Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/**2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.3 * For licensing, see or */5/* global document */6import ClassicTestEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/tests/_utils/classictesteditor';7import { _clear as clearTranslations, add as addTranslations } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/translation-service';8import testUtils from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/tests/_utils/utils';9import TableEditing from '../src/tableediting';10import TableUI from '../src/tableui';11import InsertTableView from '../src/ui/inserttableview';12import SwitchButtonView from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/src/button/switchbuttonview';13import DropdownView from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/src/dropdown/dropdownview';14import ListSeparatorView from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/src/list/listseparatorview';15import SplitButtonView from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/src/dropdown/button/splitbuttonview';16describe( 'TableUI', () => {17 let editor, element;18 testUtils.createSinonSandbox();19 before( () => {20 addTranslations( 'en', {} );21 addTranslations( 'pl', {} );22 } );23 after( () => {24 clearTranslations();25 } );26 beforeEach( () => {27 element = document.createElement( 'div' );28 document.body.appendChild( element );29 return ClassicTestEditor30 .create( element, {31 plugins: [ TableEditing, TableUI ]32 } )33 .then( newEditor => {34 editor = newEditor;35 } );36 } );37 afterEach( () => {38 element.remove();39 return editor.destroy();40 } );41 describe( 'insertTable dropdown', () => {42 let insertTable;43 beforeEach( () => {44 insertTable = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'insertTable' );45 insertTable.isOpen = true; // Dropdown is lazy loaded, so make sure its open (#6193).46 } );47 it( 'should register insertTable button', () => {48 expect( insertTable ) DropdownView );49 expect( insertTable.buttonView.label ).to.equal( 'Insert table' );50 expect( insertTable.buttonView.icon ).to.match( /<svg / );51 } );52 it( 'should bind to insertTable command', () => {53 const command = editor.commands.get( 'insertTable' );54 command.isEnabled = true;55 expect( insertTable.buttonView.isOn );56 expect( insertTable.buttonView.isEnabled );57 command.isEnabled = false;58 expect( insertTable.buttonView.isEnabled );59 } );60 it( 'should execute insertTable command on button execute event', () => {61 const executeSpy = testUtils.sinon.spy( editor, 'execute' );62 const tableSizeView = insertTable.panelView.children.first;63 tableSizeView.rows = 2;64 tableSizeView.columns = 7;65 'execute' );66 sinon.assert.calledOnce( executeSpy );67 sinon.assert.calledWithExactly( executeSpy, 'insertTable', { rows: 2, columns: 7 } );68 } );69 it( 'should reset rows & columns on dropdown open', () => {70 insertTable.isOpen = true;71 const tableSizeView = insertTable.panelView.children.first;72 expect( tableSizeView.rows ).to.equal( 0 );73 expect( tableSizeView.columns ).to.equal( 0 );74 tableSizeView.rows = 2;75 tableSizeView.columns = 2;76 'open' );77 expect( tableSizeView.rows ).to.equal( 0 );78 expect( tableSizeView.columns ).to.equal( 0 );79 } );80 it( 'is not fully initialized when not open', () => {81 const dropdown = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'insertTable' );82 for ( const childView of dropdown.panelView.children ) {83 expect( childView ) InsertTableView );84 }85 } );86 } );87 describe( 'tableRow dropdown', () => {88 let dropdown;89 beforeEach( () => {90 dropdown = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'tableRow' );91 } );92 it( 'have button with proper properties set', () => {93 expect( dropdown ) DropdownView );94 const button = dropdown.buttonView;95 expect( button.isOn );96 expect( button.tooltip );97 expect( button.label ).to.equal( 'Row' );98 expect( button.icon ).to.match( /<svg / );99 } );100 it( 'should have proper items in panel', () => {101 const listView = dropdown.listView;102 const labels = item => item instanceof ListSeparatorView ? '|' : item.children.first.label );103 expect( labels ).to.deep.equal(104 [ 'Header row', '|', 'Insert row above', 'Insert row below', 'Delete row', 'Select row' ]105 );106 } );107 it( 'should bind items in panel to proper commands', () => {108 const items = dropdown.listView.items;109 const setRowHeaderCommand = editor.commands.get( 'setTableRowHeader' );110 const insertRowBelowCommand = editor.commands.get( 'insertTableRowBelow' );111 const insertRowAboveCommand = editor.commands.get( 'insertTableRowAbove' );112 const removeRowCommand = editor.commands.get( 'removeTableRow' );113 const selectRowCommand = editor.commands.get( 'selectTableRow' );114 setRowHeaderCommand.isEnabled = true;115 insertRowBelowCommand.isEnabled = true;116 insertRowAboveCommand.isEnabled = true;117 removeRowCommand.isEnabled = true;118 selectRowCommand.isEnabled = true;119 expect( items.first.children.first.isEnabled );120 expect( items.get( 2 ).children.first.isEnabled );121 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.isEnabled );122 expect( items.get( 4 ).children.first.isEnabled );123 expect( items.get( 5 ).children.first.isEnabled );124 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );125 setRowHeaderCommand.isEnabled = false;126 expect( items.first.children.first.isEnabled );127 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );128 insertRowAboveCommand.isEnabled = false;129 expect( items.get( 2 ).children.first.isEnabled );130 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );131 insertRowBelowCommand.isEnabled = false;132 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.isEnabled );133 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );134 removeRowCommand.isEnabled = false;135 expect( items.get( 4 ).children.first.isEnabled );136 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );137 selectRowCommand.isEnabled = false;138 expect( items.get( 5 ).children.first.isEnabled );139 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );140 } );141 it( 'should focus view after command execution', () => {142 const focusSpy = testUtils.sinon.spy( editor.editing.view, 'focus' );143 'execute' );144 sinon.assert.calledOnce( focusSpy );145 } );146 it( 'executes command when it\'s executed', () => {147 const spy = sinon.stub( editor, 'execute' );148 'execute' );149 expect( spy.calledOnce );150 expect( spy.args[ 0 ][ 0 ] ).to.equal( 'setTableRowHeader' );151 } );152 it( 'should use a toggle switch for the setTableRowHeader item', () => {153 const items = dropdown.listView.items;154 expect( items.first.children.first ) SwitchButtonView );155 } );156 it( 'should bind set header row command value to dropdown item', () => {157 const items = dropdown.listView.items;158 const setRowHeaderCommand = editor.commands.get( 'setTableRowHeader' );159 setRowHeaderCommand.value = false;160 expect( items.first.children.first.isOn );161 setRowHeaderCommand.value = true;162 expect( items.first.children.first.isOn );163 } );164 } );165 describe( 'tableColumn dropdown', () => {166 let dropdown;167 beforeEach( () => {168 dropdown = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'tableColumn' );169 } );170 it( 'have button with proper properties set', () => {171 expect( dropdown ) DropdownView );172 const button = dropdown.buttonView;173 expect( button.isOn );174 expect( button.tooltip );175 expect( button.label ).to.equal( 'Column' );176 expect( button.icon ).to.match( /<svg / );177 } );178 it( 'should have proper items in panel', () => {179 const listView = dropdown.listView;180 const labels = item => item instanceof ListSeparatorView ? '|' : item.children.first.label );181 expect( labels ).to.deep.equal(182 [ 'Header column', '|', 'Insert column left', 'Insert column right', 'Delete column', 'Select column' ]183 );184 } );185 it( 'should bind items in panel to proper commands (LTR content)', () => {186 const items = dropdown.listView.items;187 const setColumnHeaderCommand = editor.commands.get( 'setTableColumnHeader' );188 const insertColumnLeftCommand = editor.commands.get( 'insertTableColumnLeft' );189 const insertColumnRightCommand = editor.commands.get( 'insertTableColumnRight' );190 const removeColumnCommand = editor.commands.get( 'removeTableColumn' );191 const selectColumnCommand = editor.commands.get( 'selectTableColumn' );192 setColumnHeaderCommand.isEnabled = true;193 insertColumnLeftCommand.isEnabled = true;194 insertColumnRightCommand.isEnabled = true;195 removeColumnCommand.isEnabled = true;196 selectColumnCommand.isEnabled = true;197 expect( items.first.children.first.isEnabled );198 expect( items.get( 2 ).children.first.isEnabled );199 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.isEnabled );200 expect( items.get( 4 ).children.first.isEnabled );201 expect( items.get( 5 ).children.first.isEnabled );202 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );203 setColumnHeaderCommand.isEnabled = false;204 expect( items.first.children.first.isEnabled );205 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );206 insertColumnLeftCommand.isEnabled = false;207 expect( items.get( 2 ).children.first.isEnabled );208 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );209 insertColumnRightCommand.isEnabled = false;210 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.isEnabled );211 removeColumnCommand.isEnabled = false;212 expect( items.get( 4 ).children.first.isEnabled );213 selectColumnCommand.isEnabled = false;214 expect( items.get( 5 ).children.first.isEnabled );215 expect( dropdown.buttonView.isEnabled );216 } );217 it( 'should bind items in panel to proper commands (RTL content)', () => {218 const element = document.createElement( 'div' );219 document.body.appendChild( element );220 return ClassicTestEditor221 .create( element, {222 language: {223 ui: 'en',224 content: 'ar'225 },226 plugins: [ TableEditing, TableUI ]227 } )228 .then( editor => {229 const dropdown = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'tableColumn' );230 const items = dropdown.listView.items;231 expect( items.get( 2 ).children.first.label ).to.equal( 'Insert column left' );232 expect( items.get( 2 ).children.first.commandName ).to.equal( 'insertTableColumnRight' );233 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.label ).to.equal( 'Insert column right' );234 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.commandName ).to.equal( 'insertTableColumnLeft' );235 element.remove();236 return editor.destroy();237 } );238 } );239 it( 'should focus view after command execution', () => {240 const focusSpy = testUtils.sinon.spy( editor.editing.view, 'focus' );241 'execute' );242 sinon.assert.calledOnce( focusSpy );243 } );244 it( 'executes command when it\'s executed', () => {245 const spy = sinon.stub( editor, 'execute' );246 'execute' );247 expect( spy.calledOnce );248 expect( spy.args[ 0 ][ 0 ] ).to.equal( 'setTableColumnHeader' );249 } );250 it( 'should use a toggle switch for the setTableColumnHeader item', () => {251 const items = dropdown.listView.items;252 expect( items.first.children.first ) SwitchButtonView );253 } );254 it( 'should bind set header column command value to dropdown item', () => {255 const items = dropdown.listView.items;256 const setColumnHeaderCommand = editor.commands.get( 'setTableColumnHeader' );257 setColumnHeaderCommand.value = false;258 expect( items.first.children.first.isOn );259 setColumnHeaderCommand.value = true;260 expect( items.first.children.first.isOn );261 } );262 } );263 describe( 'mergeTableCell split button', () => {264 let dropdown, command;265 beforeEach( () => {266 dropdown = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'mergeTableCells' );267 command = editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCells' );268 } );269 it( 'have button with proper properties set', () => {270 expect( dropdown ) DropdownView );271 const button = dropdown.buttonView;272 expect( button.isOn );273 expect( button.tooltip );274 expect( button.label ).to.equal( 'Merge cells' );275 expect( button.icon ).to.match( /<svg / );276 } );277 it( 'should have a split button', () => {278 expect( dropdown.buttonView ) SplitButtonView );279 } );280 it( 'should be disabled if all of the merge commands are disabled, along with the main merge command', () => {281 [282 'mergeTableCells',283 'mergeTableCellUp',284 'mergeTableCellRight',285 'mergeTableCellDown',286 'mergeTableCellLeft',287 'splitTableCellVertically',288 'splitTableCellHorizontally'289 ].forEach( command => {290 editor.commands.get( command ).isEnabled = false;291 } );292 expect( dropdown.isEnabled );293 editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCellLeft' ).isEnabled = true;294 expect( dropdown.isEnabled );295 editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCellLeft' ).isEnabled = false;296 command.isEnabled = true;297 expect( dropdown.isEnabled );298 } );299 it( 'should execute the "mergeTableCells" command when the main part of the split button is clicked', () => {300 const spy = sinon.stub( editor, 'execute' );301 'execute' );302 sinon.assert.calledOnce( spy );303 sinon.assert.calledWithExactly( spy, 'mergeTableCells' );304 } );305 it( 'should have proper items in panel', () => {306 const listView = dropdown.listView;307 const labels = item => item instanceof ListSeparatorView ? '|' : item.children.first.label );308 expect( labels ).to.deep.equal( [309 'Merge cell up',310 'Merge cell right',311 'Merge cell down',312 'Merge cell left',313 '|',314 'Split cell vertically',315 'Split cell horizontally'316 ] );317 } );318 it( 'should bind items in panel to proper commands (LTR content)', () => {319 const items = dropdown.listView.items;320 const mergeCellUpCommand = editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCellUp' );321 const mergeCellRightCommand = editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCellRight' );322 const mergeCellDownCommand = editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCellDown' );323 const mergeCellLeftCommand = editor.commands.get( 'mergeTableCellLeft' );324 const splitCellVerticallyCommand = editor.commands.get( 'splitTableCellVertically' );325 const splitCellHorizontallyCommand = editor.commands.get( 'splitTableCellHorizontally' );326 mergeCellUpCommand.isEnabled = true;327 mergeCellRightCommand.isEnabled = true;328 mergeCellDownCommand.isEnabled = true;329 mergeCellLeftCommand.isEnabled = true;330 splitCellVerticallyCommand.isEnabled = true;331 splitCellHorizontallyCommand.isEnabled = true;332 const mergeCellUpButton = items.first;333 const mergeCellRightButton = items.get( 1 );334 const mergeCellDownButton = items.get( 2 );335 const mergeCellLeftButton = items.get( 3 );336 // separator337 const splitVerticallyButton = items.get( 5 );338 const splitHorizontallyButton = items.get( 6 );339 expect( mergeCellUpButton.children.first.isEnabled );340 expect( mergeCellRightButton.children.first.isEnabled );341 expect( mergeCellDownButton.children.first.isEnabled );342 expect( mergeCellLeftButton.children.first.isEnabled );343 expect( splitVerticallyButton.children.first.isEnabled );344 expect( splitHorizontallyButton.children.first.isEnabled );345 mergeCellUpCommand.isEnabled = false;346 expect( mergeCellUpButton.children.first.isEnabled );347 mergeCellRightCommand.isEnabled = false;348 expect( mergeCellRightButton.children.first.isEnabled );349 mergeCellDownCommand.isEnabled = false;350 expect( mergeCellDownButton.children.first.isEnabled );351 mergeCellLeftCommand.isEnabled = false;352 expect( mergeCellLeftButton.children.first.isEnabled );353 splitCellVerticallyCommand.isEnabled = false;354 expect( splitVerticallyButton.children.first.isEnabled );355 splitCellHorizontallyCommand.isEnabled = false;356 expect( splitHorizontallyButton.children.first.isEnabled );357 } );358 it( 'should bind items in panel to proper commands (RTL content)', () => {359 const element = document.createElement( 'div' );360 document.body.appendChild( element );361 return ClassicTestEditor362 .create( element, {363 language: {364 ui: 'en',365 content: 'ar'366 },367 plugins: [ TableEditing, TableUI ]368 } )369 .then( editor => {370 const dropdown = editor.ui.componentFactory.create( 'mergeTableCells' );371 const items = dropdown.listView.items;372 expect( items.get( 1 ).children.first.label ).to.equal( 'Merge cell right' );373 expect( items.get( 1 ).children.first.commandName ).to.equal( 'mergeTableCellLeft' );374 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.label ).to.equal( 'Merge cell left' );375 expect( items.get( 3 ).children.first.commandName ).to.equal( 'mergeTableCellRight' );376 element.remove();377 return editor.destroy();378 } );379 } );380 it( 'should focus view after command execution', () => {381 const focusSpy = testUtils.sinon.spy( editor.editing.view, 'focus' );382 'execute' );383 sinon.assert.calledOnce( focusSpy );384 } );385 it( 'executes command when it\'s executed', () => {386 const spy = sinon.stub( editor, 'execute' );387 'execute' );388 expect( spy.calledOnce );389 expect( spy.args[ 0 ][ 0 ] ).to.equal( 'mergeTableCellUp' );390 } );391 } );...
