How to use trimUrl method in Playwright Internal

Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal


Source:publications.js Github


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1/​**2 * @file3 * Javascript functionality for Display Suite's administration UI.4 *5 * TODO: We need to grab just one... The last term in the URL.6 * Strip backward to the last '/​'7 */​8/​/​Wrap the whole mess in the following function to make it work in Drupal9(function($) {10 $(document).ready(function () {11 12 13 function stripTrailingSlash(str) {14 if(str.substr(-1) == '/​') {15 return str.substr(0, str.length - 1);16 }17 return str;18 } 19 20 $('.publications-1').each(function(index) {21 var link = $(this).find("a").attr('href');22 var url = stripTrailingSlash(window.location.pathname);23 var subUrl = url.split("/​");24 25 var subLink = link.split("/​");26 var trimUrl = subUrl[2];27 var trimLink = subLink[2];28 29 if (typeof trimUrl === "undefined") {30 if (subUrl[1] == 'publications') {31 $( '#publications' ).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );32 }33 }34 35 /​/​Grab second parameter in string36 var trimUrl2 = subUrl[3];37 var trimLink2 = subUrl[3];38 39 /​/​ LIGHT up Author if we are on any of those subpages40 if ( trimUrl == "author" ) {41 $( '#author' ).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );42 43 /​/​ Assume there is a third parameter... Light that one up too.44 console.log( "Third parameter is: ", trimUrl2);45 showAuthor();46 }47 48 49 50 /​/​ LIGHT up Date if we are on any of those subpages51 if ( trimUrl == "date" ) {52 $( '#date' ).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );53 54 /​/​ Assume there is a third parameter... Light that one up too.55 console.log( "Third parameter is: ", trimUrl2);56 showDate();57 } 58 59 60 /​/​ LIGHT up Topic if we are on any of those subpages61 if ( trimUrl == "topic" ) {62 $( '#topic' ).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );63 64 /​/​ Assume there is a third parameter... Light that one up too.65 console.log( "Third parameter is: ", trimUrl2);66 showTopic();67 } 68 69 70 /​/​ If link parameter 2 is set, find that element and light it up.71 if (typeof trimLink2 === 'string') { 72 $( '#' + trimLink2 ).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );73 }74 75 76 /​/​ If link parameter 2 is set, find that element and light it up.77 if (typeof trimLink2 === 'string') {78 console.log("set the background color 1 ...");79 /​/​ Set specified ID to background color80 $( '#' + trimUrl2 ).