How to use MyThing method in sinon

Best JavaScript code snippet using sinon


Source:restParametersOfNonArrayTypes2.js Github


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1//// [restParametersOfNonArrayTypes2.ts]2// Rest parameters must be an array type if they have a type annotation, 3// user defined subtypes of array do not count, all of these are errors4interface MyThing extends Array<any> { }5interface MyThing2<T> extends Array<T> { }6function foo(...x: MyThing) { }7var f = function foo(...x: MyThing) { }8var f2 = (...x: MyThing, ...y: MyThing) => { }9class C {10 foo(...x: MyThing) { }11}12interface I {13 (...x: MyThing);14 foo(...x: MyThing, ...y: MyThing);15}16var a: {17 (...x: MyThing);18 foo(...x: MyThing);19}20var b = {21 foo(...x: MyThing) { },22 a: function foo(...x: MyThing, ...y: MyThing) { },23 b: (...x: MyThing) => { }24}25function foo2(...x: MyThing2<string>) { }26var f3 = function foo(...x: MyThing2<string>) { }27var f4 = (...x: MyThing2<string>, ...y: MyThing2<string>) => { }28class C2 {29 foo(...x: MyThing2<string>) { }30}31interface I2 {32 (...x: MyThing2<string>);33 foo(...x: MyThing2<string>, ...y: MyThing2<string>);34}35var a2: {36 (...x: MyThing2<string>);37 foo(...x: MyThing2<string>);38}39var b2 = {40 foo(...x: MyThing2<string>) { },41 a: function foo(...x: MyThing2<string>, ...y: MyThing2<string>) { },42 b: (...x: MyThing2<string>) => { }43}4445//// [restParametersOfNonArrayTypes2.js]46// Rest parameters must be an array type if they have a type annotation, 47// user defined subtypes of array do not count, all of these are errors48function foo() {49 var x = [];50 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {51 x[_i] = arguments[_i];52 }53}54var f = function foo() {55 var x = [];56 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {57 x[_i] = arguments[_i];58 }59};60var f2 = function () {61 var y = [];62 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {63 y[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];64 }65};66var C = (function () {67 function C() {68 }69 = function () {70 var x = [];71 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {72 x[_i] = arguments[_i];73 }74 };75 return C;76}());77var a;78var b = {79 foo: function () {80 var x = [];81 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {82 x[_i] = arguments[_i];83 }84 },85 a: function foo() {86 var y = [];87 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {88 y[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];89 }90 },91 b: function () {92 var x = [];93 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {94 x[_i] = arguments[_i];95 }96 }97};98function foo2() {99 var x = [];100 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {101 x[_i] = arguments[_i];102 }103}104var f3 = function foo() {105 var x = [];106 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {107 x[_i] = arguments[_i];108 }109};110var f4 = function () {111 var y = [];112 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {113 y[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];114 }115};116var C2 = (function () {117 function C2() {118 }119 = function () {120 var x = [];121 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {122 x[_i] = arguments[_i];123 }124 };125 return C2;126}());127var a2;128var b2 = {129 foo: function () {130 var x = [];131 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {132 x[_i] = arguments[_i];133 }134 },135 a: function foo() {136 var y = [];137 for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {138 y[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];139 }140 },141 b: function () {142 var x = [];143 for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {144 x[_i] = arguments[_i];145 }146 } ...

