How to use zipDir method in redwood

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Source:core.js Github


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1var cheerio = require('cheerio');2var path = require('path');3var fs = require('fs-extra');4var url = require('url');5var http = require('http');6var request = require('request');7var zipdir = {8 js: 'js',9 css: 'css',10 img: 'images'11};12var reg_http = /^(\s+)?(http(s)?\:)?\/\//;13var reg_cssurl = /url\s*\((\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.\/\:\"\']+\s*)\)\s*;?/gi;14// util funcs15function mkZipDirs (htmlPath) {16 var ret = {};17 var basedir = path.dirname(htmlPath);18 for (var k in zipdir) {19 var dir = path.join(basedir, zipdir[k]);20 fs.mkdirpSync(dir);21 ret[k] = dir;22 }23 return ret;24}25var uniqueId = function () {26 var i = 0;27 return function () {28 return i ++;29 }30}();31var Pack = function (opt) {32 //todo33 this._need = 0;34 this._done = 0;35 this._ev = {};36};37Pack.prototype = {38 on: function (ev, cb) {39 if (this._ev[ev] == undefined) this._ev[ev] = [];40 this._ev[ev].push(cb);41 },42 fire: function (ev) {43 var args = [], 0);44 args.splice(0, 1);45 var cbs = this._ev[ev];46 if (cbs && cbs.length) {47 cbs.forEach(function (f) {48 f.apply(null, args)49 })50 }51 },52 /**53 * 处理htmlstring中的 img, script, link 标签引用的资源54 * @param {String} htmlstr 55 * @return {String} 处理好的htmlstring56 */57 parseHtml: function (htmlstr, filePath) {58 var me = this;59 if (!this.zipdir) {60 this.zipdir = mkZipDirs(filePath);61 }62 var $ = cheerio.load(htmlstr, {decodeEntities: false, normalizeWhitespace: false});63 $('link,script,img').each(function (i, el) {64 var $this = $(this);65 var tagName = $this.get(0).name;66 var href = tagName === 'link' ? $this.attr('href') : $this.attr('src');67 var attrs = {68 link: 'href',69 script: 'src',70 img: 'src'71 };72 if (reg_http.test(href)) {73 var absDestPath = me.saveFile(href);74 var relaPath = path.relative(path.dirname(filePath), absDestPath);75 $this.attr(attrs[tagName], relaPath);76 }77 });78 // 处理内联style标签79 $('style').each(function (i, el) {80 var $this = $(this);81 var cssstr = $this.html();82 var newCss = me.parseUriInCss(cssstr, filePath);83 $this.html(newCss);84 })85 return $.html();86 },87 parseUriInJs: function (jsstr, filePath) {88 jsstr = this.parseJsLoader(jsstr, filePath);89 //more ...90 //91 return jsstr;92 },93 parseUriInCss: function (cssstr, filePath, uri) {94 var me = this;95 if (!this.zipdir) {96 this.zipdir = mkZipDirs(filePath);97 }98 if (uri) {99 // 如果是在线down下来的css, 里面内容即使是相对路径的引用的资源,也要当作在线的处理100 101 }102 // 处理css中引用的在线资源103 cssstr = cssstr.replace(reg_cssurl, function (a, b) {104 if (reg_http.test(b)) {105 var destFile = me.saveFile(b);106 var relaPath = path.relative(path.dirname(filePath), destFile);107 return 'url('+ relaPath +')';108 }109 return a;110 });111 return cssstr;112 },113 parseJsLoader: function (jsstr, filePath) {114 //to be rewrited115 return jsstr;116 },117 saveFile: function (uri) {118 var me = this;119 this._need ++;120 if (!this.zipdir) {121 this.zipdir = mkZipDirs('');122 }123 function _dosave (dest, cb) {124 fs.ensureFileSync(dest);125 126 if (/^\/\//.test(uri)) uri = 'http:' + uri;127 request(uri)128 .on('end', function () {129 me._done ++;130 cb && cb();131 clearTimeout(me._timer);132 me._timer = setTimeout(function () {133 if (me._need === me._done) {134'complete');135 }136 }, 1000);137 }).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(dest));138 }139 if (/\?\?/.test(uri)) {140 // cdn combo url141 var pathes = uri.split('??');142 var file0 = pathes[1].split(',')[0];143 var filetype = file0.substr(file0.lastIndexOf('.')+1, 999);144 var destPath = path.join(this.zipdir[filetype], 'cdncombo_' + uniqueId() + '.' + filetype);145 } else {146 var pathname = url.parse(uri).pathname;147 var filetype = pathname.split('.').pop();148 var destPath = path.join((this.zipdir[filetype] || this.zipdir['img']), pathname);149 }150 // 离线化后根据文件类型递归进行, 图片等资源不用做二次处理151 _dosave(destPath, function () {152 if (filetype === 'js') {153 var jscon = fs.readFileSync(destPath, {encoding:'utf8'});154 var newcon = me.parseUriInJs(jscon, destPath);155 newcon = me.parseUriInCss(newcon, destPath);156 fs.writeFileSync(destPath, newcon, {encoding:'utf8'});157 } else if (filetype === 'css') {158 var csscon = fs.readFileSync(destPath, {encoding:'utf8'});159 var newcon = me.parseUriInCss(csscon, destPath, uri);160 fs.writeFileSync(destPath, newcon, {encoding:'utf8'});161 }162 163 });164 return destPath;165 }166};...

