How to use display_tight method in redwood

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Source:rfb.js Github


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...1140 }1141 }1142 return [header, data];1143};1144function display_tight(isTightPNG) {1145 //Util.Debug(">> display_tight");1146 if (fb_depth === 1) {1147 fail("Tight protocol handler only implements true color mode");1148 }1149 var ctl, cmode, clength, color, img, data;1150 var filterId = -1, resetStreams = 0, streamId = -1;1151 var rQ = ws.get_rQ(), rQi = ws.get_rQi(); 1152 FBU.bytes = 1; // compression-control byte1153 if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT compression-control", FBU.bytes)) { return false; }1154 var checksum = function(data) {1155 var sum=0, i;1156 for (i=0; i<data.length;i++) {1157 sum += data[i];1158 if (sum > 65536) sum -= 65536;1159 }1160 return sum;1161 }1162 var decompress = function(data) {1163 for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {1164 if ((resetStreams >> i) & 1) {1165 FBU.zlibs[i].reset();1166 Util.Info("Reset zlib stream " + i);1167 }1168 }1169 var uncompressed = FBU.zlibs[streamId].uncompress(data, 0);1170 if (uncompressed.status !== 0) {1171 Util.Error("Invalid data in zlib stream");1172 }1173 //Util.Warn("Decompressed " + data.length + " to " +1174 // + " checksums " +1175 // checksum(data) + ":" + checksum(;1176 return;1177 }1178 var handlePalette = function() {1179 var numColors = rQ[rQi + 2] + 1;1180 var paletteSize = numColors * fb_depth; 1181 FBU.bytes += paletteSize;1182 if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT palette " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }1183 var bpp = (numColors <= 2) ? 1 : 8;1184 var rowSize = Math.floor((FBU.width * bpp + 7) / 8);1185 var raw = false;1186 if (rowSize * FBU.height < 12) {1187 raw = true;1188 clength = [0, rowSize * FBU.height];1189 } else {1190 clength = getTightCLength(ws.rQslice(3 + paletteSize,1191 3 + paletteSize + 3));1192 }1193 FBU.bytes += clength[0] + clength[1];1194 if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }1195 // Shift ctl, filter id, num colors, palette entries, and clength off1196 ws.rQshiftBytes(3); 1197 var palette = ws.rQshiftBytes(paletteSize);1198 ws.rQshiftBytes(clength[0]);1199 if (raw) {1200 data = ws.rQshiftBytes(clength[1]);1201 } else {1202 data = decompress(ws.rQshiftBytes(clength[1]));1203 }1204 // Convert indexed (palette based) image data to RGB1205 // TODO: reduce number of calculations inside loop1206 var dest = [];1207 var x, y, b, w, w1, dp, sp;1208 if (numColors === 2) {1209 w = Math.floor((FBU.width + 7) / 8);1210 w1 = Math.floor(FBU.width / 8);1211 for (y = 0; y < FBU.height; y++) {1212 for (x = 0; x < w1; x++) {1213 for (b = 7; b >= 0; b--) {1214 dp = (y*FBU.width + x*8 + 7-b) * 3;1215 sp = (data[y*w + x] >> b & 1) * 3;1216 dest[dp ] = palette[sp ];1217 dest[dp+1] = palette[sp+1];1218 dest[dp+2] = palette[sp+2];1219 }1220 }1221 for (b = 7; b >= 8 - FBU.width % 8; b--) {1222 dp = (y*FBU.width + x*8 + 7-b) * 3;1223 sp = (data[y*w + x] >> b & 1) * 3;1224 dest[dp ] = palette[sp ];1225 dest[dp+1] = palette[sp+1];1226 dest[dp+2] = palette[sp+2];1227 }1228 }1229 } else {1230 for (y = 0; y < FBU.height; y++) {1231 for (x = 0; x < FBU.width; x++) {1232 dp = (y*FBU.width + x) * 3;1233 sp = data[y*FBU.width + x] * 3;1234 dest[dp ] = palette[sp ];1235 dest[dp+1] = palette[sp+1];1236 dest[dp+2] = palette[sp+2];1237 }1238 }1239 }1240 display.renderQ_push({1241 'type': 'blitRgb',1242 'data': dest,1243 'x': FBU.x,1244 'y': FBU.y,1245 'width': FBU.width,1246 'height': FBU.height});1247 return true;1248 }1249 var handleCopy = function() {1250 var raw = false;1251 var uncompressedSize = FBU.width * FBU.height * fb_depth;1252 if (uncompressedSize < 12) {1253 raw = true;1254 clength = [0, uncompressedSize];1255 } else {1256 clength = getTightCLength(ws.rQslice(1, 4));1257 }1258 FBU.bytes = 1 + clength[0] + clength[1];1259 if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }1260 // Shift