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Source:common.js Github


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1var isMac=navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac');2function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.013 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {4 d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}5 if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];6 for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);7 if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;8}9function closeDiv(ToClose){10 //alert(ToClose);11 CloseIt=MM_findObj(ToClose);12 = 'hidden';13}14function Divrelocater(){ 15 OneToGo=MM_findObj(Divrelocater.arguments[0]);16 //alert(Divrelocater.arguments[1]);17 OneToGo.location = Divrelocater.arguments[1];18 OneToGo.src = Divrelocater.arguments[1];19 }20 21function togglemenu(){22 var titlehtml = "<table width=100% border=0><tr><td class=titletable>";23 titlehtml += togglemenu.arguments[7];24 titlehtml += "</td><td align=right><a href=# onClick=togglemenu('";25 titlehtml += togglemenu.arguments[0];26 titlehtml +="','hidden',80,410,350,150,'/blank.htm','hidden'); class=title><img src=img/close.gif border=0></a></td></tr></table>";27 28 myThing=MM_findObj(togglemenu.arguments[0]);29 divThing=MM_findObj(togglemenu.arguments[0]+'title');30 inThing=togglemenu.arguments[0]+'content';31 32 = togglemenu.arguments[1];33 = togglemenu.arguments[2] ;34 = togglemenu.arguments[3] ;35 if (isMac>0){36 = togglemenu.arguments[4]+6 ;37 = togglemenu.arguments[5]+6 ;38 }else{39 = togglemenu.arguments[4] ;40 = togglemenu.arguments[5] ;41 }42 divThing.innerHTML= titlehtml;43 Divrelocater(inThing,togglemenu.arguments[6]);44//return false;45}46function newstogglemenu(){47 var titlehtml = "<table width=100% border=0><tr><td class=titletable colspan=2>";48 titlehtml += newstogglemenu.arguments[7];49 titlehtml += "</td>"; /*<td align=right><a href=# onClick=togglemenu('";50 titlehtml += togglemenu.arguments[0];*/51 //titlehtml += "','hidden',80,410,350,150,'/blank.htm','hidden'); class=title><img src=img/close.gif border=0></a></td></tr></table>";52 titlehtml += "</tr></table>";53 54 myThing=MM_findObj(newstogglemenu.arguments[0]);55 divThing=MM_findObj(newstogglemenu.arguments[0]+'title');56 inThing=newstogglemenu.arguments[0]+'content';57 58 = newstogglemenu.arguments[1];59 = newstogglemenu.arguments[2] ;60 = newstogglemenu.arguments[3] ;61 if (isMac>0){62 = newstogglemenu.arguments[4]+6 ;63 = newstogglemenu.arguments[5]+6 ;64 }else{65 = newstogglemenu.arguments[4] ;66 = newstogglemenu.arguments[5] ;67 }68 divThing.innerHTML= titlehtml;69 Divrelocater(inThing,newstogglemenu.arguments[6]);70//return false;71}72function audiotogglemenu(){73 var titlehtml = "<table width=100% border=0><tr><td class=titletable>";74 titlehtml += audiotogglemenu.arguments[7];75 titlehtml += "</td><td align=right><a href=# onClick=audiotogglemenu('";76 titlehtml += audiotogglemenu.arguments[0];77 titlehtml +="','hidden',80,410,350,150,'/blank.htm','hidden'); class=title><img src=img/close.gif border=0></td></tr></table>";78 79 myThing=MM_findObj(audiotogglemenu.arguments[0]);80 divThing=MM_findObj(audiotogglemenu.arguments[0]+'title');81 inThing=audiotogglemenu.arguments[0]+'content';82 83 = audiotogglemenu.arguments[1];84 divThing.innerHTML= titlehtml;85 Divrelocater(inThing,audiotogglemenu.arguments[6]);86//return false;...

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Source:databasesession-test.js Github


