How to use getFreshPage method in qawolf

Best JavaScript code snippet using qawolf


Source:socialGraphCtrl.js Github


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...106 }, function() {107 console.log('test1');108 });109 // $ () {110 // fbInterface.getFreshPage($, function (data) {111 // getServiceResponse(url, data, cb, demographic);112 // });113 // }, function () {114 // $scope.status = 'You decided to keep your debt.';115 // });116 };117 //generate the chart118 var configSeries = [];119 function generateChart(data) {120 console.log('overview data' + JSON.stringify(data));121 configSeries = [];122 $scope.totalViews = 0;123 var colorObj = {124 'page_views': '#00796B',125 'page_fans': '#B2DFDB',126 'page_stories': '#FFFFFF'127 };128 data.forEach(function (entry) {129 $scope.configData = [];130 var seriesName = '';131 (value) {132 var x = value[0].split('T')[0];133 var enDate = x.split('-');134 if ( == 'page_views') {135 seriesName = 'Page Views';136 $scope.totalViews += value[1];137 }138 if ( == 'page_fans') {139 seriesName = 'Page Likes';140 $scope.totalLikes = value[1];141 }142 if ( == 'page_stories') seriesName = 'Page Stories';143 $scope.configData.push([144 Date.UTC(enDate[0], enDate[1] - 1, enDate[2]),145 value[1],146 x147 ]);148 });149 configSeries.push({150 type: 'column',151 name: seriesName,152 data: $scope.configData,153 color: colorObj[]154 });155 });156 $scope.highchartsNG = {157 options: {158 chart: {159 type: "column",160 backgroundColor: null,161 spacingBottom: 15,162 spacingTop: 10,163 spacingLeft: 10,164 spacingRight: 10,165 width: 680,166 height: 300167 },168 plotOptions: {169 column: {170 borderWidth: 0,171 groupPadding: 0,172 shadow: !1,173 pointPadding: .1174 }175 }176 },177 credits: {178 enabled: false179 },180 xAxis: {181 type: "datetime"182 },183 yAxis: {184 labels: {185 style: {186 color: "#fff",187 fontSize: "12px",188 fontFamily: "Ek Mukta, sans-serif",189 fontWeight: "200"190 },191 formatter: function () {192 return this.value193 }194 }195 },196 title: {197 text: ""198 },199 loading: !1200 };201 $scope.highchartsNG['series'] = configSeries;202 };203 //set the map204 function setMap(data) {205 $scope.arrAdds = [];206 for (var key in data.value) {207 if (, key)) {208 $scope.arrAdds.push({209 add: key,210 likeCount: data.value[key]211 });212 }213 }214 $rootScope.$broadcast('getLocations', {215 addData: $scope.arrAdds216 });217 };218 /* service methods start */219 $scope.setPageOverview = function () {220 $scope.fbClient.getPageOverview(function (data, status) {221 $scope.requestCount++;222 status ? generateChart(data) : $scope.handleFailure({method: 'setPageOverview', error: data});223 });224 };225 $scope.setPostSummary = function () {226 $scope.fbClient.getPostSummary(function (data, status) {227 $scope.requestCount++;228 if (status) {229 $scope.postsObj = data;230 $scope.postCount = data.length;231 $scope.postIds = [];232 $scope.postsObj.forEach(function (postEntry) {233 $scope.postIds.push(;234 });235 $scope.setSentimentAnalysis();236 } else {237 $scope.handleFailure({method: 'setPostSummary', error: data});238 }239 });240 };241 $scope.setSentimentAnalysis = function () {242 $scope.fbClient.getSentimentAnalysis(function (data, status) {243 $scope.requestCount++;244 if (status) {245 $scope.sentimentConfigData = [];246 var sentimentConfigSeries = [];247 var sentIcons = {248 'positive': 'styles/css/images/socialAnalysis/happyFace.png',249 'negative': 'styles/css/images/socialAnalysis/sadFace.png',250 'neutral': 'styles/css/images/socialAnalysis/neutralFace.png'251 };252 for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {253 $scope.postsObj[i]['sentiment'] = {254 "res": data[i].sentiment,255 "pol": data[i].polarity,256 "ico": sentIcons[data[i].sentiment]257 };258 console.log("$scope.postsObj[i]['sentiment']");259 console.log($scope.postsObj[i]['sentiment']);260 $scope.totalEngagement += $scope.postsObj[i].shares + $scope.postsObj[i].comments;261 $scope.engageLikes += $scope.postsObj[i].likes;262 var x = $scope.postsObj[i].created_time.split('T')[0];263 var enDate = x.split('-');264 $scope.sentimentConfigData.push([265 Date.UTC(enDate[0], enDate[1] - 1, enDate[2]),266 data[i].polarity267 ]); //268 }269 sentimentConfigSeries.push({270 type: 'line',271 name: 'Overall Sentiment',272 data: $scope.sentimentConfigData,273 color: '#fff'274 });275 $scope.sentimentConfig['series'] = sentimentConfigSeries;276 } else {277 $scope.handleFailure({method: 'setSentimentAnalysis', error: data});278 }279 }, JSON.stringify($scope.postIds));280 };281 $scope.setWordCloud = function () {282 $scope.fbClient.getWordCloud(function (data, status) {283 $scope.requestCount++;284 if (status) {285 var wordObjArr = [];286 for (var key in data) {287 if (, key)) {288 wordObjArr.push({289 name: key,290 val: data[key]291 });292 }293 }294 //clear word cloud canvas295 var canvasNode = document.getElementById("wordCanvas");296 while (canvasNode.firstChild) {297 canvasNode.removeChild(canvasNode.firstChild);298 }299 $rootScope.$broadcast('getWordCloudData', {300 wordData: wordObjArr301 });302 } else {303 $scope.handleFailure({method: 'setWordCloud', error: data});304 }305 });306 };307 $scope.setDemographicsinfo = function () {308 $scope.fbClient.getDemographicsinfo(function (data, status) {309 $scope.requestCount++;310 if (status) {311 $scope.arrAdds = [];312 setMap(data);313 } else {314 $scope.handleFailure({method: 'setDemographicsinfo', error: data});315 }316 });317 };318 /* service methods end */319 // handle failed services320 $scope.handleFailure = function (errObj) {321 if (errObj.error == "Error validating access token: This may be because the user logged out or may be due to a system error." || errObj.error == 'Error occurred while getting data from Facebook API')322 $scope.failedPool.push(errObj);323 // if ($scope.requestCount == 4) {324 // // if ($scope.failedPool.length == 4) {325 // var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm()326 // .title('Would you like to resend the request?')327 // .content('Error occurred while getting data from Facebook API')328 // .ariaLabel('Lucky day')329 // .targetEvent()330 // .ok('Yes')331 // .cancel('No');332 // $ () {333 // fbInterface.getFreshPage($, function (data) {334 // $scope.getPageDetails(data, $scope.timestamps, $scope.failedPool);335 // });336 // }, function () {337 // $scope.status = 'You decided to keep your debt.';338 // });339 // // }340 // }341 };342 // watching for the request count343 $scope.$watch("failedPool", function (newValue, oldValue) {344 // if (newValue == 4){345 if (newValue.length == 4) {346 newValue = [];347 console.log('failed pool length:'+$scope.failedPool.length);348 var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm()349 .title('Would you like to resend the request?')350 .content('Error occurred while getting data from Facebook API')351 .ariaLabel('Lucky day')352 .targetEvent()353 .ok('Yes')354 .cancel('No');355 $ () {356 console.log('sent request');357 fbInterface.getFreshPage($, function (data) {358 $scope.getPageDetails(data, $scope.timestamps, $scope.failedPool);359 });360 }, function () {361 $scope.status = 'You decided to keep your debt.';362 });363 }364 // } else if(newValue == 6){365 // $scope.requestCount = 1;366 // }367 }, true);368 $scope.getPageDetails = function (page, pageTimestamps, reqPool, changedTime) {369 //showing the page370 console.log('old page: '+JSON.stringify($;371 console.log('new page: '+JSON.stringify(page));...

