How to use callCli method in root

Best JavaScript code snippet using root


Source:cli.spec.js Github


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1/* eslint-env jest */2const path = require('path')3// to remove chalk colors escape codes and handling all testing environments4const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi')5const CTS = require('../utils/constants.js')6const actualArgv = process.argv.slice(0) // a clone7const actualLog = console.log8const actualError = console.error9let currentScriptFile = null10// mocking11;['build', 'watch', 'start'].map(name => {12 jest.doMock(`../scripts/${name}`, () =>13 jest.fn(options => {14 currentScriptFile = name15 expect(options).toMatchSnapshot()16 })17 )18})19;['publish', 'release'].map(name => {20 jest.doMock(`../scripts/${name}`, () =>21 jest.fn(options => {22 const { cliArgs } = options23 currentScriptFile = name24 expect(`cozy-${name} ${cliArgs.join(' ')}`).toMatchSnapshot()25 })26 )27})28jest.doMock('../scripts/config', () =>29 jest.fn(options => {30 expect(options).toMatchSnapshot()31 return {32 config: 'Mocked config'33 }34 })35)36jest.doMock('../scripts/lint', () =>37 jest.fn(options => {38 const { cliArgs } = options39 currentScriptFile = 'lint'40 expect(`eslint ${cliArgs.join(' ')}`).toMatchSnapshot()41 })42)43jest.doMock('jest', () => ({44 run: jest.fn(args => {45 currentScriptFile = 'test'46 expect(`jest ${args.join(' ')}`).toMatchSnapshot()47 })48}))49// we reproduce the process.argv passed by node50// see addCLIArgs(...args) {52 process.argv = process.argv.concat(args)53}54function callCLI() {55 jest.resetModules() // force doing require each time56 require('../bin/cozy-scripts')57}58describe('cozy-scripts (cs) CLI', () => {59 beforeEach(() => {60 jest.resetAllMocks()61 console.log = actualLog62 console.error = actualError63 currentScriptFile = null64 // clean args list65 process.argv = [process.execPath, path.resolve('../bin/cozy-scripts')]66 // default env67 delete process.env[CTS.HOT]68 delete process.env[CTS.DEBUG]69 delete process.env[CTS.ANALYZER]70 delete process.env[CTS.ESLINT_FIX]71 delete process.env[CTS.SRC_DIR]72 delete process.env[CTS.BUILD_DIR]73 delete process.env[CTS.MANIFEST]74 })75 afterAll(() => {76 // reset the argv environment variable77 process.argv = actualArgv.slice(0)78 })79 it('should display an help message if no args passed', () => {80 console.error = jest.fn()81 expect(() => {82 callCLI()83 }).not.toThrow()84 expect(stripAnsi(console.error.mock.calls[0][0])).toMatchSnapshot()85 })86 it('should display an error message if the action/command is not recognize', () => {87 console.error = jest.fn()88 // add cli arguments89 addCLIArgs('nobodyKnowIt', '--watch')90 expect(() => {91 callCLI()92 }).not.toThrow()93 expect(stripAnsi(console.error.mock.calls[0][0])).toMatchSnapshot()94 })95 it('should display the webpack config if option `--show-config` passed', () => {96 console.log = jest.fn()97 addCLIArgs('build', '--browser', '--show-config')98 expect(() => {99 callCLI()100 }).not.toThrow()101 expect(stripAnsi(console.log.mock.calls[0][0])).toMatchSnapshot()102 })103 it('should call jest on `test` command and pass remaining args to jest', () => {104 // add cli arguments105 addCLIArgs('test', '--watch', '--runInBand', '--config', 'undefile.js')106 expect(() => {107 callCLI()108 }).not.toThrow()109 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('test')110 })111 it('should call eslint on `lint` command and pass remaining args to eslint', () => {112 // add cli arguments113 addCLIArgs('lint', '--fix', '{src,test}/**/*.