Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/// <reference path="/Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" />2(function ($) {3 AdvanceHiddenDropbox = function (_options) {4 var $this = $(this);5 if ($this.length == 0)6 return null;7 this.Value = $('#' + _options.hddValue);8 this.divOptions = $('#' +;9 if (_options.css)10 this.divOptions.css(_options.css);11 this.divOptions.children('ul').css('min-width', $this.width() + 'px');12 this.divOptions.children('ul').children('li').css('min-width', ($this.width() - 32) + 'px');13 if (this.divOptions.children('ul').height() > 300)14 this.divOptions.css('width', ($this.width() + 22) + 'px');15 if (this.divOptions.width() < $this.width())16 this.divOptions.css('width', $this.width() + 'px');17 if (_options.minValue != undefined)18 this.txtMinValue = $('#' + _options.minValue);19 else20 this.txtMinValue = null;21 if (_options.maxValue != undefined)22 this.txtMaxValue = $('#' + _options.maxValue);23 else24 this.txtMaxValue = null;25 this.lstValue = this.divOptions.children('ul').children();26 this.selectText = $this.children(".select-text");27 this.bgIcon = this.selectText.css('background-image');28 this.textDefault = $(this.selectText.children()[0]).text();29 this.valueDefault = $(this.lstValue[0]).attr('vl');30 var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;31 if (( == 'divCityOptions' || == 'divDistrictOptions' || == 'divWardOptions' || == 'divStreetOptions' || == 'divProjectOptions' || == 'divCityCompareOptions' || == 'divDistrictCompareOptions' || == 'divWardCompareOptions' || == 'divStreetCompareOptions' || == 'divProjectCompareOptions') && userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') < 0 && userAgent.indexOf('Trident') < 0) {32 this.selectText.html('<input type="text" class="select-text-content" value="' + this.textDefault + '" placeholder="' + this.textDefault + '"/>');33 }34 this.selectText.children().css('width', (this.selectText.width() - 25) + 'px');35 this.selectText.children('.select-text-content').off('keypress keydown keyup');36 this.selectText.on('click', this, function (evt) {37 evt.preventDefault();38 evt.stopPropagation();39 $(this).children().val('');40 if ('').length > 0)41'background-image', 'none');42'placeholder');43 if ("tagName") != 'form') {44'form');45 }46 if ('display') == 'none') {47 $('.advance-select-options').css('display', 'none');48 $(this).children().removeAttr('readonly');49 var offset = $(;50 if ('position') != 'fixed') {51'top', ( + $this.height() + 2) + 'px');52'left', offset.left + 'px');53 }54'display', 'block');55'current');56;57 if ( > 0 && ( == null || == 0) && ( == null || == 0)) {58'ul').children('[vl=' + + ']').addClass('current');59 }60 if ( != null) {61;62 }63 $('body').bind('click',, function (_evt) {64 if ($('advance-options')) {65 _evt.preventDefault();66 _evt.stopPropagation();67 }68 else {69;70 }71 });72 } else {73'display', 'none');74 $(this).children().attr('readonly', 'true');75;76 }77 return $(this);78 });79 this.selectText.children('.select-text-content').on('focus', function () {80 var $this = $(this);81 $'before', $this.val());82 $this.val('');83 return $this;84 }).on('change', this, function (evt) {85 var box = evt.data86 var _keyword = UnicodeToKoDau($(this).val()).Trim().toLowerCase();87 if (_keyword.length > 1) {88 $(box.lstValue).each(function () {89 var text = UnicodeToKoDau($(this).text()).Trim().toLowerCase();90 if ($(this).attr('vl') == '' || $(this).attr('vl') == '0' || $(this).attr('vl') == 'CN' || text.indexOf(_keyword) < 0) {91 $(this).hide();92 } else {93 $(this).show();94 }95 });96 } else {97 $(box.lstValue).show();98 }99 }).on('keydown', this, function (evt) {100 if (evt.keyCode == 13 || evt.keyCode == 9) {101 try {102 var cur ='ul').children('li.current:visible');103 if (cur.length == 1) {104 cur.trigger('click');105 } else {106 var lstVisible ='ul').children('li:visible');107 if (lstVisible != undefined && lstVisible.length > 0) {108 $(lstVisible[0]).trigger('click');109 }110 }111 $(this).blur();112 } catch (ex) {113 //console.log(ex);114 }115 evt.preventDefault();116 evt.stopPropagation();117 return false;118 }119 else if (evt.keyCode == 40 || evt.keyCode == 38)//down / up120 {121 var cur ='ul').children('li:visible');122 if (cur.length > 0) {123 var cur ='ul').children('li.current:visible');124 if (cur.length > 0) {125 cur = $(cur[0]);126 cur.removeClass('current');127 if (evt.keyCode == 40) {128 var next = cur;129 while (next.hasClass('advance-options') &&":not(:visible)").length > 0) {130 next =;131 }132 if (':visible').length > 0)133 cur =;134 } else if (evt.keyCode == 38) {135 var prev = cur;136 while (prev.hasClass('advance-options') && prev.prev(":not(:visible)").length > 0) {137 prev = prev.prev();138 }139 if (prev.prev(':visible').length > 0)140 cur = prev.prev();141 }142 } else {143'ul').children('li').removeClass('current');144 cur = $('ul').children('li:visible')[0]);145 }146 if (cur != undefined && cur.length > 0) {147 cur.addClass('current');148 $(this).val(cur.text().Trim());149 }150 }151 } else {152 return true;153 }154 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event.preventDefault();197 }198 else {199 var decimal = $(el).attr('decimal') == 'true';200 var retval = numbersonly(el, event, decimal);201 if (retval == false) {202 event.preventDefault();203 }204 }205 }206 function EventKeyUpHandler(el, event) {207;208 var val = $(el).val();209 if ($(el).attr('id') == _options.minValue) {210 = parseFloat(val);211 } else {212 = parseFloat(val);213 }214'');215 }216 if (this.txtMinValue != null) {217 this.txtMinValue.bind('keydown', this, function (event) {218 EventKeyDownHandler(this, event);219 });220 this.txtMinValue.bind('keyup', this, function (event) {221 EventKeyUpHandler(this, event);222 });223 }224 if (this.txtMaxValue != null) {225 this.txtMaxValue.bind('keydown', this, function (event) {226 EventKeyDownHandler(this, event);227 });228 this.txtMaxValue.bind('keyup', this, function (event) {229 EventKeyUpHandler(this, event);230 });231 }232 this.CheckToClose = function () {233 if (this.txtMaxValue != null && this.txtMinValue != null && (this.txtMaxValue.val().length > 0 || this.txtMinValue.val().length > 0)) {234 var min = parseFloat(this.txtMinValue.val());235 var max = parseFloat(this.txtMaxValue.val());236 if (max < min) {237 var tempValue = this.txtMaxValue.val();238 this.txtMaxValue.val(this.txtMinValue.val());239 this.txtMinValue.val(tempValue);240 }241 this.UpdateTextValue();242 } else {243 this.SetValue();244 }245 this.divOptions.css('display', 'none');246 $('body').unbind('click');247 if (this.selectText.children('').length > 0) {248 this.selectText.css('background-image', this.bgIcon);249 this.selectText.children().attr('placeholder', this.textDefault);250 }251 return true;252 }253 this.UpdateTextValue = function () {254 if (this.txtMaxValue != null && this.txtMinValue != null) {255 if (this.txtMinValue.val().length == 0 && this.txtMaxValue.val().length == 0) {256 this.SetValue();257 }258 else {259 var _text = '';260 var hasValue = false;261 if (this.unitPrice == 'money') {262 if (this.txtMinValue.val().length > 0) {263 var txt = GetMoneyText2(parseFloat(this.txtMinValue.val()) * 1000000);264 if (this.txtMaxValue.val().length > 0)265 _text += txt;266 else267 _text += '>= ' + txt;268 $('#' + _options.lblMin).text(txt);269 hasValue = true;270 }271 else {272 $('#' + _options.lblMin).text('');273 }274 if (this.txtMaxValue.val().length > 0) {275 var txt = GetMoneyText2(parseFloat(this.txtMaxValue.val()) * 1000000);276 if (this.txtMinValue.val().length > 0)277 _text += ' - ' + txt;278 else279 _text += '< ' + txt;280 $('#' + _options.lblMax).text(txt);281 hasValue = true;282 } else {283 $('#' + _options.lblMax).text('');284 }285 }286 else if (this.unitPrice == 'area') {287 if (this.txtMinValue.val().length > 0) {288 if (this.txtMaxValue.val().length > 0)289 _text += this.txtMinValue.val();290 else291 _text += '>= ' + this.txtMinValue.val();292 hasValue = true;293 }294 if (this.txtMaxValue.val().length > 0) {295 if (this.txtMinValue.val().length > 0)296 _text += ' - ' + this.txtMaxValue.val();297 else298 _text += '< ' + this.txtMaxValue.val();299 hasValue = true;300 }301 _text += ' m2';302 }303 if (hasValue)304 this.selectText.addClass('hasvalue');305 else306 this.selectText.removeClass('hasvalue');307 if (this.selectText.children()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {308 this.selectText.children().text(_text);309 } else {310 this.selectText.children().val(_text);311 }312 }313 }314 }315 this.UpdateOptions = function (_html) {316 this.divOptions.children('ul').html(_html);317 this.lstValue = this.divOptions.children('ul').children();318 this.BindOptionEvent();319 }320 this.SetValue = function (val) {321 var text = '';322 var hasValue = false;323 if (val != undefined && this.divOptions.children('ul').children('[vl=' + val + ']').length > 0) {324 text = this.divOptions.children('ul').children('[vl=' + val + ']').text();325 } else {326 var cur;327 if (this.divOptions.children('ul').children('li.current:visible').length > 0) {328 var cur = $(this.divOptions.children('ul').children('li.current:visible')[0]);329 } else if (this.divOptions.children('ul').children('li:visible').length > 0) {330 var cur = $(this.divOptions.children('ul').children('li:visible')[0]);331 } else {332 cur = this.divOptions.children('ul').children(':nth-child(1)');333 }334 text = cur.text();335 val = cur.attr('vl');336 }337 if (val == this.valueDefault)338 text = this.textDefault;339 else340 hasValue = true;341 if (hasValue)342 this.selectText.addClass('hasvalue');343 else344 this.selectText.removeClass('hasvalue');345 //console.log('hasvalue:' + hasValue + ', val:' + val + ', valdefault: ' + this.valueDefault);346 if (this.selectText.children()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {347 this.selectText.children().text(text);348 }349 else {350 this.selectText.children().val(text);351 }352 353 this.selectText.children().attr('readonly', 'true');354 this.Value.val(val);355 if (this.txtMaxValue != null)356 this.txtMaxValue.val('');357 if (this.txtMinValue != null)358 this.txtMinValue.val('');359 }360 this.GetValue = function () {361 return this.Value.val();362 }363 this.GetText = function(){364 if (this.selectText.children()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {365 return $(this.selectText.children()[0]).text();366 } else {367 return $(this.selectText.children()[0]).val();368 }369 }370 this.BindOptionEvent = function () {371 this.lstValue.bind('click', this, function (evt) {372 $('body').unbind('click');373 var val = $(this).attr('vl');374 var hasValue = val !