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Source:arachnid Github


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...124 if (fileExists(url)) {125 filename = formatFilename(url);126 console.log('File exists, checking for staleness');127 if (fileIsStale(filename)) {128 return getFreshPage(res, url);129 }130 console.log('File exists and is not stale, reading from disk...');131 fs.readFile(filename, 'utf-8', function(err, content) {132 if (err) {133 res.status(500).send(err);134 } else {135 res.send(content);136 }137 });138 } else {139 getFreshPage(res, url);140 }141};142app.get('/*', respond);143configure();144app.listen(config.port);...

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Source:index.js Github


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...44 return controlsElement.querySelector('a').href45 }, handle)46const scrapeExamples = (browser, page) => async handle => {47 const [title, url] = await Promise.all([getTitle(page, handle), getUrl(page, handle)])48 const singleExamplePage = await getFreshPage(browser, url)49 return { title, url, selector: await getSelector(singleExamplePage) }50}51const scrapeComponent = (browser, styleguideUrl) => async componentName => {52 const pageAddress = `${styleguideUrl}/#!/${componentName}`53 const page = await getFreshPage(browser, pageAddress)54 const dir = await getDir(page, componentName)55 // 1st element is the root of the styleguide itself56 const [, ...exampleHandles] = await page.$$('[data-reactroot]')57 const examples = await Promise.all(, page)))58 return map(merge({ component: componentName, dir }), examples)59}60module.exports = async styleguideUrl => {61 const browser = await puppeteer.launch()62 const page = await getFreshPage(browser, styleguideUrl)63 const componentNames = uniq(64 await page.$$eval('[data-preview]', elements => => element.dataset.preview))65 )66 const componentsData = flatten(await Promise.all(, styleguideUrl))))67 await browser.close()68 return componentsData...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const qawolf = require('qawolf');2const { firefox } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await firefox.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await qawolf.register(page);8 await qawolf.create();9 await browser.close();10})();11const qawolf = require('qawolf');12const { firefox } = require('playwright');13describe('test', () => {14 let browser;15 let context;16 let page;17 beforeAll(async () => {18 browser = await firefox.launch();19 context = await browser.newContext();20 page = await context.newPage();21 await qawolf.register(page);22 });23 afterAll(async () => {24 await qawolf.create();25 await browser.close();26 });27 it('test', async () => {28 });29});30const qawolf = require('qawolf');31const { firefox } = require('playwright');32describe('test', () => {33 let browser;34 let context;35 let page;36 beforeAll(async () => {37 browser = await firefox.launch();38 context = await browser.newContext();39 page = await context.newPage();40 await qawolf.register(page);41 });42 afterAll(async () => {43 await qawolf.create();44 await browser.close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2const browser = await qawolf.launch();3const context = await browser.newContext();4const page = await context.newPage();5await'input[name="q"]');6await page.fill('input[name="q"]', "qawolf");7await'input[name="q"]', "Enter");8await"text=QAWolf: Test automation for web apps");9await"text=Get Started");10await"text=Start free trial");11await'input[name="name"]');12await page.fill('input[name="name"]', "qawolf");13await'input[name="email"]');14await page.fill('input[name="email"]', "

