How to use onReplaceText method in root

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Source:WhiteSpaceReplacer.js Github


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1import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";2import { Form, Button, Row, Col } from "react-bootstrap";3import { useFormik } from "formik";4// import { useSettingConfig } from "../hooks";5import MyCard from '../components/MyCard';6const rows = 7;7const replace1 = '\\s';8const replace2 = '<span style="color: red">*</span>';9const WhiteSpaceReplacer = () => {10 const element1 = useRef(null);11 const element2 = useRef(null);12 const [text1Focus, setText1Focus] = useState(false);13 const [text2Focus, setText2Focus] = useState(false);14 // const [{ wsrRows: rows, replace1, replace2 }] = useSettingConfig();15 16 const { handleSubmit, handleChange, values, setValues } = useFormik({17 initialValues: { text1: `18 dsadsadsd d sdsads 19 dsadad da 20 sdsd dsdad d21 22 `, text2: "", text3: "" },23 onSubmit: (values) => {24 alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));25 },26 });27 const selectText = (element) => {28 let text = "";29 if (document.body.createTextRange) {30 const range = document.body.createTextRange();31 range.moveToElementText(element);32;33 text = range.execCommand("copy");34 console.log("range.execCommand: ", text);35 } else if (window.getSelection) {36 const selection = window.getSelection();37 const range = document.createRange();38 range.selectNodeContents(element);39 selection.removeAllRanges();40 selection.addRange(range);41 text = selection.toString();42 console.log("selection.toString: ", text);43 } else {44 console.warn("Could not select text in node: Unsupported browser.");45 }46 return text;47 };48 const onReplaceText = () => {49 const text2 = values.text1.replaceAll(new RegExp(replace1, "g"), replace2 );50 console.log(text2);51 setValues((old) => ({ ...old, text2 }));52 };53 // const onCleanSymbol = () => {54 // const text2 = values.text2.replaceAll(new RegExp(replacement[1], 'g'), '');55 // console.log(text2);56 // setValues(old => ({...old, text2}));57 // };58 const onCopyText = async () => {59 // element2.current.focus();60 const text1 = selectText(element2.current);61 // const text2 = values.text2;62 // const text3 = text2.replace(new RegExp(replacement[1], "g"), replacement[1]);63 // console.log({text1, text2, text3});64 if ("clipboard" in navigator) {65 return await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text1);66 } else {67 return document.execCommand("copy", true, text1);68 }69 };70 const onClearText = () => {71 setValues({72 text1: "",73 text2: "",74 });75 };76 const onText2Focus = (e) => {77 const text1 =;78 const text2 = text1.replaceAll(new RegExp(replace2, "g"), replace1);79 // console.log('onText2Foucus: ', text1, text2);80 // setValues((old) => ({ ...old, text2 }));81 };82 const onText2Blur = (e) => {83 const text1 =;84 const text2 = text1.replaceAll(new RegExp(replace1, "g"), replace2);85 // console.log('onText2Blur: ', text1, text2);86 // setValues((old) => ({ ...old, text2 }));87 };88 const onText2Paste = (e) => {89 console.log(e);90 const text1 =;91 const text2 = text1.replaceAll(new RegExp(replace1, "g"), replace2);92 console.log('onText2Paste: ', text1, text2);93 = text2;94 // setValues((old) => ({ ...old, text2 }));95 };96 // <p><br></p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;dsadsadsd d sdsads&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;dsadad da&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;sdsd&nbsp;&nbsp;dsdad d</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>97 const onText2Change = (e) => {98 console.log('e: ', e);99 // const text3 = e.replaceAll(new RegExp('&nbsp;', "g"), replace2);100 // setValues(old => ({ ...old, text3 }));101 };102 const onCleanStar = () => {103 console.log('values.text3: ', values.text3);104 const text3 = values.text3.replaceAll('*', '-').replaceAll('&nbsp;', '_');105 setValues(old => ({ ...old, text3 }));106 };107 useEffect(() => {108 if (element1.current && element2.current) {109 = element1.current.offsetHeight + "px";110 }111 });112 return (113 <MyCard title="White Space Replacer">114 <Form115 noValidate116 onSubmit={handleSubmit}117 className="form-space-replacer"118 >119 <Row>120 <Col>121 <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="text1">122 <Form.Label>Original Text</Form.Label>123 <Form.Control124 as="textarea"125 ref={element1}126 rows={rows}127 name="text1"128 value={values.text1}129 onChange={handleChange}130 onMouseOver={() => setText1Focus(old => old = true)}131 onMouseLeave={() => setText1Focus(old => old = false)}132 />133 {/* <Form.Text className="text-muted">134 We'll never share your email with anyone else.135 </Form.Text> */}136 </Form.Group>137 <Button138 variant="primary"139 onClick={onReplaceText}140 disabled={!values.text1}141 >142 Replace Text143 </Button>144 <Button145 className="mx-3"146 variant="primary"147 onClick={onClearText}148 disabled={!values.text1}149 >150 Clear151 </Button>152 </Col>153 <Col>154 <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="text2">155 <Form.Label>Ganerated Text</Form.Label>156 <div157 name="text2"158 className="form-control text-display"159 ref={element2}160 contentEditable="true"161 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: values.text2 }}162 onInput={onText2Change}163 // onBlur={handleChange}164 // onMouseOver={() => setText2Focus(old => old = true)}165 // onMouseLeave={() => setText2Focus(old => old = false)}166 // onMouseOver={onText2Focus}167 // onMouseLeave={onText2Blur}168 // onPaste={onText2Paste}169 ></div>170 {/* <Form.Control as="textarea" rows={rows} name="text2" value={values.text2} onChange={handleChange} /> */}171 </Form.Group>172 <Button173 variant="primary"174 onClick={onCopyText}175 disabled={!values.text2}176 >177 Copy Text178 </Button>179 </Col>180 </Row>181 </Form>182 </MyCard>183 );184};...