=;375;376 if ( != null && != null) {377'');378'');379 }380 if (hasValue)381'hasvalue');382 else383'hasvalue');384 if ([0].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') {385$(this).text());386 } else {387$(this).text());388 }389'display', 'none');390 if ( != null) {391;392 }393 if ('').length > 0) {394'background-image',;395'placeholder', this.textDefault);396 }397 });398 }399 this._ChangeFunc = null;400 this._ChangeFuncScope = null;401 this.BindChangeEvent = function (_scope, func) {402 this._ChangeFunc = func;403 this._ChangeFuncScope = _scope;404 }405 this.BindOptionEvent();406 if (this.txtMaxValue != null && this.txtMinValue != null && (this.txtMaxValue.val().length > 0 || this.txtMinValue.val().length > 0)) {407 this.UpdateTextValue();408 }409 else {410 if (this.divOptions.children('ul').children('.current').length > 0) {411 var _val = this.divOptions.children('ul').children('.current').attr('vl');412 this.SetValue(_val);413 } else {414 var _val = this.divOptions.children('ul').children(':first').attr('vl');415 this.SetValue(_val);416 }417 }418 return this;419 }420 AdvanceHiddenDropbox.getValueById = function () {421 }422 $.fn.AdvanceHiddenDropbox = AdvanceHiddenDropbox;423 $.fn.AdvanceHiddenDropbox.getValueById = AdvanceHiddenDropbox.getValueById;...
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1/* æ°å¢å±åä¸çå表项 */2const exhibitorList = [{3 title: 'å±åå称',4 selectText: '',5 isSelect: false,6 isSign: true,7 isDisabled: false,8 isType: 'text',9 id: 0,10 mode: ""11 },12 {13 title: 'å±åç®ç§°',14 selectText: '',15 isSelect: false,16 isSign: false,17 isDisabled: false,18 isType: 'text',19 id: 1,20 mode: "",21 },22 {23 title: 'çµè¯',24 selectText: '',25 isSelect: false,26 isSign: false,27 isDisabled: false,28 isType: 'number',29 id: 2,30 mode: "",31 },32 {33 title: 'é®ç®±',34 selectText: '',35 isSelect: false,36 isSign: false,37 isDisabled: false,38 isType: 'text',39 id: 3,40 mode: ""41 },42 {43 title: 'å½å®¶',44 selectText: 'éæ©å½å®¶',45 isSelect: true,46 isSign: false,47 isDisabled: true,48 isType: 'text',49 id: 4,50 mode: "selector"51 },52 {53 title: 'ç份',54 selectText: 'éæ©ç份',55 isSelect: true,56 isSign: false,57 isDisabled: true,58 isType: 'text',59 id: 5,60 mode: "selector"61 },62 {63 title: 'åå¸',64 selectText: 'éæ©åå¸',65 isSelect: true,66 isSign: false,67 isDisabled: true,68 isType: 'text',69 id: 6,70 mode: "selector"71 },72 {73 title: '产åç±»å«',74 selectText: 'éæ©äº§åç±»å«',75 isSelect: true,76 isSign: false,77 isDisabled: true,78 isType: 'text',79 id: 7,80 mode: "selector"81 },82 {83 title: 'è¡ä¸',84 selectText: 'éæ©è¡ä¸',85 isSelect: true,86 isSign: false,87 isDisabled: true,88 isType: 'text',89 id: 8,90 mode: "selector"91 }92]93/* æ°å¢èç»äºº */94const liaisonsList = [{95 title: 'å§å',96 selectText: 'å§å',97 isSelect: false,98 isSign: true,99 isDisabled: false,100 isType: 'text',101 id: 0,102 mode: ""103 },104 {105 title: '称è°',106 selectText: 'éæ©ç§°è°',107 isSelect: true,108 isSign: false,109 isDisabled: false,110 isType: 'text',111 id: 1,112 mode: "selector"113 },114 {115 title: 'èå¡',116 selectText: '',117 isSelect: false,118 isSign: false,119 isDisabled: false,120 isType: 'text',121 id: 2,122 mode: ""123 },124 {125 title: 'å°å',126 selectText: '',127 isSelect: false,128 isSign: false,129 isDisabled: false,130 isType: 'text',131 id: 3,132 mode: ""133 },134 {135 title: 'é®ç¼',136 selectText: '',137 isSelect: false,138 isSign: false,139 isDisabled: false,140 isType: 'text',141 id: 4,142 mode: ""143 },144 {145 title: 'çµè¯',146 selectText: '',147 isSelect: false,148 isSign: true,149 isDisabled: false,150 isType: 'text',151 id: 5,152 mode: ""153 },154 {155 title: 'ææºå·',156 selectText: 'éæ©ä¸æ¬¡èç»æ¶é´',157 isSelect: false,158 isSign: false,159 isDisabled: false,160 isType: 'text',161 id: 6,162 mode: ""163 },164 {165 title: 'å½å®¶',166 selectText: 'éæ©å½å®¶',167 isSelect: true,168 isSign: false,169 isDisabled: true,170 isType: 'text',171 id: 7,172 mode: "selector"173 },174 {175 title: 'ç份',176 selectText: 'éæ©ç份',177 isSelect: true,178 isSign: false,179 isDisabled: true,180 isType: 'text',181 id: 8,182 mode: "selector"183 },184 {185 title: 'åå¸',186 selectText: 'éæ©åå¸',187 isSelect: true,188 isSign: false,189 isDisabled: true,190 isType: 'text',191 id: 9,192 mode: "selector"193 },194 {195 title: 'å¿å',196 selectText: 'å¿å',197 isSelect: true,198 isSign: