How to use WithGradient method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:calc.js Github


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1const html = document.documentElement;23if (localStorage.fontSize) {4 = localStorage.fontSize;5}67const multiplyButton = document.querySelector("#multiply"),8 divideButton = document.querySelector("#divide"),9 incrementButton = document.querySelector("#increment"),10 decrementButton = document.querySelector("#decrement"),11 equalsButton = document.querySelector("#equals"),12 cropButton = document.querySelector("#slice"),13 input = document.querySelector("input"),14 settings = document.querySelector(".calc__controls"),15 buttonOpenSettings = document.querySelector("#open-settings"),16 buttonCloseSettings = document.querySelector(".calc__controls-close"),17 selectForTheme = document.querySelector("#theme"),18 scaleWrapper = document.querySelector(".scale-wrapper"),19 defaultSettingsButton = document.querySelector("#default-settings"),20 gradientButton = document.querySelector("#with-gradient");2122multiplyButton.addEventListener("click", () => {23 input.value += " * ";24});2526divideButton.addEventListener("click", () => {27 input.value += " / ";28});2930incrementButton.addEventListener("click", () => {31 input.value += " + ";32});3334decrementButton.addEventListener("click", () => {35 input.value += " - ";36});3738cropButton.addEventListener("click", () => {39 input.value = input.value.slice(0, -1);40});4142equalsButton.addEventListener("click", () => {43 let script = document.createElement("script");44 script.text = `45 try {46 input.value = ${input.value};47 } catch (error) { }48 `;4950 document.head.append(script);51 script.text = "";52 script.remove();53});5455document.querySelectorAll(".calc button").forEach(button => {56 button.addEventListener("click", (event) => {57 if (!isNaN( {58 input.value +=;59 }60 });61});6263input.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {64 if (event.key === "Enter") {65 let selection = input.selectionStart;66;67 input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd = selection;68 translateTrueAndFalse(;69 }70});7172input.addEventListener("input", (event) => {73 translateTrueAndFalse(;74});7576function translateTrueAndFalse(element) {77}7879// Dark / white theme (or with gradient)80selectForTheme.addEventListener("input", function() {81 html.dataset.theme = (selectForTheme.value);82 localStorage.theme = selectForTheme.value;83});8485if (localStorage.theme) {86 html.dataset.theme = localStorage.theme;87 selectForTheme.value = localStorage.theme;88}8990gradientButton.addEventListener("input", () => {91 if (gradientButton.querySelector("input").checked) {92 html.setAttribute("with-gradient", "");93 localStorage.setItem("withGradient", true);94 } else if (!gradientButton.querySelector("input").checked) {95 html.removeAttribute("with-gradient");96 localStorage.setItem("withGradient", false);97 }98});99100if (localStorage.withGradient === "true") {101 html.setAttribute("with-gradient", "");102 gradientButton.querySelector("input").checked = "checked";103}104105if (localStorage.withGradient === "false") {106 gradientButton.querySelector("input").removeAttribute("checked");107}108109// General settings110buttonOpenSettings.addEventListener("click", () => {111 settings.classList.remove("hide");112 settings.classList.add("show");113 setTimeout(() => {114 = "block";115 = "none";116 });117});118119buttonCloseSettings.addEventListener("click", () => {120 settings.classList.add("hide");121 settings.classList.remove("show");122 setTimeout(() => {123 = "";124 = "";125 }, 100);126});127128defaultSettingsButton.addEventListener("click", () => {129 localStorage.fontSize = "";130 localStorage.theme = "white";131 localStorage.withGradient = false;132 document.location.reload();133});134135// Scale UI136let rem = +window.getComputedStyle(html).fontSize.replace("px", "");137scaleWrapper.addEventListener("click", (event) => {138 if ( === scaleWrapper.querySelector("#decrement") ||139 === scaleWrapper.querySelector("#increment")) {140 // === "decrement" || "increment"141 if ( === "decrement") {142 rem++;143 = rem + "px";144 }145146 if ( === "increment") {147 rem--;148 = rem + "px";149 }150151 if ( === "decrement" || "increment") {152 localStorage.setItem("fontSize", `${rem}px`);153 }154 } ...

