How to use toOverloadSuffix method in Playwright Internal

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...312 overloads.push({ type, name, jsonName });313 } else {314 for (const overload of member.type.union) {315 const t = translateType(overload, parent, t => generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent));316 const suffix = toOverloadSuffix(t);317 overloads.push({ type: t, name: name + suffix, jsonName: + suffix });318 }319 }320 return overloads;321}322/​**323 *324 * @param {Documentation.Member} member325 * @param {string} name326 * @param {Documentation.Type} t327 * @param {*} parent328 */​329function generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent) {330 if (!t.properties331 && !t.templates332 && !t.union333 && t.expression === '[Object]')334 return 'object';335 /​/​ we'd get this call for enums, primarily336 let enumName = generateEnumNameIfApplicable(t);337 if (!enumName && member) {338 if (member.kind === 'method' || member.kind === 'property') {339 let names = [340 parent.alias ||,341 toTitleCase(member.alias ||,342 toTitleCase(name),343 ];344 if (names[2] === names[1])345 names.pop(); /​/​ get rid of duplicates, cheaply346 let attemptedName = names.pop();347 let typesDiffer = function (left, right) {348 if (left.expression && right.expression)349 return left.expression !== right.expression;350 return JSON.stringify( !== JSON.stringify(;351 }352 while (true) {353 /​/​ crude attempt at removing plurality354 if (attemptedName.endsWith('s')355 && !["properties", "httpcredentials"].includes(attemptedName.toLowerCase()))356 attemptedName = attemptedName.substring(0, attemptedName.length - 1);357 /​/​ For some of these we don't want to generate generic types.358 /​/​ For some others we simply did not have the code that was deduping the names.359 if (attemptedName === 'BoundingBox')360 attemptedName = `${}BoundingBoxResult`;361 if (attemptedName === 'BrowserContextCookie')362 attemptedName = 'BrowserContextCookiesResult';363 if (attemptedName === 'File')364 attemptedName = `FilePayload`;365 if (attemptedName === 'Size')366 attemptedName = 'RequestSizesResult';367 if (attemptedName === 'ViewportSize' && === 'Page')368 attemptedName = 'PageViewportSizeResult';369 if (attemptedName === 'SecurityDetail')370 attemptedName = 'ResponseSecurityDetailsResult';371 if (attemptedName === 'ServerAddr')372 attemptedName = 'ResponseServerAddrResult';373 if (attemptedName === 'Timing')374 attemptedName = 'RequestTimingResult';375 if (attemptedName === 'HeadersArray')376 attemptedName = 'Header';377 let probableType = modelTypes.get(attemptedName);378 if ((probableType && typesDiffer(t, probableType))379 || (["Value"].includes(attemptedName))) {380 if (!names.length)381 throw new Error(`Ran out of possible names: ${attemptedName}`);382 attemptedName = `${names.pop()}${attemptedName}`;383 continue;384 } else {385 registerModelType(attemptedName, t);386 }387 break;388 }389 return attemptedName;390 }391 if (member.kind === 'event') {392 return `${name}Payload`;393 }394 }395 return enumName ||;396}397/​**398 * 399 * @param {Documentation.Type} type 400 * @returns 401 */​402function generateEnumNameIfApplicable(type) {403 if (!type.union)404 return null;405 const potentialValues = type.union.filter(u =>'"'));406 if ((potentialValues.length !== type.union.length)407 && !(type.union[0].name === 'null' && potentialValues.length === type.union.length - 1)) {408 return null; /​/​ this isn't an enum, so we don't care, we let the caller generate the name409 }410 return;411}412/​**413 * Rendering a method is so _special_, with so many weird edge cases, that it414 * makes sense to put it separate from the other logic.415 * @param {Documentation.Member} member416 * @param {Documentation.Class | Documentation.Type} parent417 * @param {string} name418 * @param {{419 * mode: 'options'|'named'|'base',420 * nodocs?: boolean,421 * abstract?: boolean,422 * public?: boolean,423 * trimRunAndPrefix?: boolean,424 * }} options425 * @param {string[]} out426 */​427function renderMethod(member, parent, name, options, out) {428 out.push('');429 if (options.trimRunAndPrefix)430 name = name.substring('RunAnd'.length);431 /​** @type {Map<string, string[]>} */​432 const paramDocs = new Map();433 const addParamsDoc = (paramName, docs) => {434 if (paramName.startsWith('@'))435 paramName = paramName.substring(1);436 if (paramDocs.get(paramName) && paramDocs.get(paramName) !== docs)437 throw new Error(`Parameter ${paramName} already exists in the docs.`);438 paramDocs.set(paramName, docs);439 };440 let type = translateType(member.type, parent, t => generateNameDefault(member, name, t, parent), false, true);441 /​/​ TODO: this is something that will probably go into the docs442 /​/​ translate simple getters into read-only properties, and simple443 /​/​ set-only methods to settable properties444 if (member.args.size == 0445 && type !