68 dotCounter = 0;69 if (display.innerText.length == 0) return;70 71 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "+") return;72 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "-") return;73 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "/") return;74 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "*") return;75 if (display.innerText.includes("+")) return;76 if (display.innerText.includes("-")) return;77 if (display.innerText.includes("/")) return;78 if (display.innerText.includes("*")) return;7980 sign = "multiply";81 // clearDisplay();82 display.innerText +=;83 break;84 case '-':85 dotCounter = 0;86 if (display.innerText.length == 0) return;87 88 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "+") return;89 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "-") return;90 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "/") return;91 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "*") return;92 if (display.innerText.includes("+")) return;93 if (display.innerText.includes("-")) return;94 if (display.innerText.includes("/")) return;95 if (display.innerText.includes("*")) return;9697 sign = "substract";98 // clearDisplay();99 display.innerText +=;100 break;101 case '+':102 dotCounter = 0;103 if (display.innerText.length == 0) return;104 105 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "+") return;106 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "-") return;107 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "/") return;108 // if (display.innerText.split("")[display.innerText.split("").length-1] == "*") return;109110 sign = "add";111 if (display.innerText.includes("+")) return;112 if (display.innerText.includes("-")) return;113 if (display.innerText.includes("/")) return;114 if (display.innerText.includes("*")) return;115116 // let stringToCountArray = display.innerText.split("+");117 // if (stringToCountArray[1] != "") {118 // equals.classList.add("ready");119 // }120121 // clearDisplay();122 display.innerText +=;123 break;124125 case "=":126 // if (!display.innerText.includes("+")) {127 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {128 // return;129 // }130 // }131 // if (!display.innerText.includes("-")) {132 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {133 // return;134 // }135 // }136 // if (!display.innerText.includes("*")) {137 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {138 // return;139 // }140 // }141 // if (!display.innerText.includes("/")) {142 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {143 // return;144 // }145 // }146147 dotCounter = 0;148149 if (display.innerText.includes("+")) {150 let stringToCountArray = display.innerText.split("+");151 firstOperand = stringToCountArray[0];152 secondOperand = stringToCountArray[1];153 display.innerText = calculate(firstOperand,secondOperand,sign);154 }155 if (display.innerText.includes("-")) {156 let stringToCountArray = display.innerText.split("-");157 firstOperand = stringToCountArray[0];158 secondOperand = stringToCountArray[1];159 display.innerText = calculate(firstOperand,secondOperand,sign);160 }161 if (display.innerText.includes("*")) {162 let stringToCountArray = display.innerText.split("*");163 firstOperand = stringToCountArray[0];164 secondOperand = stringToCountArray[1];165 display.innerText = calculate(firstOperand,secondOperand,sign);166 }167 if (display.innerText.includes("/")) {168 let stringToCountArray = display.innerText.split("/");169 firstOperand = stringToCountArray[0];170 secondOperand = stringToCountArray[1];171 display.innerText = calculate(firstOperand,secondOperand,sign);172 }173 ///////////////////////////////////////////////174 equals.classList.remove("ready");175 operators.forEach(operator => operator.classList.remove("blocked"));176 /////////////////////////////////////////////////177 break;178 case ".":179180 if (!display.innerText.includes("+") &&181 !display.innerText.includes("-") &&182 !display.innerText.includes("*") &&183 !display.innerText.includes("/")) {184 if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {185 return;186 }187 }188 // if (!display.innerText.includes("-")) {189 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {190 // return;191 // }192 // }193 // if (!display.innerText.includes("*")) {194 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {195 // return;196 // }197 // }198 // if (!display.innerText.includes("/")) {199 // if (display.innerText.includes(".") ) {200 // return;201 // }202 // }203204 // if (display.innerText.includes(".")) return;205 if (dotCounter > 0) return;206 dotCounter++;207/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////208 if (display.innerText.includes("+")){209 if (display.innerText.split("+")[1].includes(".")) return;210 }211 if (display.innerText.includes("-")){212 if (display.innerText.split("-")[1].includes(".")) return;213 }214 if (display.innerText.includes("/")){215 if (display.innerText.split("/")[1].includes(".")) return;216 }217 if (display.innerText.includes("*")){218 if (display.innerText.split("*")[1].includes(".")) return;219 }220 if (display.innerText[display.innerText.length-1] == ".") return;221222223////////////////////////////////////////////////////224225 if (display.innerText == '') {226 display.innerText = `0${}`;227 } else if (display.innerText[display.innerText.length-1] == "+") {228 display.innerText += `0${}`;229 } else if (display.innerText[display.innerText.length-1] == "-") {230 display.innerText += `0${}`;231 } else if (display.innerText[display.innerText.length-1] == "/") {232 display.innerText += `0${}`;233 }234 else if (display.innerText[display.innerText.length-1] == "*") {235 display.innerText += `0${}`;236 }237 else display.innerText +=;238 239 break;240 default:241 display.innerText +=;242 }243}))244245const clearDisplay = () => {246 display.innerText = '';247 dotCounter = 0;248}249250const calculate = (firstOperand,secondOperand,sign) => {251 if (sign == "divide") {252 if(secondOperand == 0) {253 return "ERROR!!!";254 }255 return Number(firstOperand) / Number(secondOperand);256 }257 if (sign == "multiply") {258 259 return Number(firstOperand) * Number(secondOperand);260 }261 if (sign == "add") {262 result = Number(firstOperand) + Number(secondOperand);263 return result;264 }265 if (sign == "substract") {266 return Number(firstOperand) - Number(secondOperand);267 }
1drawBoard(3,3,100,5)2let damierClicks=document.getElementById('damier-input');3let countClicks = 0 ;4damierClicks.addEventListener('click',countNrOfClicks)5damierClicks.addEventListener('click',giveResult)6let resetClick=document.getElementById('reset')7resetClick.addEventListener('click',clearDrawboard)8let playSquare1=document.getElementById('square1') ;9playSquare1.addEventListener('click',gameInput1);10let playSquare2=document.getElementById('square2') ;11playSquare2.addEventListener('click',gameInput2);12let playSquare3=document.getElementById('square3') ;13playSquare3.addEventListener('click',gameInput3);14let playSquare4=document.getElementById('square4') ;15playSquare4.addEventListener('click',gameInput4);16let playSquare5=document.getElementById('square5') ;17playSquare5.addEventListener('click',gameInput5);18let playSquare6=document.getElementById('square6') ;19playSquare6.addEventListener('click',gameInput6);20let playSquare7=document.getElementById('square7') ;21playSquare7.addEventListener('click',gameInput7);22let playSquare8=document.getElementById('square8') ;23playSquare8.addEventListener('click',gameInput8);24let playSquare9=document.getElementById('square9') ;25playSquare9.addEventListener('click',gameInput9);26function drawBoard(nrlines,nrcolumns,size,borderwidth)27 { 28 let damier = document.createElement('div')29 'damier-input'30 let numberID = 131 for (let iLines = 0; iLines < nrlines; ++iLines)32 {33 let x = size + iLines * (size + borderwidth)34 for (let iColumns = 0 ; iColumns < nrcolumns ; ++iColumns)35 {36 let y =size + iColumns * (size + borderwidth )37 let square1= drawSquare(x,y,borderwidth,numberID)38 damier.appendChild(square1)39 numberID = numberID + 140 }41 }42 document.body.append(damier)43 return damier }44 function drawSquare(x,y,borderwidth,numberID){45 let square = document.createElement('div');46 square.classList.add("square")47 = borderwidth + "px";48 = y + "px";49 + "px";50 = "square" + numberID51 document.body.appendChild(square);52 return square;53 54 }55function countNrOfClicks () {countClicks = countClicks + 1}56function gameInput1() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare1.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare1.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}57function gameInput2() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare2.