ctl, clength off1261 ws.rQshiftBytes(1 + clength[0]);1262 if (raw) {1263 data = ws.rQshiftBytes(clength[1]);1264 } else {1265 data = decompress(ws.rQshiftBytes(clength[1]));1266 }1267 display.renderQ_push({1268 'type': 'blitRgb',1269 'data': data,1270 'x': FBU.x,1271 'y': FBU.y,1272 'width': FBU.width,1273 'height': FBU.height});1274 return true;1275 }1276 ctl = ws.rQpeek8();1277 // Keep tight reset bits1278 resetStreams = ctl & 0xF;1279 // Figure out filter1280 ctl = ctl >> 4; 1281 streamId = ctl & 0x3;1282 if (ctl === 0x08) cmode = "fill";1283 else if (ctl === 0x09) cmode = "jpeg";1284 else if (ctl === 0x0A) cmode = "png";1285 else if (ctl & 0x04) cmode = "filter";1286 else if (ctl < 0x04) cmode = "copy";1287 else return fail("Illegal tight compression received, ctl: " + ctl);1288 if (isTightPNG && (cmode === "filter" || cmode === "copy")) {1289 return fail("filter/copy received in tightPNG mode");1290 }1291 switch (cmode) {1292 // fill uses fb_depth because TPIXELs drop the padding byte1293 case "fill": FBU.bytes += fb_depth; break; // TPIXEL1294 case "jpeg": FBU.bytes += 3; break; // max clength1295 case "png": FBU.bytes += 3; break; // max clength1296 case "filter": FBU.bytes += 2; break; // filter id + num colors if palette1297 case "copy": break;1298 }1299 if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }1300 //Util.Debug(" ws.rQslice(0,20): " + ws.rQslice(0,20) + " (" + ws.rQlen() + ")");1301 //Util.Debug(" cmode: " + cmode);1302 // Determine FBU.bytes1303 switch (cmode) {1304 case "fill":1305 ws.rQshift8(); // shift off ctl1306 color = ws.rQshiftBytes(fb_depth);1307 display.renderQ_push({1308 'type': 'fill',1309 'x': FBU.x,1310 'y': FBU.y,1311 'width': FBU.width,1312 'height': FBU.height,1313 'color': [color[2], color[1], color[0]] });1314 break;1315 case "png":1316 case "jpeg":1317 clength = getTightCLength(ws.rQslice(1, 4));1318 FBU.bytes = 1 + clength[0] + clength[1]; // ctl + clength size + jpeg-data1319 if (ws.rQwait("TIGHT " + cmode, FBU.bytes)) { return false; }1320 // We have everything, render it1321 //Util.Debug(" jpeg, ws.rQlen(): " + ws.rQlen() + ", clength[0]: " +1322 // clength[0] + ", clength[1]: " + clength[1]);1323 ws.rQshiftBytes(1 + clength[0]); // shift off ctl + compact length1324 img = new Image();1325 img.src = "data:image/" + cmode +1326 extract_data_uri(ws.rQshiftBytes(clength[1]));1327 display.renderQ_push({1328 'type': 'img',1329 'img': img,1330 'x': FBU.x,1331 'y': FBU.y});1332 img = null;1333 break;1334 case "filter":1335 filterId = rQ[rQi + 1];1336 if (filterId === 1) {1337 if (!handlePalette()) { return false; }1338 } else {1339 // Filter 0, Copy could be valid here, but servers don't send it as an explicit filter1340 // Filter 2, Gradient is valid but not used if jpeg is enabled1341 throw("Unsupported tight subencoding received, filter: " + filterId);1342 }1343 break;1344 case "copy":1345 if (!handleCopy()) { return false; }1346 break;1347 }1348 FBU.bytes = 0;1349 FBU.rects -= 1;1350 //Util.Debug(" ending ws.rQslice(0,20): " + ws.rQslice(0,20) + " (" + ws.rQlen() + ")");1351 //Util.Debug("<< display_tight_png");1352 return true;1353}1354extract_data_uri = function(arr) {1355 //var i, stra = [];1356 //for (i=0; i< arr.length; i += 1) {1357 // stra.push(String.fromCharCode(arr[i]));1358 //}1359 //return "," + escape(stra.join(''));1360 return ";base64," + Base64.encode(arr);1361};1362encHandlers.TIGHT = function () { return display_tight(false); };1363encHandlers.TIGHT_PNG = function () { return display_tight(true); };1364encHandlers.last_rect = function last_rect() {1365 //Util.Debug(">> last_rect");1366 FBU.rects = 0;1367 //Util.Debug("<< last_rect");1368 return true;1369};1370encHandlers.DesktopSize = function set_desktopsize() {1371 Util.Debug(">> set_desktopsize");1372 fb_width = FBU.width;1373 fb_height = FBU.height;1374 display.resize(fb_width, fb_height);1375 timing.fbu_rt_start = (new Date()).getTime();1376 // Send a new non-incremental request1377 ws.send(fbUpdateRequests());...