false,199 isDisabled: true,200 isType: 'text',201 id: 10,202 mode: "selector"203 }204]205const contactList = [{206 title: 'èç»äºº',207 selectText: '',208 isSelect: true,209 isSign: true,210 isDisabled: true,211 isType: 'text',212 id: 0,213 mode: "selector",214 placeholder: "éæ©èç»äºº"215 },216 {217 title: 'èç»æ¹å¼',218 selectText: '',219 isSelect: true,220 isSign: true,221 isDisabled: true,222 isType: 'text',223 id: 1,224 mode: "selector",225 placeholder: "éæ©èç»æ¹å¼"226 },227 {228 title: 'éå®è¿åº¦ï¼%ï¼',229 selectText: '',230 isSelect: true,231 isSign: true,232 isDisabled: true,233 isType: 'text',234 id: 2,235 mode: "selector",236 placeholder: "éæ©éå®è¿åº¦"237 },238 {239 title: 'é¢ä¼°é¢ç§¯(m2)',240 selectText: '',241 isSelect: false,242 isSign: false,243 isDisabled: false,244 isType: 'text',245 id: 3,246 mode: "",247 placeholder: ""248 },249 {250 title: 'é¢ä¼°éé¢',251 selectText: '',252 isSelect: false,253 isSign: false,254 isDisabled: false,255 isType: 'text',256 id: 4,257 mode: "",258 placeholder: ""259 },260 {261 title: 'ä¸æ¬¡èç»æ¶é´',262 selectText: '',263 isSelect: true,264 isSign: true,265 isDisabled: true,266 isType: 'text',267 id: 5,268 mode: "dateTime",269 placeholder: "éæ©ä¸æ¬¡èç»æ¶é´"270 }271]272/* æ°å¢èç»ä¸çèç»æ¹å¼ */273const contactWay = [{274 opt: 'çµè¯',275 value: 'çµè¯'276}, {277 opt: 'ä¼ ç',278 value: 'ä¼ ç'279}, {280 opt: 'Email',281 value: 'Email'282}]283const bootList = [{284 title: 'å±ä½å·',285 selectText: '',286 isSelect: false,287 isSign: true,288 isDisabled: false,289 isType: 'text',290 id: 0291 },292 {293 title: 'å±ä½ç±»å',294 selectText: 'éæ©å±ä½ç±»å',295 isSelect: true,296 isSign: true,297 isDisabled: true,298 isType: 'text',299 id: 1300 },301 {302 title: 'ä»·æ ¼ç±»å«',303 selectText: 'éæ©ä»·æ ¼ç±»å«',304 isSelect: true,305 isSign: true,306 isDisabled: true,307 isType: 'number',308 id: 2309 },310 {311 title: 'æå±å±å
',312 selectText: 'éæ©æå±å±å
',313 isSelect: true,314 isSign: true,315 isDisabled: true,316 isType: 'text',317 id: 3318 },319 {320 title: 'æå±å±å',321 selectText: '',322 isSelect: false,323 isSign: false,324 isDisabled: true,325 isType: 'text',326 id: 4327 }328]329const priceInfo = [{330 title: 'é¿(m)',331 selectText: '',332 isSelect: false,333 isSign: true,334 isDisabled: false,335 isType: 'number',336 id: "price0"337 },338 {339 title: '宽(m)',340 selectText: '',341 isSelect: false,342 isSign: true,343 isDisabled: false,344 isType: 'number',345 id: "price1"346 },347 {348 title: 'é¢ç§¯(ã¡)',349 selectText: '',350 isSelect: false,351 isSign: true,352 isDisabled: true,353 isType: 'number',354 id: "price2"355 },356 {357 title: '人æ°å¸ä»·æ ¼(å
)',358 selectText: '0',359 isSelect: false,360 isSign: true,361 isDisabled: true,362 isType: 'number',363 id: "price3"364 }365]366const exhibitorStatus = [{367 opt: "ä¸é",368 value: 0369}, {370 opt: "æªèç³»",371 value: 1372}, {373 opt: "å·²èç³»",374 value: 2375}, {376 opt: "å·²é¢å®",377 value: 3378}, {379 opt: "å·²ç¾çº¦",380 value: 4381}, {382 opt: "é¨åä»æ¬¾",383 value: 5384}, {385 opt: "å
¨é¨ä»æ¬¾",386 value: 6387}]388/* å±ä½åºæ */389const bthPlaceList = [{390 opt: '室å
',391 value: '室å
'392}, {393 opt: '室å¤',394 value: '室å¤'395}]396/* éå®è¿åº¦ */397const rateProgress = [{398 opt: "ä¸é",399 values: ""400 },401 {402 opt: 0,403 values: 0404 },405 {406 opt: 10,407 values: 10408 },409 {410 opt: 30,411 values: 30412 },413 {414 opt: 50,415 values: 40416 },417 {418 opt: 70,419 values: 70420 },421 {422 opt: 90,423 values: 90424 },425 {426 opt: 100,427 values: 100428 }429]430/* éå®è¿åº¦ */431const rateProgres = [432 {433 opt: 0,434 values: 0435 },436 {437 opt: 10,438 values: 2439 },440 {441 opt: 30,442 values: 3443 },444 {445 opt: 50,446 values: 4447 },448 {449 opt: 70,450 values: 5451 },452 {453 opt: 90,454 values: 6455 },456 {457 opt: 100,458 values: 7459 }460]461export default {462 exhibitorList,463 liaisonsList,464 contactList,465 rateProgress,466 rateProgres,467 contactWay,468 bthPlaceList,469 exhibitorStatus...
...15 return selection.anchorNode === startNode && selection.anchorOffset === 0 && selection.focusNode === endNode &&16 selection.focusOffset === endNode.nodeValue.length;17});18test('Select text in input', async t => {19 await t.selectText('#input', 2, 4);20 const selection = await getSelectionByElementId('input');21 expect(selection.start).equals(2);22 expect(selection.end).equals(4);23});24test('Select content in textarea', async t => {25 await t.selectTextAreaContent('#textarea', 0, 2, 1, 3);26 const selection = await getSelectionByElementId('textarea');27 expect(selection.start).equals(2);28 expect(selection.end).equals(7);29});30test('Select editable content', async t => {31 await t.selectEditableContent('#p1', '#p2');32 expect(await checkEditableContentSelection());33});34test('Incorrect selector in selectText', async t => {35 await t.selectText(null, 2, 4);36});37test('Incorrect startPos in selectText', async t => {38 await t.selectText('#input', -1, 4);39});40test('Incorrect endPos in selectText', async t => {41 await t.selectText('#input', 