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare2.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}58function gameInput3() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare3.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare3.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}59function gameInput4() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare4.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare4.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}60function gameInput5() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare5.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare5.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}61function gameInput6() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare6.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare6.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}62function gameInput7() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare7.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare7.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}63function gameInput8() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare8.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare8.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}64function gameInput9() {if (countClicks%2 ===0) {playSquare9.innerText = 'X','blue',result.innerText='Player 2 : your turn','red'} else {playSquare9.innerText = 'O','red',result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn','blue'}}65let result = document.getElementById('resultDynamic')66function giveResult()67{ if ((playSquare1.innerText=='X' && playSquare2.innerText=='X' && playSquare3.innerText=='X') ||68 (playSquare1.innerText=='X' && playSquare4.innerText=='X' && playSquare7.innerText=='X') ||69 (playSquare2.innerText=='X' && playSquare5.innerText=='X' && playSquare8.innerText=='X') || 70 (playSquare3.innerText=='X' && playSquare6.innerText=='X' && playSquare9.innerText=='X') || 71 (playSquare4.innerText=='X' && playSquare5.innerText=='X' && playSquare6.innerText=='X') ||72 (playSquare7.innerText=='X' && playSquare8.innerText=='X' && playSquare9.innerText=='X') ||73 (playSquare1.innerText=='X' && playSquare5.innerText=='X' && playSquare9.innerText=='X') ||74 (playSquare3.innerText=='X' && playSquare5.innerText=='X' && playSquare7.innerText=='X')) 75 {result.innerText='Player 1 wins!','blue'}76 { if ((playSquare1.innerText=='O' && playSquare2.innerText=='O' && playSquare3.innerText=='O') ||77 (playSquare1.innerText=='O' && playSquare4.innerText=='O' && playSquare7.innerText=='O') ||78 (playSquare2.innerText=='O' && playSquare5.innerText=='O' && playSquare8.innerText=='O') || 79 (playSquare3.innerText=='O' && playSquare6.innerText=='O' && playSquare9.innerText=='O') || 80 (playSquare4.innerText=='O' && playSquare5.innerText=='O' && playSquare6.innerText=='O') ||81 (playSquare7.innerText=='O' && playSquare8.innerText=='O' && playSquare9.innerText=='O') ||82 (playSquare1.innerText=='O' && playSquare5.innerText=='O' && playSquare9.innerText=='O') ||83 (playSquare3.innerText=='O' && playSquare5.innerText=='O' && playSquare7.innerText=='O')) 84 {result.innerText='Player 2 wins!','red'} 85 {if (playSquare1.innerText!='' && playSquare2.innerText!='' && playSquare3.innerText!='' &&86 playSquare1.innerText!='' && playSquare4.innerText!='' && playSquare7.innerText!='' &&87 playSquare2.innerText!='' && playSquare5.innerText!='' && playSquare8.innerText!='' && 88 playSquare3.innerText!='' && playSquare6.innerText!='' && playSquare9.innerText!='' && 89 playSquare4.innerText!='' && playSquare5.innerText!='' && playSquare6.innerText!='' &&90 playSquare7.innerText!='' && playSquare8.innerText!='' && playSquare9.innerText!='' &&91 playSquare1.innerText!='' && playSquare5.innerText!='' && playSquare9.innerText!='' &&92 playSquare3.innerText!='' && playSquare5.innerText!='' && playSquare7.innerText!='')93 {result.innerText='Draw!','black'} }94 }95}96function clearDrawboard ()97{ playSquare1.innerText = '';98 playSquare2.innerText = '';99 playSquare3.innerText = '';100 playSquare4.innerText = '';101 playSquare5.innerText = '';102 playSquare6.innerText = '';103 playSquare7.innerText = '';104 playSquare8.innerText = '';105 playSquare9.innerText = '';106 result.innerText='Player 1 : your turn';107'blue';...
