Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1"use strict";2/**3 * Manages the business logic for registration of a new account.4 *5 * The process the client follows:6 *7 * 1. Collect data for createRequest, then send it to this module's "register"8 * function. This generates the registration record and sends the client the9 * necessary information so they can generate a password hash and MFA codes.10 * This registration record will only exist for a very limited amount of time.11 *12 * 2. The client generates the necessary information to secure the account and13 * sends it to the "secure" function. This simply will send a URL via an email14 * message. The registration record could still expire soon. The MFA codes15 * are validated at this point. Failure to validate will not send an email nor16 * will it accept the password hash.17 *18 * 3. The user retrieves the email, clicks the link and the registration is19 * converted into an account. The confirmation code is sent to the20 * "confirmEmail" function. A new account is generated, whose ID is unreleated21 * to the registration ID.22 */23/**24 * Creation of a registration record.25 *26 * @typedef {Object} registrationManager~registerRequest27 * @property {string} email28 * @see {@link ../../schema/registration/register-request.json}29 */30/**31 * Necessary information for securing the account. This is returned32 * in order to perform step 2 of registration. It is a filtered version33 * of the registration record.34 *35 * @typedef {Object} registrationManager~recordResponse36 * @property {string} id37 * @property {Object} record38 * @property {Object} record.mfa39 * @property {Object} record.mfa.totp40 * @property {string} record.mfa.totp.key Base-32 encoded secret41 * @property {accountManager~passwordHashConfig} record.passwordHash42 */43/**44 * What the user sends us to secure the registration. When this is sent in,45 * the registration record is deleted and the account record is created.46 *47 * @typedef {Object} registrationManager~secureRequest48 * @property {string} passwordHash49 * @property {Object} mfa50 * @property {Object} mfa.totp51 * @property {string} mfa.totp.current52 * @property {string} mfa.totp.previous53 * @see {@link ../../schema/registration/secure-request.json}54 */55/**56 * The returned information from confirming the email address. This is57 * everything needed to hash the password and generate MFA codes.58 *59 * @typedef {Object} registrationManager~confirmEmailResponse60 * @property {accountManager~passwordHashConfig} passwordHash61 * @property {Object} mfa62 * @property {Object} mfa.totp63 * @property {string} mfa.totp.key Base-32 encoded secret64 */65/**66 * A registration record that's stored in OpenToken. It's different from67 * registrationManager~recordResponse because this one is unfiltered.68 *69 * @typedef {Object} registrationManager~record70 * @property {string} confirmationCode71 * @property {string} email Email address for account verification.72 * @property {string} passwordHash73 * @property {accountManager~passwordHashConfig} passwordHashConfig74 * @property {Object} mfa75 * @property {Object} mfa.totp76 * @property {boolean} mfa.totp.confirmed If true, this was confirmed77 * @property {string} mfa.totp.key Buffer, raw binary TOTP key78 */79module.exports = (accountManager, config, encoding, promise, random, storageServiceFactory, template, totp) => {80 var confirmationCodeLength, idLength, storageService;81 /**82 * Returns the information necessary for securing the account (step 2 of83 * registration).84 *85 * @param {string} registrationId86 * @param {Object} record87 * @return {registrationManager~recordResponse}88 */89 function recordResponse(registrationId, record) {90 var response;91 response = {92 id: registrationId,93 record: {94 passwordHashConfig: record.passwordHashConfig95 }96 };97 if (!record.mfa.totp.confirmed) {98 response.record.mfa = {99 totp: {100 keyBase32: encoding.encode(record.mfa.totp.key, "base32-uri"),101 keyHex: encoding.encode(record.mfa.totp.key, "hex"),102 keyUri: totp.generateUrl(record.mfa.totp.key, }104 };105 }106 return response;107 }108 /**109 * Confirm the email address. It compares the confirmation code. If it110 * matches, the account is created, otherwise an error is thrown.111 *112 * @param {string} registrationId113 * @param {string} confirmationCode114 * @return {Promise.<string>} accountId115 */116 function confirmEmailAsync(registrationId, confirmationCode) {117 return storageService.getAsync(registrationId).then((record) => {118 if (!record.passwordHash || !record.mfa.totp.confirmed) {119 throw new Error("Registration not secured");120 }121 if (record.confirmationCode !== confirmationCode) {122 throw new Error("Confirmation code does not match");123 }124 // Convert the record125 return accountManager.createAsync({126 email:,127 mfa: {128 totp: record.mfa.totp129 },130 passwordHash: record.passwordHash,131 passwordHashConfig: record.passwordHashConfig132 });133 }).then((accountId) => {134 return storageService.deleteAsync(registrationId).then(() => {135 return accountId;136 });137 });138 }139 /**140 * Return a Buffer that's the contents of a QR Code image in PNG format.141 *142 * @param {string} registrationId143 * @return {Promise.