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );81 }82 83 if (trimUrl == trimLink) {84 console.log("set the background color...2");85 /​/​$(this).css( "background-color", "rgb(227, 227, 227" );86 if (trimUrl == "research") showTopic();87 }88 });89 90 /​/​ TODO: "Over" event is great91 /​/​ The out event not so great. We can't hide the menu if the mouse has moved on that!!!!92 var config = { 93 sensitivity: 3, 94 interval: 10000, 95 timeout: 10000, 96 }; 97 98 $( 'li.publications-1' ).hoverIntent(99 function() {100 var type = $(this).find("a").html();101 console.log("Button is ", type);102 103 104 if (type == 'Author') {105 /​/​do our stuff for Author...106 hideTopic();107 hideDate();108 showAuthor();109 } 110 if (type == 'Topic') {111 /​/​do our stuff for research...112 hideAuthor();113 hideDate();114 showTopic();115 }116 if (type == 'Date') {117 /​/​do our stuff for Software here...118 showDate();119 hideAuthor();120 hideTopic();121 }122 },123 124 function() {125 },126 config127 );128 129 /​/​ This will fire when we move the mouse away from any 1st Level item.130 /​/​ Hide topic sublevels Unless it should be there to support the menu path.131 /​/​ This should function exactly like the function above - except we cant just show/​hide,132 /​/​ we have to figure out which one to show/​hide based on the path. 133 /​/​$( '.team-menu-wrap' ).hoverIntent(function(){}, hideTopic, function(){});134 135 $( '.team-menu-wrap' ).hoverIntent(136 function(){},137 138 /​/​ Instead of just hideTopic139 function() {140 $('.publications-1').each(function(index) {141 /​/​ Begin Paste 142 var link = $(this).find("a").attr('href');143 var url = stripTrailingSlash(window.location.pathname);144 var subUrl = url.split("/​");145 146 var subLink = link.split("/​");147 var trimUrl = subUrl[2];148 var trimLink = subLink[2];149 150 console.log("this is the url: ", url);151 console.log("trim URL: ", trimUrl);152 153 if (typeof trimUrl === "undefined") {154 hideAuthor();155 hideTopic();156 hideDate();157 }158 159 if (trimUrl == "author") {160 showAuthor();161 hideTopic();162 hideDate();163 }164 165 if (trimUrl == "topic") {166 hideAuthor();167 hideDate();168 showTopic();169 }170 171 /​/​ End Paste172 173 }); 174 }175 176 );177 178 /​/​ Show /​ Remove Author179 function showAuthor(){180 $( 'div.level-3a').removeClass( "hidden" );181 }182 183 function hideAuthor() { 184 var url = stripTrailingSlash(window.location.pathname);185 var subUrl = url.split("/​");186 console.log( "Hide Author parm is: ", subUrl);187 if (subUrl[2] !== 'research') {188 $( 'div.level-3a').addClass( "hidden" );189 }190 } 191 192 /​/​ Show /​ Remove Publication date193 function showDate(){194 $( 'ul.level-3b').removeClass( "hidden" );195 }196 function hideDate() { 197 var url = stripTrailingSlash(window.location.pathname);198 var subUrl = url.split("/​");199 200 console.log( "Hide Date parm is: ", subUrl);201 if (subUrl[2] !== 'publications') {202 $( 'ul.level-3b').addClass( "hidden" );203 }204 } 205 206 207 /​/​ Show /​ Remove Topic208 function showTopic(){209 $( 'ul.level-3c').removeClass( "hidden" );210 }211 212 function hideTopic() { 213 var url = stripTrailingSlash(window.location.pathname);214 var subUrl = url.split("/​");215 216 /​/​ Why the condition?217 if (subUrl[2] !== 'research') {218 $( 'ul.level-3c').addClass( "hidden" );219 }220 }221 222 223 });...