1let dropdownsAmenities = document.querySelectorAll('.dropdown.dropdown_content_amenities')2dropdownsAmenities.forEach(dropdown => {3 let inputValue = dropdown.querySelector('.dropdown__input-placeholder'),4 items = dropdown.querySelectorAll('.dropdown__item'),5 commonCount = 0,6 values = [],7 btnClear = dropdown.querySelector('.dropdown__menu-btn-clear')8 if(btnClear){9 btnClear.addEventListener('click', () => {10 commonCount = 011 values = []12 inputValue.innerText = 'ÐÑбеÑиÑе ÑдобÑÑва'13 14 items.forEach(item => {15 item.querySelector('.dropdown__item-num').innerText = 016 })17 })18 }19 items.forEach((item,index) => {20 21 let itemNum = item.querySelector('.dropdown__item-num'),22 itemText = item.querySelector('.dropdown__item-text').innerHTML23 item.addEventListener('click', event => {24 event.stopPropagation()25 switch ( {26 case 'dropdown__item-btn-reduce': 27 if(itemNum.innerText <= 0) break // ÐÑли ÑÑеÑÑик Ñавен 0, Ñо ниÑего не делаÑÑ28 itemNum.innerText--29 commonCount--30 itemNum.innerText = itemNum.innerText31 if (commonCount === 0) {32 inputValue.innerText = 'ÐÑбеÑиÑе ÑдобÑÑва'33 values = []34 break35 }36 if (itemText.toLowerCase() === 'ÑпалÑни'){37 if(itemNum.innerText == '0'){38 values[index] = ''39 } else if(itemNum.innerText === 1){40 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ÑпалÑнÑ`41 } else if(itemNum.innerText > 1 && itemNum.innerText < 5){42 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ÑпалÑни`43 } else {44 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} Ñпален`45 }46 } else if (itemText.toLowerCase() === 'кÑоваÑи'){47 if(itemNum.innerText == '0'){48 values[index] = ''49 } else if(itemNum.innerText === 1){50 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} кÑоваÑÑ`51 } else if(itemNum.innerText > 1 && itemNum.innerText < 5){52 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} кÑоваÑи`53 } else {54 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} кÑоваÑей`55 }56 } else if (itemText.toLowerCase() === 'ваннÑе комнаÑÑ'){57 if(itemNum.innerText == '0'){58 values[index] = ''59 } else if(itemNum.innerText === 1){60 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð½Ð°Ñа`61 } else if(itemNum.innerText > 1 && itemNum.innerText < 5){62 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ваннÑе комнаÑÑ`63 } else {64 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ваннÑÑ
комнаÑ`65 }66 } 67 inputValue.innerText = values.filter(value => !!value).join(', ')68 break69 case 'dropdown__item-btn-add':70 itemNum.innerText++71 commonCount++72 itemNum.innerText = itemNum.innerText 73 if (itemText.toLowerCase() === 'ÑпалÑни'){74 if(itemNum.innerText == 1){75 console.log('wirk');76 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ÑпалÑнÑ`77 } else if(itemNum.innerText > 1 && itemNum.innerText < 5){78 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ÑпалÑни`79 } else {80 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} Ñпален`81 }82 } else if (itemText.toLowerCase() === 'кÑоваÑи'){83 if(itemNum.innerText == 1){84 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} кÑоваÑÑ`85 } else if(itemNum.innerText > 1 && itemNum.innerText < 5){86 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} кÑоваÑи`87 } else {88 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} кÑоваÑей`89 }90 } else if (itemText.toLowerCase() === 'ваннÑе комнаÑÑ'){91 if(itemNum.innerText == 1){92 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð½Ð°Ñа`93 } else if(itemNum.innerText > 1 && itemNum.innerText < 5){94 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ваннÑе комнаÑÑ`95 } else {96 values[index] = `${itemNum.innerText} ваннÑÑ
комнаÑ`97 }98 } 99 inputValue.innerText = values.filter(value => !!value).join(', ')100 break101 }102 103 })104 })...