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1'use strict';2require('source-map-support').install();3const Database = require('../../build/database/Database.js').default;4const DbSession = require('../../build/database/DbSession.js').default;5const DbRef = require('../../build/database/DbRef.js').default;6const DbEntry = require('../../build/database/DbEntry.js').default;7const Category = require('../../build/database/dbObjects/Category.js').default;8const Thing = require('../../build/database/dbObjects/Thing.js').default;9const Context = require('../../build/jel/Context.js').default;10const assert = require('assert');11const path = 'build/tmp/testdbsessions';12describe('database session', function() {13 it('puts and gets', function() {14 return Database.create(path+'/dbsession1')15 .then(db=>DbSession.create(db).then(session=>{16 const cat = new Category('MyCategory');17 const thing = new Thing('MyThing', cat);18 return session.put(cat, thing).then(()=> {19 assert.equal(session.getFromCache('MyThing'), thing);20 assert.equal(session.get('MyThing'), thing);21 session.clearCacheInternal();22 assert.equal(session.getFromCache('MyThing'), null);23 return session.getFromDatabase('MyThing').then(thing1=>{24 assert.equal(thing1.distinctName, thing.distinctName);25 assert.equal(session.getFromCache('MyThing').distinctName, thing.distinctName);26 assert.equal(session.get('MyThing').distinctName, thing.distinctName);27 session.clearCacheInternal();28 return session.get('MyThing').then(thing2=>{29 assert.equal(thing2.distinctName, thing.distinctName);30 assert.equal(session.getFromCache('MyThing').distinctName, thing.distinctName);31 });32 });33 });34 }));35 });36 it('reads a complete index from cache', function() {37 return Database.create(path+'/dbsession2')38 .then(db=>DbSession.create(db).then(session=>{39 const cat = new Category('MyCategory');40 const thing = new Thing('MyThing', cat);41 const thing2 = new Thing('MyThing2', cat);42 return session.put(cat, thing, thing2)43 .then(()=>session.getByIndex(cat, 'catEntries'))44 .then(hits=>{45 assert.deepEqual(>h.distinctName).sort(), ['MyThing', 'MyThing2']);46 });47 }));48 });49 it('reads a complete index uncached', function() {50 return Database.create(path+'/dbsession3')51 .then(db=>DbSession.create(db).then(session=>{52 const cat = new Category('MyCategory');53 const thing = new Thing('MyThing', cat);54 const thing2 = new Thing('MyThing2', cat);55 const thing3 = new Thing('MyThing3', cat);56 return session.put(cat, thing, thing2, thing3)57 .then(()=>session.clearCacheInternal().get('MyThing2')) // load one instance into the cache58 .then(()=>session.getByIndex(cat, 'catEntries'))59 .then(hits=>{60 assert.deepEqual(>d.distinctName).sort(), ['MyThing', 'MyThing2', 'MyThing3']);61 });62 }));63 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const sinon = require('sinon');2const MyThing = require('./MyThing');3describe('MyThing', () => {4 it('should call the callback', () => {5 const callback = sinon.spy();6 const myThing = new MyThing();7 myThing.doSomething(callback);8 sinon.assert.calledOnce(callback);9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var sinon = require('sinon');2var MyThing = require('./MyThing');3var myThing = new MyThing();4var spy = sinon.spy(myThing, 'MyThing');5myThing.MyThing();6var sinon = require('sinon');7var MyThing = require('./MyThing');8var myThing = new MyThing();9var stub = sinon.stub(myThing, 'MyThing');10stub.returns(42);11var result = myThing.MyThing();12var sinon = require('sinon');13var MyThing = require('./MyThing');14var myThing = new MyThing();15var mock = sinon.mock(myThing);16mock.expects('MyThing').once().returns(42);17var result = myThing.MyThing();18function MyThing() {19}20MyThing.prototype.MyThing = function() {21 return 42;22};23module.exports = MyThing;24var assert = require('assert');25var sinon = require('sinon');26var MyThing = require('./MyThing');27var myThing = new MyThing();28var spy = sinon.spy(myThing, 'MyThing');29myThing.MyThing();30assert(myThing.MyThing.calledOnce);31function MyThing() {32}33MyThing.prototype.MyThing = function() {34 return 42;35};36module.exports = MyThing;37var assert = require('assert');38var sinon = require('sinon');39var MyThing = require('./MyThing');40var myThing = new MyThing();41var spy = sinon.spy(myThing, 'MyThing');42myThing.MyThing();43assert(myThing.MyThing.calledWith(1, 2, 3));44function MyThing() {45}46MyThing.prototype.MyThing = function(a, b, c) {47 return a + b + c;48};49module.exports = MyThing;50var assert = require('assert');51var sinon = require('sinon');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var sinon = require('sinon');2var MyThing = require('./mything.js');3var mything = new MyThing();4var spy = sinon.spy(mything, 'myMethod');5mything.myMethod();6function MyThing() {7}8MyThing.prototype.myMethod = function() {9};10module.exports = MyThing;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var sinon = require('sinon');2var MyThing = require('./MyThing.js');3var