2, NaN);42});43test('Incorrect selector in selectTextAreaContent', async t => {44 await t.selectTextAreaContent({}, 0, 2, 1, 3);45});46test('Incorrect startLine in selectTextAreaContent', async t => {47 await t.selectTextAreaContent('#textarea', 3.1, 2, 1, 3);48});49test('Incorrect startPos in selectTextAreaContent', async t => {50 await t.selectTextAreaContent('#textarea', 0, '2', 1, 3);51});52test('Incorrect endLine in selectTextAreaContent', async t => {53 await t.selectTextAreaContent('#textarea', 0, 2, -1, 3);54});55test('Incorrect endPos in selectTextAreaContent', async t => {56 await t.selectTextAreaContent('#textarea', 0, 2, 1, false);57});58test('Incorrect startSelector in selectEditableContent', async t => {59 await t.selectEditableContent(false, '#p2');60});61test('Incorrect endSelector in selectEditableContent', async t => {62 await t.selectEditableContent('#p1', 42);63});64test('Start element selector returns text node', async t => {65 const getNode = Selector(() => document.getElementById('p2').childNodes[0]);66 await t.selectEditableContent(getNode, '#p1');67});68test('End element selector returns text node', async t => {69 const getNode = Selector(() => document.getElementById('p2').childNodes[0]);70 await t.selectEditableContent('#p1', getNode);71});72const isIEFunction = ClientFunction(() => {73 const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;74 const appName = window.navigator.appName;75 const isIE11Re = new RegExp('Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})');76 const isMSEdge = /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent);77 return appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ||78 appName === 'Netscape' && isIE11Re.exec(userAgent) !== null ||79 isMSEdge;80});81test('simple inverse selection in contenteditable', async t => {82 await t.selectText(Selector('#div'), 28, 2);83 const checkEditableContentInverseSelection = ClientFunction(() => {84 const selection = window.getSelection();85 const div = document.getElementById('div');86 const isIE = isIEFunction();87 const startNode = isIE ? div.childNodes[0] : div.childNodes[3].childNodes[0];88 const startOffset = isIE ? 2 : 3;89 const endNode = isIE ? div.childNodes[3].childNodes[0] : div.childNodes[0];90 const endOffset = isIE ? 3 : 2;91 return selection.anchorNode === startNode &&92 selection.anchorOffset === startOffset &&93 selection.focusNode === endNode &&94 selection.focusOffset === endOffset;95 }, { dependencies: { isIEFunction: isIEFunction } });96 await t.expect(checkEditableContentInverseSelection()).ok();97});98test('difficult inverse selection in contenteditable', async t => {99 await t.selectText(Selector('#bigDiv'), 141, 4);100 const checkEditableContentInverseSelection = ClientFunction(() => {101 const selection = window.getSelection();102 const div = document.getElementById('bigDiv');103 const isIE = isIEFunction();104 const startNode = isIE ? div.childNodes[0] : div.childNodes[10];105 const startOffset = isIE ? 4 : 1;106 const endNode = isIE ? div.childNodes[10] : div.childNodes[0];107 const endOffset = isIE ? 1 : 4;108 return selection.anchorNode === startNode &&109 selection.anchorOffset === startOffset &&110 selection.focusNode === endNode &&111 selection.focusOffset === endOffset;112 }, { dependencies: { isIEFunction: isIEFunction } });113 await t.expect(checkEditableContentInverseSelection()).ok();...
1import React,{Component} from 'react';2import {3 View,4 StyleSheet,5 Text,6 Image,7 TouchableHighlight,8 Alert,9 Dimensions10} from 'react-native';11import ModalDropdown from 'react-native-modal-dropdown';12let GOBAL_HEIGHT= Dimensions.get('window').height;13export default class DropdownPicker extends Component {14 length = 0 ;15 constructor(props) {16 super(props);17 this.state= {18 selectText: this.props.selectText ,//== null ? 'éæ©' : this.props.selectText,19 dropdownHeight: (this.props.options.length * this.props.pickerHeight + this.props.options.length)>(GOBAL_HEIGHT-132)?(GOBAL_HEIGHT-132):(this.props.options.length * this.props.pickerHeight + this.props.options.length),20 }21 this.length = this.props.options.length;22 }23 componentWillReceiveProps(next) {24 this.props = next;25 if(this.length == this.props.options.length){26 this.state = {27 selectText: this.props.selectText == null ? 'éæ©' : this.props.selectText,28 dropdownHeight: (this.props.options.length * this.props.pickerHeight + this.props.options.length)>(GOBAL_HEIGHT-132)?(GOBAL_HEIGHT-132):(this.props.options.length * this.props.pickerHeight + this.props.options.length),29 }30 return;31 }else{32 this.length = this.props.options.length;33 }34 this.state = {35 dropdownHeight: (this.props.options.length * this.props.pickerHeight + this.props.options.length)>(GOBAL_HEIGHT-132)?(GOBAL_HEIGHT-132):(this.props.options.length * this.props.pickerHeight + this.props.options.length),36 selectText: this.props.selectText == null ? 