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1let button = document.querySelectorAll('.btn')23let turn = 1;4let click = 0;56let one = document.getElementById('one');7let two = document.getElementById('two');8let three = document.getElementById('three');9let four = document.getElementById('four');10let five = document.getElementById('five');11let six = document.getElementById('six');12let seven = document.getElementById('seven');13let eight = document.getElementById('eight');14let nine = document.getElementById('nine');1516let reload = document.getElementById('reload')17reload.addEventListener('click', () => {18 for (btn of button) {19 btn.innerText = '';20 }21 document.getElementById('gameInfo').innerHTML = '<br><br>';22 turn = 1;23 click = 0;24});2526function clear(){27 setTimeout(() => {28 for (btn of button) {29 btn.innerText = '';30 }31 document.getElementById('gameInfo').innerHTML = '<br><br>';32 turn = 1;33 click = 0;34 }, 2500);35}3637button.forEach(btn => {38 btn.addEventListener('click', function type(x) {39 let btnTxt =;40 // console.log(btnTxt)4142 if (btnTxt == '') {43 if (turn == 1) {44 if(click == 8) {45 document.getElementById('gameInfo').innerHTML = '<br><p>OOPS! Game Over.</p>'46 }47 btn.innerText = 'O';48 turn = 2;49 click++50 } else {51 btn.innerText = 'X';52 turn = 1;53 click++54 }55 56 if(one.innerText == 'O' && two.innerText == 'O' && three.innerText == 'O' || one.innerText == 'O' && five.innerText == 'O' && nine.innerText == 'O' || three.innerText == 'O' && five.innerText == 'O' && seven.innerText == 'O' || four.innerText == 'O' && five.innerText == 'O' && six.innerText == 'O' || seven.innerText == 'O' && eight.innerText == 'O' && nine.innerText == 'O' || one.innerText == 'O' && four.innerText == 'O' && seven.innerText == 'O' || two.innerText == 'O' && five.innerText == 'O' && eight.innerText == 'O' || three.innerText == 'O' && six.innerText == 'O' && nine.innerText == 'O') {57 document.getElementById('gameInfo').innerHTML = '<br><p>Wow! Player 1 makes A match, Player 1 Wins.</p>';58 clear()59 } 60 if(one.innerText == 'X' && two.innerText == 'X' && three.innerText == 'X' || one.innerText == 'X' && five.innerText == 'X' && nine.innerText == 'X' || three.innerText == 'X' && five.innerText == 'X' && seven.innerText == 'X' || four.innerText == 'X' && five.innerText == 'X' && six.innerText == 'X' || seven.innerText == 'X' && eight.innerText == 'X' && nine.innerText == 'X' || one.innerText == 'X' && four.innerText == 'X' && seven.innerText == 'X' || two.innerText == 'X' && five.innerText == 'X' && eight.innerText == 'X' || three.innerText == 'X' && six.innerText == 'X' && nine.innerText == 'X') {61 document.getElementById('gameInfo').innerHTML = '<br><p>Wow! Player 2 makes A match, Player 2 Wins.</p>';62 clear()63 } 64 } else {65 alert('Already Clicked.')66 }67 });
1// console.log(eval("2%2"));2let displayArea = document.getElementById("display");3function isOperator(buttonText) {4 if (5 buttonText == "+" ||6 buttonText == "-" ||7 buttonText == "/" ||8 buttonText == "%" ||9 buttonText == "*"10 ) {11 return true;12 } else {13 return false;14 }15}16// function buttonClicked(buttonText) {17// if (displayArea.innerText.length >= 24) {18// return;19// }20// if (buttonText != 'CLR' && buttonText != 'DEL' && buttonText != '=') {21// if (displayArea.innerText === "0") {22// if (buttonText != "00" && buttonText != "0") {23// //Dont do anything when 0 and 00 is pressed24// if (buttonText == "." || isOperator(buttonText))25// //if button clicked is . or any operator then show it a 0 + button clicked e.g (0.5 , 0 + )26// displayArea.innerText = display.innerText + buttonText;27// else displayArea.innerText = buttonText;28// }29// } else {30// if (isOperator(displayArea.innerText[displayArea.innerText.length - 1]) && isOperator(buttonText)) {31// displayArea.innerText = displayArea.innerText.slice(0, -1) + buttonText; // Ignoring last operator and adding curr pressed32// } else {33// displayArea.innerText = displayArea.innerText + buttonText;34// }35// }36// } else {37// if (buttonText === 'CLR') {38// displayArea.innerText = '0';39// }40// else if (buttonText === 'DEL') {41// displayArea.innerText = displayArea.innerText.slice(0, -1);42// }43// else if (buttonText === '=') {44// try {45// displayArea.innerText = eval(displayArea.innerText);46// }47// catch (error) {48// display.innerText = "0";49// }50// }51// }52// }53function buttonClicked(buttonText) {54 if (displayArea.innerText.length >= 24) {55 displayArea.innerText = '0';56 return;57 }58 if (buttonText === 'CLR') {59 displayArea.innerText = '0';60 return;61 }62 if (buttonText === 'DEL') {63 displayArea.innerText = displayArea.innerText.slice(0, -1);64 return;65 }66 if (buttonText === '=') {67 try {68 displayArea.innerText = eval(displayArea.innerText);69 }70 catch (error) {71 display.innerText = "0";72 }73 return;74 }75 if (displayArea.innerText === "0") {76 if (buttonText == "00" || buttonText == "0")77 return;78 //Dont do anything when 0 and 00 is pressed79 if (buttonText == "." || isOperator(buttonText)) {80 //if button clicked is . or any operator then show it a 0 + button clicked e.g (0.5 , 0 + )81 displayArea.innerText = display.innerText + buttonText;82 return;83 }84 displayArea.innerText = buttonText;85 }86 else {87 if (isOperator(displayArea.innerText[displayArea.innerText.length - 1]) && isOperator(buttonText)) {88 displayArea.innerText = displayArea.innerText.slice(0, -1) + buttonText; // Ignoring last operator and adding curr pressed89 return;90 }91 displayArea.innerText = displayArea.innerText + buttonText;92 }...