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getFreshPage } = require("qawolf");2const { launch } = require("qawolf");3const { test } = require("qawolf");4describe("test", () => {5 let browser;6 let page;7 beforeAll(async () => {8 browser = await launch();9 });10 afterAll(async () => {11 await browser.close();12 });13 beforeEach(async () => {14 page = await getFreshPage(browser);15 });16 afterEach(async () => {17 await page.close();18 });19 test("test", async () => {20 await"input[name=\"q\"]");21 await page.fill("input[name=\"q\"]", "qawolf");22 await"input[name=\"btnK\"]");23 });24});25import { Browser } from "playwright";26import { Page } from "playwright";27export async function getFreshPage(browser: Browser): Promise<Page> {28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 return page;31}32import { Browser } from "playwright";33import { launch as launchBrowser } from "playwright";34export async function launch(): Promise<Browser> {35 const browser = await launchBrowser();36 return browser;37}38import { Page } from "playwright";39import { test as qawolfTest } from "qawolf";40export async function test(name: string, fn: (page: Page) => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {41 await qawolfTest(name, fn);42}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const qawolf = require("qawolf");2async function run() {3 const browser = await qawolf.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const freshPage = await qawolf.getFreshPage(page);7 await freshPage.fill("#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input", "qawolf");8 await"#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.FPdoLc.VlcLAe > center > input[type=\"submit\"]:nth-child(1)");9 await"#rso > div:nth-child(1) > div > div > div > div > div.r > a > h3");10 await freshPage.close();11 await qawolf.stopVideos();12 await browser.close();13}14run();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getFreshPage } = require("qawolf");2const { launch } = require("qawolf");3const browser = await launch();4const page = await getFreshPage(browser);5await page.type('[name="q"]', "Hello World");6await browser.close();7{8 "scripts": {9 },10 "dependencies": {11 }12}13const { getFreshPage } = require("qawolf");14const { launch } = require("qawolf");15const browser = await launch();16const page = await getFreshPage(browser);17await page.type('[name="q"]', "Hello World");18await page.screenshot({ path: "screenshot.png" });19await browser.close();20const { getFreshPage } = require("qawolf");21const { launch } = require("qawolf");22const browser = await launch();23const page = await getFreshPage(browser);24await page.type('[name="q"]', "Hello World");25await'[name="btnK"]');26await browser.close();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { getFreshPage, getBrowserContext, getBrowser, create, launch} from 'qawolf';2await'input[aria-label="Search"]');3await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'test');4await'input[aria-label="Search"]');5await'Enter');6await page.waitForSelector('div[role="heading"]');7await'div[role="heading"]');8await page.waitForSelector('div[role="heading"]');9const context = await getBrowserContext();10const page = await context.newPage();11await'input[aria-label="Search"]');12await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'test');13await'input[aria-label="Search"]');14await'Enter');15await page.waitForSelector('div[role="heading"]');16await'div[role="heading"]');17await page.waitForSelector('div[role="heading"]');18const browser = await getBrowser();19const page = await browser.newPage();20await'input[aria-label="Search"]');21await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'test');22await'input[aria-label="Search"]');23await'Enter');24await page.waitForSelector('div[role="heading"]');25await'div[role="heading"]');26await page.waitForSelector('div[role="heading"]');27const browser = await create();28const page = await browser.newPage();29await'input[aria-label="Search"]');30await page.type('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'test');31await'input[aria-label="

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getFreshPage } = require("qawolf");2const { test } = require("@playwright/test");3test("My Test", async () => {4 const page = await getFreshPage();5});6const { test } = require("@playwright/test");7test("My Test", async ({ page }) => {8});9I am trying to use the getFreshPage() method in the test file itself. I am trying to use the getFreshPage() method in the test file itself. I think this is the best way to go about it. I would also like to know if there is a way to use the qawolf.browser.getFreshPage() method in the test file itself. Thanks!10I am trying to use the getFreshPage() method in the test file itself. I am trying to use the getFreshPage() method in the test file itself. I think this is the best way to go about it. I would also like to know if there is a way to use the qawolf.browser.getFreshPage() method in the test file itself. Thanks! @jasonkarns11I am trying to use the getFreshPage() method in

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