1// ==========================================================================2// Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework3// Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors.4// ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.5// License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)6// ==========================================================================7/*global module test equals ok */8var parent, view, child;9/** Test the SC.View states. */10module("SC.View#enabledState", {11 setup: function () {12 child = SC.View.create();13 view = SC.View.create({ childViews: [child] });14 parent = SC.View.create({ childViews: [view] });15 },16 teardown: function () {17 parent.destroy();18 parent = view = child = null;19 }20});21/**22 Test the initial state.23 */24test("Test initial states.", function () {25 // Test expected state of the views.26 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");27 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular view should be in the state");28 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular child view should be in the state");29 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");30 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");31 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");32 ok(view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");33 ok(child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");34 ok(child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");35});36/**37 Test changing isEnabled to false on the child.38 */39test("Test toggling isEnabled on child.", function () {40 () {41 child.set('isEnabled', false);42 });43 // Test expected state of the views.44 () {45 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");46 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular view should be in the state");47 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view should be in the state");48 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");49 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");50 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");51 ok(view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");52 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");53 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");54 });55});56/**57 Test changing isEnabled to false on the view.58 */59test("Test toggling isEnabled on view.", function () {60 () {61 view.set('isEnabled', false);62 });63 // Test expected state of the views.64 () {65 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");66 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled view should be in the state");67 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");68 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");69 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");70 ok(!view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");71 ok(!view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");72 ok(child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");73 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");74 });75 () {76 child.set('isEnabled', false);77 });78 // Test expected state of the views.79 () {80 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");81 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled view should be in the state");82 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");83 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");84 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");85 ok(!view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");86 ok(!view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");87 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");88 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");89 });90 () {91 view.set('isEnabled', true);92 });93 // Test expected state of the views.94 () {95 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");96 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular view should be in the state");97 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view should be in the state");98 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");99 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");100 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");101 ok(view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");102 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");103 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");104 });105});106/**107 Test changing isEnabled to false on the view.108 */109test("Test toggling isEnabled on parent.", function () {110 () {111 parent.set('isEnabled', false);112 });113 // Test expected state of the views.114 () {115 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled parent view should be in the state");116 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular view with disabled parent should be in the state");117 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");118 ok(!parent.get('isEnabled'), "disabled parent isEnabled should be false");119 ok(!parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "disabled parent isEnabledInPane should be false");120 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "view isEnabled should be true");121 ok(!view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "view isEnabledInPane should be false");122 ok(child.get('isEnabled'), "child isEnabled should be true");123 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "child isEnabledInPane should be false");124 });125 () {126 child.set('isEnabled', false);127 });128 // Test expected state of the views.129 () {130 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled parent view should be in the state");131 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular view with disabled parent should be in the state");132 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");133 ok(!parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");134 ok(!parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");135 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "view isEnabled should be true");136 ok(!view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "view isEnabledInPane should be false");137 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "disabled child isEnabled should be false");138 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "disabled child isEnabledInPane should be false");139 });140 () {141 parent.set('isEnabled', true);142 });143 // Test expected state of the views.144 () {145 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");146 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular view should be in the state");147 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view should be in the state");148 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");149 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");150 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");151 ok(view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");152 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "disabled child isEnabled should be false");153 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "disabled child isEnabledInPane should be false");154 });155});156/**157 Test changing isEnabled to false on the view.158 */159test("Test toggling isEnabled on view.", function () {160 () {161 view.set('isEnabled', false);162 });163 // Test expected state of the views.164 () {165 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");166 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled view should be in the state");167 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");168 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");169 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");170 ok(!view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");171 ok(!view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");172 ok(child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");173 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");174 });175 () {176 child.set('isEnabled', false);177 });178 // Test expected state of the views.179 () {180 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");181 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled view should be in the state");182 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");183 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");184 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");185 ok(!view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");186 ok(!view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");187 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");188 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");189 });190 () {191 view.set('isEnabled', true);192 });193 // Test expected state of the views.194 () {195 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");196 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular view should be in the state");197 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled child view should be in the state");198 ok(parent.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");199 ok(parent.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be true");200 ok(view.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be false");201 ok(view.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");202 ok(!child.get('isEnabled'), "isEnabled should be true");203 ok(!child.get('isEnabledInPane'), "isEnabledInPane should be false");204 });205});206/**207 Test changing isEnabled to false on the view.208 */209test("Test shouldInheritEnabled.", function () {210 () {211 view.set('shouldInheritEnabled', false);212 parent.set('isEnabled', false);213 });214 // Test expected state of the views.215 () {216 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled parent view should be in the state");217 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular view with shouldInheritEnabled with disabled parent should be in the state");218 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular child view should be in the state");219 });220 () {221 view.set('isEnabled', false);222 });223 // Test expected state of the views.224 () {225 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled parent view should be in the state");226 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled view with shouldInheritEnabled and disabled parent should be in the state");227 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");228 });229 () {230 parent.set('isEnabled', true);231 });232 // Test expected state of the views.233 () {234 equals(parent.enabledState, SC.CoreView.ENABLED, "A regular parent view should be in the state");235 equals(view.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED, "A disabled view should be in the state");236 equals(child.enabledState, SC.CoreView.DISABLED_BY_PARENT, "A regular child view with disabled ancestor should be in the state");237 });238});239test("Test toggling isEnabled adds/removes disabled class.", function () {240 parent.createLayer();241 parent._doAttach(document.body);242 ok(!parent.$().hasClass('disabled'), "A regular parent should not have disabled class.");243 () {244 parent.set('isEnabled', false);245 });246 // Test expected state of the views.247 () {248 ok(parent.$().hasClass('disabled'), "A disabled parent should have disabled class.");249 });250 () {251 parent.set('isEnabled', true);252 });253 // Test expected state of the views.254 () {255 ok(!parent.$().hasClass('disabled'), "A re-enabled parent should not have disabled class.");256 });257 parent._doDetach();258 parent.destroyLayer();259});260test("Test optimized display update.", function () {261 () {262 parent.set('isEnabled', false);263 });264 parent.createLayer();265 parent._doAttach(document.body);266 // Test expected state of the views.267 () {268 ok(parent.$().hasClass('disabled'), "A disabled when attached parent should have disabled class.");269 });270 parent._doDetach();271 parent.destroyLayer();272 parent.createLayer();273 parent._doAttach(document.body);274 () {275 parent.set('isEnabled', true);276 });277 // Test expected state of the views.278 () {279 ok(!parent.$().hasClass('disabled'), "A re-enabled parent should not have disabled class.");280 });281 parent._doDetach();282 parent.destroyLayer();283});284test("initializing with isEnabled: false, should still add the proper class on append", function() {285 var newView = SC.View.create({286 isEnabled: false287 });288 parent.createLayer();289 parent._doAttach(document.body);290 parent.appendChild(newView);291 ok(newView.$().hasClass('disabled'), "An initialized as disabled view should have disabled class on append.");...
