How to use browser.newPage method in sinon

Best JavaScript code snippet using sinon


Source:preventOverflow.test.js Github


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...3 * @flow4 */5import { scroll, screenshot } from '../utils/puppeteer.js';6it('should not overflow when small reference is at edge of boundary', async () => {7 const page = await browser.newPage();8 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/edge.html`);9 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 300);10 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();11});12it('should not be tethered earlier than expected with a point reference', async () => {13 const page = await browser.newPage();14 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/point.html`);15 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 300);16 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();17});18it('should take into account the arrow padding (mainSide)', async () => {19 const page = await browser.newPage();20 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/arrow.html`);21 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 760);22 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();23});24it('should take into account the arrow padding (altSide)', async () => {25 const page = await browser.newPage();26 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/arrow.html`);27 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 20);28 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();29});30it('should not be tethered if `tether: false`', async () => {31 const page = await browser.newPage();32 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/no-tether.html`);33 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 1500);34 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();35});36it('should be prevented from overflowing', async () => {37 const page = await browser.newPage();38 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/main.html`);39 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 670);40 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();41});42it('(min) should be allowed to overflow once the opposite edges are level', async () => {43 const page = await browser.newPage();44 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/main.html`);45 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 780);46 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();47});48it('(max) should be allowed to overflow once the opposite edges are level', async () => {49 const page = await browser.newPage();50 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/main.html`);51 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 4);52 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();53});54it('(min) (start-variation) should be allowed to overflow once the opposite edges are level', async () => {55 const page = await browser.newPage();56 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/start-variation.html`);57 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 780);58 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();59});60it('(max) (start-variation) should be allowed to overflow once the opposite edges are level', async () => {61 const page = await browser.newPage();62 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/start-variation.html`);63 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 4);64 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();65});66it('(min) (end-variation) should be allowed to overflow once the opposite edges are level', async () => {67 const page = await browser.newPage();68 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/end-variation.html`);69 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 780);70 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();71});72it('(max) (end-variation) should be allowed to overflow once the opposite edges are level', async () => {73 const page = await browser.newPage();74 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/end-variation.html`);75 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 4);76 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();77});78it('should not overflow offset parent borders', async () => {79 const page = await browser.newPage();80 await page.goto(81 `${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/offset-parent-border.html`82 );83 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 600);84 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();85});86it('should be inside scroller container', async () => {87 const page = await browser.newPage();88 await page.goto(`${TEST_URL}/modifiers/preventOverflow/body-render.html`);89 await scroll(page, '#scroll', 600);90 expect(await screenshot(page)).toMatchImageSnapshot();...

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1const sinon = require('sinon');2const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');3const { expect } = require('chai');4describe('puppeteer', () => {5 let browser;6 let page;7 let sandbox;8 beforeEach(async () => {9 sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();10 browser = await puppeteer.launch();11 page = await browser.newPage();12 });13 afterEach(async () => {14 await browser.close();15 sandbox.restore();16 });17 it('should open a page', async () => {18 const title = await page.title();19 expect(title)'Example Domain');20 });21});22sandbox.stub(puppeteer, 'launch').resolves({ newPage: sandbox.stub().resolves({ goto: sandbox.stub().resolves({ title: sandbox.stub().resolves('Example Domain') }) }) });23sandbox.stub(puppeteer, 'launch').resolves({ newPage: sandbox.stub().resolves({ goto: sandbox.stub().resolves({ title: sandbox.stub().resolves('Example Domain') }) }) });24sandbox.stub(puppeteer, 'launch').resolves({ newPage: sandbox.stub().resolves({ goto: sandbox.stub().resolves({ title: sandbox.stub().resolves('Example Domain') }) }) });25sandbox.stub(puppeteer, 'launch').resolves({ newPage: sandbox.stub().resolves({ goto: sandbox.stub().resolves({ title: sandbox.stub().resolves('Example Domain') }) }) });26sandbox.stub(puppeteer, 'launch').resolves({ newPage: sandbox.stub().resolves({ goto: sandbox.stub().resolves({ title: sandbox.stub().resolves('Example Domain') }) }) });27sandbox.stub(puppeteer, 'launch').resolves({ newPage: sandbox.stub().resolves({ goto: sandbox.stub().resolves({