1// ì«ì í´ë¦ ì casioHeadì2// ì°ì° í´ë¦ ì casioHeadì ì¶ë ¥3// = í´ë¦ ì ì°ì° ê²°ê³¼ê° casioHeadì casioInputì ì¶ë ¥4const btn_num = document.querySelectorAll('.casio_num');5const numli = document.querySelector('#casioHead');6const btn_oper = document.querySelectorAll('.casio_oper');7const numResult = document.querySelector('#casioInput');8let num1 = '';9let num2 = '';10let oper;11for (let i = 0; i < btn_num.length; i++) {12 btn_num[i].onclick = function () {13 if (14 btn_num[i].innerText == '*' ||15 btn_num[i].innerText == '/' ||16 btn_num[i].innerText == '+' ||17 btn_num[i].innerText == '-'18 ) {19 if (oper) {20 return;21 } else if (num1) {22 oper = btn_num[i].innerText;23 numli.innerText += oper;24 console.log(oper);25 } else {26 alert('ì«ìë¶í° ì
ë ¥íì¸ì');27 }28 } else if (oper === '*' || oper === '/' || oper === '+' || oper === '-') {29 num2 = num2 + btn_num[i].innerText;30 numli.innerText += btn_num[i].innerText;31 console.log(num2);32 } else {33 if (numResult.innerText) {34 numResult.innerText = '';35 numli.innerText = '';36 num1 = btn_num[i].innerText;37 numli.innerText = num1;38 } else {39 num1 = num1 + btn_num[i].innerText;40 numli.innerText = num1;41 console.log(num1);42 }43 }44 };45}46//ê³ì° class47class Calcul {48 constructor(num1, num2) {49 this.num1 = Number(num1);50 this.num2 = Number(num2);51 }52 sum() {53 return this.num1 + this.num2;54 }55 minus() {56 return this.num1 - this.num2;57 }58 division() {59 return this.num1 / this.num2;60 }61 multi() {62 return this.num1 * this.num2;63 }64}65//ê³ì° ë²í¼66document.querySelector('#casioResult').onclick = function () {67 if (numResult.innerText) {68 num1 = numResult.innerText;69 }70 const result = new Calcul(num1, num2);71 console.log(result);72 if (oper === '+') {73 numResult.innerText = result.sum();74 numli.innerText = result.sum();75 oper = '';76 num2 = '';77 } else if (oper === '-') {78 numResult.innerText = result.minus();79 numli.innerText = result.minus();80 oper = '';81 num2 = '';82 } else if (oper === '*') {83 numResult.innerText = result.multi();84 numli.innerText = result.multi();85 oper = '';86 num2 = '';87 } else if (oper === '/') {88 numResult.innerText = result.division();89 numli.innerText = result.division();90 oper = '';91 num2 = '';92 }93};94//reset ë²í¼95document.querySelector('#casioReset').onclick = function () {96 numResult.innerText = '';97 numli.innerText = '';98 num1 = '';99 num2 = '';100 oper = '';...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'text="Today\'s Deals"');7 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)8 await'text="Mobiles"');9 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)10 await'text="Samsung"');11 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)12 await'text="Samsung Galaxy M31 (Ocean Blue, 6GB RAM, 128GB Storage)"');13 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)14 await'text="Add to Cart"');15 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)16 await'text="Cart"');17 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)18 await'text="Delete"');19 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)20 await'text="Continue shopping"');21 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)22 await'text="Mobiles"');23 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)24 await'text="Apple"');25 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)26 await'text="Apple iPhone 11 (Black, 64 GB)"');27 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)28 await'text="Add to Cart"');29 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)30 await'text="Cart"');31 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)32 await'text="Delete"');33 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)34 await'text="Continue shopping"');35 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)36 await'text="Mobiles"');37 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)38 await'text="OnePlus"');39 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)40 await'text="OnePlus Nord (Gray Onyx, 12GB RAM, 256GB Storage)"');41 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)42 await'text="Add to Cart"');43 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)44 await'text="Cart"');45 await page.waitForTimeout(5000)46 await'
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const innerText = await page.innerText('body');6 console.log(innerText);7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const page = await browser.newPage();13 const innerText = await page.innerText('body');14 console.log(innerText);15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const page = await browser.newPage();21 const innerText = await page.innerText('body');22 console.log(innerText);23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const page = await browser.newPage();29 const innerText = await page.innerText('body');30 console.log(innerText);31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const page = await browser.newPage();37 const innerText = await page.innerText('body');38 console.log(innerText);39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const page = await browser.newPage();45 const innerText = await page.innerText('body');46 console.log(innerText);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 console.log(await page.innerText('.navbar__inner'));6 await browser.