<Buffer>}144 */145 function qrCodeImageAsync(registrationId) {146 return storageService.getAsync(registrationId).then((record) => {147 if (record.mfa.totp.confirmed) {148 throw new Error("Already confirmed");149 }150 return totp.generateQrCodeAsync(record.mfa.totp.key,;151 });152 }153 /**154 * Begin a registration.155 *156 * @param {registrationManager~registerRequest} request157 * @return {Promise.<registrationManager~recordResponse>} registration ID and info158 */159 function registerAsync(request) {160 return promise.props({161 confirmationCode: random.idAsync(confirmationCodeLength),162 passwordHashConfig: accountManager.passwordHashConfigAsync(),163 registrationId: random.idAsync(idLength),164 totpKey: totp.generateSecretAsync()165 }).then((bits) => {166 // Build a lot of the registration record167 // @see {registrationManager~record}168 var record;169 if (! {170 throw new Error("Email is required");171 }172 record = {173 confirmationCode: bits.confirmationCode,174 email:,175 mfa: {176 totp: {177 confirmed: false,178 key: bits.totpKey179 }180 },181 passwordHashConfig: bits.passwordHashConfig182 };183 return storageService.putAsync(bits.registrationId, record).then(() => {184 return recordResponse(bits.registrationId, record);185 });186 });187 }188 /**189 * Secure the registration with MFA and password.190 *191 * Note: the request object must have some properties defined otherwise192 * this code will fail.193 *194 * @param {string} registrationId195 * @param {secureRequest} request196 * @param {restify} server197 * @return {Promise.<*>}198 */199 function secureAsync(registrationId, request, server) {200 return storageService.getAsync(registrationId).then((record) => {201 if (!totp.verifyCurrentAndPrevious(record.mfa.totp.key, request.mfa.totp.current, request.mfa.totp.previous)) {202 throw new Error("TOTP validation failed");203 }204 record.passwordHash = request.passwordHash;205 record.mfa.totp.confirmed = true;206 return storageService.putAsync(registrationId, record).then(() => {207 return template.sendEmailAsync(, "registration", {208 // URL is not fully qualified - template needs more info209 // confirmUrl: server.router.render("registration-confirm", {211 code: record.confirmationCode,212 id: registrationId213 })214 });215 }).then(() => {216 return recordResponse(registrationId, record);217 });218 });219 }220 /**221 * Retrieve the secure info data222 *223 * @param {string} registrationId224 * @return {Promise.<accountManager~recordResponse>}225 */226 function getRecordAsync(registrationId) {227 return storageService.getAsync(registrationId).then((record) => {228 return recordResponse(registrationId, record);229 });230 }231 confirmationCodeLength = config.registration.confirmationCodeLength;232 idLength = config.registration.idLength;233 storageService = storageServiceFactory(config.registration.idHash, config.registration.lifetime, config.registration.storagePrefix);234 return {235 confirmEmailAsync,236 getRecordAsync,237 qrCodeImageAsync,238 registerAsync,239 secureAsync240 };...
1// 2// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.3// 4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6// You may obtain a copy of the License at7// 9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// 13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14// limitations under the License.15// 16var _ = require('underscore');17var should = require('should');18var sinon = require('sinon');19// Test includes20var testutil = require('../../util/util');21var notificationhubstestutil = require('../../framework/notificationhubs-test-utils');22var azure = testutil.libRequire('azure');23var hubNames = [];24var hubNamePrefix = 'xplathubnxt';25var testPrefix = 'wnsservice-registrations-tests';26describe('WNS notifications registrations', function () {27 var service;28 var suiteUtil;29 var sandbox;30 before(function (done) {31 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();32 service = azure.createServiceBusService()33 .withFilter(new azure.ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter());34 suiteUtil = notificationhubstestutil.createNotificationHubsTestUtils(service, testPrefix);35 suiteUtil.setupSuite(done);36 });37 after(function (done) {38 sandbox.restore();39 suiteUtil.teardownSuite(done);40 });41 beforeEach(function (done) {42 suiteUtil.setupTest(function () {43 service.listNotificationHubs(function (err, hubs, rsp) {44 var xplatHubs = hubs.filter(function (hub) {45 return hub.NotificationHubName.substr(0, hubNamePrefix.length) === hubNamePrefix;46 });47 _.each(xplatHubs, function (hub) {48 service.deleteNotificationHub(hub.NotificationHubName, function () { });49 });50 done();51 });52 });53 });54 afterEach(function (done) {55 // Schedule deleting notification hubs56 _.each(hubNames, function (notificationHub) {57 service.deleteNotificationHub(notificationHub, function () {});58 });59 suiteUtil.baseTeardownTest(done);60 });61 describe('registrations', function () {62 var hubName;63 var notificationHubService;64 beforeEach(function (done) {65 hubName = testutil.generateId(hubNamePrefix, hubNames, suiteUtil.isMocked);66 notificationHubService = azure.createNotificationHubService(hubName);67 suiteUtil.setupService(notificationHubService);68 service.createNotificationHub(hubName, done);69 });70 describe('native', function () {71 describe('create', function () {72 var registrationId;73 afterEach(function (done) {74 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, done);75 });76 it('should work', function (done) {77 notificationHubService.wns.createNativeRegistration('', null, function (error, registration) {78 should.not.exist(error);79 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;80 done();81 });82 });83 });84 describe('delete', function () {85 var registrationId;86 beforeEach(function (done) {87 notificationHubService.wns.createNativeRegistration('', null, function (err, registration) {88 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;89 done();90 });91 });92 it('should work', function (done) {93 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, function (err) {94 should.not.exist(err);95 done();96 });97 });98 });99 describe('get', function () {100 var registrationId;101 beforeEach(function (done) {102 notificationHubService.wns.createNativeRegistration('', null, function (err, registration) {103 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;104 done();105 });106 });107 it('should work', function (done) {108 notificationHubService.getRegistration(registrationId, function (err, registration) {109 should.not.exist(err);110 should.exist(registration);111 registration['ExpirationTime'];112 registration['ETag'];113 done();114 });115 });116 });117 describe('list', function () {118 beforeEach(function (done) {119 notificationHubService.wns.createNativeRegistration('', [ 'mytag'], done);120 });121 it('should work without filtering', function (done) {122 notificationHubService.listRegistrations(function (err, list) {123 should.not.exist(err);124 should.exist(list);125 list.length.should.equal(1);126 done();127 });128 });129 it('should work with tag filtering with the wrong tag', function (done) {130 notificationHubService.listRegistrationsByTag('tag', { top: 10, skip: 0 }, function (err, list) {131 should.not.exist(err);132 should.exist(list);133 list.length.should.equal(0);134 done();135 });136 });137 it('should work with tag filtering with the right tag', function (done) {138 notificationHubService.listRegistrationsByTag('mytag', { top: 10, skip: 0 }, function (err, list) {139 should.not.exist(err);140 should.exist(list);141 list.length.should.equal(1);142 done();143 });144 });145 it('should work with channel filtering', function (done) {146 notificationHubService.wns.listRegistrationsByChannel('', { top: 10, skip: 0 }, function (err, list, rsp) {147 should.not.exist(err);148 should.exist(list);149 list.length.should.equal(1);150 done();151 });152 });153 });154 });155 describe('template', function () {156 describe('create tile', function () {157 var registrationId;158 afterEach(function (done) {159 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, done);160 });161 it('should work', function (done) {162 notificationHubService.wns.createTileSquarePeekImageAndText01Registration(163 '',164 null,165 {166 image1src: '$(myImageProp1)',167 image1alt: '$(myImageProp2)',168 text1: '$(myTextProp1)',169 text2: '$(myTextProp2)',170 text3: '$(myTextProp3)',171 text4: '$(myTextProp4)'172 },173 function (error, registration) {174 should.not.exist(error);175 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;176 done();177 });178 });179 });180 describe('update tile', function () {181 var registrationId;182 beforeEach(function (done) {183 notificationHubService.wns.createTileSquarePeekImageAndText01Registration(184 '',185 null,186 {187 image1src: '$(myImageProp1)',188 image1alt: '$(myImageProp2)',189 text1: '$(myTextProp1)',190 text2: '$(myTextProp2)',191 text3: '$(myTextProp3)',192 text4: '$(myTextProp4)'193 },194 function (error, registration) {195 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;196 done();197 });198 });199 afterEach(function (done) {200 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, done);201 });202 it('should work', function (done) {203 notificationHubService.wns.updateTileSquarePeekImageAndText01Registration(204 registrationId,205 '',206 null,207 {208 image1src: '$(myImageProp1)',209 image1alt: '$(myImageProp2)',210 text1: '$(myTextProp1)',211 text2: '$(myTextProp2)',212 text3: '$(myTextProp3)',213 text4: '$(myNewTextProp)'214 },215 function (error) {216 should.not.exist(error);217 done();218 });219 });220 });221 });222 });...