{js,jsx}')114 expect(() => {115 callCLI()116 }).not.toThrow()117 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('lint')118 })119 it('should call cozy-release on `release` command and pass remaining args to cozy-release', () => {120 // add cli arguments121 addCLIArgs('release', 'patch', '1.2.4')122 expect(() => {123 callCLI()124 }).not.toThrow()125 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('release')126 })127 it('should call cozy-publish on `publish` command and pass remaining args to cozy-publish', () => {128 // add cli arguments129 addCLIArgs('publish', '--token', 'aMockedReGIStrYToKeN')130 expect(() => {131 callCLI()132 }).not.toThrow()133 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('publish')134 })135 it('should build on `build` command with all passed options with production mode by default', () => {136 // add cli arguments137 addCLIArgs('build', '--browser')138 expect(() => {139 callCLI()140 }).not.toThrow()141 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('build')142 })143 it('should watch on `watch` command with all passed options with development mode by default', () => {144 // add cli arguments145 addCLIArgs('watch', '--browser')146 expect(() => {147 callCLI()148 }).not.toThrow()149 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('watch')150 })151 it('should handle --analyzer option', () => {152 // add cli arguments153 addCLIArgs('watch', '--browser', '--analyzer')154 expect(() => {155 callCLI()156 }).not.toThrow()157 expect(process.env[CTS.ANALYZER]).toBe('true')158 })159 it('should handle debug mode with --debug option', () => {160 // add cli arguments161 addCLIArgs('watch', '--debug')162 expect(() => {163 callCLI()164 }).not.toThrow()165 expect(process.env[CTS.DEBUG]).toBe('true')166 })167 it('should handle eslint fix mode with --fix option', () => {168 // add cli arguments169 addCLIArgs('lint', '--fix')170 expect(() => {171 callCLI()172 }).not.toThrow()173 expect(process.env[CTS.ESLINT_FIX]).toBe('true')174 })175 it('should handle hot reload mode with --hot option', () => {176 // add cli arguments177 addCLIArgs('watch', '--hot')178 expect(() => {179 callCLI()180 }).not.toThrow()181 expect(process.env[CTS.HOT]).toBe('true')182 })183 it('should handle changing dev server port with --port option', () => {184 // add cli arguments185 addCLIArgs('watch', '--port', '9999')186 expect(() => {187 callCLI()188 }).not.toThrow()189 expect(process.env[CTS.PORT]).toBe('9999')190 })191 it('should handle changing dev server host with --host option', () => {192 // add cli arguments193 addCLIArgs('watch', '--host', '')194 expect(() => {195 callCLI()196 }).not.toThrow()197 expect(process.env[CTS.HOST]).toBe('')198 })199 it('should handle src directory path providing with --src-dir option', () => {200 // add cli arguments201 const customPath = 'custom/app/src'202 addCLIArgs('watch', '--src-dir', customPath)203 expect(() => {204 callCLI()205 }).not.toThrow()206 expect(process.env[CTS.SRC_DIR]).toBe(customPath)207 })208 it('should handle build directory path providing with --build-dir option', () => {209 // add cli arguments210 const customPath = 'custom/app/buildHere'211 addCLIArgs('watch', '--build-dir', customPath)212 expect(() => {213 callCLI()214 }).not.toThrow()215 expect(process.env[CTS.BUILD_DIR]).toBe(customPath)216 })217 it('should handle manifest path providing with --manifest option', () => {218 // add cli arguments219 const customPath = 'custom/app/manifest.webapp'220 addCLIArgs('watch', '--manifest', customPath)221 expect(() => {222 callCLI()223 }).not.toThrow()224 expect(process.env[CTS.MANIFEST]).toBe(customPath)225 })226 it('should handle config path providing with --config option', () => {227 // add cli arguments228 const customPath = 'custom/app/app.config.js'229 addCLIArgs('watch', '--config', customPath)230 expect(() => {231 callCLI()232 }).not.toThrow()233 expect(process.env[CTS.CONFIG]).toBe(customPath)234 })235 it('should handle --production option', () => {236 // add cli arguments237 addCLIArgs('watch', '--browser', '--production')238 expect(() => {239 callCLI()240 }).not.toThrow()241 })242 it('should handle --development option', () => {243 // add cli arguments244 addCLIArgs('watch', '--browser', '--development')245 expect(() => {246 callCLI()247 }).not.toThrow()248 })249 it('should handle mobile target with --mobile option', () => {250 // add cli arguments251 addCLIArgs('watch', '--mobile')252 expect(() => {253 callCLI()254 }).not.toThrow()255 })256 it('should run start script on `start` command with all passed options with development mode by default', () => {257 // add cli arguments258 addCLIArgs('start', '--stack')259 expect(() => {260 callCLI()261 }).not.toThrow()262 expect(currentScriptFile).toBe('start')263 })...