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Source:parse-message.js Github


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1/​**2 * Trim characters out of an URL like Discord does to avoid sentence ponctuaction ending up being matched as a URL3 * @param {string} url The string to trim, doesn't need to truely be a valid URL4 * @returns {string} The trimmed string5 * @example6 * /​/​ Discord removes ponctuation at the end7 * trimURL('http:/​/​​...'); /​/​ 'http:/​/​​'8 * trimURL('http:/​/​​.../​thing'); /​/​ 'http:/​/​​.../​thing'9 *10 * /​/​ They also remove parenthesis except if they are part of the link11 * trimURL('http:/​/​'); /​/​ 'http:/​/​'12 * trimURL('http:/​/​​(link)'); /​/​ 'http:/​/​​(link)'13 *14 * /​/​ The behavior can become kinda weird when mixing ponctuation and parenthesis15 * /​/​ But it is still how Discord handles it16 * trimURL('http:/​/​​;;)...'); /​/​ 'http:/​/​​;;'17 */​18function trimURL(url) {19 const exclude = ['.', ',', ':', ';', '"', '\'', ']', ')'];20 let lastLetter;21 while (exclude.includes(lastLetter = url[url.length - 1])) {22 if (lastLetter === ')' && url.split('(').length >= url.split(')').length) {23 break;24 }25 url = url.substr(0, url.length - 1);26 if (lastLetter === ')') {27 break;28 }29 }30 return url;31}32/​**33 * A link returned by matchURLs34 */​35class Link {36 constructor(options) {37 /​**38 * The URL of the link, may not be http(s)39 * @type {string}40 */​41 this.url = String(options.url);42 /​**43 * The index the URL started in the string44 * @type {number}45 */​46 this.start = Number(options.start);47 /​**48 * The index the URL ended in the string49 * Please note that in some cases, `link.end - link.start !== link.url.length`50 * @type {number}51 */​52 this.end = Number(options.end);53 /​**54 * If the URl was delimited with < and >55 * @type {boolean}56 */​57 this.delimited = Boolean(options.delimited);58 }59}60/​**61 * Matches Links in a string in the exact same way than Discord does62 * @param {string} content The content to parse for Links63 * @returns {Link[]} The Links matched64 */​65function matchURLs(content) {66 /​/​ The first group of the regex contains the URL only if it is delimited, the second contains it if it is not67 const linkRegex = /​(?:<([^ >]+:\/​[^ >]+)>|(https?:\/​\/​[^\s<]{2,}))/​g;68 const links = [];69 let match;70 while ((match = linkRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {71 const start = match.index;72 let url;73 let end;74 let delimited;75 if (match[1]) {76 delimited = true;77 url = match[1];78 end = start + match[0].length;79 } else if (match[2]) {80 delimited = false;81 url = trimURL(match[2]);82 end = start + url.length;83 }84 links.push(85 new Link({86 start,87 end,88 url,89 delimited90 })91 );92 }93 return links;94}95/​**96 * Represents a Discord emoji, custom or native97 */​98class Emoji {99 constructor(options) {100 /​**101 * The name of the emoji, corresponds to the emoji itself when native102 * @type {string}103 */​104 = String(;105 /​**106 * Whether the Emoji is a custom guild emoji or not107 * @type {boolean}108 */​109 this.custom = Boolean(options.custom);110 if (options.from) {111 /​**112 * The string where the emoji was matched113 * @type {?string}114 */​115 this.from = String(options.from);116 /​**117 * The index at which the Emoji started in the original string118 * @type {?number}119 */​120 this.start = Number(options.start);121 /​**122 * The index at which the Emoji ended in the original string123 * @type {?number}124 */​125 this.end = Number(options.end);126 }127 if (this.custom) {128 /​**129 * The ID of the Emoji, only for custom Emojis130 * @type {?string}131 */​132 = String(;133 /​**134 * Whether the emoji is animated, only for custom Emojis135 * @type {?boolean}136 */​137 this.animated = Boolean(options.animated);138 }139 }140 /​**141 * The codepoints of the emoji, null for custom Emojis142 * @type {?string}143 */​144 get codepoints() {145 if (this.custom) {146 return null;147 }148 return []149 .map(char => char.codePointAt(0).toString(16))150 .join('-');151 }152 /​**153 * The URL to the custom emoji.154 *155 * Native Emojis lead to a SVG image on *157 * Custom Emojis lead to a PNG or GIF image on * @type {string}159 */​160 get url() {161 if (this.custom && this.animated) {162 return `https:/​/​​emojis/​${}.gif`;163 }164 return this.staticURL;165 }166 /​**167 * The URL to the custom emoji, **static only**.168 *169 * Native Emojis lead to a SVG image on *171 * Custom Emojis lead to a PNG image on * @type {string}173 */​174 get staticURL() {175 if (this.custom) {176 return `https:/​/​​emojis/​${}.png`;177 }178 return `https:/​/​​2/​svg/​${this.codepoints}.svg`;179 }180 /​**181 * Returns a textual representation of the emoji for use in messages182 * @returns {string} The textual representation of the emoji183 */​184 toString() {185 if (this.custom) {186 return `<:${}:${}>`;187 }188 return;189 }190}191/​**192 * Matches Emojis in a string, both custom and native.193 * @param {string} content The content to parse for emojis194 * @returns {Emoji[]} The emojis matched195 */​196function matchEmojis(content) {197 const emojiRegex = requireUtil('emoji-regex')();198 const customRegex = /​<(a?):(\w+):(\d+)>/​g;199 const emojis = [];200 let match;201 while ((match = customRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {202 const [, animated, name, id] = match;203 const emoji = new Emoji({204 from: content,205 custom: true,206 animated,207 name,208 id,209 start: match.index,210 end: match.index + match[0].length211 });212 emojis.push(emoji);213 }214 while ((match = emojiRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {215 const [name] = match;216 const emoji = new Emoji({217 from: content,218 custom: false,219 name,220 start: match.index,221 end: match.index + match[0].length222 });223 emojis.push(emoji);224 }225 emojis.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);226 return emojis;227}228module.exports = {229 matchURLs,230 matchEmojis,231 Link,232 Emoji...