1/**2 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.3 * For licensing, see or */5import Command from '../src/command';6import ModelTestEditor from './_utils/modeltesteditor';7describe( 'Command', () => {8 let editor, command;9 beforeEach( () => {10 return ModelTestEditor11 .create()12 .then( newEditor => {13 editor = newEditor;14 command = new Command( editor );15 } );16 } );17 afterEach( () => {18 command.destroy();19 return editor.destroy();20 } );21 describe( 'constructor()', () => {22 it( 'sets the editor property', () => {23 expect( command.editor ).to.equal( editor );24 } );25 it( 'sets the state properties', () => {26 expect( command.value );27 expect( command.isEnabled );28 } );29 it( 'sets the affectsData property', () => {30 expect( command ) 'affectsData', true );31 } );32 it( 'adds a listener which refreshes the command on editor.model.Document#event:change', () => {33 sinon.spy( command, 'refresh' );34 'change' );35 expect( command.refresh.calledOnce );36 } );37 } );38 describe( 'value', () => {39 it( 'fires change event', () => {40 const spy = sinon.spy();41 command.on( 'change:value', spy );42 command.value = 1;43 expect( spy.calledOnce );44 } );45 } );46 describe( 'isEnabled', () => {47 it( 'fires change event', () => {48 const spy = sinon.spy();49 command.on( 'change:isEnabled', spy );50 command.isEnabled = true;51 expect( spy.calledOnce );52 } );53 it( 'is falsy when the editor is in read-only mode and command affects data', () => {54 command.affectsData = true;55 editor.isReadOnly = false;56 command.isEnabled = true;57 editor.isReadOnly = true;58 // Is false.59 expect( command.isEnabled ).to.false;60 command.refresh();61 // Still false.62 expect( command.isEnabled ).to.false;63 editor.isReadOnly = false;64 // And is back to true.65 expect( command.isEnabled ).to.true;66 } );67 it( 'doesn\'t depend on the editor read-only mode when command doesn\'t affect data', () => {68 command.affectsData = false;69 editor.isReadOnly = false;70 command.isEnabled = true;71 editor.isReadOnly = true;72 // Is true.73 expect( command.isEnabled ).to.true;74 command.refresh();75 // Still true.76 expect( command.isEnabled ).to.true;77 editor.isReadOnly = false;78 // And is back to true.79 expect( command.isEnabled ).to.true;80 } );81 it( 'is observable when is overridden', () => {82 editor.isReadOnly = false;83 command.isEnabled = true;84 editor.bind( 'something' ).to( command, 'isEnabled' );85 expect( editor.something ).to.true;86 editor.isReadOnly = true;87 expect( editor.something ).to.false;88 } );89 it( 'stops `set` event to force disabled and not affect `change` event', () => {90 const setSpy = sinon.spy();91 const changeSpy = sinon.spy();92 command.isEnabled = true;93 editor.isReadOnly = false;94 command.on( 'set', setSpy );95 command.on( 'change', changeSpy );96 editor.isReadOnly = true;97 sinon.assert.notCalled( setSpy );98 sinon.assert.calledOnce( changeSpy );99 } );100 } );101 describe( 'execute()', () => {102 it( 'is decorated', () => {103 const spy = sinon.spy();104 command.on( 'execute', spy );105 command.isEnabled = true;106 command.execute( 1, 2 );107 expect( spy.calledOnce );108 expect( spy.args[ 0 ][ 1 ] ).to.deep.equal( [ 1, 2 ] );109 } );110 it( 'is automatically blocked (with low priority listener) if command is disabled', () => {111 const spyExecute = sinon.spy();112 const spyHighest = sinon.spy();113 const spyHigh = sinon.spy();114 class SpyCommand extends Command {115 execute() {116 spyExecute();117 }118 }119 const command = new SpyCommand( editor );120 command.on( 'execute', spyHighest, { priority: 'highest' } );121 command.on( 'execute', spyHigh, { priority: 'high' } );122 command.execute();123 expect( spyExecute.called );124 expect( spyHighest.calledOnce );125 expect( spyHigh.called );126 } );127 } );128 describe( 'refresh()', () => {129 it( 'sets isEnabled to true', () => {130 command.refresh();131 expect( command.isEnabled );132 } );133 // This is an acceptance test for the ability to override a command's state from outside134 // in a way that at any moment the action can be reverted by just offing the listener and135 // refreshing the command once again.136 it( 'is safely overridable using change:isEnabled', () => {137 command.on( 'change:isEnabled', callback, { priority: 'high' } );138 command.isEnabled = false;139 command.refresh();140 expect( command.isEnabled );141 'change:isEnabled', callback );142 command.refresh();143 expect( command.isEnabled );144 function callback( evt ) {145 command.isEnabled = false;146 evt.stop();147 }148 } );149 } );150 describe( 'forceDisabled() / clearForceDisabled()', () => {151 it( 'forceDisabled() should disable the command', () => {152 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );153 command.isEnabled = true;154 expect( command.isEnabled );155 } );156 it( 'clearForceDisabled() should enable the command', () => {157 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );158 command.clearForceDisabled( 'foo' );159 expect( command.isEnabled );160 } );161 it( 'clearForceDisabled() used with wrong identifier should not enable the command', () => {162 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );163 command.clearForceDisabled( 'bar' );164 command.isEnabled = true;165 expect( command.isEnabled );166 } );167 it( 'using forceDisabled() twice with the same identifier should not have any effect', () => {168 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );169 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );170 command.clearForceDisabled( 'foo' );171 expect( command.isEnabled );172 } );173 it( 'command is enabled only after all disables were cleared', () => {174 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );175 command.forceDisabled( 'bar' );176 command.clearForceDisabled( 'foo' );177 command.isEnabled = true;178 expect( command.isEnabled );179 command.clearForceDisabled( 'bar' );180 expect( command.isEnabled );181 } );182 it( 'command should remain disabled if isEnabled has a callback disabling it', () => {183 command.on( 'set:isEnabled', evt => {184 evt.return = false;185 evt.stop();186 } );187 command.forceDisabled( 'foo' );188 command.clearForceDisabled( 'foo' );189 command.isEnabled = true;190 expect( command.isEnabled );191 } );192 } );...