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.fill('#new-todo', 'Learn Playwright');6 await'#new-todo', 'Enter');7 await'text=Learn Playwright >> .. >> .toggle');8 const list = await page.$$('ul.todo-list li');9 for (const item of list) {10 const content = await item.innerText();11 console.log(content);12 }13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 await page.fill('#new-todo', 'Learn Playwright');20 await'#new-todo', 'Enter');21 await'text=Learn Playwright >> .. >> .toggle');22 const list = await page.$$('ul.todo-list li');23 for (const item of list) {24 const content = await item.innerText();25 console.log(content);26 }27 await browser.close();28})();29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30(async () => {31 const browser = await chromium.launch();32 const page = await browser.newPage();33 await page.fill('#new-todo', 'Learn Playwright');34 await'#new-todo', 'Enter');35 await'text=Learn Playwright >> .. >> .toggle');36 const list = await page.$$('ul.todo-list li');37 for (const item of list) {38 const content = await item.innerText();39 console.log(content);40 }41 await browser.close();42})();43const { chromium } = require('playwright');44(async () => {45 const browser = await chromium.launch();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const text = await page.innerText('#main-content > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > h1');6 console.log(text);7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const page = await browser.newPage();13 const text = await page.innerText('#main-content > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > h1');14 console.log(text);15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const page = await browser.newPage();21 const text = await page.innerText('#main-content > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > div > h1');22 console.log(text);23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const page = await browser.newPage();29 const text = await page.innerText('#main-content > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div >
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const innerText = await page.innerText('.navbar__inner');6 console.log(innerText);7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'Playwright');6 await'Enter');7 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright');8 const element = await page.$('text=Playwright');9 console.log(await element.innerText());10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});15 const page = await browser.newPage();16 await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'Playwright');17 await'Enter');18 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright');19 await'text=Playwright');20 await browser.close();21})();22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23(async () => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});25 const page = await browser.newPage();26 await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'Playwright');27 await'Enter');28 await page.waitForSelector('text=Playwright');29 const element = await page.$('text=Playwright');30 console.log(await element.isElementPresent());31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});36 const page = await browser.newPage();37 await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'Playwright');38 await'
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const elementHandle = await page.$('#js-link-box-en');6 const text = await elementHandle.innerText();7 console.log(text);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const page = await browser.newPage();14 const elementHandle = await page.$('#js-link-box-en');15 const text = await elementHandle.innerHTML();16 console.log(text);17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {21 const browser = await chromium.launch();22 const page = await browser.newPage();23 const elementHandle = await page.$('#js-link-box-en');24 const text = await elementHandle.innerText();25 console.log(text);26 await browser.close();27})();28const { chromium } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch();31 const page = await browser.newPage();32 const elementHandle = await page.$('#js-link-box-en');33 const text = await elementHandle.innerHTML();34 console.log(text);35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const page = await browser.newPage();41 const elementHandle = await page.$('#js-link-box-en');42 const text = await elementHandle.innerText();43 console.log(text);44 await browser.close();45})();46const { chromium } = require('playwright');47(async () => {48 const browser = await chromium.launch();49 const page = await browser.newPage();50 const elementHandle = await page.$('#js
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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