1// 2// Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved.3// 4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6// You may obtain a copy of the License at7// 9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// 13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14// limitations under the License.15// 16var _ = require('underscore');17var should = require('should');18var sinon = require('sinon');19// Test includes20var testutil = require('../../util/util');21var notificationhubstestutil = require('../../framework/notificationhubs-test-utils');22var azure = testutil.libRequire('azure');23var hubNames = [];24var hubNamePrefix = 'xplathubnxt';25var testPrefix = 'mpnsservice-registrations-tests';26describe('MPNS notifications registrations', function () {27 var service;28 var suiteUtil;29 var sandbox;30 before(function (done) {31 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();32 service = azure.createServiceBusService()33 .withFilter(new azure.ExponentialRetryPolicyFilter());34 suiteUtil = notificationhubstestutil.createNotificationHubsTestUtils(service, testPrefix);35 suiteUtil.setupSuite(done);36 });37 after(function (done) {38 sandbox.restore();39 suiteUtil.teardownSuite(done);40 });41 beforeEach(function (done) {42 suiteUtil.setupTest(function () {43 service.listNotificationHubs(function (err, hubs, rsp) {44 var xplatHubs = hubs.filter(function (hub) {45 return hub.NotificationHubName.substr(0, hubNamePrefix.length) === hubNamePrefix;46 });47 _.each(xplatHubs, function (hub) {48 service.deleteNotificationHub(hub.NotificationHubName, function () { });49 });50 done();51 });52 });53 });54 afterEach(function (done) {55 // Schedule deleting notification hubs56 _.each(hubNames, function (notificationHub) {57 service.deleteNotificationHub(notificationHub, function () {});58 });59 suiteUtil.baseTeardownTest(done);60 });61 describe('registrations', function () {62 var hubName;63 var notificationHubService;64 beforeEach(function (done) {65 hubName = testutil.generateId(hubNamePrefix, hubNames, suiteUtil.isMocked);66 notificationHubService = azure.createNotificationHubService(hubName);67 suiteUtil.setupService(notificationHubService);68 service.createNotificationHub(hubName, done);69 });70 describe('native', function () {71 describe('create', function () {72 var registrationId;73 afterEach(function (done) {74 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, done);75 });76 it('should work', function (done) {77 notificationHubService.mpns.createNativeRegistration('', null, function (error, registration) {78 should.not.exist(error);79 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;80 done();81 });82 });83 });84 describe('delete', function () {85 var registrationId;86 beforeEach(function (done) {87 notificationHubService.mpns.createNativeRegistration('', null, function (err, registration) {88 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;89 done();90 });91 });92 it('should work', function (done) {93 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, function (err) {94 should.not.exist(err);95 done();96 });97 });98 });99 describe('get', function () {100 var registrationId;101 beforeEach(function (done) {102 notificationHubService.mpns.createNativeRegistration('', null, function (err, registration) {103 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;104 done();105 });106 });107 it('should work', function (done) {108 notificationHubService.getRegistration(registrationId, function (err, registration) {109 should.not.exist(err);110 should.exist(registration);111 registration['ETag'];112 done();113 });114 });115 });116 describe('list', function () {117 beforeEach(function (done) {118 notificationHubService.mpns.createNativeRegistration('', [ 'mytag'], done);119 });120 it('should work without filtering', function (done) {121 notificationHubService.listRegistrations(function (err, list) {122 should.not.exist(err);123 should.exist(list);124 list.length.should.equal(1);125 done();126 });127 });128 it('should work with tag filtering with the wrong tag', function (done) {129 notificationHubService.listRegistrationsByTag('tag', { top: 10, skip: 0 }, function (err, list) {130 should.not.exist(err);131 should.exist(list);132 list.length.should.equal(0);133 done();134 });135 });136 it('should work with tag filtering with the right tag', function (done) {137 notificationHubService.listRegistrationsByTag('mytag', { top: 10, skip: 0 }, function (err, list) {138 should.not.exist(err);139 should.exist(list);140 list.length.should.equal(1);141 done();142 });143 });144 it('should work with channel filtering', function (done) {145 notificationHubService.mpns.listRegistrationsByChannel('', { top: 10, skip: 0 }, function (err, list, rsp) {146 should.not.exist(err);147 should.exist(list);148 list.length.should.equal(1);149 done();150 });151 });152 });153 });154 describe('template', function () {155 describe('create toast', function () {156 var registrationId;157 afterEach(function (done) {158 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, done);159 });160 it('should work', function (done) {161 notificationHubService.mpns.createToastRegistration(162 '',163 null,164 {165 text1: '$(myTextProp1)',166 text2: '$(myTextProp2)'167 },168 function (error, registration) {169 should.not.exist(error);170 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;171 done();172 });173 });174 });175 describe('update toast', function () {176 var registrationId;177 beforeEach(function (done) {178 notificationHubService.mpns.createToastRegistration(179 '',180 null,181 {182 text1: '$(myTextProp1)',183 text2: '$(myTextProp2)'184 },185 function (error, registration) {186 registrationId = registration.RegistrationId;187 done();188 });189 });190 afterEach(function (done) {191 notificationHubService.deleteRegistration(registrationId, done);192 });193 it('should work', function (done) {194 notificationHubService.mpns.updateToastRegistration(195 registrationId,196 '',197 null,198 {199 text1: '$(myTextProp1)',200 text2: '$(myTextProp2)'201 },202 function (error) {203 should.not.exist(error);204 done();205 });206 });207 });208 });209 });...