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Source:server.js Github


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...37 timeout: config.timeout,38 });39 }40 setEndpoint(url = '') {41 this.endpoint = this.trimUrl(url);42 this.endpointApi = `${this.endpoint}/​${this.api}`;43 }44 setApi(api = '') {45 this.api = this.trimUrl(api);46 this.endpointApi = `${this.endpoint}/​${this.api}`;47 }48 setAuthorization(token = null) {49 if (token === null) delete this.axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];50 else this.axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${token}`;51 }52 trimUrl(url = '') {53 return trim(url, '/​');54 }55 formatUrl(url = '', endpoint) {56 return this.trimUrl(`${this.trimUrl(endpoint || this.endpoint)}/​${this.trimUrl(url)}`);57 }58 updateOptions(callback) {59 if (isFunc(callback) === true) {60 this.options = callback(this.options);61 } else if (isObject(callback) === true) {62 this.options = callback;63 }64 }65 prepareOptions(options = {}) {66 return merge(67 {68 data: null,69 headers: {70 'Content-Type': contentTypes[options.type || 'json'],...

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Source:urlController.js Github


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1const mongoose = require('mongoose')2const UrlModel = require('../​models/​UrlModel')3const validation = require("../​validator/​validator");4const validUrl = require('valid-url')5const shortid = require('shortid')6const redis = require("redis");7const { promisify } = require("util");8/​/​Connect to redis9const redisClient = redis.createClient(10 18002,11 "",12 { no_ready_check: true }13);14redisClient.auth("EuHfBYDwlIvlZNWtdqfyR7CjJV7d5bPy", function (err) {15 if (err) throw err;16});17redisClient.on("connect", async function () {18 console.log("Connected to Redis..");19});20/​/​1. connect to the server21/​/​2. use the commands :22/​/​Connection setup for redis23const SET_ASYNC = promisify(redisClient.SET).bind(redisClient);24const GET_ASYNC = promisify(redisClient.GET).bind(redisClient);25/​/​------------------------------------------create url-----------------------------------------------/​/​26const createUrl = async function (req, res) {27 try {28 const requestBody = req.body29 const LongURL = requestBody.longUrl;30 const baseUrl = 'http:/​/​localhost:3000'31 /​/​ validation start32 if (!validation.isValidRequestBody(requestBody)) {33 res.status(400).send({ status: false, message: 'Invalid request parameters. Please provide url details' })34 return35 }36 if (!validation.isValid(LongURL)) {37 res.status(400).send({ status: false, msg: 'longUrl is required' })38 return39 }40 if (typeof (LongURL) != 'string') {41 return res.status(400).send({ status: false, message: "Numbers are not allowed" })42 }43 /​/​if valid then trim it44 const trimUrl = LongURL.trim()45 if (validation.validhttpsLower(trimUrl)) {46 const regex = /​^https?:\/​\/​/​47 const newTrim = trimUrl.replace(regex, "https:/​/​")48 }49 if (validation.validhttpsUpper(trimUrl)) {50 const regex = /​^HTTPS?:\/​\/​/​51 const newTrim = trimUrl.replace(regex, "https:/​/​")52 }53 if (!validation.validateUrl(trimUrl)) {54 return res.status(400).send({ status: false, message: "Please provide valid URL" })55 }56 /​/​ if valid, we create the url code57 const URLCode = shortid.generate()58 if (validUrl.isUri(trimUrl)) {59 const urlData = await GET_ASYNC(`${trimUrl}`)60 if (urlData) {61 return res.status(200).send({ status: true, message: `Data for ${trimUrl} from the cache`, data: JSON.parse(urlData) })62 }63 else {64 const url = await UrlModel.findOne({ longUrl: trimUrl }).select({ _id: 0, longUrl: 1, shortUrl: 1, urlCode: 1 })65 if (url) {66 await SET_ASYNC(`${trimUrl}`, JSON.stringify(url))67 res.status(200).send({ status: true, msg: "fetch from db", data: url })68 return69 } else {70 const ShortUrl = baseUrl + '/​' + URLCode71 const urlDetails = { longUrl: trimUrl, shortUrl: ShortUrl, urlCode: URLCode }72 const details = await UrlModel.create(urlDetails);73 res.status(201).json({ status: true, msg: "New Url create", data: urlDetails })74 return75 }76 }77 } else {78 return res.status(400).send({ status: false, msg: 'Invalid longUrl' })79 }80 } catch (error) {81 console.log(error)82 res.status(500).send({ status: false, msg: error.message })83 }84}85/​/​ -------------------------getAPI : redirect-----------------------------------------------/​/​86const getUrl = async function (req, res) {87 try {88 const URLCode = req.params.urlcode89 let urlcache = await GET_ASYNC(`${req.params.urlcode}`)90 if (urlcache) {91 return res.status(302).redirect(JSON.parse(urlcache))92 } else {93 const getUrl = await UrlModel.findOne({ urlCode: URLCode });94 if (getUrl) {95 await SET_ASYNC(`${URLCode}`, JSON.stringify(getUrl.longUrl))96 return res.status(302).redirect(getUrl.longUrl);97 }98 else {99 return res.status(404).send({ status: false, err: 'Invalid urlcode' })100 }101 }102 } catch (err) {103 res.status(500).send({ status: false, err: err.message })104 }105}106module.exports.createUrl = createUrl;...