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Source:scripts.js Github


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1 function tightRows() {2 var element = document.getElementById("data_frame");3 element.classList.toggle("display_tight");4}5 $(document).ready(function () {6 $('#sidebarCollapse').on('click', function () {7 $('#sidebar').toggleClass('active');8 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2var display_tight = redwood.display_tight;3var display = redwood.display;4var div = redwood.div;5var p = redwood.p;6var my_div = div('my-div', p('hello'), p('world'));7display_tight(my_div);8display(my_div);9var redwood = require('redwood');10var display = redwood.display;11var div = redwood.div;12var p = redwood.p;13var my_div = div('my-div', p('hello'), p('world'));14display(my_div);15var redwood = require('redwood');16var display = redwood.display;17var div = redwood.div;18var p = redwood.p;19var my_div = div('my-div', p('hello'), p('world'));20display(my_div, div('my-div-2', p('hello'), p('world')));21var redwood = require('redwood');22var display_tight = redwood.display_tight;23var div = redwood.div;24var p = redwood.p;25var my_div = div('my-div', p('hello'), p('world'));26display_tight(my_div);27var redwood = require('redwood');28var display_tight = redwood.display_tight;29var div = redwood.div;30var p = redwood.p;31var my_div = div('my-div', p('hello'), p('world'));32display_tight(my_div, div('my-div-2', p('hello'), p('world')));33var redwood = require('redwood');34var display_tight = redwood.display_tight;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var display_tight = require('./redwood.js').display_tight;2display_tight('Hello World');3var display_tight = require('./redwood.js').display_tight;4display_tight('Hello World');5var display_loose = require('./redwood.js').display_loose;6display_loose('Hello World');7var display_center = require('./redwood.js').display_center;8display_center('Hello World');9var display_left = require('./redwood.js').display_left;10display_left('Hello World');11var display_right = require('./redwood.js').display_right;12display_right('Hello World');13var display_title = require('./redwood.js').display_title;14display_title('Hello World');15var display_subtitle = require('./redwood.js').display_subtitle;16display_subtitle('Hello World');17var display_text = require('./redwood.js').display_text;18display_text('Hello World');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');2logger.display_tight('Hello World!');3const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');4logger.display_tight('Hello World!');5const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');6logger.display_tight('Hello World!');7const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');8logger.display_tight('Hello World!');9const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');10logger.display_tight('Hello World!');11const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');12logger.display_tight('Hello World!');13const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');14logger.display_tight('Hello World!');15const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');16logger.display_tight('Hello World!');17const { logger } = require('redwood-logger');18logger.display_tight('Hello World!');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var redwood = require('redwood');2### redwood.display_tight(string);3var redwood = require('redwood');4### redwood.display(string);5var redwood = require('redwood');6### redwood.display_error(string);7var redwood = require('redwood');8### redwood.display_warning(string);9var redwood = require('redwood');10### redwood.display_success(string);

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