1import { expect } from '@open-wc/testing';2import {3 IsString,4 EqualsLength,5 MinLength,6 MaxLength,7 MinMaxLength,8 IsEmail,9 Pattern,10} from '../../src/validate/validators/StringValidators.js';11describe('String Validation', () => {12 it('provides new IsString() to allow only strings', () => {13 let isEnabled;14 const validator = new IsString();15 expect(IsString.validatorName).to.equal('IsString');16 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');17 expect(isEnabled);18 isEnabled = validator.execute(NaN);19 expect(validator.execute(NaN));20 isEnabled = validator.execute(4);21 expect(validator.execute(4));22 });23 it('provides new EqualsLength(x) to allow only a specific string length', () => {24 let isEnabled;25 const validator = new EqualsLength(3);26 expect(EqualsLength.validatorName).to.equal('EqualsLength');27 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');28 expect(isEnabled);29 isEnabled = validator.execute('fo');30 expect(isEnabled);31 isEnabled = validator.execute('foobar');32 expect(isEnabled);33 });34 it('provides new MinLength(x) to allow only strings longer then min', () => {35 let isEnabled;36 const validator = new MinLength(3);37 expect(MinLength.validatorName).to.equal('MinLength');38 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');39 expect(isEnabled);40 isEnabled = validator.execute('fo');41 expect(isEnabled);42 });43 it('provides new MaxLength(x) to allow only strings shorter then max', () => {44 let isEnabled;45 const validator = new MaxLength(3);46 expect(MaxLength.validatorName).to.equal('MaxLength');47 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');48 expect(isEnabled);49 isEnabled = validator.execute('foobar');50 expect(isEnabled);51 });52 it('provides new MinMaxValidator({ min: x, max: y}) to allow only strings between min and max', () => {53 let isEnabled;54 const validator = new MinMaxLength({ min: 2, max: 4 });55 expect(MinMaxLength.validatorName).to.equal('MinMaxLength');56 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');57 expect(isEnabled);58 isEnabled = validator.execute('f');59 expect(isEnabled);60 isEnabled = validator.execute('foobar');61 expect(isEnabled);62 });63 it('provides new IsEmail() to allow only valid email formats', () => {64 let isEnabled;65 const validator = new IsEmail();66 expect(IsEmail.validatorName).to.equal('IsEmail');67 isEnabled = validator.execute('');68 expect(isEnabled);69 isEnabled = validator.execute('name!#$%*');70 expect(isEnabled);71 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');72 expect(isEnabled);73 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo@');74 expect(isEnabled);75 isEnabled = validator.execute('');76 expect(isEnabled);77 isEnabled = validator.execute('');78 expect(isEnabled);79 isEnabled = validator.execute('');80 expect(isEnabled);81 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo@bar');82 expect(isEnabled);83 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo@');84 expect(isEnabled);85 });86 it('provides new Pattern() to allow only valid patterns', () => {87 let isEnabled;88 let validator = new Pattern(/#LionRocks/);89 expect(Pattern.validatorName).to.equal('Pattern');90 isEnabled = validator.execute('#LionRocks');91 expect(isEnabled);92 isEnabled = validator.execute('#LionRests');93 expect(isEnabled);94 validator = new Pattern(new RegExp('#LionRocks'));95 isEnabled = validator.execute('Some string #LionRocks');96 expect(isEnabled);97 validator = new Pattern('#LionRocks');98 expect(() => {99 validator.execute('Some string #LionRocks');100 }).to.throw(101 'Psst... Pattern validator expects RegExp object as parameter e.g, new Pattern(/#LionRocks/) or new Pattern(RegExp("#LionRocks")',102 );103 });...
1import { expect } from '@open-wc/testing';2import { normalizeDateTime } from '@lion/localize';3import {4 IsDate,5 MinDate,6 MaxDate,7 MinMaxDate,8 IsDateDisabled,9} from '../../src/validate/validators/DateValidators.js';10describe('Date Validation', () => {11 it('provides new isDate() to allow only dates', () => {12 let isEnabled;13 const validator = new IsDate();14 expect(IsDate.validatorName).to.equal('IsDate');15 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date());16 expect(isEnabled);17 isEnabled = validator.execute('foo');18 expect(isEnabled);19 isEnabled = validator.execute(4);20 expect(isEnabled);21 });22 it('provides new minDate(x) to allow only dates after min', () => {23 let isEnabled;24 const validator = new MinDate(new Date('2018/02/02'));25 expect(MinDate.validatorName).to.equal('MinDate');26 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018-02-03'));27 expect(isEnabled);28 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018-02-01'));29 expect(isEnabled);30 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/02 10:00:00'));31 expect(isEnabled);32 const today = new Date();33 const todayFormatted = normalizeDateTime(today);34 const todayValidator = new MinDate(today);35 isEnabled = todayValidator.execute(todayFormatted);36 expect(isEnabled);37 });38 it('provides maxDate() to allow only dates before max', () => {39 let isEnabled;40 const validator = new MaxDate(new Date('2018/02/02'));41 expect(MaxDate.validatorName).to.equal('MaxDate');42 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018-02-01'));43 expect(isEnabled);44 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/02 10:00:00'));45 expect(isEnabled);46 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018-02-03'));47 expect(isEnabled);48 const today = new Date();49 const todayFormatted = normalizeDateTime(today);50 const todayValidator = new MaxDate(today);51 isEnabled = todayValidator.execute(todayFormatted);52 expect(isEnabled);53 });54 it('provides new MinMaxDate() to allow only dates between min and max', () => {55 let isEnabled;56 const validator = new MinMaxDate({57 min: new Date('2018/02/02'),58 max: new Date('2018/02/04'),59 });60 expect(MinMaxDate.validatorName).to.equal('MinMaxDate');61 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/03'));62 expect(isEnabled);63 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/01'));64 expect(isEnabled);65 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/05'));66 expect(isEnabled);67 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/02 10:00:00'));68 expect(isEnabled);69 isEnabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/04 10:00:00'));70 expect(isEnabled);71 const today = new Date();72 const todayFormatted = normalizeDateTime(today);73 const todayValidator = new MinMaxDate({ min: today, max: today });74 isEnabled = todayValidator.execute(todayFormatted);75 expect(isEnabled);76 });77 it('provides new IsDateDisabled() to disable dates matching specified condition', () => {78 let isDisabled;79 const validator = new IsDateDisabled(/** @param {Date} d */ d => d.getDate() === 3);80 expect(IsDateDisabled.validatorName).to.equal('IsDateDisabled');81 isDisabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/04'));82 expect(isDisabled);83 isDisabled = validator.execute(new Date('2018/02/03'));84 expect(isDisabled);85 });...