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Source:Sidebar.js Github


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1import React, { useRef } from 'react'2import PropTypes from 'prop-types'3import SimpleBar from 'simplebar-react'4import 'simplebar/dist/simplebar.min.css'5import { makeStyles, Drawer, Hidden } from '@material-ui/core'6import { Typography } from '@bit/totalsoft_oss.react-mui.kit.core'7import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'8import { env } from 'utils/env'9import Menu from 'components/menu/Menu'10import UserMenu from '../menu/UserMenu'11import sidebarStyle from 'assets/jss/components/sidebarStyle'12import cx from 'classnames'13import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'14import { sidebarWrapperHeight } from 'utils/constants'15const useStyles = makeStyles(sidebarStyle)16// We've created this component so we can have a ref to the wrapper of the links that appears in our sidebar.17// This was necessary so that we could initialize PerfectScrollbar on the links.18// There might be something with the Hidden component from material-ui, and we didn't have access to19// the links, and couldn't initialize the plugin.20function SidebarWrapper({ className, children }) {21 const sidebarWrapperRef = useRef()22 return (23 <div className={className} ref={sidebarWrapperRef}>24 <SimpleBar style={{ height: sidebarWrapperHeight, overflowX: 'hidden' }}>{children}</SimpleBar>25 </div>26 )27}28SidebarWrapper.propTypes = {29 className: PropTypes.string.isRequired,30 children: PropTypes.array.isRequired31}32function Sidebar({ logo, logoText, drawerOpen, changeLanguage, closeDrawer, withGradient }) {33 const classes = useStyles()34 const { i18n, t } = useTranslation()35 const logoNormal =36 classes.logoNormal +37 ' ' +38 cx({39 [classes.logoNormalSidebarMini]: !drawerOpen40 })41 var brand = (42 <div className={classes.logo}>43 <a href='/' className={classes.logoMini}>44 <img src={logo} alt='logo' className={classes.img} />45 </a>46 {logoText && (47 <a href='/' className={logoNormal}>48 {logoText}49 </a>50 )}51 </div>52 )53 var appVersion = (54 <Typography className={classes.appVersion} variant={'caption'}>55 {`${t('BuildVersion')} ${env.REACT_APP_VERSION}`}56 </Typography>57 )58 const drawerPaper =59 classes.drawerPaper +60 ' ' +61 cx({62 [classes.drawerPaperMini]: !drawerOpen63 })64 const sidebarWrapper =65 classes.sidebarWrapper +66 ' ' +67 cx({68 [classes.drawerPaperMini]: !drawerOpen69 })70 return (71 <div>72 <Hidden mdUp>73 <Drawer74 variant='temporary'75 anchor='right'76 open={drawerOpen}77 classes={{78 paper: drawerPaper + ' ' + classes.themeBackground79 }}80 onClose={closeDrawer}81 ModalProps={{82 keepMounted: true // Better open performance on mobile.83 }}84 >85 {brand}86 <SidebarWrapper className={sidebarWrapper}>87 <UserMenu88 drawerOpen={drawerOpen}89 changeLanguage={changeLanguage}90 language={i18n.language}91 withGradient={withGradient}92 />93 <Menu drawerOpen={drawerOpen} withGradient={withGradient} />94 </SidebarWrapper>95 {appVersion}96 </Drawer>97 </Hidden>98 <Hidden smDown>99 <Drawer100 anchor='left'101 variant='permanent'102 open={drawerOpen}103 classes={{104 paper: drawerPaper + ' ' + classes.themeBackground105 }}106 >107 {brand}108 <SidebarWrapper className={sidebarWrapper}>109 <UserMenu110 drawerOpen={drawerOpen}111 changeLanguage={changeLanguage}112 language={i18n.language}113 withGradient={withGradient}114 />115 <Menu drawerOpen={drawerOpen} withGradient={withGradient} />116 </SidebarWrapper>117 {appVersion}118 </Drawer>119 </Hidden>120 </div>121 )122}123Sidebar.propTypes = {124 drawerOpen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,125 closeDrawer: PropTypes.func.isRequired,126 changeLanguage: PropTypes.func.isRequired,127 logo: PropTypes.string,128 logoText: PropTypes.string,129 withGradient: PropTypes.bool.isRequired130}131//router is needed for re-rendering...