1import axios from 'axios';2import _ from 'lodash';3import Vue from 'vue';4import * as types from '../mutation-types';5import URLS from '../../urls';6const state = {7 scouts: []8};9const getters = {10 scouts(state) {11 return _.orderBy(state.scouts, 'lastname');12 }13};14const mutations = {15 [types.ADD_REGISTRATION] (state, registration) {16 let scout = _.find(state.scouts, { id: registration.scout_id });17 scout.registrations.push({18 preferences: [],19 purchases: [],20 event_id: registration.event_id,21 details: registration22 });23 },24 [types.ADD_SCOUT] (state, scout) {25 state.scouts.push(scout);26 },27 [types.DELETE_PURCHASE] (state, details) {28 let registrations = _.flatten(, 'registrations'));29 let registration = _.find(registrations, (registration) => {30 return === details.registrationId;31 });32 registration.purchases = _.reject(registration.purchases, (purchase) => {33 return === details.purchasableId;34 });35 },36 [types.DELETE_REGISTRATION] (state, details) {37 let scout = _.find(state.scouts, { id: details.scoutId });38 scout.registrations = _.reject(scout.registrations, (registration) => {39 return registration.event_id === details.eventId;40 });41 },42 [types.DELETE_SCOUT] (state, scoutId) {43 state.scouts = _.reject(state.scouts, (existingScout) => {44 return === scoutId;45 });46 },47 [types.SET_PURCHASES] (state, details) {48 let registrations = _.flatten(, 'registrations'));49 let registration = _.find(registrations, (registration) => {50 return === details.registrationId;51 });52 Vue.set(registration, 'purchases', details.purchases);53 },54 [types.SET_PREFERENCES] (state, details) {55 let scout = _.find(state.scouts, { id: details.scoutId });56 let registration = _.find(scout.registrations, (registration) => {57 return === details.registrationId;58 });59 Vue.set(registration, 'preferences', _.sortBy(details.preferences, ['details.rank']));60 },61 [types.SET_SCOUTS] (state, scouts) {62 state.scouts = scouts;63 },64 [types.UPDATE_SCOUT](state, updatedScout) {65 if (state.scouts.length < 1) {66 return;67 }68 let scout = _.find(state.scouts, { id: });69 state.scouts = _.reject(state.scouts, (existingScout) => {70 return ===;71 });72 updatedScout.registrations = scout.registrations;73 state.scouts.push(updatedScout);74 }75};76const actions = {77 addPurchase({ commit }, details) {78 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {79 + details.scoutId + '/registrations/' +80 details.registrationId + '/purchases/', details.purchase)81 .then((response) => {82 commit(types.SET_PURCHASES, {83 registrationId: details.registrationId,84 purchases: });86 resolve(;87 })88 .catch(() => {89 reject();90 })91 });92 },93 addRegistration({ commit }, details) {94 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {95 + details.scoutId + '/registrations/', {96 event_id: details.eventId97 })98 .then((response) => {99 commit(types.ADD_REGISTRATION,;100 resolve(;101 })102 .catch(() => {103 reject();104 })105 });106 },107 addScout({ commit }, details) {108 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {109 + details.userId + '/scouts', details.scout)110 .then((response) => {111 commit(types.ADD_SCOUT,;112 resolve(;113 })114 .catch((err) => {115 reject(;116 })117 });118 },119 deletePurchase({ commit }, details) {120 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {121 axios.delete(URLS.SCOUTS_URL + details.scoutId + '/registrations/' +122 details.registrationId + '/purchases/' + details.purchasableId)123 .then(() => {124 commit(types.DELETE_PURCHASE, details);125 resolve();126 })127 .catch(() => {128 reject();129 });130 });131 },132 deleteRegistration({ commit }, details) {133 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {134 axios.delete(URLS.SCOUTS_URL + details.scoutId + '/registrations/' + details.eventId)135 .then(() => {136 commit(types.DELETE_REGISTRATION, details);137 resolve();138 })139 .catch(() => {140 reject();141 })142 });143 },144 deleteScout({ commit }, details) {145 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {146 axios.delete(URLS.USERS_URL + details.userId + '/scouts/' + details.scoutId)147 .then(() => {148 commit(types.DELETE_SCOUT, details.scoutId);149 resolve()150 })151 .catch(() => {152 reject();153 })154 });155 },156 getPurchases({ commit }, details) {157 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {158 axios.get(URLS.SCOUTS_URL + details.scoutId + '/registrations/' +159 