== 'void'446 && !name.startsWith('Get')447 && !name.startsWith('PostDataJSON')448 && !name.startsWith('As')) {449 if (!member.async) {450 if (member.spec && !options.nodocs)451 out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));452 if (member.deprecated)453 out.push(`[System.Obsolete]`);454 out.push(`${type} ${name} { get; }`);455 return;456 }457 }458 /​/​ HACK: special case for generics handling!459 if (type === 'T') {460 name = `${name}<T>`;461 }462 /​/​ adjust the return type for async methods463 if (member.async) {464 if (type === 'void')465 type = `Task`;466 else467 type = `Task<${type}>`;468 }469 /​/​ render args470 /​** @type {string[]} */​471 let args = [];472 /​** @type {string[]} */​473 let explodedArgs = [];474 /​** @type {Map<string, string>} */​475 let argTypeMap = new Map([]);476 /​**477 *478 * @param {string} innerArgType479 * @param {string} innerArgName480 * @param {Documentation.Member} argument481 * @param {boolean} isExploded482 */​483 function pushArg(innerArgType, innerArgName, argument, isExploded = false) {484 if (innerArgType === 'null')485 return;486 const requiredPrefix = (argument.required || isExploded) ? "" : "?";487 const requiredSuffix = (argument.required || isExploded) ? "" : " = default";488 var push = `${innerArgType}${requiredPrefix} ${innerArgName}${requiredSuffix}`;489 if (isExploded)490 explodedArgs.push(push)491 else492 args.push(push);493 argTypeMap.set(push, innerArgName);494 }495 /​**496 * @param {Documentation.Member} arg497 */​498 function processArg(arg) {499 if (options.trimRunAndPrefix && === 'action')500 return;501 if ( === 'options') {502 if (options.mode === 'options' || options.mode === 'base') {503 const optionsType = + name.replace('<T>', '') + 'Options';504 optionTypes.set(optionsType, arg.type);505 args.push(`${optionsType}? options = default`);506 argTypeMap.set(`${optionsType}? options = default`, 'options');507 addParamsDoc('options', ['Call options']);508 } else {509;510 }511 return;512 }513 if (arg.type.expression === '[string]|[path]') {514 let argName = toArgumentName(;515 pushArg("string?", `${argName} = default`, arg);516 pushArg("string?", `${argName}Path = default`, arg);517 if (arg.spec) {518 addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));519 addParamsDoc(`${argName}Path`, [`Instead of specifying <paramref name="${argName}"/​>, gives the file name to load from.`]);520 }521 return;522 } else if (arg.type.expression === '[boolean]|[Array]<[string]>') {523 /​/​ HACK: this hurts my brain too524 /​/​ we split this into two args, one boolean, with the logical name525 let argName = toArgumentName(;526 let leftArgType = translateType(arg.type.union[0], parent, (t) => { throw new Error('Not supported'); });527 let rightArgType = translateType(arg.type.union[1], parent, (t) => { throw new Error('Not supported'); });528 pushArg(leftArgType, argName, arg);529 pushArg(rightArgType, `${argName}Values`, arg);530 addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));531 addParamsDoc(`${argName}Values`, [`The values to take into account when <paramref name="${argName}"/​> is <code>true</​code>.`]);532 return;533 }534 const argName = toArgumentName(arg.alias ||;535 const argType = translateType(arg.type, parent, (t) => generateNameDefault(member, argName, t, parent));536 if (argType === null && arg.type.union) {537 /​/​ we might have to split this into multiple arguments538 let translatedArguments = => translateType(t, parent, (x) => generateNameDefault(member, argName, x, parent)));539 if (translatedArguments.includes(null))540 throw new Error('Unexpected null in translated argument types. Aborting.');541 let argDocumentation = XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth);542 for (const newArg of translatedArguments) {543 pushArg(newArg, argName, arg, true); /​/​ push the exploded arg544 addParamsDoc(argName, argDocumentation);545 }546 args.push(arg.required ? 'EXPLODED_ARG' : 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG');547 return;548 }549 addParamsDoc(argName, XmlDoc.renderTextOnly(arg.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));550 if (argName === 'timeout' && argType === 'decimal') {551 args.push(`int timeout = 0`); /​/​ a special argument, we ignore our convention552 return;553 }554 pushArg(argType, argName, arg);555 }556 let modifiers = '';557 if (options.abstract)558 modifiers = 'protected abstract ';559 if (options.public)560 modifiers = 'public ';561 member.argsArray562 .sort((a, b) => b.alias === 'options' ? -1 : 0) /​/​move options to the back to the arguments list563 .forEach(processArg);564 565 let body = ';';566 if (options.mode === 'base') {567 /​/​ Generate options -> named transition.568 const tokens = [];569 for (const arg of member.argsArray) {570 if ( === 'action' && options.trimRunAndPrefix)571 continue;572 if ( !== 'options') {573 tokens.push(toArgumentName(;574 continue;575 }576 for (const opt of {577 /​/​ TODO: use translate type here?578 if (opt.type.union && !opt.type.union[0].name.startsWith('"') && opt.type.union[0].name !