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1const sinon = require('sinon');2const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');3const assert = require('assert');4const test = require('selenium-webdriver/testing');5const expect = require('chai').expect;6const should = require('chai').should();7const chai = require('chai');8const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');9chai.use(chaiAsPromised);10chai.should();11const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');12const {expect} = require('chai');13const {describe} = require('mocha');14const {after} = require('mocha');15const {before} = require('mocha');16describe('Puppeteer Test', function() {17 this.timeout(30000);18 let driver;19 let page;20 let browser;21 before(async function() {22 browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false});23 page = await browser.newPage();24 });25 after(async function() {26 await browser.close();27 });28 it('should launch browser', async function() {29 await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]');30 await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'puppeteer');31 await'input[value="Google Search"]');32 await page.waitForSelector('h3');33 const text = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('h3').innerHTML);34 expect(text).to.equal('Puppeteer');35 });36});37const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');38(async () => {39 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();40 const page = await browser.newPage();41 const title = await page.title();42 console.log(title);43 await browser.close();44})();45const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');46const fs = require('fs');47const cheerio = require('cheerio');48(async () => {49 const browser = await puppeteer.launch();50 const page = await browser.newPage();51 await page.goto(url);52 const html = await page.content();

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1const sinon = require('sinon');2const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');3const { expect } = require('chai');4const { describe, it } = require('mocha');5describe('test', () => {6 it('should test', async () => {7 const browser = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Browser);8 const page = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Page);9 browser.newPage.resolves(page);10 const result = await browser.newPage();11 expect(result).to.equal(page);12 });13});14const sinon = require('sinon');15const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');16const { expect } = require('chai');17const { describe, it } = require('mocha');18describe('test', () => {19 it('should test', async () => {20 const browser = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Browser);21 const page = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Page);22 sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').resolves(page);23 const result = await browser.newPage();24 expect(result).to.equal(page);25 });26});27const sinon = require('sinon');28const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');29const { expect } = require('chai');30const { describe, it } = require('mocha');31describe('test', () => {32 it('should test', async () => {33 const browser = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Browser);34 const page = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Page);35 sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').resolves(page);36 const result = await browser.newPage();37 expect(result).to.equal(page);38 });39});40const sinon = require('sinon');41const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');42const { expect } = require('chai');43const { describe, it } = require('mocha');44describe('test', () => {45 it('should test', async () => {46 const browser = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Browser);47 const page = sinon.createStubInstance(puppeteer.Page);48 sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').resolves(page);49 const result = await browser.newPage();50 expect(result

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1import { expect } from 'chai';2import sinon from 'sinon';3import sinonChrome from 'sinon-chrome';4import { newPage } from '../src/background';5describe('newPage', () => {6 let sandbox;7 beforeEach(() => {8 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();9 sandbox.stub(browser.tabs, 'create');10 });11 afterEach(() => {12 sandbox.restore();13 });14 it('should create a new page', () => {15 newPage();16 expect(browser.tabs.create.calledOnce);17 });18});19export function newPage() {20 browser.tabs.create({ url: 'newpage.html' });21}22{23 "background": {24 }25}26{27 "scripts": {28 },29 "devDependencies": {30 }31}32{33}34import { expect } from 'chai';35import sinon from 'sinon';36import sinonChrome from 'sinon-chrome';37import { newPage } from '../src/background';38describe('newPage', () => {39 let sandbox;40 beforeEach(() => {41 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var browser = require('sinon-chrome');2var page = browser.newPage();3var puppeteer = require('puppeteer');4var browser = puppeteer.launch();5var page = browser.newPage();6var browser = require('sinon-chrome');7sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').returns({8 goto: function(url) {9 console.log('Mocked goto method of newPage');10 }11});12var page = browser.newPage();13Browser.close() method14var browser = require('sinon-chrome');15sinon.stub(browser, 'close').returns(Promise.resolve());16browser.close().then(() => {17 console.log('Browser is closed');18});19Browser.newPage() method