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...38 return req39 }40 switch (application) {41 case 'weekly-mix':42 req = trimUrl(req)43 proxy.web(req, res, {44 target: {45 host: '',46 port: 567847 }48 });49 break;50 case 'yt-sauger':51 req = trimUrl(req)52 proxy.web(req, res, {53 target: {54 host: '',55 port: 300156 }57 });58 break59 case 'owncloud':60 console.log(req);61 req = trimUrl(req)62 console.log(res);63 proxy.web(req, res, {64 target: {65 host: '',66 port: 990067 }68 });69 break70 }71});72console.log('proxy listening on port 9000');...

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Source:defaults.js Github


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1import qs from 'qs';2import { transformRequestDefault, transformResponseDefault, transformWrapper } from './​transformData';3import { Method, ContentType } from 'enums/​common';4import { trimURL } from 'utils/​url';5import { isArray, isObject } from 'utils/​common';6/​/​ global settings7export var defaults = {8 cache: true,9 /​/​ 扩展的属性默认值10 contentType: ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON,11 paramsSerializer(params) {12 if (isObject(params)) {13 return qs.stringify(params, { 14 allowDots: true15 });16 }17 return params;18 },19 isDev: false20};21export function getNormalizedOptions(opts) {22 if (!opts) {23 return;24 }25 var { baseURL, url, method = Method.GET, contentType, transformRequest = [], transformResponse = [] } = opts;26 method = method.toLowerCase();27 transformRequest = isArray(transformRequest) ? transformRequest : [transformRequest];28 transformResponse = isArray(transformResponse) ? transformResponse : [transformResponse];29 return Object.assign({}, opts, {30 baseURL: trimURL(baseURL),31 url: trimURL(url),32 method: method,33 contentType: contentType?.toLowerCase(),34 transformRequest: method === Method.GET ? undefined : [...transformRequest, transformRequestDefault].map((fn) => transformWrapper(fn, opts)),35 transformResponse: [...transformResponse, transformResponseDefault].map((fn) => transformWrapper(fn, opts))36 });...