details.registrationId + '/purchases')160 .then((response) => {161 commit(types.SET_PURCHASES, {162 scoutId: details.scoutId,163 registrationId: details.registrationId,164 purchases: response.data165 });166 resolve();167 })168 .catch(() => {169 reject();170 })171 });172 },173 getPreferences({ commit }, details) {174 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {175 axios.get(URLS.SCOUTS_URL + details.scoutId + '/registrations/' +176 details.registrationId + '/preferences')177 .then((response) => {178 commit(types.SET_PREFERENCES, {179 scoutId: details.scoutId,180 registrationId: details.registrationId,181 preferences: response.data182 });183 resolve();184 })185 .catch(() => {186 reject();187 })188 });189 },190 getScouts({ commit }, userId) {191 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {192 axios.get(URLS.USERS_URL + userId + '/scouts/registrations')193 .then((response) => {194 commit(types.SET_SCOUTS,;195 resolve(;196 })197 .catch(() => {198 reject();199 })200 });201 },202 setPreferences({ commit }, details) {203 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {204 + details.scoutId + '/registrations/' +205 details.registrationId + '/preferences', details.preferences)206 .then((response) => {207 commit(types.SET_PREFERENCES, {208 scoutId: details.scoutId,209 registrationId: details.registrationId,210 preferences: });212 resolve(;213 })214 .catch(() => {215 reject();216 })217 });218 },219 updateScout({ commit }, details) {220 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {221 axios.put(URLS.USERS_URL + details.userId + '/scouts/' +, details.scout)222 .then((response) => {223 commit(types.UPDATE_SCOUT,;224 resolve();225 })226 .catch(() => {227 reject();228 })229 })230 }231};232export default {233 state,234 getters,235 actions,236 mutations...
1/**2 * Created by hlliu on 2018/2/27.3 * 设å¤ç¸å
³æ¥å£4 */5var httpCommon = require("./../utils/HttpUtils");6var deviceUrl = "";7var deviceClient = {8 /**9 * è·å设å¤å«å10 * @param registrationId11 * @return alias å«å12 */13 getDeviceAlias: function (appkey, appSecret, registrationId, callback) {14 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {15 callback("registrationId is null ", null);16 return false;17 }18 var path = deviceUrl + "/alias/" + registrationId;19 httpCommon.get(appkey, appSecret, path, function (err, data) {20 if (err != null) {21 callback(err, data);22 } else {23 if (typeof data == 'string') {24 data = JSON.parse(data);25 }26 callback(null, data['alias']);27 }28 });29 },30 /**31 * ç»å®è®¾å¤å«åï¼å¦æåå¨åè¦çåæå«å32 * @param alias33 * @param registrationId34 * @return (true 表示æå)35 */36 setDeviceAlias: function (appkey, appSecret, alias, registrationId, callback) {37 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {38 callback("registrationId is null ", null);39 return false;40 }41 var path = deviceUrl + "/alias/";42 var json = {43 'registrationId': registrationId,44 'alias': alias45 }46, appSecret, path, json, function (err, data) {47 if (err != null) {48 callback && callback(err, data);49 } else {50 callback && callback(null, true);51 }52 });53 },54 /**55 * æ¸
空设å¤å«å56 * @param registrationId57 * @return (true 表示æå)58 */59 cleanDeviceAlias: function (appkey, appSecret, registrationId, callback) {60 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {61 callback("registrationId is null ", null);62 return false;63 }64 var path = deviceUrl + "/alias/";65 var json = {66 'registrationId': registrationId,67 'alias': ''68 }69, appSecret, path, json, function (err, data) {70 if (err != null) {71 callback && callback(err, data);72 } else {73 callback && callback(null, true);74 }75 });76 },77 /**78 * è·å设å¤æ ç¾79 * @param registrationId80 * @return tags æ ç¾éå81 */82 getDeviceTags: function (appkey, appSecret, registrationId, callback) {83 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {84 callback("registrationId is null ", null);85 return false;86 }87 var path = deviceUrl + "/tags/" + registrationId;88 httpCommon.get(appkey, appSecret, path, function (err, data) {89 if (err != null) {90 callback(err, data);91 } else {92 if (typeof data == 'string') {93 data = JSON.parse(data);94 }95 callback(null, data['tags']);96 }97 })98 },99 /**100 * 设å¤ç»å®æ ç¾101 * @param tags102 * @param registrationId103 * @return (true 表示æå)104 */105 addDeviceTags: function (appkey, appSecret, tags, registrationId, callback) {106 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {107 