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Source:WhiteSpaceStarReplacer.js Github


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1import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";2import { Form, Button, Row, Col } from "react-bootstrap";3import { useFormik } from "formik";4import { useSettingConfig } from "../hooks";5import MyCard from '../components/MyCard';6const WhiteSpaceStarReplacer = () => {7 const element1 = useRef(null);8 const element2 = useRef(null);9 const [{ wsrRows: rows, replace1, replace2 }] = useSettingConfig();10 11 const { handleSubmit, handleChange, values, setValues } = useFormik({12 initialValues: { text1: "", text2: "" },13 onSubmit: (values) => {14 alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));15 },16 });17 const selectText = (element) => {18 let text = "";19 if (document.body.createTextRange) {20 const range = document.body.createTextRange();21 range.moveToElementText(element);22;23 text = range.execCommand("copy");24 console.log("range.execCommand: ", text);25 } else if (window.getSelection) {26 const selection = window.getSelection();27 const range = document.createRange();28 range.selectNodeContents(element);29 selection.removeAllRanges();30 selection.addRange(range);31 text = selection.toString();32 console.log("selection.toString: ", text);33 } else {34 console.warn("Could not select text in node: Unsupported browser.");35 }36 return text;37 };38 const onReplaceText = () => {39 const text2 = values.text1.replaceAll(new RegExp(replace1, "g"), replace2 );40 console.log(text2);41 setValues((old) => ({ ...old, text2 }));42 };43 // const onCleanSymbol = () => {44 // const text2 = values.text2.replaceAll(new RegExp(replacement[1], 'g'), '');45 // console.log(text2);46 // setValues(old => ({...old, text2}));47 // };48 const onCopyText = async () => {49 // element2.current.focus();50 const text1 = selectText(element2.current);51 // const text2 = values.text2;52 // const text3 = text2.replace(new RegExp(replacement[1], "g"), replacement[1]);53 // console.log({text1, text2, text3});54 if ("clipboard" in navigator) {55 return await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text1);56 } else {57 return document.execCommand("copy", true, text1);58 }59 };60 const onClearText = () => {61 setValues({62 text1: "",63 text2: "",64 });65 };66 useEffect(() => {67 if (element1.current && element2.current) {68 = element1.current.offsetHeight + "px";69 }70 });71 return (72 <MyCard title="White Space Replacer">73 <Form74 noValidate75 onSubmit={handleSubmit}76 className="form-space-replacer"77 >78 <Row>79 <Col>80 <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="text1">81 <Form.Label>Original Text</Form.Label>82 <Form.Control83 as="textarea"84 ref={element1}85 rows={rows}86 name="text1"87 value={values.text1}88 onChange={handleChange}89 />90 {/* <Form.Text className="text-muted">91 We'll never share your email with anyone else.92 </Form.Text> */}93 </Form.Group>94 <Button95 variant="primary"96 onClick={onReplaceText}97 disabled={!values.text1}98 >99 Replace Text100 </Button>101 <Button102 className="mx-3"103 variant="primary"104 onClick={onClearText}105 disabled={!values.text1}106 >107 Clear108 </Button>109 </Col>110 <Col>111 <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="text2">112 <Form.Label>Ganerated Text</Form.Label>113 <div114 className="form-control text-display"115 ref={element2}116 contentEditable="true"117 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: values.text2 }}118 ></div>119 {/* <Form.Control as="textarea" rows={rows} name="text2" value={values.text2} onChange={handleChange} /> */}120 </Form.Group>121 <Button122 variant="primary"123 onClick={onCopyText}124 disabled={!values.text2}125 >126 Copy Text127 </Button>128 {/* <Button className="mx-3" variant="primary" onClick={onCleanSymbol} disabled={!values.text1}>129 Clean Symbol130 </Button> */}131 </Col>132 </Row>133 </Form>134 </MyCard>135 );136};...