'éæ©' : this.props.selectText,37 }38 }39 Selected(index){40 this.setState({41 selectText:this.props.options[index]42 });43 this.props.Selected && this.props.Selected(index);44 }45 hideAndShowChose(isChose){46 if(isChose){47 return(<Image style={{width: 20, height:20,}} source={{uri: 'icon_chose'}}>48 </Image>);49 }else{50 return null;51 }52 }53 _dropdown_2_renderRow(rowData, rowID, highlighted) {54 let evenRow = rowID % 2;55 return (56 <TouchableHighlight >57 <View style={[styles.dropdown_2_row, { paddingHorizontal:10,height: this.props.pickerHeight}]}>58 <Text style={{flex:1,fontSize:14,color:'#555555'}}>59 {this.props.options[rowID]}60 </Text>61 {this.hideAndShowChose(highlighted)}62 </View>63 </TouchableHighlight>64 );65 }66 _dropdown_2_renderSeparator(sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) {67 if (rowID == this.props.options.length - 1) return;68 let key = `spr_${rowID}`;69 return (<View style={{height: 1,backgroundColor: '#eee'}}70 key={key}71 />);72 }73 render() {74 return (75 <View style={[styles.container,{width:this.props.pickerWidth}]}>76 <View style={[styles.row,{width:this.props.pickerWidth}]}>77 <View style={[styles.cell,{ width:this.props.pickerWidth,}]}>78 <ModalDropdown79 style={[styles.dropdown_2,{width: this.props.pickerWidth,backgroundColor:this.props.backColor},this.props.OutStyle,80 ]}81 textStyle={styles.dropdown_2_text}82 dropdownStyle={{width: this.props.pickerWidth,height:this.state.dropdownHeight}}83 options={this.props.options}84 renderRow={this._dropdown_2_renderRow.bind(this)}85 renderSeparator={(sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted) => this._dropdown_2_renderSeparator(sectionID, rowID, adjacentRowHighlighted)}86 onSelect={(index)=>this.Selected(index)}87 >88 <View style={{width:this.props.pickerWidth,height:this.props.pickerHeight,flexDirection:'row',alignItems:'center',paddingLeft:15,paddingRight:20,justifyContent:'center'}}>89 <Text style={{fontSize:14,marginRight:10,flex:this.props.flexOnItem,textAlign:this.props.textAlign}}>{this.state.selectText}</Text>90 <Image style={{width: 16.5, height:8.5,}} source={{uri: 'icon_down'}}/>91 </View>92 </ModalDropdown>93 </View>94 </View>95 </View>96 );97 }98}99const styles = StyleSheet.create({100 container: {101 borderRadius:3,102 alignItems:'center',103 justifyContent:'center'104 },105 row: {106 flexDirection: 'row',107 },108 cell: {109 },110 dropdown_2: {111 alignSelf: 'flex-end',112 borderWidth: 0,113 },114 dropdown_2_text: {115 marginVertical: 10,116 marginHorizontal: 10,117 fontSize: 14,118 color: '#555555',119 textAlign: 'center',120 textAlignVertical: 'center',121 },122 dropdown_2_row: {123 flex:1,124 backgroundColor:'#fafafa',125 flexDirection: 'row',126 alignItems: 'center',127 justifyContent:'center'128 },129 dropdown_2_row_text: {130 marginHorizontal: 4,131 fontSize: 16,132 color: 'navy',133 textAlignVertical: 'center',134 textAlign:'center'135 },136 dropdown_2_separator: {137 height: 1,138 backgroundColor: '#666666',139 }...
1function hideToolbar(){2 document.getElementById("toolbar").style.display = "none";3}4function transCallback(result) {5 if (result.translation) {6 alert("åæï¼"+selectText + "\n\nä¸æï¼"+result.translation);7 }8}9selectText = "";10function translate(text) {11 google.language.translate(text, "", "zh-TW", transCallback);12}13function translateSelected() {14 selectText=((window.getSelection && window.getSelection())15 ||(document.getSelection && document.getSelection())16 ||(document.selection && document.selection.createRange17 &&document.selection.createRange().text));18 if (!selectText || selectText == "")19 selectText = document.getElementById("sourceText").value;20 document.getElementById("sourceText").value = selectText;21 document.getElementById("msgbar").innerHTML = selectText; // å¥æªï¼ä¸å®è¦å éå
©è¡æè¡ã22 selectText = document.getElementById("msgbar").innerHTML; // å¥æªï¼ä¸å®è¦å éå
©è¡æè¡ã23 google.language.translate(selectText, "", "zh-TW", transCallback);24}25function langLoaded() {26}27function pageLoaded() {28 google.load("language", "1", { "callback": langLoaded });...
1function hideToolbar(){2 document.getElementById("toolbar").style.display = "none";3}4function transCallback(result) {5 if (result.translation) {6 alert("åæï¼"+selectText + "\n\nä¸æï¼"+result.translation);7 }8}9selectText = "";10function translate(text) {11 google.language.translate(text, "", "zh-TW", transCallback);12}13function translateSelected() {14 selectText=((window.getSelection && window.getSelection())15 ||(document.getSelection && document.getSelection())16 ||(document.selection && document.selection.createRange17 &&document.selection.createRange().text));18 if (!selectText || selectText == "")19 selectText = document.getElementById("sourceText").value;20 document.getElementById("sourceText").value = selectText;21 document.getElementById("msgbar").innerHTML = selectText; // å¥æªï¼ä¸å®è¦å éå
©è¡æè¡ã22 selectText = document.getElementById("msgbar").innerHTML; // å¥æªï¼ä¸å®è¦å éå