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Source:router.js Github


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1function trimUrl(path) {2 window.history.replaceState({}, "", "/​" + path);3 return;4}5function show(...componentsToBeShown) {6 for (const key in paths) {7 if (componentsToBeShown.includes(key)) {8 paths[key].style.display = "block";9 } else {10 paths[key].style.display = "none";11 }12 }13}14let paths = {15 header: document.querySelector(".site-header"),16 offerts: document.querySelector(".offerts"),17 welcomeComponent: document.querySelector(".welcome"),18 campsComponents: document.querySelector(".camps"),19 aboutSectionComponents: document.querySelector(".about-section"),20 commentsComponent: document.querySelector(".commentsComponent"),21};22const navigation = Array.from(document.querySelector("#navigation").children);23const keys = Object.keys(paths);24navigation.forEach((element) => {25 element.addEventListener("click", (e) => {26 e.preventDefault();27 const text = element.textContent;28 if (text == "ABOUT US") {29 show("aboutSectionComponents");30 trimUrl("about-us");31 } else if (text == "CAMPS") {32 show("campsComponents");33 trimUrl("camps");34 } else if (text == "OFFERINGS") {35 show("offerts");36 trimUrl("offerts");37 } else if (text == "BLOG") {38 show("welcomeComponent", "commentsComponent");39 trimUrl("blog");40 } else if (text == "HOME") {41 show("header", "welcomeComponent");42 trimUrl("home");43 }44 });...

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Source:newpost.js Github


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1/​/​ JS file for newpost.handlebar2$("#newPost").on("click", (event) => {3 event.preventDefault();4 let newTitle = $("#title");5 let postBody = $("#blogText");6 let newVideo = $("#video");7 if (!newTitle.val().trim() || !postBody.val().trim()) {8 return;9 }10 /​/​ Function for replacing the "watch"11 /​/​ in the Youtube link with "embed"12 function embedVideo() {13 if (!newVideo.val().trim()) {14 return null;15 }16 let trimURL = newVideo.val().trim();17 trimURL = trimURL.slice(32);18 let replaceWatch = `https:/​/​​embed/​${trimURL}`;19 return replaceWatch;20 }21 let post = {22 title: newTitle.val().trim(),23 video: embedVideo(),24 body: postBody.val().trim(),25 };26 newBlog(post);27});28function newBlog(post) {29 console.log(post);30 $.post("/​api/​newpost", post, function () {31 window.location.href = "/​blogpost";32 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');3const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');4const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');5const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');6const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');7const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');8const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');9const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');10const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');11const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');12const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');3const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');4const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');5const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');6const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');7const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');8const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');9const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const trimmedUrl = trimUrl(url);3console.log(trimmedUrl);4 * @param {string} url5 * @returns {string}6function trimUrl(url) {7 if (url.startsWith('about:blank')) {8 if (url === 'about:blank')9 return url;10 const match = url.match(/​about:blank\?[\w\d]+=(.*)/​);11 if (match)12 return match[1];13 }14 return url;15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');3const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');4const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');5const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');6const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');7const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');8const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');9const { trimUrl } = require('playwright-core/​lib/​utils/​utils');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { trimUrl } = require('playwright/​lib/​utils/​utils');2const trimmedUrl = trimUrl(url);3console.log(trimmedUrl);4const { URL } = require('url');5const trimmedUrl = new URL(url).href;6console.log(trimmedUrl);7const trimmedUrl = url.replace(/​\/​$/​, '');8console.log(trimmedUrl);9const trimmedUrl = url.split('/​').slice(0, 3).join('/​');10console.log(trimmedUrl);11const trimmedUrl = url.match(/​^(https?:\/​\/​[^/​]+)(\/​.*)?$/​)[1];12console.log(trimmedUrl);13const trimmedUrl = url.replace(/​\/​$/​, '');14console.log(trimmedUrl);15const trimmedUrl = url.split('/​').slice(0, 3).join('/​');16console.log(trimmedUrl);17const { URL } = require('url');18const trimmedUrl = new URL(url).href;19console.log(trimmedUrl);

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

Run Playwright Internal automation tests on LambdaTest cloud grid

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