myThing = new MyThing();4var myThingSpy = sinon.spy(myThing, 'MyThing');5myThing.MyThing();6myThing.MyThing();7var MyThing = function() {8 console.log('MyThing created');9};10MyThing.prototype.MyThing = function() {11 console.log('MyThing called');12};13module.exports = MyThing;14var sinon = require('sinon');15var MyThing = require('./MyThing.js');16var myThing = new MyThing();17var myThingStub = sinon.stub(myThing, 'MyThing');18myThing.MyThing();19myThing.MyThing();20var MyThing = function() {21 console.log('MyThing created');22};23MyThing.prototype.MyThing = function() {24 console.log('MyThing called');25};26module.exports = MyThing;27var sinon = require('sinon');28var MyThing = require('./MyThing.js');29var myThing = new MyThing();30var myThingStub = sinon.stub(myThing, 'MyThing', function() {31 console.log('MyThing stub called');32});33myThing.MyThing();34myThing.MyThing();35var MyThing = function() {36 console.log('MyThing created');37};38MyThing.prototype.MyThing = function() {39 console.log('MyThing called');40};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const sinon = require('sinon');2const MyThing = require('./MyThing');3describe('MyThing', () => {4 it('should call MyThing method', () => {5 const stub = sinon.stub(MyThing.prototype, 'method');6 const myThing = new MyThing();7 myThing.method();8 expect(stub.calledOnce);9 stub.restore();10 });11});12class MyThing {13 method() {14 console.log('called');15 }16}17module.exports = MyThing;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var myThing = require('./myThing');2var sinon = require('sinon');3var assert = require('assert');4describe('MyThing', function() {5 describe('method', function() {6 it('should call the callback', function() {7 var myThing = new MyThing();8 var callback = sinon.spy();9 myThing.method(callback);10 assert(callback.called);11 });12 });13});14var MyThing = function() {};15MyThing.prototype.method = function(callback) {16 callback();17};18module.exports = MyThing;19var myThing = require('./myThing');20var sinon = require('sinon');21var assert = require('assert');22describe('MyThing', function() {23 describe('method', function() {24 it('should call the callback', function() {25 var myThing = new MyThing();26 var callback = sinon.spy();27 myThing.method(callback);28 assert(callback.called);29 });30 });31});32var MyThing = function() {};33MyThing.prototype.method = function(callback) {34 callback();35};36module.exports = MyThing;37var myThing = require('./myThing');38var sinon = require('sinon');39var assert = require('assert');40describe('MyThing', function() {41 describe('method', function() {42 it('should call the callback', function() {43 var myThing = new MyThing();44 var callback = sinon.spy();45 myThing.method(callback);46 assert(callback.called);47 });48 });49});50var MyThing = function() {};51MyThing.prototype.method = function(callback) {52 callback();53};54module.exports = MyThing;55var myThing = require('./myThing');56var sinon = require('sinon');57var assert = require('assert');58describe('MyThing', function() {59 describe('method', function() {60 it('should call the callback', function() {61 var myThing = new MyThing();62 var callback = sinon.spy();63 myThing.method(callback);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var sinon = require('sinon');3var MyThing = require('./mything');4describe('MyThing', function() {5 describe('#hello', function() {6 it('should return "Hello World"', function() {7 var mything = new MyThing();8 assert.equal(mything.hello(), 'Hello World');9 });10 });11 describe('#foo', function() {12 it('should return 1', function() {13 var mything = new MyThing();14 assert.equal(, 1);15 });16 });17 describe('#bar', function() {18 it('should return 2', function() {19 var mything = new MyThing();20 assert.equal(, 2);21 });22 });23 describe('#baz', function() {24 it('should return 3', function() {25 var mything = new MyThing();26 assert.equal(mything.baz(), 3);27 });28 });29 describe('#qux', function() {30 it('should return 4', function() {31 var mything = new MyThing();32 assert.equal(mything.qux(), 4);33 });34 });35 describe('#quux', function() {36 it('should return 5', function() {37 var mything = new MyThing();38 assert.equal(mything.quux(), 5);39 });40 });41 describe('#corge', function() {42 it('should return 6', function() {43 var mything = new MyThing();44 assert.equal(mything.corge(), 6);45 });46 });47 describe('#grault', function() {48 it('should return 7', function() {49 var mything = new MyThing();50 assert.equal(mything.grault(), 7);51 });52 });53 describe('#garply', function() {54 it('should return 8', function() {55 var mything = new MyThing();56 assert.equal(mything.garply(), 8);57 });58 });59 describe('#waldo', function() {60 it('should return 9', function() {61 var mything = new MyThing();62 assert.equal(mything.waldo(), 9);63 });64 });65 describe('#fred', function() {66 it('should return 10', function() {67 var mything = new MyThing();

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