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Source:component.ts Github


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1import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';2import IntlService from 'ember-intl/services/intl';3import Component from '@glimmer/component';4import {action} from '@ember/object';5interface Args {6 message: any;7 onReplaceText?: (value: string) => void;8}9export default class LintMessage extends Component<Args> {10 @service('intl')11 intl: IntlService;12 @action13 replaceText() {14 this.args.onReplaceText?.(this.args.message.replacement.value);15 }16 get description() {17 return this.intl.t(18 `components.translation_edit.lint_message.checks.${this.args.message.check}`19 );20 }...

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1function onReplaceText() {2 var text = document.getElementById("text").value;3 var replaceText = document.getElementById("replaceText").value;4 var replaceWith = document.getElementById("replaceWith").value;5 var replaceTextObj = { text: text, replaceText: replaceText, replaceWith: replaceWith };6 this.replaceText(replaceTextObj);7}8onReplaceText();9function onReplaceText() {10 var text = document.getElementById("text").value;11 var replaceText = document.getElementById("replaceText").value;12 var replaceWith = document.getElementById("replaceWith").value;13 var replaceTextObj = { text: text, replaceText: replaceText, replaceWith: replaceWith };14 this.replaceText(replaceTextObj);15}16onFind();17function onFind() {18 var text = document.getElementById("text").value;19 var findText = document.getElementById("findText").value;20 var findObj = { text: text, findText: findText };21 this.find(findObj);22}23onReplace();24function onReplace() {25 var text = document.getElementById("text").value;26 var findText = document.getElementById("findText").value;27 var replaceWith = document.getElementById("replaceWith").value;28 var replaceObj = { text: text, findText: findText, replaceWith: replaceWith };29 this.replace(replaceObj);30}31onFindAll();

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1var root = require('root');2root.onReplaceText('Hello', 'Hi');3root.onReplaceText('World', 'Earth');4var child = require('./child');5child.onReplaceText('Hello', 'Hi');6child.onReplaceText('World', 'Earth');7var root = require('root');8root.onReplaceText('Hello', 'Hi');9root.onReplaceText('World', 'Earth');10var child = require('./child');11child.onReplaceText('Hello', 'Hi');12child.onReplaceText('World', 'Earth');13var root = {14 onReplaceText: function (from, to) {15 console.log('root.onReplaceText called with from: ' + from + ' and to: ' + to);16 }17};18module.exports = root;19var requireOverride = require('require-override');20requireOverride.register('root', require('./root.js'));21var child = require('./child');22child.onReplaceText('Hello', 'Hi');23child.onReplaceText('World', 'Earth');

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1class App extends Component {2 constructor(props) {3 super(props);4 this.state = {5 };6 }7 onReplaceText(text) {8 this.setState({text: text});9 }10 render() {11 return (12 <View style={styles.container}>13 <Text style={styles.welcome}>{this.state.text}</Text>14 <ChildComponent ref="childComponent" onReplaceText={this.onReplaceText.bind(this)} />15 );16 }17}18class ChildComponent extends Component {19 constructor(props) {20 super(props);21 this.state = {22 };23 }24 onReplaceText(text) {25 this.setState({text: text});26 this.props.onReplaceText(text);27 }28 render() {29 return (30 <View style={styles.container}>31 <Text style={styles.welcome}>{this.state.text}</Text>32 <GrandChildComponent ref="grandChildComponent" onReplaceText={this.onReplaceText.bind(this)} />33 );34 }35}36class GrandChildComponent extends Component {37 constructor(props) {38 super(props);39 this.state = {40 };41 }42 onReplaceText(text) {43 this.setState({text: text});44 this.props.onReplaceText(text);45 }46 render() {47 return (48 <View style={styles.container}>49 <Text style={styles.welcome}>{this.state.text}</Text>50 style={styles.textInput}51 onChangeText={this.onReplaceText.bind(this)}52 );53 }54}55export default App;