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Source:XLST___wix___Detox_test.test.js Github


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...27 type: 'android.emulator'28 }29 }30 });31 await callCli('./test', 'test');32 expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(33 expect.stringContaining(`${normalize('node_modules/.bin/mocha')} --opts e2e/mocha.opts --configuration only --grep :ios: --invert --artifacts-location "${normalize('artifacts/only.')}`),34 expect.anything()35 );36 expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(37 expect.stringMatching(/ "e2e"$/),38 expect.anything()39 );40 });41 it('should warn about deprecated options', async () => {42 mockPackageJson({43 configurations: {44 only: {45 type: 'android.emulator'46 }47 }48 });49 await callCli('./test', 'test --specs e2e');50 expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining('migration guide'));51 });52 });53 describe('jest', () => {54 it('runs successfully', async () => {55 mockPackageJson({56 testRunner: 'jest',57 configurations: {58 only: {59 type: 'android.emulator'60 }61 }62 });63 const mockExec = jest.fn();64 jest.mock('child_process', () => ({65 execSync: mockExec66 }));67 await callCli('./test', 'test');68 expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(69 expect.stringContaining(70 `${normalize('node_modules/.bin/jest')} --config=e2e/config.json --maxWorkers=1 ${shellQuote('--testNamePattern=^((?!:ios:).)*$')} "e2e"`71 ),72 expect.objectContaining({73 env: expect.objectContaining({74 configuration: 'only',75 recordLogs: 'none',76 takeScreenshots: 'manual',77 recordVideos: 'none',78 artifactsLocation: expect.stringContaining(normalize('artifacts/only.')),79 }),80 })81 );82 });83 });84 it('fails with a different runner', async () => {85 mockPackageJson({86 testRunner: 'ava',87 configurations: {88 only: {89 type: 'android.emulator'90 }91 }92 });93 await expect(callCli('./test', 'test')).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();94 expect(mockExec).not.toHaveBeenCalled();95 });96 it('overrides workers count to 1 if running Android tests on Jest', async () => {97 mockPackageJson({98 'test-runner': 'jest',99 configurations: {100 only: {101 type: 'android.emulator'102 }103 }104 });105 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 2');106 expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(107 expect.stringContaining(` --maxWorkers=1 `),108 expect.anything()109 );110 });111 describe('specs reporting (propagated) switch', () => {112 const expectReportSpecsArg = ({value}) => expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(113 expect.anything(),114 expect.objectContaining({115 env: expect.objectContaining({116 reportSpecs: value,117 }),118 })119 );120 describe('ios', () => {121 beforeEach(() => mockPackageJson({122 'test-runner': 'jest',123 configurations: {124 only: {125 type: 'ios.sim'126 }127 }128 }));129 it('should be enabled for a single worker', async () => {130 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 1');131 expectReportSpecsArg({value: true});132 });133 it('should be disabled for multiple workers', async () => {134 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 2');135 expectReportSpecsArg({value: false});136 });137 it('should be enabled in case no specific workers config has been specified', async () => {138 await callCli('./test', 'test');139 expectReportSpecsArg({value: true});140 });141 it('should be enabled if custom --jest-report-specs switch is specified', async () => {142 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 2 --jest-report-specs');143 expectReportSpecsArg({value: true});144 });145 it('should be disabled if custom switch has non-true value', async () => {146 await callCli('./test', 'test --jest-report-specs meh');147 expectReportSpecsArg({value: false});148 });149 it('should be enabled if custom switch has explicit value of \'true\'', async () => {150 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 2 --jest-report-specs true');151 expectReportSpecsArg({value: true});152 });153 });154 describe('android', () => {155 beforeEach(() => mockPackageJson({156 'test-runner': 'jest',157 configurations: {158 only: {159 type: 'android.emulator'160 }161 }162 }));163 it('should align with fallback to single-worker', async () => {164 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 2');165 expectReportSpecsArg({value: true});166 });167 it('should adhere to custom --jest-report-specs switch, as with ios', async () => {168 await callCli('./test', 'test --workers 2 --jest-report-specs false');169 expectReportSpecsArg({value: false});170 });171 });172 });173 it('sets default value for debugSynchronization', async () => {174 mockPackageJson({175 configurations: {176 only: {177 type: 'android.emulator'178 }179 }180 });181 try {182 await callCli('./test', 'test --debug-synchronization');183 } catch (e) {184 console.log(e);185 }186 expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(187 expect.stringContaining(188 `${normalize('node_modules/.bin/mocha')} --opts e2e/mocha.opts --configuration only --debug-synchronization 3000 --grep :ios: --invert --artifacts-location "${normalize('artifacts/only.')}`189 ),190 expect.anything()191 );192 });193 it('passes extra args to the test runner', async () => {194 mockPackageJson({195 configurations: {196 only: {197 type: 'android.emulator'198 }199 }200 });201 try {202 process.argv = [...process.argv, '--unknown-property', '42', '--flag'];203 await callCli('./test', 'test --unknown-property 42 --flag');204 } catch (e) {205 console.log(e);206 }207 expect(mockExec).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.stringContaining('--unknown-property 42 --flag'), expect.anything());208 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('./root');2root.callCli();3exports.callCli = function(){4 var cli = require('./cli');5 cli.cliMethod();6}7exports.cliMethod = function(){8 console.log("cli method called");9}10In this tutorial, we have seen that how the require method works in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import files in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the core modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the local modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the third-party modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the JSON files in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the JavaScript files in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the Node.js modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the local modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the third-party modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the JSON files in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the JavaScript files in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the Node.js modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the local modules in Node.js. We have also seen that how the require method is used to import the third-party modules in Node.js. We have

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('./root.js');2root.callCli();3var root = {};4root.callCli = function() {5 var exec = require('child_process').exec;6 var cmd = 'echo "Hello World"';7 exec(cmd, function(error, stdout, stderr) {8 console.log(stdout);9 });10};11module.exports = root;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('./root.js');2var callCli = root.callCli;3callCli('ls -l');4var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;5exports.callCli = function (cmd) {6 var cli = spawn(cmd, [], {shell: true});7 cli.stdout.pipe(process.stdout);8 cli.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);9};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = require('root');2var result = root.callCli('ls -l');3var sub = require('sub');4var result = sub.callCli('ls -l');5var root = require('root');6var result = root.callCli('ls -l');7var sub = require('sub');8var result = sub.callCli('ls -l');9var root = require('root');10var result = root.callCli('ls -l');11var sub = require('sub');12var result = sub.callCli('ls -l');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var root = new Root();2root.callCli("help", function(err, data) {3 if (err) {4 console.log("Error: " + err);5 } else {6 console.log("Data: " + data);7 }8});

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