callback("registrationId is null ", null);108 return false;109 }110 if (tags instanceof Array) {111 if (tags == null || tags.length < 1) {112 callback("tags is null ", null);113 return false;114 }115 } else {116 callback("tags type should be array ", null);117 return false;118 }119 var path = deviceUrl + "/tags/";120 var json = {121 'registrationId': registrationId,122 'tags': tags,123 'opType': 1124 }125, appSecret, path, json, function (err, data) {126 if (err != null) {127 callback && callback(err, data);128 } else {129 callback && callback(null, true);130 }131 });132 },133 /**134 * å é¤è®¾å¤æå®æ ç¾135 * @param tags136 * @param registrationId137 * @return (true 表示æå)138 */139 removeDeviceTags: function (appkey, appSecret, tags, registrationId, callback) {140 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {141 callback("registrationId is null ", null);142 return false;143 }144 if (tags instanceof Array) {145 if (tags == null || tags.length < 1) {146 callback("tags is null ", null);147 return false;148 }149 } else {150 callback("tags type should be array ", null);151 return false;152 }153 var path = deviceUrl + "/tags/";154 var json = {155 'registrationId': registrationId,156 'tags': tags,157 'opType': 2158 }159, appSecret, path, json, function (err, data) {160 if (err != null) {161 callback && callback(err, data);162 } else {163 callback && callback(null, true);164 }165 });166 },167 /**168 * æ¸
空设å¤æ ç¾169 * @param registrationId170 * @return (true 表示æå)171 */172 cleanDeviceTags: function (appkey, appSecret, registrationId, callback) {173 if (registrationId == null || registrationId == undefined || registrationId == "") {174 callback("registrationId is null ", null);175 return false;176 }177 var path = deviceUrl + "/tags/";178 var json = {179 'registrationId': registrationId,180 'opType': 3181 }182, appSecret, path, json, function (err, data) {183 if (err != null) {184 callback && callback(err, data);185 } else {186 callback && callback(null, true);187 }188 });189 }190}...
1/*2 * Please see the included file for license terms and conditions.3 */4var version = "0.1.0, 8 March 2016";5/*jslint browser:true, devel:true, white:true, vars:true */6/*global $:false, intel:false app:false, dev:false, cordova:false */7function onAppReady() {8 if( navigator.splashscreen && navigator.splashscreen.hide ) {9 navigator.splashscreen.hide() ;10 }11 var registrationId = null;12 $("#version").text(version);13 $("#registrationId").val("Not set yet");14 $(document).on("click", ".ext-link", function (evt) {15 var linktarget = $(this).prop("href");16, '_system');17 return false;18 })19 $(document).on("click", "#goOnline", function (evt) {20 if (registrationId == null) {21 alert("registrationId not set");22 return false;23 }24 var mt = "" + registrationId;25, '_system');26 return false;27 });28 var push = PushNotification.init({29 /*android: {30 senderID: "12345679"31 },32 windows: {},*/33 ios: {34 alert: true,35 badge: true,36 sound: true37 }38 });39 push.on('registration', function (data) {40 registrationId = data.registrationId;41 $("#registrationId").val(data.registrationId);42 //alert("registration: " + data.registrationId);43 });44 push.on('notification', function (data) {45 $('#nTitle').text(data.title);46 $('#nMessage').text(data.message);47 $('#nCount').text(data.count);48 $('#nSound').text(data.sound);49 $('#nImage').text(data.image);50 $('#nAdditionalData').text(JSON.stringify(data.additionalData));51 $('#nData').text(JSON.stringify(data));52 push.finish(function () {53 //alert("finished");54 });55 });56 push.on('error', function (e) {57 alert("error: " + e.message);58 });59}60document.addEventListener("app.Ready", onAppReady, false) ;61// document.addEventListener("deviceready", onAppReady, false) ;62// document.addEventListener("onload", onAppReady, false) ;63// The app.Ready event shown above is generated by the init-dev.js file; it64// unifies a variety of common "ready" events. See the init-dev.js file for65// more details. You can use a different event to start your app, instead of66// this event. A few examples are shown in the sample code above. If you are67// using Cordova plugins you need to either use this app.Ready event or the68// standard Cordova deviceready event. Others will either not work or will69// work poorly.70// NOTE: change "dev.LOG" in "init-dev.js" to "true" to enable some console.log...