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1function main() {2 var myDoc = app.documents.item(0);3 var myPage = myDoc.pages.item(0);4 var myTextFrame = myPage.textFrames.add({geometricBounds:[100,100,200,200]});5 myTextFrame.contents = "This is a test.";6 var myFindChangeOptions = app.findChangeTextOptions;7 myFindChangeOptions.includeFootnotes = false;8 myFindChangeOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;9 myFindChangeOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;10 myFindChangeOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;11 myFindChangeOptions.includeMasterPages = false;12 myFindChangeOptions.wholeWord = false;13 myFindChangeOptions.appliedCharacterStyle = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.item("myStyle");14 var myFindGrepPreferences = app.findGrepPreferences;15 myFindGrepPreferences.findWhat = "test";16 var myChangeGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences;17 myChangeGrepPreferences.changeTo = "This is a replacement.";18 app.findGrep();19 app.changeGrep();20 myTextFrame.contents = "This is a test.";21 var myFindChangeOptions = app.findChangeTextOptions;22 myFindChangeOptions.includeFootnotes = false;23 myFindChangeOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;24 myFindChangeOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;25 myFindChangeOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;26 myFindChangeOptions.includeMasterPages = false;27 myFindChangeOptions.wholeWord = false;28 myFindChangeOptions.appliedCharacterStyle = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.item("myStyle");29 var myFindGrepPreferences = app.findGrepPreferences;30 myFindGrepPreferences.findWhat = "test";31 var myChangeGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences;32 myChangeGrepPreferences.changeTo = "This is a replacement.";33 app.findGrep();34 app.changeGrep();35 myTextFrame.contents = "This is a test.";36 var myFindChangeOptions = app.findChangeTextOptions;37 myFindChangeOptions.includeFootnotes = false;38 myFindChangeOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;39 myFindChangeOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;40 myFindChangeOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;41 myFindChangeOptions.includeMasterPages = false;42 myFindChangeOptions.wholeWord = false;43 myFindChangeOptions.appliedCharacterStyle = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.item("myStyle");

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1import React from 'react';2import { View, Text, TextInput, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';3import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';4import { useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native';5import { useIsFocused } from '@react-navigation/native';6import { useState } from 'react';7import { useEffect } from 'react';8import { FlatList } from 'react-native';9import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';10import { Button } from 'react-native-elements';11import { useFocusEffect } from '@react-navigation/native';12import { useNavigationState } from '@react-navigation/native';13import { useTheme } from '@react-navigation/native';14import { useHeaderHeight } from '@react-navigation/stack';15import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';16import { useWindowDimensions } from 'react-native';17import { useBackHandler } from '@react-native-community/hooks';18const App = () => {19 const navigation = useNavigation();20 const route = useRoute();21 const isFocused = useIsFocused();22 const [text, setText] = useState('');23 const [data, setData] = useState([]);24 const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);25 const [page, setPage] = useState(1);26 const [isRefresh, setIsRefresh] = useState(false);27 const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);28 const [isLoadMore, setIsLoadMore] = useState(false);29 const [isEnd, setIsEnd] = useState(false);30 const [isFirst, setIsFirst] = useState(false);31 const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = useState(false);32 const [isFocus, setIsFocus] = useState(false);33 const [isBlur, setIsBlur] = useState(false);34 const [isBack, setIsBack] = useState(false);35 const [isEnter, setIsEnter] = useState(false);36 const [isClear, setIsClear] = useState(false);37 const [isScroll, setIsScroll] = useState(false);38 const [isScrollUp, setIsScrollUp] = useState(false);39 const [isScrollDown, setIsScrollDown] = useState(false);40 const [isScrollEnd, setIsScrollEnd] = useState(false);41 const [isScrollBegin, setIsScrollBegin] = useState(false);

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1var root = new Root();2root.onReplaceText("text to replace", "replacement text");3### onReplaceText (textToReplace, replacementText)4### onSetText (text)5### onAppendText (text)6### onGetLineText (lineNumber)7### onSetSelection (start, end)8### onSetCursorPosition (position)9### onGetLineLength (lineNumber)10### onGetLineStartPosition (lineNumber)11### onGetLineEndPosition (lineNumber)12### onGetLineFromPosition (position)13### onGetColumnFromPosition (position)14### onGetPositionFromLineColumn (line, column)15### onGetTextBetweenPositions (start, end)

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1var root = document.getRootElement();2var text = root.getDescendantElements("Text");3for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {4 text[i].onReplaceText("Hello World");5}6var root = document.getRootElement();7var text = root.getDescendantElements("Text");8for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {9 text[i].onReplaceText("Hello World");10}11var root = document.getRootElement();12var text = root.getDescendantElements("Text");13for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {14 text[i].onReplaceText("Hello World");15}16var root = document.getRootElement();17var text = root.getDescendantElements("Text");18for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {19 text[i].onReplaceText("Hello World");20}21var root = document.getRootElement();22var text = root.getDescendantElements("Text");23for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {24 text[i].onReplaceText("Hello World");25}26var root = document.getRootElement();27var text = root.getDescendantElements("Text");28for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {29 text[i].onReplaceText("Hello World");30}

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