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Source:motd.js Github


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1#!/home/gjones/mybin/jshost2System.include("Util.js");3System.include("Cod2Gen.js");4function motd()5{6 this.main = function() {7 var dt = new Date();8 var map_name;9 //dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + 1); // to do tomorrow, or later10 map_name = "mp_" + dt.getFullYear() + Util.padNumber(dt.getMonth()+1, 2, '0') + Util.padNumber(dt.getDate(), 2, '0');11 System.out.write("Creating map of the day: " + map_name + "\n");12 Cod2Gen.create("cod2.xml", map_name);13 System.out.write("Clearing zipdir contents.\n");14 System.execute("rm zipdir/mp/*");15 System.execute("rm zipdir/maps/mp/*");16 System.out.write("Moving gsc and arena files to zipdir.\n");17 System.execute("cp " + map_name + ".map zipdir/mp"); // not necessary, but nice18 System.execute("mv " + map_name + ".arena zipdir/mp");19 System.execute("mv " + map_name + ".gsc zipdir/maps/mp");20 System.out.write("Zipping up zipdir.\n");21 System.execute("cd zipdir; zip -r " + map_name + " *");22 23 System.out.write("Moving " + map_name + ".zip to current directory\n");24 System.execute("mv zipdir/" + map_name + ".zip .");25 System.out.write("Done!\n");26 }...

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Source:zip.ts Github


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1const fs = require("fs");2const path = require("path");3const archiver = require("archiver");4const unzip = require("unzipper");5export const zipTo = (dir: string, zipDir: string) => {6 fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(zipDir), { recursive: true });7 return new Promise(resolve => {8 try {9 fs.unlinkSync(zipDir);10 } catch (error) {}11 const output = fs.createWriteStream(zipDir);12 const archive = archiver("zip", {13 zlib: { level: 9 }14 });15 archive.on("end", () => {16 resolve(zipDir);17 });18 archive.pipe(output);19, false);20 archive.finalize();21 });22};23export const zipFrom = (zipDir: string, dir: string) => {24 fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(dir), { recursive: true });25 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {26 fs.createReadStream(zipDir)27 .pipe(unzip.Extract({ path: dir }))28 .on("finish", resolve)29 .on("error", reject);30 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'2export const handler = async (event, context) => {3 const zip = await zipDir('/tmp')4 return {5 headers: {6 },7 body: zip.toString('base64'),8 }9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'2export const handler = async () => {3 const zip = await zipDir('./test')4 return {5 headers: {6 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=""',7 },8 }9}10import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'11export const handler = async () => {12 const zip = await zipDir('./test', { name: 'test' })13 return {14 headers: {15 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=""',16 },17 }18}19import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'20export const handler = async () => {21 const zip = await zipDir('./test', { name: 'test', exclude: ['test'] })22 return {23 headers: {24 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=""',25 },26 }27}28import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'29export const handler = async () => {30 const zip = await zipDir('./test', {31 })32 return {33 headers: {34 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=""',35 },36 }37}38import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'39export const handler = async () => {40 const zip = await zipDir('./test', {41 })

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'2export const handler = async (event, context) => {3 const zip = await zipDir('src')4 return {5 headers: {6 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=""',7 },8 }9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'2export const handler = async (event, context) => {3 const { name } = event.queryStringParameters4 const zip = await zipDir({5 dir: path.join('/tmp', name),6 })7 return {8 headers: {9 },10 }11}12import archiver from 'archiver'13import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'14import { join } from 'path'15const output = createWriteStream(join('/tmp', ''))16const archive = archiver('zip', {17 zlib: { level: 9 },18})19output.on('close', () => {20 console.log('Done')21})22archive.on('error', (err) => {23})24archive.pipe(output)'/tmp', 'test'), false)26archive.finalize()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'2export const handler = async () => {3 const zip = await zipDir('/path/to/dir', 'zipName')4 return {5 headers: {6 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment;',7 },8 }9}10- [zipDir](#zipdir)11 - [Parameters](#parameters)12 - [Examples](#examples)13import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/api'14export const handler = async () => {15 const zip = await zipDir('/path/to/dir', 'zipName')16 return {17 headers: {18 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment;',19 },20 }21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { zipDir } = require('@redwoodjs/api')2zipDir('src', '').then(() => console.log('done!'))3const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')4unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))5const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')6unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))7const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')8unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))9const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')10unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))11const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')12unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))13const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')14unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))15const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')16unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))17const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')18unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))19const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')20unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))21const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')22unzip('', 'unzipped').then(() => console.log('done!'))23const { unzip } = require('@redwoodjs/api')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { zipDir } from '@redwoodjs/internal'2export const handler = async () => {3 zipDir('src', '')4}5import { downloadFile } from '@redwoodjs/api'6export const handler = async () => {7 return downloadFile('')8}9import { unlinkSync } from 'fs'10export const handler = async () => {11 unlinkSync('')12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var zipDir = require('redwoodfs').zipDir;2var zip = zipDir('/home/username/test', '/home/username/', function(err, zip) {3 if(err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log('zip created successfully');7 }8});9### zipDir(source, target, callback)10### unzip(zip, target, callback)

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