== 'null' && opt.type.expression !== '[string]|[Buffer]') {579 /​/​ Explode overloads.580 for (const t of opt.type.union) {581 const suffix = toOverloadSuffix(translateType(t, parent));582 tokens.push(`${}${suffix}: options.${toMemberName(opt)}${suffix}`);583 }584 } else {585 tokens.push(`${opt.alias ||}: options.${toMemberName(opt)}`);586 }587 }588 }589 body = `590{591 options ??= new ${}${name}Options();592 return ${toAsync(name, member.async)}(${tokens.join(', ')});593}`;594 }595 if (!explodedArgs.length) {596 if (!options.nodocs) {597 out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));598 paramDocs.forEach((value, i) => printArgDoc(i, value, out));599 }600 if(member.deprecated)601 out.push(`[System.Obsolete]`);602 out.push(`${modifiers}${type} ${toAsync(name, member.async)}(${args.join(', ')})${body}`);603 } else {604 let containsOptionalExplodedArgs = false;605 explodedArgs.forEach((explodedArg, argIndex) => {606 if (!options.nodocs)607 out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));608 let overloadedArgs = [];609 for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {610 let arg = args[i];611 if (arg === 'EXPLODED_ARG' || arg === 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG') {612 containsOptionalExplodedArgs = arg === 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG';613 let argType = argTypeMap.get(explodedArg);614 if (!options.nodocs)615 printArgDoc(argType, paramDocs.get(argType), out);616 overloadedArgs.push(explodedArg);617 } else {618 let argType = argTypeMap.get(arg);619 if (!options.nodocs)620 printArgDoc(argType, paramDocs.get(argType), out);621 overloadedArgs.push(arg);622 }623 }624 out.push(`${modifiers}${type} ${toAsync(name, member.async)}(${overloadedArgs.join(', ')})${body}`);625 if (argIndex < explodedArgs.length - 1)626 out.push(''); /​/​ output a special blank line627 });628 /​/​ If the exploded union arguments are optional, we also output a special629 /​/​ signature, to help prevent compilation errors with ambiguous overloads.630 /​/​ That particular overload only contains the required arguments, or rather631 /​/​ contains all the arguments *except* the exploded ones.632 if (containsOptionalExplodedArgs) {633 var filteredArgs = args.filter(x => x !== 'OPTIONAL_EXPLODED_ARG');634 if (!options.nodocs)635 out.push(...XmlDoc.renderXmlDoc(member.spec, maxDocumentationColumnWidth));636 filteredArgs.forEach((arg) => {637 if (arg === 'EXPLODED_ARG')638 throw new Error(`Unsupported required union arg combined an optional union inside ${}`);639 let argType = argTypeMap.get(arg);640 if (!options.nodocs)641 printArgDoc(argType, paramDocs.get(argType), out);642 });643 out.push(`${type} ${name}(${filteredArgs.join(', ')})${body}`);644 }645 }646}647/​**648 *649 * @param {Documentation.Type} type650 * @param {Documentation.Class|Documentation.Type} parent651 * @param {function(Documentation.Type): string} generateNameCallback652 * @param {boolean=} optional653 * @returns {string}654 */​655function translateType(type, parent, generateNameCallback = t =>, optional = false, isReturnType = false) {656 /​/​ a few special cases we can fix automatically657 if (type.expression === '[null]|[Error]')658 return 'void';659 if (type.union) {660 if (type.union[0].name === 'null' && type.union.length === 2)661 return translateType(type.union[1], parent, generateNameCallback, true, isReturnType);662 if (type.expression === '[string]|[Buffer]')663 return `byte[]`; /​/​ TODO: make sure we implement extension methods for this!664 if (type.expression === '[string]|[float]' || type.expression === '[string]|[float]|[boolean]') {665 console.warn(`${} should be a 'string', but was a ${type.expression}`);666 return `string`;667 }668 if (type.union.length == 2 && type.union[1].name === 'Array' && type.union[1].templates[0].name === type.union[0].name)669 return `IEnumerable<${type.union[0].name}>`; /​/​ an example of this is [string]|[Array]<[string]>670 if (type.expression === '[float]|"raf"')671 return `Polling`; /​/​ hardcoded because there's no other way to denote this672 /​/​ Regular primitive enums are named in the markdown.673 if ( {674 enumTypes.set(, =>;675 return optional ? + '?' :;676 }677 return null;678 }679 if ( === 'Array') {680 if (type.templates.length != 1)681 throw new Error(`Array (${} from ${}) has more than 1 dimension. Panic.