1/*! tablesorter enable/disable sort & filter (BETA) - 11/10/2015 (v2.24.4)2 * Requires tablesorter v2.24.4+ & jQuery 1.7+3 * by Rob Garrison4 */5;( function( $ ) {6 'use strict';7 var ts = $.tablesorter,8 tst = ts.toggleTS = {9 init : function( c, wo ) {10 wo.toggleTS_isEnabled = true; // enabled11 wo.toggleTS_areDisabled = {12 headers : [],13 filters : []14 };15 c.$table.on('enable.toggleTS disable.toggleTS', function( event ) {16 tst.toggle( this.config, this.config.widgetOptions, event.type === 'enable' );17 });18 },19 toggle : function( c, wo, isEnabled ) {20 if ( wo.toggleTS_isEnabled !== isEnabled ) {21 wo.toggleTS_isEnabled = isEnabled;22 var indx, $el,23 len = c.$headers.length;24 // table headers25 for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {26 $el = c.$headers.eq( indx );27 // function added in v2.24.428 ts.setColumnSort( c, $el, !isEnabled );29 // function added in v2.24.4; passing "isEnabled" allows removal of "next sort" labels30 ts.setColumnAriaLabel( c, $el, isEnabled );31 }32 if ( wo.toggleTS_hideFilterRow ) {33 c.$table.find( '.' + ts.css.filterRow ).toggle( isEnabled );34 } else if ( ts.hasWidget( c.$table, 'filter' ) ) {35 // c.$filters points to filter CELL36 len = c.$filters.length;37 for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) {38 if ( isEnabled && !wo.toggleTS_areDisabled.filters[ indx ] ) {39 c.$filters.eq( indx ).find( 'input, select' )40 .removeClass( ts.css.filterDisabled )41 .prop( 'disabled', false );42 } else if ( !isEnabled ) {43 $el = c.$filters.eq( indx ).find( 'input, select' );44 if ( $el.hasClass( ts.css.filterDisabled ) ) {45 wo.toggleTS_areDisabled.filters[ indx ] = true;46 }47 $el48 .addClass( ts.css.filterDisabled )49 .prop( 'disabled', true );50 }51 }52 }53 // include external filters54 wo.filter_$externalFilters55 .toggleClass( ts.css.filterDisabled, isEnabled )56 .prop( 'disabled', !isEnabled );57 }58 if ( typeof wo.toggleTS_callback === 'function' ) {59 wo.toggleTS_callback( c, isEnabled );60 }61 }62 };63 ts.addWidget({64 id: 'toggle-ts',65 options: {66 toggleTS_hideFilterRow : false,67 toggleTS_callback : null68 },69 init : function( table, thisWidget, c, wo ) {70 tst.init( c, wo );71 },72 remove : function( table, c ) {73 c.$ 'enable.toggleTS disable.toggleTS' );74 }75 });...
1import Card from "./card";2export default function App(){3 let tableData=[4 {5 plan:"FREE",6 currency:"$",7 price: 0,8 period: "month",9 offers:[10 {name: "Single User",11 isEnabled: true12 },13 {name: "5GB Storage",14 isEnabled: true15 },16 {name: "Unlimited Public Projects",17 isEnabled: true18 },19 {name: "Community Accesss",20 isEnabled: true21 },22 {name: "Unlimited Private Projects",23 isEnabled: false24 },25 {name: "Dedicated Phone Support",26 isEnabled: false27 },28 {name: "Free Subdomain",29 isEnabled: false30 },31 {name: "Monthly Status Reports",32 isEnabled: false33 },34 ] 35 },36 {37 plan:"PLUS",38 currency:"$",39 price: 9,40 period: "month",41 offers:[42 {name: "5 Users",43 isEnabled: true},44 {name: "5oGB Storage",45 isEnabled: true},46 {name: "Unlimited Public Projects",47 isEnabled: true},48 {name: "Community Accesss",49 isEnabled:true},50 {name: "Unlimited Private Projects",51 isEnabled: true},52 {name: "Dedicated Phone Support",53 isEnabled: true},54 {name: "Free Subdomain",55 isEnabled: true},56 {name: "Monthly Status Reports",57 isEnabled: false},58 ] 59 },60 {61 plan:"PRO",62 currency:"$",63 price: 49,64 period: "month",65 offers:[66 {name: "Unlimited Users",67 isEnabled: true},68 {name: "150GB Storage",69 isEnabled: true},70 {name: "Unlimited Public Projects",71 isEnabled: true72 },73 {name: "Community Accesss",74 isEnabled:true75 },76 {name: "Unlimited Private Projects",77 isEnabled: true78 },79 {name: "Dedicated Phone Support",80 isEnabled: true81 },82 {name: "Free Subdomain",83 isEnabled:true84 },85 {name: "Monthly Status Reports",86 isEnabled: true},87 ] 88 },89 ]90 return <>91 <section class="pricing py-5">92 <div class="container">93 <div class="row">94 {95>{96 return <Card data={obj}></Card>97 })98 }99 </div>100 </div>101 </section>102 </>...