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1var sinon = require('sinon-chrome');2var assert = require('assert');3var puppeteer = require('puppeteer');4describe('example', function() {5 it('should open a new page', function() {6 var browser = sinon.stubInterface(puppeteer, 'browser');7 browser.newPage().returns({page: 1});8 assert.equal(browser.newPage().page, 1);9 });10});11I am trying to stub a function that is imported from another file. This is the code I have:12const sinon = require('sinon');13const assert = require('assert');14const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');15describe('example', function() {16 it('should open a new page', function() {17 const browser = sinon.stubInterface(puppeteer, 'browser');18 browser.newPage().returns({page: 1});19 assert.equal(browser.newPage().page, 1);20 });21});22var sinon = require('sinon');23var assert = require('assert');24var puppeteer = require('puppeteer');25describe('example', function() {26 it('should open a new page', function() {27 var browser = sinon.stubInterface(puppeteer, 'browser');28 browser.newPage().returns({page: 1});29 assert.equal(browser.newPage().page, 1);30 });31});

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1browser.newPage().then(function (page) {2 .then(function (status) {3 console.log(status)4 })5 .catch(function (err) {6 console.log(err)7 })8})9browser.newPage().then(function (page) {10 .then(function (status) {11 console.log(status)12 })13 .catch(function (err) {14 console.log(err)15 })16})17browser.newPage().then(function (page) {18 .then(function (status) {19 console.log(status)20 })21 .catch(function (err) {22 console.log(err)23 })24})25browser.newPage().then(function (page) {26 .then(function (status) {27 console.log(status)28 })29 .catch(function (err) {30 console.log(err)31 })32})33browser.newPage().then(function (page) {34 .then(function (status) {35 console.log(status)36 })37 .catch(function (err) {38 console.log(err)39 })40})41browser.newPage().then(function (page) {42 .then(function (status) {43 console.log(status)44 })45 .catch(function (err) {46 console.log(err)47 })48})49browser.newPage().then(function (page) {50'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1I have a web app that I am trying to automate with Cypress. The app has a login page, and I need to login before I can do anything else. I am trying to use the cy.request() function to login, but it is not working. I am using the following code:2cy.request({3 body: {4 }5}).then((response) => {6 expect(response.status).to.eq(200)7})8cy.request({9 body: {10 }11}).then((response) => {12 expect(response.status).to.eq(200)13 cy.log(response)14})15cy.request({16 body: {17 }18}).then((response) => {19 expect(response.status).to.eq(200)20 cy.log(response.body)21})22cy.request({23 body: {24 }25}).then((response) => {26 expect(response.status).to.eq(200)27 cy.log(response.body)28 cy.log(response.body.status)29})

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1async function test() {2 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });3 const page = await browser.newPage();4 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });5 await browser.close();6}7test();8function test() {9 return puppeteer.launch({ headless: false })10 .then(browser => browser.newPage())11 .then(() => page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' }))12 .then(() => browser.close());13}14test();15async function test() {16 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });17 sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').returns(Promise.resolve(page));18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });20 await browser.close();21}22test();23function test() {24 return puppeteer.launch({ headless: false })25 .then(browser => {26 sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').returns(Promise.resolve(page));27 return browser;28 })29 .then(browser => browser.newPage())30 .then(() => page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' }))31 .then(() => browser.close());32}33test();34async function test() {35 const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });36 sinon.stub(browser, 'newPage').returns(Promise.resolve(page));37 const page = await browser.newPage();

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