1var db = require('byteballcore/db');2var conf = require('byteballcore/conf');3var eventBus = require('byteballcore/event_bus.js');4var https = require('https');5eventBus.on('peer_sent_new_message', function(ws, objDeviceMessage) {6 sendPushAboutMessage(;7});8eventBus.on("enableNotification", function(deviceAddress, registrationId) {9 db.query("SELECT device_address FROM push_registrations WHERE device_address=? LIMIT 0,1", [deviceAddress], function(rows) {10 if (rows.length === 0) {11 db.query("INSERT "+db.getIgnore()+" INTO push_registrations (registrationId, device_address) VALUES (?, ?)", [registrationId, deviceAddress], function() {12 });13 } else if (rows.length) {14 if (rows[0].registration_id !== registrationId) {15 db.query("UPDATE push_registrations SET registrationId = ? WHERE device_address = ?", [registrationId, deviceAddress], function() {16 })17 }18 }19 });20});21eventBus.on("disableNotification", function(deviceAddress, registrationId) {22 db.query("DELETE FROM push_registrations WHERE registrationId=? and device_address=?", [registrationId, deviceAddress], function() {23 });24});25function sendRest(registrationIds) {26 var options = {27 host: '',28 port: 443,29 path: '/gcm/send',30 method: 'POST',31 headers: {32 'Content-Type': 'application/json',33 'Authorization': 'key=' + conf.pushApiKey34 }35 };36 var req = https.request(options, function(res) {37 res.on('data', function(d) {38 if (res.statusCode !== 200) {39 console.log('Error push rest. code: ' + res.statusCode + ' Text: ' + d);40 console.log(registrationIds);41 }42 });43 });44 req.write(JSON.stringify({45 "registration_ids": registrationIds,46 "data": {47 "message": "New message",48 "title": "Byteball",49 "vibrate": 1,50 "sound": 151 }52 }));53 req.end();54 req.on('error', function(e) {55 console.error(e);56 });57}58function sendPushAboutMessage(device_address) {59 db.query("SELECT registrationId FROM push_registrations WHERE device_address=?", [device_address], function(rows) {60 if (rows.length > 0) {61 sendRest([rows[0].registrationId]);62 }63 });64}...
1import App from 'turbo-serv'2import sqlite from 'sqlite3'3let app = new App()4let router = app.getRouter()5let db = new sqlite.Database(':memory:')6db.serialize(function () {7`CREATE TABLE users (registrationId PRIMARY KEY,8 pubSignedPreKey,9 signKeyId,10 signature,11 identityKey)`)12`CREATE TABLE preKeys (registrationId, keyId, pubPreKey)`)13})'/register', function () {15 console.log(this.body)16 let stmt = db.prepare(`INSERT INTO users VALUES ($registrationId,17 $pubSignedPreKey,18 $signKeyId,19 $signature,20 $identityKey)`)21{22 $registrationId: this.body.registrationId,23 $pubSignedPreKey: this.body.pubSignedPreKey,24 $signKeyId: this.body.signKeyId,25 $signature: this.body.signature,26 $identityKey: this.body.identityKey27 })28 stmt.finalize()29 let preStmt30 this.body.pubPreKeys.forEach(keyObj => {31 preStmt = db.prepare(`INSERT INTO preKeys VALUES ($registrationId, $keyId, $pubPreKey)`)32{33 $registrationId: this.body.registrationId,34 $keyId: keyObj.keyId,35 $pubPreKey: keyObj.pubKey36 })37 preStmt.finalize()38 })39 db.each(`SELECT * FROM users`,40 (err, row) => {41 this.res.send(row || err)42 })43})44router.get('/users', function () {45 db.all(`SELECT * FROM users`,46 (err, row) => {47 let result = row48 this.res.send(result)49 })50})'/newSession', function () {52 console.log(this.body)53 let registrationId = this.body54 let stmt = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM users NATURAL JOIN prekeys WHERE registrationId = $registrationId`)55 stmt.get({$registrationId: registrationId}, (err, row) => {56 console.log(row)57 this.res.send(row)58 })59})...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const path = require('path');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const registrationId = await page._client.send('ServiceWorker.enable');8 console.log(registrationId);9 await browser.close();10})();11Please see [](
Using AI Code Generation
1const { devices } = require('@playwright/test');2const iPhone = devices['iPhone 6'];3const { webkit, chromium, firefox } = require('playwright');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });6 const context = await browser.newContext({7 geolocation: { longitude: 12.492507, latitude: 41.889938 },8 });9 const page = await context.newPage();10 await'text=Your location');11 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);12 await browser.close();13})();
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