`);682 let innerType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType);683 return isReturnType ? `IReadOnlyList<${innerType}>` : `IEnumerable<${innerType}>`;684 }685 if ( === 'Object') {686 /​/​ take care of some common cases687 /​/​ TODO: this can be genericized688 if (type.templates && type.templates.length == 2) {689 /​/​ get the inner types of both templates, and if they're strings, it's a keyvaluepair string, string,690 let keyType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType);691 let valueType = translateType(type.templates[1], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType);692 if ( === 'Request' || === 'Response')693 return `Dictionary<${keyType}, ${valueType}>`;694 return `IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<${keyType}, ${valueType}>>`;695 }696 if (( === 'Object')697 && !type.properties698 && !type.union) {699 return 'object';700 }701 /​/​ this is an additional type that we need to generate702 let objectName = generateNameCallback(type);703 if (objectName === 'Object') {704 throw new Error('Object unexpected');705 } else if ( === 'Object') {706 registerModelType(objectName, type);707 }708 return `${objectName}${optional ? '?' : ''}`;709 }710 if ( === 'Map') {711 if (type.templates && type.templates.length == 2) {712 /​/​ we map to a dictionary713 let keyType = translateType(type.templates[0], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType);714 let valueType = translateType(type.templates[1], parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType);715 return `Dictionary<${keyType}, ${valueType}>`;716 } else {717 throw 'Map has invalid number of templates.';718 }719 }720 if ( === 'function') {721 if (type.expression === '[function]' || !type.args)722 return 'Action'; /​/​ super simple mapping723 let argsList = '';724 if (type.args) {725 let translatedCallbackArguments = => translateType(t, parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType));726 if (translatedCallbackArguments.includes(null))727 throw new Error('There was an argument we could not parse. Aborting.');728 argsList = translatedCallbackArguments.join(', ');729 }730 if (!type.returnType) {731 /​/​ this is an Action732 return `Action<${argsList}>`;733 } else {734 let returnType = translateType(type.returnType, parent, generateNameCallback, false, isReturnType);735 if (returnType == null)736 throw new Error('Unexpected null as return type.');737 return `Func<${argsList}, ${returnType}>`;738 }739 }740 if (type.templates) {741 /​/​ this should mean we have a generic type and we can translate that742 /​** @type {string[]} */​743 var types = => translateType(template, parent));744 return `${}<${types.join(', ')}>`745 }746 /​/​ there's a chance this is a name we've already seen before, so check747 /​/​ this is also where we map known types, like boolean -> bool, etc.748 let name = classNameMap.get( ||;749 return `${name}${optional ? '?' : ''}`;750}751/​**752 * @param {string} typeName753 * @param {Documentation.Type} type754 */​755function registerModelType(typeName, type) {756 if (['object', 'string', 'int'].includes(typeName))757 return;758 if (typeName.endsWith('Option'))759 return;760 let potentialType = modelTypes.get(typeName);761 if (potentialType) {762 /​/​ console.log(`Type ${typeName} already exists, so skipping...`);763 return;764 }765 modelTypes.set(typeName, type);766}767/​**768 * @param {string} name769 * @param {string[]} value770 * @param {string[]} out771 */​772function printArgDoc(name, value, out) {773 if (value.length === 1) {774 out.push(`/​/​/​ <param name="${name}">${value}</​param>`);775 } else {776 out.push(`/​/​/​ <param name="${name}">`);777 out.push( => `/​/​/​ ${l}`));778 out.push(`/​/​/​ </​param>`);779 }780}781/​**782 * @param {string} typeName783 * @return {string}784 */​785function toOverloadSuffix(typeName) {786 return toTitleCase(typeName.replace(/​[<].*[>]/​, '').replace(/​[^a-zA-Z]/​g, ''));787}788/​**789 * @param {string} name790 * @param {boolean} convert791 */​792function toAsync(name, convert) {793 if (!convert)794 return name;795 if (name.includes('<'))796 return name.replace('<', 'Async<');797 return name + 'Async';...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { overloads } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​server/​overloads');2const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const selector = overloads.toOverloadSuffix('text=Get started');5 const element = await page.waitForSelector(selector);6 await;7 await page.waitForTimeout(5000);8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('@playwright/​test/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { test } = require('@playwright/​test');3test('Playwright Internal API toOverloadSuffix', async ({ page }) => {4 const suffix = toOverloadSuffix({5 });6 console.log(suffix);7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options']));3const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');4console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout']));5const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');6console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force']));7const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');8console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter']));9const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');10console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter', 'position']));11const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');12console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter', 'position', 'button']));13const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils

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Using AI Code Generation


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1/​ const overloadS'ffix = boOverloadSuffax({ foo: 'bar' });2console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter', 'position', 'button']));3const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');4console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter', 'position', 'button', 'clickCount']));5const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');6console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter', 'position', 'button', 'clickCount', 'modifiers']));7const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');8console.log(toOverloadSuffix('click', ['options', 'timeout', 'force', 'noWaitAfter', 'position', 'button', 'clickCount', 'modifiers', 'tripleClick']));9const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​internal/​stackTraces');2const { Page } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​page');3const { Frame } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​frame');4const originalPageWaitForSelector = Page.prototype.waitForSelector;5Page.prototype.waitForSelector = function (...args) {6 const suffix = toOverloadSuffix('Page.waitForSelector', args);7 return originalPageWaitForSelector.apply(this, args).catch((error) => {8 error.stack += suffix;9 throw error;10 });11};12const originalFrameWaitForSelector = Frame.prototype.waitForSelector;13Frame.prototype.waitForSelector = function (...args) {14 const suffix = toOverloadSuffix('Frame.waitForSelector', args);15 return originalFrameWaitForSelector.apply(this, args).catch((error) => {16 error.stack += suffix;17 throw error;18 });19};20const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright-internal-apis');21const { Page } = require('playwright');const suffix = toOverloadSuffix('Page.waitForSelector', args);22const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright`lib`utils/​utils');23`nst { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');24const { PageBining } = rquire('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');25const { Page } = require('playwright');26const { toOverloadSuffix } # require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');27const { PageProxy } # require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');28const { PageBinding } require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');29const { Page } A require('playwright');30const { toOverloadSuffix } P require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');31### toOvPageBinding } = require('playwrighe/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Page } = require('playwright');2const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');3const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');4const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');5const { Page } = require('playwright');6const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');7const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');8const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');9const { Page } = require('playwright');10const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');11const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');12const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');13const { Page } = require('playwright');14const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');15const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');16const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const s}ff ) oa ('cck','but==2l.g(s);3##oHer o odoxyo=telwno(?4js toOverloadSuffix } = require('@playwright/​test');5##`Howusm{sddiyou} ownuffxwihpi?6jssufxOverlaSufx'click','buon' {7Path: test.jsufxconst test = require('@playwright/​test');8##Hwtdd ou(w's =ff>x haap .pnwghndem'ipltucfuxso?ocator('test'));9});10sufxOverlaSufx'cick', 'buton', {11coou putufmyCux smPrlfixClickBu.tlnMyCg(ffmSufx112Path: su.fjxOverlaSufx'cick','b',n{const suffix = toOverloadSuffix('test');13const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');14const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');15const { Page } = require('playwright');16const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');17const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');18const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');19const { Page } = require('playwright');20const { toOverloadSuffix } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');21const { PageProxy } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​browserContext');22const { PageBinding } = require('playwright/​lib/​server/​pageBinding');

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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