1import { expect } from '@open-wc/testing';2import {3 IsNumber,4 MinNumber,5 MaxNumber,6 MinMaxNumber,7} from '../../src/validate/validators/NumberValidators.js';8describe('Number Validation', () => {9 it('provides new IsNumber() to allow only numbers', () => {10 let isEnabled;11 const validator = new IsNumber();12 expect(IsNumber.validatorName).to.equal('IsNumber');13 isEnabled = validator.execute(4);14 expect(isEnabled);15 isEnabled = validator.execute(NaN);16 expect(isEnabled);17 isEnabled = validator.execute('4');18 expect(isEnabled);19 });20 it('provides new MinNumber(x) to allow only numbers longer then min', () => {21 let isEnabled;22 const validator = new MinNumber(3);23 expect(MinNumber.validatorName).to.equal('MinNumber');24 isEnabled = validator.execute(3);25 expect(isEnabled);26 isEnabled = validator.execute(2);27 expect(isEnabled);28 });29 it('provides new MaxNumber(x) to allow only number shorter then max', () => {30 let isEnabled;31 const validator = new MaxNumber(3);32 expect(MaxNumber.validatorName).to.equal('MaxNumber');33 isEnabled = validator.execute(3);34 expect(isEnabled);35 isEnabled = validator.execute(4);36 expect(isEnabled);37 });38 it('provides new MinMaxNumber({ min: x, max: y}) to allow only numbers between min and max', () => {39 let isEnabled;40 const validator = new MinMaxNumber({ min: 2, max: 4 });41 expect(MinMaxNumber.validatorName).to.equal('MinMaxNumber');42 isEnabled = validator.execute(2);43 expect(isEnabled);44 isEnabled = validator.execute(4);45 expect(isEnabled);46 isEnabled = validator.execute(1);47 expect(isEnabled);48 isEnabled = validator.execute(5);49 expect(isEnabled);50 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const isDisabled = await page.isEnabled('input[type="submit"]');7 console.log("isDisabled: ", isDisabled);8 await browser.close();9})();10Example 2: isEnabled() method with a selector of disabled input11const {chromium} = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 const isDisabled = await page.isEnabled('input[type="submit"][disabled]');17 console.log("isDisabled: ", isDisabled);18 await browser.close();19})();20Example 3: isEnabled() method with a selector of enabled input21const {chromium} = require('playwright');22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch();24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 const isDisabled = await page.isEnabled('input[type="submit"]:not([disabled])');27 console.log("isDisabled: ", isDisabled);28 await browser.close();29})();30Example 4: isEnabled() method with a selector of disabled button31const {chromium} = require('playwright');32(async () => {33 const browser = await chromium.launch();34 const context = await browser.newContext();35 const page = await context.newPage();36 const isDisabled = await page.isEnabled('button[type="submit"][disabled]');37 console.log("isDisabled: ", isDisabled);38 await browser.close();39})();40Example 5: isEnabled() method with a selector of enabled button
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const isEnabled = await page.isEnabled('input[name="q"]');7 console.log(isEnabled);8 await browser.close();9})();10How to use isEnabled() method?11isEnabled() is a method of the ElementHandle class. We can use it as follows:12const isEnabled = await page.isEnabled(selector);13How to use isDisabled() method?14isDisabled() is a method of the ElementHandle class. We can use it as follows:15const isDisabled = await page.isDisabled(selector);16How to use isEnabled() method?17isEnabled() is a method of the ElementHandle class. We can use it as follows:18const isEnabled = await page.isEnabled(selector);19How to use isEditable() method?20isEditable() is a method of the ElementHandle class. We can use it as follows:21const isEditable = await page.isEditable(selector);22How to use isEnabled() method?23isEnabled() is a method of the ElementHandle class. We can use it as follows:24const isEnabled = await page.isEnabled(selector);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crNetworkManager');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 console.log(enabled);8 await browser.close();9})();10const { enableRequestInterception } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crNetworkManager');11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 console.log(enabled);17 await browser.close();18})();19const { disableRequestInterception } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crNetworkManager');20const { chromium } = require('playwright');21(async () => {22 const browser = await chromium.launch();23 const context = await browser.newContext();24 const page = await context.newPage();25 console.log(enabled);26 await browser.close();27})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crNetworkManager');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.route('**/*', route => {8 console.log(isEnabled(route.request()));9 route.continue();10 });11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isEnabled } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const element = await page.$('input[name="q"]');7 const enabled = await isEnabled(element);8 console.log(enabled);9 await browser.close();10})();11{12 "scripts": {13 },14 "dependencies": {15 }16}17Recommended Posts: Playwright | How to use Page.waitForSelector() method?18Playwright | How to use Page.waitForFunction() method?19Playwright | How to use Page.waitForNavigation() method?20Playwright | How to use Page.waitForResponse() method?21Playwright | How to use Page.waitForRequest() method?22Playwright | How to use Page.waitForLoadState() method?23Playwright | How to use Page.waitForEvent() method?24Playwright | How to use Page.waitForFileChooser() method?25Playwright | How to use Page.waitForDownload() method?26Playwright | How to use Page.waitFor() method?27Playwright | How to use Page.waitForTimeout() method?28Playwright | How to use Page.waitForXPath() method?
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const browser = await chromium.launch();3const page = await browser.newPage();4const isTracingEnabled = await page.context().isEnabled('tracing');5console.log(isTracingEnabled);6await browser.close();7const { chromium } = require('playwright');8const browser = await chromium.launch();9const page = await browser.newPage();10await page.context().setEnabled('tracing', false);11await browser.close();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13const browser = await chromium.launch();14const page = await browser.newPage();15const isTracingEnabled = await page.context().isEnabled('tracing');16console.log(isTracingEnabled);17await browser.close();18const { chromium } = require('playwright');19const browser = await chromium.launch();20const page = await browser.newPage();21await page.context().setEnabled('tracing', false);22await browser.close();23const { chromium } = require('playwright');24const browser = await chromium.launch();25const page = await browser.newPage();26const isTracingEnabled = await page.context().isEnabled('tracing');27console.log(isTracingEnabled);28await browser.close();29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30const browser = await chromium.launch();31const page = await browser.newPage();32await page.context().setEnabled('tracing', false);33await browser.close();34const { chromium } = require('playwright');35const browser = await chromium.launch();36const page = await browser.newPage();37const isTracingEnabled = await page.context().isEnabled('tracing');38console.log(isTracingEnabled);39await browser.close();40const { chromium } = require('playwright');41const browser = await chromium.launch();42const page = await browser.newPage();43await page.context().setEnabled('tracing', false);44await browser.close();45const { chromium } = require('playwright');46const browser = await chromium.launch();47const page = await browser.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2isEnabled(element);3!isEnabled(element);4isEnabled(element);5!isEnabled(element);6const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');7isEnabled(element);8!isEnabled(element);9isEnabled(element);10!isEnabled(element);11const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12isEnabled(element);13!isEnabled(element);14isEnabled(element);15!isEnabled(element);16const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');17isEnabled(element);18!isEnabled(element);19isEnabled(element);20!isEnabled(element);21const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');22isEnabled(element);23!isEnabled(element);24isEnabled(element);25!isEnabled(element);26const { isEnabled } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');27isEnabled(element);28!isEnabled(element);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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