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Source:SubscribeForm.js Github


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1import React, { useState } from "react"2import addToMailchimp from "gatsby-plugin-mailchimp"3// import { GradientBorderPurple } from "../ui-components"4export const SubscribeForm = ({ modal, ...props }) => {5 const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState("")6 const [email, setEmail] = useState("")7 const [msg, setMsg] = useState()8 const handleSubmit = (e) => {9 e.preventDefault()10 addToMailchimp(email, { FNAME: firstName }).then((data) => {11 return data.result === "success"12 ? setMsg(13 "Thank you for subscribing! we have sent you a confirmation email with your free theme."14 )15 : setMsg("This email has already subscribed, try with another one")16 })17 }18 // const WithGradient = ({ children }) => {19 // return modal ? (20 // <GradientBorderPurple className="p-[3px] mb-5 rounded-md">21 // {children}22 // </GradientBorderPurple>23 // ) : (24 // children25 // )26 // }27 const styledInput = `input-focus bg-orange-50 shadow-sm rounded-md text-text mb-5 ${28 modal ? "border-2 border-gold" : "border-0"29 }`30 return (31 <>32 {msg ? (33 <div34 className={`text-lg ${!modal ? "text-purple-200 my-5" : "text-text"}`}35 >36 {msg}37 </div>38 ) : (39 <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} {...props}>40 {/* <WithGradient> */}41 <input42 type="text"43 aria-label="first name"44 placeholder="First Name"45 value={firstName}46 required47 onChange={(e) => setFirstName(}48 className={styledInput}49 />50 {/* </WithGradient> */}51 {/* <WithGradient> */}52 <input53 type="email"54 aria-label="email"55 placeholder="Email address"56 onChange={(e) => setEmail(}57 value={email}58 className={styledInput}59 required60 />61 {/* </WithGradient> */}62 <div className="flex justify-end">63 <div>64 <button className="h-12 btn btn-primary btn-large" type="submit">65 Subscribe66 </button>67 </div>68 </div>69 </form>70 )}71 </>72 )...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';5import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';6import { WithGradient } from 'storybook-root';7storiesOf('WithGradient', module)8 .add('Default', () => (9 ));10@import "~storybook-root/src/WithGradient.css";11import React from 'react';12import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';13import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';14import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';15import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';16import { WithGradient } from 'storybook-root';17storiesOf('WithGradient', module)18 .add('Default', () => (19 ));20@import "~storybook-root/src/WithGradient.scss";21import React from 'react';22import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';23import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';24import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';25import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';26import { WithGradient } from 'storybook-root';27storiesOf('WithGradient', module)28 .add('Default', () => (29 ));30import React from 'react';31import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';32import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';33import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';34import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';35import { WithGradient } from 'storybook-root';36storiesOf('WithGradient', module)37 .add('Default', () => (38 ));39import React from 'react';40import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';41import { action } from '@storybook/add

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { WithGradient } from '../src';4storiesOf('WithGradient', module).add('default', () => (5));6import React from 'react';7import { Gradient } from './Gradient';8export const WithGradient = ({ children }) => (9 {children}10);11import React from 'react';12export const Gradient = ({ children }) => (13 {children}14);

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