©è¡æè¡ã23 google.language.translate(selectText, "", "zh-TW", transCallback);24}25function langLoaded() {26}27function pageLoaded() {28 google.load("language", "1", { "callback": langLoaded });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'text=Get started');8 await'text=Docs');9 await'text=API');10 await'text=Selectors');11 await'text=selectText');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const selector = 'css=div#www-wikipedia-org > div.central-textlogo > h1 > span';8 const element = await page.$(selector);9 const text = await selectText(element);10 console.log(text);11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/selectors');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await selectText(page, 'text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test('selectText', async ({ page }) => {13 await page.selectText('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });15});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'input[name="q"]');8 await selectText(page.mainFrame(), 'input[name="q"]', 1, 4);9 await browser.close();10})();11const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 const iframe = await page.$('#iframeResult');18 await'input[name="fname"]');19 await selectText(iframe, 'input[name="fname"]', 1, 4);20 await browser.close();21})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright-core/lib/webkit/wkPage');2const { webkit } = require('playwright-core');3(async () => {4 const browser = await webkit.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await selectText(page, 'Example Domain');8 await'Backspace');9})();10const { helper } = require('../helper');11const { debugError } = require('../helper');12const { assert } = require('../helper');13const { WKExecutionContext } = require('./wkExecutionContext');14const { Events } = require('../events');15const { WKConnection } = require('./wkConnection');16const { WKSession } = require('./wkSession');17const { WKInterceptableRequest } = require('./wkInterceptableRequest');18const { WKInterceptableResponse } = require('./wkInterceptableResponse');19const { WKInterceptableFetch } = require('./wkInterceptableFetch');20const { WKInterceptableWebSocket } = require('./wkInterceptableWebSocket');21const { WKInterceptableEventSource } = require('./wkInterceptableEventSource');22const { WKInterceptableStream } = require('./wkInterceptableStream');23const { WKInterceptableRequestEvent } = require('./wkInterceptableRequestEvent');24const { WKInterceptableResponseEvent } = require('./wkInterceptableResponseEvent');25const { WKInterceptableFetchEvent } = require('./wkInterceptableFetchEvent');26const { WKInterceptableWebSocketEvent } = require('./wkInterceptableWebSocketEvent');27const { WKInterceptableEventSourceEvent } = require('./wkInterceptableEventSourceEvent');28const { WKInterceptableStreamEvent } = require('./wkInterceptableStreamEvent');29const { WKInterceptableRequestEventResponse } = require('./wkInterceptableRequestEventResponse');30const { WKInterceptableResponseEventResponse } = require('./wkInterceptableResponseEventResponse');31const { WKInterceptableFetchEventResponse } = require('./wkInterceptableFetchEventResponse');32const { WKInterceptableWebSocketEventResponse } = require('./wkInterceptableWebSocketEventResponse');33const { WKInterceptableEventSourceEventResponse
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inspector');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'text=Get started');8 await'text=API');9 await'text=Selectors');10 await'text=Select Text');11 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');12 await'text=Select Text');13 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');14 await'text=Select Text');15 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');16 await'text=Select Text');17 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');18 await'text=Select Text');19 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');20 await'text=Select Text');21 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');22 await'text=Select Text');23 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');24 await'text=Select Text');25 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');26 await'text=Select Text');27 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');28 await'text=Select Text');29 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');30 await'text=Select Text');31 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');32 await'text=Select Text');33 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');34 await'text=Select Text');35 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');36 await'text=Select Text');37 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');38 await'text=Select Text');39 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');40 await'text=Select Text');41 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');42 await'text=Select Text');43 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');44 await'text=Select Text');45 await selectText(page, 'text=Select Text');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput.js');2const { click } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput.js');3const { type } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput.js');4const { focus } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput.js');5const { blur } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput.js');6const { Keyboard } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crKeyboard.js');7const { Mouse } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crMouse.js');8const chromium = require('playwright-chromium');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});11 const context = await browser.newContext();12 const page = await context.newPage();13 await selectText(page, 'input[name="q"]', 0, 3);14 await click(page, 'input[name="q"]', {button: 'left', clickCount: 1});15 await type(page, 'input[name="q"]', 'Hello World');16 await focus(page, 'input[name="q"]');17 await blur(page, 'input[name="q"]');18 const keyboard = new Keyboard(page);19 await keyboard.down('Shift');20 await keyboard.down('Control');21 await keyboard.down('Alt');22 await keyboard.down('Meta');23 await keyboard.down('KeyA');24 await keyboard.up('Shift');25 await keyboard.up('Control');26 await keyboard.up('Alt');27 await keyboard.up('Meta');28 await keyboard.up('KeyA
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');2await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');3const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');4await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');5const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');6await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');7const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');8await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');9const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');10await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');11const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');12await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');13const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');14await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');15const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');16await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');17const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');18await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');19const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');20await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');21const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');22await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');23const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crInput');24await selectText(page, 'Hello, World!');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/utils/dom.js');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await selectText(page, 'Google');8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { helper } = require('./helper');12const { assert } = require('console');13const { debugError } = require('./debug');14 * @param {!Page} page15 * @param {string} text16async function selectText(page, text) {17 const result = await page.evaluate(text => {18 const range = document.createRange();19 const selection = window.getSelection();20 selection.removeAllRanges();21 const element = document.querySelector('a');22 range.selectNodeContents(element);23 selection.addRange(range);24 return selection.toString();25 }, text);26 assert(result === text, 'Failed to select text: ' + text);27}28module.exports = { selectText };29const { selectText } = require('playwright/lib/utils/dom.js');30const { chromium } = require('playwright');31(async () => {32 const browser = await chromium.launch();33 const context = await browser.newContext();34 const page = await context.newPage();35 const element = await page.$('a');36 await selectText(page, element);37 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });38 await browser.close();39})();40const { helper } = require('./helper');41const { assert } = require('console');42const { debugError } = require('./debug');43 * @param {!Page} page44 * @param {!ElementHandle} element45async function selectText(page, element) {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Page } = require('playwright');2const page = new Page();3const selectText = Page.prototype.selectText;, 'foo');5I have a test that uses selectText method of Playwright Internal Page class. I want to use it in multiple tests. I am not able to use it as it is not exposed as public API. I tried to use it by importing the page class and using it. But I am getting error as below:6Your name to display (optional):7Your name to display (optional):8const { Page } = require('playwright');9const page = new Page();10const selectText = Page.prototype.selectText;, 'foo');12Your name to display (optional):
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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